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SUNRIDGE ESTATES COUNCIL MINUTES ‘Apri. 30 200% Sunridge Estates “SPECIAL” Council Meeting APRIL 30th 2008 7:00 pm_ Unit #518 In attendance: President - AlMacleod S18 Treasurer- Keiron Duncan 104 Wayne Bryson 205 Regrets- _ Mae Reid S10 Glen Pierce 516 1orum reached ~ Meeting started 7:05 pm mutes: /Motion to accept Minutes of Ap: Finances [Motion to accept March 2008 Financials held over until next regular council meeting. 1, ISTRATI 16* meeting held over until next regular council meeting Council received and accepted the resignations of (2) council members — Racquel Devos & Anne Melcombe. They are thanked for their contributions and service to our community aver the past few months. New appointees: /Motion to appoint Peter Slack to fill the position on council of Anne Meleombe- Motion - Unit 205/104 | Motion to appoint Eleanor Pederson to fill the position on council of Racque! Deves — Motion — Unit 205/104 Both unanimously Council thanks bother Peter & Eleanor for stepping up to assist in moving the complex forward. 2. FINANCIAL Council reviewed the proof of payment information provided by 5 owners, of outstanding maintenance fees, Hence levy and other charges actually paid during the grace period. Their fines will be reversed and cleared from their accounts. All other fines will be payable by owners in default. As there will soon be a transition to fa new company, please monitor your account and provide council with an update if you have concerns. |Our arrears have fallen from approx 31,000 dollars to 11,000 and Keiron’s tireless efforts hopefully will be appreciated as much by owners, as they are by council. Further action will be taken to reduce this amount prior to the handover to the new company. Letters will be sent to the remaining owners. 3. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS *“purpose of meeting** |As our association with Ascent ends at the end of May, Council needed to establish requirements for future representation. The following is a list that will be provided to the new company to ensure that we are receiving proper representation: Financials — establish payment schedules to eliminate late charges (meeting to discuss procedures) Financials - requirement for a report to be attached to each invoice Kinancials/Admin — requirement for P.Manager to track call outs ete. Financials/Admin - record keeping for potential charge backs to owners Financials — invoices be applied/identified by budget account upon submission to Council veer Email — Phone 604-617-7653 Page 1 of 4 SUNRIDGE ESTATES COUNCIL MINUTES Apt 30* 2008 6. Financials/Admin - application of bylaws — proper procedures — fines/admin charges 7. Financials/Admin - proactive measures for arrears of maintenance fees — early action/lien process. 8, Admin - acknowledgement of letters sent to owners 9, Admin - proper procedures identified to owners for — emergency ~ non-emergency call outs 10. Admin - use of Council prepared list of contractors — companies **established/proven relationship** 11. Admin - consistent use of same company for any repeat of original problem to ensure accountability Of previous work performed. **currently have one job— 4 companies — no records** 12. Admin - expedient identification of owners concerns to Council Any property management company that cannot fulfill or guarantee these requirements will not be acceptable to represent our complex. Council members will attend the new management company to ensure there is clarity at the senior level of management, as to their service and our expectations. (PLEASE NOTE ~ YOU WILL BE RECEIVING REQUESTS FOR FILLING OUT NEW INFORMATION SHEETS AND BANKING INFORMATION. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO RETURN THESE DOCUMENTS IN A TIMELY MANNER.) FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN FINANCIAL PENALTIES 3. OWNER REQUESTS |The following owners requested permission as per the bylaws for changes to their units: Privilege letters Iwere sent out and received from the following: Unit 201 — request to change piping in 2 bathrooms ~ Unit 209 - request for renovations — need engineer report for removal of wall . [Unit 510 - request for renovations ~ need engineer report for change to wall ‘Unit 221 - request for renovations - kitchen hathrooms flooring Unit 514 - request for renovations — awaiting signed privilege letter Unit 426 - request for bathroom renovations — awaiting signed privilege letter ****Note — all info in brackets — post meeting updates (updated status since meeting)**** [Unit 209 — load bearing wall — has changed request to pony wall (pass thru) following engineer review Unit 201 — (Council has scheduled an inspection of pipes on May 05" )( If pipes are deemed to be a problem {then it will be council’s responsibility to repair/replace, if not then the owner will be held accountable for lany costs associated with inspection/updating) 3, CURRENT STATUS OF PROJECTS [Units 101, 201, 203 - Problem with contractor manpower — delayed (Meeting May 07 2008 to discuss.) | Unit 409 — as built drawings have been provided to Engineer (Meeting May 07" for inspection of exterior) |EENCE - West coast authorized to move ahead with construction (posts set) Locks will be installed on jaccess doors and keys will be cut to ensure one key fits all. Two keys per unit will be distributed following installation of the locks. Further keys will be at the cost to the owner. Amount to be determined. |The fence will be stained the colour of the 500 series vinyl with the post caps matching the colour of the [brown railings on the upper units. ‘The original clear stain will create problems with graffiti and would result in a solid colour stain being applied at alater date. Maintenance costs are a priority. RETAINING WALLS ~ awaiting word from engineer, following review of contractor drawings. Upon discussion with the contractor regarding the wood retaining walls, his method of construction with a speci: Email — Phone 604-617-7653 Page 2 of 4 SUNRIDGEESTATES COUNCIL MINUTES april 30" 2008 membrane allows for a 30-year life span, Based on cost of concrete, Council felt the current quote in wood is worth pursuing, STUMP REMOVAL - contract was awarded to Luxor Landscaping. ( mostly complete — 500 series to be done next) [POWER WASHING — Paint - Thanks to Glen Pierce for power washing the hydro boxes and the main retaining wall on Lansdowne. The hydro boxes will be painted shortly. Glen will be out of town for the summer and his efforts at cleaning up the complex will be sorely missed. All other power washing will be ldone shortly. IROOF INSPECTION/repair will be on hold until after the conclusion of the building review. PBEM has indicated their review will identify any issues and save the inspection costs from an independent company. |We will have needed repairs completed once identified, PBEM — repairs to units 223, 327, 423 were authorized (completed) PBEM ~ site review - owner surveys were hand delivered to the units. (Council met with PBEM and [provided elevation drawings — Council asked for expedient service to accommodate other project requirements- (Review to begin week of May 05") (Notices posted on mailboxes) /DECK REQUESTS - on hold until proper policy and legal issues are resolved. |DECK STAINING ~ discussion was held on whether to stain or not to stain the decks. For those interested ‘a comparison, please go to Unit 417 and look up at the 417 raw deck and the stained deck above as a comparison. Those in attendance agreed the stained look is more attractive to the new exterior. Further discussion with owners will be needed. PAVING REPAIRS - Council met with a contractor io repair the pavement on the 200 series main road. [Consisting of current holes in the road, the root system affecting visitor parking, and one area of previous repair that has started to sink. (quote received was excessive and further quotes will be solicited) We have 2 20,000 budget from CRF for the total complex and this one road would have taken 70 percent of that, LINIT 203 — water main break 4 units were affected and the repair has been completed. In discussion with the company, the Poly B pipe had kinked due to a rock. It was suggested to have it replaced after Council identified it would be covered with a concrete slab, as per the engineer's instruction. (it has since been [determined that once Terris Construction starts the excavation of the crawispace, Artisan plumbing will then inspect the exposed pipe and a determination will be made at that time.) PARKING —~ Council discussed the bylaw changes, and city requirements, and no infringement into the fire liane is acceptable based on the protrusion issues identified as a hazard in the bylaws. (Owners and guests {continue to violate the parking bylaws, and sufficient concern and warnings have been identified in the minutes. Council will continue to extend the courtesy of posting a notice on the owners door for 1" time violators that an official warning is on the way, but following that warning, automatic towing and fines will be in order.) Yo r your. ind tho: NOISE COMPLAINTS - are escalating and there are hard feelings developing between neighbours as a result, Council is responsible for ensuring that the bylaws are enforced and many issues can be rectified by common sense, and basic courtesy extended to your neighbours, prior to our involvement. Please consider the following: = Speak directly to the owner involved, prior to the w: Email ~ Phone 604-617-7653 Page 3 of 4 fen compl

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