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What is the Impact of Hydroelectricity?

By Mario Delecce

Hydroelectric power harnesses the kinetic energy of water as it flows downstream. It is deemed renewable in that it makes use of the naturally occurring water cycle of the Earth. Water is forced into a hydraulic turbine, generally placed in a dam. The turbine is connected to a generator, which produces power; the water flows through the turbine and is then released into a stream or riverbed. Hydropower does not have an impact on air quality beyond the development and operation of dams. Air emissions are virtually non-existent as there is no fuel to burn. Methane can build up, but only if there is heavy vegetation upon the riverbed hosting the dam. The water used in power production is released back into the river; the process does not pollute the water. Hydropower does not produce significant levels of solid waste. Mario Delecce is Managing Director of Polaris Energy.

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