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Sample Booklet

Paper 1 Part A & B2

Features of the Book

Based on the Practice Paper released by HKEAA in January, 2012.

Two sets of complete mock papers provide S6 students with in-depth and intensive practice before examination.

The mock papers are specially designed to train S6 students all the essential skills need to score the highest marks in public exam.

All sound tracks are recorded by professional voice actors from the UK, to ensure the pronunication and the speed of the conversation can match the standard of public exam.

Separate answer book is provided and the locations of answer to each question are clearly shown.

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Candidate Number

Read Text 1 and answer questions 1-23. 1.


Write you Candidate Number and stick a barcode label in the space provided on this page. (44 marks)

Which of the following is NOT true about paragraph 1? A. B. C. D. Paul lives in the United States of America. Paul downloads songs and movies from the Internet.

A Paul cannot find any illegal copies in his hometown. Some Vietnamese friends teach Paul where to buy illegal copies.


Referring to the last line of paragraph 1, why does Paul say that is a paradise for me? _______________________________________________________________________________________


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e.g. When I say put yourself in my shoes, I dont expect it to be taken literally. B. C. D. To follow the original words exactly. e.g. This article has been literally translated from English to Spanish. To emphasize something surprising. e.g. After the merger, he is literally a billionaire now. To emphasize something in a figurative manner. e.g. My heart literally jumped out of my chest when I heard the news. 4. In paragraph 2, what does Johns company produce? A. Physical board games B. Game software C. Web-based online games D. In-game advertising 5. From the information given in paragraphs 1 and 2, decide if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). (3 marks) a. b. c. 6. Paul Brown was a paying customer of comics and music. Vaville Games products are free of charge. Vaville Games cannot make any profit.

From the information given in paragraph 3, name THREE ways that SOPA can help stop online piracy. (3 marks) a. ____________________________________________________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________________________________________________ c. ____________________________________________________________________________________

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Which meaning of literally is closest to the meaning used in line 6? A. To interpret a sentence or a word according to the basic meaning of the word(s).


In paragraph 4, the writer writes The US government needs to employ an Internet army to guard their digital coast (line 47 - 48) to show us that A. B. C. D. it is impossible to kill all bad websites. the government needs to do something. US Army should be prepared for the digital war. there are a lot of illegal websites created every day.

8. 9.

In paragraph 4, the word pests is the metaphor for __________________________________________. a. According to the information given in paragraph 4, why do some experts think that the legislators cannot fathom the difficulty of the problem they are dealing with? Give TWO reasons. (2 marks)

(i) ______________________________________________________________________________________

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b. Explain how these reasons might affect the effectiveness of SOPA and PIPA.

(2 marks)

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10. What does Kelly in paragraph 4 want to know? He wants to know (2 marks)

(i) ______________________________________________________________________________________ (ii) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. What does the Janet Sullivan think about SOPA and PIPA? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 12. What will infringing websites lose if SOPA and PIPA are passed? (Name THREE things.) (3 marks) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13. According to paragraph 5, why did the company go out of business? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 14. According to paragraph 5, each of the products was unique. Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15. From paragraphs 5 to 6, choose a sentence that shows the author does not agree with the decision of the copyright owners. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 16. In paragraph 7, what does gone with the wind mean? A. Move to another country. B. Lose customers. C. Become illegal. D. Go out of business.

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(ii) _____________________________________________________________________________________


Find TWO phrases or words from paragraph 8 that mean the same as gone with the wind in Question 16. (2 marks) (i) ______________________________________________________________________________________ (ii) _____________________________________________________________________________________


According to the case of Youtube shown in paragraph 8, why should the author worry about his business? Give TWO reasons. (2 marks)

(a) ______________________________________________________________________________________ (b) _____________________________________________________________________________________

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A. To urge supporters to take action. B. To explain what are SOPA and PIPA. C. To explain why he cannot censor all the contents on his website. D. To urge the readers to respect copyrights. 20. Double Edged Sword in the title refers to ______________________________________________________________________________________ 21. Peter writes the following letter to his American friend. Fill in the blanks using words that can be found in paragraphs 5 to 9. Use one word only for each blank. One example has been given. (8 marks) Dear Tom I recently read an article written by Paul Russell, the CEO of a file sharing website that I like so much. In his article, he says that two new bills called SOPA and PIPA have been __________. If they are passed by the __________, websites that we use on an __________ basis may be shut down as a result. Since SOPA and PIPA have the __________ to make a domain name inactive, and websites with a lot of __________ simply cannot censor all materials, if they become laws, then websites with user generated contents will not be able to stay in the __________ anymore. There is nothing I can do because I am not an American __________. But you are different. Before SOPA and PIPA become laws, please call the __________ representing your district to express what you feel about this situation. Loves, Peter

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What is the main purpose of Paul Russells article?


Pirate websites will still exist even if SOPA and PIPA are passed. Use TWO ideas from the text to support this point of view. (2 marks)

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

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______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 23. What do you think about the views of the two writers? Briefly explain. (2 marks)

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

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Write your candidate number and stick a barcode label in the space provided on this page. Read Text 5 and answer question 50 to 67. 50. (34 marks)

According to paragraph 1, Li was facing pressure from A. his parents B. his son C. Chinese culture D. his manager


According to paragraph 1, which of the following statement is false? A. Li has a job. B. He has just become a father. C. He is allowed to have one more daughter. D. He is not worrying now.

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In paragraph 2, what is the purpose of the sentence Well, they consider having a girl as the only child as unlucky (line 9-10)? A. To show that the author is only reporting someone elses opinions. B. To show that the author is giving his own opinions. C. To show sympathy. D. To criticise.


According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true? A. It is legal to check the gender of a fetus by ultrasound testing in China. B. Some parents risk becoming criminals to realise their dreams. C. Some people are allowed to give birth to a second child in China. D. Parents can legally murder their girls in China.


What does paragraph 3 imply? A. One-Child Policy is a failure. B. We should have come up with some solutions in 2004. C. Chinese people are facing a serious and inevitable problem. D. Chinese people do not know anything about their situation.


Why doesnt Dr Wong need to worry about his girls marriage in paragraph 4? _______________________________________________________________________________________


Find words in paragraph 3 to 4 that could be replaced by the following: (2 marks) a. solution _________________________________________________________ b. effect _________________________________________________________

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Summarize Dr Wongs opinions on One-Child Policy in paragraph 5. (2 marks) a. ______________________________________________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Briefly explain the last sentence of paragraph 6. How is it possible for thirty or forty kings to get along well in a classroom? (2 marks)

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

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_______________________________________________________________________________________ 59. 60. The word king in paragraph 6 is a metaphor for ________________________. Explain why the burden of supporting the seven-person family will fall on the only child. (2 marks) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 61. According to the article, when a single Chinese man is looking for a wife, indentify TWO problems that he may face. (2 marks)

a. ______________________________________________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 62. Which of the following best describes the author? A. He is affected by the policy. B. He is not affected by the policy at all. C. He disagrees with the policy. D. He wants to marry a wealthy girl. 63. According to paragraph 9, why shouldnt we expect the government to help? A. The government will not do anything. B. Governments solutions will not have instant results. C. The problem will improve by itself after 20 to 30 years. D. The government has already done their best. 64. a. What do you think the main reason for the distorted sex ratio in China? Briefly explain. (2 marks) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

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In paragraph 2, some others secretly give birth to a second child, or even third, until God blesses them with a boy. (line 12 to 14) Does this situation contribute to the distorted sex ratio? Briefly explain. (2 marks) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________


Complete the table below. Follow the instructions given in the first row. (9 marks) Person Interviewed How does One-Child policy affect each person? Opinion
Decide whether each person is for (F) or against (A) the policy, or whether no information is given (NG).

Speech Bubble

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A. Even though there is nothing we can do for this generation, we need to take action now for our grandchildren and their grandchildren.

B. Im the luckiest man in the world. I already have everything I want.

C. The government needs to do something to help me. The OneChild Policy in China simply doesnt work.


What is the tone of the last line, Tell your parents to save more money or marry a wealthy girl? A. indifferent B. humorous C. sympathetic D. angry


Give a suitable sub-title to the article. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Read Text 6 and answer questions 68 to 77. 68.

(11 marks)

Quote a sentence in paragraph 1 that shows that the story is written in first person. _______________________________________________________________________________________

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Read the 3 speech bubbles (A to C) below. Decide which person is the most likely speaker. Write the appropriate letter in this column.


What is the man doing in paragraph 1? A. Testing something. B. Showing something. C. Teaching something. D. Selling something.


What are the disadvantages of the testing methods in paragraph 4?

(2 marks)

a. ______________________________________________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________________________________________

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According to paragraph 6, why is it so important to have a reliable test for blood stains? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________


Paragraph 7 shows that the man is A. B. C. D. excited angry surprised bewildered


What happened to Von Bischoff at Frankfort (line 26)? A. B. C. D. He was hung. He escaped from an execution. He invented a new way to test blood stains. He was murdered.


Who are Mason of Bradford, Muller and Samson of New Orleans in paragraph 9? _______________________________________________________________________________________


In paragraph 11, why does the man stick a plaster over the prick on his finger? _______________________________________________________________________________________


In paragraph 11, what does the sentence I noticed that it was all mottled over with similar pieces of plaster, and discoloured with strong acids (line 33 to 34) show us? _______________________________________________________________________________________


What is the business in paragraph 12? _______________________________________________________________________________________

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General Instructions (1) There are two parts (A and B) in this paper. All candidates should attempt part A. In Part B, you should attempt either Part B1 (easier section) OR Part 2 (more difficult section). Candidates attempting Parts A and B2 will be able to attain the full range of levels, while Level 4 will be the highest level attainable for candidates attempting Parts A and B1. (2) After the announcement of the start of the examination, you should first write your Candidate Number and stick barcode labels in the spaces provided on the appropriate pages of Part A Question-Answer Book and Part B Question-Answer Book which you are going to attempt. (3) Write your answers in the spaces provided in the Question-Answer Book. Answers written in the margins will not be marked. (4) For multiple-choice questions, you are advised to blacken the appropriate circle with a pencil so that wrong marks can be completely erased with a clean rubber. Mark only ONE answer to each question. Two or more answers will score NO MARKS. (5) Supplementary answer sheets will be supplied on request. Write your Candidate Number, mark the question number box and stick a barcode label on each sheet and fasten them with a string INSIDE the Question-Answer Book. (6) No extra time will be given to candidates for sticking on barcode labels or filling in the question number boxes after the Time is up announcement. (7) The two Question-Answer Books attempted by candidates (one for Part A and one for Part B) will be collected together at the end of the examination. Fasten the two Question-Answer Books together with the green tag provided. (8) The unused Question-Answer Book for Part B will be collected separately at the end of the examination. This book will not be marked. Do not write any answers in it. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PART A (1) (2) The Question-Answer Book for Part A is inserted in this Reading Passages Booklet. Attempt ALL question in Part A. Each question carries ONE mark unless otherwise stated.


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Part A
Read Text 1 and answer questions 1-23 on pages 1-4 of the Question-Answer Book for Part A Text 1

A Double Edged Sword How far should we go to protect copyrights in the online world? Lets look at this matter in the Digital World from two different angles.
Janet Sullivan is a freelance journalist, past winner of the Pulitzer Prize. 1 [1] Paul Brown, a teenager from Boston, used 30 passed, can bar advertising networks like to pay for the comics, music and movies he Google Ads and payment facilities like Paypal liked, until a friend of his introduced him to from doing business with infringing websites. some foreign websites. One cant find any It can even stop search engines from linking 5 piracy in the States. Its kind of like a taboo to those sites or just require the Internet service here. You need to be well prepared to go bankrupt 35 providers to block access to them once and for if you want to do that kind of business, because all. On the other hand, PIPA can make a domain the lawyers will surely be after you. As a result, name unusable if it is deemed related to copyright theres no free stuff in my hometown, says infringement. It means that while pirate 10 Paul. But those Vietnamese websites are websites can still operate in their own crazy. I can literally download every song and 40 countries, SOPA and PIPA can stop American movie from them, free of charge of course. consumers from accessing them. Thats a paradise for me. [2] While piracy from offshore websites may 15 be a heaven for consumers, it is nothing less than a nightmare for content providers. John Feinstein, CEO of Vaville Games, gives us his explanation. Our company makes game apps for smartphones. On average just three days 20 after the release of our new games, some rogue websites from overseas will illegally distribute our paid apps for free, which seriously affect our sales. While our laws here can prohibit local piracy, they can do nothing to stop the same crime taking place in other countries. We can 25 just stand here and let the pirates eat our profit. [3] Thats why when legislators propose the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP Act (PIPA), they quickly gain support from companies like Vaville Games. SOPA, if [4] But some experts think that the legislators cannot fathom the difficulty of the problem they are dealing with. According to an Internet 45 engineer who refuses to go on the record, there are at least 1000 new illegal websites created every day. The US government needs to employ an Internet army to guard their digital coast. Rogue websites are like cockroaches. We can 50 kill them, but we simply cannot kill them all. And just like using insect spray, we need to make sure the weapon against pests will not hurt the innocent. Kelly Merkley, owner of a popular forum website, expresses his worry. 55 No one can tell me whats going to happen to my site if some bad guys post illegal links or files on it. I simply cant monitor the site 24-7. So exactly what can I do to protect my site now? Legislators, please answer his question.


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Paul Russell is the CEO of, a file sharing site with 2 million members. cake business abovementioned. 60 [5] Years ago a group of college students started a business. They let children draw pictures and then turned those hand-drawn images into 100 [8] Can you imagine Youtube being shut down birthday cakes. It sounds like a good idea, isnt due to an unauthorized video uploaded by one it? Their strategy was right on the spot and the of its millions of users, or Wikipedia becomes inaccessible because someone posts a link to a 65 cakes were yummy. It was not a surprise when their service quickly gained popularity among copyrighted file? If those two acts are passed, parents and children. But there was a problem, 105 you dont need to imagine anymore, because a serious one. When you ask kids to draw those unimaginable scenes will become real pictures, most of the time they will draw their life. Yes, SOPA and PIPA give the authority the power to kill a domain name. And theoretically 70 favourite cartoon characters, which are copyrighted, of course. So the problem was that there is no way for websites to keep censoring if those college students did not have the required 110 their contents, especially for sites whose contents licences, they were not allowed to make are mainly generated by their users, e.g. anything, be it a cake or a cap, based on the Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Take Youtube as an example. There are over 48 hours of video 75 childrens hand-drawn pictures. After receiving various warnings from the copyright owners files uploaded every minute, it is simply humanly of the characters, their company soon went out 115 and physically impossible to censor them all, of business. let alone the comments left by the viewers. In other words, if those two proposed acts become laws, websites with user generated contents 80 [6] Do you think that it was a loss to those parents and children? What the so-called will not be able to stay legal anymore and it is licensors, copyright owners or whatever fancy 120 just a matter of time for them to disappear. names they call themselves did to those college students cake business, they are trying to do [9] If you love the Internet, love it the way it is, here is what you can do: if you are an American 85 the same to our Internet now with two new bills called SOPA and PIPA, which are the acronyms citizen, call your representatives and senators for Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP Act to express your feeling. In my case, I called respectively. 125 them to express my anger. Tell them you are a voter and they will listen to you; and for those [7] While the names of these two proposed acts who are not American citizens, tell an American to call his representative. Dont think that this 90 sound very justifiable, yeah, online piracy needs to be stopped and IP needs to be matter has nothing to do with your countries. protected, you need to understand what they 130 The effect of SOPA and PIPA is not limited in can ultimately do to the digital world if you the US. It is something international, something really love the Internet, because if they are that has the power to change our world negatively. What are you waiting for? Pick up 95 successfully passed by the Congress, websites you like, those sites that have become a part of the phone and call the politicians or your our everyday life such as Youtube and 135 American friends now. Wikipedia, may be gone with the wind like the END OF READING PASSAGES




General Instructions (1) Refer to the General Instruction on Page 1 of the Reading Passages Booklet for Part A.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PART B2 (1) (2) The Question-Answer Book for Part B2 is inserted in this Reading Passages Booklet. Candidates who choose Part B2 should attempt all questions in this part. Each question carries ONE mark unless otherwise stated. (3) Hand in only ONE Question-Answer Book for Part B, either B1 or B2, and tie it with the QuestionAnswer Book for Part A.


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Part B2
Read Text 5 and answer questions 50-67 on pages 1-3 of the Question-Answer Book for Part B2 Text 5

Family problems in modern China

1 [1] Li, a 30-year-old sales manager living in Beijing, was very happy when a lovely boy was born to his family. Although his parents have not given him any pressure, he

By Alan Cheung

the policy. For this country and for the world, we need to keep the population growth at a sustainable level.

knows that they want a boy, because it is Chinese culture 40 [6] Distorted sex ratio is not the only problem this policy 5 that only sons can continue the bloodline of a family and Li can only have either a boy or a girl under the OneChild Policy in China. With a baby boy sleeping in his arms, he is relieved from his worry now. [2] Some families are not that lucky. Well, they consider 10 having a girl as the only child as unlucky. To realise their dreams, while some choose to abort the girls after getting the result of ultrasound testing, some others secretly give birth to a second child, or even third, until God blesses 15 murder their own girls in order to earn the chance to have a boy legally. In other words, there is a trend, or pressure, in the Chinese society to reduce the number of female citizens while on the other hand increase the number of male. 20 [3] The social impact of this trend came to the surface in 2004 when the male to female population ratio reached a record high at 120:100. And in 2020, just a few years from now, it is estimated that at least 24 million Chinese 25 in China because there are simply not enough girls to do the matching. [4] When asked how to solve this problem, Dr David head and says, There is no simple and immediate remedy 30 for that. We can just sit and wait. Personally, I dont know why people are so obsessed with having a boy in the family. My only child is a girl. At least Im sure I dont need to worry about her marriage. [5] He also insists that we cannot blame the One-Child 35 Policy. Frankly speaking, I also want to have one more child, boy or girl. But if one can fully understand the situation of our country, one will never be opposed to [9] As explained by Dr Wong, there is no immediate solution for this kind of social problem. It is simply unrealistic to expect the government to help us, as even the most effective solution will take a whole generation to improve 70 the situation. Were talking about 20 to 30 years. As a single man in China looking for a wife, yeah, Im Chens competitor, I ask Dr Wong what I should do. Tell your parents to save more money or marry a wealthy girl. [8] John Chen is a real life example. He needs to support his grandparents with his parents, who are still working. 55 But he is so worried about what he should do when they retire in a few years. There is no way my salary can go double at that time. The only solution for me is get one more job, or two more, says Chen. And when Im looking for a girlfriend, the first requirement is not beautiful me. I must first ask the girl if shes willing to work even after marriage, because if my future wife doesnt work, itll mean that I alone need to support fifteen people including myself and my kid. How is it humanly possible? This Wong, a Professor of Modern Social Science, shakes his 65 One-Child policy has ruined my life. [7] And when those children grow up, they will find that it is time for them to pay for the family love they have the seven-person family (two parents and four grandparents) will fall on the only child. brings to the Chinese society. Without any siblings in the family, children become the only focus of love and usually are spoiled by their parents and grandparents. In many cases, these children do not know how to get along 45 with their peers because every one of them is a king in the family. How is it possible for thirty or forty kings to get along well in a classroom?

them with a boy. In the most extreme cases, parents even 50 taken for grant for years, because the burden of supporting

men will find that it is impossible for them to get married 60 appearance or good personality, which is a luxury for


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Read Text 6 and answer questions 68-77 on pages 3-4 of the Question-Answer Book for Part B2 Text 6 1 [1] "Why, man, it is the most practical medico-legal discovery for years. Don't you see that it gives us an infallible test for blood stains. Come over here now!" He seized me by the coat-sleeve in his eagerness, and drew me over to the table at which he had been working. "Let us have some fresh blood," he said, digging a long bodkin into his finger, and drawing off the resulting drop of blood in a chemical pipette. "Now, I add 5 this small quantity of blood to a litre of water. You perceive that the resulting mixture has the appearance of pure water. The proportion of blood cannot be more than one in a million. I have no doubt, however, that we shall be able to obtain the characteristic reaction." As he spoke, he threw into the vessel a few white crystals, and then added some drops of a transparent fluid. In an instant the contents assumed a dull mahogany colour, and a brownish dust was precipitated to the bottom of the glass jar. 10 [2] "Ha! ha!" he cried, clapping his hands, and looking as delighted as a child with a new toy. "What do you think of that?" [3] "It seems to be a very delicate test," I remarked. [4] "Beautiful! beautiful! The old Guiacum test was very clumsy and uncertain. So is the microscopic examination for blood corpuscles. The latter is valueless if the stains are a few hours old. Now, this appears 15 to act as well whether the blood is old or new. Had this test been invented, there are hundreds of men now walking the earth who would long ago have paid the penalty of their crimes." [5] "Indeed!" I murmured. [6] "Criminal cases are continually hinging upon that one point. A man is suspected of a crime months perhaps after it has been committed. His linen or clothes are examined, and brownish stains discovered 20 upon them. Are they blood stains, or mud stains, or rust stains, or fruit stains, or what are they? That is a question which has puzzled many an expert, and why? Because there was no reliable test. Now we have the Sherlock Holmes' test, and there will no longer be any difficulty." [7] His eyes fairly glittered as he spoke, and he put his hand over his heart and bowed as if to some applauding crowd conjured up by his imagination. 25 [8] "You are to be congratulated," I remarked, considerably surprised at his enthusiasm. [9] "There was the case of Von Bischoff at Frankfort last year. He would certainly have been hung had this test been in existence. Then there was Mason of Bradford, and the notorious Muller, and Lefevre of Montpellier, and Samson of New Orleans. I could name a score of cases in which it would have been decisive." [10] You seem to be a walking calendar of crime, said Stamford with a laugh. You might start a paper on 30 those lines. Call it the Police News of the Past. [11] Very interesting reading it might be made, too, remarked Sherlock Holmes, sticking a small piece of plaster over the prick on his finger. I have to be careful, he continued, turning to me with a smile, for I dabble with poisons a good deal. He held out his hand as he spoke, and I noticed that it was all mottled over with similar pieces of plaster, and discoloured with strong acids. 35 [12] We came here on business, said Stamford, sitting down on a high three-legged stool, and pushing another one in my direction with his foot. My friend here wants to take diggings; and as you were complaining that you could get no one to go halves with you, I thought that I had better bring you together. [13] Sherlock Holmes seemed delighted at the idea of sharing his rooms with me. I have my eye on a suite in Baker Street, he said, which would suit us down to the ground. You dont mind the smell of strong 40 tobacco, I hope? From A Study of Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle END OF READING PASSAGES ELITES ENGLISH SERIES HKDSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (PAPER 1) PART B2 - 3 Elite Publishing Co., Ltd. 2012

Paper 1 Answers
Part A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D It is because he can download every song and movie for free. C B T F NG 6. a. b. c. (any three) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8, 9, 10)

It can bar advertising networks like Google Ads from doing business with infringing websites. It can bar payment facilities like Paypal from doing business with infringing websites. It can even stop search engines from linking to infringing sites. It can require the Internet service providers to block access to infringing websites once and for all.

7. 8. 9.

A rogue websites / illegal websites (any one) a. b. (i), (ii) (in any order) SOPA and PIPA cannot punish all illegal websites. SOPA and PIPA may hurt innocent websites.

(11) (12) (13, 14)

Some illegal websites may still survive even after SOPA and PIPA are passed, continuing copyright infringement. But other legitimate websites may close down because of potential copyright risks. (or any other reasonable explanations) (15, 16) (17, 18)


(i), (ii) (in any order) what is going to happen to his site if some bad guys post illegal links or files on it. what he can do to protect his site now.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

She thinks that they are necessary but need improvements. income sources, visitors, domain names

(19) (20, 21, 22)

They did not have the required licences to produce the products that their customers wanted. (23) It is because they were based on hand-drawn pictures created by customers. Do you think that it was a loss to those parents and children? D (24) (25) (26)


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(i), (ii) (in any order) being shut down disappear

(27, 28)


(a), (b) (in any order) Users of his website may share copyrighted materials.

(29, 30)

His website has too many users and it is impossible for him to censor all materials. (31) (32)

19. 20. 21.


Dear Tom

I recently read an article written by Paul Russell, the CEO of a file sharing website that I like so much. In his article, he says that two new bills called SOPA and PIPA have been (33) (34) (35) proposed. If they are passed by the Congress, websites that we use on an everyday basis may be shut down as a result. (36) Since SOPA and PIPA have the power to make a domain name inactive, and websites (37) with a lot of users simply cannot censor all materials, if they become laws, then websites (38) with user generated contents will not be able to stay in the business anymore. (39) There is nothing I can do because I am not an American citizen. But you are different. (40) Before SOPA and PIPA become laws, please call the politicians representing your district to express what you feel about this situation. Loves, Peter


- SOPA and PIPA can stop American consumers from accessing, but pirate websites can still operate in other countries. (41)

- There are at least 1000 new illegal websites created every day. We cannot kill them all. (42)


I think that Janets views are neutral and fair, because she has presented both the advantages and disadvantages of SOPA and PIPA. On the other hand, I think that Pauls views are biased, as he has only shown what those two bills may do to legitimate websites, but fails to show how they may help protect copyrights. (Or any reasonable answers) (43, 44)


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Part B2 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. C C A B C (45) (46) (47) (48) (49)

It is because he thinks that his daughter should have no problem finding a husband as there will be much more men than women in China. (50) (51) (52) (53, 54)


a. remedy b. impact


a, b (in any order) People should not be opposed to it. It benefits China and the world.


The children cannot get as much attention as they are at home. And they will find that their (55, 56) classmates do not treat them the way their parents and grandparents do. spoiled child (57)

59. 60.

The only childs parents are also the only children of the grandparents. Without any uncles, aunts, cousins or siblings, when all parents and grandparents have retired, then the only child will become the only working force in the family.


a, b (in any order) - There are fewer women than men to do the matching. - He may need to find a girl who is willing to work after marriage.

(60, 61)



(58, 59)


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63. 64.

B a.

(63) I think the main reason is the Chinese culture that only sons can continue the bloodline of a family. One-Child Policy alone will not affect the sex ratio. It is the culture that makes parents abort or even kill their daughters, resulting in a decreasing number of (64, 65) female citizens.


No, it does not. It is because if families keep giving birth to babies until they have a son, (66, 67) there should be more female.
How does One-Child policy affect each person? Opinion
Decide whether each person is for (F) or against (A) the policy, or whether no information is given (NG).


Person Interviewed

Speech Bubble
Read the 3 speech bubbles (A to C) below. Decide which person is the most likely speaker. Write the appropriate letter in this column.


He was worried before his son was born. (68) He wants to have one more child but cannot. (71) The burdening of supporting his family will all fall on him. And it is difficult for him to find a wife. (74)

NG (69) F A (72) (75)

B (70) A C (73) (76)



66. 67.

B Discuss how the One-Child Policy may influence the Chinese society. (or other suitable sub-titles)

(77) (78)

68. 69. 70.

He seized me by the coat-sleeve in his eagerness. B a, b: (in any order) - Guiacum test was very clumsy and uncertain.

(79) (80) (81, 82)

- Microscopic examination for blood corpuscles does not work if the blood stains are a few hours old. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. It is because suspects are usually arrested months after a crime has been committed. A B They are criminals who have not been punished by the laws. It is because he has dug a long bodkin into his finger to collect a drop of blood. (83) (84) (85) (86) (87)

It shows us that the man has done a lot of experiment with his own blood and strong acids. (88) To discuss sharing rooms. (89)


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Paper 1 Location of Answers Part A

Read Text 1 and answer questions 1-23 on pages 1 to 4 of the Question-Answer Book for Part A Text 1

A Double Edged Sword How far should we go to protect copyrights in the Digital World
in the online world? Lets look at this matter from two different angles.

Janet Sullivan is a freelance journalist, past winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Q6 1 [1] Paul Brown, a teenager from Boston, used 30 passed, can bar advertising networks like Q5a to pay for the comics, music and movies he Google Ads and payment facilities like Paypal liked, until a friend of his introduced him to from doing business with infringing websites. some foreign websites. One cant find any It can even stop search engines from linking 5 piracy in the States. Its kind of like a taboo to those sites or just require the Internet service here. You need to be well prepared to go bankrupt 35 providers to block access to them once and for if you want to do that kind of business, because all. On the other hand, PIPA can make a domain the lawyers will surely be after you. As a result, name unusable if it is deemed related to copyright theres no free stuff in my hometown, says infringement. It means that while pirate 10 Paul. But those Vietnamese websites are websites can still operate in their own Q22 crazy. I can literally download every song and 40 countries, SOPA and PIPA can stop American movie from them, free of charge of course. consumers from accessing them. Thats a paradise for me. [2] While piracy from offshore websites may 15 be a heaven for consumers, it is nothing less than a nightmare for content providers. John Feinstein, CEO of Vaville Games, gives us his Q4 explanation. Our company makes game apps for smartphones. On average just three days 20 after the release of our new games, some rogue websites from overseas will illegally distribute Q5b our paid apps for free, which seriously affect our sales. While our laws here can prohibit local piracy, they can do nothing to stop the same crime taking place in other countries. We can 25 just stand here and let the pirates eat our profit. [3] Thats why when legislators propose the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP Act (PIPA), they quickly gain support from companies like Vaville Games. SOPA, if [4] But some experts think that the legislators cannot fathom the difficulty of the problem they are dealing with. According to an Internet 45 engineer who refuses to go on the record, there Q22 are at least 1000 new illegal websites created every day. The US government needs to employ an Internet army to guard their digital coast. Rogue websites are like cockroaches. We can Q9a 50 kill them, but we simply cannot kill them all. And just like using insect spray, we need to Q9a make sure the weapon against pests will not hurt the innocent. Kelly Merkley, owner of a popular forum website, expresses his worry. 55 No one can tell me whats going to happen to Q10 my site if some bad guys post illegal links or files on it. I simply cant monitor the site 24-7. So exactly what can I do to protect my site Q10 now? Legislators, please answer his question.


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Paul Russell is the CEO of, a file sharing site with 2 million members. cake business abovementioned. 60 [5] Years ago a group of college students started a business. They let children draw pictures and Q17 then turned those hand-drawn images into 100 [8] Can you imagine Youtube being shut down birthday cakes. It sounds like a good idea, isnt due to an unauthorized video uploaded by one it? Their strategy was right on the spot and the of its millions of users, or Wikipedia becomes inaccessible because someone posts a link to a 65 cakes were yummy. It was not a surprise when their service quickly gained popularity among copyrighted file? If those two acts are passed, parents and children. But there was a problem, 105 you dont need to imagine anymore, because a serious one. When you ask kids to draw those unimaginable scenes will become real pictures, most of the time they will draw their life. Yes, SOPA and PIPA give the authority Q21 the power to kill a domain name. And theoretically 70 favourite cartoon characters, which are copyrighted, of course. So the problem was that there is no way for websites to keep censoring if those college students did not have the required 110 their contents, especially for sites whose contents Q21 licences, they were not allowed to make are mainly generated by their users, e.g. anything, be it a cake or a cap, based on the Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Take Youtube as an example. There are over 48 hours of video 75 childrens hand-drawn pictures. After receiving various warnings from the copyright owners files uploaded every minute, it is simply humanly of the characters, their company soon went out 115 and physically impossible to censor them all, of business.Q21 let alone the comments left by the viewers. In Q21 other words, if those two proposed acts become Q15 laws, websites with user generated contents 80 [6] Do you think that it was a loss to those parents and children? What the so-called will not be able to stay legal anymore and it is Q17 licensors, copyright owners or whatever fancy 120 just a matter of time for them to disappear. names they call themselves did to those college students cake business, they are trying to do [9] If you love the Internet, love it the way it is, here is what you can do: if you are an American 85 the same to our Internet now with two new bills Q21 called SOPA and PIPA, which are the acronyms citizen, call your representatives and senators for Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP Act to express your feeling. In my case, I called respectively. 125 them to express my anger. Tell them you are a voter and they will listen to you; and for those [7] While the names of these two proposed acts who are not American citizens, tell an American to call his representative. Dont think that this 90 sound very justifiable, yeah, online piracy needs to be stopped and IP needs to be matter has nothing to do with your countries. protected, you need to understand what they 130 The effect of SOPA and PIPA is not limited in can ultimately do to the digital world if you the US. It is something international, something really love the Internet, because if they are that has the power to change our world Q21 negatively. What are you waiting for? Pick up 95 successfully passed by the Congress, websites Q21 you like, those sites that have become a part of the phone and call the politicians or your Q21 our everyday life such as Youtube and 135 American friends now. Wikipedia, may be gone with the wind like the
For Q1, 2, 3, 5c, 7, 8, 9b, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23 answer should be deduced from the text -6ELITES ENGLISH SERIES HKDSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (PAPER 1 - 4) Elite Publishing Co., Ltd. 2012


Part B2 Read Text 5 and answer questions 50-67 on pages 1 to 3 of the Question-Answer Book for Part B2 Text 5 Family problems in modern China
1 [1] Li, a 30-year-old sales manager living in Beijing, was very happy when a lovely boy was born to his family.

By Alan Cheung Q57 the policy. For this country and for the world, we need to
keep the population growth at a sustainable level.

Although his parents have not given him any pressure, he Q50 knows that they want a boy, because it is Chinese culture 40 [6] Distorted sex ratio is not the only problem this policy 5 that only sons can continue the bloodline of a family and Q51 Li can only have either a boy or a girl under the OneChild Policy in China. With a baby boy sleeping in his arms, he is relieved from his worry now. [2] Some families are not that lucky. Well, they consider 10 having a girl as the only child as unlucky. To realise their dreams, while some choose to abort the girls after getting the result of ultrasound testing, some others secretly give birth to a second child, or even third, until God blesses 15 murder their own girls in order to earn the chance to have a boy legally. In other words, there is a trend, or pressure, in the Chinese society to reduce the number of female citizens while on the other hand increase the number of male. Q56b 20 [3] The social impact of this trend came to the surface in 2004 when the male to female population ratio reached a record high at 120:100. And in 2020, just a few years from now, it is estimated that at least 24 million Chinese [8] John Chen is a real life example. He needs to support his grandparents with his parents, who are still working. 55 But he is so worried about what he should do when they retire in a few years. There is no way my salary can go double at that time. The only solution for me is get one more job, or two more, says Chen. And when Im looking for a girlfriend, the first requirement is not beautiful [7] And when those children grow up, they will find that it is time for them to pay for the family love they have the seven-person family (two parents and four grandparents) will fall on the only child. brings to the Chinese society. Without any siblings in the family, children become the only focus of love and usually are spoiled by their parents and grandparents. In many cases, these children do not know how to get along 45 with their peers because every one of them is a king in the family. How is it possible for thirty or forty kings to get along well in a classroom?

them with a boy. In the most extreme cases, parents even 50 taken for grant for years, because the burden of supporting

men will find that it is impossible for them to get married 60 appearance or good personality, which is a luxury for Q61 25 in China because there are simply not enough girls to do me. I must first ask the girl if shes willing to work even Q61 after marriage, because if my future wife doesnt work, the matching. itll mean that I alone need to support fifteen people including [4] When asked how to solve this problem, Dr David myself and my kid. How is it humanly possible? This Wong, a Professor of Modern Social Science, shakes his 65 One-Child policy has ruined my life. Q56a head and says, There is no simple and immediate remedy 30 for that. We can just sit and wait. Personally, I dont know why people are so obsessed with having a boy in the family. My only child is a girl. At least Im sure I dont need to worry about her marriage. [5] He also insists that we cannot blame the One-Child 35 Policy. Frankly speaking, I also want to have one more child, boy or girl. But if one can fully understand the situation of our country, one will never be opposed to For Q52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65,66, 67 answer should be deduced from the text -7ELITES ENGLISH SERIES HKDSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (PAPER 1 - 4) Elite Publishing Co., Ltd. 2012

Q63 [9] As explained by Dr Wong, there is no immediate solution for this kind of social problem. It is simply unrealistic to expect the government to help us, as even the most

effective solution will take a whole generation to improve Q62 70 the situation. Were talking about 20 to 30 years. As a single man in China looking for a wife, yeah, Im Chens competitor, I ask Dr Wong what I should do. Tell your parents to save more money or marry a wealthy girl.

Read Text 6 and answer questions 68-77 on pages 3 to 4 of the Question-Answer Book for Part B2 Text 6 1 [1] "Why, man, it is the most practical medico-legal discovery for years. Don't you see that it gives us an Q68 infallible test for blood stains. Come over here now!" He seized me by the coat-sleeve in his eagerness, and drew me over to the table at which he had been working. "Let us have some fresh blood," he said, digging a long bodkin into his finger, and drawing off the resulting drop of blood in a chemical pipette. "Now, I add 5 this small quantity of blood to a litre of water. You perceive that the resulting mixture has the appearance of pure water. The proportion of blood cannot be more than one in a million. I have no doubt, however, that we shall be able to obtain the characteristic reaction." As he spoke, he threw into the vessel a few white crystals, and then added some drops of a transparent fluid. In an instant the contents assumed a dull mahogany colour, and a brownish dust was precipitated to the bottom of the glass jar. 10 [2] "Ha! ha!" he cried, clapping his hands, and looking as delighted as a child with a new toy. "What do you think of that?" [3] "It seems to be a very delicate test," I remarked. Q70 [4] "Beautiful! beautiful! The old Guiacum test was very clumsy and uncertain. So is the microscopic Q70 examination for blood corpuscles. The latter is valueless if the stains are a few hours old. Now, this appears 15 to act as well whether the blood is old or new. Had this test been invented, there are hundreds of men now walking the earth who would long ago have paid the penalty of their crimes." [5] "Indeed!" I murmured. Q71 [6] "Criminal cases are continually hinging upon that one point. A man is suspected of a crime months perhaps after it has been committed. His linen or clothes are examined, and brownish stains discovered 20 upon them. Are they blood stains, or mud stains, or rust stains, or fruit stains, or what are they? That is a question which has puzzled many an expert, and why? Because there was no reliable test. Now we have the Sherlock Holmes' test, and there will no longer be any difficulty." [7] His eyes fairly glittered as he spoke, and he put his hand over his heart and bowed as if to some applauding crowd conjured up by his imagination. 25 [8] "You are to be congratulated," I remarked, considerably surprised at his enthusiasm. Q73 [9] "There was the case of Von Bischoff at Frankfort last year. He would certainly have been hung had this test been in existence. Then there was Mason of Bradford, and the notorious Muller, and Lefevre of Montpellier, and Samson of New Orleans. I could name a score of cases in which it would have been decisive." [10] You seem to be a walking calendar of crime, said Stamford with a laugh. You might start a paper on 30 those lines. Call it the Police News of the Past. [11] Very interesting reading it might be made, too, remarked Sherlock Holmes, sticking a small piece of plaster over the prick on his finger. I have to be careful, he continued, turning to me with a smile, for I dabble with poisons a good deal. He held out his hand as he spoke, and I noticed that it was all mottled over with similar pieces of plaster, and discoloured with strong acids. 35 [12] We came here on business, said Stamford, sitting down on a high three-legged stool, and pushing another one in my direction with his foot. My friend here wants to take diggings; and as you were complaining that you could get no one to go halves with you, I thought that I had better bring you together. Q77 [13] Sherlock Holmes seemed delighted at the idea of sharing his rooms with me. I have my eye on a suite in Baker Street, he said, which would suit us down to the ground. You dont mind the smell of strong 40 tobacco, I hope? From A Study of Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle


For Q69, 72, 74, 75, 76 answer should be decuced from the text -8ELITES ENGLISH SERIES HKDSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (PAPER 1 - 4)

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ELITE'S NSS EXAM 5-STAR SERIES HKDSE English Language Paper 1 comprises two volumes. (Vol.1 and Vol.2)

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ELITE'S NSS EXAM 5-STAR SERIES HKDSE English Language Paper 3 Listening and Integrated Skills comprises two volumes (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) Each volume consists of seven mock papers based on the latest format of the new HKDSE English Language examination to help senior students practise more effectively for the HKDSE. Each mock paper is specially designed to prepare students of S4 to S6 to familiarize with essential listening skills they need to score highest mark in the HKDSE English Language Paper 3. All listening materials are recorded in UK by English native speakers. Students can thus improve their listening ability in an real English environment. Locations of answer to each question are clearly marked on the provided tapescript and answer book for easy reference.

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