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MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING STRATA CORPORATION NW 2671 “SUNRIDGE ESTATES” Held: Tuesday, December 13", 2005 at 7:00 PM in the Library of Scott Creek Middle ‘School, 1240 Lansdowne Drive, Coquitlam, BC Present — The Owners, Strata Plan NW 2671 As per the Registration Sheet Joan MacDougall, Property Manager, Bayside Property Services Tony Givoventu, Executive Director, Condominium Home Owner's Association of British Columbia ‘Stephen Hamilton, Solicitor, Hammerberg Altman Beaton & Maglio CALLED TO ORDER Peter Slack, Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM. Peter Slack requested that Tony Gioventu, Executive Director of the Condominium Home Owner's Association of British Columbia, chair the meeting. It was moved, seconded (Unit #101/Unit #514) and carried unanimously to have Tony Gioventu chair the Annual General Meeting, Owners were advised that there was a total of 32 Owners represented at the meeting, including 10 by proxy. In accordance with the Strata Property Act of British Columbia, 2 quorum requires that eligible voters holding 4/3 of the Strata Corporation's votes be present in person or by proxy. The registration sheet was signed, proxies were certified and ballots were issued PROOF OF NOTICE Owners agreed that the Notice of Meeting dated November 24", 2005 was proper notice as per the requirements of the Strata Property Act. PREVIOUS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING It was moved, seconded (Unit #514/ Unit #203) and carried unanimously, to approve the Minutes of the Special General Meeting held August 4", 2005, as previously circulated. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Peter Slack advised the Owners that despite the many challenges of the Building Envelope Repairs the project was substantially complete and approximately five (5) months ahead of schedule. Peter Slack also thanked the Council, Alan Cadwell of the 8C Condo Advocate and Bayside Property Services Ltd, for their contributions during the past year. it was with regret that Peter Slack informed the Owners that Alan Cadwell's wife had passed away and therefore he wasn't able to attend this meeting. MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ~ DECEMBER 13", 2005 eZ STRATA CORPORATION NW 2671 Peter Slack asked that the Owners be patient, as there are outstanding deficiencies and repairs and these will be dealt with as expeditiously as possible. The new Council would be responsible for dealing with these issues. Landscaping, rentals, bylaws, the litigation for recovery of costs, the decks, and outstanding deficiencies are some of the issues that will be resolved in the coming year. In conciusion, Peter Slack encouraged the Owners to consider joining Council, as a strong Council will be needed in the following months. It was moved, seconded (Unit #227/Unit #419) and carried, to approve the Agenda as proposed INSURANCE It was noted that the Summary of Coverages was included in the Notice of the Annual General Meeting. The Owners were reminded to retain their copy as they would need this information for their insurance companies when insuring their personal contents, and also if they plan to re-mortgage. All Owners ~ please note the following important item: a) Gontents/Improvements: We take this opportunity to advise all Owners and residents that the Strata Corporation's insurance covers the building, carpeting etc., as per original construction. Owners must insure any improvements to these items (wallpapering, paneling, general upgrading, etc.) completed by yourself or the previous Owner as well as your personal effects and furniture, through your personal Homeowner's coverage. It is suggested that all Owners and residents complete an inventory of their personal contents and belongings to ensure that you are adequately insured. Most insurance agents will provide you with an inventory quide booklet to assist you with an inventory. It is well worth it — also, take pictures or a video of your unit — and keep same in ancther location along with your inventory list. b) Claim Possibility/Notification: Please note that any leakage or seepage of water should be reported prompily to Bayside, to ensure efforts are made to minimize the loss, and to ensure the Strata Corporation has an opportunity to make a claim with the insurance company. Such problems, if not reported, become repeated, ongoing leaks, and therefore may not be covered. The building's insurance normally covers incidents of leakage, but not those of a continuing nature 2006 OPERATING BUDGET ‘The Owners were asked if they had any questions regarding the proposed Operating Budget. An Owner questioned if there would be any refund from the Restoration Project. Bayside informed the Owner that it was unknown at this time, as ‘there were still outstanding deficiencies and final billing had not yet been received. The landscaping restoration has commenced and this portion of work also has to be taken into account. An Owner questioned the billing of a vent they had requested and was directed to contact Alan Cadwell, the Project Manager. MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - DECEMBER 13", 2005 3 STRATA CORPORATION NW 2671 It was moved, seconded (Unit #201/Unit #227) and carried unanimously, to approve the Operating Budget as proposed. PLEASE NOTE THAT MAINTE! E FEES HAVE REMAINED. AS PER THE APPROVED BUDGET AND MAINTENANCE FEE SCHEDULE ATTACHED. All Owners are reminded that the monthly maintenance assessments are due and payable on the first day of each and every month, in advance. Please note that late or non-payment will result in penalty assessment in accordance with Strata Corporation NW 2671 Bylaws. Post-dated cheques are welcome and those wishing to do so may arrange for pre-authorized withdrawals from their bank, which is the preferred method of payment. Intorested owners may obtain a Pre-authorized Withdrawal Form from Bayside to be filled out and returned to Bayside along with a void cheque. Alternatively, Owners may forward a series of twelve (12) post-dated cheques to BAYSIDE’S office located at Sperling Plaza, Suite 100 - 6400 Roberts Street, Bumaby, BC_V5G 4C9. Please note the following when making out your chaques: 1. Your cheques should be dated for the FIRST of each month (January 1%, 2006 through to and including December 1™, 2006); 2. Cheques are to be made payable to "Strata Plan NW 2671"; 3. Your Unit Number is to be noted on your cheques, if not already imprinted SPECIAL RESOLUTION #4 BY % VOTE WHEREAS: A. The Owners, Strata Plan NW 2671 (the "Strata Corporation”) proposes to update its bylaws: B. Pursuant to the Strata Property Act, this Resolution must be approved by a % vote at an annual or special general meeting; BE IT RESOLVED that 1. Except as sot out in paragraph 2 below, the existing bylaws of the Strata Corporation (the "Existing Bylaws") be repealed and replaced with the bylaws attached hereto as Schedule “A” (the "New Bylaws"); 2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 above, Bylaw 38 of the Existing Bylaws remains in effect to the extent that it prohibits the number of strata lots that may be rented, but that it be amended by replacing it with the language in Bylaw 7.0 of the New Bylaws. 3. The Strata Council of the Stata Corporation (the “Strata Council’) take all such further actions to register the New Bylaws with the Land Title Office, including but not limited to filing a Form |, Amendment to Bylaws 4. Any two members of the Strata Council execute such documents as are required to register the New Bylaws in the Land Title Office on behalf of the Strata Corporation.

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