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Punjabi Musalmans

The term punjabi Musalmans roughly describes those Muslim clases and Tribes which are to be found to that portion of the Punjab and North West frontier Province which lies between the Indus and the Sutlej Rivers to the South of the main Himalayan Range.This includes Hazara District, portion of Jammu and poonch (Kashmir territory), and the Hill Traces of Rawalpindi District. Four main divisions of Punjabi musalmans Punjabi musalmans may be classed under four main heads I. II. III. IV. Rajputs Jatts Gujars Others

Origion of punjabi musalmans tribes Most punjabi musalman tribes trace their origion to period prior to the muhammadan invasions, others claims fanciful or mathical ancesstors, while the remainder are satisfied that they came into the country with the muhammdan conquerors. Aryan origion of Rajputs All Rajputs claim aryan origion and this claim has

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