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Name: ______________________________________________ Reading Workshop ____________________

Week Of:

Directions: Choose 3 quotes per week to respond to. Correctly cite the book where the quote was found. Quote (include MLA citation) Commentary (Ask a question, analyze the quote, relate the quote to another text or to the world, agree or disagree and explain, explain the quotes importance or relevance) 2-3 complete sentences This quote, referring to the first time she visits the Bookmobile and takes out a book, represents a major turning point in Kyras life. She has only been allowed to read the Bible and has been told that any other reading is sinful. The Bookmobile allows her access to a world and ideas outside the world of the cult shes trapped in. Text-to-self connection (How could you use this quote in your life? How does this quote affect you personally?) 1-3 complete sentences

But oh, how my life changed with his stopping. My life changed when I started reading. I was different with these sinful words [Williams 16]

Reading has always been an important escape for me. One of the most important parts of reading is hearing about lives that are different than mine and experiences that I may never be able to have.



Text-to-self connection

Works Cited: Williams, Carol Lynch. The Chosen One. New York: St. Martins Griffin, 2009. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _

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