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Bolgia 5-7

Quinn Pollok, Lauren Folsom, Tripp Layne, Jordan Martin

Bolgia 5- Grafters
Terrain- Boiling pit of tar, sinners inside p. 170 19-21

Sin- Grafters, people who took advantage of others

Punishment- in the boiling tar, demons hit them with hooks p. 171

Fit the crime? Symbolic of why they were there because the tar
represented the "sticky fingers" of the grafters

Reaction- Dante was shocked by what he saw. Concerned because

he had to stay back for the first time

Other important figures- Malabranche- group of demons

Malacoda- leader p. 172 79-84

Sinners- Senator p.37-41

Bolgia 6-Hypocrites
Terrain- barren, circle where people walked p. 189, 67-73 Sin- hypocrites p. 189, 88-90 Punishment- really heavy clothing p. 190, 94-99
Fit the crime? The cloaks were just as the people were, nice on the outside not on the inside

Sinners-jovial friars, caiaphas p. 190, 100 Reaction- angry because they had been lied to but not mad at the

Other important figures- Malacoda because he lied

Bolgia 7- Thieves
Terrain- serpents in a giant pit p. 197 79-84
Sin- thieves Punishment- hands are bound by reptiles, would disintegrate and
then have to reform p. 198 94-96

Fit the crime? The people have their hands bound behind their
backs and are constantly changing from one form to another. This represents them stealing from others in their life.

Sinners- Vanni Fucci and the five noble thieves of Florence Reaction-He was very tired at this time. Also was surprised when
he saw the man being bitten by the serpent. p. 196 46-54

Other Important Figures- none

Book Citation

Alighieri, Dante. Signet Classics. New York City: New

American Library, Penguin Group, USA, 1954. Print.e

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