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Chapter 8

8.1 Mathematical introduction
If there exists a relation f (x, y, z ) = 0 between 3 variables, one can write: x = x(y, z ), y = y (x, z ) and z = z (x, y ). The total differential dz of z is than given by: dz = z x dx +

z y


By writing this also for dx and dy it can be obtained that x y Because dz is a total differential holds y z z x = 1

dz = 0.

A homogeneous function of degree m obeys: m F (x, y, z ) = F (x, y, z ). For such a function Eulers theorem applies: F F F mF (x, y, z ) = x +y +z x y z

8.2 Denitions
The isochoric pressure coefcient: V = The isothermal compressibility: T = The isobaric volume coefcient: p = 1 V 1 V 1 p 1 V p T V p V T V p

The adiabatic compressibility: S =

For an ideal gas follows: p = 1/T , T = 1/p and V = 1/V .

8.3 Thermal heat capacity

The specic heat at constant X is: CX = T The specic heat at constant pressure: Cp = The specic heat at constant volume: CV = S T H T U T

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