Exp 2 2D Ghost

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Aim: To create 2D Unshaped Ghost object Steps:

Creating a new document 1. Open the Flash application. -By default, Flash displays the Start Page (see the following figure)

2. Click Flash Document from the Create New column on the Start Page to create a blank document. 3. Select File > Save As from the main menu. 4. Name the file as filename.fla, find or create a new directory to save your project in, and click save when you're done. 5. Flash saves editable documents as FLA files.

Changing document properties 1. Open the Property inspector (Window > Properties > Properties) and click the button next to the text that says Size to open the Document Properties dialog box.

2. Type any value for height and width into the Width and Height text box. 3. Click OK when you finish entering the new dimensions to return to the authoring environment. Creating a symbol 1. Import any image into stage (File->Import->Import to stage->Browse and select image)

2. Select the imported image and select Modify > Convert to Symbol from the main menu

The Convert to Symbol dialog box opens (see figure), where you can name a symbol and select which type of symbol you want it to be. 3. Type any name for symbol in the Name text 4. Select the Movie clip option, and click OK. 5. Select the Movie clip option, and click OK. Adding animation to a timeline 1. Select Modify > Document. 2. Change the number in the frame rate text box to 18, and then click OK to apply the new setting. 3. Double-click the symbol say join us instance on the Stage. 4. Select Frame 15 and select Insert > Timeline > Key frame. 5. This command inserts a new key frame, which means you can modify the content on that frame to create animation. Currently, the content on Frame 15 is duplicated from the content on Frame 1. When you modify Frame 15 in a future step, the modifications won't change the content on Frame 1. 6. Select any frame between Frames 1 and 15, and then select Motion from the Tween pop-up menu in the Property inspector.

7. Select any frame between Frames 15 and 30, and then select Motion from the Tween pop-up menu in the Property inspector to create a animation. 8. Select Control > Test Movie.

Moving Ghost Object

Conclusion: Thus we have successfully created 2D Unshaped Ghost object.

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