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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Division of Nueva Ecija District of Cabiao SAN VICENTE ELEMENTARY



I Objectives: 1. Recognize the rising and falling intonation in yes/no questions and answer. 2. Ask simple questions based on dialogues. 3. Listen attentively to others while speaking. VALUES: listening attentively. II. Subject Matter: A. Rising and Falling Intonations in Yes/No Questions. B. References: BEC PELC Listening 5, English 1, p60 , Science and Health 1, p. 14-15 C. Materials: picture of children playing, charts, flashcards III. Procedure: A. Preliminary Activities: 1. Opening song: Are you sleeping?... 2. Review: Asking/Answering questions about oneself. 3. Motivation: Ask: Have you ever played Hide and Seek? B. Presentation: 1.Reading of the story in the chart Playtime 2. Comprehension check up: - What are the children doing? - What game are they playing? 3. Let them ask questions that can be answered by yes or no. C. Skills analysis: - after they answer the questions, group the answers into two. - what can you say about the intonations in column 1? (rising) (questions in column 1 can be answered by yes or no) - how about in column 2? (falling) (questions in column 2 begins with who, when, where,what) D. Generalization: -When does my voice goes up? - When does it goes down? E. Guided exercises: Let them ask and answer questions. Guide them to use the rising and falling intonation.

IV. Evaluation: Direction: Write R if the question has rising intonation; and F if it has falling intonation. 1. Are you in grade one? 2. Do you eat vegetables? 3. Do dogs bark at night? 4. Where do carabaos live? 5. What is your favorite fruit? . V. Assignment: Direction: Draw if the sentence has rising intonation and _____1. Are you happy? _____2. Who is your teacher? _____3. Where did you go? _____4. Do you like to swim? if it has falling intonation.

Prepared by: CAROLINE S. VIVAS Master Teacher II NOTED: MARIO N. VILLARICO School Principal II

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