(A) Based On Ideal and Real Fluid Flows: Figure 1.1 Rheological Diagram

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Prof. B.S. Thandaveswara

(a) Based on Ideal and Real fluid flows

For purpose of analysis, the assumption is frequently made that a fluid is nonviscous. With zero viscosity the shear stress is always zero, regardless of the motion of the fluid. If the fluid is also considered to be incompressible, it is then called an ideal fluid and plots as the ordinate in Fig.1.1.

Yield stress

Shear stress

Figure 1.1 Rheological diagram

Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Prof. B.S. Thandaveswara



du dy

du dy

Purely Viscous Fluids Time Independent Pseudoplastic Fluids n du = , n <1 Time Dependant Thixotrophic fluids Visco elastic Fluids Visco-elastic Fluids

Air, water and many other engineering fluids behave as Newtonian fluids under normal circumstances


du = + f ( t ), f ( t ) dy
decreasing . Crude oils, bentonitic drilling fluid.

du + E dy

Fine particle suspensions Dilatant Fluids n du = , n >1 dy Ultrafine irregular particle suspensions Ideal Plastics or Bingham Fluids

where E is the modulus of elasticity. Liquid solid combinations in pipe flow and polymerised fluids with drag-reduction features.

Rheopectic Fluids n du = + f ( t ), f ( t ) increasing dy Rare liquid-solid suspensions

du = 0 + dy

Water suspensions of clay and fly ash



U u

t a d

y x

Fig. 1.2 Deformation resulting from application of constant shear force

Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Prof. B.S. Thandaveswara

Classification of Fluids on the basis of Density and Viscosity

Type of Fluid
Ideal fluid Incompressible fluid Inviscid fluid Real fluid Newtonian fluid Non-Newtonian fluid Perfect gas

Constant Constant Constant or variable variable Constant or variable Constant or variable

zero non-zero zero non-zero du = dy

P = RT

du dy zero or non-zero

Negative Pressure

Negative Pressure

Negative Pressure

Positive Pressure

Positive Pressure

Positive Pressure

(a) Ideal flow

(b) Small Reynolds number

(c) High Reynolds number

Pressure distribution around a cylinder

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

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