Science Five Day Lesson Plan

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Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan

Day 1: Volcano Web quest

Objectives: Students will learn basic facts about volcanoes through web quest. Students will use interactive technology tools to learn more about volcanoes. Students will build their vocabulary Students will understand the process of cause and effect.

Standards: SCI.4.2.3 2010 Vocabulary Words

Volcanoes Viscosity Gas Science Notebooks Pencil Internet Access to do web quest Volcanoes! (National Geographic Readers Series) by Anne Schreiber

Materials/Other Resources:


1. Introduce the unit of the week about volcanoes and talk about the vocab words they will be using for the day. 2. Pass out the Volcanoes! Series to each student to use as a referenced during the week. 3. Have the children get out their laptops/iPads and explain we will be doing a web quest that will introduce us and tell us the basic facts of volcanoes. 4. Have them have out their science notebooks and explain all of their answers from web quest will be answered in their science notebook and will be turned into me. 5. Give them the web quest website: * 6. Follow all the directions on the web quest website and once you have completed it turn in science notebook to me. -While students are working on web quest make sure to walk around and make sure they understand the format and how to work site. - Take up science notebooks and check understanding of facts about vocabulary of volcanoes. - I will be looking to see if they participated in the activity and if they understood the questions by reading


Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan


their answers to the content. Ask the children, and send a note home to parents to bring in recyclables to class tomorrow. They will be needed these objects for science class tomorrow.

Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan

Day 2: Constructing a Volcano

Objectives: Students will better understand the difference between a Shield, Cone and Composite volcano. Students will learn to work together effectively to create a specific type of volcano.

Standards: SCI.4.2.3 2010, Art Lesson Vocabulary Words:


Shield Composite Cone Science Notebooks Pencil Index Cards Glue Scissors Fabric Cardboard Clay Crayons Markers Recyclables children brought in and recyclables teacher brought in Discuss with children the topic of today is learning about the different types of volcanoes along with the vocabulary words we will use today. Have them get out their science notebooks and create a Venn diagram to talk about the similarities and differences of the different types of volcanoes. They must include at least three characteristics in each circle. Play volcano video clips: * Meet the Volcanoes ( *Forces of Nature ( Pass out index cards that are already labeled *Shield *Composite *Cone The students must then find their group members that have the same volcano type as them.

Materials/Other Resources:






Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan

6. The students will then create their volcano using any of the materials provided they brought in and the ones set out by teacher. 7. Before building volcano make a group of characteristics as a group of what your volcano needs to have and turn this in with volcano and make sure everyone in your group has their name on the paper! Assessment: -Collect Science notebooks to see what the children understood from video clips. Have the children turn in volcano and paper that includes all characteristics their volcano must have to be a shield, composite, or cone volcano.


Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan

Day 3: Volcano Eruptions/Weathering and Erosion

Objectives: Students will learn what the largest to the smallest eruption is. Students will understand volcano eruptions can be predicted. Students will know volcano eruptions can be disastrous Students will be able to tell difference between weathering and erosion.

Standards: SCI.4.2.3 2010 - Math Connection: Analyze patterns by looking at graphs of volcano, earthquake, and landslide movement. (4.OA.5)

Vocabulary Words:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Weathering Erosion Science Notebooks Pencil Rough/Smooth Rocks Tub of sod Water Dirt Pop bottles Baking pan Baking Soda Vinegar Red food coloring Introduce vocabulary words we will learn today. Show the children the smooth and rough rocks and talk about how these are examples of weathering and erosion. Take children outside and have them bring their science notebooks and pencil with them. Have the students record items and areas where they see erosion or weathering. For example: worn brick or chipped sidewalks Pour dirt on ground and see how the wind moves the dirt, pour water over dirt to see how water carries dirt, pick up the wet soil and drop it. Discuss what forces cause the dirt to break apart. Discuss how these three examples explain what erosion is. Give the children smooth and rough rocks and have them use sand paper to rub on rocks. Discuss what do you see, how does the sand paper relate to the

Materials/Other Resources:



6. 7. 8.

Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan


environment and the rocks. 9. Come back inside and talk about how weather and erosion relate to volcano eruptions. 10. Have the children get in groups of 4. Make sure they bring their science notebook to record data on experiment they are about to participate in. 11. Have the students remove cap from bottle and put in baking pan. 12. Lay dirt around the bottle and make it form like the shape of a volcano. 13. Add red food coloring to the vinegar, to make it the color of lava. 14. Pour in baking soda and vinegar and observe and take notes on what happens! How does this relate to weathering and erosion? 15. Show children on projector the different patterns of volcanoes that have happened from website: 16. Have them analyze and record their predictions on this data in science notebook, turn in science notebook at end of class. - While using their inquiry skills, I will analyze how the children thought about the different weathering conditions that have affected our environment, along with their thoughts on the activity done in class, and their thought process on the patterns in volcano eruptions in their science notebook. If students do not have time to look at data over the different types of volcanoes have them record and analyze the data in the morning, the website will be up on screen when they arrive.


Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan

Day 4: Volcanoes Layers

Objectives: Students will learn about what the layers of a volcano and what causes a volcano to erupt. Students will be able to label the layers of the volcano using a boiled egg. Students will know how the experiment from yesterday worked!


SCI.4.2.3 2010, - Math Connection: Analyze patterns by looking at graphs of volcano, earthquake, and landslide movement. (4.OA.5)

Vocabulary Words:

Materials/Other Resources:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


7. 8.

Crater Fissure Central Vent Hardened Lava Layer Ash Deposit Layer Dike Magma Chamber Science Notebooks Pencil Egg Plastic Knife Paper Towels Laptop/iPad Have the children get into the same groups as they were in yesterday. Give them each an egg and a paper towel. Have them pick a group leader This group leader will then cut the egg in half using the plastic knife. All the students are then to record their observations. *What does the egg look like? *Smell like? *Feel like? Have the children get on their laptop/iPad and go to the following website: ( Here they can view and study the inside of a volcano Discuss how the layers of an egg are similar to

Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan

the layers of a volcano. 9. Discuss the vocabulary words of the inside of the layers of the volcano. Assessment: In the science notebooks the students should have evidence of learning with the pictures drawn and the egg labeled. While working in their groups walking around and observing is key to make sure group work is being done. I will be looking to see if the children can relate the layers of the egg to the volcano. -


Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan

Day 5: Volcanoes in our World

Objectives: Students will share their basic facts about volcanoes that are in our world. Students will be able to present their ideas to the class. Students will know more about volcanoes, how they work, and how they have affected our world.

Standards: SCI.4.2.3 2010 Language Arts Connections: o EL.4.7.5 2006- Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication: Present effective introductions and conclusions that guide and inform the listener's understanding of important ideas and details. EL.4.7.8 2006 -Use details, examples, anecdotes (stories of a specific event), or experiences to explain or clarify information

Vocabulary Words: None Listed Materials/Other Resources: Science Notebooks Pencil Internet Access to do research Prezi software( students already have prior knowledge to this)


1. Put the students in groups of five. 2. Explain to them they will be doing research using Google sweet search and Prezi software to create a presentation they will present to the class over the topic: Volcanoes in our World. 3. Hand out the rubric to the children and explain there is also a peer evaluation they will be filling out about their group members. 4. Have the children go to the Sweet Search to research about volcanoes. All other websites used this week in class will be posted on board, so they can use them as a reference also.

Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan


5. They then have the rest of class to work and will deliver speeches and presentations after lunch -Students will be graded on presentation and speech according to rubric attached below.


Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan

Rubric for Presentation Volcanoes in our World Presentation Poor 10 points Requirements: (50%) More than one -Must include at least 2 requirement was not volcanoes in our world. completely met. - A timeline on when they erupted, and the eruption in cubic miles. - A picture of the volcanoes - A map showing where they are located **All members of each group must speak and participate in presentation. Presentation: Delivery was not (12.5%) smooth and audience attention was lost. Presentation Appearance: (12.5%) Use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but these often distract from presentation content. More than 4 errors in spelling or grammar.

Fair 15 points One requirement was no completely met.

Good 25 points All requirements are met and succeeded.

Spelling/ Vocab: (5%)

Delivery not smooth, but able to maintain interest of the audience most the time. Make use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but occasionally these detract from the presentation content. Four misspellings and/or grammar errors

Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention. Makes excellence use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation. No misspellings or grammatical errors.

Peer Evaluation


_________________________________ 3 2 Usually listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause 1 Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is 0 Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is

Working with Always listens to, Others shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep

Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan

people working well together.

"waves" in the group.

not a good team member.

not a good team player.

Contributions Routinely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. Attitude Never is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Always has a positive attitude about the task(s).

Usually provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. Rarely is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Often has a positive attitude about the task(s).

Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. Occasionally is publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Usually has a positive attitude about the task(s). Tends to procrastinate, but always gets things done by the deadlines.

Time Management

Routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time...

Usually uses time well throughout the project, but may have procrastinated on one thing.

Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. Often is publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Often has a negative attitude about the task(s). Rarely gets things done by the deadlines AND group has to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's inadequate time management.

Group Member Name

Total Points


Megan Colson


Five Day Science Lesson Plan

*Your peer evaluation results will be only seen by the instructor.

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