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Chapter 10

Quantum physics
10.1 Introduction to quantum physics
10.1.1 Black body radiation
Plancks law for the energy distribution for the radiation of a black body is: w(f ) = 8hc 1 1 8hf 3 , w() = 3 5 hf /kT hc/kT c e e 1 1

Stefan-Boltzmanns law for the total power density can be derived from this: P = AT 4 . Wiens law for the maximum can also be derived from this: T max = kW .

10.1.2 The Compton effect

For the wavelength of scattered light, if light is considered to exist of particles, can be derived: =+ h (1 cos ) = + C (1 cos ) mc

10.1.3 Electron diffraction

Diffraction of electrons at a crystal can be explained by assuming that particles have a wave character with wavelength = h/p. This wavelength is called the Broglie-wavelength.

10.2 Wave functions

The wave character of particles is described by a wavefunction . This wavefunction can be described in normal or momentum space. Both denitions are each others Fourier transform: 1 (k, t) = h 1 (x, t)eikx dx and (x, t) = h (k, t)eikx dk

These waves dene a particle with group velocity vg = p/m and energy E = h . The wavefunction can be interpreted as a measure for the probability P to nd a particle somewhere (Born): dP = | |2 d3 V . The expectation value f of a quantity f of a system is given by: f (t) = f d3 V , fp (t) = f d3 Vp

This is also written as f (t) = |f | . The normalizing condition for wavefunctions follows from this: | = | = 1.

10.3 Operators in quantum physics

In quantum mechanics, classical quantities are translated into operators. These operators are hermitian because their eigenvalues must be real:
A2 d3 V = 1

2 (A1 ) d3 V

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