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Name: _______________________________

Block: _______

Date: _________________________

Bird Beak Lab, Part 2 True or False: (answer these individually) ____ A spoonbill, upon being placed into a garden environment, can suddenly grow the beak of a hummingbird. ____ Random slight mutations can occur that might help an organism better survive in its environment. ____ If an organism can survive, then it will pass on its genes for its beneficial traits to its offspring. Define: (well do this together as a class) Adaptation: ________________________________________________________________________________ Directions: (partner pairs) 1. Pick a bird from the middle table. 2. Examine its beak, body structure and size, and coloring. Record 4 observations. 3. Write down your prediction for what kind of habitat it lives in and what it eats. 4. Determine the name of the bird (ask each other, look in the field guide, ask Ms. Yeung or Ms. Egan). 5. Look it up in a field guide, record that answer, and compare your results. 6. Bonus to show me you are actually reading these directions: come get a post-it note from the middle table, draw a smiley, and stick it on my desk because its almost vacat ion! 7. Pick two more birds, and repeat steps 2-5. Bird #1 Observations: 1.





Name of the Bird:

Field Guide:

Bird #2 Observations: 1.





Name of the Bird:

Field Guide:

Bird #3 Observations: 1.





Name of the Bird:

Field Guide:

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