Child Abuse Powerpoint

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Child Abuse

By: Madisyn Ries 8A

Child Abuse
Variety of harmful

behaviors directed at a kid. The perpetrator. (Abuser) 100,000 200,000 cases every year.

extremely shy

dont express their opinions

dont like to change in front

of other people dont like other people touching them dont like large crowds of people

62% of parents dont have jobs.

younger mothers neglect Fathers physically Stepfathers sexually Addicted parents are capable of all of

the above.


1\3 women are abused in their

lifetime. Before the age of 17 1/6 of all boys 1/4 of all girls
83,000 kids a year.


unexplained injuries:

welts bruises burns 100/100,000 die every year. different forms beatings assault. 149 exposed everyday

most common form

see it every day

59% of cases
554,000 each year

Report to adult Dont tell your friends Listen if they are trying to talk to

you Never second guess your first thought



of human services Help find new home Stops abuse immediately

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