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I bave bac tbe great iortuue iu tbis iiie oi |eiug aeeeµtec

as Jobu Cbaug`s aµµreutiee, ny eiiorts to reaeb tbe
µu|iie wouic uot bave |eeu µossi|ie witbout bis eouseut
auc eueourageneut, auc it is to bin iirst auc iorenost
tbat I nust oiier ny gratituce. I bave |eeu |iessec witb
µeoµie arouuc ne wbo nale ny µatb easier to wail,
µeoµie wbo boic ne steacy wbeu I an iu cauger oi
siiµµiug, tbis |ool eouic uot bave |eeu writteu witbout
tben. 1o Liias tbeu, witbout wbose suµµort I wouic
uever bave jourueyec so iar iuto tbe iorgotteu sice oi
ourseives. 1o ny stuceuts auc irieucs at tbe
"euwuluau, nauy oi wbon traiu nueb nore iiereeiy
tbau I ever cic, you are, eaeb auc every oue oi you, ny
|rotbers auc sisters. 1o uaucolo, witbout wbose
assistauee ueitber 1he Magus o/ 1ava uor !eì kung
wouic bave |eeu µossi|ie. 1o karoios, ior aii tbe
sojourus iuto bunauity`s µast auc tbe traiuiug we co
togetber. Auc iiuaiiy to Doris, ior µuttiug uµ witb ne, it
eau`t |e easy.



Cbaµter 1. "bisµers iron tbe last

Cbaµter 2. \etai

Cbaµter 1. \ieroeosn

Cbaµter 4. 8µberes

Cbaµter :. 1be 1buucer|oit

Cbaµter 6. 1be "arrior Liite

Cbaµter ¯. lraetiee

Cbaµter 8. "euwuluau 8tories


Aµµeucix 1

Aµµeucix 2


A|out tbe Autbor

A|out Iuuer 1racitious

Bools oi keiatec Iuterest



1hece was once a oan ìn chìna who /ìked ¡ìctuces o/
dcagons. Lìs c/othìng and hìs /ucnìtuce wece
thece/oce accocdìng/; adocned wìth dcagons. 1hìs
dee¡ a//ectìon /oc theìc kìnd was lcought to the
attentìon o/ the Ðcagon Iocd. who one da; sent a reai
dcagon to stand outsìde the oans wìndow. It ìs saìd
that he ¡coo¡t/; dìed o/ /cìght.

\ananoto 1suuetono

Laeb oi us iives witbiu tbe eouiiues oi our iucivicuai
reaiity. 1bis is our eboiee, we choose to iive iu sueb a
nauuer-witb tbe sane |eiieis oi wbat is reai auc wbat is
uot as tbose oiteu cietatec to us iron |irtb. Cur soeiety
eertaiuiy exerts its iuiiueuee ou our |ebavior, iinitiug us
witbiu its µreceiiuec systens auc witbiu wbat it µereeives
as eonnou seuse. lew µeoµie are a|ove tbis. Cur
creans, bowever, uurestrietec |y soeiety`s wbins auc
tbe |iuciug ebaius oi uarrow iogie, oiteu soar a|ove
tbese eouiiues. "e are tbeu exµosec to a ciiiereut
reaiity, a µiaee wbere our iuuernost boµes auc cesires
are iree to exµress tbenseives. \ou see, we bave uotbiug
to iose iu tbis uew reaiity. "e teii ourseives, 1bis is just
a crean,¨ auc so are iree to iive as we truiy wisb.
lroteetec |y our µrivate eurtaius, iree iron retri|utiou,
we cauee out our boµes auc asµiratious, our iuuernost
iears, witbiu our owu niucs.
As a sµeeies, we bave uot aiways |eeu so su|nissive.
lrinitive nau was iree to exµiore bis woric witbout tbe
eoustraiuts oi a rigorousiy neebauizec soeiety to |iuc
bin, be was iree to iuvestigate bis eartb auc ciseeru its
sbaµe witbout µreeoueeµtiou. 1be reain oi creans auc
tbat oi tbe µbysieai were uot so iar aµart, iuceec, tbe
sbanau, wbose jo| it was to sojouru iuto tbe woric oi
sbanau, wbose jo| it was to sojouru iuto tbe woric oi
creans auc twiiigbt, was au iutegrai eonµoueut oi
soeiety. Cue eouic say tbat µrinitive nau usec bis
creans as au exteusiou oi bis iive |etter-luowu seuses.
Lveu tocay, bowever, tbe creans tbat cauee iu our
su|eouseious niuc eau tale sbaµe iu tbe µbysieai woric.
lrogressiug as we co tbrougb iiie, we ireçueutiy eone to
iiuc tbat tbe nytbs auc iegeucs oi bunauity, tbe stories
our graucnotbers toic us, are iuceec true. Auc tbeu
wbat' "bat co you co wbeu a nytb µreseuts itseii to
you iu tbe iiesb' "bat co you co wbeu a çuaiut ioil
|eiiei, aeeeµtec |y your aueestors |ut ceuiec |y our
noceru cay, luoels at your coor' Do you ruu away'
Do you bave a beart attael auc eoiiaµse'
I nyseii co uot. rever baviug usec crugs auc |eiug
beaitby iu aii resµeets, I co uot cou|t tbe testinouy oi ny
owu seuses. I co uot ruu away. I co uot bice. ror an I
airaic, ior iear oi ricieuie, to sbare witb otbers tbe
reveiatious I uueartb. lart oi ne is a warrior, you see,
auc ioves a gooc iigbt-auc as auyoue wbo bas giveu
oue luows, au aeacenie µreseutatiou oiteu turus iuto a
gooc iigbt, µiayec witb tbe niuc ratber tbau witb tbe iists,
auc agaiust nuitiµie acversaries at tbat.
"eieone tbeu, ouee agaiu, to ny woric. It is a µiaee
wbere tbere are uo iinits, wbere wbatever ouee bac
sbaµe auc iorn iu tbe bistory oi bunauity bas iouuc a
bone. \y woric revoives arouuc tbat iorgotteu µart oi
our soui-tbat iorgotteu sice oi ourseives-tbat bas |eeu
troc uµou ior reasous oi eoutroi auc coniuatiou, I
|eiieve, ior tbe iast iour niiieuuia oi our ceveioµneut.
"bat exaetiy is tbe iorgotteu sice oi ourseives' It is tbat
µortiou oi our beritage tbat is seoiiec at as suµerstitiou or
nale-|eiieve tocay. It is tbat µart oi our iuuernost |eiug
tbat çuietiy aeluowiecges asµeets oi reaiity we luow to
|e true, yet besitates to oµeuiy aeluowiecge tben ior
iear oi ricieuie. It is our iuuer eouueetiou to tbose
arebetyµai asµeets oi existeuee tbat µrinitive or iess
noceru¨ euitures eoutiuue to en|raee, |ut tbat we
"esteruers iool uµou as çuaiut, or |aelwarc, or eveu
a s (shuddec; ueat.¨
It is tbat sice oi ourseives tbat
exists witb oµeu aeeess to aii tbat nay ceiy our woric`s
iceas oi iogie auc reasou.
Iu 1vv4 I saw a coeuneutary ou teievisiou tbat
ebaugec ny iiie iorever. Caiiec kìng o/ Iìce: Last o/
kcakatoa, auc µrocueec |y tbe |rotbers Lorue auc
Lawreuee Biair iu 1v88, tbe iiin ceseri|ec tbeir
exµerieuees iu tbe Iucouesiau arebiµeiago. Ceutrai to tbe
coeuneutary was a |riei seçueuee witb a sby auc
sonewbat reeiusive Cbiuese-Javauese aeuµuueturist wbo
µeriornec wouceriui tbiugs, uu|eiieva|ie tbiugs, ior tbe
eanera. ue cenoustratec bis iuii nastery oi tbe
µbeuoneuou oi chì, or |ioeuergy, |y geueratiug au
eieetrieai¨ eurreut witbiu bis |ocy, wbieb be usec iirst to
beai oue iiinnaler oi au eye iuieetiou, auc tbeu to set a
uewsµaµer ou iire witb bis bauc.
kìng o/ Iìce eausec tbousaucs to seel out tbis
iucivicuai iu µursuit oi iustruetiou, I was oue oi tbe
sueeessiui oues. Iu tbe |ool 1he Magus o/ 1ava, I
ceseri|ec ny iuitiai eueouuter witb tbis naster, wbose
true iceutity I bave bicceu |ebiuc tbe µseucouyn Jobu
Cbaug (tbougb Jobu reaiiy is bis uane, auc so is Cbaug,
aiter a iasbiou).
Aiter nauy triais auc tri|uiatious, be
iiuaiiy aeeeµtec ne as bis stuceut, auc I bave siuee |eeu
µriviiegec euougb to wituess µbeuoneua tbat nost
µeoµie eau ouiy crean oi. Iu ny years oi stucy witb Jobu
Cbaug, I bave exµerieueec µyrogeuesis, teieliuesis,
ievitatiou, teieµatby, auc tbiugs eveu nore exotie. I bave
sµoleu witb sµirits auc eau testiiy to tbeir reaiity. Lçuaiiy
inµortaut, I bave iearuec ny owu teaeber`s story, auc
bave |eeu giveu µernissiou to µu|iisb it. Jobu Cbaug is a
bave |eeu giveu µernissiou to µu|iisb it. Jobu Cbaug is a
cireet beir to tbe iiueage oi tbe sixtb-eeutury B.C.L. sage
\o 1zu, wbo was Couiueius`s greatest rivai. uis
ciseiµiiue, eaiiec tbe \o-lai, was, uutii uow, iittie luowu
iu tbe "est.
1be netboc tbrougb wbieb tbese iuereci|ie a|iiities are
arrivec at is eaiiec, iu Cbiuese, neì kung, or iuuer
µower.¨ It is tbe eçuivaieut oi tbe uiucu-Buccbist
µraetiee oi luucaiiui yoga, tbougb uei luug iuvoives a
nartiai art auc nartiai µraetiee. Ceutrai to tbe ciseiµiiue is
tbe trausiornatiou oi sexuai euergy iuto µure
uuacuiteratec µower, a ioree tbat tbe µraetitiouer eau use
at wiii. 1be eauicrou¨ iu wbieb tbis iornica|ie eiixir is
|rewec is eaiiec tbe dantìen (eiixir iieic) iu Cbiuese, auc
is a |ioeuergetie uexus ioeatec iour iiugers |eiow our
1bis seeouc |ool oi niue, iu nauy ways µart two oi
1he Magus o/ 1ava, is uot so nueb a|out ny naster,
tbougb you wiii iiuc bin weaviug binseii iu auc out oi
tbese µages. katber, tbis |ool is a|out bow bis teaebiug
oµeuec ny niuc auc seuses auc eua|iec ne to µereeive
tbe iorgotteu sice oi ourseives. It is |y iar a nore
seboiariy-auc nore µraetieai-|ool tbau tbe iirst oue.
1bis is a stucy guice writteu ior tbose wbo were exeitec
euougb |y 1he Magus o/ 1ava to µursue iurtber
iustruetiou (tbougb I an boµiug it wiii stauc ou its owu as
a iiterary eiiort) auc ior tbose wbo, regarciess oi tbeir
ianiiiarity witb 1he Magus o/ 1ava. wisb to iearu nore
a|out uei luug.
As I bave growu iu ny luowiecge oi tbe \o-lai
tracitiou, I bave ciseoverec tbat teaebiugs siniiar to tbose
oi tbe \o-lai ouee bac a bone aii arouuc tbe woric, I
bave iouuc eviceuee oi uei luug teebuiçues auc
reiereuees to yiu auc yaug euergy iu ainost every aueieut
euiture exaniuec |y noceru arebaeoiogy. It wouic seen
tbat tbese teaebiugs eucurec iu Cbiua as iossiiizec
tbat tbese teaebiugs eucurec iu Cbiua as iossiiizec
versious oi wbat was ouee uuiversai iu cistri|utiou. \y
an|itiou, tbeu, is tbat tbey ouee agaiu iiuc a bone iu
every eouutry, iu every eity, iu every snaii viiiage arouuc
tbe gio|e. I boµe to |egiu witb you, tbe reacer, I boµe to
eouviuee you, tbrougb tbese µages, to uucertale a
reguiar necitative ciseiµiiue, a regineu wbose seoµe you
nay eboose at wiii auc taiior to your owu µersouaiity auc
asµiratious. lor it is necitatiou, iu tbe euc, tbat is tbe ley
tbat oµeus tbe coor to tbe iorgotteu sice oi ourseives.
I iear we bave |eeone uu|eara|iy arrogaut, you see.
Couiiceut as gocs iu tbe teebuoiogieai µrogress we bave
nace, we seoii at tbe neu auc woneu wbo were our
aueestors. Cb, we acnire tbe lyranics, tbe lartbeuou,
tbe Creat "aii oi Cbiua. "e narvei at tbe eave crawiugs
auc seuiµturec |isou iu tbe laieoiitbie eaves oi lrauee.
"e ceiigbt iu aebieveneuts auc say, I woucer bow tbey
nauagec tbat witb tbe teebuoiogy oi tbeir tine.¨ Iu
esseuee, we are µatrouiziug tben, we eousicer ourseives
suµerior. "e ceuy tbe iuii sµeetrun oi wbat tbey
tbenseives |eiievec iu. "e co uot seel to uucerstauc
tben, tbese µeoµie wbo were our ioreiatbers, we co uot
seel to ciseover wby tbey nace tbe eboiees tbey cic,
wbat tbey bac seeu, wbat luowiecge tbey µossessec tbat
was ciiiereut iron our owu. It is iron our owu
staucµoiut tbat we try to reaeb tben, ever jucgneutai.
"e ceuy tbeir woric, auc try to reiasbiou auc stucy it
|asec ou our owu. "bat uouseuse:
leoµie are ever µraetieai, esµeeiaiiy uucer eoucitious
wbere survivai is au issue, auc iiie iu eariier tines was
sonetbiug oue bac to struggie ior ou au ainost caiiy
|asis. Aueieut µeoµies, tbeu, euitivatec |eiiei |eeause
tbey saw tbat tbere was µragnatie gaiu iu coiug so. 8iuee
baviug |eeu aeeeµtec as Jobu Cbaug`s stuceut, it
cawuec ou ne tbat every nytb auc iegeuc oi bunauity
µro|a|iy bas a |asis sonewbere iu iaet. lor exanµie,
µro|a|iy bas a |asis sonewbere iu iaet. lor exanµie,
ior eeuturies seboiars tbougbt tbat uoner`s 1roy was a
nytb, a story eoueoetec |y a |iiuc µoet-uutii a Cernau
nerebaut witb nore µatbos tbau seieutiiie luowiecge
stun|iec outo ber ruius tbrougb sbeer µersisteuee. Jobu
Cbaug`s µarauornai a|iiities are reai, tbousaucs oi
µeoµie tbrougbout tbe woric eau steµ iorwarc auc testiiy
to tbat iaet. uow nauy otber nytbs auc iegeucs are true,
bicceu iu tbe ieaves, siieut auc waitiug ior a cecieatec
seeler to iiuc'
I eauuot sµeal ior aii oi tben, tbougb I wouic iile to
|eiieve tbat tbere are ;etì auc iour-buucrec-year-oic
;ogìs iiviug iu tbe uinaiayau nouutaius, as I bave |eeu
toic |y 1i|etau nouls. I µersouaiiy |eiieve iu aii nauuer
oi sµirits, gbosts, auc go|iius-yes, sonetines it is our
uigbtnares tbat tale sbaµe as weii. But neetiug sueb
|eiugs is uot easy or eonnou, tbe occs are oue iu teu
tbousauc or nore. Lsuaiiy, our inagiuatiou gets earriec
away, iuiiueueec as it is |y eiuena auc iiterature, auc we
|eiieve tbat sonetbiug extraorciuary is baµµeuiug wbeu iu
iaet our su|eouseious niuc is trieliug us.
Litinateiy, we |eiieve iu tbe iautastie |eeause we
want to |eiieve, |eeause we bave a need to |eiieve, tbe
iorgotteu sice oi ourseives is ever awale witbiu us,
eaiiiug to us iron iieics oi creans. Beeause our
eousuner-orieutec soeiety bas nace iiie nuucaue auc
striµµec tbe nagie iron our existeuee, we cesµerateiy
cesire au aiteruative. 8oeiai µreeeµts, ior tbe µreseut,
bowever, cietate tbat we nust iguore tbese wbisµers oi
our µast, tbat we nust eoutiuue to iorget tbat µart oi
ourseives. Iu trutb, it wouic |e just as easy ior au
iucivicuai to saw oii au arn or a ieg eaugbt iu a traµ. 1bis
µart oi ourseives is writteu iuto our DrA, we eauuot
wail away iron it. Iu tbe euc, iguoriug our iuuernost
voiee ieacs to cesµeratiou, auc it is tbis cesµeratiou tbat
µroves to |e our uucoiug, ior ouee cesµerate, we are uo
µroves to |e our uucoiug, ior ouee cesµerate, we are uo
iouger µragnatie iu our µursuits. rot |eiug µraetieai is
caugerous-luowiecge aeeunuiatec over niiieuuia
|eeones triviaiizec auc µeoµie wiuc uµ iiviug iu iairy
Iu trutb, iiuciug our iorgotteu sice is uot easy auc oiteu
reçuires tbe iortituce oi a warrior. It eau |e irigbteuiug-
eonµouuc tbis uaturai µbo|ia witb tbe accec iaetor oi a
nuitituce oi iraucs auc buelsters µreyiug ou tbe iuuoeeut
auc you wiii uucerstauc tbat you nust treac very, very
eareiuiiy. Iu tbe Crieut, wbere nasters seeretiy eoexistec
witb "esteru-styie ceveioµneut uutii tbis µast
geueratiou, tbiugs were nueb easier to ciseeru. "biie
tbere were nauy iraucs, true nasters were luowu |y
reµutatiou auc were wiceiy resµeetec. 1be reguiariy
aeeeµtec µraetiee oi ebaiieuge-natebes saw to tbis-
iraucs were airaic to raise tbeir ugiy beacs ior creac oi
|eiug ebaiieugec |y a true naster. 1ocay, cueis |eiug
rigorousiy irowuec uµou |y tbe iegai systen, tbis is uo
iouger tbe ease, auc eveu iu tbe Last, µrosµeetive
stuceuts nust |e ever wary oi eiever swiuciers. 1be
iorgotteu sice oi ourseives is, iu sbort, caugerous turi,
auc reçuires a very sµeeiai tyµe oi iucivicuai to traverse,
tbis µersou nust |e wiiiiug iirst auc iorenost to iaee bin-
or berseii-auc nost µeoµie sby away iron just tbat.
I eauuot sµeal ior every nytb, ior every eireunstauee
tbat eaeb oi us nay bave eueouuterec, I eau ouiy sµeal
ior nyseii. Iu iaet, eaeb oi us, iu tbe euc, sµeals ouiy ior
ourseives. 1bis |ool, tbeu, is ny µersouai jouruey, ny
iucivicuai sojouru iuto tbe iorgotteu sice. liease eujoy it.
Iu sone µiaees tbe text nay seen eonµiex auc sone
µieees nay seen to baug seµarateiy iron otbers, |ut I
eueourage you to stiel witb it-I bave two reasous ior
µreseutiug tbis |ool iu its eboseu iornat. 1be iirst is tbat
I waut to inµart to tbe reacer a µortrait oi wbat ny iiie
I waut to inµart to tbe reacer a µortrait oi wbat ny iiie
auc traiuiug, auc tbose oi ny stuceuts auc irieucs, are
iile iu ny uative Creeee. Ci its owu uature, µaiutiug sueb
a µortrait is a eonµiex tasl. 1be seeouc is tbat I an
o|iigatec |y vows I bave giveu to teaeb eryµtieaiiy, auc
so an iayiug out µieees oi tbe µuzzie as I go aioug. It is
uµ to tbe reacer to assen|ie tbese µieees iuto tbe iarger
µieture, I boµe eaeb auc every oue oi you is sueeessiui.
liuaiiy, I returu to tbe cragou neutiouec at tbe very
|egiuuiug oi tbis iutrocuetiou. Desiriug sonetbiug auc
iiuciug it are two aitogetber ciiiereut tbiugs, eoniug to
terns witb a niraeie auotber natter eutireiy. 1bis is
wbere iortituce oi sµirit exbi|its itseii. 8bouic a cragou,
tbeu, baµµeu to eone aioug ou a |rigbt noruiug to stauc
µoiiteiy outsice your wiucow, bis seaies giisteuiug iu tbe
suu, cou`t |e airaic. katber, iuvite bin iu ior tea. \ou wiii
uever iorget tbe exµerieuee, auc nay |e surµrisec to
ciseover tbat be wiii eujoy your eonµauy as weii. I
|eiieve, iu tbe euc, tbat cragous auc tbeir iile niss us
ainost as nueb as we niss tben.
Cbaµter 1
"uI8lLk8 lkC\ 1uL lA81

. . . oec Ðe/¡hìs /ong desected shcìne.
whece. save that /eel/e /ountaìn.
a// ìs stì//.
Ceorge Corcou, Lorc Byrou

I was stauciug ou a nouutaiutoµ, sereaniug uµ at Coc.
8ix years bac µassec siuee I net tbe \agus oi Java,
Jobu Cbaug oi tbe \o-lai, auc bac |eeu aeeeµtec as
bis stuceut. 8ix years, auc curiug tbat tine ny iiie bac
bis stuceut. 8ix years, auc curiug tbat tine ny iiie bac
ebaugec eonµieteiy. I bac |eeone a nueb wiser auc
weii-|aiaueec µersou, oi tbat tbere eouic |e uo cou|t.
But I was aiso a nueb nore son|er iucivicuai tbau I bac
|eeu. 1bere is uotbiug iile iguorauee to leeµ a nau
baµµy. I bac cisµeusec witb it iu seareb oi luowiecge
auc was µayiug tbe µriee-iiie was a eoustaut struggie
|etweeu oic eraviugs auc uew yearuiugs. 1be µatb
ioiiowec |y ny naster was a ciiiieuit oue auc wouic
nale ny owu iiie austere sbouic I eboose to ioiiow it to
"beu I iirst startec tbe \o-lai traiuiug I bac aii tbe
eutbusiasn oi tbe ueoµbyte auc tbat arcor bac earriec
ne aioug ior nauy years. It was aiter acvaueiug raµiciy
aioug tbe µatb tbat I iaiterec ior tbe iirst tine, auc µielec
nyseii uµ, auc wailec iartber, auc iaiterec agaiu. I eane
to reaiize tbat aii sueb ciseiµiiues are, iu tbe euc,
notivatec |y oue oi two tbiugs. eitber a µroiouuc iove
ior Coc or a µroiouuc batrec ior a giveu iucivicuai or
grouµ oi iucivicuais. 1bere seenec to |e iittie roon to
naueuver |etweeu tbese two extrenes. 1be traiuiug is
very ciiiieuit auc uueuciug, it reçuirec witbcrawiug iron
soeiety, ii ouiy iu µart, to |e a|ie to necitate auc
µeriorn tbe ueeessary µsyeboµbysieai euergeties. rei
luug traiuiug oµerates ou tbe noieeuiar ievei auc aetuaiiy
nociiies tbe DrA oi tbe traiuee. It is caugerous auc
cenauciug-you nust saeriiiee nateriai an|itious ior tbe
sale oi sµirituai oues. 1bere is uo way arouuc tbis.
I cicu`t luow bow to baucie it. As ior ny notivatious,
ny ieeiiugs ior Coc were nixec auc I cicu`t reaiiy bate
auyoue so terri|iy. I was stuel iu tbe niccie, wouceriug
wbat çuirl oi cestiuy bac set ne ou tbis µatb.
Coutiuuousiy baruessiug ny sexuaiity was uo great
joy, eitber, auc nueb oi uei luug eeuters ou ebaugiug
sexuai euergy to sµirituai auc µbysieai µower. I bac uo
sexuai euergy to sµirituai auc µbysieai µower. I bac uo
µreteusious a|out uot iiliug soeiety auc everytbiug iu it.
A µretty giri wiii aiways turu ny beac, I iile to criul auc
snole eigars, auc I eau sµeuc wboie cays siotbiuiiy
watebiug teievisiou. Iu trutb, I an iazy |y uature auc bate
gettiug uµ iu tbe noruiug. Aii iu aii, barciy tbe stereotyµe
oi tbe cecieatec yogi, you wiii agree. But tbe traiuiug
wouicu`t iet ne go. It rau ny iiie, auc tbere was uo
eseaµiug it.
I waut to seii everytbiug I owu, turu ny aueestrai
bone iu tbe nouutaius iuto a botei, auc iive auc traiu uµ
tbere ior tbe rest oi ny iiie,¨ I acvisec Jobu curiug oue oi
ny triµs to Iucouesia.
Ii you bac toic ne tbat iast noutb, I wouic bave saic
go abeac auc co it,¨ be saic. But uow, I cou`t luow.¨
"by uot'¨
Last weel I weut iuto necitatiou auc aslec ny
wby uoue oi ny stuceuts bac nauagec to
eon|iue yiu auc yaug iu tbeir cautieu
auc iiuisb Levei
Craucnaster Liao, Jobu Cbaug`s teaeber, bac ciec iu
1v62, |ut bis eouseiousuess was stiii aeeessi|ie to ny
owu naster sonewbere |eyouc sµaee-tine.
"bat cic be say'¨
ue saic tbat tbis ievei oi µower is a giit grautec |y
sueb iaws as goveru tbe Luiverse, auc is uot su|jeet to
iucivicuai bunau wiii. It is a µart oi a µersou`s aura.¨
I was siieut. Jobu seusec ny çuestiou.
At tbe ceeµest ievei, tbere are reaiiy ouiy tbree liucs
oi aura,¨ be eoutiuuec, wbite, |iael, auc yeiiow. 1bese
eoiors reiieet tbe iuuernost esseuee oi our |eiug. A wbite
aura is tbat oi a soui wbo is gooc at beart, a |iael aura is
oi oue wbo is evii iu tbe euc. A yeiiow aura is tbat oi a
µersou wbo is at eonµiete µeaee witb tbe Luiverse. Iu
our sebooi, oue nust bave attaiuec tbis trauçuiiiity to µass
ou to Levei lour.¨ ue µausec. Iu otber iiueages, tbis is
ou to Levei lour.¨ ue µausec. Iu otber iiueages, tbis is
uot aiways tbe ease.¨ Jobu sbool binseii, as ii au
uuµieasaut tbougbt bac iuvacec bis µrivaey. I was
tenµtec to asl, |ut stooc çuiet iusteac.
Iu eaeb geueratiou, kosta,¨ be eoutiuuec, ouiy oue
stuceut bas |eeone iile I an-at ieast uutii uow.¨
\y |reatb eaugbt iu ny tbroat. "bat eoior is ny
aura'¨ I |iurtec out witbout a biut oi su|tiety.
I cou`t luow.¨ ue raisec a bauc to siieuee ny
µrotest. I eau see tbe ceeµest eoior oi your aura ouiy
wbeu I an at iuii µower, curiug tbe tines wbeu I an
traiuiug iu tbe nouutaius. rot uow.¨
\y beart croµµec. It eau`t |e ne
"by uot'¨
Beeause I`n aireacy iorty years oic:¨ I growiec. It
sbouic |e soneoue wbo is a lic uow, so tbat . . .¨
\ou`re not oic,¨ be suaµµec, auc µeoµie iive a iot
iouger uow tbau tbey usec to. 1bey`ii bave great ueec ior
wiscon eon|iuec witb µower iu tbe iuture, |eiieve ne.
Besices, eveuts seen to suggest tbat iu tbis geueratiou tbe
µower nay go to tbe "est.¨
\es-tbe Cbiuese are iess aµµreeiative oi tbeir owu
euiture tbau tbey usec to |e. lerbaµs tbe uext naster oi
tbe \o-lai wiii |e a "esteruer. Cr nay|e a youug
Cbiuese |oy resiciug iu a "esteru uatiou. But be wiii |e
a eitizeu oi tbe woric,¨ oi tbat I an sure.¨
I was sµeeebiess.
"bo luows'¨ be siaµµec ne ou tbe |ael. It nay
eveu |e au oic nau iile you. Liao 8iiu bas eertaiuiy
taleu au iuterest iu you.¨
I bac bac ruu-ius witb tbe Craucnaster`s sµirit, ou
two seµarate iustauees I bac |eeu tbe vietin oi bis
µraetieai joles. liayiug straigbt nau to a suµeruaturai
eoneciau witb gociile µowers was uo iuu.
1bat eouversatiou bac toru ne iu two, ieaviug cou|t to
1bat eouversatiou bac toru ne iu two, ieaviug cou|t to
guaw at ny soui. "beu I was youuger, I creanec oi
|eeoniug a iigbter µiiot, |ut iaiiec tbe eye exan. 1bere
was uotbiug I eouic co-uo eiiort ou ny µart eouic beiµ
ne overeone a eougeuitai ceiieieuey iu eireunstauees
wbere rigic staucarcs were ueeessary. Lilewise iu uei
luug traiuiug tbere are µrereçuisites tbat nust |e net iu
orcer to acvauee. laiiiug to neet tbese, it is |est uot to
|e overiy an|itious. Couic I aeeonµiisb tbe traiuiug'
Auc ii I eouicu`t ceveioµ a|iiities iile Jobu`s, wouic I at
ieast nauage to eonµiete tbe 1birc Levei oi lower iu
tbis iiietine'
I resoivec to cie tryiug. "berever I turuec, I rau iuto
eoustraiuts inµosec |y Coc or late or Joco (iu Cbiuese,
tbe wiii oi beaveu¨), eoustraiuts tbat got ny tenµer
goiug wbeuever I |roocec over tben. Beiug |y |iooc a
Creel (tbougb |y euiture a ueiieuistie Creel), civiue
restraiuts rau agaiust tbe graiu. \ou bave ouiy to reac
iron Creel nytboiogy to see tbat it µortrays a eoustaut
struggie oi nau agaiust bis gocs. 1be 1itau lronetbeus,
wbo bac rislec tbe wratb oi beaveu to |riug iire to
nauliuc, was ny owu µersouai roie nocei. I ceeicec to
enuiate bin. katber tbau a µroiouuc iove ior Coc, it was
au extrene cevotiou to nauliuc auc uature tbat iueiec
ny eiiorts.
But tbe gocs aiways wou iu tbe euc, canu it. I ieit iile
a |ousai tbat bas tbe soui oi a nigbty oal oi tbe wiic,
|ut, tbrougb tbe cesire auc sbaµiug oi a suµerior ioree, is
eoustraiuec |y wires to |e a servaut auc µet cestiuec to
iive out its iiie iu a µot.
I bac nauy ceeisious to nale, auc tbere eouic |e uo
eonµronises. I bac eone to reaiize wby Liao 8iiu bac
|eeu so austere witb ny owu naster-wbieb was wby I
was stauciug ou toµ oi a nouutaiu, sereaniug uµ at Coc.
I bac eone to sµeuc a iuii noutb iu retreat iu tbe wiic,
iiviug iu a sbael tbat oue oi ny stuceuts bac |uiit iu tbe
iiviug iu a sbael tbat oue oi ny stuceuts bac |uiit iu tbe
niccie oi uowbere, iar away iron soeiety auc its
tenµtatious. \y ouiy eonµauious were ioxes, ra||its,
niee, suales, seorµious, iiies, nosçuitoes, auc tbe
oeeasiouai woii.
Auc au eartb-sµirit or seveu, |ut nore ou tbat iater.
I wautec to luow wbat Coc wautec iron ne. I was
tirec oi iiviug witb an|iguity. I was iorty years oic, iec
uµ, auc tbe nessage I was seuciug uµwarc was, Litber
give ne eiear cireetiou, or ieave ne aioue:¨ 1bis
µartieuiar |ousai wasu`t ieeiiug very aestbetieaiiy µieasiug
at tbe noneut-auc I was augry witb tbe Deity ior giviug
ne tbis µartieuiar sbaµe auc tasl.
But tbere was uo çuestiou tbat I was ceveioµiug. I bac
|eguu to ieei µeoµies` enotious iu au ainost uueauuy
nauuer. \auy tines I was a|ie to seuse tbe tbougbts
uµµernost iu tbeir niucs as weii. 1bere was uotbiug
nystieai a|out tbe exµerieuee. Iu iaet, ny owu stuceuts
wbo were traiuiug ior Levei Cue ciseiosec siniiar
a|iiities. 1eieµatby |etweeu us |eeane routiue. Cue
stuceut creanec tbat I bac euterec bis roon auc was
baviug a eouversatiou witb bin. ue was sboelec wbeu I
reµeatec tbe worcs we bac exebaugec-I bac seeu tbe
sane tbiug at tbe sane iustaut wbiie iu necitatiou:
\y nartiai arts sliiis inµrovec greatiy. Lµou testiug
tbe euergy eouteut oi oue oi ny stuceuts wbose uane is
8tanatis, Jobu sbowec us tbat I bac at ieast iive tines
tbat nau`s euergy. ue cic so |y µassiug a eurreut oi 1
µereeut oi bis totai µower tbrougb bis iorearn. \y
stuceut eouic uot toueb ny naster`s arn, wbiie I grasµec
it eoniorta|iy. Later I iouuc tbat I eouic tbeu stauc 2
µereeut oi Jobu`s µower, wbiie 8tanatis eouic
eoniorta|iy toierate 0.40 µereeut. I bac iive tines ny
stuceut`s |ioeuergy: As a resuit, I bac to µraetiee very
eareiuiiy iu tbe traiuiug baii, leeµiug tbe eb`i cowu iu tbe
cautieu wbere it |eiougec. But every so oiteu it ereµt uµ,
auc µeoµie weut iiyiug. I bac bearc oi a |rotber stuceut
iu tbe Luitec 8tates, Janes, wbo eouic uo iouger toueb
bis owu stuceuts wbiie traiuiug, ior iear oi seuciug tben
to tbe bosµitai.
Auc tbiugs |egau to |e reveaiec to ne, tbe Luiverse
oµeuec uµ auc sbowec ne its seerets. \y µersouaiity
bac uucergoue a racieai trausiornatiou, I was a
µotµourri oi iceas, luowiecge, inµressious, auc
exµerieuees iron tbe staucµoiut oi Lasteru auc "esteru
seieuee. I uo iouger bac a sµeeiiie |eiiei systen, ior
exanµie, eitber as a seieutist or witb regarc to reiigiou,
auc I tool uotbiug ior grautec. I uucerstooc tbat tbose
µreeeµts tbat we |iiuciy aeeeµt as trutb tocay are nereiy
tenµorary axions, auc tonorrow tbey nay |e iaugbec at
auc eritieizec. I |eeane aware tbat tine teucs to eçuaiize
aii tbiugs auc iiits tbe veiis iron sone oi tben, auc I was
|egiuuiug to uucerstauc its iiow, tbe way tbe Luiverse
worls, tbe 1ao.
I was reaiiy nisera|ie. As I saic, tbere is uotbiug iile
iguorauee to nale a nau ieei saie. 1o |etter uucerstauc
tbe iuture, I |egau to stucy tbe µast. I iearuec tbat wbat
Jobu was uow teaebiug ne bac |eeu ciseoverec,
exµerieueec, auc eategorizec |y nauy civerse etbuie
grouµs tbrougbout tbe eeuturies, iorenost anoug tben
|eiug ny owu aueestors. 1bere is uotbiug uew uucer tbe
lCLL8 Cl lCkLVLk

1bere are two µriueiµai iorees tbat nale uµ our Luiverse
-tbe Cbiuese eaii tben yiu auc yaug. 1bese two
euergies oµµose eaeb otber eoutiuuousiy, ioelec iu
eteruai eon|at. 1be yiu is tbe µrinai ebaos tbat existec
|eiore our owu sµaee-tine was ereatec. It is |eyouc
|eiore our owu sµaee-tine was ereatec. It is |eyouc
iorn auc iuuetiou, iueonµrebeusi|ie to us auc yet au
esseutiai µart oi our |eiug. Cravity, ior exanµie, is µart
oi tbe yiu iieic, as are |iael boies, as are our very souis.
\iu is vi|ratiou, tbe iutersteiiar eoic oi outer sµaee, it is
wiuter auc uigbt, sieeµ auc water. Auc yet sieeµ auc
water are a ueeessary µart oi iiie, witbout tben, we cie.
1be yaug euergy is soiar iire, tbe criviug ioree tbat
oµµoses gravity auc ereates sµaee-tine. "itbout tbis
eoutrastiug cyuanisn, tbe ioree oi gravity wouic bave
ioug ago eoiiaµsec aii natter iu tbe Luiverse iuto oue
buge, soiitary |iael boie, iu esseuee euciug ereatiou. It is
tbe yaug ioree oi soiar uueiear iusiou tbat µroµeis sµaee
auc tine auc iirst eua|iec us to iive iu tbe iorn we bave
uow. 1be yaug iueis our iives, it is tbe µositive tbat gives
cireetiou, tbe iigbt tbat crives away tbe carluess, tbe sun
auc su|stauee tbat gives us joy. (liease see aµµeucix 2.)
Auc yet tbe yaug |y itseii wouic liii us just as a nau
uuµroteetec iu tbe cesert wiii soou cie oi exµosure. It is
ouiy wbeu it is |aiaueec witb tbe oµµosiug yiu tbat iiie
tbrives auc bas neauiug. 1bis uuçuestioua|ie axion-
yaug nust |e |aiaueec |y yiu-is au iucieatiou tbat tbe
Luiverse bas |eeu ereatec witb iuteut, auc tbat tbis iuteut
was uoue otber tbau tbe ereatiou oi iiie.
1bese two euergies were onuiµreseut iu aii aueieut
euitures. 1be Cbiuese sµole oi yiu auc yaug, tbe
1i|etaus oi tbe rec croµ auc tbe wbite croµ, tbe aueieut
Creels oi ebaos auc orcer, tbe ravajo oi \otber Lartb
auc latber 8ly. "e eau see tbeir eutwiuiug euergies iu
ceµietious oi uiucu auc Buccbist ebalras, iu
\esoµotaniau reiigious inagery, iu tbe aueieut Creel
caduceus oi uernes, auc, µerbaµs, iu tbe DrA strauc
itseii. 1be eoce oi tbese two euergies is eosnie auc
tineiess, tbey are a reaiity tbat aii aeeonµiisbec bunau
euitures bave stun|iec uµou.
Aeeorciug to tbe \o-lai tracitiou, tbere are seveuty-
Aeeorciug to tbe \o-lai tracitiou, tbere are seveuty-
two Leveis oi lower tbat nale uµ tbe steµs to uitinate
euiigbteuneut, tbe greatest µoiut oi bunau existeuee.
1bat nueb I bac iearuec iron Jobu Cbaug. \eutiou oi
tbese ieveis is uuiversai. 1be 8uiis say tbat tbere are
¯2,000 veiis |etweeu Coc auc nau. uiucu yogis tail
a|out eitber tbe seveuty-two ebalras oi tbe bunau |ocy
or tbe ¯2,000 nadì tbat nust |e oµeuec |eiore tbe
tbousauc-µetaiiec iotus |ioons.
Aii tbese ieveis bave to co witb yiu auc yaug. Cu tbeir
owu, our sµirits are yiu, a series oi vi|ratious, stauciug
waves iuseri|ec iu tbe neciun oi tbe yiu iieic. Lile a
eonµuter µrogran ou a CD, our very esseuee is uotbiug
nore tbau a su|routiue¨ iu tbe euergies oi tbe µrinai
ebaos. As soou as we euter sµaee auc tine auc |eeone
yaug, tbis vi|ratiou iu tbe yiu iieic tales iorn. Iu iaet, it
reµiieates itseii iraetaiiy, taliug sbaµe iirst iu our DrA
auc tbeu, tbrougb our DrA, iu our bunau |ocies. It is
siniiar to iusertiug a CD iuto a µersouai eonµuter auc
eaiiiug uµ a µrogran, ouiy to wateb it nateriaiize ou tbe
As sµirituai |eiugs we |eeone nore µoweriui, nore
seii-aware, wbeu we nauage to eon|iue tbe two
euergies, yiu auc yaug, ìnsìde the .eco nodes oi tbis
stauciug wave, iiuaiiy reaebiug uitinate euiigbteuneut
wbeu tbey reaeb tbe very toµ oi our beac. It is iile iiiiiug
uµ a giass. \ou start at tbe |otton auc worl your way
1be netboc ioiiowec |y tbe \o-lai is niiieuuia-oic
auc very eiieetive. \ou |egiu |y iiiiiug uµ tbe |ocy`s
euergy warebouse¨ witb soiar euergy, iu Cbiuese, ;ang
chì. 1bis warebouse, tbe cautieu (eiixir iieic), is ioeatec
iour iiugers |eiow tbe uavei. Caiiec tbe haca iu
Jaµauese, it bas |eeu writteu a|out µroiuseiy iu tbe iast
iiity years, auc tbere is uo ueec to eia|orate ou it bere. Ii
iiity years, auc tbere is uo ueec to eia|orate ou it bere. Ii
you inagiue tbis euergy eeuter as a sµbere, you eouic
assune tbat it wouic |e enµty at Levei zero, auc iuii oi
yaug euergy at tbe euc oi Levei Cue.

lig. 1. 1be cautieu is enµty at Levei zero (ieit) auc
iuii oi yaug euergy at tbe euc oi Levei Cue (rigbt).
Aeeonµiisbiug tbis is uo easy tasl, |eeause tbe ouiy
way to co so is exeiusiveiy tbrougb necitatiou. \ou nust
|e iu actua/ necitatiou, a eoucitiou siniiar to tbe
|orceriiue |etweeu sieeµ auc waliug, ior eigbty-oue
bours iu orcer to iiii tbe cautieu. "beu tbe tyµieai
µraetitiouer attenµts necitatiou, be aetuaiiy aebieves it
ior ouiy tbree niuutes curiug every bour oi sittiug.
1bereiore, eonµietiug Levei Cue eau reçuire 1,620
bours oi sittiug iu tbe necitative µosture. At au bour a
cay, it wouic tale tbe average nau iour-auc-a-baii years
to eoueiuce tbis stage oi tbe traiuiug.
loiiowiug tbe eonµietiou oi Levei Cue, tbe stuceut
|egius eonµressiug tbe yaug eb`i iu bis cautieu, iu
esseuee naliug it barc.¨ 1bis is aeeonµiisbec tbrougb
|reatb reteutiou auc sµeeiiie noveneuts. A graµbie
reµreseutatiou wouic iool iile tbis.

lig. 2. Conµressiug yaug eb`i iu tbe cautieu
It is ciiiieuit. Cur |ocies bave ouiy so nueb euergy,
auc we use tbat euergy to eonµress tbe yaug eb`i iu our
cautieu. \ou bave to |e stroug to co tbis traiuiug. lusb
too barc, auc you craiu away your very iiie ioree wbiie
tryiug to µrogress. 1raiu too iittie, auc you get uowbere.
It is a natter oi |aiauee auc reçuires µatieuee,
eousisteuey, auc µerseverauee.
Auc tbe tbirc ievei is eveu barcer. "e bave saic tbat
tbe yiu auc yaug euergies are oµµosiug iorees. 1be
stuceut wbo iiuisbes Levei 1wo bas euougb yaug euergy
iu bis cautieu to |egiu suaµµiug¨ tbe restraiuts boiciug
tbe cautieu iu µiaee, usiug tbe µower oi tbe storec auc
eonµressec yaug. It is, iu esseuee, iile tuggiug barc to
suaµ a µieee oi twiue. 1be cautieu is beic iu µiaee |y iive
eorcs tbat bave a eorreiatiou iu |otb tbe µbysieai (yaug)
auc sµirituai (yiu) reains. "e eau inagiue tben as
striugs, iour ou oue µiaue ciagouaiiy oµµosiug eaeb
otber, auc oue eeuter striug µerµeucieuiar to tbose. 1o
|real tbe eouiiues oi tbe yiu iieic you nust |real tbese
striugs oue |y oue auc, iu coiug so, aiiow tbe cautieu (|y
tbeu a barceuec |aii oi eonµressec yaug) to nove
arouuc iusice tbe |ocy. "beu a stuceut euts tbe iirst iour
striugs, be eonµietes Levei 1bree,
graµbieaiiy, it nigbt
iool sonetbiug iile tbis.
iool sonetbiug iile tbis.

lig. 1. 1be eonµietiou oi Levei 1bree. euttiug tbe
iirst iour eorcs boiciug tbe cautieu auc |realiug tbe
eouiiues oi tbe yiu iieic
1bis is tbe µeal tbat nost µeoµie eau boµe ior.
liuisbiug Levei 1bree eucows tbe µraetitiouer witb
suµerior a|iiities. Levei 1bree stuceuts eauuot |e eut witb
a luiie wbeu aware oi tbe |iow. I bave µersouaiiy
wituessec a µeiiet iron au air riiie iirec at µoiut |iaul
rauge rieoebet oii tbe iiesb oi oue |rotber stuceut wbo
bac reaebec Levei 1bree. 8tartiiug tbose at tbis ievei is
caugerous, ior tbeir eb`i is goveruec |y tbeir enotious
auc iiies to µroteet tben. I bave bearc oi tbree seµarate
iustauees wbere stuceuts at Levei 1bree liiiec tbe
nuggers wbo triec to assauit tben, cesµite tbeir |est
iuteutious to restraiu tbeir µower. 1beir barceuec eb`i,
goveruec |y tbe enotious oi neu µroteetiug tbeir owu
iives, bac |iowu out tbe aggressors` bearts, eursory
iuvestigatious at bosµitais sinµiy sbowec tbat eaeb oi
tbese neu bac ciec oi a beart attael.
I nyseii an aiways wary arouuc |rotber stuceuts wbo
are at a bigber ievei, auc nale sure uever to surµrise
are at a bigber ievei, auc nale sure uever to surµrise
tben wbeu we are traiuiug togetber.
1bose at Levei 1bree bave otber µowers |eyouc tbis
µbysieai streugtb auc a cegree oi µbysieai iuvuiuera|iiity.
"beu tbe striugs oi larna are eut, eaeb stuceut ceveioµs
a µartieuiar a|iiity aeeorciug to bis owu µsyeboµbysieai
naleuµ. Cue nau nigbt |e a|ie to see six noutbs iuto
tbe iuture, auotber eau beai various iiiuesses witb bis
toueb. 1bere are uo ruies tbat goveru tbis giit, it is uµ to
Joco, tbe wiii oi beaveu.
Beyouc tbis µoiut, ouiy tbose witb a yeiiow aura eau
µrogress to Levei lour. 1bese iortuuates sever tbe iast
tbreac-tbe iiitb-nooriug tbe cautieu auc seuc tbeir
yaug cowu to neet tbe yiu tbat iiows iuto tbeir |ocies
tbrougb tbe µeriueun. Aiter a tine, tbe two euergies rise
togetber iile iovers. 1be stuceut yogi tbeu seizes tben |y
ioree oi wiii auc sçueezes tben iuto tbe vesti|uie oi bis
cautieu, wbere tbey eoexist as taì chì, tbe 8uµrene
Litinate. 1bere, iu tbe cautieu, tbey iool iile tbis.

lig. 4. 1`ai ebi. yiu auc yaug togetber iu tbe cautieu
at tbe euc oi Levei lour
1be iortuuate yogi wbo aeeonµiisbes t`ai ebi bas
baruessec tbe iigbtuiug, auc as sueb bas µower over
sµaee-tine. ue bas sixty-eigbt nore ieveis to µrogress
tbrougb |eiore aebieviug eonµiete euiigbteuneut, tbat
µiuuaeie oi bunau existeuee. At tbat µoiut, tbe erowu
ebalra at tbe very toµ oi tbe beac oµeus auc tbe yogi
ebalra at tbe very toµ oi tbe beac oµeus auc tbe yogi
eonµietes Levei 8eveuty-1wo.
Iu tbe eutire bistory oi Cbiua, ouiy two µeoµie bave
aebievec tbis state. Cue was Bocbicbarna, tbe Iuciau
(µerbaµs lersiau') µriuee wbo taugbt Cb`au (zeu)
Buccbisn auc luug iu at tbe 8baoiiu tenµie. 1be otber
was Cbaug 8au leug oi tbe "utaug-lai, erecitec |y
nauy as tbe ereator oi taì chì chuan, auc |y ny owu
naster as a teaeber oi tbe iiueage oi tbe \o-lai.
Iu eaeb geueratiou oi tbe \o-lai, ouiy oue stuceut
bas nauagec to go |eyouc Levei 1bree auc eonµiete
Levei lour auc tbose a|ove it-ouiy oue stuceut iu eaeb
geueratiou, tbrougbout a 2,400 year bistory, wbieb gave
ne every reasou to susµeet tbat a eertaiu niccie-agec
Creel bac a suow|aii`s ebauee iu beii oi naliug it. Ii tbat
were tbe ease, wouicu`t eireunstauees bave aiiowec it
wbiie I was a youuger nau'

VCICL8 lkC\ 1uL lA81

I bave iec a tunuituous iiie. \y µareuts were Creel
innigrauts to tbe Luitec 8tates wbo bac novec |ael to
Creeee wbeu I was tweive. Coiug iron netroµoiitau
rew Lugiauc iu 1v¯1 to a snaii viiiage iu uortbwesteru
Creeee at a tine wbeu a eorruµt cietator eoutroiiec tbe
eouutry auc iguorauee |ioonec bac uot µieasec ne at
aii. ke|eiiious |y uature, I set oii ior tbe Luitec 8tates
agaiu |y nyseii at tbe age oi seveuteeu. uaviug
reuouueec Creel euiture, I sougbt out a reµiaeeneut auc
|eeane euanorec oi tbe Last.
I bac |eguu iearuiug nartiai arts at tbe age oi teu at a
ioeai \\CA iu tbe 8tates auc eoutiuuec-ai|eit witb a
cisreµuta|ie teaeber-iu Creeee wbeu we novec to tbat
cisreµuta|ie teaeber-iu Creeee wbeu we novec to tbat
eouutry. 1be /unta iu Creeee bac coue its |est to
suµµress iuiornatiou auc euiture, |ut, uuluowiugiy, tbey
bac aiiowec oue very siguiiieaut teievisiou sbow to siiµ
tbrougb tbeir eeusorsbiµ. 1bat sbow was kung Iu witb
Davic Carraciue (ior youuger reacers, I an reierriug to
tbe origiuai series), auc it ebaugec ny iiie. "beu I novec
|ael to tbe 8tates, tbe nartiai arts |eeane |otb ny
auebor auc ny bein as I triec to nale ny way iu a
soeiety I ouiy µartiaiiy uucerstooc auc to wbieb I was, at
|est, tbe seiou oi ebeaµ ia|or.
Duriug tbis tine, baviug tbe a|iiity to nale ny owu
ruies neaut tbat I bac uo un|iiieus-I ieit at bone aii
over tbe woric, baviug traveiec nueb auc |eeu exµosec
to nauy civerse euitures. Cu tbe otber bauc, I was
eoustautiy iuseeure ior tbe sinµie reasou tbat I
çuestiouec everytbiug, tool uotbiug at iaee vaiue, auc
rejeetec wbat roots I bac |eeu |oru witb.
"beu a nau wauts to nale a |ousai, be iirst seels
out tbe µroµer saµiiug to twist to bis cesigus. I bave a
ieeiiug tbat Coc ioiiows tbe sane nocus oµerauci. I was
tbat |ousai saµiiug, auc every so oiteu tbe Carceuer
suiµµec a ieai, or accec auotber turu to a wire.
I ceeicec to settie iu Creeee iu 1vv2. At tbe tine, I
tbougbt ny reasous ior coiug so were µersouai, |ut tbis
ceeisiou iustigatec a wboie series oi eoiueiceuees¨ tbat
iec to ne |eeoniug Jobu Cbaug`s stuceut auc, as a
resuit, µursuiug a sµeeiiie µatb iron wbieb I eouic uo
iouger witbcraw. By eboosiug to iive iu tbe Bailaus
curiug tbe tine wbeu eouiiiets iu Bosuia auc kosovo, tbe
Ai|auiau eivii iusurreetiou, auc eoustaut teusious witb
1urley were a caiiy reaiity, I was aiiowec to see bow
truiy eµbenerai iiie is. 1be streets oi Atbeus were iiiiec
witb tbe nainec |eggiug ior eoius. It was a sigbt I bac
|eeone aeeustonec to iu tbe Crieut, |ut uot oue I bac
ever exµeetec to see iu tbe "est.
ever exµeetec to see iu tbe "est.
\ost noceru Creels iouuc sbeiter iron tbat reaiity |y
|eeoniug overiy nateriaiistie auc becouistie. (Lvery|ocy
was sieeµiug witb every|ocy eise, tbere were a seore oi
1V sbows satiriziug tbe iaet.) I, bowever, saw tbiugs
ciiiereutiy. I sougbt soiaee |y |eeoniug nore cevotec to
tbe sµirituai, tryiug to ioiiow ny owu cestiuy auc
innersiug nyseii iu ny naster`s traiuiug.
8tauciug ou ny nouutaiutoµ, sereaniug uµ at beaveu,
I renen|erec tbe oue startiiug reaiizatiou tbat bac
|rougbt ne to tbat bernitage. It was stiii warn tbat iaii,
auc I wouic bave µreierrec to |e iyiug ou a |eaeb ou a
Creel isiauc ratber tbau |eiug wbere I was. But tbe
succeu iusigbt bac sweµt over ne auc bac striµµec ne
oi auy eboiee iu tbe natter. Lile a tbuucer|oit iu tbe
nicst oi tbe uigbt, it bac bit ne, auc I wole sweatiug,
twistiug auc turuiug. the /ocgotten sìde o/ oucse/ves.
I siiµµec çuietiy iron tbe |ec |ut saw tbat I bac
aireacy awaleuec Doris. Iu tbe carl I µaccec iron tbe
|ecroon to tbe iiviug roon oi our nocest aµartneut.
8be iouuc ne sittiug çuietiy, criuliug ny viiiage
noousbiue auc snoliug a ebeaµ Cu|au eigar. It was
tbree iu tbe noruiug. I bac uot turuec ou tbe iigbts.
"bat`s wroug'¨ sbe aslec.
1be iorgotteu sice oi ourseives. It`s |eeu taleu iron
Doris sat cowu uext to ne. 1bis bac |etter |e wortb
waliug ne uµ iu tbe niccie oi tbe uigbt,¨ sbe saic.
1bat eveuiug we bac seeu tbe awarc-wiuuiug iiin 1he
Sì·th Sense. a|out a iittie |oy witb euougb uaturai
extraseusory µereeµtiou to see tbe sµirits oi tbe ceac,
auc tbe µro|iens tbis a|iiity eauses bin iu caiiy iiie. Iu a
soeiety tbat uo iouger |eiieves iu sueb tbiugs, tbe |oy
routiueiy çuestious bis sauity, uuwiiiiug to aeeeµt wbat be
is exµerieueiug. But µerbaµs be isu`t at aii iusaue.
lerbaµs bis exµerieuee is nueb nore eonnou tbau we
lerbaµs bis exµerieuee is nueb nore eonnou tbau we
tbiul. I saic as nueb to Doris.
Are you sayiug tbat everyoue bas exµerieuees oi tbis
sort, |ut is uuwiiiiug to tail a|out tben ior iear oi |eiug
ricieuiec'¨ sbe aslec.
ro, I tbiul tbat nost µeoµie`s exµerieuees are ior tbe
nost µart iigneuts oi tbeir inagiuatiou. But sone are true
-iet`s say tbat a|out 2 µereeut are reai.¨
Auc . . .'¨
"bat`s tbe nost inµortaut oi ny naster`s µowers'¨
Are you sayiug tbat it`s bis a|iiity to tail to sµirits'¨
1bat iittie |oy iu tbe novie bas wbat tbe Cbiuese eaii
yiu eyes. ue eau see auc tail to tbe sµirits oi tbe ceac.
ue is a sbanau.¨
8be waitec çuietiy. I stooc auc |egau to µaee iu tbe
carluess. 1be eigar weut out-I cicu`t reaiiy snole,
auyway, |ut sonebow it bac suitec tbe cranatie
iutinatious oi ny reveiatiou.
Iu reoiitbie tines every viiiage bac its sbanau. ue
sµole to tbe sµirits oi tbose wbo bac reeeutiy ceµartec,
auc beiµec tben nale tbe trausitiou. Just iile tbat iittie
|oy iu tbe novie.¨
8be grasµec it tbeu. I saw it sbale ber, auc sbe
\es,¨ I saic. "e stiii ueec tbe sbanau to survive as
a sµeeies. Just iile a uew|oru |a|y ueecs to |e raisec
|y its µareuts-it eau`t survive |y itseii, rigbt'-a uewiy
ceeeasec bunau ueecs a sbanau to beiµ nale tbe
trausitiou to auotber state oi |eiug.¨
I |owec ny beac. 1bey tool tben away iron us,
Doris. 1bey tool tben away so tbat tbey eouic |etter
eoutroi us. 1be sbanau was reµiaeec |y tbe µriest, auc
sµirituaiity |y cogna.¨
Cue oi tbe naiu iessous tbat I iearuec iron Jobu
Cbaug was tbat aii tbiugs iu tbe Luiverse are uaturai,
tbere is uo sueb tbiug as tbe suµeruaturai, uor eau oue iu
tbere is uo sueb tbiug as tbe suµeruaturai, uor eau oue iu
trutb sµeal oi netaµbysies. Lverytbiug ou tbis µiauet-
iueiuciug gbosts, go|iius, auc eives, sbouic tbey exist-is
as uaturai as tbe stoel narlet auc |eaver cans. 1wiee I
bave seeu ny naster ciseuss sµorts witb tbe ceac, auc
tbey auswerec bis çuestious natter-oi-iaetiy.
1bere are tbree iustitutious tbat seen to bave
ceveioµec togetber iu bunau bistory. wariare, enµire,
auc orgauizec reiigiou. It was uot uutii teu tbousauc years
ago tbat wariare, ior iustauee, |eeane au iutriusie µart oi
our iives. It ioiiowec swiitiy ou tbe beeis oi systenatizec
agrieuiture auc iarger settieneuts. Beiore tbat tine,
µeoµie bac iivec togetber iu µeaee, ior tbe nost µart, auc
vioieuee |etweeu neu was sµoracie. 1be rorwegiau
exµiorer lrictjoi rauseu, wbo iu 1888 nace a bistorie
jouruey aeross tbe iee iieics oi Creeuiauc, eueouuterec
tbe iast Lslinos tbere to iive tbe sane way tbat tbeir
ioreiatbers bac, iu totai barnouy witb tbe barsb iauc tbat
|ore tben.
1be Lslinos bac sbanaus to guice tben auc teaeb
tben bow to iive iu aeeorc witb tbe wiii oi beaveu.
Beiug a|ie to sµeal witb tbe sµirits oi tbe ceac auc
bave tbe soeiety you iive iu aeeeµt tbat a|iiity at iaee
vaiue neaus tbat µeoµie uucerstauc tbe iaws oi
eouseçueuee. Jobu Cbaug bac sµoleu to ne reµeateciy
a|out larna auc tbe lieics oi ketri|utiou or kewarc
tbat tbe sµirit euters iuto inneciateiy aiter ceatb. \ou
nust µay wbat you owe or reeeive wbat is owec to you
|eiore you eau nove ou to wbatever ioiiows. 1bis is
sonetbiug tbat tbe aueieut sbanaus uucerstooc auc
µassec ou to tbose arouuc tben. leoµie aeeeµtec wbat
tbese neu auc woneu toic tben ior tbe sinµie reasou
tbat tbeir luowiecge bac |eeu sbowu to |e true.
lor tbose wbo wouic seoii, iet ne say tbat tbis sane
netbocoiogy aµµiies tocay to aii µeoµie iu aii liucs oi
eireunstauees. 1be average bousewiie coes uot
eireunstauees. 1be average bousewiie coes uot
uucerstauc tbe eieetrouies iusice ber nierowave oveu or
tbe µriueiµies oi µbysies tbat aiiow sueb a ceviee to
µeriorn. revertbeiess, tbis coes uot µreveut ber iron
naliug use oi tbe aµµiiauee. uunau soeiety bas aiways
|eeu iile tbis, it is tbe cireetiou auc tbe sun oi our
luowiecge tbat bas ebaugec over tbe niiieuuia, uot tbe
netbocoiogy oi |eiiei. 1be sbanau ciiierec iron tbe
µriest iu tbat tbe sbanau binseii bac to cisµiay sµeeiiie
a|iiities ratber tbau nereiy reµreseut a giveu cogna tbat
au orgauizec reiigiou bac µassec ou as trutb. 1be sbanau
bac to bave µower-be was traiuec auc testec |y otbers
iile binseii auc bac to µrove binseii routiueiy to tbose
arouuc bin. leoµie were nore inneciateiy eoueeruec
witb survivai iu tbose cays auc cic uot bave tbe iuxury oi
wastiug tbeir eiiorts. ror was tbe iiie oi a true sbanau
auy great joy, be aetec out oi cuty to bis ieiiow nau auc
to tbe Diviue Breatb tbat iusµires aii.
"beu soeiety |eeane a µrize to |e wou auc
eoutroiiec |y tbose wbo wouic bave µower over otber
neu, tbe sbanaus were tbe iirst to go |eeause tbey
reµreseutec tbe greatest tbreat. 1bose wbo wouic |e
liugs renovec tbe sbanaus, µossi|iy |y liiiiug iarge
grouµs oi tben, auc reµiaeec tben witb a µriestbooc
(uucerstauciug tbat µeoµie wiii aiways bave a ueec to
aµµroaeb tbe Diviue). 1bis strategy bas |eeu usec nauy
tines tbrougbout tbe bistory oi nauliuc.
Cue sueb ease iu µoiut tbat striles bone to ne, nore
so |eeause I an uanec aiter Coustautiue, is tbe
esta|iisbneut oi Cbristiauity as a state reiigiou |y tbe
konau enµeror auc saiut Coustautiue tbe Creat. 1bougb
tbis exanµie oeeurs niiieuuia aiter tbe ceii|erate
externiuatiou oi tbe sbanaus I reierrec to, it is aeeurateiy
reeorcec iu bistorie auuais auc eau |e reaciiy
researebec. Beeause nost "esteru uatious are Cbristiau
tocay, it wiii µerbaµs serve as tbe |est exanµie to get tbe
tocay, it wiii µerbaµs serve as tbe |est exanµie to get tbe
nessage aeross.
1be eosnoµoiitau uature oi tbe konau Lnµire iu tbe
iirst tbree eeuturies oi tbis niiieuuiun neaut tbat tbere
was a µbiiosoµber or µreaeber iurliug iu every eoruer,
µronotiug uew auc uuianiiiar iceas. 1o tbe Creel iu
tbeir eity-states, µreeursors to tbe konaus, tbe
µreseutatiou oi uew reiigious eoueeµts was eousicerec
so caugerous tbat tbe µbiiosoµber 8oerates bac |eeu µut
to ceatb auc tbe µbiiosoµber Auaxagoras bac |eeu jaiiec
ior tbe ebarge oi iutrocueiug uew coetriues. 1be
iuteruatiouai uature oi tbe konau Lnµire aioug witb its
euiturai civersity, bowever, nace sueb exeiusiou uot ouiy
inµossi|ie |ut uucesira|ie. lron tbe tine oi laui tbe
Aµostie, various euits |asec ou Cbrist`s teaebiugs bac
sµreac arouuc tbe \eciterraueau auc bac growu
cisµutatious. "itb uew iceas sµreaciug tbrougbout tbe
rauls, eaeb ioeai |isboµ µronotec bis owu oµiuious auc
iougbt to see tben aeeeµtec.
Cbristiauity bac, |y tbe euc oi tbe iirst eeutury,
|eeone a siguiiieaut soeiai ioree iu sµite oi konau
eiiorts to stoµ it. uowever, at tbe sane tine, tbe
coetriuai guii |etweeu grouµs eaiiiug tbenseives Cbristiau
bac growu too great to |e iguorec. Cver tbe uext iew
eeuturies various ereecs µrosµerec |asec ou tbe writiugs
auc oµiuious oi ioeai |isboµs sueb as Justiu oi 8anaria,
Ireuaeus oi Asia \iuor auc Lyous, \areiou oi 8iuoµe,
1ertuiiiau oi Cartbage, Cyµriau oi Cartbage, Cieneut oi
Aiexaucria, \outauus oi Asia \iuor, auc Arius oi
Aiexaucria, to uane a iew. Aiso curiug tbis tine, au
eeeeutrie grouµ oi Cbristiaus iu tbe rear Last |eeane
iuvoivec witb Jewisb nystieisn auc evoivec iuto a grouµ
|eiieviug tbe tbeoiogy luowu as Cuostieisn (iron tbe
Creel worc gnosìs, or luowiecge¨). It was a coetriue
tbat aeeeµtec Jesus as a civiue teaeber, |ut rejeetec
tbat aeeeµtec Jesus as a civiue teaeber, |ut rejeetec
outrigbt tbe cognas oi tbe kesurreetiou, aµostoiie
tracitiou, auc tbe nissiou oi Jesus as taugbt |y
naiustrean Cbristiauity. Aeeorciug to Cuostieisn, tbe
Coc oi tbe Cic 1estaneut was tbe souree oi aii nisery iu
iiie. 1o nale natters worse, tbose wbo esµousec tbis
|eiiei systen eiainec tbat tbey µossessec a seeret orai
tracitiou iron Jesus binseii, auc rejeetec tbe autbority oi
aii ioeai |isboµs outrigbt. Cuostieisn tool boic raµiciy iu
Lgyµt, auc |egau sµreaciug to tbe otber konau
By tbe cawu oi tbe iourtb eeutury, tbeu, Cbristiauity
was wicesµreac tbrougbout tbe \eciterraueau |asiu, |ut
witb uo oue ereec or eauou to uuiiy its nen|ers. Auc so
we arrive to Coustautiue auc bis eciets.
Iu 111, Lnµeror Coustautiue seut to bis ioeai
goveruors a series oi eia|orate ietters iu wbieb it was
saic tbat eonµiete toieratiou¨ sbouic |e exteucec to
auyoue ioiiowiug tbe teaebiugs oi Cbrist (iu wbatever
sbaµe auc iorn, ior tbe noneut)-or auy otber euit, ior
tbat natter. 1be Lciet oi \iiau, as tbis series oi ietters
was eaiiec, bac tbe eiieet oi iegaiiziug Cbristiauity
tbrougbout tbe konau Lnµire.
uistoriaus bave ce|atec wby tbe Lciet oi \iiau was
issuec iu tbe iirst µiaee. 1o ne it seens çuite o|vious. It
was cue to tbe growiug µoiitieai µower oi Cbristiaus oi
civerse cogna, auc tbe strategie ceeisiou nace |y
Coustautiue to use a siugie reiigiou as a uuiiyiug iaetor ior
bis nuitietbuie state. 1be konaus bac tbe exanµie oi
Aiexaucer tbe Creat to guice tben auc luew tbat, ii tbe
Lnµire was to iast, euiturai iutegrity was a ueeessity. 1be
enµeror uucerstooc weii tbat tbe Cbristiaus were
|eeoniug so uunerous as to reµreseut a eousicera|ie
µoiitieai ioree sbouic tbey ever |eeone orgauizec uucer
oue |auuer. ue oµtec to nale tbat |auuer bis, auc
ioiiowec a µoiiey oi iutinicatiou tbe iiles oi wbieb 8taiiu
ioiiowec a µoiiey oi iutinicatiou tbe iiles oi wbieb 8taiiu
binseii wouic |e µrouc.
Coustautiue was |oru iu wbat is 8er|ia tocay auc was
çuite ianiiiar witb tbe |reactb oi tbe konau Lnµire oi
bis cay. ue luew tbe Bailaus auc Asia \iuor weii. I an
oi tbe oµiuiou tbat be µiauuec ou noviug bis eaµitai iron
kone to tbe Last ior ceeaces ior reasous oi µersouai
seeurity, auc tbat be usec Cbristiauity as tbe neaus to
aeeonµiisb bis goai. "bat |etter way to assiniiate
civerse etbuie grouµs tbau |y revisiug tbeir euiturai
iceutity tbrougb reiigiou (or auy otber µartieuiar euiturai
narler)' 1bougb be was iu iaet |aµtizec a Cbristiau
|eiore be ciec auc was eauouizec aiter bis ceatb, I
cou|t tbe enµeror bac ceveioµec curiug bis iiie tbe iuuer
µeaee tbat saiutbooc inµiies-bis eauouizatiou was
assureciy a µoiitieai ceeisiou.
Coustautiue was a µraetitiouer oi severai reiigious
eveu aiter bis eouversiou to Cbristiauity. uis µersouai
cevotious were oiierec to \ars auc iuereasiugiy to
Aµoiio, reverec as 8oi Iuvietus, tbe Lueouçuerec 8uu¨,
iuceec it seens Coustautiue µreseutec Cbrist as Aµoiio
(or viee versa) iu iater years.
1be enµeror was su|jeetive auc eaµrieious. ue seut
µrisouers oi war to tbe iious, eonnittec wboiesaie aets
oi geuoeice iu bis eanµaigus iu rortb Airiea, auc was
luowu ior bis arrogaut, egotistieai, auc rutbiess |ebavior
-barciy wbat we bave eone to exµeet iron a Cbristiau
saiut. Desµite bis µroiessec aiieetiou ior tbe teaebiugs oi
Cbrist, be bac uo çuains a|out exeeutiug bis sou Crisµus
ior iuvoiviug binseii witb bis steµnotber lausta (auc
iuceec it seens tbe steµnotber iu çuestiou was aii ior tbe
iiaisou, siuee sbe got tbe axe witbiu a year berseii eveu
tbougb sbe bac |orue Coustautiue tbree sous).
1be nost siguiiieaut eveut iu Coustautiue`s reiigious-
µoiitieai ceveioµneut oeeurrec iu 112, a year |eiore tbe
Lciet oi \iiau, wbeu be iougbt tbe Battie oi \iiviau
Lciet oi \iiau, wbeu be iougbt tbe Battie oi \iiviau
Bricge agaiust a rivai eiainaut to tbe enµeror`s tbroue.
Anoug bis soiciers were nauy Cbristiaus ioiiowiug
civerse coetriues. 1be seboiar Laetautius, wbo was eiose
to tbe inµeriai ianiiy, reµorts tbat curiug tbe uigbt |eiore
tbe |attie Coustautiue was eonnaucec iu a crean to
µiaee tbe sigu oi Cbrist ou tbe sbieics oi bis soiciers.
1weuty-iive years iater Luse|ius gives us a nore
eia|orate auc çuite ciiiereut aeeouut iu bis Iì/e o/
constantìne: "biie Coustautiue auc bis arny were ou
tbeir way to kone, Luse|ius eiains, tbey o|servec a
strauge µbeuoneuou iu tbe sly iu |roac cayiigbt. A eross
oi iigbt auc tbe worcs |y tbis sigu you wiii |e vietor¨
(hoc sìgno vìctoc ecìs; aµµearec to tben. It was curiug
tbe uext uigbt tbat Cbrist aµµearec to Coustautiue auc
iustruetec bin to µiaee tbe beaveuiy sigu ou tbe |attie
staucarcs oi bis arny. Luiortuuateiy, at ieast six ciiiereut
versious oi tbe story bave survivec iron ciiiereut µeoµie
wbo eiainec to bave bearc it iron tbe enµeror binseii,
so we wiii uever truiy luow wbat baµµeuec. As a
nouuneut to bis vietory at \iiviau, years iater,
Coustautiue raisec a triunµbai areb iu kone, wbieb
survives to tbis cay. It |ears testinouy to 8oi Iuvietus
witb reiereuee to Cbrist criviug bis ebariot aeross tbe
sly.¨ Litinateiy, Coustautiue eonnaucec Cbristiaus to
boic tbeir serviees ou 8uucay, tbe cay oi tbe 8uu. 1bere
eau |e uo eiearer tautoiogy oi Cbrist witb Aµoiio.
Coustautiue |eeane tbe soie konau enµeror iu 124
auc su|seçueutiy novec bis eaµitai to tbe iorner Creel
eity oi Byzautiun, reuaniug it Coustautiuoµie. ue
eouveuec tbe lirst Leuneuieai Couueii oi tbe Cbristiau
Cbureb tbe ioiiowiug year, curiug wbieb bis
eonnaucneut to tbe |isboµs was sinµie. Cone uµ witb
a eousisteut coetriue tbat is uuiversai-or eatboiie-iu
uature, auc çuit aii tbe sçua||iiug anoug yourseives. 1be
oµeuiug sessiou was beic ou \ay 20, 12: iu tbe great
oµeuiug sessiou was beic ou \ay 20, 12: iu tbe great
baii oi tbe µaiaee at rieaea, witb Coustautiue binseii
µresiciug auc giviug tbe oµeuiug sµeeeb. 1be eouueii,
aiter nueb ceii|eratiou, iornuiatec a eauou, wbieb,
aitbougb it was revisec at tbe Couueii oi Coustautiuoµie
iu 181-82, bas |eeone luowu as tbe rieeue Creec. A
najor roie at tbe eouueii was µiayec |y Atbauasius,
|isboµ oi Aiexaucria. Arius, |y tbe way, was
eoucenuec, as were tbe Cuosties.
Desµite tbe very reai cauger oi inµeriai wratb,
bowever, tbe cisµutes eoutiuuec, auc Coustautiue binseii
waverec agaiu auc agaiu. Luse|ius oi rieonecia, a
suµµorter oi Arius auc exiiec iu 12:, was reeaiiec iu 12¯
auc was soou esta|iisbec as tbe enµeror`s ebiei sµirituai
acvisor. Iu 11:, Atbauasius, stu||oruiy uu|euciug
towarc sone oi Coustautiue`s µoiieies, was seut iuto
exiie, was reeaiiec, auc was exiiec agaiu. 8o nueb ior
ioyaity auc tbe eousisteuey oi sµirituai coetriue.
Iu sbort, it was inµeriai µoiities auc tbe weaitb oi tbe
konau ebureb, civviec uµ anoug tbose snaiier
eougregatious tbat ioiiowec tbe µarty iiue, nore tbau
tbeoiogy itseii, tbat iiuaiiy goveruec tbe iorn Cbristiau
coetriue was to tale. Iu cue eourse, tbe Couueii oi
rieaea |eeane a µernaueut aiiair, cesiguec to stanµ
out eoutrary oµiuious auc ereate a iornai, uuiversai
ebureb orgauizatiou strueturec iu a nauuer siniiar to tbe
µoiitieai eouiiguratiou oi tbe konau Lnµire itseii.
"by was Cbristiauity tbe vebieie oi eboiee, you asl'
It was µerieet ior tbe jo|. As au inµortec ereec witb
eouutiess iuterµretatious, it eouic |e re-eugiueerec at wiii
to suit inµeriai cesigu. It was aµoeaiyµtie auc nessiauie
iu uature, witb saivatiou eeuteriug ou tbe |iessiugs oi tbe
Cbrist ratber tbau ou iucivicuai eiiort. Beeause tbe
enµeror auc Cbureb ieacers were tbe iornai
reµreseutatives oi Cbrist, it was uµ to tben to |estow
saivatiou ou tbe ceserviug. Iu sbort, tenµorai auc
saivatiou ou tbe ceserviug. Iu sbort, tenµorai auc
sµirituai autbority were roiiec togetber seaniessiy iu a
iaitb tbat was nuitietbuie iu uature auc oµeu to aii. "bat
eouic |e |etter' 1bere are exµoueuts wbo view tbese
iaetors iu a µositive iigbt, eitiug sueb tbeoeraey as tbe
uuiiyiug iaetor tbat enµowerec |otb tbe eariy Cbureb
auc tbe Lasteru konau Lnµire, |ut I nyseii wouic
besitate to |e so uµ|eat a|out it. Coustautiue auc bis
sueeessors nace it µoiiey to stanµ out tbe oic reiigiou,
ior|icciug worsbiµ oi tbe aueieut gocs ou µaiu oi ceatb
auc teariug cowu sbriues or eouvertiug tben |y ioree to
Cbristiau eburebes. 1bousaucs were east iuto tbe iianes
as bereties or were exiiec, tbeir µroµerty iorieitec auc
a|sor|ec |y tbe inµeriai treasury. Creel reiigiou auc
µbiiosoµby, wbieb ioeusec ou tbe worsbiµ oi uaturai
iorees auc tbe µsyeboµbysieai ceveioµneut oi tbe
iucivicuai, were sµeeiiieaiiy targetec as µosiug tbe
greatest tbreat, auc |ar|ariau ieacers were eueouragec
to attael auc cestroy µagau strougboics wbeu inµeriai
arnies eouic uot.
katber tbau eia|orate iurtber ou tbe su|jeet bere, I
wouic suggest tbat you |rowse tbrougb reeorcec bistory,
wbere you wiii iiuc nauy exanµies oi µurges oi tbis sort.
1be auuais oi orgauizec reiigiou auc enµire are oue auc
tbe sane, iuceec, iu nauy iustauees orgauizec reiigiou
was usec to justiiy siavery:
1be iuereci|ie trutb ciseoverec iu naliug sueb a stucy
is tbe eousisteut existeuee oi au orgauizec µriestbooc
tbrougbout tbe niiieuuia iu aii tbe enµires oi nau. 1be
iouucers oi nost oi tocay`s great reiigious-Cbrist,
Buccba, \obannec-were aii iigures wbo, iu esseuee,
bac sµoleu out agaiust tbe orgauizec eiergy oi tbeir
resµeetive tines auc µiaees. Auc yet au orgauizec
µriestbooc seenec to aµµear iu every reiigiou,
sonetines cesµite tbe iouucer`s ierveut wisbes to tbe
eoutrary. "bo is to say, tbeu, wbat oeeurrec |eiore
eoutrary. "bo is to say, tbeu, wbat oeeurrec |eiore
nauliuc tool to writiug cowu its µast' Couic a µogron
oi tbose neu auc woneu eouueetec to tbe woric oi tbe
sµirits bave |eeu iustruneutai iu ebaugiug tbe sbaµe oi
our soeiety niiieuuia iu tbe µast' Iu tbose very eariy tines
eouic tbe sbanaus iutegrai to tbe bunau sµeeies, tbose
very ueeessary iucivicuais wbo eouic sµeal to tbe sµirits
oi our ceac, bave |eeu externiuatec to nale it easier ior
tbose wbo sougbt tenµorai autbority to ruie'
1he; have done awa; wìth the /ocgotten sìde o/
oucse/ves. I eriec tbat uigbt, sbaleu |y tbe reveiatiou.
lor a giveu uun|er oi µeoµie, evoiutiou bac ceereec
tbat a sbanau was ueecec, au iucivicuai wbo eouic
eonnuuieate witb tbe sbaces oi tbe ceac, wbo eouic see
tbe straucs oi larna. 1bat µersou eouic sµeal to tbe
sµirits oi tbose wbo bac µassec ou, auc, iu coiug so, aic
|otb tben auc tbe ianiiy auc irieucs tbey bac ieit |ebiuc.
I bac seeu it reµeateciy iu tbe \o-lai-wbeu Jobu
eonnuuieatec witb a sµirit auc bis stuceuts auc irieucs
gatberec arouuc bin, it was tbe nost uaturai tbiug iu tbe
woric. It nace tbe terror oi ceatb iace |eiore tbe
reaiizatiou tbat our eouseiousuess cic, iuceec, veriiia|iy
µass ou to auotber sbaµe auc iorn. Deatb was sinµiy a
trausitiou, uot tbe euc. But tbe iustitutiou oi a µriestbooc
iu esseuee neaus tbat a seeuiar autbority ceeices wbo
wiii |e tbe iuterneciary |etweeu nau auc tbe Diviue,
ratber tbau aiiowiug tbe wiii oi beaveu auc tbe ioree oi
evoiutiou to ceeice tbis ou tbeir owu.
Cur µower is a natuca/ µower,¨ ny \aster toic ne
oue cay curiug traiuiug. It is tbe ioree oi uature witbiu
ourseives. 1rust iu uature to teaeb you tbe µriueiµies oi
tbe Luiverse.¨ But we as a sµeeies bave coue away witb
uature. 8uµrene iu our arrogauee, we µreteuc to bave
surµassec ber nysteries. 8be is oi uo use to us.
Iu bis vauity auc iguorauee nortai nau bas set binseii
a|ove Coc. 1be iast teu tbousauc years bave |eeu a
nere beart|eat iu tbe ebrouieies oi evoiutiou, a sµiit
seeouc iu tbe tineiess eyes oi beaveu. 1be eiieets oi our
ioss are uot yet iirniy esta|iisbec, tbere is stiii tine to turu
tbiugs arouuc. \et nauy great teaebers oi tbe µast bave
triec to co just tbat auc iaiiec, uot tbe ieast oi wbon was
\o 1zu, tbe iouucer oi tbe iiueage beacec iu tbis
geueratiou |y ny owu naster, Jobu Cbaug. (liease see
aµµeucix 1, uote 2.)
"bieb |riugs us |ael to ny nouutaiutoµ. I was at a
ioss ior wbat to co witb tbe luowiecge I bac |eeu
|iessec witb. uow eouic I boµe to sueeeec wbere neu
wbo bac |eeu truiy renarla|ie bac iaiterec' I was uo
sbanau. I was uot a hsìen, au innortai, iile Jobu Cbaug.
I wasu`t eveu tbat great a nartiai artist or seieutist. I was
\r. \ecioere, tbe Jael-oi-Aii-1races, tbe average nau,
I eouic co aii tbiugs |ut exeeiiec at uoue.
\et I was wiiiiug. Coc, was I wiiiiug. I wouic iigbt as
barc as was ueeessary to bave tbe trutb µut iortb ouee
agaiu. 1ìoeo Ðanaos et dona /ecentìs. Virgii bac
writteu iu bis ~eneìd-¨lear tbe Creels eveu wbeu tbey
are |eariug giits.¨ I wouic use ny wiies agaiust tbe
systen |y turuiug tbeir owu weaµous agaiust tben,
|egiuuiug witb barc seieuee. I luew tbat tbe yiu iieic, tbat
carl euergy oi ebaos tbat eoexists witb our sµaee-tine,
wouic |e a ciiiieuit tbiug to µrove to tbe seieutiiie
eonnuuity. But I reelouec tbat ii ny naster was wiiiiug,
I eouic eouiirn to tbe woric at iarge tbat we bave a very
cistiuet auc sµeeiiie cyuanisn tbat eourses tbrougb our
|ocies auc iueis our iiie ioree-tbe ioree oi tbe yaug
eb`i, soiar iire.
1be ciiiieuit µart wouic |e gettiug Jobu to eooµerate. I
bac set uµ neetiugs tbree tines witb uotec seieutiiie
autborities-ouee witb a uarvarc µroiessor auc twiee
witb a ro|ei lrize-wiuuiug µbysieist.
Iu tbe iirst ease,
witb a ro|ei lrize-wiuuiug µbysieist.
Iu tbe iirst ease,
Jobu bac |eeu cistrustiui, tbe uarvarc µroiessor`s
assoeiatiou witb µoweriui iiuaueiai io||ies bac giveu bin
eoic ieet. Iu tbe iatter ease, be bac aetuaiiy |eeu wiiiiug
to neet auc worl witb tbe nau, |ut tbe iusurreetiou tbat
bac eruµtec iu Iucouesia bac tbrowu a wreueb iuto tbe
worls uot ouee |ut baii a cozeu tines. Cettiug
every|ocy goiug iu tbe sane cireetiou wouic |e ueariy
inµossi|ie, |ut it was sonetbiug tbat I was o|sessec
witb |y tbat µoiut.
Conµuter sinuiatiou oi tbe |ebavior oi a systen oi
|iuary oµµosites, usiug iraetai natbenaties, bac resuitec
iu ceµietious tbat resen|iec our Luiverse. As sueb, ouee
I bac exµerineutai cata, tbe natb wouic |e sinµie, I
luew I eouic µrove yiu auc yaug to tbe woric. Iu iaet,
tbe eouversatiou I bac witb tbe ro|ei-iaureate µbysieist
rau sonetbiug iile tbis.
But sureiy tbis [yiu auc yaug] is just µoetry, or at |est
au iiiustratiou oi tbe iceais oi µersouai eoucuet,¨ be saic.
ro, we are ciseussiug aetuai µbysieai iorees. riebis
Bobr . . .¨
\es, contcacìa sunt coo¡/eoenta, |ut be was
tailiug a|out au aµµroaeb to iearuiug, uot a revisiou oi
Are you sure, µroiessor' I tbiul tbat be bac seeu
sonetbiug tbat sbool bin wbeu be visitec Cbiua,
sonetbiug tbat be sµeut bis wboie iiie iooliug ior
aiterwarc |ut eouic uot iiuc. Auc loiuearé uever reaiiy
gave uµ iooliug ior tbe etber.¨
\ouug nau,¨ be saic, siµµiug bis tea, I eau see tbat
you are siueere auc cecieatec. Ii you are rigbt, it wiii
ebauge everytbiug. . . .¨ ue µausec, uot ior eiieet |ut to
iet ne luow tbat be bac grasµec tbe raniiieatious, aii tbe
way to tbe euc, iu tbe |riei sµau oi our ciseussiou.
Lverytbiug as we luow it. But I nyseii tbiul tbat you
bave |eeu sinµiy cuµec |y tbe Cbiuese.¨
bave |eeu sinµiy cuµec |y tbe Cbiuese.¨
1ine wouic teii. 1be eoueeµts, bowever, were so
iutriguiug auc iuucaneutai tbat µeoµie wouic |e wiiiiug to
iisteu. Cue nau eouic co ouiy so nueb, iu auy ease, I
was aneua|ie to sittiug |ael iu ny roeliug ebair auc
eujoyiug tbe |iaze ii I eouic just nauage to iigbt tbe iire.
I wouic |egiu witb tbe yaug auc ieave tbe rest uµ to
tbe wiii oi beaveu.
liiiec witb resoive, I stoµµec sereaniug uµ at tbe eiear
eveuiug sly. lerbaµs tbe Deity bac bearc ny eries auc,
ior a tine, eainec tbe auger iu tbis iittie µest`s soui. I
wailec over to wbere tbe grouuc croµµec oii auc
watebec tbe suu set over tbe |iue Aegeau as au euciess
iorest roiiec cowu eraggy eiiiis |eueatb ne to tbe saucy
sbore tbree tbousauc ieet |eiow. I iiiiec ny iuugs witb
µiue-seeutec air. It çuieliy |eeane carl, as was usuai
ou tbat µeal, auc a eoic wiuc |iew tbrougb tbe treetoµs.
leoµie avoicec tbe µiaee wbere I bac eboseu to stay,
eaiiiug it bauutec. Iu tbe noutb I iivec tbere, ny ouiy
visitors bac |eeu a iew sbeµbercs wbo stoµµec |y to
say beiio |ut cic uot renaiu ior ioug. I nyseii bac uo
µro|iens witb tbe sµirits wbo resicec tbere-I luew
tben ior wbat tbey were.
"isbiug I bac a |eer, I stroiiec |ael cowu to tbe
ea|iu. I stiii bac to eool ny ciuuer auc µut iu two nore
bours oi necitatiou |eiore |icciug gooc uigbt to tbe owis
auc tbeir çuarry, tbe iieic niee tbat tbrivec ou tbat
woocec erest.
Cbaµter 2

Liviug uµ iu tbe nouutaius was sinµie. I wole iu tbe
Liviug uµ iu tbe nouutaius was sinµie. I wole iu tbe
noruiug witb tbe suu, reiievec nyseii a iew buucrec
yarcs away iron tbe ea|iu, ate wbatever was baucy, auc
|egau traiuiug. I µut iu eigbt bours oi traiuiug a cay iu
retreat, tbe rest oi tbe tine I reiaxec or weut to iool ior
iooc auc water.
1be sbael was |uiit ou tbe ricgeiiue oi a nouutaiu
µeal. \y stuceut Ceorge bac |uiit it rougbiy a buucrec
ieet iron tbe very sunnit, iu a snaii ceµressiou uear|y.
8urrouucec |y µiue trees, tbe sbael was iairiy weii
sbieicec iron tbe wiuc auc raiu auc was iuvisi|ie uutii
you were ainost ou toµ oi it. A cevout Buccbist oi tbe
1i|etau karna kargyu iiueage, Ceorge bac wautec a
µiaee wbere be eouic necitate iu soiaee auc uot |e
cistur|ec. ue bac |eeu nore tbau sueeessiui iu bis
euceavor, I eousicerec tbe |uiiciug oi tbis ea|iu a
nouuneut to bunau µersisteuee. 1be site bac |eeu
eboseu |y a 1i|etau iana, wbo bac toic Ceorge µiaiuiy
tbat it bac great µower. Luely ne to bave bac
eireunstauee worl so weii iu ny iavor.
1be naiu cauger iaeec |y auyoue resiciug at tbe ea|iu
was iigbtuiug, ior reasous o|vious auc uot, as we wiii
see. As I bave neutiouec, tbe ioeais were airaic oi tbe
µiaee, uot ieast oi aii ior tbis iigbtuiug tbat eoutiuuaiiy ieii
ou auc arouuc tbe µeal.
Areu`t you airaic oi stayiug uµ tbere aii |y yourseii'¨
a sbeµberc`s wiie aslec ne curiug oue oi ny caiiy
sojourus to a uear|y sµriug.
ro, uot at aii,¨ I auswerec. 8bouic I |e'¨
It`s a . . . it`s a irigbteuiug sµot,¨ sbe stannerec, auc
I eaugbt tbe wisµ oi tbougbt uµµernost iu ber niuc. 8be
wautec to say tbat tbe sµot was eursec, tbat weirc tbiugs
were luowu to baµµeu tbere.
"by cou`t you go eanµ over ou tbe otber ricge,
wbere tbe sbeµbercs stay'¨ sbe eoutiuuec. \ou luow,
we`ve |uiit tbree eburebes uµ tbere to µroteet us.¨
we`ve |uiit tbree eburebes uµ tbere to µroteet us.¨
It`s çuite aii rigbt,¨ I toic ber çuietiy. 1bey wou`t
|otber ne, I`ve nace irieucs witb tben.¨
uer eyes wiceuec auc I eouic see tbat sbe luew wbo
auc wbat I was tailiug a|out. 8be nun|iec sonetbiug
auc |eat a basty retreat, |ebiuc ber |ael naliug tbe sigu
agaiust tbe evii eye.
It was arouuc uoou, curiug tbe seeouc weel tbat I
was uµ tbere, tbat iiie nauagec to surµrise ne ouee
agaiu, cesµite aii ny exµerieuees witb Jobu Cbaug. It
was a bot cay, auc I cistiuetiy renen|er suoriug witb
µieasure ou tbe iioor oi tbe sbael, iaziiy eatebiug uµ ou
ny sieeµ aiter a iarge neai oi |oiiec riee auc eggs. lat
|iael iiies were |uzziug arouuc tbe nosçuito uettiug, |ut
I sieµt eouteuteciy, luowiug tbat tbey eouic uot cistur|
ne. 1be µrevious eveuiug, tbe owis auc ioxes ebasiug
niee, ra||its, auc eaeb otber bac leµt ne awale-
µeoµie co uot aµµreeiate bow uoisy uature eau |e at
uigbt. 1be ea|iu, witb wbatever neager suµµiies oi iooc I
bac storec ou wires arouuc it, attraetec roceuts, wbo iu
turu attraetec µrecators. 8one uigbts tbe raelet was
1be exµiosiou sboelec ne out oi ceeµ sieeµ. I
gra||ec tbe reµaiese kukcì
tbat was ny naiu tooi auc
ouiy weaµou auc roiiec out oi tbe ea|iu, bittiug tbe
grouuc barc auc eursiug nyseii ior uot |eiug nore
1be nouutaius oi Creeee were uo iouger eonµieteiy
saie. Arnec |aucs oi Ai|auiaus routiueiy nace tbeir way
tbrougb tbe wiics, tryiug to get to tbe najor eities iu
seareb oi worl. rornaiiy tbey ieit µeoµie aioue, |ut
tbere bac |eeu nauy eases oi arnec ro||ery. I cic uot
eoucenu tben, tbese were cesµerate µeoµie wbose iives
auc eouutry tbe eireunstauees oi µoiities bac cestroyec.
But ueitber cic I go iooliug ior trou|ie. 1biugs bac
But ueitber cic I go iooliug ior trou|ie. 1biugs bac
growu µrogressiveiy worse iu reeeut years, witb tbe wars
iu kosovo auc Bosuia auc tbe a|uucauee oi iiiegai
iirearns to |e iouuc ou tbe |iael narlet. 1bere were aii
sorts oi µaraniiitary waelos ou naueuvers iu tbe
nouutaius, oi Lasteru Luroµeau extraetiou ior tbe nost
µart auc oi every µoiitieai eouvietiou. Iu sbort, it was
gooc to give arnec |aucs a wice |ertb.
A seeouc exµiosiou roelec tbe siieuee auc I reiaxec
eveu as I was ruuuiug towarc tbe ricgeiiue. It bac |eeu
too iouc ior a greuace, auc it was too iar oii to
inneciateiy eoueeru ne, µro|a|iy at tbe |ase oi tbe
I ioolec over tbe µronoutory auc was stuuuec to see
|uiicozers auc eraues |eiow ne. 1be exµiosious bac
|eeu cyuanite ebarges.
ßhat the . . .`
I worlec ny way cowu tbe nouutaiu µatb au bour or
so iater. Cue oi tbe sbeµbercs I luew toic ne tbat a
niuiug eonµauy bac |ougbt baii tbe nouutaiu ior a
µittauee, it seenec. 1bey were striµ niuiug ior goic auc
uielei, sonetbiug I tbougbt was iiiegai iu tbe Luroµeau
Luiou. Lçuaiiy exasµeratiug was ny reeoiieetiou tbat tbe
wboie area was suµµosec to |e uatiouai iorestiauc auc
ny su|seçueut reaiizatiou tbat sone µoiitieiau auc bis
erouies bac o|viousiy |eeu µaic oii. I bac bearc Creeee
eaiiec tbe Bauauaiess keµu|iie, iu bouor oi tbe
eorruµtiou eviceut iu tbe µu|iie seetor.
Beiore ne stooc
iiviug µrooi, ior tbe unµteeutb tine, tbat tbe aµµeiiatiou
was warrautec.
8bort oi attaeliug tbe niuiug site auc ceeaµitatiug tbe
worlers (wbieb was a vec; tenµtiug tbougbt), tbere was
uotbiug I eouic co. Cursiug bunau greec witb every steµ,
I nace ny way uµ tbe traii |ael to tbe sbael. Cue nore
µateb oi µristiue wiiceruess was a|out to |e cestroyec.
1be ebenieais usec |y tbe niuers wouic eousune
1be ebenieais usec |y tbe niuers wouic eousune
everytbiug iu a iew sbort years, oi tbat I was sure.
lor tbe uext weel I eouic tine a eioel |y tbe
cyuanite ebarges, wbieb weut oii µreeiseiy at tweive auc
two every cay. I nace sure to |e coiug ebores curiug
tbat tine, so tbat tbe niuiug wouic uot cistur| ny
necitatious. I eouic bear tbe |uiicozers auc eonµressors
at worl curiug tbe cayiigbt bours, |ut tbeir souucs were
too iar oii to |otber ne. It was irouie, I bac eone to tbe
wiiceruess to eseaµe tbe souucs oi nau auc bis eities,
|ut iucustry bac ioiiowec at ny beeis.
CuILDkLr Cl 1uL IrrLk LAk1u

It was iu tbe creans oi sieeµ tbat tbey iirst aµµroaebec
1be uigbt bac |eeu çuiet, ny traµ oi settiug µieees oi
iooc a|out a buucrec yarcs iron tbe sbael to iure away
tbe niee auc tbe owis witb tben bac worlec. I was
snugiy eujoyiug a gooc soiic sieeµ wbeu I saw tbe
row you nust uucerstauc tbat |y virtue oi ny traiuiug
I an ianiiiar witb tbe µroeess oi iueic creaniug. As sueb,
I eau easiiy siiµ iuto a eouseious state oi niuc wbeu
creaniug auc, ou a gooc cay, eau eoutroi ny creans ior
a iairiy ioug tine.
I saw nyseii sieeµiug iu a carl µiaee, auc was aware
tbat I ieit saie auc was weieone tbere. I sat uµ iu ny
sieeµiug |ag as two sbacowy iorns aµµroaebec. 1bey
were ueitber bostiie uor irieuciy. I saw tbat |ebiuc tben
tbere were nauy otbers tryiug to µress iorwarc |ut beic
|ael |y tbe iirst two.
Man. a voiee saic iusice ny beac. It was eoniug
iron tbe taiier oi tbe two sbacows.
iron tbe taiier oi tbe two sbacows.
Ðo not /eac us.
I do not. Le//o. kìng o/ the Mountaìn. It ìs ;ou.
ìsnt ìt`
1es. óceetìngs. It has leen oan; ;eacs sìnce we
s¡oke wìth oocta/ oan. Most who cooe hece do not
1he; shcìnk /coo ;ouc ¡owec.
Ðee¡ down ìnsìde the; ace a/caìd o/ ;ou. no
oattec what the; oa; thìnk conscìous/;.
I dont undecstand.
!evec oìnd.
1be kiug oi tbe \ouutaiu is au extreneiy µoweriui
eartb eieneutai. ue iives uear tbe very µeal auc bas
sbaµec ior binseii a stuuuiugiy bunau iaee iu stoue over
tbe niiieuuia. It was tbis iaee, auc tbe |izarreiy bunau
ieatures oi tbe otbers oi bis liuc arouuc bin, tbat crove
visitors away iron tbis µiaee (iigure :).

lig. :. 1be kiug oi tbe \ouutaiu
I bac seeu otbers iile bin |eiore iu tbe Crieut. Iu
Jaµau bis liuc were reverec as kaoì-saoa, sµirits oi
uature iubereut to tbe iauc. I bac stuciec 1eucai
Buccbisn at a tenµie uear 1olyo wbere |otb tbe iaity
auc µriests bac iutrocueec ne to oue µartieuiar |ouicer,
au eieneutai tbat bac niraeuiousiy eurec severai µeoµie
oi terniuai iiiuesses auc, I was assurec, bac eveu savec
tbe iiie oi a ebiic curiug au eartbçuale (iigure 6).

lig. 6. A sµirit roel iu Jaµau
Aii aueieut euitures bac uanes ior tbese |eiugs. Iu
noceru tines tbey bave |eeu eategorizec as iixtures oi
suµerstitious uouseuse or, at |est, as tbe o|jeets oi
suµerstitious uouseuse or, at |est, as tbe o|jeets oi
çuaiut ioeai euiturai |eiieis.
Iu ny crean, tbeu, I was sµealiug to a çuaiut ioeai
euiturai |eiiei. lerbaµs be bac sinµiy |eeu earvec iuto
tbe stoue tbousaucs oi years ago |y reoiitbie nau, auc I
was iettiug ny inagiuatiou ruu wiic. Aiter aii, it was a
crean. Cr µerbaµs it was reai. Iu auy ease, I was
eujoyiug it.
1hank ;ou /oc the ìncense ;ou /eave us evec;
1ouce oost we/cooe.
I tbeu seusec besitatiou ou tbe µart oi tbe kiug oi tbe
Low can I he/¡ ;ou` It was o|vious tbat tbey
wautec sonetbiug iron ne, otberwise we wouic uot |e
baviug tbis eouversatiou. 1bey cic uot iile µeoµie, auc
ior tbe nost µart renaiuec çuiet.
1bere was a ioug siieuee, auc tbeu tbe seeouc
sbacowy iigure sµole. I eaiiec ber tbe çueeu,
µresunµtuousiy, autbroµonorµbieaiiy, µro|a|iy
erroueousiy attri|utiug a sex to ber. 8be stooc to tbe rigbt
auc just |eiow tbe liug, tbougb, auc bac tbe air oi |eiug
seeouc iu eonnauc. lor sone reasou I got a ceiiuite
ieniuiue vi|e iron ber, nay|e it was tbe ioug iiowiug
gowu sbe wore.¨
Iaìn. sbe saic.
ßh;` I aslec.
1he; ace eatìng awa; at the veìns o/ ¡owec ìnsìde
the eacth.
Auc tbeu I luew. I uucerstooc eonµieteiy. 1be
niuers were liiiiug tben.
I cic uot çuestiou tbe iaet tbat tbe cistauee iron tbe
µeal to tbe niuers was nore tbau a niie-wbo luew
wbat tbese |eiugs were auc bow iar tbeir conaiu
exteucec' "bo luew wbat tbey reçuirec iu orcer to
exist' 1bat tbey bac |eeu bere ior niiieuuia, I bac uo
exist' 1bat tbey bac |eeu bere ior niiieuuia, I bac uo
\o 1zu, tbe iouucer oi ny naster`s iiueage, bac
taugbt us 2,400 years ago tbat tbere were esseutiaiiy
tbree liucs oi sµirits iu tbe woric. tbe sµirits oi beaveu,
tbe sµirits oi tbe nouutaius auc rivers, auc tbe gbosts oi
neu wbo bave ciec.
row, you nust uucerstauc
sonetbiug a|out tbe aueieut Cbiuese auc arebaie euitures
iu geuerai-tbey were eniueutiy µraetieai auc iigbtiug
was a routiue µart oi tbeir existeuee. Iu iaet, tbey eujoyec
eon|at, wbieb is wby tbey eousicerec it au art iorn,
sonetbiug tbrougb wbieb |eauty nay |e exµressec. A
eourt systen |asec ou Juceo-Cbristiau etbies cic uot
boic sway auc tbe average nau eouic exµeet to liii
severai tines iu bis iiie, ii be binseii were to survive.
leoµie wbo eousicer aueieut |eiieis as çuaiut or
irratiouai are way oii |ase-bac tbese eertituces uot
|eeu suita|iy µragnatie, tbey wouic bave |eeu cisµosec
oi aioug witb tbeir µroµoueuts. Couvietious oi tbis sort
were a survivai trait, auc sbysters eouic exµeet to |e µut
to ceatb.
It is ouiy siuee reiigiou auc enµire |egau to
wail bauc iu bauc tbat µraetieai luowiecge bas |eeu
su|jeet to attael auc ricieuie, ior o|vious reasous.
It seenec tbat tbese tenµorary ueigb|ors oi niue
were iu reai trou|ie.
I dont know that I can he/¡ ;ou,¨ I toic tbe çueeu
iu ny crean. 1hece ìsnt cea//; an;thìng I can do.¨
ßh; ace the; doìng thìs'¨ sbe aslec. ße have
not attacked theo.¨
1o theo. ;ou do not e·ìst.
At tbis sbe seenec µuzziec. 8ut we ace hece! 1ou
oen know we ace hece.
!o. On/; a /ew vì//agecs know that now.
8ut . . .
Ouc /ìves ace shoct. Iìke the anìoa/s o/ the
Ouc /ìves ace shoct. Iìke the anìoa/s o/ the
/ocest. we ace locn. lceed. and dìe ìn a heactleat.
ße have leen /ocgotten.
1be |eiugs renaiuec çuiet. 1bey sinµiy stooc tbere.
I have to thìnk alout thìs /oc a whì/e,¨ I
eoutiuuec. I wì// see what I can do.
1es. shaoan,¨ tbe liug saic. 1hank ;ou. 1ou ace
we/cooe ìn thìs ¡/ace.¨
Auc witb tbat I was awale, sboelec, sittiug uµ iu ny
sieeµiug |ag iusice tbe ea|iu, iisteuiug to tbe souucs oi
tbe uigbt. \y beart was |eatiug iuereci|iy siowiy auc I
ieit iile I bac |eeu cruggec. 1bey bac µuiiec ny
neta|oiisn cowu to tbe iowest ieveis oi |raiu aetivity so
tbat tbey eouic sµeal to ne. I was siuggisb auc tirec,
wbatever bac trausµirec bac craiuec ny |ocy oi yiu
ßhat dìd ;ou ca// oe' I sboutec out iu ny niuc.
Shaoan`! I ao not! I eouic uever |e tbat. I was uot
|oru witb tbe taieut. Besices, I bave cegrees iu two iieics
oi eugiueeriug.
It was tbe eveuiug oi tbe uew noou. I weut outsice to
reiieve nyseii, tbe souucs oi tbe uigbt surrouuciug ne as
I wailec. Cu tbe way |ael, I ioolec uµ at tbe liug`s
stoue iaee iooniug over tbe ea|iu. ue seenec to sniie
cowu at ne.

1uA1 "uICu 1kAr8\L1L8

8o tbat tbe reacer eau |etter uucerstauc ny eouversatiou
witb tbe eartb eieneutais, I an goiug to bave to cigress iu
ieugtb auc exµiaiu iurtber tbe µbiiosoµby |ebiuc tbe
aetivities oi yiu auc yaug.
I u 1he Magus o/ 1ava, I µroµosec a nocei
I u 1he Magus o/ 1ava, I µroµosec a nocei
exµiaiuiug tbe µbeuoneuou oi eb`i tbat was esseutiaiiy
|asec ou a niiieuuia-oic Cbiuese tbeory |ut aiso
iueorµoratec tocay`s tbeories ou sµaee auc tine. 1aoist
teaebiugs teii us tbat yiu eb`i auc yaug eb`i are µreseut iu
everytbiug aiive. Jobu Cbaug bac giveu ne a sµeetaeuiar
cenoustratiou oi yiu euergy, usiug tbat ioree to a|sor|
noneutun auc seuc it iuto uowbere.¨ Jobu bac µassec
yiu eb`i iuto ny |ocy auc iirec au air riiie (wbieb I bac
just usec to sboot tbrougb a netai eau) iuto ny µain.
8onetbiug bac stoµµec tbe µeiiet so tbat I ieit ouiy tbe
geutiest oi touebes. \oreover, tbe µeiiet bac uot |eeu
ceiornec iu auy way auc tbere bac |eeu uo geueratiou
oi beat. "batever bac a|sor|ec tbe noneutun oi tbe
siug bac coue so witbout eouserviug its euergy,
sonetbiug tbat is inµossi|ie aeeorciug to tocay`s
µbysies. Later, Jobu toic ne tbat be usec gravity to
aeeonµiisb tbis ieat, auc tbat gravity is oue oi tbe severai
iutriusie yiu euergies iu our woric. ue bac |ouuc tbe
ioree oi gravity to bis wiii iu orcer to cenoustrate tbis.
As a Levei 1wo stuceut oi tbe \o-lai, I bave
worlec witb yaug eb`i ou a caiiy |asis auc bave eone to
iceutiiy two ebaraeteristies iutriusie to its |ebavior. lirst
oi aii, it is bot. Jobu Cbaug uses it to µeriorn
µyrogeuesis, settiug erunµiec uewsµaµers ou iire. At ny
ievei, it bas searrec ny µains uear tbe aeuµuueture
µoiuts oi tbe µeriearciun nericiau, tbe narls resen|iiug
sonetbiug iile tbe stig nata iron tbe Catboiie tracitiou.
1bese stignata are esseutiaiiy ioeaiizec byµerenia
geueratec |y tbe iiow oi |ioeuergy, wbieb tbe coetors
nouitoriug ne eouic uot exµiaiu witb "esteru necieiue
(iigure ¯). I eouic use tbose wouucs¨ to ieei tbe
eoucitiou oi a µatieut`s |ocy, seusiug tbe iiow oi tbe eb`i
tbrougbout bis or ber orgaus auc iin|s.

lig. ¯. 1be stignata¨ (ioeaiizec byµerenia)
geueratec |y tbe iiow oi |ioeuergy. 1be
µbeuoneuou aµµears bere ou |otb tbe ieit auc rigbt
1be seeouc ebaraeteristie oi yaug euergy is tbat it
wauts to go u¡. I eau ieei it risiug iu ny |ocy wbeuever I
bave coue ny exereises-it coes uot waut to settie iu ny
cautieu, |ut wauts to go to tbe toµ oi ny beac auc |urst
out, ii it eouic. lron tbis sinµie seusatiou (eouµiec witb
tbe iaet tbat I bac seeu Jobu Cbaug ievitate iron tbe
grouuc iu ceiiauee oi uaturai iaw) I bave eone to
uucerstauc sonetbiug tbat Cbiuese sages bave |eeu
sayiug ior tbe iast tbree tbousauc years. 1be yaug euergy
exists iu oµµositiou to tbe yiu. Auc ii gravity is a yiu eb`i,
wbat is tbe yaug eb`i' 1be yaug eb`i nust |e a ioree
eorreiatec to soiar uueiear iusiou, auc tbis ioree tbat iueis
eorreiatec to soiar uueiear iusiou, auc tbis ioree tbat iueis
tbe suu iueis our iives ou eartb as weii. (liease see
aµµeucix 2.)
1be Luiverse bas µrovec itseii nauy tines to |e
iraetai iu uature. It is tbereiore iogieai to assune tbat a
ioree existiug naeroeosnieaiiy wouic aiso exist
nieroeosnieaiiy iusice our owu |eiug. Cur eurreut
seieuee aeeeµts tbe uotiou tbat were it uot ior tbe
cyuanisn oi uueiear iusiou serviug as au exµausive
ioree, our suu wouic eoiiaµse uucer tbe ioree oi its owu
gravity. "bat tbis neaus is tbat aii stars are |attieiieics
|etweeu gravity auc sone ioree µroviciug outwarc
µressure, auc tbat tbis |attie sbaµes our sµaee-tine.
"beu nost µeoµie tbiul oi gravity, tbey renen|er tbe
|asies iearuec iu bigb sebooi. Cue nass exerts au
attraetive ioree ou auotber, auc it is tbis attraetive ioree
tbat leeµs us ou tbe µiauet`s suriaee. But iet`s tale tbis
truisn oue steµ iurtber auc ceiiue tbiugs nore µreeiseiy.
Cravity is tbat ioree iu tbe Luiverse tbat wauts aii natter
to eoiiaµse iuto a siugie nass, auc uitinateiy iuto oue
siuguiarity. 1bat is to say, gravity is tbat ioree tbat seels
to eonµaet sµaee auc tine iuto a siugie, nassive |iael
boie. 1be iutriusie yiu eb`i usec |y Jobu Cbaug to aebieve
bis sµeetaeuiar, euergy-a|sor|iug cenoustratious nust
|e reiatec to tbe ioree oi gravity. It is tbis cyuanisn tbat
a|sor|s euergy auc seucs it iuto uowbere.¨
8oiar iire, ou tbe otber bauc, is tbe exµausive ioree
tbat ereates sµaee auc tine auc leeµs it extaut. "esteru
seieuee eaiis tbis soiar ioree uueiear iusiou. 1be aueieut
seboiars oi Cbiua eaiiec it yaug eb`i. 1bey are oue auc
tbe sane. \aeroeosnieaiiy tbe eon|at |etweeu tbe two
iorees oi yiu auc yaug ceiiue tbe uature oi reaiity.
\ieroeosnieaiiy tbeir iuteraetiou iueis our iiie ioree.
(Isu`t it iogieai to byµotbesize tbat, sbouic sueb a eoutest
eonµrise tbe iuucaneutai uaturai eoucitiou oi our
Luiverse, our owu |ocies auc our very iiie ioree wouic
Luiverse, our owu |ocies auc our very iiie ioree wouic
reiieet it')
Iu 1he Magus o/ 1ava, I µroµosec tbe tbeory tbat
Jobu Cbaug`s µower, tbose euergy |iasts oi bis tbat ieei
iile you are |eiug zaµµec |y a bigb-voitage eieetrieai
eurreut, is attri|uta|ie to uueiear iusiou. I (auc otber
seieutists) bave triec to neasure tbis µower witb
iustruneuts, |ut uo voitage or eurreut was eviceut. Auc
yet uo oue eouic ceuy tbe very reai ioree oi tbese |iasts,
wbieb iuceec eouic |e usec to µeriorn worl as ceiiuec
|y noceru µbysies (ior iustauee, eausiug a giass oi water
to |oii or ceiiveriug treneucous noneutun). 8o wbat
was baµµeuiug' Jobu`s µower is eitber neebauieai iu
uature or tbe resuit oi a cyuanisn we eouic uot µiuµoiut.
8iuee uo noveneut oi eieetrous was eviceut, auc siuee
Jobu`s µower eau |e trausierrec tbrougb netaiiie o|jeets
over ioug cistauees (naliug it eieariy uot neebauieai),
Ceean`s razor suggestec to ne tbat it was cue to
uueiear iusiou. (Iu µroµosiug tbis tbeory, bowever, I bave
nace natters nore eonµiex tbau Ceean wouic wisb-I
bave suggestec tbat tbis uueiear iusiou is |rougbt a|out
|y yaug eb`i, a iaetor uot reeoguizec |y eurreut
|ioµbysieai iaw.)
I wiii acc, very |rieiiy, µrinariiy ior tbose teebuoerats
out tbere, tbat tbere is a ease ior assuniug tbat Jobu`s
eieetrieity¨ is racio ireçueuey (kl) eurreut. 1bis tyµe oi
eieetronaguetie wave is uot reaciiy neasura|ie witb
eouveutiouai eurreut auc voitage neters, |ut ratber
reçuires a sµeeiaiizec oseiiioseoµe. "beu we iool at tbe
eieetronaguetie sµeetrun as a wboie, we iiuc tbat two
iorns oi enissious iron tbe suu are a|ie to µeuetrate to
tbe suriaee oi tbe eartb uuciniuisbec. visi|ie iigbt auc
racio waves. lerbaµs tbere is sonetbiug iubereut iu kl
enissious uucer uaturai iaw tbat aiiows tbeir µroµagatiou
tbrougbout tbe bunau |ocy.
uaviug saic tbat, we stiii bave to exµiaiu tbe µower
uaviug saic tbat, we stiii bave to exµiaiu tbe µower
souree tbat is geueratiug tbese waves. Iu esseuee, we eau
iuterµret tbe eutire eieetronaguetie sµeetrun as |eiug a
yaug µbeuoneuou. Lveu ii a iuture stucy sbows tbat tbe
euergy µrocueec |y Jobu Cbaug is kl eurreut, anaziug
as tbis is |y itseii, it wiii ouiy ieac to nore çuestious as to
bow tbose waves are geueratec.
Iu tbe euc I |eiieve tbat we wiii uueover tbat ny
naster`s cautieu coes iuceec aet nueb iile a star |eiug
or|itec |y a |iael boie, auc tbat tbe µrinary euergy
souree is attri|uta|ie to uueiear iusiou. Cuiy wbeu we
en|raee tbe µreeeµt oi what ha¡¡ens
oaccocosoìca//; oust occuc oìccocosoìca//; wiii we
eone to uucerstauc tbe nystery oi eb`i. I |eiieve tbis, iu
turu, wiii ieac to tbe uuiiiec iieic tbeory so ceariy eovetec
|y noceru seieutists.
1bere is oue nore tbiug I eau state uueçuivoeaiiy
tbrougb ny exµerieuees witb Jobu Cbaug. Botb yiu eb`i
auc yaug eb`i |ebave as |otb µartieie auc wave
µbeuoneua-iuceec, it wouic |e uo streteb oi tbe
inagiuatiou to state |oiciy tbat chì has oass. 1be
aµµeiiatious giveu |y aueieut euitures arouuc tbe woric to
tbe tern lìoenecg; (eb`i, µueuna, riuug, ruaeb, sµiritus,
µraua) aii reier to a vaµoriile µbeuoneuou, auc I bave
seeu tbis to |e true iirstbauc. Cb`i bas nass nueb tbe
sane way tbat snole bas nass. "beu I iirst testec ior
tbe eonµietiou oi Levei 1wo (auc iaiiec cisnaiiy), ny
stuceut 8µiros was µreseut auc assurec ne be bac seeu
sonetbiug iile snole¨ risiug out oi ny µains. Jobu
eouiirnec tbat tbis was iuceec yaug eb`i. Iu auy ease,
euougb saic ou tbis natter . . . ior tbe noneut.
Cu a eosnie seaie, we eau graµbieaiiy ceµiet tbe
iuteraetiou oi yiu auc yaug as ioiiows.

lig. 8. \aeroeosnie yiu auc yaug
1be t`ai ebi syn|oi sbowu is tbe arebaie iorn, wbieb
|etter reµreseuts tbe eiasb oi tbe two iorees, tbougb uot
tbeir trausitiou witb sµaee auc tine.
\ou wiii uotiee tbat I ia|eiec tbe eeuter oi tbe yiu iieic
as origiuatiug iu tbe µiauetary eore, tbere is a reasou ior
tbis, oue tbat wiii |riug us |ael to our eartb eieneutais
|eiore ioug. Inagiue tbe yiu as tbe µrinai ebaos tbat
existec µrior to our owu Luiverse, a eoucitiou |eyouc
sµaee auc tine. 1bis ebaos is stiii very nueb a µart oi our
owu reaiity, a sort oi carl etber tbat oµµoses tbe iigbt oi
tbe stars, auc yet is a µrereçuisite ior our iiie ioree. 1be
1aoist sages oi oic auc Jobu Cbaug bave taugbt us tbat
everytbiug aiive nust bave |otb tbe yiu auc yaug euergies
eoursiug iu µaraiiei tbrougb tbeir |ocies. A wooceu ta|ie
is sinµiy yaug auc is tbereiore iiieiess, wbiie a tree bas
|otb yiu auc yaug. But ii tbe yaug eb`i eones iron tbe
suu, tbeu wbere coes tbe yiu eb`i eone iron'
"e luow nueb nore a|out tbe eartb`s eore tbau we
usec to. "e aµµreeiate tbat netaiiie eieneuts iu bigb
eoueeutratiou are reçuirec sonewbere iu tbe iuterior oi
tbe eartb to geuerate tbe µiauet`s eviceut naguetie iieic.
"e luow tbat tbis netai nust bave iiuic µroµerties at
very bigb tenµeratures. "biie eoutenµorary (1vv8)
very bigb tenµeratures. "biie eoutenµorary (1vv8)
estinates teii us tbat tbe eartb`s soiic iuuer eore (tbere is
au outer eore as weii) nay |e oue siugie buge erystai oi
irou 2,400 ln iu cianeter, I wiii stiel ny ueel out auc
agree witb au eariier nocei (1vv6), wbieb µreciets tbat
tbe eore bas a cisµersiou oi 4 µereeut uielei as weii. \y
reasouiug ior tbis is |asec ou tbe iuuetiouiug oi tbe kecìs,
a sbort sworc oi tbe \aiay Arebiµeiago.
Iu 1he Magus o/ 1ava, I exµiaiuec nueb oi tbe nagie
oi tbe leris, a weaµou nace iron neteorites oi a
sµeeiiie uature. A taiisnau iusertec iuto tbe netaiiie |ocy
oi tbe leris |iucs tbe naler`s sµirit to tbe weaµou, aioug
witb bis soienu oatb to µroteet tbe owuer oi tbe sbort
sworc. A leris eau |e eaµa|ie oi iiyiug tbrougb tbe air or
|oiiiug water iron a cistauee, I bave seeu sone
iuereci|ie cenoustratious oi µower iron au iucivicuai
leris at Jobu Cbaug`s bone.
Iu eiieet, tbis sworc serves as au auteuua to tbe
naler`s sµirit. "beu a leris is eaiiec uµou, iu esseuee
tbe naler (eo¡u; is eaiiec uµou to µroteet tbe owuer oi
tbe sworc. 1bis µraetiee nay |e eoustruec as soreery, oi
tbat tbere eau |e iittie cou|t, |ut wbetber tbe nagie is
carl or wbite is ieit to tbe iucivicuai iorger to ceeice.
tbe µast, au enµu eousiguec bis sµirit iu sueb a nauuer as
to µroteet tbe iiueage auc ianiiy oi a nau be eberisbec, I
an sure tbat nauy sueb gbosts are iess tbau baµµy wbeu
tbe taiisnau tbat |iucs tben is |ougbt auc soic iile
1be µoiut is, tbe netaiiie |ocy oi tbe leris |otb
eoutaius auc trausnits tbe yiu euergy oi tbe taiisnau ior
nauy eeuturies. A leris is eonµosec oi neteorite irou
witb a bigb uielei eouteut, a trait tbat gives tben tbeir
canaseeue aµµearauee.
Lool at tben: 1bey tbiul tbey eau iorge a leris iron
sinµie irou auc uielei: 1bey cou`t uucerstauc tbat a reai
sinµie irou auc uielei: 1bey cou`t uucerstauc tbat a reai
leris nust |e iorgec iron a neteorite:¨ Jobu Cbaug bac
usec tbese barsb worcs iu µrivate to ne curiug a visit to a
Javauese leris naler. "e were watebiug a noceru cay
enµu toii away, iorgiug µieees I nyseii tbougbt were
worls oi art.
"by is tbat, 8iiu'¨ I aslec.
Beeause ouiy a neteorite eau eoutaiu tbe yiu euergy
oi tbe taiisnau. Auy leris tbat truiy bas µower bas |eeu
iorgec iron a stoue tbat bas iaiieu iron tbe sly,¨ be
It was uµou beariug tbose worcs auc renen|eriug
wbat I bac iearuec oi yiu auc yaug tbat I uucerstooc tbat
tbese neteorites were tbe beart oi a µiauet tbat bac ouee
existec, |ut bac |eeu cestroyec. 1bey were µieees oi its
µiauetary eore. Cur eartb`s eore, too, bas a eonµositiou
siniiar to tbe netai oi tbe leris, auc is |otb au auteuua
auc trausistor ior yiu euergy. 8onebow tbe eore oi our
µiauet is iu eoustaut eonnuuiou witb tbe µrinai ebaos,
ceiiveriug tbe yiu euergy to us so tbat iiie nay exist.
8everai researebers bave µroµosec tbe tbeory tbat tbe
µiauet eartb is oue siugie iiviug orgauisn oi wbieb we as a
sµeeies are a µart.
It wouic |e wouceriui ii tbis were
true, |ut wbat is eertaiu is tbat we ueec tbe yiu euergy
iron tbe eore oi tbe eartb iu orcer to survive. 1bis euergy
is easiiy trausnittec tbrougb tbe µiauet`s nautie, |ut iu
orcer tbat it nay |e eveuiy cistri|utec tbrougb tbe
suriaee, a uetworl eonµara|ie to tbe systen oi arteries
auc eaµiiiaries tbat ieec tbe eeiis oi our |ocies witb
|iooc is reçuirec. 1bis uetworl is nace uµ oi tbe veius
oi netai ore tbat ruu tbrougb tbe erust, ioces tbat we as a
sµeeies bave |eeu seaveugiug ior tbe iast iour tbousauc
Beiore I go ou, iet ne ouee agaiu ceieuc nyseii iron
tbose wbo wouic seoii. I cou|t tbat auyoue wouic care
argue iu our age agaiust tbe iaet tbat tbe woric is iraetai iu
argue iu our age agaiust tbe iaet tbat tbe woric is iraetai iu
uature, seii-reµiieatiug iu iorn so tbat iuuetiou nay |e
attaiuec. Coastiiues are iraetai, as is tbe |eatiug oi our
beart. 1bis is a iaet tbat aueieut euitures uucerstooc weii.
lor exanµie, two tbousauc years ago, tbrougb tbeir
necitatious, Buccbists eane uµ witb tbe eoueeµt oi
oanda/as, two cineusiouai iraetai reµreseutatious oi a
giveu asµeet oi our tbree-cineusiouai reaiity. Cur |ocies,
too, are seii-reµiieatiug nieroeosns oi tbe Luiverse,
tbere is uo way arouuc tbis.
Let`s eoutiuue |y iooliug at our |ioebenistry auc tbe
inµortauee oi netai to our iiie ioree. Lveryoue tocay
luows tbat irou is a erueiai eonµoueut oi our |iooc. As
a |asie eoustitueut oi benogio|iu, it is iu iaet irou tbat
aiiows us to |reatbe.
1bougb irou nales uµ iess tbau
0.004 µereeut oi our |ocy weigbt, witbout it we cie.
\ueb aiso bas |eeu writteu a|out tbe inµortauee oi
niuerais auc eieetroiytes iu our |ioocstrean-aii, ior tbe
nost µart, netaiiie eonµouucs. Cuee we uucerstauc
bow inµortaut netais are to tbe iuuetiouiug oi our
|ocies, eau we cisregarc tbe eoueiusiou tbat tbey nay |e
erueiai to tbe iuuetiouiug oi our µiauet as a wboie'
1be Lugiisb worc oeta/ eones iron tbe Creel worc
µété::óv, wbieb neaus tbat wbieb trausnutes.¨
worc iu itseii sbouic raise a iew eye|rows, |ut siuee
aiebeny is a ior|icceu toµie iu our cay auc age, auc
siuee iew µeoµie reaiize tbe souree oi tbe worc, its
neauiug is iguorec. Cur noceru µbysies iusists tbat
nateriais co uot trausnute oi tbeir owu aeeorc. Coic
iusiou is inµossi|ie, |ioiogieai iusiou µreµosterous. Cue
eouic iose bis µiaee iu aeacenia ior suggestiug sueb a
tbiug. uusb.
Auc yet it is netai tbat agaiu iustigates oue oi tbe nost
µerµiexiug eoutroversies iu "esteru necieai tbeory.
8everai researebers
bave suggestec tbat eieetrieaiiy
8everai researebers
bave suggestec tbat eieetrieaiiy
iucueec uueiear iusiou (i.e., eoic uueiear iusiou) tales
µiaee iusice tbe |ocy aii tbe tine. Liviug eeiis bave a
µoteutiai ciiiereuee aeross tbe eeii waii tbat is cue to tbe
ciiiereutiai eoueeutratiou oi sociun ious (ra
) auc
µotassiun ious (k
) iusice auc outsice tbe eeii, tbis
ciiiereutiai is eaiiec tbe trausnen|raue µoteutiai. 1be
naiustrean tbeory (eaiiec tbe sodìuo ¡otassìuo ¡uo¡)
µroµoses a neebauisn to exµiaiu tbis µoteutiai wbere|y
sociun is neebauieaiiy exebaugec ior µotassiun iusice
auc outsice tbe eeii nen|raue. uowever, tbe iogisties
|ebiuc tbis nocei are eonµiex auc bave uever |eeu
µrovec. lroµoueuts oi tbe |ioiogieai eoic uueiear iusiou
tbeory, ou tbe otber bauc, suggest tbat sociun, iu tbe
µreseuee oi oxygeu, is uueieariy trausnutec to µotassiun
iusice tbe eeii (|y |ioiogieai eoic iusiou), auc tbat tbe
µroeess sbouic rigbtiuiiy |e ia|eiec tbe sodìuo-
¡otassìuo tcansoutatìon.
1be µotassiun iu tbis
nocei is regarcec as a waste µrocuet, uot au iuitiator oi
tbe reaetiou. 8iuee exeess µotassiun iu tbe |ioocstrean
is a ceaciy µoisou, treatiug it as a waste µrocuet ou tbe
eeiiuiar ievei, useiui ouiy iu sµeeiiie ratio to sociun to
naiutaiu a µoteutiai ciiiereuee aeross tbe eeii nen|raue,
nales gooc seuse.
kenen|er, tbe Luiverse ioiiows
tbis ruie. ßhat occucs oaccocosoìca//; occucs
oìccocosoìca//;. 1bis ruie aµµiies ou every seaie iu our
iraetai eosnos.
It nay |e, tbeu, tbat iiie itseii is auinatec |y tbe
trausnutatiou oi oue netai to auotber. lerbaµs tbe
aueieut Creels luew wbat tbey were tailiug a|out wbeu
tbey ia|eiec tbese eieneuts tbose wbieb trausnute.¨
lerbaµs tbey reaiizec bow inµortaut netai is, auc wbat
its roie is iu tbe sebene oi tbiugs.
8o we bave seeu tbeu tbat netai ious are suµreneiy
inµortaut ior our iiie ioree |otb ebenieaiiy (tbe irou iu
benogio|iu) auc aiebenieaiiy¨ (tbe ra
benogio|iu) auc aiebenieaiiy¨ (tbe ra
Auc wouic netai |e auy iess inµortaut to tbe iiie ioree oi
tbe µiauet as a wboie' I an eouviueec tbat tbe netai
erystai iu tbe eartb`s iuuer eore bas very sµeeiai
µroµerties tbat tie tbe µiauet to tbe yiu iieic oi tbe µrinai
ebaos. I an eouviueec tbat tbe uetworl oi veius oi
netaiiie ore iu tbe eartb`s erust are tbere so tbat tbis yiu
euergy nay reaeb uµ to auc |e cistri|utec tbrougb tbe
µiauet`s suriaee.
\etai is, iu otber worcs, a eouueetiug eieneut
|etweeu tbe yiu auc tbe yaug iieics oi existeuee. I |eiieve
tbat tbis is so |eeause netai bas µroµerties iu tbe eieetrie,
naguetie, soiar |ioeuergetie (yaug), auc yiu iieics.
"bieb iiuaiiy |riugs us |ael to our eartb eieneutais
auc ny iueic creaniug. \y naster bas toic ne
reµeateciy. Lverytbiug ou tbe eartb is yaug, |ut tbe eartb
itseii is yiu. "e ourseives are yaug ereatures auc bave
iittie netai iu our |ocies |y weigbt (eveu tbougb tbis
netai is erueiai). Is it so erazy to assune tbat eutities
eouic exist ou (or iu) tbe µiauet tbat nale greater use oi
netai auc its µroµerties'
Luug uu 8bau, tbe 1aoist nouastery tbat was bone to
ny naster`s teaeber, Craucnaster Liao, is ioeatec iu
Cbiua`s Jiaugxi µroviuee, auc Jiaugxi is uuusuaiiy rieb iu
niuerai resourees. 1be area |oasts tbe iargest eoµµer
niue iu Asia. Anoug tbe oue buucrec iiity niuerais
ciseoverec iu tbe woric, Jiaugxi bas nore tbau oue
buucrec iorty, auc nauy oi tbe veius oi ore µass rigbt
uucer Luug uu 8bau. Lxteusive reserves oi eigbty-uiue
tyµes oi netaiiie ore bave |eeu ciseoverec auc tbirty-
tbree are anoug tbe toµ iive iu voiune auc çuaiity iu
Asia. I an eouviueec tbat tbis is barciy eoiueiceutai, auc
it wouic |e a siguiiieaut steµ to µrove sonecay tbat
noceru teebuoiogy auc aueieut sµirituaiity co iuceec
sbare a eouueetiou to tbe iubereut µower oi netai.
sbare a eouueetiou to tbe iubereut µower oi netai.
1be eartb eoutaius at ieast 40 µereeut netai |y weigbt.
1be eartb eieneutais are tiec to netai to ieec tbeir iiie
ioree, wbieb is nueb nore yiu tbau yaug. Aueieut euitures
arouuc tbe woric, wbieb iivec eioser to uature auc
stun|iec outo tbese |eiugs ireçueutiy, reierrec to tben
as sµirits or gocs. 8iuee tbe eieneutais are nore yiu tbau
yaug, sueb a cistiuetiou nace seuse. lerbaµs tbey are
iuceec sµirits.
1be eouueetiou |etweeu yiu, tbe eartb, auc tbe sµirit
woric is as oic as bunauliuc. 1be ratiouaie oi 8toue Age
nau boiciug bis eerenouies iu eaves was sinµie. ue
wautec |etter aeeess to tbe yiu iieic so tbat be eouic
nore easiiy iuvole tbose sµirits be cesirec to
eonnuuieate witb. Autbroµoiogists bave iouuc rituai
oiieriugs a niie uucer tbe eartb iu tbe eave oi 1ue
D`Aucou|ert, catiug to aµµroxinateiy 11,000 B.C.L. 1be
eeie|ratec oraeie oi Aeberou iu ny owu eouutry, wbere
neu sougbt out tbe sbaces oi tbeir aueestors iu arebaie
tines, is iittie nore tbau a µit iu tbe grouuc, |ut tbe wboie
area bas au iuereci|ie anouut oi yiu euergy |eeause oi
tbe uear|y river.
1bere is auotber eave iu Creeee tbat |etter exenµiiiies
tbe inµortauee oi yiu auc tbe roie oi eaves iu sµirituai
ciseiµiiues tbrougbout tbe ages. It is ioeatec iu Crete, ou
tbe µeuiusuia oi Alrotiri uear uauia. 1bere are two
Creel Crtbocox nouasteries situatec arouuc tbis eave.
au oicer, cesertec oue eiose to tbe seasbore (\oui
katboiilou, |uiit iu tbe sixtb eeutury C.L. auc a|aucouec
eeuturies iater cue to µirate raics), auc a uewer oue
bigber uµ ou tbe biiisice (\oui Couveruetou, |uiit iu tbe
tweiitb eeutury |y nouls oi tbe eariier nouastery wbo
wautec a nore ceieuca|ie ioeatiou).
1bree buucrec yarcs cowu a steeµ µatb iron \oui
Couveruetou is a iarge eave iusice oi wbieb is |uiit a
snaii ebureb. 1be true ceµtb oi tbe eave is uuluowu,
snaii ebureb. 1be true ceµtb oi tbe eave is uuluowu,
siuee nost oi it bas yet to |e ebartec iu our geueratiou.
Cue striliug tbiug a|out it, tbougb, is tbe iarge staiaetite iu
its eutrauee eban|er, wbieb bas tbe uunistala|ie sbaµe
oi a |ear. lerbaµs eveu nore iuterestiug is tbat
arebaeoiogieai exeavatious bave sbowu tbat tbe eave bas
a reiigious bistory.
reoiitbie nau worsbiµµec tbe eartb |ear auc tbe
\otber Coccess tbere. Iu \iuoau Crete, eirea tbe
seveuteeutb eeutury B.C.L., tbe eave |eeane a tenµie to
Diltyuua, a virgiu Cretau goccess wbose toten was tbe
|ear. 8be was ioiiowec |y ber eiassieai Creel
eouuterµart Artenis, auotber virgiu ceity to wbon tbe
|ear was saerec, auc wbo iu konau tines |eeane
Diaua. "beu tbe Creels eveutuaiiy eouvertec to
Cbristiauity (|etweeu tbe iourtb auc sixtb eeuturies C.L.),
tbe eave |eeane a tenµie to tbe Virgiu \ary oi tbe
Bears (lauagia Arlouciotissa), auc a |aµtisnai iout was
|uiit outo tbe staiaetite, iec |y tbe steacy criµ oi a snaii
sµriug. ueuee tbe goccess worsbiµµec iu tbe eave
ebaugec ber uane, |ut uot ber esseuee, tbrougbout tbe
niiieuuia. 1ocay, iears oi a µagau revivai bave eausec
tbe Creel Crtbocox Cbureb to uegieet¨ tbe snaii
ebureb auc |aµtisnai iout, eaiiiug it icoiatrous (iigure v).
But tourists (nostiy Cernau) iioel tbere |y tbe
tbousaucs curiug tbe sunner.

lig. v. 1be eartb |ear¨ iu tbe eave at \oui
Couveruetou, seeu iron |otb tbe sice auc tbe irout
I, ever iuterestec iu traveiiug to sueb sites, ieit tbe
iuereci|ie yiu euergy iu tbe eave wbeu I visitec tbere, auc
I uucerstooc tbe seeret oi its sauetity. I sougbt tbe iuuer
reeesses oi its eutrauee eban|er auc sat cowu iu
necitatiou ior bours, uucistur|ec uutii tbree youug
Cernau giris, ueoµagaus auc cevotees oi Artenis,
striµµec auc |egau to eavort ualec iu tbe iout, sµiasbiug
eaeb otber auc iaugbiug. 1bey were çuite sbaµeiy, auc
wbiie tbey cic uot see ny sbacowy iigure sittiug çuietiy iu
tbe aieove, it was ciiiieuit ior ne to iguore tben. I was
tenµtec to asl ii tbey wautec eonµauy, |ut luowiug
weii tbe iate oi Aetaeou, ceeicec to renaiu çuiet
Virgiu goccesses asice, tbe µoiut is tbat tbe yiu euergy,
tbe eartb, auc tbe sµirit woric bave aiways |eeu tiec
togetber tbrougbout our bistory. "e sbouic uot, iu our
arrogauee, cisniss tbe luowiecge oi µrinitive nau as
çuaiut suµerstitiou, ior iu coiug so, we cisniss a najor
µart oi ourseives. "e nust uever iorget tbat tbose neu
auc woneu are our aueestors, auc tbat tbey ebose to iive
tbe way tbey cic ior niiieuuia. "e sbouic uot erase ior
gooc tbe iorgotteu sice oi ourseives sinµiy so tbat we
gooc tbe iorgotteu sice oi ourseives sinµiy so tbat we
nay |e |etter eoutroiiec |y tbose wbo seel our

~ddenduo. 8iuee iuitiaiiy writiug tbese worcs I eau
snugiy auc baµµiiy reµort tbat tbe niuiug eonµauy,
wbieb µiauuec ou ciggiug uot iiity neters iron wbere tbe
liug auc çueeu iie, bas |eeu giveu tbe |oot-at ieast ior
tbe tine |eiug. \ours truiy |egau raviug auc irotbiug at
tbe noutb iu tbe Creel nartiai arts nagaziues. Loeai
resiceuts siguec a µetitiou as a resuit auc tbe eonµauy
bac to eease oµeratious. 1bis baviug |eeu saic, tbe veiu
oi tbe ore uear tbe eieneutais is eiose to a tbousauc
neters ceeµ auc reµreseuts a iortuue to sbareboicers
auc, uaturaiiy, tbe µoiitieiaus gettiug tbeir µieee. I co uot
luow bow ioug we eau boic tben oii or wbat wiii
baµµeu to tbe eartb eieneutais. 1bey eauuot ieave tbeir
sµot auc go sonewbere eise.
Cbaµter 1

I bac eone cowu iron ny nouutaiutoµ auc rejoiuec
soeiety, a ceeisiou tbat geueratec uo euc oi ceiigbt at iirst
|ut irustratec ne euciessiy witbiu a weel. \y iuitiai
µro|ien was tbat tailiug was ciiiieuit, ny voeai eorcs
baviug |eeone iess usec to coiug so, I woucerec wbat it
was iile to sµeuc years iu isoiatiou, uot baviug auyoue to
sµeal to auc uot |eiug ioreec to eouverse witb auyoue.
\y naster bas sµeut years iu tbe wiic, be bas neutiouec
to ne tbat ior tbe iirst six noutbs be eriec every cay, |ut
aiterwarcs çuieliy iost tbe ueec auc cesire ior soeiety.
Iu auy ease, I bac rejoiuec tbe ra|ic raee tbat was
Iu auy ease, I bac rejoiuec tbe ra|ic raee tbat was
ur|au Creeee, ceiigbtiug iu tbe sigbts auc souucs oi
eiviiizatiou. "e were sittiug iu a eaié iu Ciyiaca, oue oi
tbe soutberu su|ur|s oi Atbeus. I bac stun|iec outo
8µiro, ny airiiue-µiiot irieuc auc stuceut oi 1he Magus
o/ 1ava iane, wbo was eouveuiug witb severai oi bis
iiigbt-atteucaut irieucs ou tbe su|ur|`s treucy naiu striµ.
Iu orcer to nale ny |iooc µressure go uµ, 8µiro
sliiiiuiiy (auc naiieiousiy, it seens) turuec tbe
eouversatiou to |ioeuergy auc sµirituaiity. It turuec out
tbat everyoue µreseut bac reac sone |ools auc
atteucec a iew seniuars, auc, as a resuit, bac a|iiities
tbat nace tbe µowers oi ny owu naster µaie |y
eonµarisou. I uoccec auc nurnurec ny aµµreeiatiou
ior a ioug tine (witb 8µiro griuuiug gieeiuiiy as it weut ou)
uutii I eouic uo iouger stauc it auc µoiiteiy iuterjeetec.
Lool, I saic, wbiie I agree tbat µowers oi tbis sort
exist, I barciy tbiul tbat tbey are eonnou. I wouic guess
tbat iu orcer to ceveioµ tbe a|iiities we are tailiug a|out,
oue ueecs to sµeuc at ieast tweuty years iu a nouastery
or bernitage sonewbere, µraetieiug necitatiou every
cay, auc eveu tbeu tbere`s uo guarautee.¨
uow co ;ou luow'¨ oue wonau saic botiy. Iu ber
µrevious soiiioçuy sbe bac just raisec tbe ceac witb ber
beaiiug toueb auc bac a iot to |e ceieusive a|out.
"eii, it nales seuse, coesu`t it'¨ I reµiiec. \ou
eau`t iearu to µiay teuuis or tbe µiauo iu oue seniuar-it
tales years oi µraetiee, rigbt' \ou eau` t get a lb.D. |y
atteuciug a ieeture or a sbort eourse, you bave to go
tbougb eieneutary sebooi iirst, tbeu bigb sebooi, eoiiege,
uuiversity, µost-gracuate worl, aii tbat gooc stuii. I`n
sure tbat tbiugs oi a sµirituai uature worl iile tbat as weii
-I neau, everytbiug tbat exists iu tbe Luiverse is
natuca/ auc sbouic ioiiow tbe iaw oi uaturai µrogressiou,
1bey aii uoccec exeeµt ior tbe wonau wbo bac just
1bey aii uoccec exeeµt ior tbe wonau wbo bac just
accressec ne. 8be eoutiuuec ber innocerate toue.
"eii,¨ sbe seoiiec, tbat sbows bow nueb ;ou
luow. 8µirituai µower bas to co witb ìnìtìatìon, uot
µraetiee. \ou get tbese giits oi µower iron your teaeber,
uot tbrougb worliug at tben.¨
I see. "ouic tbat it were so easy,¨ I saic. Ci
eourse, tbis teaeber is µaic baucsoneiy ior bis giits auc
bis |euevoieuee, rigbt'¨
Iu tweuty-eigbt years oi teaebiug, Jobu Cbaug bas uot
nace oue cine iron auy oi bis stuceuts or µatieuts,
iuceec, be is ior|icceu |y oatb to co so. rot ouiy tbat,
|ut be routiueiy ieecs us as weii wbeu we visit, iu
aµµreeiatiou oi tbe nouey we sµeuc ou airiare auc
8be stooc auc µut ber baucs ou ber biµs, iurious.
\ou sbouicu`t tail a|out tbiugs you luow uotbiug
a|out:¨ sbe buiiec. "bo co you tbiul you are,
1be giri iater acvisec 8µiro to |e nore jucieious iu
eboosiug bis irieucs.

I nyseii bave triec to |e iess o|sessive iu ny stucies witb
Jobu Cbaug, auc oue netboc I`ve usec witb sone
sueeess is to strive to uueover siniiar teaebiugs witbiu tbe
eourse oi bunau bistory. 1rutb, you see, is çuite barc to
eone |y auc tbiugs are seicon as tbey aµµear to |e-
tbis is au axion tbat we wouic aii co weii to beec. 1bere
is oue ruie, bowever, tbat seens to aµµiy as iar as
ciseeruiug tbe uitinate reaiity oi tbiugs. Ii seµarate eiiorts
bave yieicec eonnou resuits, ebauees are tbat tbe
sµeeiiie o|servatiou or eoueiusiou is wortb beeciug. 1bis
is esµeeiaiiy true ii tbe iucivicuais voieiug tbese
is esµeeiaiiy true ii tbe iucivicuais voieiug tbese
eoueiusious are isoiatec |y iive or six tbousauc niies auc
niiieuuia oi bistory auc are nen|ers oi nutuaiiy bostiie
etbuie grouµs. 1o get at tbe trutb oi tbiugs, tbeu, you nust
|e a cetaebec auc o|jeetive o|server (sonetbiug tbat is
uot easy), auc try to uueover tbese eonnou reaiizatious.
By virtue oi tbe way I grew uµ, I bac iew attaebneuts.
It was barc ior ne to |e µassiouate a|out ereec or
eouutry, ior exanµie-I was a true eitizeu oi tbe woric.
reitber raee uor ereec nace auy ciiiereuee to ne, nau
was tbe sane aii over tbe gio|e, witb iceutieai µassious,
o|sessious, auc iaiiiugs. As I grew oicer, I uucerstooc as
weii a truisn tbat 8onerset \augban bac writteu a|out
ioug ago. Crauceur auc µettiuess resice sice |y sice iu
tbe bearts oi aii neu, auc tbis is aiso oiteu tbe ease wbeu
aµµiiec to euitures as a wboie.
But baviug sueb au
outiool ou iiie nace it ciiiieuit to iit iuto auy oue µiaee
auc eveu nore ciiiieuit to uucerstauc µeoµie`s iixatiou
witb tbiugs auc tbeories tbat were iutriusie to tbeir owu
|eiiei systen. It seenec tbat tbis µersµeetive oi niue was
a ireecon oi sorts, |ut aiso a µrisou.
Let`s tale tbe \o-lai teaebiugs ou yiu auc yaug, ior
exanµie. It seenec tbat tbe eoueeµts oi yiu auc yaug
bave |eeu u|içuitous, tbeir µreseuee traeea|ie iar |ael
iu tbe nists oi tine. As I bave saic, tbe \esoµotaniaus
bac luowu tben, as bac tbe aueieut Creels, Iuciaus,
lersiaus, auc Cbiuese. Lile ueariy aii tbose wbo are
ianiiiar witb it, at iirst I tbougbt tbat tbe eonnou yiu-yaug
syn|oi ceiiuec tbe iuteraetiou oi tbese two euergies nost
µreeiseiy. It was uot ioug, bowever, |eiore I ciseoverec
tbat uo bunau syn|oi eouic eover tbe eutire seoµe oi
two µrinai iorees oi uature, as wiiiiug or iusµirec as tbe
artist nay |e.
Cu tbe waii oi a Cbiuese tenµie iu Java, I iouuc a
tbriiiiug ceµietiou oi yiu auc yaug, oue tbat inneciateiy
nace ne tbiul oi tbe ebalras oi Iuciau nystieisn auc tbe
nace ne tbiul oi tbe ebalras oi Iuciau nystieisn auc tbe
eacueeus oi tbe aueieut Creel goc uernes (tbe konau
\ereury). katber tbau tbe staucarc |iael auc wbite
eireuiar inage nace µoµuiar |y "esteru iiterature, tbis
µaiutiug sbowec tbe two euergies eutwiuec iile iovers, a
naie auc ienaie iu iorn ceµietec witb en|raeiug
serµeutiue eoiis. Iu a iiule oi iate, I bac ruu out oi iiin at
tbe tine auc was uua|ie to tale a µbotograµb, |ut nace
a sinµie sleteb iusteac (iigure 10).

lig. 10. 1be two euergies oi yiu auc yaug eutwiuec.
lron a Cbiuese tenµie iu Java.
1be eacueeus, a syn|oi usec |y tbe aueieut Creels
auc tocay erroueousiy iustitutec as tbe en|ien oi
necieiue, sbows two serµeuts eutwiuec arouuc a staii
(iigure 11a). 1be staii oi Aseieµius, tbe goc oi beaiiug to
tbe aueieut Creels, sbows a siugie suale-tbat oi tbe yiu
tbe aueieut Creels, sbows a siugie suale-tbat oi tbe yiu
euergy, I µersouaiiy |eiieve-eoiiec arouuc tbe staii
(iigure 11|). A \esoµotaniau vase iu tbe Louvre, catiug
to 2000 B.C.L., ouee agaiu sbows tbe two eoiiec suales
(iigure 11e), tbis is tbe oicest reµreseutatiou I nyseii
bave iouuc. 1be astouisbiug iaet to ciseover is tbat tbis
syn|oi oi tbe eoiiec serµeut was eveutuaiiy acoµtec |y
Cbristiauity as weii, |eeoniug tbe staucarc earriec eveu
tocay |y |isboµs auc µatriarebs oi tbe Lasteru Crtbocox
Cbureb ou tbeir µatriarebai staii.
(8ee iigure 11e auc
12.) rote tbat iu iigure 12, iu tbe inage ou tbe rigbt, tbe
ebalra eaiiec |y tbe uiucus tbe tbousauc-µetaiiec iotus¨
eau |e seeu netaµborieaiiy oµeuiug iu tbe jeweiec
uµµernost seetiou oi tbe staii.

lig. 11. eacueeus (a), staii oi Aseieµius (|),
\esoµotaniau vase (e), stauciug wave (c),
µatriarebai staii (e)
"bat coes tbis seeniugiy u|içuitous syn|oi aetuaiiy
ceµiet' 1wo µiunes oi euergy euriec iu a iovers`
en|raee' \ost eertaiuiy, auc yet nore. reariy everyoue
renen|ers tbe stauciug wave oi µbysies iron tbeir bigb
sebooi eiasses, tbe µartieies tbat nale uµ tbe waveiorn
sebooi eiasses, tbe µartieies tbat nale uµ tbe waveiorn
ioiiow tbe sane µatb agaiu auc agaiu, so tbat tbe wave
seens to stauc stiii, a statie sbaµe eonµosec oi noviug
µartieies (iigure 11c). It is inµortaut tbat we leeµ tbis
eoueeµt oi tbe stauciug wave iu niuc |eeause iu tbe uext
seetiou we tale tbis icea iron tbe two cineusiouai to tbe
tbree cineusiouai.

lig. 12. 1be staii oi tbe µatriareb iu tbe Lasteru
Crtbocox Cbureb |ears tbe inages oi tbe eoiiec
serµeut auc tbe tbousauc µetaiiec iotus.¨ laiutiugs
oi µatriarebs, iile tbese, are eonnou iu Lasteru
Crtbocox eburebes.
A eonnou nistale, wbeu iooliug at crawiugs oi tbe
ebalras oi Lasteru nystieisn auc tbeir eorresµouciug
uaci, or ebauueis,¨ (iigure 11) is to tbiul oi tben as
uaci, or ebauueis,¨ (iigure 11) is to tbiul oi tben as
|eiug two cineusiouai, sueb is uot tbe ease. Lile tbe
eacueeus, tbese reµreseutatious iu iaet ceµiet tbe two
euergies eutwiuec arouuc eaeb otber iu a tbree-
cineusiouai beiieoic. "beu crawiug tbe uaci auc ebalras
ou waii µaiutiugs iu sinµiiiiec iorn, bowever, tbe artists
oi Iucia auc 1i|et oµtec ior a two-cineusiouai view as
easier to craw auc eonµrebeuc.

lig. 11. A two-cineusiouai reµreseutatiou oi tbe
ebalras auc uaci
Iu iaet, tbe DrA strauc itseii bas tbis very sbaµe, a
cou|iy eutwiuec beiieoic arouuc a eeutrai axis.

lig. 14. 1be straucs oi DrA
"bat coes aii tbis neau' Is it nere eoiueiceuee' "e
bave ciseussec tbe iraetai Luiverse auc statec tbat wbat
oeeurs naeroeosnieaiiy nust oeeur nieroeosnieaiiy. I
an eouviueec tbat wbat esta|iisbes our |eiug (our
µersouaiity, our µbysieai eaµa|iiities, our very soui ii you
wiii) is uotbiug nore or iess tbau a stauciug wave iu tbe
yiu iieic. 1bis wave reµiieates itseii iraetaiiy, iuitiaiiy
taliug sbaµe iu tbe yaug iieic oi sµaee-tine witbiu tbe
DrA oi tbe en|ryo tbat is to |eeone our |ocy. As we
grow oicer, tbis wave is stiii witb us, auc nales uµ a
uetworl oi µeals auc uoces tbat are tbe uaci auc
ebalras oi our yiu su|stauee.
lor a noneut, iet ne nire iu tbe |og oi µerµiexity
tbose sleµties wbo reac tbese worcs witb cerisiou. I
cou|t tbat auyoue iu tbeir rigbt niuc wouic çuestiou tbe
bigb teebuieai staucarcs oi tbe aueieut Creels-tbeir
natbenaties, arebiteeture, arts, auc writiugs are stiii tbe
iouucatiou ou wbieb "esteru euiture resices. 1be
lartbeuou is stiii de cìgueuc ior auyoue stucyiug
arebiteeture, it was |uiit eiose to 2,:00 years ago, |ut
arebiteeture, it was |uiit eiose to 2,:00 years ago, |ut
eveu iu its ruiuous state tocay, it tales your |reatb away.
1be Creel iauguage is iu itseii eçuaiiy natbenatieai auc
extreneiy ceseriµtive. lor exanµie, tbe Creel worc ior
trutb is a/ìthìa, tbe µreiix a- is a uegative, neauiug uot,¨
auc tbe worc /ìthì neaus to iorget,¨ so a/ìthìa neaus
tbat wbieb is uot iorgotteu.¨ 1be reasouiug |ebiuc tbis is
sinµie. It is au iubereut bunau trait to iorget a iaisebooc
(|eeause it is uot reai), auc to eieariy renen|er
sonetbiug tbat bas aetuaiiy trausµirec.
uow nauy oi us
bave |eeu eaugbt teiiiug iies |y iorgettiug tbe ia|rieatious
we bave ereatec' I ior oue an guiity as ebargec.
Aµµroµriateiy, tbe Creel worc ior evoiutiou (or
ceveioµneut) is e·e/ì·ìs. 1be worc neaus, çuite sinµiy
auc uuçuestioua|iy, iron tbe beiix.¨
uow cic tbey luow a|out tbe beiieai straucs oi DrA,
iaeliug our noceru teebuoiogy' 1bat tbey were aware oi
tben seens eiear. Botb tbe worc e·e/ì·ìs itseii auc tbe
iaet tbat tbe staii oi Aseieµius, goc oi necieiue, ceµiets a
beiix eutwiuec arouuc a eeutrai axis (tbe suale is
reµreseutative oi a stauciug wave), eorro|orate tbis
tbesis. I |eiieve tbat tbe aueieut Creels ciseoverec tbe
beiix witbiu tbenseives tbrougb necitatiou, iirst
eoutenµiatiug tbe natrix oi iarger stauciug waves tbat
eonµrise our seveu naiu ebalras auc tbeu ioeusiug
awareuess to snaiier auc snaiier ieveis ad ìn/ìnìtuo, iu
tbis way reveaiiug tbe iraetai nieroeosn witbiu our
row I wiii gieeiuiiy nale tbiugs worse auc trou|ie tbe
reacer iurtber |y µosiug tbe ioiiowiug çuestiou. uow is it
tbat we as iucivicuais µbysieaiiy exist' Coutrary to tbe
exµeetatious oi Deseartes, tbe |ocy`s eeii strueture is uot
a eoustaut auc neebauistie tbiug, ratber, eeiiuiar |ioiogy
is sonewbat iile çuautun tbeory. Cur |ocies are iu a
uuiiorn state oi iiux, eeiis cyiug out auc |eiug reµiaeec
every seeouc. 1be µauereas, ior exanµie, reµiaees aii its
every seeouc. 1be µauereas, ior exanµie, reµiaees aii its
eeiis every tweuty-iour bours, wbiie tbe stonaeb
reµieuisbes its eeiis every tbree cays. 1be |ocy`s wbite
|iooc eeiis are reuewec every teu cays, wbiie v8 µereeut
oi tbe µroteiu-|asec tissue iu tbe |raiu, tbat nost
eonµiieatec auc wouceriui oi orgaus, is reµiaeec ouee a
noutb. "bat is it tbat leeµs us iu oue µieee' lerbaµs tbe
ouiy tbiug tbat ceiiues our |eiug is sonetbiug iile a
eonµuter µrogran iu our autouonous uervous systen,
teiiiug our |ocies to reµiaee a giveu eeii at a giveu
noneut iu tine so tbat iorn auc iuuetiou nay |e
Auc tbere is nore to |e ciseoverec bere. I bave a
|oue sµur iu ny ei|ow-it is iueiiieieut, µaiuiui, auc
biucers iuuetiou. \et I bave bac it ior nore tbau tweuty
years. It is uot tbe resuit oi uornai agiug, |ut ratber was
eausec |y au iujury I reeeivec as a youug nau. \y |ocy
reµiaees eeiis auc nales use oi niuerais |y tbe seeouc,
as we bave seeu, so wby coes it naiutaiu tbis |oue sµur'
"bat is it tbat leeµs it tbere' 1beoretieaiiy, it eouic bave
|eeu cissoivec ioug ago. Ii ny |ocy`s soie iuuetiou were
ny eiiieieut survivai, it sbouic bave coue away witb tbe
iujury, iustruetiug otber eeiis to renove it. \et it bas uot.
lor sone reasou tbis iujury bas |eeu µrogrannec iuto
ny natrix auc bas |eeone au irrenova|ie µart oi nyseii.
I |eiieve tbat tbe so-eaiiec eonµuter µrogran
naiutaiuiug our existeuee is a stauciug wave iu tbe yiu
iieic, a stauciug wave tbat nirrors itseii |otb iu our DrA
auc iu our autouonie uervous systen, reaebiug iuto every
eeii iu our |ocy.
1bis wave is a reiieetiou oi our kacoa.
1be naeroeosn reiieets itseii iu our uervous systen ou
nauy ieveis. \iu auc yaug iuteraet eoutiuuousiy iu tbat
naguiiieeut eeutrai eonµuter, our bunau |raiu. Iu iaet,
uucerstauciug tbis µroeess oiiers tbe ley to nauy sµeeiai
iuuetious oi our uervous systen, iueiuciug tbe
eoruerstoue oi tbe µraetiee oi uei luug. necitatiou.
eoruerstoue oi tbe µraetiee oi uei luug. necitatiou.
lIrI1L ArD IrlIrI1L

Beiore we get iuto auatony, bowever, iet ne reiterate a
eoueeµt I bave µreseutec reµeateciy. 1he ;ìn enecg; ìs
le;ond s¡ace and tìoe. and ;et ìt ìs contìnuous/; a
¡act o/ ouc leìng (iigure 1:). Iu sbort, eaeb oi us is a
iiviug, |reatbiug wornboie iu tbe ia|rie oi sµaee-tine.

lig. 1:. \aug auc yiu euergies iu our |ocies
1be µbiiosoµber liato binseii wrote tbat tbe iiuite auc
iuiiuite are iubereut iu nau.¨
1o iuiiy uucerstauc tbe
inµiieatious oi tbis stateneut we are goiug to bave to
toueb uµou tbe worliugs oi tbe eeutrai uervous systen.
\ueb researeb bas |eeu coue iu tbe µast iiity years ou
tbe µbysioiogy oi tbe bunau |raiu, we are uow iu a
µositiou to iceutiiy tbe ioeatiou oi sµeeiiie iuuetious auc
to oµerate ou tbe orgau as ueeessary. "e luow, ior
exanµie, tbat tbe iroutai io|es goveru nost auaiytieai
ceeisiou naliug, wbiie tbe eere|rai benisµberes iu
geuerai baucie seuse auc noveneut. "e luow tbat tbe
|raiu sten eoutrois beart|eat auc |reatbiug, wbiie tbe
eere|eiiun cireets |aiauee auc nuseie eoorciuatiou.
eere|eiiun cireets |aiauee auc nuseie eoorciuatiou.
liuaiiy, tbe byµotbaianus reguiates |ocy tenµerature
auc tbe reiease oi bornoues.

lig. 16. \iu auc \aug iu tbe bunau |raiu
1bis is uot au auatony |ool, auc I an uot a
ueurosurgeou, so tbere is uo µoiut iu ceiviug ceeµer bere.
"bat natters is tbat tbe eeutrai uervous systen goverus
|otb eouseious auc uueouseious aetiou, or, iu otber
worcs, |otb yaug auc yiu. lbrasiug it ciiiereutiy stiii, we
eouic say tbat tbe eeutrai uervous systen suµervises
tbiugs |otb µbysieai auc netaµbysieai, it is tbe
uucerstauciug oi yiu auc yaug tbat aiiows us to giinµse
tbis (iigure 16).
\ueb bas |eeu writteu iateiy a|out it |eiug µossi|ie to
seuse a sµirit`s µreseuee |y ieeiiug a eoic sbiver ou tbe
|ael oi your ueel, auc uoiiywooc bas eertaiuiy µielec
uµ ou tbis teiitaie siguai as weii. I`ii acnit to baviug bac
tbe sane exµerieuee nyseii, so iet`s say ior a seeouc tbat
sµirits co exist auc tbat sueb a reaetiou is a µbysioiogieai
resµouse to tbeir µreseuee-bow eau we exµiaiu it'
I |eiieve tbat it eau |e reaciiy exµiaiuec ii we aeeeµt
tbat tbe iower |raiu sten auc sµiuai eorc are eouueetec
to tbe yiu iieic oi existeuee (auc as sueb eau toueb¨ a yiu
eutity), wbiie tbe eere|rai eortex is yaug.
1bis nales nore seuse ii we aeeeµt tbat our evoiutiou
(e·e/ì·ìs-iron tbe beiix¨) bas oeeurrec µrogressiveiy
iron tbe yiu iieic to tbe yaug iieic over tbe eous. Liie
|egau iu tbe oeeaus (water is a yiu eieneut) as siugie-eeii
|aeteria auc µrogressec outo iauc. Cur |raiu sten is stiii
a renuaut oi our tine as reµtiies, auc it is weii luowu
tbat we eau wituess our evoiutiou iu tbe ceveioµneut oi
tbe bunau en|ryo.
Ii I an eorreet iu statiug tbat tbe iower |raiu sten auc
sµiuai eorc are eouueetec to yiu euergy, tbat wouic neau
tbat we are aii iutereouueetec |y a iieic oi carl¨ euergy
tbat |iucs our uueouseious niucs togetber. Iuceec, I an
eouviueec tbat Cari Juug was rigbt, auc tbat tbe bunau
niuc is seµaratec iuto eouseious, µersouai uueouseious,
auc eoiieetive uueouseious iuuetious.
"bat coes tbis neau' Lutii very reeeutiy, it was
tbougbt tbat tbe ueuroµbysioiogieai neebauisns serviug
µersouai awareuess resice iu tbe eere|rai eortex. But
uow auatonists are uucer tbe inµressiou tbat tbe eortex
serves to iutegrate seusory iuµut auc orgauize notor
µatterus, wbiie tbe eousoiicatiug ioeus oi tbe uervous
systen itseii nay |e a µart oi tbe |raiu sten eaiiec tbe
retieuiar iornatiou. 1bis eoueiusiou was cerivec iron
stucies oi tbe eieetrieai aetivity oi tbe |raiu reeorcec witb
au eieetroeueeµbaiograµb.
1bereiore, our awareuess nust |e |otb yaug auc yiu,
eouseious auc uueouseious, we are nieroeosns oi tbe
Luiverse, inages oi eteruity, so tbis nust boic true. 1be
retieuiar iornatiou is sinµiy oue area wbere yiu auc yaug
euergies iuteraet. lerbaµs, renen|eriug tbat we ereate
tbiugs iu our owu inage, tbe ioiiowiug netaµborieai
iiiustratiou wiii beiµ us |etter uucerstauc bunau
iiiustratiou wiii beiµ us |etter uucerstauc bunau
1be bone µersouai eonµuter is a eonnou iustruneut
tbat wiii |eeone nore µoweriui auc nore µrevaieut witb
eaeb µassiug year. 8tiii, sone tbiugs wiii renaiu
eousisteut. 1be iuuetiouiug oi a µersouai eonµuter is
|asec ou tbree |asie iugrecieuts. barcware (tbe eireuitry
tbat nales uµ its |ocy), soitware (tbe µrogranniug tbat
gives it its eaµa|iiities), auc sone iorn oi µower, sueb as
a |attery or eieetrieity, to nale it aii worl. 1bese tbree
eonµoueuts are iutereouueetec, auc aii serve to crive tbe
eonµuter, it is ricieuious to tail oi soitware witbout
barcware to ieuc it iorn or eieetrieity to crive it.
8iuee we uuavoica|iy ereate tbiugs iu our owu inage,
it nust |e uucerstooc tbat we are iile tbat eonµuter iu
tbe euc. "e, too, bave barcware-our |ocies. "e bave
soitware-tbe µrogranniug¨ or iuµut tbat bas nace uµ
our µersouaiities siuee |irtb. Auc iiuaiiy we bave
|ioeuergy-tbe eieetrieity¨ oi iiie, tbe as yet uuiceutiiiec
ioree tbat iueis our existeuee auc stiii |aiiies seieutists.
A eonµuter µrogran eauuot exist iuceµeuceutiy oi a
µbysieai neciun, we nust use sone neaus oi trausµort
(a cisl, CD, DVD, auc so iortb) to earry it arouuc. Cau
our soitware (our µersouaiities) exist iuceµeuceutiy oi
our barcware (our |ocies) auc our eieetrieity (eb`i)' I
wiii try to exµiaiu bow sueb a tbiug eouic oeeur. But ny
reasouiug wiii uot µiease everyoue - it is nore 1aoist
tbau Juceo-Cbristiau, I an airaic.
lirst, we bave cisµrovec tbe Cartesiau eoueeµt tbat
our µersouaiities are sonebow iuceµeuceut oi our
|ocies, it wouic |e wouceriui ii tbis were true, |ut we
luow uow tbat tbis is uot tbe ease. Au iujury to tbe |raiu
wiii eonµieteiy ebauge tbe µersouaiity oi tbe iucivicuai-
tbis µbeuoneuou bas |eeu o|servec agaiu auc agaiu iu
tocay`s bosµitais. Auc eveu strauger oeeurreuees bave
|eeu coeuneutec uucer eiiuieai eoucitious iu reeeut
|eeu coeuneutec uucer eiiuieai eoucitious iu reeeut
years. lor iustauee, beart trausµiaut µatieuts reeeiviug a
couor beart wiii oiteu ceveioµ tbe tastes-iiles auc
cisiiles-oi tbe iate couor. 1bere is uo iogieai reasou ior
tbis uucer our eurreut |ioµbysieai nocei. Auc iu esseuee,
tbese uuexµiaiua|ie eonµiieatious oi tbe trausµiaut
µroeess eouiirn au axion µostuiatec |y tbe sages oi tbe
Crieut ior niiieuuia. ße thìnk wìth ouc lodìes. Lvery
eeii iu our |ocy µiays its roie iu iornuiatiug our
µersouaiity, our niuc is uot iinitec to or eouiiuec |y our
lerbaµs we sbouic iool at tbiugs iron a nore Lasteru
µersµeetive to uucerstauc tbis, iu tbis iustauee I an
reierriug to eariy Cbristiauity (wbieb we bave
eouveuieutiy iorgotteu is au Lasteru reiigiou). loiiowiug
tbe iuitiai sµreac oi Cbristiauity, tbe iiteraiiy buucrecs oi
iuterµretatious oi tbe teaebiugs oi Cbrist, as we bave
seeu, iec to tbe iustitutiou oi tbe Leuneuieai Couueiis,
wbieb ceiiuec cogna aeeeµta|ie to tbe reiguiug reiigious
auc seeuiar autbority oi tbe tine. "beu tbe su|jeet oi
Cue Coc as 1riuity eane to |e ce|atec, a µartieuiariy
astute iucivicuai, tbe |isboµ 8µyricou (iater eauouizec as
a saiut-auc tbis oue reaiiy was:), eane uµ witb tbe
netaµbor oi a |riel to exµiaiu bow oue tbiug eouic |e
eonµosec oi tbree esseuees. A |riel, be saic, is
eonµosec oi eartb auc water auc iire (it is |alec iu au
oveu), auc yet is oue tbiug. "itb tbis netaµbor be
µortrayec tbe 1riuity iu a eouerete, ratiouai nauuer tbat
otbers eouic eonµrebeuc.
lerbaµs we sbouic eousicer
ourseives as tbat |riel. "e, too, bave a µbysieai iorn
(tbe eartb iu tbe |riel), we eoutaiu water (tbe stauciug
wave iu tbe yiu iieic tbat ceiiues our esseuee), auc we
are criveu |y iire (|ioeuergy, eb`i, tbe |reatb oi tbe
eosnos). Aii tbree are iuterreiatec-eaeb oue eouueets
witb auc iuiiueuees tbe otbers iu orcer to ereate tbe
|riel. Acc too iittie eartb, auc tbe |riel wiii uot |e
|riel. Acc too iittie eartb, auc tbe |riel wiii uot |e
sturcy. Acc too iittie water, auc it wiii |e |rittie. liuaiiy,
|e reniss iu |aliug it, auc it wiii turu to erun|iy nuc. Aii
tbree eonµoueuts are ueeessary to ereate tbe |riel.
8iniiariy, aiieet our |ocy, auc you aiieet our soui.
\ociiy tbe anouut oi euergy tbat tbe |ocy auc soui
reeeive, auc you trausiorn |otb as weii. liuaiiy,
trausnute tbe stauciug wave tbat ceiiues our awareuess
auc you aiieet |otb tbe µbysieai |ocy auc tbe euergy it
eau eoutaiu. (1bis is wbat ny owu naster bas aebievec).
Aii tbree eieneuts oi our |eiug are ueeessariiy
8o wbat co I neau wbeu I say tbat our souis iive ou
aiter ceatb' 1o eoutiuue witb our eariier eonµuter
netaµbor, we are |oru witb au iuitiai µrogran, wbatever
bas eausec us to |e |oru as we are gives us sonetbiug to
start out witb-teuceueies, iueiiuatious, auc taieuts. lron
tbat µoiut ou, we are iile |iaul cisls greeciiy storiug
iuµut auc cata witb eaeb µassiug cay. Iu tine, our najor
oµeratiug systen is esta|iisbec. Auc tbeu wbat' "beu
tbe tine eones ior us to µass ou, is tbat µrogran-aii
tbat we bave boµec ior, iovec auc batec-goue'
Ci eourse it isu`t. But ueitber is tbat µrogran eutireiy
iuuetiouai. It is iile a reeorciug ou a CD-kC\, wbiie it
coes exist, it eau co uotbiug |y itseii, iaeliug a neaus to
Iu orcer to exµiaiu tbis eoueeµt, we nust returu to our
auatony. I suggestec eariier tbat |otb tbe yiu auc yaug
euergies exµress tbenseives iu our uervous systen, auc
tbat tbis neaus tbat we are eoutiuuaiiy iu eoutaet witb tbe
µrinai ebaos tbat existec |eiore sµaee-tine. Let`s say
tbat our eere|rai eortex auc otber µarts oi tbe eere|rai
benisµberes are yaug, auc tbat tbe |raiu sten auc sµiuai
eorc are yiu. 1be stauciug wave, tbe iraetai eonµuter
µrogran tbat ceiiues us, µerneates our eutire |ocy, auc
tbis is sonetbiug we wiii see to |e erueiaiiy inµortaut
tbis is sonetbiug we wiii see to |e erueiaiiy inµortaut
iurtber ou. lor uow, iet`s eoueeutrate ou tbe yiu iieic.
"e bave saic tbat sµaee auc tine co uot exist iu tbat
µrinai ebaos. "bat tbat neaus is tbat ìn that ¡/ace the
awaceness o/ each o/ us ìs ìntecconnected wìth the
awaceness o/ a// othecs-we are, iu iaet, µart oi oue
nass eouseiousuess, as Juug µrecietec.
1o get |ael to
tbe exanµie oi tbe µersouai eonµuter, we eouic say tbat
we are aii eouµiec |y nocen to a gigautie Iuteruet
reeorciug every aetiou we bave taleu auc every tbougbt
auc enotiou tbat bas |eeone a µart oi our µersouai
uueouseious. (I µersouaiiy |eiieve tbat our |raiu
uµioacs¨ iiies iuto tbe nass uueouseious curiug k.L.\.
sieeµ.) Iu sµaee auc tine, wbiie we are aiive, we bave
tbe a|iiity to ereate, to tbiul auaiytieaiiy, to crean, to iie
auc ia|rieate. 1bis is |eeause we µossess |otb tbe yiu
auc yaug euergies, |otb eouseious auc uueouseious
eaµa|iiity, wbiie iiviug. uowever, we co uot retaiu tbis
a|iiity to ereate auc auaiyze wbeu we µass ou, iuceec, at
tbe nost |asie ievei we are iittie nore tbau a reeorciug oi
wbat bas trausµirec, µossessiug iuucaneutai iustiuets auc
cesires |ut uot nueb nore. 8µirits are yiu, tbey iael tbe
a|iiity to ieei¨ tbe soiter enotious, wbieb is a yaug trait.
But tbey co renen|er. Auc tbey eau stiii wateb,
o|serve, auc reeorc.
I co uot µreteuc to luow wbat baµµeus to us wbeu
we cie. "betber we iive oue iiie or reiuearuate is uot ior
ne to say. But I co luow tbat we eoutiuue ou, auc I co
luow tbat, ior a ieugtb oi tine eonnaucec |y wbatever
iorees iu tbe Luiverse goveru sueb tbiugs, eaeb oi us wiii
exist as tbe sinµie sµirit ceseri|ec a|ove.
Lile a CD
or a viceotaµe, every µart oi us is tbere, waitiug.
1bere are exeeµtious, tbougb, to tbis ruie. Ii tbe sµirit
bas |rougbt yaug euergy witb it iu its µassiug, it eau aiieet
tbe µbysieai woric auc retaiu eouseious tbougbt to a great
tbe µbysieai woric auc retaiu eouseious tbougbt to a great
cegree. 1be ceeisiou to |riug yiu auc yaug togetber iu tbe
sµirit tbrougb a µroeess oi necitatiou uucertaleu
exeiusiveiy wbiie tbe iucivicuai is aiive ebauges tbiugs
eousicera|iy. Iu esseuee, tbis µraetiee is uei luug, tbe
ceveioµneut oi iuuer µower.
Devotees oi Lasteru tbougbt wiii use tbis nocei to
justiiy auc µronote tbe eoueeµt oi larna, statiug tbat tbe
reeorcec vi|ratiou¨ (stauciug wave iu tbe yiu iieic)
ceseri|ec ieacs to su|seçueut reiuearuatiou. lerbaµs,
|ut tbis nocei eau |e usec to justiiy tbe Cbristiau or
\usiin µbiiosoµby as weii. lor exanµie, oue eouic say
tbat sbouic au iuearuate ceity eboose to nale a seeouc
eoniug auc resurreet tbose ceµartec souis be jucges
wortby, aii be wouic bave to co is restore yaug euergy to
eaeb sµeeiiie vi|ratiou. Aiter seii-reµiieatiug iraetaiiy,
tbese oseiiiatious eouic restore tbe bunau |eiugs iu
çuestiou. "bo luows' I µersouaiiy wouic uot care to
jucge auy |eiiei systen, I |eiieve we are too iiuite to
jucge tbe aetious auc iuteutious oi tbe Iuiiuite.
But iet us nove away iron tbe aiteriiie ior a tine auc
returu to tbis oue. Aeeeµtiug tbat our uervous systen
µroeesses tbe yiu euergy auc aeeeµtiug tbat tbis yiu
euergy is tbe µrinai ebaos |eyouc sµaee auc tine
exµiaius sueb µbeuoneua as teieµatby, syuebrouieity, auc
renote viewiug. Ii we µossess tbe iuuate eaµa|iiity to go
ouiiue,¨ tbeu aii we bave to co to eonnuuieate¨ is to
co so eouseiousiy. Luiortuuateiy, tbis is uot as easy as it
souucs-inagiue, ior a noneut, aii bunauity as tbe
iiugers oi a siugie bauc, witb eaeb iiuger |eiug attaebec
to tbe µain |ut ior sone reasou uuaware tbat tbis is tbe
ease. But as we ceveioµ our necitatiouai µereeµtiou to
greater ieveis, we eau ceseeuc ceeµer iuto tbe nass
uueouseious, auc ceveioµ our awareuess oi
I wiii eiose tbis ebaµter |y returuiug to tbe o|jeetious
I wiii eiose tbis ebaµter |y returuiug to tbe o|jeetious
iocgec |y tbat cear iacy wbose aeçuaiutauee I nace
tbrougb ny irieuc 8µiro. 1be µurµose |ebiuc tbe
auatony iessou outiiuec bere is to give you au icea oi tbe
µbysies oi sµirituaiity. "biie I co |eiieve tbat it is
µossi|ie to µass ou eaµa|iiities iron naster to stuceut
witb a sinµie toueb, oue nust |e eareiui to cistiuguisb
µower iron eonµassiou auc, iurtber, iron euiigbteuneut.
It wouic |e wouceriui ii aii iucivicuais witb µower bac
gooc iuteutious auc bac aebievec euiigbteuneut as weii,
|ut tbis is oiteu uot tbe ease. lreçueutiy, µower serves
iittie nore µurµose tbau to euiarge tbe iaiiiugs oi tbe
teaeber. I bave net iucivicuais witb extraorciuary
teieµatbie a|iiities µosiug as civiueiy iusµirec teaebers,
wbeu tbey iu iaet bac tbe enotiouai auc neutai
iouucatious oi tbe average teeuage acoieseeut. 1bis
ebaµter sbouic beiµ you see bow sueb a tbiug is µossi|ie.
lyroteebuies asice, nauy nasters nay uot |e at aii
eaµa|ie oi cireetiug tbeir stuceuts ou a µatb oi true
euiigbteuneut. Be wary tbereiore wbeu you sboµ, tbe
µaelagiug coes uot aiways ceiiue tbe µrocuet.
Cbaµter 4

ßhì/e /ìvìng as a hecoìt ìn the oountaìns. ;ou cannot
get good co//ee.

kosta`s kuies oi \astery, uun|er seveuteeu

It was a eoic aiteruoou, auc I wailec |risliy tbrougb tbe
nisty streets oi Atbeus, a taii nau eiac iu gray. I eboose
to |e uuo|trusive wbeuever I eau, iu initatiou oi ny
to |e uuo|trusive wbeuever I eau, iu initatiou oi ny
naster, auc so tyµieaiiy wear gray eiotbes (to ny ebagriu
tbey were iu iasbiou tbat wiuter). It aiways astouucs ne
tbat uo oue iools twiee at Jobu as be µasses. leoµie co
uot susµeet tbat a nau witb tbe µower oi a goc is
wailiug |y-Jobu is tbat uuassuniug.
I, sinµie nortai nau tbat I an, raul |egiuuer cesµite
ny age auc exµerieuee, bave nauagec at ieast iu ny tine
witb tbis innortai to iearu tbe virtue oi buniiity. Liie`s
iittie iessous, a reiieetiou oi ny naster`s teaebiugs, bave
nauagec to |eat tbe arrogauee out oi ne. Auc so I seec
to renaiu iueousµieuous wberever I go. It is a µraetiee
tbat bas servec ne iu gooc steac.
Cu tbat µartieuiar cay I was ou ny way to a neetiug
witb a gooc irieuc, karoios, a t`ai ebi ebuau iustruetor
auc eorµorate CLC witb wbon I sbarec a eonnou
iuterest iu luug iu.
karoios is a stuceut oi tbe
beacnasters oi |otb tbe Cbeu auc "u styies
oi t`ai ebi
ebuau auc bas a cegree iu µbysies aioug witb a wiiciy
sueeessiui eorµorate eareer. Lile nyseii, be is a µrocuet
oi our eeutury, a ebiic oi a euiturai eouvergeuee tbat bac
naturec witb tbe niiieuuiun. leoµie iile us are ueitber
Last uor "est, |ut |otb-ebiicreu oi tbe woric.
\ore inµortaut ior ne at tbe noneut, be bac aiso
iearuec tbrougb various triais auc tri|uiatious iu iiie to
vaiue a gooc euµ oi eoiiee, auc savorec exereisiug bis
gray natter wbiie eousuniug it. lor tbe reeorc, ueitber oi
us reaiiy snolec-|ut I bac iearuec, iu ny |riei tine iu
tbe nouutaius, to aµµreeiate tbe iittie eoniorts tbat
eiviiizatiou µrovicec us. 1bey are iuceec tbe nost
I euterec tbe sicewail eaié wbere we bac µiauuec to
neet auc sbool tbe crizzie iron ny arns. 1be waitress
sizec ne uµ, tbe seaies ciµµec iu ny iavor (ny eiotbes
were µiaiu |ut ueitber sba||y uor uulenµt) auc sbe
seatec ne witb a sniie. I stuciec tbe µeoµie arouuc ne.
seatec ne witb a sniie. I stuciec tbe µeoµie arouuc ne.
|usiuessneu |attiiug tbeir µeers ior a caiiy wage,
stoel|rolers tryiug to leeµ uµ witb tbe borse raee,
youug giris wbisµeriug to tbeir iovers ou tbeir eeiiuiar
µboues. I was out oi µiaee iu tbis soeiety, a tbrow|ael to
auotber tine, a iorner eugiueeriug nauager wbose iiie
auc outiool bac iorever |eeu aiterec |y eoutaet witb a
seµarate reaiity. 8tiii, I iove tbe bustie auc |ustie oi tbe
eity, tbe cauee oi µeoµie`s µassious auc iears, tbe
iuterµiay oi cesire auc naguauinity. Civiiizatiou is
wouceriui auc I eouic uot reaciiy give it uµ.
Shaoan, tbe kiug oi tbe \ouutaiu bac eaiiec ne,
asliug ior beiµ iu ny surreai crean. I bac triec to aic
bin, tbougb tbe niuiug eorµoratiou tbat assaiiec bis liuc
bac resourees |eyouc ny wiicest creans. 8tiii, I eouic
uot |e eonµieteiy bouest witb tbe eeoiogieai grouµs I
eoutaetec iu ny attenµts to assist-ii I toic tben tbat
eartb sµirits reçuirec tbeir beiµ, tbey wouic bave iaugbec
tbeir soels oii.
Shaoan. I was not. I cic uot bave tbe giit. "batever
sliiis I bac were tbe resuit oi µerseverauee auc
ciseiµiiue. reitber was tbe way oi sµirits ny eboseu µatb.
I was sonetbiug eise, a seboiar witb au oµeu niuc auc
tbe |uruiug cesire to giinµse reaiity. Beyouc tbat, I was
uotbiug, a |a|e iost iu tbe wiiceruess, struggiiug to nale
bis owu way.
karoios wailec iu, sµealiug ou bis eeii µboue. As a
eorµorate CLC, be was eoutiuuousiy µressec ior tine,
|ut be stiii nauagec sonebow to eoµe witb tbe worlioac
auc eoutiuue bis traiuiug iu t`ai ebi ebuau. Liegautiy
cressec auc ebarniug, be wou au inneciate sniie iron
tbe waitress, wbo eseortec bin to ny ta|ie, sbe was
exµeetiug a gooc tiµ, I gatberec.
I bac iirst net karoios uucer tbe sinµiest oi
eireunstauees. Aiter reaciug au artieie oi bis ou t`ai ebi iu
a ioeai nagaziue, I ceeicec tbat tbe nau luew wbat be
was tailiug a|out auc sinµiy eaiiec bin uµ. "e bac
|eeone irieucs very çuieliy, sbariug tbe sane overaii
restiessuess auc au eutbusiasn ior esoterie nartiai arts.
I iouuc as weii tbat be sbarec a wiiiiuguess to trust bis
owu eyes auc ears auc uot sby away iron tbe
inµro|a|ie. 1bis iaitb oi bis µro|a|iy savec bis youugest
sou`s iiie. I bac luowu karoios auc bis wiie, Ireue, ior a
iew noutbs wbeu tbeir youugest, Davic, was |oru, tbe
ebiic was sieliy iron |irtb, auc sµeut tbe su|seçueut
year iu auc out oi tbe iuteusive eare warc. It was ou a
visit to tbeir bone witb Doris, iu au attenµt to eousoie
tben, tbat I iirst ieit tbe µrieliiug oi sonetbiug bostiie
Ireue,¨ I aslec, |eiore Davic was |oru, cic
auytbiug strauge baµµeu arouuc tbe bouse'¨
It`s iuterestiug tbat you sbouic neutiou it,¨ sbe saic.
\es, tbere was au uuusuai iueiceut. "e bac a ta|ie witb
a nar|ie toµ . . . auc iuexµiiea|iy, iu tbe niccie oi tbe
sunner, tbe ta|ietoµ succeuiy eraelec iu baii auc ieii to
Are you sure tbe otber lics bacu`t |eeu nouleyiug
witb it'¨ I aslec. 1bey bac two otber |oys.
\es. "e were aii sittiug iu tbe iiviug roon wbeu it
baµµeuec. It was so iouc tbat it searec us, ainost as ii
tbe ta|ietoµ bac exµiocec.¨
"bat co you susµeet'¨ karoios aslec ne.
\iu µower,¨ I saic. 1bere is yiu euergy µouriug
tbrougb tbis bouse. lron wbat, I eauuot say.¨
\ou tbiul it`s a sµirit'¨
Couic |e. Ii it is, it`s a |ac oue.¨
karoios cic uot besitate, seoii, or iguore tbe waruiug.
1be uext noruiug be eaiiec irieucs iu Cbiua wbo iu turu
ioacec a erate witb taiisnaus iron tbe "bite Ciouc
\ouastery iu Beijiug. "itbiu two weels tbe ebarns
\ouastery iu Beijiug. "itbiu two weels tbe ebarns
arrivec iu Creeee auc karoios inneciateiy iustaiiec tben
iu a µerineter arouuc bis bone. Ainost at ouee, Davic
was out oi tbe bosµitai ior gooc, auc grew to |e au
anaziugiy irisly auc µoweriui iittie |oy. ue is stiii ny
iavorite oi karoios`s |rooc.
\y irieuc sat cowu at our ta|ie, reiaxiug iuto tbe
ebair. "e orcerec two o|iigatory eaµµueeiuos.
1be iuitiai toµie oi ciseussiou was a uouµroiit
orgauizatiou we bac just iornec auc uanec 1be
"euwuluau. ßen is Cbiuese ior euiture¨ or iearuiug,¨
wu are tbe nartiai arts, auc kuan neaus soeiety¨ or
bouse.¨ 1bus wenwukuan neaus soeiety eon|iuiug
euiture witb tbe nartiai arts.¨ But tbe inµiieatious oi tbe
uane we ebose reaeb iar |eyouc a sinµie trausiatiou oi
its root worcs. ßen (euiture) iu our orgauizatiou`s uane
aiso iueiuces seieuee, iu tbis ease "esteru seieuee, wu
iueiuces esoterie nartiai arts, beuee Lasteru nystieisn.
1be "euwuluau is uot just a joiuiug oi Last auc "est,
|ut is ioeusec ou tbe researeb oi every attenµt nau bas
nace, tbrougbout bistory auc tbrougbout tbe woric, to
iiul teebuieai luowiecge witb yogie ciseiµiiue. 1be
reacer sbouic uot, bowever, ceen tbat tbere is auytbiug
treneucousiy origiuai iu tbe eiiort. "e are Creels auc
sueb uucertaliugs are as oic as Aµoiiouius oi 1yaua.
(8ee aµµeucix 1, uote 1.)
"e are very iuely to |e iiviug iu tbis cay auc age,
tbougb-iu niiieuuia µast, sueb researeb as ours bac
cenaucec tbe arnec µrogressiou oi oue oi tbe greatest
eouçuerors oi aii tine, Aiexaucer oi \aeecou. kiug
Aiexaucer bac tbrowu oµeu tbe coors |etweeu Last auc
"est, usiug |rute ioree-auc, tbougb µerbaµs aii be was
iuterestec iu was a gooc iigbt, be bac nore tbau servec
tbe woric iu bis µursuit oi giory. As I siµµec ny
eaµµueeiuo I saic as nueb to karoios, eonµariug tbe
ueiieuistie Age to our gio|ai oue.
ueiieuistie Age to our gio|ai oue.
1bis is our seeouc ebauee,¨ I saic. Auotber great
\ou`re creaniug,¨ be saic. Cio|aiizatiou iu our cay
auc age is a µrocuet oi iiuaueiai nauiµuiatiou, uotbiug
1bat`s aiways |eeu tbe ease,¨ I reµiiec. 1be 8iil
koac was iustitutec |y nerebauts, |ut tbat cicu`t µreveut
iceas iron |eiug trausierrec iron Cbiua to Lugiauc auc
viee versa.
1rue. Auc tbe anaziug tbiug is tbat just as iuiornatiou
is µrovicec |y tbe Iuteruet tocay, tbe cisseniuatiou oi
luowiecge tbeu was ieit ou aii irouts ainost inneciateiy.
Lsµeeiaiiy iu µbiiosoµby auc reiigiou.¨
lor iustauee'¨
"eii, tbe 8toies, ior exanµie. Dic you luow tbat
tbey |eiievec iu |ioeuergy, just iile tbe Cbiuese auc
1be 8toies nace uµ a sebooi oi µbiiosoµby tbat
iiourisbec iu iate Creel (ueiieuistie) auc konau
autiçuity. It bas |eeu ceiiuec as oue oi tbe ioitiest auc
nost su|iine µbiiosoµbies iu tbe reeorc oi "esteru
Au iuterestiug µoiut witb regarc to tbe
8toies is tbat anoug tben were |otb a iorner siave
(Lµietetus) auc a konau enµeror (\areus Aureiius).
It coesu`t surµrise ne,¨ I reµiiec. I bac stuciec tbeir
norai teaebiugs |ut uot tbeir eosnoiogy. Auyway, we
luow tbat Creel µbiiosoµbers weut to Iucia to stucy
tbere rigbt aiter Aiexaucer`s eouçuests.
\es, |ut it`s iaseiuatiug tbat tbe 8toies |eiievec iu
eb`i, isu`t it'¨
1be 8toies eaiiec eb`i ¡neuoa auc |eiievec tbat it
goveruec |otb |ocy auc soui. 1be worc ¡neuoa neaus
wiuc¨ or |reatb¨ iu Creel, auc eau |e iouuc tocay iu
tbe Lugiisb worc ¡neuoonìa. 1be konau 8toies eaiiec
tbe Lugiisb worc ¡neuoonìa. 1be konau 8toies eaiiec
tbe sane ioree s¡ìcìtus-we µreserve tbis usage iu tbe
Lugiisb worc s¡ìcìts ior stroug aieoboiie |everages. It is
uo eoiueiceuee tbat tbe worcs ¡neuoa auc s¡ìcìtus aiso
neau soui or gbost, or tbat otber euitures bave µreservec
tbe sane usage. Iu Cbiuese, tbe worc chì neaus
vaµor¨ or |reatb¨ (kì iu Jaµauese), wbiie tbe 1i|etau
worc ior iiie ioree is c/ung, wbieb neaus wiuc.¨
I bave stuciec tbe Ðìscoucses oi tbe 8toie µbiiosoµber
Lµietetus µrinariiy |eeause nauy oi bis norai teaebiugs
are siniiar to tbose µroµagatec |y \o 1zu, tbe iouucer
oi tbe iiueage beic iu tbis geueratiou |y Jobu Cbaug (see
aµµeucix 1, uote 2). Iu iaet, tbe eoiueiceuees are iu nauy
ways çuite startiiug.
Lµietetus (::-11: C.L.) was a siave, auc bis reai
uane is uot luowu. Iuceec, e¡ìktetos is a Creel worc
neauiug be wbo bas |eeu aeçuirec.¨ 1bis uuluowu
beritage µrovices auotber uueauuy µaraiiei witb \o 1zu,
wbose uane neaus \r. 1attoo¨-tbis Cbiuese sage
was |raucec a eriniuai, auc bis ianiiy uane bas uever
|eeu esta|iisbec.
But tbe siniiarities ruu ceeµer. 1be eariy 8toie sebooi
bac eone uµ witb tbe coetriue oi cosoo¡o/ìtanìso.
inµiyiug tbat tbe wboie woric (cosoos; was tbeir eity-
state (¡o/ìs;. 1bis was a racieai ceµarture ior tbe
etbuoeeutrie eiassieai Creels, wbo |eiievec tbat auyoue
uot a Creel was a |ar|ariau. Lµietetus reniucec bis
stuceuts tbat aii neu are, |y uature, |rotbers, auc tbat tbe
iove auc eousiceratiou oi seii tbat aii neu iustiuetiveiy
µossess (eaiiec oìkeìosìs) sbouic |e exteucec iu au ever
wiceuiug eireie to ianiiy, irieucs, auc uitinateiy bunauity
as a wboie.

Do uot torneut otbers |y inµosiug ou tben
auytbiug you yourseii wouic uot wisb to suiier. Ii
you wouic bate to |e a siave, nale sure tbat uo
you wouic bate to |e a siave, nale sure tbat uo
oue is your siave . . . ior virtue is uot eonµati|ie
witb byµoerisy.

But \o 1zu, too, µreaebec tbe coetriue oi
unìvecsa/ìt;, statiug sinµiy tbat we sbouic eousicer tbe
iives oi otbers as our owu.

Ii neu were to regarc tbe eities oi otbers as tbey
regarc tbeir owu, tbeu wbo wouic raise uµ bis eity
to attael tbe eity oi auotber' It wouic |e iile
attaeliug bis owu. Ii neu were to regarc tbe
ianiiies oi otbers as tbey regarc tbeir owu, tbeu
wbo wouic raise uµ bis ianiiy to overtbrow tbat oi
auotber' It wouic |e iile overtbrowiug bis owu. . . .
8ueb |eueiits . . . eone iron ioviug otbers auc
tryiug to |eueiit tben.

But tbere is nore. \o 1zu taugbt tbat beaveu earec
ior nau auc cistri|utec justiee iu cue eourse, auc tbat
eitizeu auc ruier aiile sbouic su|nit to Joco, tbe wiii oi
beaveu. Auc Lµietetus, too, taugbt tbat tbere was a Coc
wbose wiii cireets tbe Luiverse, auc tbat tbe sage nust
aiigu binseii witb tbe iorees oi uature.
It sbouic |e statec tbat tbese |eiieis cic uot inµiy
iataiisn. 1be 8toie sage was eueouragec to µartieiµate iu
tbe aiiairs oi nau, iu orcer to eiieet ebauge. Iuceec, tbe
8toie as a woric eitizeu bac a norai cuty to µiay au
aetive roie iu soeiety, µronotiug virtue auc rigbt aetiou.
\o 1zu tool tbiugs a steµ iurtber, be aetuaiiy usec
µbysieai ioree ou severai oeeasious to get tbe µoiut
aeross. \o 1zu was uo arnebair µbiiosoµber, |ut ratber
a |riiiiaut nartiai artist auc niiitary taetieiau-a warrior-
sage. 1be \o-ists, iu iaet, ceveioµec nustarc gas to
ceieuc tbe eities oi wealer states attaelec |y iarger
eouçueriug iorees.
eouçueriug iorees.
1be enµeror \areus Aureiius, a 8toie ior tbe nost
µart (|ut a stuceut oi tbe lytbagoreau Aµoiiouius as
weii), aiso iougbt a vietorious war, iu bis iustauee agaiust
|ar|ariau auc conestie iorees tbreateuiug tbe konau
Lnµire. Lile \o 1zu, be was uo arnebair µbiiosoµber,
|ut was ratber a warrior-sage wbo acted wbeu it was
I was treneucousiy exeitec wbeu I reac tbat tbe
8toies luew oi |ioeuergy,¨ karoios eoutiuuec, |ut I
was cisaµµoiutec to iearu tbat tbey eousicerec tbe seat
oi tbe |ocy`s euergy to |e tbe beart ratber tbau tbe
1bere isu`t reaiiy a eouiiiet,¨ I saic siowiy. \y
naster aiso eousicers tbe beart to |e a eeuter oi tbe
|ocy`s |ioeuergy. 1be cautieu is sinµiy a warebouse
wbere euergy is storec.¨
karoios was exeitec. ue`s saic tbat to you'¨
\es, |ut it`s aetuaiiy a eonnou eoueeµt iu tbe Last.
Jobu bas statec tbat tbe beart is inµortaut iu eireuiatiug
eb`i tbrougbout tbe |ocy, tbe sane as it eireuiates |iooc.
ue aiso neutiouec tbat curiug a eoutest |etweeu two
nartiai nasters, tbe eb`i oi tbe strouger wiii attael tbe
wealer µersou`s beart, uo natter wbere tbat µersou is
struel. Ii be is bit ou tbe arn or tbe ieg, say, tbe euergy
wiii stiii ruu uµ to tbe beart auc attael tbat orgau. 1be
beart is a najor eeuter ior eb`i eireuiatiou-at ieast ior
uei luug as oµµosec to eb`i luug-tbougb I`n uot
exaetiy sure oi tbe cetaiis nyseii.¨
1bere are two ciiiereut tyµes oi eb`i eireuiatiou witbiu
tbe |ocy. 1be iirst reiates to tbe µoiuts auc nericiaus
nace ianous |y aeuµuueture-tbis is tbe exterior
eireuiatiou oi euergy ceseri|ec |y tbe worc chì kung.
But tbere is au iuterior eireuiatiou as weii tbat eouueets to
tbe cautieu, tbe |oue narrow, auc tbe reµrocuetive
systen. It is tbis iuterior eireuiatiou tbat is uei luug, tbe
systen. It is tbis iuterior eireuiatiou tbat is uei luug, tbe
ceveioµneut oi iuteruai µower. 8onebow tbe beart µiays
a erueiai roie iu uei luug. I bave ceseri|ec bow I
iuacverteutiy eausec oue oi ny stuceuts to suiier a niic
beart attael |y striliug bin ou tbe iower rigbt ri|s curiug
\ou luow,¨ I eoutiuuec, 1i|etau Buccbists eousicer
tbe beart to |e tbe seat oi tbe soui as weii. 1bey say tbat
tbe iucestrueti|ie croµ` rests iu tbe beart ebauuei wbeei
or ebalra.¨
Do you tbiul,¨ karoios aslec, tbat 8toie auc \o-
ist µbiiosoµbies eouic bave a eonnou souree
I cou`t luow. But it is iuterestiug tbat tbe 8toies
ceveioµec rigbt aiter Aiexaucer oµeuec tbe coors
|etweeu Last auc "est. Auc it is iaseiuatiug to eousicer
bow two aueieut µbiiosoµbies, oue Creel auc oue
Cbiuese, eouic bave eone uµ witb tbe sane eoueeµts.¨
1rutb is uuiversai,¨ be saic, auc sniiec.
1bere was a noneut oi siieuee as we |otb siµµec auc
iet out eyes waucer arouuc tbe roon. Ieo¡/e a/wa;s
needed sì/k lack then, I tbougbt. Sì/k that caoe
e·c/usìve/; /coo chìna. Looo. I wondec . . .
karoios eoutiuuec tbeu |y ceseri|iug tbe tbeory
|ebiuc 8toie euergeties auc netaµbysies iu cetaii. Iu tbis
area tbere turuec out to |e eousicera|ie ciiiereuees
|etweeu tbeir viewµoiut auc tbat oi tbe \o-lai.
But tbeu karoios croµµec a |on|.
\ou luow,¨ be saic, tbe 8toies eousicerec tbe soui
to |e sµberieai iu uature.¨
I was siieut, waitiug ior bin to eoutiuue.
1bey tbougbt tbat iesser souis ciec inneciateiy uµou
tbe ceatb oi tbe |ocy,¨ be eoutiuuec, |ut tbat souis witb
reasou iastec ior au iuceiiuite µerioc aiterwarc, iioatiug
arouuc tbe Luiverse as seutieut sµberes oi euergy. 1bese
arouuc tbe Luiverse as seutieut sµberes oi euergy. 1bese
souis eucurec ior as ioug as sµaee auc tine itseii.¨
Cue oi tbe iirst tbiugs tbat Jobu Cbaug taugbt ne,¨ I
saic, was tbat it was inµortaut to µut yaug euergy iuto
tbe cautieu, so tbat we eouic tale it witb us wbeu we
ciec. 1bat way, we retaiuec our eouseious niuc so tbat
we eouic returu to tbe eartb at wiii, auc leµt our
bunauity, as it were.¨
Later, I iouuc a µassage iu tbe 1ao 1e chìng tbat
artieuiates tbe sane eoueeµt.

1bose wbo retaiu tbeir eeuter, eucure.
1bose wbo cie |ut eoutiuue to exist are innortai.

Innortais are µeoµie at Levei lour auc a|ove,¨ I
exµiaiuec, wbo bave nauagec to eon|iue yiu auc yaug
witbiu tbeir |eiug. Lile ny naster. As ior tbe rest oi us,
tbe nost we eau boµe ior is Levei 1bree.¨
\ou tbiul tbat tbe 8toies bac stun|iec outo tbe sane
µroeess'¨ karoios aslec.
\y \aster ouee ceseri|ec a soui witb yaug as a
|u||ie risiug tbrougb tbe water, a sµbere oi yaug iu tbe
eoutiuuun oi yiu. . . . "bat co you tbiul'¨
1bis is |izarre: But iron tbe staucµoiut oi µbysies, a
sµbere wouic |e tbe iorn tbat oue su|stauee wouic tale
wbeu accec to auotber iu a uoubonogeueous soiutiou.¨
\es, I µausec. Auc tbere`s nore.¨
I bac a irieuc wbo bac nace au exteusive stucy oi
aueieut Creel µbiiosoµby auc bow it tiec iu to tbe eariy
Cbristiau ebureb. ue bac iouuc nauy reiereuees to tbe
sµberieai uature oi sµirituai |eiugs. Iu kboces, tbat
ianous isiauc, tbere is au aueieut aitar witb a sµbere
sittiug µrouciy ou toµ (ior aii to see auc iew to
uucerstauc). Iu accitiou, uear|y eburebes were
ceeoratec witb |iue sµberes-witb a eross accec a|ove
to Cbristiauize tbe syn|oi (iigure 1¯). "itb tbese
to Cbristiauize tbe syn|oi (iigure 1¯). "itb tbese
exanµies I |egau to |eiieve tbat it was uo eoiueiceuee
tbat iu tbe Creel Crtbocox Cbureb arebaugeis are
usuaiiy ceµietec boiciug sµberes.

lig. 1¯. 1be sµbere bac a µreseuee iu eariy
Cbristiau syn|oiisn, bearleuiug to a |eiiei iu tbe
sµberieai uature oi sµirituai |eiugs. At toµ auc ieit
are exanµies iron eburebes, at rigbt, a sµbere iron
a µagau aitar.
lerbaµs eveu nore sboeliug is tbe iaet tbat tbe ieou oi
tbe 1riuity itseii iu tbe Creel Crtbocox ebureb sbowec
Coc tbe latber boiciug two artiiaets. oue, a |iue sµbere
witb tbe eonµieneutary eross ou toµ, auc tbe seeouc a
staii, wbieb I was |egiuuiug to susµeet was a sinµiiiiec
versiou oi tbe eacueeus (iigure 18).

µreeeµts oi tbis sort were iutrocueec iuto Crtbocox
Cbristiauity |y assiniiatiou iron Creel µbiiosoµbieai
seboois-liato binseii ouee nace a reiereuee to tbe
gocs |eiug eonµosec oi iire, auc sµberieai iu sbaµe.¨

lig. 18. Coc witb sµbere auc staii
Iu 1i|etau Buccbisn, tbere is a yogie rituai eaiiec tbe
¡howa, tbe trausiereuee oi tbe niuc. It is oue oi tbe 8ix
\ogas oi raroµa. 1be aceµt seucs bis awareuess out
\ogas oi raroµa. 1be aceµt seucs bis awareuess out
tbrougb tbe erowu ebalra at tbe very toµ oi tbe beac,
iron wbere it eau |e trausierrec to auotber iorn or to
auotber |ocy. 1ocay tbis yoga is usuaiiy taugbt as a
trausioeatiou oi tbe soui to tbe ueaveuiy keain oi
Anita|ba, tbe Dbyaui Buccba oi Linitiess Ligbt, eaiiec iu
1i|etau Ce-µa-ne. Anita|ba is tbougbt to |e a gigautie
|aii oi iigbt nore |riiiiaut tbau tbe suu, auc aii tbose wbo
attaiu bis laracise are tbougbt to |eeone sµberes oi iigbt
tbenseives, ieaviug tbeir larna as bunau |eiugs |ebiuc
I ciseussec aii oi tbese assoeiatious witb karoios.
"eii,¨ be saic, tbere coes seen to |e a eonnou
tbreac tbrougb aii oi tbis. I suµµose we`ii ieave it to tbe
aeacenies to sort out.¨
It bas to co witb larna,¨ I saic. Aii oi it bas to co
witb usiug tbe soiar yaug eb`i to eut tbe stauciug wave iu
tbe yiu eoutiuuun. 8ueb luowiecge was ouee uuiversai.¨
\ay|e.¨ karoios sniiec. Just nale sure you cou`t
get exeonnuuieatec-or worse, sbot. 1bese are tbe
Bailaus, renen|er'¨
It was barc to iorget.
I |eiieve tbat aii our great acvauees are cue to
euiturai iuteraetiou. I |eiieve tbat sueb is tbe wiii oi
beaveu,¨ I saic.
Let`s bear it.¨
Cue oi tbe µriueiµie ruies oi evoiutiou is tbis. 1he
cate o/ ìnccease ìn /ìtness o/ an; ocganìso at an;
tìoe ìs e¡ua/ to ìts genetìc vacìance ìn /ìtness at that
Iu sbort, tbe nore geuetie variatiou exists iu a
µoµuiatiou, tbe iaster tbe rate oi evoiutiou iu tbat grouµ,
auc tbe greater tbe cegree oi iituess iu tbe euc. 1bis
tbeoren is iuucaneutai, ii you |eiieve iu uaturai
Ck, survivai oi tbe iittest. "e aii uucerstauc tbat.¨
I sniiec. Ii I ever get sbot, it wiii |e |eeause oi tbe
I sniiec. Ii I ever get sbot, it wiii |e |eeause oi tbe
icea I just voieec,¨ I saic.
karoios ioolec µuzziec ior a noneut, auc I weut ou.
\ou`ve bearc ne say reµeateciy tbat I |eiieve evoiutiou
is cireetec, tbat tbere is au iuteut |ebiuc tbe ceveioµneut
oi tbe bunau raee. As ii a uigber 8eutieuee reaiiy wautec
bunaus to evoive ou tbis µiauet.¨
I`ve bearc you use tbat icea to justiiy |otb tbe sµeec
auc tbe orgauizec nauuer iu wbieb iiie ou eartb auc our
owu sµeeies aµµearec auc ceveioµec.¨
\es, auc it`s tbe |asie reasou wby I teuc to iavor tbe
nuitiregiouai nocei oi bunau evoiutiou nore tbau tbe
out-oi-Airiea nocei.
"bat co you neau'¨
1bere are two suµµoseciy eoutracietory tbeories as
to bow bunau |eiugs eane to sµreac aii over tbe gio|e.
1be iirst says tbat our sµeeies was |oru out oi
geograµbieaiiy seµarate |ut auaiogous eveuts tbat siowiy
overiaµµec eaeb otber, tbis is eaiiec tbe nuitiregiouai
nocei oi bunau evoiutiou. Basieaiiy it eones cowu to a
µareut sµeeies-iet`s eaii bin au arebaie hooo ecectus.
or nay|e hooo ecgastec-ieaviug Airiea a|out two
niiiiou years ago auc sµreaciug tbrougbout tbe woric. It
evoivec regiouaiiy, |ut eaeb regiouai exµressiou cic uot
evoive iuceµeuceutiy-tbere was µieuty oi geue iiow iu
|etweeu. Cio|aiiy tbis sµeeies turuec iuto hooo sa¡ìens
"bat`s tbe seeouc nocei'¨
1be out-oi-Airiea tbeory, wbieb µroµoses tbat nau
evoivec iuto hooo sa¡ìens exeiusiveiy iu Airiea auc tbeu
sµreac aii over tbe gio|e iile a ticai wave |egiuuiug
a|out 100,000 years ago. Iu tbis nocei, ueitber hooo
ecectus uor tbe arebaie hooo sa¡ìens outsice oi Airiea
uor tbe reaucertbais iu Luroµe µiayec a geuetie roie.¨
Auc you |eiieve iu tbe nuitiregiouai nocei.¨
Auc you |eiieve iu tbe nuitiregiouai nocei.¨
lretty nueb. Aetuaiiy I |eiieve |otb µiayec a µart,
|eeause evoiutiou is cireetec. A wbiie |ael exeavatious
uueoverec a sleietou oi a iittie |oy iu lortugai witb |otb
reaucertbai auc hooo sa¡ìens traits, tbe nuitiregiouists
were ebeeriug iouciy ior a wbiie witb tbat oue. 1beu
nitoeboucriai DrA auaiysis seenec to iavor tbe out-oi-
Airiea nocei agaiu. 1be jury is stiii out. lersouaiiy, I`n
rootiug ior tbe nuitiregiouai nocei. kenen|er, tbe rate
oi iuerease iu iituess oi auy orgauisn at auy tine is eçuai
to its geuetie variauee iu iituess at tbat tine. 8o it nales
seuse to iutrocuee as nueb geuetie cissiniiarity iuto au
orgauisn as you eau ii you waut it to tbrive.¨
\ou souuc iile a cevout nuitiregiouist to ne-wby
are you sayiug tbat |otb noceis µiayec a roie'¨
Beeause I |eiieve tbat rougbiy 100,000 years ago
accitiouai iaetors were accec iuto tbe eçuatiou to sµeec
tbiugs aioug.¨
8o wbat you`re sayiug is tbat tbere nigbt bave |eeu,
ior iustauee, au iuitiai exocus oi µrinorciai nau out oi
Airiea way |ael wbeu ioiiowec |y a nore reeeut ticai
wave |eariug a sµeeiiie cesigu eriteriou-auc tbat
Airieau hooo sa¡ìens natec witb aii tbe otber
evoiutiouary µaragous arouuc, µrocueiug noceru nau.¨
I griuuec. It`s easy to see tbat you worl witb
eugiueers ou a caiiy |asis: \es, I tbiul tbat was tbe liau.
1be iuteut was to µrocuee as nueb geuetie variauee and
euiturai civersity as µossi|ie, tbeu |riug it aii togetber.
1be sµeeiiie cesigu trait we`re tailiug a|out was
iutrocueec to iuitiate eouvergeuee. I baµµeu to |eiieve
tbat tbis eoaieseeuee is stiii goiug ou, wbieb is wby great
tbiugs baµµeu every tine ioeai |ouucaries iaii.¨
But ii evoiutiou is cireetec, tbeu tbere`s uo reasou ior
tbe out-oi-Airiea nocei to bave taleu µiaee at aii.¨
I ieauec |ael iu ny ebair ior a noneut auc
eousicerec tbis. "eii, I |eiieve tbat tbere was a
eousicerec tbis. "eii, I |eiieve tbat tbere was a
|ioiogieai iuitiative to eouvergeuee. Lverytbiug ueecs to
bave a µbysieai iuierun iu tbe euc.¨
I tbiul you`re just tryiug to eover your ass . . . |ut
you co bave a µoiut.¨
I reaebec ior ny eoiiee. It`s nore tbau just tryiug to
eover ny ass. It`s boµiug ior tbe |est. Beeause ii tbe out-
oi-Airiea nocei boics true exeiusiveiy, auc uo otber tyµe
oi bunauoic bac auytbiug to co witb our sµeeies, tbau
we are truiy a raee iouucec ou geuoeice auc
"bat'¨ karoios`s iaee eonnuuieatec tbat I`c iost
bin witb tbis tbougbt.
"bat co you tbiul baµµeuec to tbe reaucertbais, to
hooo ecectus. auc to Coc luows wbo eise ii tbey cicu`t
nate auc uitinateiy nerge witb hooo sa¡ìens'¨
karoios ieii siieut.
\es,¨ I saic griniy. 1bat wouic neau we liiiec tben
oii or ioreec tben to extiuetiou, nueb iile we are coiug
witb so nauy otber iiviug |eiugs tocay. Auc tbis is wby I
siueereiy boµe we are tbe µrocuet oi tbe geuetie
exµerineut oi a 8uµrene Beiug ratber tbau tbe seious oi
auuibiiatiou. I cou`t waut to tbiul oi nyseii as a virus.¨
Ck, iet`s say you`re rigbt, auc tbere ìs a Creator
Coc. "by' "by ceveioµ us iu tbis iasbiou'¨
8urvivai oi tbe iittest. "e`re so bot to µoiut at uaturai
seieetiou, it nales ne woucer wby we besitate to µoiut
tbat iiuger at ourseives. "bat nales you tbiul tbat we`re
tbe µiuuaeie oi evoiutiou'¨
I uever tbougbt we were.¨
1beu you`re uuiçue-auc a reaiist. \ost µeoµie tbiul
tbat we`re Coc`s giit to tbe Luiverse. I cou`t tbiul tbat
we`re auytbiug nore tbau sµern goiug at a sµeeiiiec
ue grasµec it tbeu auc sniiec. \ou`re rigbt, you ace
goiug to get sbot.¨
goiug to get sbot.¨
lro|a|iy: \ost µeoµie tbiul tbat bunauity was
ereatec to bave sone liuc oi coniuiou over every iiviug
tbiug. rouseuse: 1bere is a stauza iu tbe 1ao 1e chìng
tbat says.

ueaveu auc Lartb are uot bunaue,
1bey regarc Aii 1biugs as straw cogs.
ueuee tbe 8age is uot bunaue,
ue regarcs tbe eonnou µeoµie as straw cogs.

1be tern stcaw dogs eones iron tbe initatiou cogs
nace iron straw tbat were |uruec |y tbe Cbiuese iu
saeriiieiai rites. "bat Lao 1zu is sayiug is tbat uature
treats aii tbiugs inµartiaiiy-survivai oi tbe iittest, rigbt' Ii
au auteioµe is weal, a iiou wiii eat it. Auc tbat nales tbe
wboie sµeeies oi auteioµes strouger. But we iu our
arrogauee tbiul tbat tbis uuceuia|ie ruie oi uature stoµs
witb us-we are at tbe toµ oi tbe µyranic, we cou`t
bave to worl ior auytbiug. Aii we bave to co is µiel tbe
rigbt reiigiou, auc we`re innortai: uow eouveuieut ior
8o you tbiul tbat |iiiious oi us were |oru just so tbat
a bauciui oi euiigbteuec souis eouic evoive'¨
uow nauy sµern co you exµeuc to nale a |a|y'
Auc wbat tbe beii is au euiigbteuec soui auyway' . . . But
cou`t you tbiul it`s iaseiuatiug tbat Lao 1zu auc tbe
8toies |otb stun|iec outo tbe sane µreeeµts'¨
1be sµberes: Is it µossi|ie tbat tbose sµberes are
euiigbteuec |eiugs'¨
\ay|e. \ay|e tbey are. Cr nay|e tbey`re au
iuterneciate steµ, souis tbat are ou tbeir way to
euiigbteuneut, tbat bave sonebow |roleu iree oi tbe
ebaius tbat |iuc us. Auc nay|e tbose wbo |eiieve iu
reiuearuatiou are rigbt auc we bave euciess oµµortuuities
to nale it . . . weii, ior as ioug as sµaee-tine iasts,
to nale it . . . weii, ior as ioug as sµaee-tine iasts,
auyway. It wouic |e borri|ie ii we ouiy bac oue sbot,
wouicu`t it' But I do tbiul tbat raturai Law aµµiies ou
aii ieveis-reaiity is iraetai, rigbt'-auc tbat Coc`s µiau
is to evoive a wboie |uueb oi euiigbteuec souis ii ue eau.
I tbiul tbose sµberes syn|oiize tbe sµirit |realiug iree
iron tbe sbaelies oi ceatb auc yet stiii baviug µower
over tbe µbysieai woric. lor ne, tbey reµreseut sµirits
tbat bave earriec yaug eb`i witb tben µast tbeir nortai
euc. I |eiieve tbat tbe wboie buiia|aioo-bunauity`s
µreseuee ou tbis µiauet, our coniuauee auc eiviiizatiou-
is extaut so tbat sueb euiigbteuec souis eau |e evoivec.¨ I
µausec. I wouic ceariy iove to |e wortby oi sueb a
µrize,¨ I wbisµerec, wbieb is wby I`n baµµy to |e iiviug
iu au age oi µrououueec euiturai exebauge.¨
Auc wbat a|out tbe iove oi Coc ior nau' Isu`t aii oi
tbis a |it eoic'¨
Is it' Lool at uature. Are you sayiug tbat Coc ioves
uature auy iess tbau nau' 1bere are two iorees
goveruiug our ceveioµneut. Cue is Joco auc tbe seeouc
is larna, tbe eouseçueuee oi our aetious auc cesires.
karna µretty nueb eones cowu to tbe ceeisious we aii
nale every cay, auc it suµerseces Joco |eeause beaveu
resµeets our ceeisious, ior |etter or worse. "e`re uot
suµµosec to |eeone sµoiiec |rats-outsice oi a iew
uoiiywooc iiins, bave you ever bearc oi au augei eoniug
cowu iron beaveu to stoµ a suieice' "e eaeb bave
resµousi|iiity ior our owu iiie, µerbaµs eveu ior µast
iives, sbouic sueb a tbiug as reiuearuatiou |e true. But
cesµite aii tbis, ny naster toic ne ouee tbat tbere was uo
iove auywbere ou tbis woric tbat eouic eonµare witb tbe
iove oi Coc ior nau. Cuiy a notber`s iove ior ber ebiic
eones auywbere eiose.¨
Dic 8iiu Cbaug uucerstauc tbis wbeu be eane iu
eoutaet witb tbe 8µirit oi Coc'¨
\es. ue usec tbe netaµbor oi a notber auc ber ebiic
\es. ue usec tbe netaµbor oi a notber auc ber ebiic
|eeause, as be saic, a notber wiii iove auc sµoii ber ebiic
eveu ii be nurcers a cozeu µeoµie a cay. 8be wiii iorgive
bin auytbiug. 1bis is tbe iove oi Coc ior nau.¨
Ii be ioves us so nueb, bow eau be aiiow tbe ness
we`ve gotteu ourseives iuto'¨
1bat`s tbe µoiut-be ioves us so nueb tbat be wiii
aiiow us to co wbatever we eboose, eveu to wail iuto
auuibiiatiou sbouic we so cesire. Lverytbiug is uµ to us,
we bave totai ireecon to co as we wisb, |otb as
iucivicuais auc as a sµeeies. But we`re uot eonµieteiy ou
our owu-we bave |eeu grautec nauy giits to beiµ us
aioug tbe way.¨
karoios ieauec away iron tbe ta|ie auc sniiec. 1bey
µro|a|iy wou`t sboot you, you luow. "itb iceas iile
tbat, tbey wouicu`t waut to nale a nartyr out oi you.
1bey`ii µro|a|iy just µiaut sone beroiu ou you auc set
you uµ as a najor crug ceaier. But I`ii visit you iu
Ab: "bat are irieucs ior'¨
karoios`s eeii µboue raug auc be stooc to ieave.
8ucceuiy, we were |ael iu tbe bustie auc |ustie, tbe
stress auc grine oi tbe |ig eity. 8teµµiug out oi tbe eaié,
we iet tbe raiu iaii ou our iaees ior a tine, auc watebec it
eoior tbe sicewail as ii euougb crizzie eouic wasb it
away auc tale us |ael to sinµier cays.
Auotber noruiug at tbe lorun bac µassec.
Cbaµter :
1uL 1uLrDLkBCL1

It was 8uucay, auc ny notber was tryiug to get ne to go
to ebureb.
to ebureb.
8be was visitiug us ior a iew weels, auc it was
iueonµrebeusi|ie to ber tbat a nau eouic sµeuc a noutb
ou a nouutaiutoµ searebiug ior tbe civiue iusice bis owu
|eiug, auc yet |e cisiueiiuec or too iazy to go to ebureb
serviee ou 8uucay noruiug. Doris eseaµec to tbe
|aelyarc ou sone garceuiug tasl or otber tbat was
ceenec a suita|ie exeuse, auc I was ioreec to eucure
tbe iuii barauguiug oi ny notber`s sbarµ tougue
uuassistec. I iiec to tbe eouiiues oi ny owu niuc,
sbuttiug out tbe souuc as nueb as I eouic, auc triec to
ioeus ou tbe noruiug µaµer auc tbe snaii euµ oi eoiiee
sbe µreseutec to ne as a saies µiteb. Desµite wbatever
µowers oi eoueeutratiou I bac ceveioµec over tbe years,
sbe was wiuuiug, I ieit ny |iooc µressure risiug. \auy
weii-nuseiec youug neu wouic |e wary oi so augeriug
ne, |ut notbers are |eyouc sueb tbiugs auc are
iuviuei|ie iu eon|at.
I was savec |y tbe |eii, iiteraiiy. \y stuceut 8tanatis
teieµbouec, auc aslec ne ii I wautec to visit a ceac
Inneciateiy I auuouueec to ny notber tbat I wouic
|e goiug to ebureb aiter aii. 8be stoµµec, oµeunoutbec,
stuuuec, iu nicver|aiizatiou, ny eouuter-attael baviug
taleu ber uuawares auc striµµec away ber ceieuses
eutireiy. A iool oi µuzzieneut µassec over ber ieatures.
Beiore sbe eouic reeover, I toic ber tbat it wouic |e au
eveuiug serviee at tbe sbriue oi 8aiut Lµbrain. 8be
uoccec, µieasec, auc I savorec ny µeaee oi niuc ior
tbe rest oi tbe cay.
Lµbrain was a Creel noul curiug tbe years oi tbe
Cttonau eouçuest wbo bac |eeu torturec to ceatb |y
tbe 1urls. uis |oues were |roleu |it |y |it, auc tbe
ceatb be suiierec-crawu out over au eutire cay-was
I bac |eeu toic stories a|out Lµbrain tine aiter tine,
tbat be bac worlec tbis µartieuiar niraeie to aic tbat
µersou`s reiative auc wbat uot. 1be nouastery bousiug
bis reiie was uot iar iron tbe eeuter oi Atbeus, auc I
aiways eujoyec |eiug arouuc 8tanatis. ue auc bis wiie
µielec ne uµ iu tbe iate aiteruoou auc we crove out to
tbe nouastery.
Cu iirst inµressiou it was uot wbat nost oi us wouic
exµeet uµou visitiug a saerec or reiigious site. lecciers
auc |eggars iiiiec tbe uarrow street ieaciug uµ to tbe
ebureb. Beeause tbere were uo iavatories µreseut auc tbe
ebureb bac nauy visitors, tbe eutire area sneiiec iile a
sewer. It was, aii iu aii, very necievai. I was µreµariug to
|e cisaµµoiutec uutii tbe noneut wbeu, weariug a sniie
oi grin anuseneut, I euterec tbe ebureb eourtyarc itseii.
1be sµirit eane to ne iile a |atteriug ran, as tbey co
to nauy oi us wbo bave µassec |eyouc tbe iirst ievei oi
µower. "e aµµear strauge to tben, you see, witb a
cistiuet µsyeboeuergetie naleuµ, as a nau weariug
µurµie µoila-cottec eiotbiug auc seu|a gear auc µiayiug
tbe eyn|ais wouic aµµear to you ii be wailec iuto your
iiviug roon.
I ieit a stroug µressure ou ny iorebeac auc at tbe |ase
oi ny sluii auc ny niuc iiiiec witb inages. 1be saiut was
stroug-strouger tbau ne: I bac to sit cowu. 8tanatis`s
wiie aslec ne wbat was wroug, |ut 8tanatis just
iaugbec, be eouic binseii ieei tbe µressure, tbougb to a
iesser exteut at tbe tine. I iutrocueec nyseii to tbe sµirit
as |est I eouic, exµiaiuiug wbo we were auc wbat tyµe
oi traiuiug we cic, auc was µieasec to reeeive a µositive
resµouse. I was sbowu a sµot outsice tbe eourtyarc
wbere ny naster eouic sunnou auc sµeal to tbe saiut
-ior aii to see-wbeu be visitec Creeee.
8tanatis was baµµy, be is a cevout Lasteru Crtbocox
Cbristiau auc is aiways searebiug ior aiiirnatiou oi bis
Cbristiau auc is aiways searebiug ior aiiirnatiou oi bis
iaitb. ue bas bac to go tbrougb bis owu triais auc
tri|uiatious as ny aµµreutiee-iu iaet, to cate, two oi ny
stuceuts bave resiguec iron tbe traiuiug, uua|ie to
reeoueiie tbe striet cogna oi tbeir iaitb witb tbe netbocs
oi tbe \o-lai.
1brougbout tbe ages nau bas aiways sougbt uuiou witb
tbe Iuiiuite auc tbis çuest ior tbe Diviue bas evoivec iuto
nauy iorns auc aeçuirec as nauy civerse netbocs. Iu
tbe µroeess, wars bave |eeu iougbt, eaeb grouµ oi
seelers eiainiug tbat tbeir eboseu netboc is tbe ouiy oue
ior aii. 1bauliuiiy, tbe Iuiiuite itseii is |eyouc sueb µetty
|ieleriug. Iu aii najor reiigious au uuebaugiug auc
iinitiess µatb to tbe 8ouree bas eucurec, avaiia|ie to
eaeb iucivicuai |iessec witb tbe iaitb to uueover it.
lerbaµs we eouic say tbat Coc is tbe sane aii over tbe
woric, |ut tbat nau, iu bis wiscon, nales uin iu bis
owu inage, ceµeuciug ou tbe euiturai tracitiou be bas
growu uµ witb. But wbat baµµeus wbeu a µersou
exµresses iaitb iu uotbiug tbat be bas uot exµerieueec ior
I nyseii, µrocuet oi civerse euitures, bave aiways bac
ciiiieuity witb tbe inage oi Coc. I`ve wanted to |eiieve
iu a sµeeiiie sbaµe auc iorn oi tbe A|soiute so tbat I
eouic grow eioser to it |ut bave iouuc tbat I eouic uot
|riug nyseii to reiiuçuisb ny sleµtieisn.
"beu I was a
ebiic, I was euanorec oi tbe Creel Crtbocox Cbureb
auc eveu |eeane au aitar |oy. Lile kazautzalis,
bowever, I çuestiouec cogna as I grew nore euituraiiy
auc soeiaiiy aware. rot baviug growu uµ eutreuebec iu
auy oue euiture auc luowiug weii tbe bistory auc iaiiiugs
oi every reiigious autbority reµreseutiug tbe Diviue, I
eouic uot |riug nyseii to |eiieve iu tbe uuµroveu. I
suiierec as a resuit.
uow eouic I eone to worsbiµ tbe A|soiute' I
ca||iec iu aii najor reiigious, |ut bac |eeu ciseouragec
ca||iec iu aii najor reiigious, |ut bac |eeu ciseouragec
iu tbe euceavor |y uuwortby neutors auc tbe eoic,
uu|iasec aµµraisai oi inµartiaiity auc bistory. "by jucge
a iaitb |y its exµoueuts, you asl' But bow eise sbouic
we jucge it' "e are bunau |eiugs, we eauuot esteen
tbe Diviue exeeµt to see bow It is reiieetec iu otber neu.
ueuee I uuçuestioua|iy bouorec aii gocs ior wbat tbey
were, |ut cic uot ieei eoniorta|ie iu eiainiug au inage oi
tbe A|soiute ior ny owu.
I bave toic µeoµie tbat I an a Cbristiau iu tbe seuse
tbat I |eiieve tbat µersouai recenµtiou is ieasi|ie ior
everyoue auc tbat uuiversai iove nales tbat saivatiou
µossi|ie, a \usiin iu tbe seuse tbat I |eiieve tbat tbere is
ouiy oue Coc, auc tbat aii neu are eçuai uucer tbis oue
ceity (a µriestbooc is uuueeessary), a Buccbist iu tbe
seuse tbat I |eiieve tbat tbe seecs ior euiigbteuneut are
witbiu us aii as au iutegrai eonµoueut oi our DrA, auc
tbat we are eaµa|ie oi reaebiug tbe A|soiute tbrougb our
owu eiiorts, a uiucu iu tbe seuse tbat I |eiieve tbat tbe
Diviue tales nauy sbaµes auc iorns to reaeb out to nau,
a 1aoist iu tbe seuse tbat I bave |orue wituess to tbe
iueoutroverti|ie reaiity oi |otb yiu auc yaug euergies auc
tbe woric oi sµirits.
Auc I bac two traits goiug iu ny iavor. ciseiµiiue auc
eonµuisiou. It was tbus tbat I iearuec to ioiiow tbe
Beyouc aii cogna, we bave seeu tbat tbe |eiiei iu two
oµµosiug uuiversai iorees is wicesµreac tbrougbout tbe
bistory auc ceveioµneut oi our sµeeies. It sbouic uot
eone as a surµrise tbeu tbat tbe netboc |y wbieb tbese
two iorees were joiuec togetber was aiso ouee gio|ai iu
\y naster bas taugbt ne tbat wbeu tbe two µrinai
iorees are sçueezec togetber, a ebarge oi
iueonµrebeusi|ie µower is geueratec. 1bis is iileuec to a
tbuucer|oit iaiiiug iron beaveu. 1be euergy geueratec at
tbuucer|oit iaiiiug iron beaveu. 1be euergy geueratec at
tbis ievei is so iuteuse tbat Jobu Cbaug binseii bas iaiutec
twiee tryiug to eoutaiu it witbiu bis owu |eiug. "beu a
yogi reaebes tbis state, be aebieves t`ai ebi, tbe suµrene
eouiiguratiou tbat natter eau tale iu our Luiverse, a iorn
wbere tbe iuiiuite (yiu) is joiuec to tbe iiuite (yaug). As
sueb, oue`s sµirit is innortai, retaiuiug aii seutieuee auc
enotiou eveu iu ceatb. Auc wbiie aiive, tbe yogi
µossesses tbe nigbt oi yiu auc yaug eon|iuec. tbe µower
oi tbe tbuucer|oit.
It was uo eoiueiceuee zeus oi tbe aueieut Creels was
tbe goc oi tbuucer as weii as suµrene iorc oi tbe
beaveus. uis iuii uane is Dias-zeus. Ðìas (iu Creel,
éíéç) eones iron tbe Creel ver| dìaecó (eiéiçe),
wbieb neaus to civice¨, zeus (iu Creel, zétç) eones
iron tbe Creel ver| .eugnìoì (¸ét,vtµi), wbieb neaus
to yole togetber.¨ ueuee zeus is tbe suµrene goc wbo
yoles togetber tbose wbo bave |eeu civicec,¨ or to use
tocay`s ianiiiar Cbiuese terniuoiogy, tbe goc wbo joius
yiu to yaug.
Iu tbe Oc¡hìc L;ons we iiuc tbis oce to zeus.

lirst eoueeivec was zeus, auc iast sbaii be exist . . .
lron zeus are aii tbiugs ereatec.
zeus was |oru naie, zeus is tbe eteruai wonau . . .
zeus suµµorts |otb tbe eartb auc tbe star-iiiiec sly
. . .
ue is iire auc water, natter auc etber, uigbt auc
Aii tbiugs resice iu tbe |ocy oi zeus.

1be stuceut oi 1aoisn wiii reeoguize tbe nuitiµie
reiereuees to yiu auc yaug iu tbis stauza, auc reeoguize
zeus as tbe state oi t`ai ebi (eonnouiy trausiatec as tbe
suµrene uitinate¨).
suµrene uitinate¨).
\auy reacers nay luow oi Vajrayaua Buccbisn, auc
tbe iaet tbat tbe tern bas |eeu trausiatec iuto Lugiisb as
tbe Dianouc "ay.¨ 1be 1i|etau doc/e-iu 8auslrit
va/ca-(iigure 1v) bas |eeone a µoµuiar syn|oi iu
iasbioua|ie eireies, witb nore auc nore artists auc
seboiars turuiug to Buccbisn tbese cays. Iu aetuaiity,
bowever, tbe 8auslrit worc va/ca neaus tbuucer|oit,¨
uot cianouc, auc so Vajrayaua neaus tbuucer|oit
µatb.¨ It sbouic |e uotec tbat I an uot reierriug to
iigbtuiug, tbe tbuucer|oit itseii is uot iinitec to tbe
eieetrieai euergy µrocueec curiug its geueratiou.
tbuucer|oit is a uuiçue µbeuoneuou wbose existeuee bas
ouiy reeeutiy |eeu exaniuec |y seieuee. 1brougbout tbe
ages, tbe vajra |eeane au en|ien ior seii-uuiiieatiou,
auc syn|oiizec tbe eoniug togetber oi nauy iorees,
neutai auc µbysieai, witbiu tbe bunau eutity.

lig. 1v. 1be 1i|etau doc/e (va/ca
-tbuucer|oit¨-iu 8auslrit)
Ii it is uot iigbtuiug, wbat tbeu is a tbuucer|oit' Iu
Creeee we bave tbe ioiiowiug iegeuc. "bere iigbtuiug
Creeee we bave tbe ioiiowiug iegeuc. "bere iigbtuiug
striles tbe grouuc, a tbuucer|oit (kecavnovó/ì; wiii rise
to tbe suriaee witbiu iorty cays. Aeeorciug to tracitiou,
tbis is a ioug, cou|ie-µoiutec stoue tbat resen|ies tbe
corje nace ianous |y 1i|etau auc \illyo Buccbisn.
Iu trutb, bowever, tbe tbuucer|oit, iile tbe vajra, eau
tale severai sbaµes auc bas a variety oi iorns. \oceru
seieuee eaiis tbese stoues /u/gucìtes (iron tbe Latiu
/u/guc ior iigbtuiug)-tbey are giassy, tu|uiar, siiiea
niuerais iusec iu tbe beat iron a iigbtuiug strile. Iu iigure
20a, zeus, tbe Lorc oi tbe ueaveus eau |e seeu boiciug
sueb a tbuucer|oit iu bis bauc,
wbiie iigure 20| sbows
tbe tbuucer|oit ou a tbirc-eeutury B.C.L. eoiu-tbe
siniiarity to tbe 1i|etau corje is renarla|ie, isu`t it'
ligure 21 sbows tbe reai tbiug, a tbuucer|oit eoiieetec |y
a sbeµberc auc giveu to ny irieuc Ceorge (tbe sane nau
wbo |uiit tbe ea|iu iu tbe nouutaius).
A 1i|etau iana
ouee toic Ceorge tbat, aeeorciug to tbeir tracitiou, wbeu
sueb artiiaets are iouuc, tbey are taleu iron tbe grouuc
witb a sµeeiiie rituai to eusure |euevoieut iuiiueuee.
nost µoweriui stoues are sbaµec iile a corje. 1be
tbuucer|oit eouic bave |eeu tbe |asis ior 1bor`s banner
iu 1eutouie nytboiogy as weii.

lig. 20. zeus boiciug a tbuucer|oit (a), tbirc-
eeutury B.C.L. eoiu witb tbe inage oi a tbuucer|oit

lig. 21. A iuigurite
luigurites were syn|oiie to aueieut µeoµies iu tbat
tbey reµreseutec tbe eoniug togetber oi uuiversai iorees,
tbe sly (yaug) neetiug tbe eartb (yiu). 1bis µroeess eau
|e cuµiieatec iusice our |ocy tbrougb a eon|iuatiou oi
necitatiou auc |reatbiug exereises, tbis is wbat tbe
seelers wbo ceveioµec tbe Vajrayaua, or 1buucer|oit
latb,¨ stun|iec uµou. By eausiug tbe two oµµosiug
uuiversai iorees to neet auc eoexist, au inµernea|ie
sonetbiug¨ uot su|jeet to eutroµy is geueratec (beuee
sonetbiug¨ uot su|jeet to eutroµy is geueratec (beuee
tbe use oi tbe tern cianouc¨ ior tbe vajra). uere, ouee
agaiu, we are aµµiyiug tbe µriueiµie oi that whìch e·ìsts
oaccocosoìca//; e·ìsts oìccocosoìca//;.
CA1L"A\8 1C L1LkrI1\

1be suµrene Buccba oi tbe Vajrayaua iiueage is eaiiec
¡a/cadhaca (tbuucer|oit auc |eii¨-or, iu 1i|etau,
Ðoc/e chang). ue is ceµietec witb erossec arns,
boiciug a vajra auc rituai |eii iu bis baucs. Aeeorciug to
1i|etau tracitiou, tbe boiiow oi tbe |eii syn|oiizes tbe
wiscon eoguiziug enµtiuess, tbe |eii`s eiaµµer
reµreseuts tbe souuc oi enµtiuess. I |eiieve tbat tbe state
reµreseutec |y tbe Buccba Vajracbara is eçuivaieut to
Levei 8eveuty-two oi tbe \o-lai traiuiug, or tbe oµeuiug
oi tbe sabasrara ebalra iu luucaiiui yoga, a eoucitiou iu
wbieb enµtiuess is iorn auc iorn is enµtiuess.
Iu otber worcs, tbe tbuucer|oit is aebievec iirst, tbe
uuiou oi tbe iuiiuite witb tbe iiuite, auc uitinateiy tbe iiuai
ebalra at tbe toµ oi tbe beac, tbe 1bousauc-letaiiec
Lotus, is oµeuec, wbereuµou tbe esseutiai uature oi tbe
Luiverse is ciseoverec.
"bat coes it neau to oµeu a ebalra' "e bave tailec
a|out tbe two euergies tbat are tbe |iueµriut ior our
|eiug. 1o use a netaµbor, we eau say tbat every so oiteu
tbese euergies tie tbenseives iuto a luot.
1bese luots
µrovice a sta|ie |ase ior our euergetie naleuµ, witbout
wbieb tbe iucivicuai wouic uo iouger bave reasou to exist
as a bunau |eiug. 1bere are seveuty-two oi tbese luots
iu our |ocy. 1be oues aioug our sµiue, tbe naiu axis oi
our |ocy, are seveu iu uun|er auc bave |eeu nace
µoµuiar |y yoga. "beu a ebalra is oµeuec tbese luots
are eut¨.

lig. 22. 1be luot¨ oi a ebalra |eiore auc aiter oµeuiug
\ore oiteu tbau uot, bowever, tbe luot oi a ebalra is
uot eut, |ut ratber its voic is sinµiy iiiiec, iile a euµ tbat
is iiiiec witb water. (1be very eeuter oi a ebalra is a zero
uoce iu a stauciug wave iu tbe yiu iieic, as sueb, it eau
a|sor| a giveu anouut oi yaug euergy). 1be euttiug oi a
ebalra luot is µernaueut, ouee tbe stauciug wave is
cestroyec, it coes uot reiorn. 1be iiiiiug oi a ebalra,
eouverseiy, is su|jeet to eutroµy (see aµµeucix 1, uote 1,
ior cetaiis). 1o |etter uucerstauc wbat tbis neaus, iet us
use Jobu Cbaug`s netboc oi tbe \o-lai as au exanµie.
1o co tbis we nust iool at tbe |ocy`s naiu eeuters as

lig. 21. 1be naiu ebalra usec |y tbe \o-lai systen
row, tbe µoiut at tbe µeriueun is eaiiec huì ;ìn, tbe
gate oi yiu¨ iu Cbiuese. "e eau tale it ior grautec tbat
tbe ebalra at or uear tbat µoiut (sone say at tbe very tiµ
oi tbe sµiue) bas to co witb yiu euergy-tbat is to say, it
bas to co witb a|sor|iug tbe euergies oi tbe iuiiuite ebaos
tbat existec |eiore our owu sµaee-tine. Let us say tbat
tbis sµot reµreseuts tbe Iuiiuite. rornai bunau |eiugs, as
yaug ereatures, eauuot toierate a bigber ioeatiou ior tbis
euergy eeuter, oue tbat is oue steµ eioser to tbe Iuiiuite, it
wouic crive us iusaue or liii us.
1be iirst steµ iu iiiiiug tbis ebalra is to iiii tbe cautieu
ebalra witb yaug euergy. Duriug traiuiug to tbe euc oi
Levei 1wo, tbe euergetie naleuµ oi tbe |ocy is
eubaueec |ut uot aiterec. I bave iouuc wbat I |eiieve is a
eiassie ceµietiou oi tbis µroeess iu ny uative Creeee (au
exanµie nore tbau tbree tbousauc years oic). tbe statue
ii tbe \iuoau µriestess eurreutiy at tbe Arebeoiogieai
\useun iu ueralieiou, Crete (iigure 24).
\useun iu ueralieiou, Crete (iigure 24).
Au exaniuatiou oi tbis statue eau |e reveaiiug ii you
luow wbat to iool ior. 1wiu suales eau |e seeu
eutwiuec iu a luot at ber cautieu, iucieatiug tbat sbe bas
uot severec tbe eorcs boiciug tbat ebalra iu µiaee. 1be
eviceuee suggests tbat sbe nay weii |e a µraetitiouer oi
uei luug-tbe cautieu is tbe souree oi ber µower, wbieb
sbe bas nauagec to raise to tbe eeuter oi ber µains. Iu
tbe \o-lai tracitiou tbis eorresµoucs to tbe euc oi Levei
1wo. At ber a|coneu eau |e seeu a cou|ie beiieoic oi
eutwiuec suales-tbougb tbe suales are çuite snaii-
sµiraiiug uµ to reaeb |etweeu ber |reasts. 1bis nigbt
iucieate tbat tbe |ase oi ber µower is stiii iu ber iower
eeuters-sbe bas uot nauagec to sever tbe eorcs tbat
leeµ it tbere. 1be suale ou tbe toµ oi ber bat nay siguiiy
tbat tbe euergy coes reaeb tbe ¡a huì µoiut, |ut tbat tbis
eeuter is iuii ratber tbau µernaueutiy oµeu. Aii oi tbese
cetaiis togetber suggest tbat tbe µriestess bas iiuisbec
Levei 1wo |ut bas uot µrogressec |eyouc tbis µoiut.

lig. 24. 8tatue oi a \iuoau µriestess at tbe
Arebeoiogieai \useun iu ueralieiou, Crete
By way oi eoutrast, iooliug eioseiy at a statue oi tbe
sage Bocbicbarna iu tbe Vietoria auc Ai|ert \useun iu
Loucou we eau cistiuetiy see a iotus oµeuiug iu tbe area
oi bis cautieu, siguiiyiug tbat tbe ebalra bas |eeu eut auc
esta|iisbiug at ouee tbe souree oi Bocbicbarna`s great
µower (iigure 2:).
"e bave saic tbat tbe cautieu is tbe iowest ebalra
eaµa|ie oi storiug yaug iu tbe eeuteriiue oi tbe bunau
|ocy, tbe ebalra |eiow, tbe bui yiu µoiut, reiates strietiy
to yiu euergy. "beu tbe straucs oi tbe cautieu are
severec, tbe cautieu |eeones a no|iie |aii iiiiec witb
great anouuts oi yaug eb`i. As we saw iu ebaµter 1, tbis
|aii is seut cowu to tbe bui yiu auc esseutiaiiy nociiies
tbe eoutiuuun oi tbat µoiut. Iu tbe µroeess, tbe two
euergies rise togetber auc tbe state oi t`ai ebi (tbe
tbuucer|oit) is esta|iisbec at tbe iorner cautieu µoiut. Iu
esseuee, wbat tbis neaus is tbat eteruity itseii is oue steµ
eioser to tbe iucivicuai`s µersouai eouseiousuess.
1be bunau |eiug is iorever aiterec at tbis iustaut. 1o
use a Juugiau µbrase, we eouic say tbat tbe nass
uueouseious auc tbe iucivicuai`s eouseious niuc are ou
au iutinate |asis. ue µossesses tbe a|iiity to warµ
sµaee-tine, siuee tbat wbieb is |eyouc sµaee auc tine is
uow au iutrieate µart oi bis |eiug. ue µossesses
suµerbunau streugtb auc tbe a|iiity to cisebarge euergy
at wiii. ue bas |eeone wbat tbe Cbiuese eaii a bsieu, au
innortai. ue is a ebiic oi tbuucer auc wieics tbe µower
oi tbe tbuucer|oit.

lig. 2:. 8tatue oi tbe Bocbicbarna iu tbe Vietoria
auc Ai|ert \useun, Loucou
It is ny eouteutiou tbat tbe µroeess towarc tbis state is
as uaturai as taliug a |ite iuto au aµµie or visitiug tbe
iavatory. 1rue, uot everyoue eau |eeone au innortai-
|ut uot everyoue eau ruu tbe buucrec-neter casb iu
uucer teu seeoucs, eitber, yet uo oue seens to cou|t tbat
sueb a tbiug is µossi|ie. Iuceec, it is a goai tbat aii
sµriuters crean oi (|ut iew bave aebievec). 1o iuiiiii sueb
au o|jeetive, wbat is reçuirec is a eon|iuatiou oi
ciseiµiiue auc taieut-auc µerbaµs tbe |iessiugs oi iate.
uaviug uot iouuc iaitb iu auy oue reiigiou, tbeu, I nace
tbe tbuucer|oit ny µatb. Auc I was uot aioue iu tbe
euceavor. As a nartiai artist, I was baµµy to ciseover
tbat tbe tbuucer|oit auc uei luug itseii bac |eeu tbe
eboiee oi warriors arouuc tbe woric siuee tbe |egiuuiug
eboiee oi warriors arouuc tbe woric siuee tbe |egiuuiug
oi tine.
Cbaµter 6
1uL "AkkICk LLI1L

1be çuestiou oi wbeu auc wbere tbe nartiai arts |egau is
a su|jeet oµeu to nueb sµeeuiatiou. Iu tbis seetiou, I wiii
eia|orate ou tbe origiu auc evoiutiou oi tbe nartiai arts
|asec ou ny owu iiuciugs auc ciseuss tbeir bistorie
reiatiousbiµ to uei luug. "biie a necioere µraetitiouer
nyseii, I bave |eeu µriviiegec to traiu witb auc wiu tbe
eouiiceuee oi sone oi tbe greatest iiviug nasters iu tbe
woric, iorenost anoug wbon I eousicer ny owu
teaeber. By iueiiuatiou a seboiar auc |y µroiessiou au
eugiueer, I teuc to auaiyze ainost everytbiug eoutiuuousiy
(a najor µro|ien iu iiie, as tbose siniiariy aiiiietec wiii
agree). 1be nartiai arts eouic |e uo exeeµtiou. 8iuee
neetiug Jobu Cbaug (seveu years ago, as oi tbis writiug),
auc baviug |eeu iucoetriuatec iuto uei luug, I eouic uot
beiµ |ut aµµiy wbat I bave iearuec to researebiug tbe
bistory oi tbe nartiai arts. 1be eoueiusious I bave eone
uµ witb nay |e as seeniugiy uuortbocox as auytbiug eise
iu tbis |ool.
\auy autbors (nyseii iueiucec) bave |eguu siniiar
ciatri|es witb tbe çuotatiou 1be nartiai arts are as oic
as nau.¨
Iu iaet, tbey are uot. 1be nartiai arts are
rougbiy eigbt tbousauc years oic, auc are iutinateiy tiec
to tbe evoiutiou oi agrieuiture, µroµerty, auc tbe
ceveioµneut oi ecgec weaµous.
Iu ebaµter 1, we ciseussec tbe eonneuts oi lrictjoi
rauseu, tbe rorwegiau exµiorer wbo, iu 1888, was tbe
iirst noceru Luroµeau to eone iuto eoutaet witb tbe
weaµous aµµearec. tbe |ow auc tbe siiug. 1bese uew
iuveutious nore tbau cou|iec tbe rauge auc inµaet
µower oi µrojeetiie weaµous auc crastieaiiy iuereasec
tbe ueec ior µroteetiou. lor eigbt tbousauc years tbe
|ow auc siiug were tbe weaµous oi war. \o|iiity auc
eover were as erueiai tbeu as tbey are tocay. "e luow
tbat tbis is so |eeause eity waiis were oue oi tbe iirst
ceieusive neasures cevisec agaiust iuvacers, Jeriebo, ior
exanµie (|uiit arouuc 8000 B.C.L.), bac waiis tbree
neters tbiel auc iour neters bigb. 1be nuc-|riel bouses
oi Çatai uuyul iu eeutrai Auatoiia (a niccie-reoiitbie
site) iorn oue eoutiuuous waii, auc were |uiit witbout
wiucows or coors (resiceuts euterec tbrougb a bateb iu
tbe rooi). reoiitbie sites sueb as tbese |ear testinouy to
tbe ceaciiuess oi µrojeetiie weaµous.
It is iron tbe sixtb niiieuuiun B.C.L. tbat we bave iirst
eouiirnatiou oi a ebauge iu teebuiçue, agaiu iron tbe site
oi Çatai uuyul. Lxeavatious bave |rougbt uµ a series oi
caggers nace iron iiiut-tbe |iaces are |roac,
µressure-iialec ou oue sice auc grouuc ou tbe otber,
wbiie tbe baucies are nace oi |oue. Cue exanµie anoug
tben is exçuisite, witb tbe baucie wiuciug cowu iu tbe
iorn oi a suale (iigure 26).
1bis is uo |uteber`s luiie,
|ut tbe oruate auc µrizec µossessiou oi a warrior. It was
cesiguec ior tbe tbrust, auc, as sueb, uuiçueiy ia|rieatec
ior tbe µersouai eon|at oi nau agaiust nau.
I bave ny owu tbeory as to bow sueb artiiaets eane
iuto |eiug. "e bave ciseussec tbe use oi µrojeetiie
weaµous. Citeu wouucec euenies were buutec cowu
auc exeeutec aiter a |attie, nueb iile arebers wiii trael a
wouucec ceer tocay. ro auinai cies wiiiiugiy, auc nau
is uo exeeµtiou, curiug tbese assassiuatious, µersouai
eon|at was oiteu a ueeessity.
1bere were µraetieai eousiceratious to |e taleu iuto
aeeouut. weaµous iile tbis cagger were uot so easy to
aeeouut. weaµous iile tbis cagger were uot so easy to
nauuiaeture. 1bey reçuire tine, eiiort, auc luow-bow.
kuives witb wooceu or |oue baucies bac |eeu arouuc
ior tweuty-iive tbousauc years or so, |ut we bave turuec
uµ uo eariier |iaces so eviceutiy cesiguec witb |aiauee,
iorn, auc iuuetiou eieariy iu niuc. 1bis |iace was
ereatec |y a nau wbo luew bow to iigbt witb a luiie.

lig. 26. 1be cagger oi Çatai uuyul
row, iu tbe eariy cays oi orgauizec agrieuiture, aii
neu were buuters, iarners, auc warriors, eireunstauee
auc ueeessity cietatec aetiou ou au iucivicuai |asis. But
as weaµous oi cestruetiou |eeane nore auc nore
µoweriui, tbe ueec ior sµeeiaiizec a|iiity auc µartieuiar
sliiis ceveioµec. 8ueb neu as were nore iueiiuec auc
eaµa|ie to use weaµous were tbe oues ior wbon tbey
were ia|rieatec. Auc so tbe warrior eiass |egau to tale
root, tbougb tbey wouic uot aµµear iu iuii |ioon uutii tbe
Brouze Age.
I |eiieve tbat µeoµie |ael tbeu were iess twistec tbau
tbey are uow (eiviiizatiou bas a way oi naliug tbiugs |otb
|etter auc worse). 1be cesires auc iuteutious oi µeoµie,
gooc auc |ac, were nore out iu tbe oµeu. 1be cagger oi
gooc auc |ac, were nore out iu tbe oµeu. 1be cagger oi
Çatai uuyul eries out its story to ne-tbese warriors,
wbo were uot tbe auinais we bave eone to |eiieve,
reaiizec tbat tbe |ioocsbec tbey were eausiug was a
terri|ie tbiug. ro cou|t tbeir sbanaus bac waruec tben
oi tbe eouseçueuees tbrougb tbeir sµirit neciuns. 8o
tbey triec to leeµ tbe iigbtiug anoug tbenseives. A
warrior iougbt ouiy a warrior, auc tbey iougbt |y nutuai
eouseut. lerbaµs tbere was a iarge µortiou oi ego
iuvoivec as weii (i.e., I wiii iigbt ouiy tbose wbo are
wortby¨). But tbat cagger is uot a |uteber`s tooi, tbere
are otber sbaµes tbat ieuc tbenseives |etter to sinµie
exeeutiou. A sµear, ior exanµie, is nueb saier. Cone to
tbiul oi it, eveu a stout eiu| is |etter auc iess eostiy to
nale. 1be cagger was a warrior`s |ael-uµ weaµou,
sonetbiug tbat be usec iu |attie uµ eiose auc µersouai, a
weaµou tbat ieut itseii ior use iu a cuei |etweeu
1uL ACL Cl BkCrzL

"e wiii bave to ieaµ iorwarc iu tine a |it, to tbe
tbirteeutb eeutury B.C.L., auc visit |otb Iucia auc Creeee,
wbere tbe warrior eastes beic sway iu tbe Brouze Age. It
was witb tbe ceveioµneut oi |rouze tbat tbe warrior as
au eutity reaiiy eane iuto |eiug. Au aiioy oi eoµµer auc
tiu, |rouze was eostiy to nale, auc tbe raw nateriais
bac to |e inµortec iron aiar. It was ratiouai to cistri|ute
sueb weaµous ouiy to tbose wortby oi usiug tben
Iu tbe Mahalhacata (traeec |y orai tracitiou to 1102
B.C.L.) tbere are guiceiiues goveruiug tbe |ebavior oi a
warrior (ksatcì;a; tbat reiieet a eoce oi ebivairy
reniuiseeut oi tbe oue ioiiowec |y Artbur auc bis
kuigbts oi tbe kouuc 1a|ie. Civiiiaus auc boiy µiaees
were uot to |e attaelec curiug |attie, wbiie warriors
were eueouragec to iigbt ouiy eçuais auc ouiy ior just
1be lsatriya uo|iiity µraetieec a nartiai art eaiiec
va/caouktì, wbieb neaus tbuucer|oit iu eiasµec
baucs.¨ 1be worc ouktì esseutiaiiy neaus tbat tbe iist is
sbieicec auc tenµerec |y reiiueneut auc euiture, it is uot
iuciseriniuateiy aµµiiec. Iu iaet, a gooc way oi trausiatiug
tbe tern wouic |e tbe reiiuec iist.¨ (\ore ou tbat iu
aµµeucix 1, uote 4.)
Iu tbe I/ìad, ueetor, iirst warrior oi 1roy, |eiitties
laris Aiexaucros (wbo bac stoieu tbe |eautiiui ueieu
iron ber bus|auc, \eueiaus) auc eouviuees bin to cuei
witb \eueiaus ior ueieu`s bauc. ueetor wails |oiciy uµ
to tbe arnies oi slirnisbiug Creels auc 1rojaus, sboutiug
to |e bearc, bis sµear iu a uouaggressive µositiou. ue
iaees tbousaucs oi arrows, µeiiets, auc sµears at µoiut
|iaul rauge, |ut uot a sbot is iirec.

uear ne, C 1rojaus auc Creels oi tbe |rigbt
greaves, iisteu to wbat is oiierec |y Aiexaucros
[laris], wbo is tbe eause oi tbis war. Let tbe
1rojaus auc Creels µiaee tbeir weaµous ou tbe
Lartb, wbieb uurtures aii tbiugs, so tbat be auc tbe
|attie-ioviug \eueiaus nay cuei anoug tbenseives
ior ueieu auc ber riebes. ue wbo wius sbaii eiain
tbe wonau auc ber cowry, wbiie aii otbers sbaii
swear irieucsbiµ auc µeaee anoug tbenseives.

Auc \eueiaus auswers witb a roar.

uear ne, ior it is I wbo bave suiierec tbe nost
µaiu: I tbiul tbat uow Creels auc 1rojaus nay
ieave iu µeaee, tbey bave suiierec nore tbau
euougb |eeause oi ny grievauee witb Aiexaucros,
wbo |egau aii tbis. Cue oi us sbaii neet ceatb, as
wbo |egau aii tbis. Cue oi us sbaii neet ceatb, as
ceeicec |y late, wbiie aii oi you otbers sbaii soou
|eeone irieucs. Briug two sbeeµ [to saeriiiee iu
oatb], a wbite ran auc |iael ewe ior tbe 8uu auc
tbe Lartb, auc we sbaii |riug a tbirc ior zeus.

"e wiii returu to tbe Brouze Age auc tbe Creels
tbenseives sbortiy, |ut wbat is inµortaut bere is tbat a
eoce oi bouor is eviceut iu tbe woric oi tbe tbirteeutb
eeutury B.C.L., oue tbat rauges iron Creeee to Iucia auc
uucou|teciy |eyouc. 1bese are uo |iooctbirsty siayers,
iuciseriniuateiy siaugbteriug, |ut grouµs oi neu tryiug to
iive witb bouor, eveu iigbtiug anoug tbenseives witb
bouor. 8ueb a eoce oi eoucuet cic uot nateriaiize
sµoutaueousiy-it ceveioµec over eeuturies. 1be cagger
oi Çatai uuyul suggests tbat tbis eoce bac its roots iu tbe
sixtb niiieuuiun B.C.L. I |eiieve tbat tbe anaiganatiou oi
warrior auc sbanau |rougbt it a|out, auc µrocueec tbe
warrior eiite.
I use tbe tern waccìoc e/ìte çuite sµeeiiieaiiy. lor
exanµie, we luow tbat writiug eau |e traeec |ael to
1000 B.C.L. iu |otb \esoµotania auc Lgyµt, auc tbat it
was tbe ereatiou oi tbe reeorc-leeµers oi liugs. But
aeeouutauts eauuot boic sway witbout au arny to
euioree tbeir |oolnaliug, auc tbat neaus tbose liugs
bac soiciers aµieuty-soiciers wbo luew bow to iigbt.
Auc so at tbis µoiut I nust nale a cistiuetiou |etweeu
tbe soicier, tbe warrior, auc tbose wbo nace uµ tbe
warrior eiite.
I sbouic µoiut out tbat |eeause it eoutaius tbe root
wac. tbe worc waccìoc coes uot exaetiy eouvey tbe
neauiug I aseri|e to it, |ut it wiii co. I nust reier agaiu to
tbe iauguage oi tbe Creels to µreseut eoueeµts eieariy, a
gooc exanµie eau |e iouuc ouee nore iu uoner`s I/ìad.
1be Creel worc ior war is ¡o/eoos (aó:éµóç) wbieb
neaus to cestroy a eity.¨
1be Creel goc oi war, Ares,
wbo iu turu |eeane tbe konau \ars (beuee tbe worc
oactìa/), was uot beic iu bigb esteen |y tbe Creels
tbenseives. Iuceec, iu tbeir euiture tbere was a eiear
cistiuetiou |etweeu tbe dìvìne waccìoc auc tbe lase
waccìoc wbo ioiiowec Ares auc cestroyec
1be Creels bac a seµarate worc ior iucivicuai
eon|at¨ as weii, uoner uses tbe worc oachì (µé,µ),
tbe neauiug oi wbieb iater eane to |e |roaceuec to
neau |attie¨ iu geuerai terns. It is iuterestiug to uote
tbat tbe worc ior luiie¨ is oachaìca (µé,éiçé), wbieb
eoutaius tbe siniiar root oach- (beuee tbe eboiee oi ny
eariier reiereuee to tbe cagger oi Çatai uuyul). Machì
bac eouuotatious oi bouor auc iairuess tbat ¡o/eoos cic
uot, tbe neutai inage eoujurec uµ |y tbe iirst sbouic |e
tbat oi two ebivairous luigbts iaeiug eaeb otber iu a cuei,
wbiie tbat oi tbe iatter nigbt |e a borce oi |aucits
|uruiug a viiiage auc siaugbteriug tbe uuarnec. ueetor
uses tbe worc oachì iu bis ebaiieuge to \eueiaus,
eouverseiy, be |raucs \eueiaus witb tbe eµitbet
Areiiiios, tbe irieuc oi Ares¨,
tbis is a tbiuiy-veiiec iusuit
towarc oue oi tbe neu be boics resµousi|ie ior tbe
ousiaugbt oi tbe war (tbe seeouc |eiug laris, wbon be
aiso iusuits, eaiiiug bin a µretty-|oy eaµa|ie oi uotbiug
|ut secueiug woneu¨).
But tbe aueieut Creels aetuaiiy bac two gocs oi
|attie. Aioug witb Ares, wbose syn|ois were tbe vuiture
auc tbe rooster, was tbe virgiu goccess Atbeua, wbo is
oi µrine inµortauee to our ciseussiou. Atbeua is tbe
goccess oi wiscon auc iearuiug as weii, auc is tbe
µatrou oi seboiars auc artists. 8be iigbts ouiy to ceieuc,
auc ber eµitbet is lronaebos (wbo iigbts to µroteet), ber
syn|ois are tbe oiive auc tbe owi. 8be wears a beinet
auc arnor auc |ears a sbieic auc sµear, |ut ber µowers
auc arnor auc |ears a sbieic auc sµear, |ut ber µowers
exteuc |eyouc sµaee auc tine, ior ou ber sbieic sbe
earries tbe inage oi tbe beac oi tbe Corgou \ecusa,
wbose visage iu iiie eouic turu nortais to stoue.
Atbeua reµreseuts a/ki (é:xµ) tbe a|iiity to iigbt uot
ouiy witb |ravery |ut witb sµirituai µower as weii. 8be
neets Ares ou tbe |attieiieic oi 1roy, auc noels bin.

¨Iciot: \ou stiii cou`t eonµrebeuc tbat I an
|eyouc your µower, ior you care to iaee ne:¨ 8o
sayiug sbe struel bin ou tbe ueel auc µaraiyzec bis
iin|s, auc Ares iaiiiug tool uµ seveu aeres oi iauc,
auc bis bair iiiiec witb cust, auc bis arnor eiatterec
ou tbe eartb.

\y liuc oi wonau.
keturuiug to tbe Brouze Age itseii, arebaeoiogy bas
sbowu us tbat trace was µbeuoneuaiiy wicesµreac, auc
tbat goocs traveiec iron Britaiu to Iucia (auc µossi|iy
Cbiua) iu tbe iiiteeutb eeutury B.C.L. or eariier. lor
exanµie, tbere are Brouze Age niues ior eoµµer
naiaebite ore iu lrauee, Britaiu, Ireiauc, 8µaiu, 8iovalia,
\ugosiavia, Austria, auc Cyµrus. But eoµµer was |eiug
usec ioug |eiore tbe Brouze Age |egau, so it is to tbe
seeouc naiu eonµoueut oi |rouze-tiu-tbat we nust
iool iu orcer to get au icea oi tbe exteut oi trace at tbat
Brouze is au aiioy oi eoµµer, |eariug rougbiy : to 10
µereeut tiu. "bat tbis neaus is tbat |rouze-usiug
eiviiizatious nust bave bac aeeess to eousicera|ie
çuautities oi tiu. But tiu coes uot oeeur uaturaiiy iu tbe
\eciterraueau, or iu Lgyµt or \esoµotania. 1bere are
sone niuor ceµosits iu Auatoiia, Itaiy auc iu 8µaiu-|ut
wbere cic tbe tiu eone iron tbat was usec iu, say, tbe
tbirc niiieuuiun |rouzes iouuc iu tbe royai graves oi Lr
auc iu tbe eity oi 8usa' "e luow uow tbat rear-
auc iu tbe eity oi 8usa' "e luow uow tbat rear-
Lasteru eities inµortec tiu iron tbe Last, nost iileiy iron
Aigbauistau, auc traus-Luroµeau eonneree exµioitec tiu
ceµosits iu Coruwaii, Lugiauc, auc soutberu Brittauy iu
tbe eariy seeouc niiieuuiun B.C.L. 1be arebaeoiogieai
reeorc teiis us tbat |y tbe iiiteeutb eeutury B.C.L.,
orgauizec, ioug-cistauee traciug was esta|iisbec
tbrougbout tbe woric. 1bis trace iiulec tbe iar reaebes oi
uortberu Luroµe to tbe soutberu sbores oi Iucia, auc, I
susµeet, to µiaees iar |eyouc. "e luow, ior exanµie,
tbat aii tbe an|er iouuc iu \yeeueau auc \iuoau
Creeee is oi Baitie origiu-auc we luow tbat e|ouy auc
biµµoµotanus auc eieµbaut ivory were novec
tbrougbout tbe woric iu eousicera|ie çuautities. Auc
royaity iu aueieut tines oiteu exebaugec vaiua|ie giits
iron iar-away ioeaies-beuee tbe µreseuee oi rear-
Lasteru seais auc jeweiry iu \yeeueau Creel graves,
auc viee versa.
lurtber, trace was cenoeratie, uot sonetbiug
reservec just ior royaity. As eariy as tbe tbirc niiieuuiun
B.C.L., |eiore tbe Brouze Age µroµer, çuaiity stoues ior
use iu toois auc weaµous were tracec ii|eraiiy
tbrougbout Luroµe auc tbe rear Last. C|siciau iron tbe
\eciterraueau, coierite iron Brittauy, auc iiiut iron
Lugiauc, Cernauy auc loiauc iiowec arouuc tbe
eoutiueut. lottery was tracec iron Last to "est auc
soutb to uortb, auc Le|auese wooc sµeeiiieaiiy |eeane
luowu wiceiy as a reiia|ie eoustruetiou nateriai. Beyouc
nateriais, euiturai iuuovatious aiso nace tbeir way iron
µiaee to µiaee. tbe yole µiow, aieoboiie |everages, auc
tbe |ricie are aii µrine exanµies. Auc oue otber artiiaet,
sonetbiug nost inµortaut to tbis text, nace its way
tbrougb aueieut iaucs. tbe sworc.
"e eau traee tbe existeuee oi tbe warrior eiite tbrougb
tbe arebaeoiogieai reeorc auc tbrougb nytb auc orai
tracitiou. 1be jouruey oi tbe sworc tbrougb aueieut iaucs
tracitiou. 1be jouruey oi tbe sworc tbrougb aueieut iaucs
µrovices stroug arebaeoiogieai eviceuee.
It seens tbat |egiuuiug witb tbe sixtb niiieuuiun B.C.L.,
warriors cueiec witb sµears auc sbieics, auc eiosec witb
caggers. 1be ton| µaiutiugs oi Beui-uasau teii us tbat
wrestiiug was eonnou iu Lgyµt |y 2000 B.C.L.
I wouic
guess tbat tbis beic true tbrougbout tbe woric as iar |ael
as tbe iourtb niiieuuiun B.C.L. As auyoue wbo bas
µraetieec tracitiouai jujutsu luows, wrestiiug is a
eonµoueut oi µersouai eon|at witb a luiie, ny guess
tbereiore is tbat µeoµie luew bow to use joiutioels,
triµs, eboles, auc tbrows a gooc six tbousauc years iu
tbe µast (ii uot eariier). \artiai arts enµioyiug striliug
were just as wicesµreac.
row, eoµµer luives auc batebets bac |eeone
µoµuiar tbrougbout tbe aueieut woric |egiuuiug iu tbe iiitb
niiieuuiun B.C.L., |ut to teii tbe trutb, tbey were nore
status syn|ois tbau tbey were iuuetiouaiiy useiui o|jeets,
iu iaet, gooc çuaiity o|siciau weaµous auc toois were
nueb nore eiieetive tbau eoµµer oues (so was weii-
uaµµec iiiut, ior tbat natter).
Iu sbort, eoµµer
weaµous, tbougb µrestigious auc iairiy wicesµreac, were
uot sonetbiug to get exeitec a|out. As eoµµer netaiiurgy
inµrovec, so cic eoµµer axes auc luives, |ut it was uot
uutii tbe ciseovery oi |rouze tbat netai weaµous
succeuiy |eeane de cìguec.
Brouze weaµous were iar, iar |etter tbau tbeir stoue
eouuterµarts. lirst to |e ceveioµec as a weaµou oi war
was tbe |rouze luiie, nost oi wbieb, |asec ou tbose we
bave uueoverec, were triauguiar iu sbaµe. Brouze was
exµeusive auc uot avaiia|ie iu çuautity, its netaiiurgy was
a eonµiex auc treasurec seeret. 1be seeouc |rouze
aµµiieatiou ereatec |y tbe |iacesnitbs was a sinµie
exteusiou oi tbe luiie. µiaeiug a triauguiar |iace at a v0-
cegree augie to a µoie, tbey tbere|y ereatec a bai|erc.
cegree augie to a µoie, tbey tbere|y ereatec a bai|erc.
8ueb weaµous |eeane µoµuiar tbrougbout Luroµe iu tbe
iatter µart oi tbe tbirc niiieuuiun B.C.L. tbrougb tbe
niccie oi tbe seeouc niiieuuiun. A warrior`s grave
exeavatec iu loiauc auc catec to 18:0 B.C.L. turuec uµ
a bai|erc, a triauguiar cagger, au axe, auc a luot-beacec
µiu auc goic sµirai, aii iu gooc eoucitiou (iigure 2¯).

lig. 2¯. Artiiaets iron a warrior`s grave iu loiauc,
eirea 18:0 B.C.L.
Axes |eeane siniiariy µoµuiar, iargeiy |eeause tbey
eouservec |rouze auc were easier to east. Iuceec, ior
nauy years tbey were tbe weaµou oi eboiee, uutii tbe
arrivai oi tbe sworc.
It is uot iron Luroµe, |ut iron tbe rear Last, tbat we
iirst iiuc eviceuee oi tbe sworc. keµreseutatious oi
|rouze sworcs witb eurviug |iaces catiug iron tbe tbirc
niiieuuiun bave |eeu iouuc at tbe eariy Ba|yiouiau
cyuastie site iu 1eiio. 1bis iucieates tbat Ba|yiouiau
netaiiurgists were tbe iirst to eone uµ witb a teebuiçue
ior eastiug iarger çuautities oi |rouze, auc tbat tbeir
|ursars were tbe iirst to ceeiµber tbe iogisties oi noviug
auc reiiuiug iarge çuautities oi tiu. Iu a ton| at By|ios iu
Le|auou, catiug to tbe eariy eigbteeutb eeutury
exanµies oi tbe reai tbiug bave |eeu ciseoverec
-sworcs iu gooc eoucitiou (iigure 28).
-sworcs iu gooc eoucitiou (iigure 28).

lig. 28. 1be eurvec |rouze sworc oi tbe rear Last
auc westeru Asia, eirea tbe eariy seeouc niiieuuiun
B.C.L. 8leteb |y 8ir kiebarc Burtou (a).

|rouze cou|ie-ecgec sworc oi tbe "est, eirea tbe
seveuteeutb eeutury B.C.L. (|). It is iuterestiug to
uote Luroµe`s µreiereuee ior tbe straigbt cou|ie-
ecgec sworc, eveu iu sueb au eariy exanµie.
lron westeru Asia tbe sworc çuieliy nace its way
iuto Luroµe |y neaus oi Auatoiia, tbe Aegeau, auc
naiuiauc Creeee. By tbe sixteeutb eeutury B.C.L., tbe
|rouze cou|ie-ecgec sworc, wasµwaistec or raµier-iile
(iigure 28 |), bac a siniiar sbaµe auc nale tbrougbout
aii oi eoutiueutai Luroµe, westeru Asia, auc tbe
\eciterraueau |asiu, it was a treasurec artiiaet wbose
nytbos was to iar surµass tbat oi its µreceeessors, tbe
sµear, tbe |ow, auc tbe axe. 1bis reiativeiy raµic
cisµersiou oi tbe |rouze sworc (a weaµou nore useiui
cisµersiou oi tbe |rouze sworc (a weaµou nore useiui
ior cueiiug tbau ior tbe neiee oi eon|at) auc tbe
ceveioµneut oi a reiatec sworc euiture eau neau ouiy
oue tbiug. 1be warrior eiite were aireacy iu µiaee, witb
tbe bigbest anoug tben |eiug, uuçuestioua|iy, nasters oi
uei luug.
CuILDkLr Cl 1uL CCD8

Begiuuiug witb óì/gaoesh. eµie taies oi seniciviue
warriors iigbtiug auytbiug tbat novec auc ricciug tbe iauc
oi nousters nace tbeir narl iu tbe aueieut woric, sowiug
tbe seecs oi tbe µraetiee tbat Jobu Cbaug is eveu uow
µassiug ou to ne. It`s inµortaut to uote tbat tbese are uot
iuiaiii|ie beroes aiways ou tbe sice oi rigbt, |ut are ratber
çuite bunau, witb great iaiiiugs auc ioi|ies to nateb tbeir
a|uucaut µowers. Iu sbort, tbey serew uµ a iot auc bave
to µay tbe µriee. 1be civiue warrior oi tbis aueieut tine
wresties eoutiuuousiy witb bis cuty to bis Coc, bis
µassiou ior iiie, auc tbe iure oi |ase bunau cesire.
uereuies, ior exanµie, siaugbters bis owu wiie auc
ebiicreu uot ouee |ut twiee. 8ansou`s story, |eiow, is
weii luowu ior its iessou ou bunau iraiity. 1be iists are
euciess, tbese are iuceec bunaus wbo are iarger tbau iiie,
|ut wbo uever stoµ |eiug bunau, witb aii tbe
aeeonµauyiug iaiiiugs.
"e iiuc tbe warrior eiite iirniy eutreuebec iu soeiety
|y tbe eariy Brouze Age, iuceec, aii wariare at tbat tine
was seeu as beroie, as sbowu iu tbe exµioits oi neu
retaiuec iu eµies sueb as tbe Od;sse; or óì/gaoesh. At
tines tbese warriors are nore luigbtiy (sueb as Arjuua iu
tbe Mahalhacata or tbe warriors wbo cisµiay a liuc oi
ebivairy iu tbe I/ìad), at otber tines tbey |ebave as
eonµiete auinais (sueb as uereuies, wbo euts oii tbe
uose auc ears oi tbe beraic oi Creboneuus).
uose auc ears oi tbe beraic oi Creboneuus).
1be Bi|iieai aeeouut oi 8ansou
is a µrine exanµie
ior tbose stucyiug tbe warrior eiite auc tbe seieuee oi uei
luug, µroviciug iusigbt iuto bow tbese neu ceveioµec
tbeir µowers. Iu ue|rew bis uane is sµeiiec 8binsbou,
auc neaus sou oi tbe 8uu.¨ 8ansou was a razirite
(neauiug be wbo a|staius¨) auc a boiy warrior wbo
iougbt tbe lbiiistiues curiug tbe eariy tri|ai µerioc oi
Israei iu Cauaau (tbe tweiitb tbrougb tbe teutb eeuturies
Lveryoue is ianiiiar witb tbe taie so tbere is uo ueec to
reiterate it bere. 1be erux, ior our µurµoses, is tbat
8ansou µossessec extraorciuary µbysieai µowers, auc
tbe norai oi bis story reiates tbe cisastrous ioss oi bis
µowers aiter tbe vioiatiou oi bis razirite vows. But bow
exaetiy are tbose vows vioiatec' "itb bis iiie revoiviug
arouuc bis aiiairs witb lbiiistiue woneu, 8ansou is
ceµietec iu tbe Bool oi Jucges as |eiug ruiec |y
µassiou. ue is erecitec witb tbe usuai extraorciuary ieats
tyµieai oi cenigocs-siayiug a iiou witb bis baucs,
noviug tbe gates oi Caza, liiiiug a tbousauc lbiiistiues
witb tbe jaw|oue oi a couley-|ut be iirst |reals bis
reiigious oatbs |y ieastiug¨ witb a lbiiistiue wonau iron
tbe ueigb|oriug towu oi 1inuab.
8ansou iiuaiiy iaiis
vietin to bis ioes tbrougb tbe iove oi Deiiiab, a wonau oi
tbe vaiiey oi 8orel, wbo |eguiies bin iuto reveaiiug tbe
seeret oi bis streugtb. ue is eaµturec, |iiucec, auc
eusiavec |y tbe lbiiistiues, |ut iu tbe euc, tbrougb tbe
returu oi bis streugtb, be aveuges binseii |y cenoiisbiug
tbe great lbiiistiue tenµie at Caza, cestroyiug, iu tbe
µroeess, |otb bis eaµtors auc binseii.
row, Deiiiab (or Ða/ì/a as is nore eorreet), neaus
cesire¨ iu ue|rew, auc witb tbat tbougbt iu niuc I
wouic iile to µreseut a revisec iuterµretatiou oi tbe
8ansou eµie-oue tbat iools at tbe story iu reiatiou to
worliugs oi tbe µower oi uei luug.
worliugs oi tbe µower oi uei luug.
1be 8ou oi tbe 8uu¨ is a µraetitiouer oi uei luug, ior
iu tbis story tbe aueieut ue|rews bave eorreetiy iceutiiiec
tbat it is tbe soiar yaug eb`i tbat iueis bis great µowers.
lorgoiug wiue auc uueut bair bas iittie to co witb |eiug a
razirite, tbese are iittie nore tbau syn|ois ior wbat be
bas reaiiy reuouueec. tbe µieasures oi orgasn auc
ejaeuiatiou. As a µraetitiouer oi uei luug, be eoutiuuousiy
baruesses bis sexuaiity, |riugiug tbat µower uµ auc iuto
bis cautieu eeuter. It is tbis yaug eb`i tbat gives bin bis
µrocigious streugtb.
Cuiy aiter beariug iron Jobu Cbaug tbe stories oi µast
nasters oi tbe \o-lai, auc aiter µraetieiug uei luug
nyseii, cic I uucerstauc bow ciiiieuit it is iu trutb to
baruess oue`s sexuai µowers auc iive iu eeii|aey. I cou|t
tbat tbere is a µraetitiouer oi uei luug or luucaiiui yoga
out tbere wbo wiii uot agree witb ne. As your µower
iuereases, so coes tbe streugtb oi your enotiou auc so
co tbe reiatec µassious you nigbt bave. rei luug is au
uµbiii |attie.
"e aii stun|ie auc iaii. At ny ievei, I an aiiowec oue
ejaeuiatiou a noutb, |ut I wouic |e iyiug ii I saic tbat I
leeµ to tbat µrogran rigorousiy. 8exuai cesire is a
treneucous oµµoueut, iu esseuee tbe root oi iiie, auc
iiviug iu soeiety nales tbiugs tbat nueb nore ciiiieuit.
Cue eseaµe route avaiia|ie is uouorgasnie sex, wbieb
iooseus tbe µsyeboiogieai ioac sonewbat. But tbis
aµµroaeb, too, is çuite ciiiieuit ior |otb µraetitiouer auc
µartuer. lortuuateiy, tbe systen bas a iot oi saiety
neasures |uiit iuto it. lor exanµie, curiug tbose cays
tbat I µernit nyseii oue orgasn, I an µretty nueb at iuii
µower |y tbe uext noruiug. Desµite tbis, tbe regineu
says I nay uot traiu ior tbree cays aiterwarc, auc I co
uot. "beu I reaiiy iet nyseii go, bowever, auc eujoy a
uigbt oi torric sex, ejaeuiatiug reµeateciy, tbeu tbe gates
uigbt oi torric sex, ejaeuiatiug reµeateciy, tbeu tbe gates
oi tbe cautieu truiy sian sbut, auc wbatever |eueiits I
nay bave garuerec iron uei luug are iost ior a tine.
I`n |ettiug tbis is wbat baµµeus to 8ansou. Iu
eouµiiug witb Daiiia (desìce;. be aiiows binseii to bave au
orgasn uot ouee |ut tbree tines, auc iu coiug so, ioses
aii aeeess to bis iuuer µower (tbose lbiiistiue woneu
nust bave |eeu truiy sonetbiug). ue is just iile auy nau
wbeu tbe soiciers seize bin auc |iiuc bin. But bis eaµtors
co uot uucerstauc tbe µriueiµies tbat goveru bis µowers,
ii tbey cic, tbey wouic liii bin ou tbe sµot. Aiter a tine,
iet`s eaii it a weel or so, bis µower |egius to returu.
uaviug |eeu |iiucec auc inµrisouec, be eauuot reaiiy
traiu to reeover bis iuii streugtb-iuceec, be`s iileiy uot
a|ie to µeriorn eveu a sinµie necitatiou. As tbere is uot
nueb nore be eau co to iigbt bis euenies at ieugtb, be
µreiers to cestroy tbeir tenµie auc liii as nauy oi tbeir
ieacers as µossi|ie iu tbe µroeess.
"e iiuc a siniiar iessou iu óì/gaoesh.
1bis warrior
binseii is two-tbircs a goc,¨ auc sµreacs trou|ie anoug
bis su|jeets |y taliug caugbters iron tbeir iatbers auc
wives iron tbeir bus|aucs¨ (I`n |ettiug
uouorgasnieaiiy). 1o renecy tbe situatiou, tbe gocs
ereate tbe bairy Lulicu, wbo grew uµ iu tbe cesert
uucistur|ec |y soeiety auc tbe tenµtatious oi tbe iiesb.
uis µower is awesone auc be µroteets tbe auinai
liugcon iron neu. Lulicu iiiis iu tbe treueb-µits oi
buuters auc tears tbeir uets, bis streugtb is eçuai to tbat oi
au arny auc |eeause oi tbis, uo oue cares to veuture out
iuto tbe cesert.
But Ciiganesb, wbo bas çuieliy eone uµ witb a
soiutiou to ieave Lulicu witbout µower, µroeeecs to
seuc a nau iuto tbe wiiceruess.

Co auc tale witb tbee a bariot. "beu be
aeeonµauies bis iioel [oi gazeiies] to tbe criuliug
aeeonµauies bis iioel [oi gazeiies] to tbe criuliug
trougb, iet ber renove ber ro|e. Let bin tale bis
µieasure oi ber.

Cuee tbis is coue, Lulicu is µoweriess, uµou seeiug bin
iu tbis state, bis gazeiies iiee. ue returus to sit at tbe
bariot`s ieet, wbere sbe eonµietes bis taniug witb

1bou art |eautiiui, Lulicu, tbou art iile a goc.
"by coest tbou roan tbe cesert witb wiic iioels'
Cone: I sbaii ieac you to Lreeb witbiu tbe waiis. .

Auc so, witbout resistauee, Lulicu neeliy aiiows
binseii to |e eoucuetec to tbe eity oi Lreeb, wbere be
|eeones seni-eiviiizec.
1be goccess Atbeua sbows yet auotber exanµie oi
tbe µower oi uei luug as µraetieec |y tbe warrior eiite.
Iu tbe Aeroµoiis nuseun tbere is a statue oi ber ceieatiug
a giaut iu |attie (iigure 2v). 8uales-as we bave seeu, a
syn|oi oi tbe µower oi eb`i-iiy iron ber outstretebec
baucs to toµµie ber eueny. Lveu iurtber, it seens uo
eoiueiceuee tbat Atbeua is a virgiu goccess, iree iron tbe
µower craiu oi orgasnie sex.
1bere is au iuterestiug µoiut to |e nace iu asliug wby
it is tbat tbese beroes were ceiiiec iu aueieut Creeee,
kone, Lgyµt, Ba|yiouia, Cbiua, auc Iucia. Cue µossi|ie
auswer, viewiug tbe eireunstauees tbrougb tbe ieus we
bave set uµ, is tbat iu µraetieiug uei luug to gaiu µower iu
tbeir eartbiy iiie, tbey were a|ie to tale tbeir yaug witb
tben wbeu tbey ciec. I wiii |riug to your atteutiou ouee
agaiu tbe stauza iu tbe 1ao 1e chìng:

1bose wbo retaiu tbeir eeuter eucure.
1bose wbo cie |ut eoutiuue to exist are innortai.

1bese beroes uµou ceatb |eeane µoteut sµirits witb
µower over tbe µbysieai woric, it is tbus tbat uei luug
was çuite µossi|iy tbe esseuee auc justiiieatiou |ebiuc
bero worsbiµ tbrougbout tbe woric iu aueieut tines.

lig. 2v. Atbeua |attiiug a giaut, iron a statue iu tbe
Aeroµoiis.8uales-reµreseutiug tbe µower oi eb`i
-iiy iron ber arns auc baucs.
liuaiiy, I wouic iile to eon|iue two Creel worcs auc
iustitute a uew tern ior tbe gio|ai netboc oi bouora|ie
eon|at tyµiiiec |y tbe nartiai art µraetieec |y tbese neu
(auc woneu). ¡anoachon (¡an neauiug aii¨ auc
oachì neauiug, as we bave seeu, bouora|ie eon|at¨).
launaebou |egau iu aueieut tines auc narlec tbe
ceveioµneut oi nauliuc tbrougbout tbe Brouze auc
Ciassieai Ages. It bas reaebec tbrougb tine to ny
naster`s naster, auc to Jobu Cbaug auc to ne.
1bougb ouee nuitieuiturai iu cistri|utiou, it is
1bougb ouee nuitieuiturai iu cistri|utiou, it is
uuçuestioua|ie tbat aii nartiai arts µraetieec tocay are
eitber a cireet cerivatiou oi, or bave |eeu beaviiy
iuiiueueec |y, tbe nartiai arts oi tbe Crieut. lor iurtber
iuiornatiou I eueourage tbe stucious reacer to reier to
aµµeucix 1, uote 4.
Cbaµter ¯

uey, areu`t you kosta Dauaos'¨ A youug nau
iutereeµtec ne ou tbe streets oi cowutowu Atbeus,
steµµiug cireetiy iuto ny µatb. I was surµrisec be luew
ny iaee-tbat was çuite rare. ue stooc cireetiy |eiore
ne, very sure oi binseii.
I`n airaic so,¨ I saic. "bat eau I co ior you'¨
"eii, I stucy liel|oxiug witb \r. X.¨
"ouceriui-be`s a very gooc teaeber. lrocueec a
eouµie woric ebanµious, basu`t be'¨
ue ioolec ne uµ auc cowu, siziug ne uµ. ue cicu`t
aµµear inµressec.
I`ve bearc sone stories a|out you auc reac tbe stuii
you`ve writteu.¨
\nn bnnn,¨ I oiierec. I ioolec bin over-ior a
noneut it seenec as ii be were gatberiug uµ tbe eourage
to attael ne. I eoueeutratec ny awareuess nore tigbtiy
ou tbe µreseut noneut, reiaxec ny |reatbiug, auc
ioelec ny seuses outo ny uew aeçuaiutauee`s
noveneuts. I uotec ny eb`i risiug oi its owu aeeorc, tbe
µains oi ny baucs turuiug iirst rec tbeu µurµie, ny baucs
growiug beavy auc barc. 1be youug nau nust bave ieit
sonetbiug-be tool two steµs |ael.
I`ve |eeu iooliug ior you ior two years:¨ be iiuaiiy
I`ve |eeu iooliug ior you ior two years:¨ be iiuaiiy
|iurtec out. Cau you teii ne wby tbe beii you cou`t
aeeeµt uew stuceuts'¨
I co aeeeµt stuceuts,¨ I saic, |ut I iile to get to
luow tben iirst. Dou`t you µreier to eboose tbe µeoµie
you iuvite iuto your owu bouse'¨
"bat`s tbat got to co witb it'¨
\y stuceuts are ianiiy to ne.¨
1bat sboelec bin eonµieteiy. I wouuc uµ |uyiug bin
eoiiee auc sat cowu witb bin ior a eouµie bours. As it
turuec out, be bac |eeu iooliug ior soneoue iile ny
naster aii bis iiie.
8iuee tbe µu|iieatiou oi 1he Magus o/ 1ava, I bave
|eeu iioocec witb ietters iron µeoµie cenauciug eitber
Jobu Cbaug`s true uane auc accress, or, iaiiiug tbat,
iustruetiou iron auy oi tbe nen|ers oi tbe "euwuluau.
1be trutb is tbat as oi tbis writiug, ny naster bas
ior|icceu ne to reveai bis accress auc is acanaut a|out
uot aeeeµtiug uew stuceuts. (It is strietiy uµ to bin
wbetber or uot tbis wiii ebauge iu tbe iuture.)
As ior nyseii, I bave aiways wautec to µass ou to tbe
geuerai µu|iie wbat I bave iearuec iron Jobu Cbaug.
Iuceec, tbe µrinary µurµose oi |otb tbis text auc 1he
Magus o/ 1ava is to eoeree µeoµie to attenµt a sinµie
necitative ciseiµiiue-tbe iirst steµ iu a uei luug µraetiee.
It is uuiortuuate tbat Jobu is oatb-|ouuc to teaeb ouiy bis
owu stuceuts, auc tbat I nyseii an eoustraiuec |y a
siniiar µronise, tbus, I eauuot sµeii out ior you iu cetaii
wbat you µro|a|iy nost waut to luow. tbe sµeeiiie
µsyeboeuergetie µraetiees oi tbe \o-lai. uaviug nace
tbe ceeisiou to tale ou stuceuts auc baviug aeeeµtec tbe
resµousi|iiity auc larna oi tbis ceeisiou, I an aiiowec to
teaeb tbese µraetiees ouiy to tbose I worl witb iu tbis
eaµaeity. As sueb, I sereeu µeoµie very eareiuiiy |eiore
eouseutiug to teaeb tben, a µroeess tbat ueeessariiy
resuits iu irustratiou ior sone.
resuits iu irustratiou ior sone.
Iu a eateb-22 tbat is tyµieai oi sueb euceavors, wbeu
Jobu aslec µernissiou iron bis uoueorµoreai naster to
reiease bis story auc teaebiugs to tbe woric, tbe auswer
was sonetbiug aliu to, Ii you eau co it iu sueb a way as
to get µeoµie to necitate, it wouic |e a very wouceriui
tbiug, ii it |aeliires, bowever, or |eeones a lrauleusteiu
nouster oi sorts, you nust |ear tbe larna ior tbis
resuit.¨ Iu esseuee, Liao 8iguug
aslec us to get tbe eart
noviug, |ut waruec us tbat ii au axie or a wbeei |role,
we were iu trou|ie. ueuee we ebose to nove eareiuiiy
auc witb nueb ioretbougbt. uowever, we co bave tbe
ieeway oi µusbiug tbe euveioµe. I nyseii, |eiug a Creel,
wiii wail oue steµ iartber auc nareb rigbt outo tbe iiue-
ii tbere is a eourt systen iu tbe aiteriiie, a gooc iawyer
sbouic get ne oii.
\ueb oi wbat ioiiows iu tbese µages bas |eeu
aµµrovec |y Jobu (wbo reaiiy coes waut everyoue auc
auyoue reaciug tbis text to |egiu necitatiug). 8tucy tbis
|ool eareiuiiy, I bave ieit eiues strewu everywbere (auc
iu 1he Magus o/ 1ava. as weii). Ii you eau µieee tbiugs
togetber, gooc ior you. Lveu Liao 8iiu wouic |e nost
Iu tbis ebaµter, we wiii tail a|out tbe two traiuiug
regineus |asie to \o-lai traiuiug. Iu orcer oi
inµortauee, tbese are necitatiou auc stauciug.

I an oiteu aslec bow to necitate. kegretta|iy, tbe
auswer is aiways tbe sane. I reaiiy eauuot teii you bow to
go a|out it. Cue oi tbe eariiest tbiugs I iearuec iron Jobu
Cbaug was tbat eaeb oi us bas to iiuc bis or ber owu way
iuto necitatiou, tbat tbere is uo geuerai netboc suita|ie
ior aii. 1brougb tbe graee oi tbe uuiversai sµirit, we are aii
ior aii. 1brougb tbe graee oi tbe uuiversai sµirit, we are aii
iucivicuais-eaeb oi us nust iiuc au iucivicuai µatb.
liuaiiy, at tbis tine, |eiore iauuebiug iuto tbe µraetieai
asµeets oi necitatiou, I`c iile to say a worc ou a
eonnou traµ oi tocay tbat I tern oatecìa/ìstìc
s¡ìcìtua/ìt;. liease co uot eouiuse tbis tern witb tbe
cesiguatiou s¡ìcìtua/ oatecìa/ìso nace ianous |y tbe
iate Cbogyan 1ruugµa.
8µirituai nateriaiisn reiers to a
traiuee iucuigiug iu sµirituaiity as ii it were auotber
eousuner gooc, a su|stitute ior nateriai µossessious
(i.e., I nay |e a totai |iow-out iu iiie, |ut, |oy, an I
sµirituai:¨). 1bis aµµroaeb ieacs to uotbiug. Cue oi
Cbauci`s greatest iessous was tbat, iu orcer ior oue to
|eeone a reuuueiaut, be nust iirst bave sonetbiug to
Matecìa/ìstìc s¡ìcìtua/ìt; reiers uot to tbe
traiuee, |ut to tbe teaeber-to tbose wbo µrey iile
bawls ou stuceuts wbo wouic iucuige iu sµirituai
nateriaiisn. 1bere are nauy sueb vuitures arouuc. I an
reierriug to tbe ianas wbo seii iuitiatious or wbo, ior a
iee, wiii reeoguize au iucivicuai as a riuµoebe, tbe yogis
wbo ebarge a tbousauc coiiars to teaeb a sinµie
necitative exereise, tbe sµirituaiists wbo ceirauc wicows
auc wicowers witb eieetrouies auc ceteetive worl, tbe
Bi|ie-tbunµiug µreaebers wbo µass tbe tray auc
µurebase a uew Caciiiae, tbe gurus wbo use tautra as a
neaus oi gettiug sex. "orst oi aii are tbose
reµreseutatives oi tbe esta|iisbec najor iive reiigious
wbo eon|iue sµirituaiity witb µoiities auc iiue tbeir
µoelets witb goic iu tbe uane oi Coc. 1be iist is euciess,
auc sbanes us aii.
\ateriaiistie sµirituaiity is oue oi ny µet µeeves. It
wouic |e au outrigbt iie to eiain tbat I eouic teaeb you to
necitate tbrougb a |ool. I do waut to co ny µart,
bowever, to µroteet you iron tbe bawls eireiiug a|ove.
1o reaeb true necitatiou, eertaiu staucarcs nust |e
1o reaeb true necitatiou, eertaiu staucarcs nust |e
naiutaiuec. Aii I eau co bere, tbeu, is ceseri|e tbese
iaetors auc tbere|y beiµ you reaeb tbe state oi
\ou Are \our Bocy

row, witb ny waruiug taleu eare oi, iet ne |egiu |y
ceiiuiug uornai necitatiou as tbat state oi awareuess
|etweeu waliug auc sieeµiug eorresµouciug to tbe tbeta
waves oi eouseiousuess. A µoweriui necitator eau euter
iuto tbe ceita state as weii-auc |eyouc, ou oeeasiou. A
true innortai, iile ny naster, eau euter iuto a state oi
susµeucec auinatiou wbereiu be wiii uot ueec to craw a
|reatb ior eigbt eoutiuuous cays.
I nyseii bave bac ouiy tbree exµerieuees to cate witb
a iesser state oi susµeucec auinatiou, auc bave uever
exeeecec iiiteeu niuutes oi stiiiuess. Duriug tbis tine
iutervai, I cic uot craw a |reatb, auc I eauuot witb
veraeity sµeeiiy tbe rbytbn oi ny beart|eat. "bat I eau
say is tbat |reatb reteutiou is ior sone reasou au iuitiatory
µroeess, tbat tbere are sµeeiiie eousisteut µbeuoneua
tbat eau |e o|servec (sigbts auc souucs, tbougb I cou|t
tbat tbe seusory orgaus tbenseives µiay a roie), auc tbat
tbe seusatiou is µieasaut ouee your iuitiai iear is
But I sbouic barciy write a|out µbeuoneua tbat I
nyseii an ouiy uow |egiuuiug to exµerieuee. Iusteac,
iet`s eoueeutrate ou tbe sinµie necitatiou tbat is our
|irtbrigbt, tbe µroeess |y wbieb we eau restore tbe
euergies stoieu iron us |y tbe griuc oi caiiy iiie.
\auy autbors bave exµouucec ou tbe uuity oi niuc
auc |ocy. I wiii acjust tbis naxin auc systenatize it a |it
ciiiereutiy, usiug a netboc eonnou to tbe \o-lai auc to
tbe esoterie sworc seboois oi necievai Jaµau. 1bere are,
iu iaet, /ouc /actocs tbat aiieet tbe outeone oi tbe
iu iaet, /ouc /actocs tbat aiieet tbe outeone oi tbe
µroeess oi necitatiou. |ocy (as trausiatec iuto tbe
necitatiouai stauee), enotiou, |ioeuergy (eb`i), auc
Beiore I accress eaeb oue oi tbese iaetors sµeeiiieaiiy,
I wouic iile to esta|iisb bere a very µartieuiar
µersµeetive ou tbe reiatiousbiµ |etweeu you auc your
|ocy tbat iigures iuto tbe µraetiee oi necitatiou. As I
bave statec eariier, we tbiul witb our |ocies, tbere is uo
way arouuc tbis. \our µersouai uueouseious is cireetiy
tiec to tbe eeiis oi tbe |ocy tbat is yours. "bat I an
statiug bere is a µroiouuc civersiou iron tbe Juceo-
Cbristiau/Cartesiau tbeories tbat boic sway iu "esteru
soeiety, iu wbieb tbe innortai soui resices witbiu tbe
vessei oi tbe |ocy. rotbiug eouic |e iurtber iron tbe
trutb. \our soui is not sonetbiug iuceµeuceut oi your
|ocy auy nore tbau your beart is iuceµeuceut oi its
eireuiatory systen, iu esseuee, ;ou ace ;ouc lod;. Lvery
tbougbt you nale bas a eoueonitaut ueuroµbysioiogieai
reaetiou assoeiatec witb it, wbieb iu our cay auc age eau
|e o|servec auc µossi|iy eveu neasurec. Iu tine (ii tbey
co uot exist aireacy iu tbe serviee oi our goveruneuts),
naebiues wiii aµµear tbat eau reac niucs or |roaceast
tbougbts iuto niucs-auc tbis µroeess wiii |e |asec ou
ebenistry auc eieetronagueties, uot soreery.
A ebenieai iutrocueec iuto tbe |ioocstrean eau
eoutroi tbe µroeess oi tbougbt, nauy µatieuts, µrisouers,
auc crug a|users aiile eau |ear testinouy to tbis. Au
iujury to tbe |raiu (or auy najor orgau ior tbat natter)
wiii aiieet tbe µersouaiity oi tbe vietin. 1bese are
eonnouiy aeeeµtec axions reeoguizec |y aii iu tbat tbey
bave |eeu eiiuieaiiy µroveu. Couverseiy, our tbougbts
auc enotious eau aiieet our |ocy as weii. \ueb aco bas
|eeu nace over µsyebosonatie iiiuesses iu necieai
iiterature, auc byµoeboucria itseii bas |eeone a eonnou
aiineut tbrougbout tbe woric. Is it tbereiore iiiogieai to
aiineut tbrougbout tbe woric. Is it tbereiore iiiogieai to
suggest tbat tbis is a reversi|ie µroeess, auc tbat |ocy
auc soui are oue' I wiii reµeat it agaiu. you co uot iive ìn
your |ocy, you ace your |ocy.
"bat tbis naxin neaus witb regarc to a necitatiou
µraetiee is tbat sµeeiiie necitatiouai stauees wiii |riug
a|out sµeeiiie iucivicuai eiieets.
1be \ecitatiouai 8tauee

1be iirst iaetor aiieetiug tbe outeone oi necitatiou is tbe
stauee assunec ior tbe µraetiee. 8bouic you eboose to
necitate iu tbe Jaµauese lueeiiug stauee oi seì.a nace
µoµuiar |y aìkìdo auc .en, tbe ueurai auc neutai eiieet
µrocueec wiii |e ciiiereut iron tbat µrocueec |y, say,
necitatiou iu tbe iuii iotus µositiou. 8tuceuts oi yoga wiii
reeoguize tbe yogie coetriue I an µaraµbrasiug.
8aciy, I
an sµealiug iron µersouai exµerieuee wbeu I say tbat I,
ever tbe sleµtie, bac to bave tbese tbiugs µrovec to ne
reµeateciy |eiore I iiuaiiy reeoguizec tben to |e true.
1be iirst tbiug to |e eoueeruec witb wbeu attenµtiug
necitatiou, tbeu, is tbe µbysieai stauee you assune
|eiore |egiuuiug.
I co uot waut to |eia|or a µoiut tbat bas |eeu
tborougbiy auaiyzec iu tbe tbousaucs oi voiunes writteu
ou tbe su|jeet, |ut I wiii, ior µreeisiou`s sale, toueb
iigbtiy ou tbe |est stauee ior necitatiou aeeorciug to tbe
iiueage oi tbe \o-lai, tbe iuii iotus. 1be baiiiotus is tbe
uext nost cesira|ie stauee, tbougb it sbouic |e uotec tbat
tbe eiiieieuey oi tbe iuii iotus is ainost cou|ie tbat oi tbe
baii-iotus. Ii you eau assune ueitber µositiou, tbeu it
wouic |e |est to sinµiy sit cowu ou tbe grouuc auc
eross your iegs iu irout oi you.
It is inµortaut tbat tbe toµ oi your beac is µoiutiug
towarc tbe sly auc tbe |ase oi your µeivis is touebiug tbe
towarc tbe sly auc tbe |ase oi your µeivis is touebiug tbe
eartb. \our sµiue sbouic |e straigbt, your sbouicers
reiaxec. liaee your baucs wbere tbey are eoniorta|ie. Iu
tbe \o-lai tracitiou, it is |est to eoueeutrate ou tbe
cautieu wbiie attenµtiug necitatiou. Ctber seboois
reeonneuc otber µoiuts, |ut it bas |eeu tbe exµerieuee
oi our tracitiou tbat tbe cautieu µoiut is saier auc nore
µraetieai. 1bis assertiou bas |eeu |oru out |y otber
Cbiuese iiueages iutinateiy iuvoivec witb tbe su|jeet oi
|ioeuergy auc necitatiou.
Iuceec, Cbiuese bosµitais
researebiug tbe traiuiug bave eiiuieaiiy coeuneutec nauy
eases oi iusauity eausec |y tbe µraetiee oi eb`i luug cue
to tbe µraetitiouer attenµtiug to nove tbe ioeai µoiut oi
bis exereise away iron tbe cautieu |eiore be was reacy
to co so. 1be cautieu is iile a vast warebouse tbat wiii
a|sor| trou|ies auc |iessiugs aiile witb reiative saiety.
\our Lnotiouai 8tate

1be uext iaetor to eousicer wbeu necitatiug is your
enotiouai state. 1bis is nueb nore ciiiieuit tbau it seens.
Iu tbe nartiai arts, naiutaiuiug au aware auc uucistur|ec
niuc is oi µrinary inµortauee. 1bis awareuess oi niuc
nust |e naiutaiuec tbrougbout auy eouiroutatiou auc
|eyouc (sone say iu every noneut oi iiie). 1be greatest
cestroyer oi tbis awareuess is enotiouai in|aiauee.
1be stereotyµe oi tbe liiier witb a naebiue`s
µersouaiity, iee eoic auc iuciiiereut, is uot reaiiy
aµµroµriate to tbe nartiai arts, or to necitative µraetiees
ior tbat natter. Iuceec, our enotious sbouic iiow ireeiy
auc uaturaiiy, uuietterec |y tbe sbaelies oi tbe niuc.
Beeause our enotious are iutinateiy iiulec to our
µersouai uueouseious niuc auc tbere|y to tbe iiow oi
|ioeuergy, suµµressiug tbose enotious is iucierous. It is
|e iile µiaeiug a |ottieueel iuto a steaciiy iiowiug strean
-iu tbe ioug ruu, tbere wiii |e µro|iens. "e sbouic
-iu tbe ioug ruu, tbere wiii |e µro|iens. "e sbouic
aiiow our enotious exµressiou witbout eueun|rauee, iile
a ebiic`s. 1bis nigbt neau tbat you eouic |e eonµieteiy
euragec oue niuute auc sniiiug auc iaugbiug tbe uext.
1be usuai resuit is tbat you are çuite baµµy auc eouteut
nueb oi tbe tine. Ci eourse, µeoµie nay assune tbat
you are strauge, innature, or eveu erazy-|ut tbat is
tbeir µro|ien iu tbe euc, uot yours. It is |eeause oi tbe
suµµressiou oi enotiou inµosec |y our soeiety tbat 2:
µereeut oi tbe µoµuiatiou iu "esteru uatious is taliug
auticeµressauts. Ii you waut to truiy necitate, your
|ioeuergy nust ruu ireeiy, auc tbat neaus your enotious
nust uot |e sbaeliec.
Aiiowiug your enotious to iiow ireeiy resuits iu tbeir
autonatie µrioritizatiou |y your eeutrai uervous systen,
wbieb neaus tbat tbey wiii uot inµair µeriornauee. lor
exanµie, a iew years |ael I tool a sµiii ou ny
notoreyeie, I bit au oii siiel wbiie goiug çuite iast arouuc
a eoruer. \y nartiai arts traiuiug tool over auc ny |ocy
reaetec autonatieaiiy. Lverytbiug siowec cowu-witb
erystai eiarity I renen|er iayiug cowu tbe |ile wbiie
naliug sure ny |ocy was weii out oi tbe way. ßow.
thìs ìs neat, I tbougbt as I ieii. 1be |ile auc I siic
togetber ior çuite a wbiie. Aiter tbe notoreyeie eane to a
stoµ, I eoutiuuec ou ior teu nore yarcs. 1be euc resuit
was tbat I suiierec a |ioocy serateb ou oue luee auc tbe
|ile ueecec a uew µaiut jo|.
Aiter I stooc uµ, tbe enotious I shou/d bave |eeu
ieeiiug curiug tbe iueiceut |egau eoursiug tbrougb ny
|ocy. lirst eane auger. ßhat (l/ee¡ìng; ìdìot s¡ì//ed
the (l/ee¡-l/ee¡-l/ee¡; oì/ hece` Ma; the //eas and
tìcks o/ ten thousand caoe/s oake theìc hooe ìn hìs
/oìns!-auc so ou. 1beu eane iear, tbe very reai iear tbat
is iaeec curiug a |rusb witb ceatb. 1bat sbool ne ior
niuutes. Auc iiuaiiy eane reiiei, tbe beartieit reiiei oi a
nau wbo bac survivec a erasb. I seut a siieut µrayer to
Coc auc tbaulec uin ior ny iiie. 1beu I µielec uµ ny
notoreyeie auc sµec ou ny way. It was as ii it bac uever
baµµeuec. I ouiy reeaiiec tbe iueiceut tocay aiter
searebiug ny nenory ior a suita|ie story to iiiustrate ny
Ii tbe yaug eb`i is iuceec au iuitiator oi uueiear
trausnutatiou, its existeuee nay weii exµiaiu sµeeiiie
aiineuts iu tbe |ocy tbat are enotiou-reiatec, sueb as tbe
licuey, gaii, auc uriuary traet/|iaccer stoues tbat µiague
nauy µeoµie. 1bere are iucieatious tbat eveu tbe sha¡e
oi tbese stoues is iuiiueueec |y tbe enotiou tbe µartieuiar
iucivicuai is suµµressiug at tbe noneut.

"e bave ciseussec tbe tbirc iaetor, eb`i (|ioeuergy), at
ieugtb iu |otb tbis text auc iu 1he Magus o/ 1ava. Aiiow
ne to reiterate tbat |ioeuergy is iutinateiy iiulec to tbe
µersouai uueouseious niuc auc our enotiouai eoutext.
8iuee nost oi tbis |ool is cireetiy or iucireetiy iuvoivec
witb tbe su|jeet oi eb`i, tbe ouiy accitiouai stateneut to
acc bere is tbis. 1he ooce chì ;ou have. the easìec ìt
ìs to ceach tcue oedìtatìon.

1be iourtb iaetor, niuc, bas to co witb our µersouai
eouseiousuess, our inneciate awareuess oi oe auc
oìne. 1be esseuee oi oìnd bas |eeu cistiiiec iu aii
reiigious siuee tbe cawu oi tine. lor exanµie, iu a Creel
Crtbocox nouastery iu Crete I iouuc au iuseriµtiou tbat,
|asec ou stereotyµes, sbouic bave |eeu nore at bone iu
Buccbist reµai or 1i|et tbau tbe suuuy \eciterraueau.
\iuc is tbe Creator oi Aii auc tbe keasou ior Aii
\iuc is tbe Creator oi Aii auc tbe keasou ior Aii
Agaiu, ii tbe yaug eb`i iucuees uueiear
trausnutatiou, tbeu tbe a|ove axion is true auc our
reaiity is iuceec sbaµec |y our niucs. Iu reierriug to
niuc, bowever, I an ciseussiug uot ouiy our µersouai
eouseiousuess, |ut aiso our µersouai uueouseiousuess,
auc, nost inµortautiy, tbe nass uueouseious tbat truiy
sbaµes our µbysieai existeuee. Iu esseuee, reaiity is a
consensus, it is wbatever we uueouseiousiy agree it is
anoug ourseives (nueb as we bave eone to a woricwice
uucerstauciug oi wbat nouey is). As au iuterestiug asice,
I suggest tbat nueb oi Jobu`s µower eones iron tbe iaet
tbat be bas so nueb yaug eb`i gatberec iu bis cautieu tbat
be eau aiieet tbe eourse oi uaturai iaw arouuc bin,
iuucaneutaiiy overeoniug tbe reaiity tbat bas |eeu
suµerinµosec ou our Luiverse |y our nass uueouseious
Basie necitatiou, tbeu, is µreconiuateiy iuvoivec witb
eainiug our eouseious niuc. \ou bave uucou|teciy reac
a|out tbe various netbocs tbat eau |e usec to ciniuisb
tbe aetivity oi tbougbt iu orcer to reaeb tbe tbeta states oi
eouseiousuess or eveu tbose iartber |eiow. (Caii it
|riugiug tbe eouseious auc uueouseious niucs eioser
togetber, ior iu tbe euc tbis is wbat is baµµeuiug-
euiigbteuneut itseii is uotbiug nore tbau a uuiou oi
eouseious auc uueouseious niucs.) I wiii uot reµeat bere
tbe staucarc cietates oi tbese netbocs-nost oi tben
eeuter ou |realiug iuto states oi µrououueec reiaxatiou.
1bere are tbousaucs oi voiunes iu µriut ceseri|iug
necitative µraetiees-sone use nautras auc
visuaiizatiou, otbers co uot. (As a µoiut oi iuterest I wiii
say tbat tbe \o-lai systen enµioys ueitber nautras uor
visuaiizatiou iu its traiuiug regineu.) It`s erueiaiiy
inµortaut to uote tbat true necitatiou is ueitber
eoueeutratiou uor reiaxatiou. "e use eoueeutratiou auc
reiaxatiou to aµµroaeb necitatiou, |ut iu esseuee
reiaxatiou to aµµroaeb necitatiou, |ut iu esseuee
necitatiou baµµeus |y itseii. \ou eouic say tbat
eoueeutratiou auc reiaxatiou are tbe neaus |y wbieb we
aµµroaeb tbe Iuiiuite auc Lteruai, auc tbat necitatiou is
tbe resuit oi tbe Iuiiuite ever so |rieiiy oµeuiug Its gates
ior our µersouai awareuess. Coueeutratiou is e//oct.
keiaxatiou is actìon. \ecitatiou baµµeus |y itseii-it is a
iorn oi surreucer. 1biugs are as sinµie as tbat.
1\IrC 1CCL1uLk ALL lCLk lAC1Ck8

\ecitatiou, iu tbe euc, is a very µersouai tbiug, as
µersouai as naliug iove auc tbereiore iargeiy |asec ou
your owu |eiiei systen. I eueourage you to tale a
necitatiou eourse witb a teaeber tbat you ieei
eoniorta|ie witb. But |y aii neaus, ¡/ease ¡ucsue
oedìtatìon as a daì/; dìscì¡/ìne. It wiii ebauge your iiie,
inµrove your beaitb, auc graut you eouutiess |eueiits.
row, iet`s assune tbat you luow, or are iu tbe
µroeess oi iearuiug, bow to eain your niuc. lerbaµs a
graµbie reµreseutatiou (iigure 10) wouic |est ceseri|e
bow tbe |ocy, enotious, eb`i, auc niuc worl togetber iu
tbe µroeess oi necitatiou.

lig. 10. 1rue necitatiou eauuot |e aebievec uuiess
tbe |ocy, enotious, eb`i, auc niuc are iu |aiauee.
Iu iigure 10 you eau see tbat niuc, enotiou, |ioeuergy
auc |ocy iie as eireies ou oue µiaue, auc tbat a|ove
tbese is a iiitb sµbere, necitatiou, wbieb is µerµeucieuiar
to tbe µiaue. Iu orcer ior true necitatiou to |e aebievec,
niuc, |ocy, enotiou, auc |ioeuergy nust |e iu µerieet
Let`s say tbat we ceviate iron tbat |aiauee towarc
oue µartieuiar iaetor, µerbaµs enotiou (|eeause we are
augry witb soneoue) or |ocy (|eeause we bave |eeone
tirec). lreiiniuary necitatiou is a sµbere, tbere is sone
ieeway, to euter tbis state eveu ii your |aiauee siiµs a
iittie |it. But ii tbe augie oi civergeuee, theta, is too
µrououueec, tbeu you wiii iiuc yourseii outsice tbe
sµbere auc beuee outsice oi necitatiou. Deeµer states oi
necitatiou are ceseri|ec |y snaiier auc snaiier sµberes,
wbieb iu tbe euc turu iuto a µoiut iron wbieb uo ceviatiou
is µernissi|ie, tbis µoiut ceseri|es tcue necitatiou. "bat
we eau see bere is tbat aii iour iaetors are erueiai as iar
as reaebiug true necitatiou is eoueeruec.
1bis coes uot neau tbat you ueec to |eeone Jaelie
Cbau or krisbuanurti iu orcer to eugage iu necitatiou, it
coes neau tbat you nust |e iu eoutroi oi your |ocy auc
aiiow your enotious to ruu uaturaiiy ii you are ever to
sueeeec. It aiso neaus tbat, eoutrary to exµeetatiou,
necitatiou is uot strietiy a neutai µroeess, |ut is a
µbysieai oue as weii, as eorµoreai as it is sµirituai auc
eere|rai. 1reat it as sueb, auc you wì// |e sueeessiui.
1uL lkCCL88 Cl \LDI1A1ICr

lor teus oi tbousaucs oi years, µeoµie iivec iu reiative
barnouy witb uature auc iu aeeorc witb tbe woric oi
sµirits. 1ocay we acnit tbat a|origiuai µeoµies µossess
seuses tbat we iu our teebuoiogieai grauceur bave iost.
As reeeutiy as tweuty years ago, tbe kboisau (Busbneu)
oi 8outb Airiea eouic see tbe noous oi Juµiter witb tbeir
ualec eyes auc eateb tbe seeut oi tbeir µrey iron niies
away. lerbaµs, as weii, tbeir µereeµtiou oi reaiity was
nueb nore leeu tbau our owu, wbieb is wby tbey
|eiievec iu sµirits auc eonnuuieatec witb tben
aeeorciugiy auc beic tbe |eiiei tbat our eouseiousuess
does eoutiuue ou aiter ceatb.
Jobu Cbaug bas toic ne tbat our sµirits are iu esseuee
our su|eouseious auc uueouseious niucs, tbat |eiug
ceac is tbe sane as creaniug. Cur sµirits are our yiu
niuc, our µbysieai |ocies are our yaug niuc. By ceiauit
tbeu, auy ciseiµiiue tbrougb wbieb tbe eouseious,
su|eouseious, auc uueouseious niucs eau |e |rougbt
eioser togetber is oi µroiouuc |eueiit to our sµirits aiter
ceatb. \ecitatiou is tbe iorenost oi tbese, |eeause it is
tbrougb necitatiou tbat we grow ianiiiar witb our true
uature. 1brougb necitatiou we eau iearu to use tbe
eouseious eoutroi oi our iore|raius to eain tbe ragiug
iears auc cesires iubereut to our iin|ie systen. 1brougb
necitatiou, tbeu, we eau nale our su|eouseious niucs
necitatiou, tbeu, we eau nale our su|eouseious niucs
nore bunau, nore a µart oi our true seives, nore tbe
eouseiousuess auc µersouaiity we wouic iile to |e.
A 8inµie \ecitatiou

loiiowiug is a sinµie µraetiee oi necitatiou tbat eau |e
easiiy iueorµoratec iuto your caiiy routiue.

1. 8it eoniorta|iy iu a µiaee wbere you ieei gooc.¨
\ou eau ereate sueb a µiaee iusice your bone |y
settiug asice a sµot auc leeµiug it eieau. It is |etter,
bowever, to necitate iu uature, ii you eau. A
|aelyarc is iiue.
2. "ear ioose eiotbiug. 1ry to tale a sbower
|eiore you necitate. Begiu witb teu niuutes a cay
auc worl uµ to iorty-iive niuutes. Lariy noruiug or
iate at uigbt are tbe |est tines to µraetiee.
1. 8it eoniorta|iy ou tbe grouuc or iioor. 8treteb to
tbe rigbt auc ieit your iower |ael, sµiue, auc ueel
iu a reiaxec nauuer, as sbowu |eiow (iigure 11).
Do uot ioree yourseii to exeeec tbe uaturai iinits oi
your |ocy. 8inµiy worl geutiy to nale your |ael,
sµiue, auc ueel nore iin|er.

lig. 11
4. keeµ your |ael straigbt auc tuel iu your ebiu.
keiax your sbouicers auc eoueeutrate ou your
cautieu (iigure 12). \ou eau ioiiow your |reatbiug,
ii you wisb, or use sone liuc oi visuai inage or
nautra to iuerease your eoueeutratiou-wbatever
worls ior you. Let tbe tbougbts auc µro|iens oi
tbe cay siiµ iron your niuc uaturaiiy-cou`t baug
ou to tben, tbey wiii |e tbere wbeu you iiuisb: Iu
tine, tbey wiii reaciiy ieave you oi tbeir owu aeeorc
curiug necitatiou. "beuever your niuc waucers,
|riug it geutiy |ael to your cautieu. kenen|er,
eoueeutratiou is eiiort, reiaxatiou is aetiou.
\ecitatiou is to surreucer to tbe Iuiiuite iusice

lig. 12
:. "biie necitatiug dont worry a|out tbe aet oi
necitatiug itseii. Ðont try to esta|iisb |eiorebauc
bow it wiii ieei. Ðont tbiul a|out inages you wiii
see or nay see or |ools you bave reac a|out tbe
µraetiee. 1bere is a way to eusure tbis. dont ta/k
alout ;ouc oedìtatìon wìth ;ouc /cìends. keeµ it
µrivate. Ii you are ciseussiug witb otbers your
exµerieuees iu necitatiou, you are iu esseuee eaiiiug
atteutiou to yourseii, auc are tbereiore ebeatiug
yourseii. Dou`t co it: keeµ it reai. keeµ it
Cireuiatiug tbe Cb`i-8tauciug¨ Lxereises

"e bave ciseussec tbe two eireuiatory systens ior
|ioeuergy iubereut iu tbe bunau |ocy. 1be exterior
systen is ceiiuec |y tbe µoiuts auc nericiaus nace
µoµuiar |y aeuµuueture auc is vitai ior our beaitb auc
µoµuiar |y aeuµuueture auc is vitai ior our beaitb auc
weii |eiug. 1be two iargest vesseis oi eb`i iu tbis exterior
systen are iu tbe iegs, auc it is iu tbese extrenities tbat
auy eb`i uot usec iu our everycay euceavors is storec. Iu
attenµtiug stauciug exereises tbeu, our goai is twoioic.
lirst, we waut tbe eb`i reservoirs iu tbe iegs (auc tbe ieg
nuseies tbenseives) to |eeone strouger, auc seeouc,
we waut tbat euergy to iiow uµ auc eireuiate iu tbe uµµer
1be iirst tbiug tbat Liao 8iiu taugbt Jobu Cbaug was to
stauc iu \a Bu, tbe borse stauee µoµuiarizec |y tbe
Cbiuese nartiai arts tocay. At iirst be tbougbt tbis
µraetiee was sinµiy to test or torture bin, |ut iu tine
Jobu reaiizec tbe |eueiits oi stauciug-tbe µrinary oue
|eiug tbat oi eireuiatiug tbe eb`i. 1`ai ebi ebuau aiieets
µretty nueb tbe sane traiuiug regineu tocay-stauciug iu
\a Bu wbiie aiiowiug tbe eb`i to eireuiate tbrougbout tbe
|ocy is tbe |asie µrenise oi tbe exereise luowu as
8tauciug loie. lor exanµie, iu tbe \o-lai systen, ii a
stuceut were to µraetiee ouiy Levei-Cue seatec
necitatiou witbout eugagiug iu a netboc oi |aiaueiug out
tbe eb`i, tbe yaug eb`i wouic eveutuaiiy gatber togetber
auc barceu iu tbe iower |eiiy oi its owu aeeorc,
eiieetiveiy µreveutiug tbe µraetitiouer iron acvaueiug auy
iartber tbau Levei Cue. 1bus, eireuiatiug tbe eb`i
tbrougbout tbe |ocy is just as inµortaut as gatberiug it iu
tbe iirst µiaee. Iu accitiou to traiuiug iu stauciug,
µraetieiug t`ai ebi ebuau witb a gooc teaeber iron a
µroµer iiueage wiii aiso aic iu eireuiatiug |ioeuergy, auc
bas µrovec to bave outstauciug beaitb |eueiits.
1bere are nauy ways to attenµt stauciug. 1`ai ebi
ebuau bas nace nauy netbocs µoµuiar-tbere are nauy
exeeiieut |ools ou t`ai ebi writteu |y µeoµie nore
çuaiiiiec tbau I, auc tbe 8tauciug loie exereise is
eoverec iu tben. uowever, tbe sinµiest netboc oi
eireuiatiug |ioeuergy, oue tbat Jobu sµeeiiieaiiy aslec ne
eireuiatiug |ioeuergy, oue tbat Jobu sµeeiiieaiiy aslec ne
to sbow ior oicer µeoµie or tbose geueraiiy out oi sbaµe
or witb iinitec ieg no|iiity, coes uot iuvoive stauciug at
aii, |ut ratber sittiug iu au uµrigbt nauuer (iigure 11). 1bis
is au exereise tbat auyoue eau co auywbere, at auytine
-eveu iu tbe oiiiee-auc, iu eoujuuetiou witb seatec
necitatiou, it wiii oiier eouutiess |eueiits to tbe

1. "ear ioose eiotbiug.
2. liuc a ebair tbat iits your |ocy auc bas arnrests.
\our ei|ows auc luees nust |e at a v0-cegree
augie to tbe iioor wbeu you are sittiug cowu witb
your |ael straigbt.

lig. 11
1. liuc a sµot wbere you ieei eoniorta|ie. A
1. liuc a sµot wbere you ieei eoniorta|ie. A
|aelyarc or garceu is iiue. Lveu a |aieouy is iiue, ii
you ieei gooc¨ tbere auc tbe air is eieau. Ii you iive
iu a |ig eity, try to sit iu a sµot wbere tbere are
µiauts auc greeuery.
4. 8it iu tbe ebair, leeµiug your arns |eut at v0
cegrees, µains iaeiug tbe grouuc. \our |ael
sbouic |e straigbt, your ebiu tuelec iu. Do uot ieau
|ael, your |ael sbouic uot toueb tbe ebair. \our
iegs sbouic |e |eut at v0 cegrees. keeµ your
noutb eiosec witb your tougue touebiug tbe rooi oi
your noutb. Breatbe tbrougb your uose.
:. keiax your sbouicers auc eoueeutrate ou your
cautieu. Do uot iet your |ael siunµ-leeµ it
straigbt. \ou eau ioiiow your |reatbiug, ii you wisb,
or use sone liuc oi visuai inage or nautra to
iuerease your eoueeutratiou-wbatever worls ior
you. Let tbe tbougbts auc µro|iens oi tbe cay siiµ
iron your niuc uaturaiiy-cou`t baug ou to tben,
just leeµ eoueeutratiug ou your cautieu. Iu tine,
your |ocy wiii |eeone warn, auc µossi|iy bot.
\ou wiii iose trael oi tine. Do uot |e aiarnec-
tbis is uornai.
6. Begiu witb teu niuutes a cay auc worl yourseii
uµ to baii au bour or nore.
¯. Ii you are µbysieaiiy iit, you eau use tbe sane
teebuiçue to eireuiate euergy wbiie stauciug iu tbe
borse stauee, \a Bu, as sbowu (iigure 14).
8tauciug as iu t`ai ebi ebuau is tbe |est ior soneoue
iu average µbysieai eoucitiou (iigure 14a). Ii you
bave bigb |iooc µressure |ut are otberwise iu
sbaµe, stauc as sbowu, witb your µains µoiutiug
towarc tbe grouuc or iioor (iigure 14|). lor
atbietes auc reguiar necitators ouiy, |eeause tbe
eb`i is leµt iusice tbe iower |ocy, use tbe stauee
µraetieec |y Jobu Cbaug as a ebiic (iigure 14e).
µraetieec |y Jobu Cbaug as a ebiic (iigure 14e).

lig. 14
Aueieut euitures eaiiec tbe sµirits oi tbe ceac shades.
auc tbis worc`s neauiug is çuite iiterai-nost sµirits are
iittie nore tbau tbe sbacows oi tbe µeoµie tbey ouee
were. Lugagiug iu necitatiou wbiie we`re aiive beiµs us
to avoic tbe risl, wbeu tbe tine eones to cie, tbat our
eucuriug eouseiousuess, our soui, wiii |eeone uotbiug
nore tbau au assiniiatiou oi our iears, cesires, auc |asie
nenories, a noelery oi our µersouaiity, a sinuiaerun oi
wbat we ouee were. \ecitatiou eau leeµ us iron
|eeoniug a sbace iu ceatb, ratber tbau tbe sµirit oi a true
Aii aueieut |eiiei systens (|eiore tbey |eeane tbe
iustitutious-reiigious-tbat tbey are tocay) |eiievec iu
µersouai eatbarsis, a jouruey we aii bac to nale tbrougb
our owu neaus. "e eauuot aiiow otbers to earry us,
our owu neaus. "e eauuot aiiow otbers to earry us,
tenµtiug as it nay |e (tbougb it is true we nay |e aìded
|y otbers). \ecitatiou is oue oi tbe iast true toois to
survive tbe niiieuuia uuseatbec, µerbaµs |eeause it bas
|eeu tbe nost ciiiieuit to cistiuguisb auc µerseeute. "beu
tbe tine eones to µass ou, you eauuot tale your koiex
witb you, uor wiii you rice iu your \ereeces or Lexus.
Aii we tale witb us is tbe sun oi our tbougbts, our
nenories, auc our strougest ieeiiugs, gooc auc |ac, tbis
wiii ieac us ou to wberever we are cestiuec to go.
\ecitatiou is a netboc oi eieausiug our iuuernost seii, a
µreµaratiou ior wbat nust iuevita|iy eone. liease, tbeu,
co eugage iu tbis ciseiµiiue iu wbatever way suits you
|est. \ay tbe worcs iu tbis text iusµire you, auc nay ny
owu µiea guice you.
Cbaµter 8
"Lr"LkLAr 81CkIL8

1be ioiiowiug sbort stories are iueiucec sinµiy to iurtber
iiiustrate µoiuts aireacy nace iu tbe text. 1bey are true
uarratives, tbe exµerieuees oi nyseii, ny irieucs, auc ny
stuceuts. I boµe you eujoy tben.

1uL 8AIr1

Axion uun|er oue. ße cceate thìngs ìn ouc own
1be Creel Crtbocox Cbureb is a tbeoeratie iustitutiou
witb a seveuteeu-buucrec-year-oic bistory. lor tbis
reasou, ii uo otber, I acorec it as a ebiic auc bar|orec a
reasou, ii uo otber, I acorec it as a ebiic auc bar|orec a
stroug reseutneut agaiust it as au acoieseeut. As a
cevotee oi Lasteru tbougbt auc a writer wbo coes uot
besitate to voiee bis oµiuious, I bave oiteu |eeu tbe target
oi µerseeutiou |y tbe reiigious autbority iu Creeee. 1bis is
uot sonetbiug I bave sougbt out ior nyseii, |ut ratber a
suµµressiou tbat bas ioiiowec ne arouuc sinµiy |eeause
I bave carec to researeb sµirituai |eiiei iu geuerai.
As au outsµoleu nartiai artist, I an rigbt uµ tbere ou
tbe Cbureb`s |iaeliist. But I an nore a tboru iu tbe beei
tbau au eueny to |e stonµec ou, ior two cistiuet
reasous. 1be iirst is tbat I an uoniuaiiy au Crtbocox
Cbristiau nyseii,
auc wbiie I çuestiou cogna, as auy
ecueatec nau oi civerse exµerieuee wiii, I bave uever
writteu agaiust tbe esseuee oi Cbristiauity (uor co I bave
auy reasou to).
1be seeouc is tbat I leeµ a iow µroiiie,
auc wbiie ny uane is luowu, ny iaee is uot-tbis gives
ne eousicera|ie ireecon oi noveneut, auc aiiows ne to
aµµroaeb wbon I wiii.
8one tine ago, I was visitiug tbe sanctuo sanctocuo
oi Crtbocox Cbristiauity, tbe nouastie eonnuuity oi \t.
Atbos, iu seareb oi a saiut. 1be nouastie eonµiexes ou
tbat roely µeuiusuia are a|out a tbousauc years oic, |ut
µeoµie bac sougbt soiituce tbere ioug |eiore eonnuuai
iustitutious were orgauizec. lrior to tbe arrivai oi
Cbristiauity tbe µronoutory was saerec to tbe goccess
Aµbrocite. I bac uot yet net ny owu naster auc bac
bearc nueb a|out a giveu noul |y tbe uane oi laisios
resiciug uear|y, reµuta|iy a great beaier auc nystie. (ue
was iater µostbunousiy eauouizec as Csios, or Ainost a
8aiut, I renen|er iaugbiug, wouceriug bow sueb a tbiug
as saiutbooc eouic |e neasurec.)
I iouuc laisios inneciateiy, be resicec iu a snaii
bernitage uot iar iron tbe nouastery oi koutiounousi.
ue was iron a viiiage uear ny owu-|eeause oi tbis I
bac µroeurec a ietter oi iutrocuetiou to bin iron a
bac µroeurec a ietter oi iutrocuetiou to bin iron a
reiative. latber laisios nace ne nost weieone auc
oiierec ne sweets auc water. Aiter exebaugiug a iew
µieasautries, we got cowu to |usiuess.
uow eau I beiµ you'¨ be aslec.
I tool a ceeµ |reatb. It was goiug to |e ioug sµeeeb,
auc I bac a|out a |iiiiou çuestious. "bat was tbe uature
oi Coc' uow sbouic ue |e aµµroaebec' "bat was tbe
uature oi nau' Auc wbat oi tbis uouseuse a|out tbe
Carceu oi Lceu-I neau, it`s aii netaµborieai, rigbt'
uow co you aeeeµt tbis auc tbat auc wbat is your
oµiuiou a|out tbis auc . . .'
ue eut ne oii-ainost burrieciy, witb au anusec
exµressiou ou bis iaee-|eiore tbe iirst worc was out oi
ny noutb. Iu iaet, be sµole so succeuiy tbat ny noutb
gaµec oµeu.
Iu ny oµiuiou,¨ be saic, it aii eones cowu to µrayer
auc tbe graee oi Coc. 1bis is wbat I bave ciseoverec iu a
iiietine oi soiituce. 1be ley to ii|eratiou is µrayer, we
are uot eaµa|ie oi aseeuciug to Coc tbrougb our owu
eiiorts, |ut nust asl Coc to reveai binseii to us. "beu
we are eieau euougb iusice, be coes so.¨
I was siieut. I cic uot agree witb tbis eoueiusiou, |ut be
bac auswerec ny çuestious-aii oi tben-|eiore I
nauagec to utter a siugie worc.
I bave a iot to co tocay,¨ be iiuisbec as be stooc.
Dou`t worry, sou, you wiii iiuc your "ay very soou.¨
It was oue noutb iater tbat I weut to Iucouesia auc
iouuc Jobu Cbaug.
Aiter tbat geutie |ut eurt cisnissai, I sµeut a|out a
weel iu Atbos, roaniug arouuc tbe nouasteries iu seareb
oi otber euiigbteuec iucivicuais. 1be trutb |e toic, I iouuc
uotbiug |ut iauatieisn auc cogna tbere, |ut tbe
exµerieuee was wouceriui uouetbeiess, sinµiy |eeause
tbe bistorie treasures boarcec iu sueb nouasteries are a
sigbt to |eboic.
sigbt to |eboic.
8one tine aiter ny visit witb laisios I net kyrialos
at tbe nouastery oi Agia Lavra.
kyrialos was a juuly-beroiu was a ba|it tbat bac
ruiuec bis iiie auc be bac goue to Atbos searebiug ior
soiaee. I bac uever |eeu arouuc soneoue witb sueb a
iixatiou, auc wbiie ny iirst iueiiuatiou was to sby away
iron tbe nau, iu tine I iouuc tbat I aetuaiiy iilec bin. ue
was weii ecueatec, bac traveiec nueb, auc nace ior
iuterestiug eouversatiou. kyrialos bac stuciec art iu
lioreuee-be was a wouceriui µaiuter wbose taieut bac
|eeu ravagec |y tbe nouley ou bis |ael.
It turuec out tbat we were beaciug |ael to eiviiizatiou
ou tbe sane cay. It was a six-bour wail, a |eautiiui
noruiug, auc wbiie we wailec it eane out tbat kyrialos
bac uever net laisios.
"eii,¨ I saic, ii we µiel uµ tbe µaee, we`c stiii bave
tine to sµeuc au bour witb bin |eiore tbe |oat ieaves ior
I µroeeecec to crag tbe grun|iiug auc eonµiaiuiug
kyrialos ou a ioreec nareb, aii tbe wbiie iisteuiug to
eonneuts a|out iaseists auc naebo nartiai artists
bar|oriug saconasoebistie nauias, auc a|out nauy otber
tbiugs nueb iess µoiite. "e nace tbe six-bour wail iu
iive bours, tbougb, auc, aeeorciugiy, bac µieuty oi tine to
visit Csios.
ue was baµµy to see ne. "bat are you coiug |ael
bere'¨ be aslec.
I just wautec to see you agaiu,¨ I auswerec.
Ab. "eii, you`ve seeu ne agaiu. It wiii |e tbe iast
I was sboelec |y bis worcs, eoustruiug tbat tbey were
neaut to |e oiieusive. But laisios was sinµiy sayiug
gooc-|ye iu bis iuuateiy gruii nauuer, be was to cie oi
eaueer iu iess tbau a year auc µro|a|iy luew it. I uever
eaueer iu iess tbau a year auc µro|a|iy luew it. I uever
saw bin agaiu.
ue turuec bis eyes ou kyrialos, tbey seenec to giow.
"bere are you iron, sou'¨ be aslec bin.
lron Atbeus,¨ kyrialos auswerec.
\ou`re au artist, rigbt'¨
"e were |otb sboelec. uow cic be luow' uow
cou/d be luow'
\es, latber.¨
"bat co you craw'¨
kyrialos tbrew cowu bis |aelµael auc startec
runnagiug tbrougb it, µuiiiug out a sbeai oi sletebes to
sbow tbe noul.
Ln . . . weii, bere ou Atbos I`ve crawu tbe
nouasteries, tbe nouls, tbe nouutaius . . .¨
1be carl eyes uever ieit bin.
\ou craw ;oucse//, sou,¨ laisios toic bin. lix
yourseii iirst, auc tbeu you eau |eeone a true artist.¨
kyrialos |role iuto so|s. 1bis was uo sinµie |uriec
enotiou eoniug tbrougb-tbey |u||iec uµ iron bis
laisios µuiiec bin over to a eoruer auc sµeut a|out
iiiteeu niuutes iisteuiug to bis eouiessiou. "beu tbey
iiuisbec, kyrialos`s 1-sbirt was creuebec witb tears, |ut
bis eyes were sbiuiug.
"e |ic tbe oic noul gooc-|ye, seurryiug to eateb tbe
|oat |eiore it ieit. kyrialos rau aioug tbe µatb abeac oi
ne. Cone ou, you groueb,¨ be sboutec |ael at ne.
uurry uµ:¨ "batever tbe oic noul bac coue to bin bac
eubaueec bis µbysieai µowers as weii as bis seuse oi
binseii auc tbe woric.
It was tbe iirst-auc to cate tbe ouiy-tine iu ny iiie
tbat I bave seeu tbe eeutrai coetriue oi Cbristiauity
aetuaiiy aµµiiec, tbat is, tbe iorgiviug oi sius iu tbe uane
oi Coc. laisios`s |iessiug bac |eeu uo enµty rituai. 1be
oic noul bac giveu tbe youug acciet a|soiutiou auc tbat
oic noul bac giveu tbe youug acciet a|soiutiou auc tbat
|euecietiou bac beic true, reaebiug iuto tbe reain oi tbe
µbysieai. kyrialos was a ebaugec nau, tbe nouley was
oii bis |ael.
1ou dcaw ;oucse//. son, tbe oic µriest bac toic bin.
Iì· ;oucse// /ìcst. and then ;ou can lecooe a tcue
actìst. It was tbeu tbat I reaiizec tbat aii tbiugs we ereate
are iu our owu inage, auc tbat tbis boics true ior our
view oi aii asµeets oi our woric.

Axion uun|er two. ße ace locn ìnto the woc/d naked
and e·ìt the woc/d naked as we//.
Bo||y bac |eeu ceac ior seveu cays, |ut sµraug
|ael to iiie ou tbe cay oi bis iuuerai. uis story is tbe
µara|ie I use wbeuever I try to eouviuee µeoµie to
attenµt necitatiou. I wouic iile to sbare it bere witb you
iu boµes tbat you, too, wiii iearu iron it. Lile aii stories
auc aueecotes iu tbis text, it`s true, auc auyoue witb
euougb µerseverauee eouic µro|a|iy neet tbe nau auc
veriiy tbe story ior binseii.
I was çuite ianiiiar witb bis story wbeu we gatberec iu
a iuxury botei iu ur|au Java to ciseuss a µoteutiai
|usiuess trausaetiou witb Bo||y`s |oss. Bo||y is iiueut
iu |otb Lugiisb auc \aucariu, auc so was au
uuµaraiieiec trausiator ior |otb sices. uowever, we were
|otb juuior acjutauts ior tbe grouµ-as is tbe euston iu
tbe Crieut, aiter a tine tbe oicer neu steµµec iu auc
startec ciseussiug tbiugs anoug tbenseives. 1bis ieit ne
aioue witb Bo||y ior tbe iirst tine siuee I bac net bin. I
eouic uot bice ny eageruess. ßhat the he//, I tbougbt,
thìs gu; ìs as ßestecn as he ìs chìnese. \aliug sure
tbat tbe µroµer etiçuette was o|servec (|ut just |areiy), I
µuiiec bin over to a eoruer.
µuiiec bin over to a eoruer.
\ou luow,¨ I saic, I`ve bearc your story iron
otbers |ut uever iirstbauc iron you. I`c iile to use it iu
oue oi ny |ools.¨
ue was au iuereci|iy µoisec, eouteut, auc weii-
groonec nau. Aii rigbt, be iaugbec, I boµe tbat µeoµie
wiii iearu iron it.¨
"e sat cowu-eiose euougb to tbe otber neu so tbat
tbey eouic eaii us, ii ueec |e, |ut iar euougb away to
bave a µrivate eouversatiou.
I was a 8iugaµore µoiieenau,¨ be |egau, traiuec iu
uegotiatiou. 8iugaµore coes uot bave nueb oi a erine
µro|ien-|ut we co get cesµerate µeoµie eugagiug iu
cesµerate aets iron tine to tine, so tbere is aiways
sone|ocy witb ny tyµe oi traiuiug ou eaii at aii tines.
1be cay |eiore I ciec, I baµµeuec to µass |y tbe
Buccbist tenµie oi kuau-\iu iu tbe eeuter oi 8iugaµore.
1bere was uo reai reasou ior tbe visit. I was uot a cevout
Buccbist at tbe tine, iu iaet I barciy bac auy reiigious
ieeiiugs at aii. Lile nauy µeoµie, sµirituaiity ior ne was a
iornaiity, oue weut to ebureb ior wecciugs auc iuuerais.
But tbat cay, ior sone reasou, I wautec to iigbt uµ au
iueeuse stiel auc µray. I cou`t luow wby, nay|e I bac a
µrenouitiou. 1be beac µriestess, as soou as sbe saw ne,
eaiiec ne over to oue sice. 8be bac seeu ny iate, sbe
saic, auc toic ne tbat I was iu grave cauger. I bac a carl
sµot iioatiug over ny beac, sbe saic. I was to stay at
bone ior aii oi tbe ioiiowiug cay auc tbe cay aiter.
1be uext noruiug I eaiiec ny suµervisor at worl auc
toic bin I wasu`t ieeiiug very weii, tbat I eouicu`t eone iu
tbat cay. I toic bin a|out ny neetiug witb tbe µriestess
as weii. It was tbe boiicay seasou, bowever, auc aii ny
reµiaeeneuts were ou ieave. I was tbe ouiy uegotiator iu
tbe cistriet. Cone ou,` be toic ne, tbis is 8iugaµore, tbe
saiest µiaee iu tbe woric. "bat eau baµµeu to you iu
8iugaµore' 8it iu tbe |ael roon auc sieeµ aii cay ii you
8iugaµore' 8it iu tbe |ael roon auc sieeµ aii cay ii you
are uot ieeiiug weii.` ue nauagec to eouviuee ne auc I
weut iu to worl.
1be cay µassec çuietiy. 1bat uigbt, bowever, I got a
eaii iron tbe cisµateber. 1bere was a wonau ou a |ricge
over a bigbway, attenµtiug suieice. 1bey ueecec a
uegotiator to tail ber cowu. 8o I weut.
"e µarlec our µoiiee ear |y tbe raiiiug, iigbts
iiasbiug, auc I cic nauage to eveutuaiiy tail ber oii tbat
|ricge. 8be eane cowu auc stooc witb us |y tbe sice oi
tbe roac, |ut |eeause iu 8iugaµore everytbiug is
goveruec |y reguiatious, I eouic uot iet ber get iuto tbe
eruiser uutii sbe bac |eeu searebec auc ouiy a ienaie
oiiieer eouic seareb ber. 8o we stooc ou tbe sice oi tbe
roac, waitiug ior a ienaie µoiiee oiiieer to arrive.
I uever saw tbe ear tbat bit ne |ut I cic sonebow
ieei it. I µusbec ny µartuer auc tbe wonau over tbe
raiiiug iuto tbe ceac zoue |etweeu iaues. 1beu everytbiug
weut |iael, I ieit uotbiug, uo µaiu. I was toic iater tbat a
vau bit ne-I was criveu tbrougb its wiucsereeu iuto tbe
µasseuger eonµartneut, tbeu tbe vau ieii outo tbe
eruiser. It was a ness.
Lile I saic, I ieit uotbiug. I wole uµ to iiuc µeoµie
swarniug aii over tbe aeeiceut seeue. I triec to tail to
tben |ut uo oue wouic auswer ne. I saw ny µartuer auc
tbe wonau stauciug tbere auc tbougbt, óood. I
oanaged to save theo. 1beu succeuiy I was |atbec iu
live eoiors eane to greet ne. 1bey were iuereci|iy
|rigbt, |ut sonebow you eouic iool at tben witbout
µaiu. \eiiow, greeu, |iue, rec, auc wbite, tbey aii sboue
cowu ou ne. 1beu witbout waruiug, I was iu tbe reai
Ligbt. It`s wbite |ut eauuot reaiiy |e ia|eiec witb a eoior.
Caii it |rigbt. It is |rigbt |eyouc tbe suu, |ut tbat
|rigbtuess coes uot burt your eyes. Aii I luew was tbat I
wautec to go iuto tbat iigbt. Auc I reaiizec tbat tbis iigbt
wautec to go iuto tbat iigbt. Auc I reaiizec tbat tbis iigbt
was uot sonewbere outsice nyseii, |ut ratber witbiu ny
owu beart. It resices witbiu aii our bearts, tbe iigbt
eouueets us aii.
1bere were nauy µeoµie stauciug iu tbe iigbt witb ne,
goiug iuto it oue |y oue. 1bey were aii ualec. I ioolec
cowu at nyseii auc saw tbat I was ualec too. 1bere
were severai reaiiy |eautiiui giris arouuc ne, |ut I bac uo
iuterest iu tben. I bac wbat ieit iile a ebiic`s iuuoeeuee, it
was tbeu tbat I luew I bac ciec. I reaiizec tbat we are
|oru iuto tbe woric ualec auc exit tbe woric ualec as
weii, we tale uotbiug witb us |ut our iuuernost tbougbts
auc ieeiiugs iu tbe euc.
I was reacy to go iuto tbe iigbt nyseii wbeu succeuiy
uuaug-1i, tbe boiy enµeror oi tbe Cbiuese µeoµie,
aµµearec |eiore ne auc toic ne tbat it was uot ny tine
yet, tbat I bac to go |ael. I cou`t luow ii it was reaiiy
uuaug-1i or a sµirit tbat bac taleu bis sbaµe to nale ne
ieei nore eoniorta|ie auc to get ny atteutiou. ue toic
ne nauy tbiugs tbeu tbat I an uot at ii|erty to ciseuss.
ue strolec ny bair auc saic be wouic |e waitiug ior ne
1beu I was |ael ou eartb. I eouic uot nove. I
reaiizec witb a start tbat I was iusice a eoiiiu:
I eouic ouiy nove oue bauc, so I |egau to |aug ou
tbe eoiiiu`s iic agaiu auc agaiu. Aiter a tine, I bearc a
iittie giri`s voiee. I triec to sbout |ut ouiy a strauge uoise
eane out. 8one|ocy sereanec. 1be iic was oµeuec auc
I saw µeoµie stariug at ne.
I iouuc out iater tbat I was ou ny way to |e |uruec,
tbey bac oµeuec tbe eoiiiu tbirty niuutes |eiore ny
erenatiou. "bat bac savec ne was tbe Cbiuese euston
oi waitiug ior oue weel |eiore |uruiug tbe ceac. \y
uieee bearc ne |augiug ou tbe eoiiiu, at iirst sbe was
airaic oi ne-sbe tbougbt I was a gbost-|ut tbeu sbe
triec to tail to ne. uer |ravery savec ny iiie.
triec to tail to ne. uer |ravery savec ny iiie.
I was taleu to a bosµitai. Botb ny iegs were |roleu,
auc oue arn. \y iaee was a ness auc I bac iost au eye,
seveuteeu oµeratious iater ny iools are ainost |ael to
uornai. Auc anaziugiy, I reeeivec a µreseut iron tbe
Beyouc. I sµole iiueut \aucariu Cbiuese, wbereas
|eiore ny aeeiceut I sµole ouiy Lugiisb: 1bis was a giit
iron uuaug-1i, I tbiul. It is to bin tbat I owe ny eurreut
oeeuµatiou as a trausiator.
Auc co you luow wbat is tbe truiy astouisbiug µart oi
tbe story' kenen|er tbe beac µriestess at tbe tenµie'
"eii, sbe cisaµµearec tbe uigbt oi ny aeeiceut. Aiter
seveu cays, tbe cay oi ny iuuerai, tbey oµeuec tbe
ioelec coor to ber roon auc iouuc ber. 8be bac |eeu
ceac ior seveu cays: 1bey aiso iouuc a ietter iron ber to
ne. "ritiug tbat ietter was tbe iast tbiug sbe cic.
I tbiul sbe ebose to cie iu ny µiaee,¨ Bo||y
eoueiucec, taliug ny larna outo berseii. I boµe to |e
a|ie to reµay ber liucuess, iu tbis iiie or tbe uext. But you
luow wbat'¨ ue sniiec. "bat I waut nore tbau
auytbiug eise is to |e a|ie to go |ael iuto tbat iigbt
Bo||ie, tbat`s oue beii oi a story.¨ I was ebolec uµ.
\ou nust sbare it witb auyoue auc everyoue you eau.¨
1beu be sniiec eousµiratoriaiiy, I ciec agaiu, ior a
seeouc tine, |ut ou tbat oeeasiou ior ouiy two cays.¨
\ou`re licciug. . . .¨
ue |egau to teii ne nore, |ut succeuiy we were
eaiiec to tbe ta|ie wbere a ciseussiou oi tbe nerits auc
ceiieieueies oi oue tyµe oi eonµuter soitware over
auotber succeuiy tool tbe µiaee oi our ciseussiou oi
netaµbysies. "e bac steµµec |ael iron tbe iorgotteu
sice oi ourseives iuto our noceru auc eçuaiiy µertiueut
reaiity. 8iuee tbat cay, I bave uot yet bac a ebauee to
bear tbe rest oi bis story
But I wiii. 1bere is uo çuestiou tbat I wiii.
But I wiii. 1bere is uo çuestiou tbat I wiii.
1ALkIrC "I1u DAD

Axion uun|er tbree. S¡eakìng wìth a s¡ìcìt ìs as
natuca/ a ¡cocess as takìng a na¡.
"beu ny stuceut 8tanatis`s iatber ciec, be auc bis
sister bac a series oi exµerieuees tbat |orcerec ou tbe
µarauornai. ue wrote tben cowu ior ne auc ratber tbau
iutruce ou bis versiou, I bave sinµiy trausiatec tbe text,
iueiuciug it bere iu bis owu worcs.
I was iu Baii witb ny wiie, ou vaeatiou, wbeu I was
awaleuec iu tbe niccie oi tbe uigbt |y a |ac crean.
I creanec I was |ael iu ny µareuts` bouse, iu ny
iatber`s |ecroon, wbeu I saw ny uueie, wbo bac ciec a
year eariier, boiciug a eoiiiu iu bis arns. ue set it cowu
auc I oµeuec it to see ny iatber iyiug iusice. \y iatber
novec bis arns, tbougb, auc I eouic see be was uot
ceac, so I toic ny uueie to beiµ ne µiel bin uµ auc iay
bin ou tbe |ec. I tbeu toic ny uueie to tale tbe eoiiiu
away, |eeause I cic uot waut to irigbteu ny iatber. \y
uueie cic so, ieaviug tbe roon. 1beu ny iatber oµeuec
bis eyes auc ioolec at ne.
`"bat co you waut, Dac'` I aslec bin.
`I ueec to rest, sou,` be saic. I ueec to sieeµ auc
\y iatber bac |eeu siel ior years, auc was çuite oic.
ue bac suiierec reµeatec beart µro|iens as weii as
µueunouia, auc bac |eeu ou oxygeu tweuty-iour bours a
cay curiug tbe µast noutb.
Aii rigbt, Dac,` I saic, we wou`t |otber you. Co
abeac auc rest.`
I wole witb a start auc junµec out oi |ec, luowiug
tbat sonetbiug bac baµµeuec to ny iatber-I luew tbat
be bac ciec wbiie I was iar away, eveu tbougb a µart oi
be bac ciec wbiie I was iar away, eveu tbougb a µart oi
ne cic uot waut to |eiieve it.
I awaleuec ny wiie auc toic ber tbat we bac to eaii
Creeee to iiuc out wbat bac baµµeuec. It was tbree iu
tbe noruiug. "beu I iiuaiiy nauagec to get tbrougb, I
iearuec iron ny sister tbat ny iatber bac iuceec ciec
tbat eveuiug.
"e returuec bone iu tine ior tbe iuuerai. I bac just
iiuisbec Levei Cue nyseii, Cbaug 8iguug baviug
ceterniuec tbat I µassec tbe test ior tbis, auc was |eiug
awaleuec to a uew woric oi µereeµtiou. 8iiu Cbaug bac
toic ne tbat ny uµµer eeuters were |eiug awaleuec-iu
iaet, wbiie visitiug tbe nouastery oi 8aiut Lµbrain witb
kosta 8iiu eariier, I bac ieit a cistiuet µressure |etweeu
ny eyes auc ou tbe |ael oi ny ueel wbeu tbe saiut`s
eouseiousuess bac reaebec out to kosta. I was ianiiiar
witb tbe ieeiiug auc was iearuiug to use it. As a resuit, I
eouic ieei ny iatber`s µreseuee arouuc our bouse. It is
uot sonetbiug I eau µut iuto worcs, tbe µressure I
ceseri|ec toic ne tbat a sµirit was µreseut auc ny beart
toic ne tbat it was ny iatber.
Cue eveuiug, I sat cowu to necitate iusice ny owu
bone wbeu I was struel |y tbe seeut oi iiowers, eveu
tbougb we bac uo iiowers iu tbe bouse. 1bis weut ou ior
ainost au bour, agaiu auc agaiu. \y sister loµi bac au
eveu strauger exµerieuee. 8be sat cowu to necitate auc
ieit a tieliiug seusatiou ou ber |ael. "beu sbe striµµec
iater to tale a sbower, sbe saw writiug ou ber sliu, a iaet
tbat was veriiiec |y ber bus|auc, tbougb tbe ietters eouic
uot |e nace iuto worcs.
"beu sbe toic ne a|out tbis
iueiceut, I toic ber oi ny exµerieuee witb tbe eoutiuuous
seeut oi iiowers, it turuec out tbat everyoue iu tbe ianiiy
bac sonetbiug to say-a vase bac turuec over
uuexµeeteciy, eoiiee euµs bac |eeu |realiug oi tbeir
owu aeeorc, auc so iortb. "e ceeicec to teii kosta.
\y teaeber toic ne tbat ny iatber`s sµirit wouic wail
\y teaeber toic ne tbat ny iatber`s sµirit wouic wail
tbe eartb ior iorty cays |eiore be weut uµ,` auc tbat tbis
was a uornai µroeess. 1be sµirit µro|a|iy wautec sinµiy
to say gooc-|ye, kosta saic, it tool a wbiie ior tben to
get usec to tbe trausitiou. ue agreec to try auc sunnou
ny iatber`s sµirit witb tbe beiµ oi a leris, a |iacec
weaµou oi Java tbat is a µoweriui taiisnau.
gatberec at tbe "euwuluau traiuiug baii-ny sister
loµi, ny wiie, auc I.
kosta |egau sµealiug to tbe leris, sonetbiug tbat set
aii tbe cogs iu tbe ueigb|orbooc to |arliug. \y wiie was
startiec, |ut kosta sinµiy iaugbec, be toic ber it
baµµeuec tbat way aii tbe tine.
1be cogs çuieliy weut
çuiet-be eoutiuuec to asl tbe leris to seareb ior ny
iatber`s sµirit, tbat it was inµerative we sµeal to bin auc
teii bin tbat be was irigbteuiug bis ebiicreu.
8ucceuiy it seenec as ii sonetbiug was goiug to
baµµeu. 1be air |eeane tbiel, netaiiie, auc çuiet, iile
tbe eain |eiore a storn. 1bere were a µressure auc a
vi|ratiou we eouic aii ieei.
1beu-uotbiug. It was ii a ru||er |auc bac |eeu
stretebec to its iinit auc tbeu iooseuec. 8ucceuiy
everytbiug was |ael to uornai.
kosta was surµrisec auc trou|iec, I eouic see be bac
|eeu exµeetiug nore. ue toic us tbat be wouic teieµboue
Jobu 8iguug tbe uext noruiug to asl ior acviee.
Iu tbe ear ou tbe way |ael bone, loµi acnittec to
ne tbat sbe bac |eeu terriiiec. lor ber µartieiµatiug iu
sueb a séauee |orcerec ou tbe µraetiee oi nagie,
sonetbiug tbat is strietiy ior|icceu |y our Cbureb. 8be
worriec tbat sbe was eonnittiug a siu. I tbougbt µerbaµs
tbat ny iatber`s sµirit bac seusec ber creac, auc bac uot
aµµearec to avoic irigbteuiug ber.
Creeee is uot
Iucouesia, we are uot usec to sueb eorciaiity witb our
ceac, auc ior nauy eouservative Lasteru Crtbocox
ceac, auc ior nauy eouservative Lasteru Crtbocox
Cbristiaus iu our eouutry tocay, µartieiµatiug iu a séauee
is eieariy eousicerec a siu, au exanµie oi |iael nagie.
But it was uot aiways tbat way. Iu our viiiages auc snaii
towus µeoµie stiii sµeal oi seeiug ueigb|ors or reiatives
iu tbeir creans ioiiowiug tbeir µassiug.
kosta eane |ael witb gooc uews iron 8iiu Jobu.
loµi was to iast ior a weel auc, curiug necitatiou, asl
tbe sµirit to eone to ber iu creans. 1bis was sonetbiug
tbat was aeeeµta|ie iu our soeiety.
8be cic as sbe was toic auc iuceec, seveu cays iater,
ny iatber, boiciug a |ottie oi wiue, aµµearec to ber iu a
latber,` sbe saic, bow are you' Are you olay
wbere you are uow'`
I`n iiue,` be auswerec. 1bis µiaee is great, cou`t
you worry a|out ne.` ue gave ber a |ig sniie.
Auc you`ve |eeu criuliug, I see,` loµi toic bin.
"eii,` be griuuec, iu tbis µiaee I eau criul aii I
waut.` ue tool a beaitby siµ oi wiue iu irout oi ber. uis
ceterioratiug beaitb bac ior|icceu bin to criul aieoboi
ior years wbiie be was aiive, auc be bac nissec it greatiy.
loµi wautec to sµeal witb bin sone nore, to asl
bin ii be wautec or ueecec auytbiug, |ut |eeause sbe
saw bin stauciug tbere, weii auc beaitby aiter be bac
|eeu siel ior years, sbe ieit au uueoutroiia|ie urge to bug
bin. As sbe µroeeecec to co so, sbe renen|erec be
was ceac auc ieit iear, auc witb tbat enotiou, sbe
loµi iastec ior two nore cays, waitiug ior ny iatber
to try auc reaeb ber agaiu, |ut uotbiug baµµeuec, auc sbe
stoµµec attenµtiug eoutaet.
I was irustratec, I luew be was arouuc auc I wautec
to |e a|ie to sµeal witb bin.
Cue cay iater tbat weel, wbiie I was visitiug ny
notber, I weut iuto ny iatber`s |ecroon auc saw tbe
notber, I weut iuto ny iatber`s |ecroon auc saw tbe
oiieriugs ny ianiiy bac, |y tracitiou, ieit out ior bis sµirit.
1bere was au enµty giass tbat bac beic water wbieb bac
siuee evaµoratec, a erust oi |reac, wbieb bac goue staie,
auc iiowers, wbieb bac wiitec |eeause oi tbe beat. I
reiiiiec tbe giass, eut bin uew |reac, auc iiiiec tbe vase
witb iresb |asii, wbieb be acorec wbiie aiive. 1beu I
sµole to bin iu a iow voiee, so tbat ny notber eouic uot
Dac, I luow you eau bear ne. I luow you are bere,
I eau ieei your µreseuee aii arouuc ne. "e aii iove you
auc we`re giac tbat you are weii wbere you are uow. I
an uot airaic oi you-ii you ueec auytbiug or waut to teii
us sonetbiug, µiease eone to ne iu a crean, |eeause
tbat is tbe ouiy way I eau sµeal witb you uow.`
I renen|erec tbat be bac |eeu so µrouc tbat I was
µraetieiug tbe \o-lai luug iu. 1bis traiuiug you are
coiug is a wouceriui tbiug,` be bac saic. rever stoµ,
uever give uµ.`
I µassec Levei Cue,` I toic bis µboto. I`n traiuiug
iile you wautec. I`ii uever give uµ. I`ii uever stoµ, just
iile I µronisec you.`
1bat sane uigbt be eane to ne iu a crean. "e were
at a wecciug ieast, surrouucec |y irieucs, sone oi
wbon are stiii iiviug auc sone wbo ciec sone tine ago.
Aiter sµeuciug tine togetber eatiug, criuliug, auc
gossiµiug, ny iatber succeuiy stooc uµ.
It`s tine ior ne to go,` be saic. But I eau`t iiuc tbe
leys to tbe coor. Cau you beiµ ne'`
8ure Dac,` I saic. I`ve got tben rigbt bere.`
8ucceuiy we were |ael iu tbe eourtyarc oi our ianiiy
bone, iu irout oi tbe outer coor. I steµµec iorwarc auc
nace as ii I was uuioeliug it. 1be coor oµeuec, auc ny
iatber steµµec iuto tbe oµeuiug.
"eii, goocuess,` be saic. Auc bere I tbougbt it was
ioelec. "by tbere`s uotbiug to it:` ue µassec tbrougb
ioelec. "by tbere`s uotbiug to it:` ue µassec tbrougb
tbe coor auc was goue, auc I awole succeuiy. 1be
eioel saic it was iour iu tbe noruiug.
1wo cays iater, iu µassiug |y ny µareut`s bouse
agaiu to see ny notber, I ieit bis µreseuee ouee nore. I
toic bin to eone auc see ne ii tbere was auytbiug be bac
iorgotteu. 1bat uigbt I saw bin agaiu iu a crean.
1bis tine we were at a wale. "e steµµec out iron
tbe ebureb iuto a iarge eenetery, wbere I saw tbat tbere
was oue grave oµeu, µerµeucieuiar to tbe rest. \y iatber
µoiutec to it.
Lool at tbat grave,` be saic.
"bat is it, Dac' "bat`s wroug'`
lor us, uotbiug. Cur ianiiy is iiue,` be saic griniy.
But iool at tbat grave.`
I awole, uua|ie to uucerstauc bin auc too airaic to
co as be saic. 1be uext cay I weut to tbe oiiiee to
ciseover tbat tbe iatber oi a gooc irieuc auc eo-worler
bac ciec succeuiy auc uuexµeeteciy. I atteucec bis
iuuerai tbat aiteruoou, auc tbe grave ioolec exaetiy as
ny iatber bac sbowu ne iu tbe crean.
I uucerstooc tbat ny iatber`s sµirit was stiii baugiug
arouuc, ior wbatever reasou, auc triec to reaeb bin iu
necitatiou to teii bin tbat be nust nove ou, tbat it was
uuwise to iiuger. I sµeut tbe uext uigbt iu ny µareut`s
bone, tbiuliug be wouic eone to ne agaiu iu a crean,
|ut be cic uot. katber, tbe ioiiowiug noruiug I seusec
tbat be was goue ior gooc, tbere was uo sigu oi bis
µreseuee arouuc ne, uo µressure, uo tiugiiug, uo iigbt
toueb ou tbe |ael oi ny ueel. ue bac truiy auc
eonµieteiy ceµartec, to wbatever rewarc Coc auc
larna bac iu store ior bin.
I µassec |y a ebureb auc iit a eaucie ior bis sµirit.
Lxaetiy iorty cays bac µassec siuee be ciec.¨
LI11LL CkLLr \Lr

Axion uun|er iour. Icìde and /eac oake teccìl/e
1bere is a eave ou uynittos nouutaiu, uear Atbeus, iu
wbieb tbe rynµbs were worsbiµµec iu autiçuity (tbe
rynµbs were sµirituai eutities oi wooc auc water
aeeorcec tbe sbaµe oi |eautiiui woneu |y µoµuiar
iietiou). Iu tbis eave tbe µbiiosoµber Arebecinos µassec
bis goiceu years, writiug auc necitatiug. 1ocay tbe visitor
eau see tbe giyµbs be earvec ou tbe waii oi tbe eave,
iusµirec |y bis soiituce auc, µerbaµs, |y tbe eutities wbo
roanec arouuc bin.
leoµie iile ne eau stiii ieei tbe sane ioveiy iacies
caueiug iu tbe vieiuity at uigbt, auc I routiueiy go tbere to
oiier tben iueeuse auc iiowers. Late oue µartieuiar
eveuiug, as I beacec uµ tbe traii witb ny iittie |ag iuii oi
oiieriugs, I saw a iiieleriug iigbt µiayiug ou tbe waiis oi
tbe eave, a giow tbat gave ne µause. 1bere is a grate
over tbe noutb oi tbe eaveru, µiaeec tbere |y tbe
Deµartneut oi Autiçuities auc ioelec to leeµ out
vaucais wbo bac taleu to sµray-µaiutiug tbe waiis. As I
stooc outsice, I eouic bear rituaiistie µagau nusie eoniug
iron tbe iuterior oi tbe eave-iiutes µiayiug, cruns
|eatiug, iow voiees ebautiug. 1be iittie bairs ou tbe |ael
oi ny ueel stooc uµ-I was airaic, witb a tbousauc auc
oue visious oi tbe 1wiiigbt zoue eastiug sbacows tbrougb
ny niuc. Curiosity çuieliy got tbe |etter oi iear,
bowever, auc I ceeicec to µeel iusice. 1be µacioel tbat
uornaiiy seaiec tbe gric bac |eeu renovec. 1bus, iu cue
tine, uµ weut tbe grate, auc iu weut kosta, teuse auc
aµµrebeusive. Littie iears caueec tbrougb ny µsyebe,
gracuaiiy taliug tbe sbaµes oi eives auc guones auc
weirc iittie neu. 1o eoniort ne, tbe eb`i tbat I bac storec
iu ny cautieu rose uµ to µroteet ne iile a boocec eo|ra.
iu ny cautieu rose uµ to µroteet ne iile a boocec eo|ra.
I was airaic. \y baucs |egau to |uru rec auc beavy, ny
eyes turuec |rigbt. As I groµec ny way siowiy arouuc a
eoruer, I eane to see au aµµaritiou baugiug tbere, eone
to iiie straigbt iron a B-novie. 8eveu |earcec neu iu
µurµie togas were µiayiug tbeir iiutes auc cruns auc
ebautiug arouuc tbe earvec staiagnite aitar iu tbe eave.
\y bair nust bave stooc straigbt uµ, |eeause I
renen|er ny iirst tbougbts ruuuiug aioug tbese iiues. Las
thece leen an ìntecdìoensìona/ tìoe wac¡` ~ce the;
s¡ìcìts` Ðo the; oean oe ì//` ~o I ìn dangec`
Ci its owu aeeorc, ny eb`i eane sereaniug uµ bigb, I
was succeuiy at iuii µower auc tbus was very, very
caugerous. Ii tbey were sµirits, I reelouec tbey eouic uot
aµµroaeb a iuii iieic oi yaug eb`i. But ny greatest worry
was tbat I cic uot luow |y wbat ruies tbis gane was
|eiug µiayec. lerbaµs iu steµµiug aeross tbe tbresboic, I
was iu tbeir µower. lear coniuatec ny tbougbts.
8ucceuiy a bauc was µiaeec geutiy ou ny sbouicer-
auc tbeu I bearc a borri|ie serean. A nau weut iiyiug
tbrougb tbe air, iauciug witb a sieleuiug tbuc ou tbe barc
roel sone six ieet away. Aµµareutiy I bac µusbec bin
away iron nyseii-barc. 1be nusie succeuiy stoµµec,
auc tbe iirst ieeiiug tbat iioocec tbrougb ne was reiiei,
ioiiowec |y tbis very naiieious tbougbt. 1he;ce huoan
-at /east the; can le huct.
"beu I turuec to see tbe borriiiec iools ou tbeir µasty
wbite iaees, I ieit iile a eonµiete iciot.
1be neu steµµec |ael at wbat nust bave |eeu a
strauge sigbt. ne, a taii nau iu gray outcoor eiotbiug,
eiutebiug a |aelµael iu ny baucs, auc tbeir irieuc iyiug
ou tbe iioor, sereaniug, six ieet away. \y niuc was stiii
stuel iu ueutrai, reiusiug to iuuetiou. 1bere was a ioug
µerioc oi siieuee (exeeµt ior tbe uoise eoniug iron tbe
nau ou tbe iioor). 1beu.
nau ou tbe iioor). 1beu.

kosta (ìn óceek;: Lb . . . gooc eveuiug. I cicu`t
neau to . . . (tucns to /ook at ¡cone oan; Is your
irieuc aii rigbt'
Cue oi tben (vec; /cìghtened;: louvez vous
eonµreucre ee çue je cis'
kosta (ìn a soa// voìce. now /ee/ìng /ìke a
coo¡/ete oocon;: Cui, nais nai, je eraius.

1bey turuec out to |e a |uueb oi erazy lreueb
ueoµagaus wbo wautec to worsbiµ tbe uynµbs iu tbeir
eave ou uynittos. 8iuee tbe eaveru is au arebaeoiogieai
site, tbey eouic uot co tbat, esµeeiaiiy at uigbt, wbeu
aeeess is strietiy ior|icceu. 1bey tbougbt I was a
µoiieenau wbo bac eone to arrest tben-auc I, iu turu,
tbougbt tbey were sonetbiug seary |eyouc ny leu.
lortuuateiy tbe nau I bac µusbec was just |ruisec auc
|atterec, uot seriousiy burt (eveu iu ny terror I bac |eeu
geutie, sboviug |ut uot striliug bin). 1be iueiceut nace
ne ieei so asbanec, bowever, tbat ior a wboie weel I
gave tben tbe iuii guicec tour oi aii tbe ueat µiaees I
luow iu Atbeus tbat are uot iu tbe guice|ools. 1be neu
bac a great tine, auc we stiii eorresµouc.
1bis iueiceut was oue oi nauy tbat taugbt ne tbe
cauger oi |otb µrice auc iear. Auc wbiie I an uot a
ieariui nau, µrice is a siu I eonnit routiueiy.
1uL 1A81L Cl 1LA

Axion uun|er iive. ~ccogance ìs an e·¡ensìve /u·uc;.
1be ioiiowiug story was seut to ne |y Aucrew,
Anerieau stuceut oi tbe \o-lai wbo bas iivec iu
Iucouesia ior tbe iast teu years. It reiers to a gatberiug oi
stuceuts tbat oeeurrec iu a ioeai eoiiee sboµ wbiie we
were waitiug to nale a triµ to eeutrai Java. Agaiu, I
were waitiug to nale a triµ to eeutrai Java. Agaiu, I
aiiow Aucrew to sµeal iu bis owu worcs.
1wo stuceuts bac eone to see tbeir 8iiu. 8uuii, wbo
bac a lb.D. iu eugiueeriug, bac just iiuisbec exµiaiuiug bis
iceas a|out tbe |ioebenieai auc |ionaguetie uature oi
eb`i. 1be naster bac iisteuec witb iuterest, uocciug
oeeasiouaiiy, eorreetiug bere auc tbere. I watebec iron
tbe siceiiues, siµµiug ny eoiiee auc iisteuiug iu.
As 8uuii iiuisbec, kosta euterec tbe roon boiciug a
wbieb be µiaeec ou tbe ta|ie iu irout oi 8iiu.
`8iiu,` be saic, tbis is tbe |ool I wrote a|out you. It
is very µoµuiar uow. I |ougbt tbis iu tbe airµort
|oolstore ou ny way bere.`
`Cb,` exeiainec 8iiu as be ioolec at tbe eover.
8uuii µiaeec bis bauc ou tbe |ool auc iuterruµtec.
1be µro|ien witb tbis |ool auc witb kosta, 8iiu, is tbat
be is too iuii oi binseii to reaiiy uucerstauc wbat you are
teaebiug. uis ratiouai "esteru niuc |ioels out tbe
a|straet eieneut at tbe eore oi your teaebiug.`
`"bat co you neau'` aslec 8iiu.
`I wiii teii you a story, 8iiu. 1bis wiii beiµ you to
`A ianous aeacenie eane to tbe bone oi a
veueratec naster oi zeu Buccbisn. ue was aeeorcec
tbe bouor auc resµeet to wbieb be bac |eeone
aeeustonec auc was cuiy sbowu to a snaii roon iu tbe
eeuter oi wbieb tbe zeu naster was seatec. 1be
aeacenie sµole iirst.

I bave eone to iearu a|out zeu iron you, \aster.
I bave reac aii tbe |ools a|out it auc |eiieve tbat I
bave aebievec a suiiieieut ievei oi uucerstauciug.
"iii you teii ne wbetber or uot I an eorreet iu tbis
lirst iet us bave sone tea,¨ auswerec tbe naster.
A servaut |rougbt iu a snaii ta|ie witb two euµs
A servaut |rougbt iu a snaii ta|ie witb two euµs
auc a lettie oi iragraut tea.
liease aiiow ne to µour ior you,¨ saic tbe naster.
ue raisec tbe lettie auc |egau to µour tea iuto bis
guest`s euµ.
"beu tbe euµ was iuii, be eoutiuuec to µour auc
bot tea |egau to ruu over outo tbe ta|ie.
"bat are you coiug, \aster' 8toµ, stoµ: 1be euµ
is aireacy iuii.
1bere is uo roon ior nore.¨
1be naster stoµµec µouriug auc ioolec iuteutiy at
tbe iaee oi bis guest.
\es, yes. row I see. uow wouceriui¨ exeiainec
tbe aeacenie.
Luiess tbe euµ is enµty, tbere is uo roon ior wbat
you bave to teaeb ne. Iuceec, I truiy uucerstauc.
1baul you, \aster, ior sbowiug tbis to ne.¨
ue rose auc |owec µoiiteiy, ieaviug tbe roon witb
a sniie auc a iool oi wiscon tbat be bac uot
µossessec wbeu be bac arrivec.

`\ou see uow, 8iiu,` 8uuii eoutiuuec. 1bis is iile
kosta. ue tbiuls tbat be luows tbe seeret oi your
teaebiugs auc tbis |iiucs bin to tbe µossi|iiity oi truiy
uucerstauciug. uis euµ is aireacy iuii.`
8iiu sniiec auc aslec, uave you ever seeu tbe sbow
Icìends ou teievisiou'`
`\es, 8iiu, I bave,` auswerec 8uuii, o|viousiy startiec
|y tbis uuexµeetec çuestiou.
`I iile tbe µiaee wbere tbey gatber togetber to reveai
tbenseives to oue auotber. \ou luow, tbe eoiiee sboµ'
\es, I iile tbat sbow very nueb. But auotber tbiug I
uotieec . . .` 8iiu eoutiuuec.
`"bat is tbat'` aslec 8uuii.
`1bey bave nueb |igger euµs iu tbe "est: uave you
seeu tbe eoiiee nugs tbey use' 1bey`re buge, ainost iile
seeu tbe eoiiee nugs tbey use' 1bey`re buge, ainost iile
souµ |owis:`
kosta stiiiec a iaugb auc ioolec cowu at bis baucs to
bice bis wice griu.
8uuii sat iu stuuuec siieuee as 8iiu gesturec ior kosta
to nove iorwarc auc joiu tben at tbe ta|ie.
8iiu ieauec iorwarc auc ioolec at |otb bis stuceuts.
`1be aeacenie ieit tbe roon uot witb au
uucerstauciug oi zeu, |ut witb a greater aµµreeiatiou ior
bis owu iuteiieet. ue bac eorreetiy guessec tbe naster`s
iuteutiou iu µouriug tbe tea uutii it sµiiiec over. ue was
eouiiceut tbat be bac tbe aeluowiecgneut oi sueb a
resµeetec naster oi zeu.
`Luiortuuateiy,` renarlec 8iiu cryiy, tbe aeacenie
wrote cowu tbe aeeouut, auc it is bis story tbat bas
eioucec tbe niucs oi weii-iuteutiouec stuceuts ever
`Cone ou uow.` Jobu rose succeuiy iron bis ebair.
I`n buugry auc I luow a great µiaee ior ;ao cha:`¨

1bere is au oic Cbiuese eurse tbat bas |eeone weii
luowu. Ma; ;ou /ìve ìn ìntecestìng tìoes.
"eii, our tines bave eertaiuiy |eeone iuterestiug. As
oi tbis writiug, I an iu ny eariy iorties, auc cesµite tryiug
to leeµ uµ witb tbiugs, cesµite ny µroiessiouai
iuvoiveneut iu a bigb-teeb iucustry, tbe uew niiieuuiun is
a µuzzie to ne. It is uot change tbat is startiiug ne-
ebauge is sonetbiug tbat I bave growu usec to, auc bave
eageriy sougbt, tbrougbout ny iiie. "bat is startiiug are
tbe eboiees tbat we are naliug (or |eiug eoereec to
nale) wbiie iu tbe µroeess oi ebauge, tbe eboiees tbat
nale) wbiie iu tbe µroeess oi ebauge, tbe eboiees tbat
seen to |e ieaciug us to cevastatiou.
uow is it tbat a nau wbo sµeals so ireeiy oi sµirits,
tbuucer|oits, auc civiue iuteut reiieets so cisaµµroviugiy
ou tbe ceeisious we as µeoµie bave |eeu naliug oi iate'
1bere are esseutiai eieneuts iu our soeiety auc our |eiug
tbat sbouic |e aµµroaebec auc aiterec ouiy aiter eareiui
tbougbt auc triai. As Aiexaucer loµe wrote, loois rusb
iu wbere augeis iear to treac.¨ Iu tbis uew niiieuuiun, we
bave iost every seuse oi seeurity iu our iives, tbe
iustitutious oi nau baviug iuiiy reµiaeec uature as our
overiorc. \ouey itseii, our eboseu neciun oi exebauge,
bas |eeone vaiueiess, au eçuatiou iu a eonµuter, su|jeet
to tbe wbins oi tbe µoweriui, auc to tbe aµµetites oi
tracers wbo seen to tbiul tbat µroiit is tbe ouiy tbiug tbat
natters iu iiie. Corruµtiou is eviceut everywbere-wbat
µeoµie are gettiug away witb is astouisbiug to wituess.
1be eoueeµts oi justiee, iairuess, auc reeiµroeity are iu
ceeiiue, reµiaeec |y ueµotisn auc uetworliug,
iugratituce auc iueµtituce. Big |usiuess coes iuceec ruie,
auc Big Brotber is iuceec watebiug. It seens tbat our
every aet auc cesire is reeorcec iu eieetrouie iornat,
su|jeet to review at auy giveu tine |y tbose wbo ieei it is
tbeir rigbt to |e µrivy to wbat bas aiways |eeu
eousicerec µrivate. Cur iooc suµµiy bas |eeone au
a|oniuatiou-it wouic |e |etter uot to ciseuss tbe issue
out oi resµeet ior ny reacers` stonaebs, |ut it is
surµrisiug tbat we bave eveu nauagec to survive, as
ebenieaiiy µoiiutec as iooc µrocuetiou bas |eeone.
Iu sbort, greec auc iguorauee ruie our iives, auc it is
µeoµie`s uusµoleu ceeisiou to aiiow tben to co so tbat
I, ior oue, eauuot uucerstauc. Is it iittie woucer, tbeu,
tbat tbe use oi |otb iiiegai auc iegai crugs bas |eeone
eµicenie' It is iittie woucer tbat our euvirouneut is iaiiiug
to µieees-noceru µrojeetious estinate tbat witb regarc
to reversiug tbe µroeess oi euvirouneutai cestruetiou ou
to reversiug tbe µroeess oi euvirouneutai cestruetiou ou
eartb, we wiii bit tbe µoiut oi uo returu witbiu teu years.
Auc tbeu wbat' Do we biuge our boµes ou tbe µeeriess
µowers oi noceru seieuee to eusure tbe eoutiuuity oi our
sµeeies auc our iucivicuai survivai' Cooc iuel-noceru
seieuee is iar iron iauitiess, a tooi to |e usec, as wise or
as stuµic as tbe neu wbo wieic it. \auy seieutists
tbenseives (I anoug tben, ii you stiii wisb to eaii ne a
seieutist) |eiieve tbat we as a soeiety bave ouee agaiu
iaiieu iuto tbe ceµtbs. "e wbo bave eone so iar, tbrougb
so nauy carl tines, bave iaiiec auc are siiµµiug away, a
seaut iew ieet |eiore reaebiug tbe iiuai µrize.
Auc yet . . . auc yet tbere is boµe. "e bave stun|iec,
|ut we eau stiii µiel ourseives uµ auc eoutiuue ou. 1bere
is a ebauee we nay yet µuii ourseives to saiety iron tbe
iiµ oi tbe |iael boie we are siiciug iuto. lor aii our
ceµrecatiou, ior aii our stuµicity, a eieau wiuc is |iowiug
tbrougbout tbe snog, a giinner oi iigbt tbrougb tbe
inµeuciug uigbt. leoµie are startiug to tale a stauc.
leoµie are |egiuuiug to worl togetber ior tbe eonnou
gooc. leoµie are startiug to |eeone augry, auc it is a
rigbteous auger iuceec.
I nyseii, ior oue, wiii uot aeeeµt tbe uotiou tbat tbis
|eautiiui bone we bave |eeu |iessec witb nust iuevita|iy
turu iuto a |arreu, cog-eat-cog woric. lerbaµs you wiii
say I an au iceaiistie auaebrouisn, a tbrow|ael to a
ciiiereut era. I wouic iile to tbiul iusteac tbat I an abeac
oi ny tine. Coueeiva|iy, iu tbe iuture µeoµie gaziug iuto
tbe iorgotteu sice oi ourseives wiii bave iearuec to use
tbe inµieneuts oi noceru seieuee iu eoujuuetiou witb tbe
ciseiµiiue oi ages µast ior tbe eonnou gooc. I |eiieve
tbat cay wiii eone. It oust eone.
1be iorgotteu sice oi ourseives, tbe µart oi our bistory
tbat bas |eeu cisearcec, wiii µiay a ley roie iu nauliuc`s
revivai. uarc seieuee wiii wail bauc iu bauc witb
revivai. uarc seieuee wiii wail bauc iu bauc witb
µsyeboµbysieai teebuiçues iorgec niiieuuia iu tbe µast.
"e wiii eone to uucerstauc our true roie auc true
µurµose iu tbe uuiversai sebene oi tbiugs. Cau you
inagiue a woric, ior exanµie, wbere a nurcer is soivec
uot ouiy tbrougb noceru ioreusie teebuiçues, |ut |y
sunnouiug tbe sµirit oi tbe ceeeasec outo tbe wituess
stauc tbrougb tbe aveuue oi goveruneut-eertiiiec
Cau you inagiue a woric wbere ceatb bas
iost its terror, wbere it is treatec as a sinµie iuevita|iiity,
a retireneut tbat is µiauuec ior, nueb iile growiug oic'
"bere tbe uature oi tbe aiteriiie itseii bas |eeu ebartec
auc ebaraeterizec, nueb tbe way bunau auatony bas
|eeu' "bat wouic it |e iile to iive iu sueb a µiaee'
"ouicu`t it retaiu tbe nost vaiua|ie eonnocity sougbt
aiter tocay-ireecon'
1o ceveioµ sueb a woric wiii uot |e au easy tasl. "e
nust reeaii tbe strategy tbat |ougbt our survivai iu
µrinitive tines, tbe taetie tbrougb wbieb our greatest
aebieveneuts bave iouuc ioeus. s;necg;. tbe joiuiug
togetber oi euergy towarc sone eonnou goai. Auc
syuergy is a ciiiieuit resoiutiou iu a woric tbat tocay
µrouciy µroeiains itseii cog-eat-cog, wbere µroiit auc
µersouai µieasure are tbe µriueiµai notivatiug iaetors.
I oiteu asl ny stuceuts bow it is tbat tbe 8µartaus
were a|ie to stauc at 1bernoµyiae.
1be auswer. 1he;
stood togethec. 1be Creel µbaiaux oi tbe tine was sueb
tbat eaeb nau usec bis sbieic to µroteet uot ouiy binseii
|ut bis ueigb|or as weii-aii novec as oue witb a
eonnou µurµose. It was tbe µbaiaux tbat nace aueieut
Creeee stroug, beroie iucivicuai eon|at baviug |eeu
reµiaeec |y tbat tine witb tbe arnorec nigbt oi tbe
orgauizec iuiautry uuit. "e ueec to reiearu tbis aµµroaeb
-nau is, aiter aii, a µael auinai. 1be ouiy reasou we
bave survivec at aii is tbat we ouee stooc togetber. 1be
iorgotteu sice oi ourseives ouee grew auc iiowerec
iorgotteu sice oi ourseives ouee grew auc iiowerec
uucer tbe eare auc nutuai suµµort oi aii neu iu µrinai
tines auc witbiu tbe eoueeµt tbat bunau |eiugs were au
iutegrai µart oi a greater totaiity. lerbaµs nau was nore
bun|ie |ael tbeu, awec as be was |y tbe iorees be
µereeivec iu tbe Luiverse. I an sure tbat we wiii regaiu
tbat buniiity auc tbat µereeµtiou |eiore it is too iate.
\auy oi ny |rotber stuceuts iuvoivec iu \o-lai uei
luug traiu ior ouiy tbenseives (acnitteciy, çuite nore
iiereeiy tbau I co). I say to tben auc to you, ny reacer,
tbat sueb au aµµroaeb iu tbis noceru woric is µoiutiess,
witbout nerit. It coes uot natter ii ouiy oue soui survives
a µiauet tbat is sµiraiiug iuto cesµeratiou. I nyseii inagiue
a woric wbere niiiious µraetiee uei luug caiiy, wbere
tbere is au iucivicuai iile ny naster iu eaeb eity arouuc
tbe gio|e. It is ior tbis reasou tbat I bave writteu ny
|ools, auc tbis boµe is iuceec wby tbe "euwuluau was
"e nust bave boµe, eveu as we eone to nale our
iiuai stauc. 1bis |ool |egau witb a crean oi cragous, au
iuexora|ie iiul |etweeu our iorgotteu woric auc our
noceru oue. Let it euc tbere as weii. Lool out your
wiucow-tbe cragous are stiii tbere, iiyiug tbrougb tbe
|rigbt sly, tbeir seaies giisteuiug. Cau you bear tbeir
tbuucer' 1be nagie tbat ouee çuieleuec our iives, tbe
stories toic |y graucnotbers uext to roariug iireµiaees . .
. tbat nagie stiii exists. It nay |e barcer to iiuc tocay, |ut
it is stiii out tbere. \ou uever reaiiy luow wbeu auc
wbere you wiii stun|ie outo it. lor tbe nost, it seels
soiituce auc iives ou iu tbe renote areas ieit to tbe woric,
|ut it coes uot ueeessariiy sbuu tbe eities oi nau. \y
naster, Jobu Cbaug, ior exanµie, iives iu tbe beart oi
ur|au Java. \ou eau seareb auywbere ior tbe iorgotteu
sice-it eouic |e rigbt uext coor to you. But you nust
iearu how to see, how to ieei ouee agaiu, |eiore |eiug
a|ie to µereeive it.
a|ie to µereeive it.
Auc tbeu it is yours, uo iouger iorgotteu, ior as ioug as
you wisb it to |e. Lse it weii.
AllLrDIX 1

rote 1. Aµoiiouius

Aµoiiouius oi 1yaua was a great yogi oi tbe lytbagoreau
sebooi wbose |iograµby was reeorcec |y tbe ianous
seboiar lbiiostratus at tbe iustruetiou oi tbe konau
enµress Juiia Donua. Beeause tbis |iograµby µortrays a
iigure nueb iile Cbrist iu µower auc tenµeraneut, it was
suµµressec |y Cbristiau autborities, |egiuuiug iu tbe
iourtb eeutury C.L. auc so is virtuaiiy uuluowu tocay.
Iuceec, wbeu tbe worl was iirst trausiatec iuto Lugiisb iu
180v, tbe trausiator, kev. Lcwarc Berwiel, aµoiogizec
µroiuseiy to tbe Cbristiau woric ior tbe siniiarities tbe
reacer was |ouuc to uotiee |etweeu tbe iiie oi Jesus auc
tbat oi Aµoiiouius. 1bis eoutroversy is iurtber iueiec |y
tbe iaet tbat Aµoiiouius`s |iograµby was µu|iisbec iu 220
C.L.-|eiore tbe iirst gosµeis were eauouizec.
"e eauuot iu aii iairuess aeeeµt Jesus oi razaretb as
au bistorie iigure. Desµite tbe µroiuse reeorc-leeµiug oi
konau arebivists auc Jewisb seboiars aiile, uot a siugie
veriiia|ie arebive bas survivec oi Jesus` iiie. Aµoiiouius`s
iiie is eousicera|iy nore coeuneutec, tbougb a eonµiete
aeeouut is aiso iaeliug. revertbeiess, we eau, tbrougb
iucisµuta|ie bistorie reeorcs, eouiirn tbat Aµoiiouius cic
iuceec exist auc tbat be cic co sone oi tbe tbiugs
attri|utec to bin |y lbiiostratus. (1be konau seboiar`s
worl nay uot |e aeeeµtec as bistorie coeuneutatiou,
worl nay uot |e aeeeµtec as bistorie coeuneutatiou,
siuee bis naiu enµbasis was to turu Aµoiiouius iuto a
iiterary iigure, ratber tbau to µortray tbe nau aeeurateiy.
Lile nauy autbors |eiore auc aiter, lbiiostratus tool
nauy ii|erties.)
Aµoiiouius was |oru iu tbe eariy years oi tbe iirst
eeutury (sone say 4 B.C.L., otbers 1 C.L., stiii otbers 40
C.L.) iuto a µroniueut ianiiy iu tbe Creel towu 1yaua oi
Caµµacoeia, auc be traveiec exteusiveiy tbrougbout tbe
luowu woric. A reeorc oi bis traveis auc au aeeouut oi
bis iiie were reµorteciy leµt |y bis iorenost stuceut,
Danis. lbiiostratus iater eonµiiec tbese uotes iuto |ool
iorn. 1bis aeeouut oi Aµoiiouius`s iiie is oi inµortauee to
bistoriaus tocay |eeause, aioug witb tbe worls oi
lausauias, it eonµrises tbe naiu iiterary ebrouieie we
bave oi tbe Creel woric oi tbat tine.
Aµoiiouius is saic to bave µeriornec tbe sane
niraeies as Cbrist. beaiiug tbe iii auc tbe nainec,
exoreisiug cenous auc vanµires, eveu raisiug a iittie giri
iron tbe ceac. ue reiusec to eaii tbese ieats oìcac/es,
sayiug tbat tbey were sinµiy exµressious oi uaturai iaw.
At tbe age oi iourteeu, Aµoiiouius weut to tbe eity oi
1arsus to stucy. lron 1arsus be weut to Aeges, wbere
be was iucoetriuatec iuto tbe lytbagoreau sebooi at tbe
age oi sixteeu. lron tbat tine ou, be ate uo neat, craul
uo wiue, auc wore ouiy iiueu or eottou eiotbiug. Iu Aeges
be aiso stuciec at tbe tenµie oi Aeseieµius, wbere be
iearuec tbe art oi beaiiug. But tbis was uot euougb ior tbe
youug µbiiosoµber. kougbiy six or seveu years iater,
aeeorciug to lbiiostratus, be set oii ior Iucia to stucy
witb tbe yogis tbere wbo, be bac bearc, were great
nysties. Cu tbe way be stoµµec oii iu Ba|yiou, wbere be
was iuitiatec iuto tbe Cbaiceau nysteries |y tbe nagi
tbere. 1be liug oi Ba|yiou |eeane bis irieuc auc
µrovicec bin witb eaneis auc a guice ior bis jouruey.
uis uext stoµ was kasbnir to see tbe aseeties wbo
uis uext stoµ was kasbnir to see tbe aseeties wbo
iivec tbere. ue |eeane a stuceut oi tbe sages oi
kasbnir, iearuiug tbe iuuer worliugs oi niuc auc |ocy
auc, tbrougb tbis ciseiµiiue, tbe nysteries oi tbe Luiverse
itseii. Aiter returuiug to Luroµe |y sea, be |eeane oue oi
tbe greatest teaebers auc traveiers oi aii tine. Aµoiiouius
taugbt tbrougbout Creeee, Itaiy, auc 8µaiu auc iivec ior
years iu Aiexaucria auc Autioeb. ue |eeane tbe
µersouai acvisor to µroniueut konaus auc aetiveiy
iuvoivec binseii iu µoiities. Lile Jesus, be was triec |y
tbe konaus, uo iess tbau |y tbe enµerors rero auc
Donitiau. Iu tbe iirst ease be was savec |y 1iugeiiiuus, iu
tbe iatter be cisaµµearec succeuiy iron tbe eourtroon,
teiiiug Donitiau, \ou eauuot siay ne, ior I an uot
nortai.¨ ue ciec arouuc 120 C.L. iu ceeµ oic age,
ieaviug a µroiouuc iegaey |ebiuc bin. 1be enµeror-
µbiiosoµber \areus Aureiius, ior exanµie, oµeuiy
acnittec tbat be noceiec binseii aiter Aµoiiouius.
lbiiostratus`s Iì/e o/ ~¡o//onìus o/ 1;ana iirst eane
uucer attael curiug tbe ruie oi tbe eariy Cbristiau
enµerors. 1be text was eonµieteiy suµµressec uucer tbe
cireetiou oi tbe enµeror Justiuiau-wbo nauagec to
eiear tbe ii|rary eonµiiec |y Juiia Donua oi its
µbiiosoµbieai gar|age¨-auc oi loµe Cregory iu kone
(wbo was aiso iouc oi cestroyiug |ools be cisagreec
witb). lortuuateiy, eoµies oi tbe worl nauagec to
survive tbe µogron.
rote 2. \o 1zu

Boru iu 46v B.C.L. iu tbe state oi Lu, rougbiy teu years
aiter kuug lu 1zu`s µassiug, \o 1zu (or \o 1i) was
extreneiy weii ecueatec as a youtb auc aµµareutiy a
nartiai artist auc naster oi strategy as weii. Iucieatious
are tbat be was iron a µoor ianiiy auc nay bave eveu
are tbat be was iron a µoor ianiiy auc nay bave eveu
|eeu |raucec a eriniuai (\o 1zu neaus \r. 1attoo¨).
1be µriueiµies oi justiee were tbe criviug ioree oi bis
niuistry, bowever, auc tbougb |y uature a stu||oru auc
extrene iucivicuai, uuiversaiity (uuiversai iove) was tbe
eeuter oi bis teaebiug.
1bere is sone ciiiieuity, bowever, iu usiug tbe worcs
unìvecsa/ /ove to ceseri|e tbe eeutrai tbene oi \o
1zu`s µbiiosoµby (tbougb tbe Cbiuese worc aì usec iu
tbe texts coes neau iove). lron ny staucµoiut, tbe tern
unìvecsa/ /ove suggests a nore "esteru eouseiousuess
tbau au Lasteru aµµroaeb to iiie. 1be reasou ior ny
iusisteuee ou tbis cistiuetiou is tbat \o 1i was
µreoeeuµiec witb justiee as nueb as be was witb
eonµassiou, auc cic uot teuc to |e a very iorgiviug
ieiiow. By eoutrast, iu tbe "est, as a eouseçueuee oi our
Juceo-Cbristiau tracitiou, uuiversai iove bas |eeone
assoeiatec witb tbe iorgiveuess oi sius, wbieb is uot reaiiy
a ioeus bere.
ueuee ny eboiee oi tbe worc unìvecsa/ìt;
to ceseri|e \o 1zu`s teaebiug, wbieb seens to co a
|etter jo| oi traeiug |ael to tbe eoueeµt oi larna. Iu
auy ease, tbe uuiversai µersou eousicers bis ueigb|or as
be coes binseii auc tbe iatber oi bis ueigb|or as be coes
bis owu iatber, auc aets aeeorciugiy.
\o 1zu uever besitatec to stauc uµ to tbe µoweriui
auc rislec bis iiie ou nauy oeeasious wbiie coiug so. uis
criviug ioree was a µrououueec iove ior justiee. Iuceec,
\o 1zu`s ioiiowers iater |eeane tbe µroteetors oi tbe
eonnou nau auc oi boiy µiaees. ueaveu is aware oi
every erine tbat µeoµie eonnit, be wrote, auc beaveu
ioves justiee auc bates iujustiee. uow coes oue luow
tbat beaveu ioves justiee' Iu a just woric, tbere is iiie,
weaitb, auc orcer, wbiie iu au uujust woric tbere is ceatb,
µoverty, auc ebaos.
ue |eiievec tbat beaveu eberisbec tbe eutire woric
uuiversaiiy auc sougbt iile |eueiit ior aii iiviug |eiugs.
uuiversaiiy auc sougbt iile |eueiit ior aii iiviug |eiugs.
Aeeorciug to \o 1zu, beaveu cesirec tbat tbose wbo
bave streugtb µroteet auc worl ior otbers, tbose witb
weaitb sbare it witb otbers, tbose iu µositious oi autbority
worl etbieaiiy ior µroµer goveruneut, wbiie tbose wbo
ia|or earry out tbeir tasls ciiigeutiy. "beu a state or
soeiety as a wboie avoics eouiiiet aioug its |orcers, ieecs
tbe buugry, auc niuisters to tbe iii, tbeu tbat uatiou wiii
iiower auc µrosµer. Ainost 2,400 years ago, \o 1zu
wrote tbat ii a eouutry su|stitutes gooc goveruneut ior
oiieusive wariare auc sµeucs iess ou tbe arny, it wiii gaiu
rieb |eueiits, ii a ieacer aets aeeorciug to tbe uuiversai
iaws oi justiee auc sets au exanµie, tbeu be wiii bave uo
euenies auc |riug iueaieuia|ie |eueiit to tbe woric. As
au exanµie oi tbis, \o 1zu reeouutec bow nauy
buucrecs oi oiiieiais auc bow nauy tbousaucs oi soiciers
were reçuirec ior a niiitary exµecitiou. Iu tbe neautine
iuteruai goveruneut wouic |e uegieetec, iarners wouic
iorget tbeir eroµs, nerebauts wouic boarc tbeir wares. Ii
oue-iiitb oi tbe suµµiies auc weaµous were saivagec
aiterwarc, it wouic |e eousicerec iortuuate. It was a
guarautee tbat eouutiess neu wouic cie or |eeone
eriµµiec iu a war. \o 1zu tbeu aslec ii it was uot
µerverse tbat tbe ieacers oi tbe woric ceiigbtec iu tbe
iujury auc externiuatiou oi tbeir owu eitizeus.
ue aetiveiy attaelec ueµotisn as weii. Crigiuaiiy, be
wrote, goveruneut was iuteucec to |eueiit auc beiµ tbe
µoor, |riug saiety wbere tbere was cauger, auc restore
orcer wbere tbere was ebaos. leoµie ebose as ieacers
tbe nost eaµa|ie anoug tbenseives so tbat goveruneut
eouic |e uuiiiec uucer iuteiiigeut cireetiou. uowever,
acniuistratiou iu bis cay was earriec out |y eourt iiattery,
wbiie tbe reiatives auc irieucs oi tbose aireacy iu µower
were exeiusiveiy aµµoiutec to µositious oi autbority.
8iuee tbe eitizeus reaiizec tbat tbese iucivicuais bac uot
|eeu eonnissiouec ior tbe weiiare oi tbe µeoµie, tbey
|eeu eonnissiouec ior tbe weiiare oi tbe µeoµie, tbey
reseutec tben auc cic uot iceutiiy witb tben, iosteriug
ciseouteut auc revoiutiou. \o 1zu suggestec tbat sureiy
tbis netboc oi aµµoiutneut was iusaue. ue suggestec
tbat tbose iu µositious oi µower bouor tbe wortby auc
inµartiaiiy cenote tbose witbout a|iiity iu tbe iuterest oi
coiug away witb iuterµersouai eouiiiets. It is sac tbat \o
1zu`s o|servatious are stiii reievaut tocay, we bave
iearuec uotbiug iu two niiieuuia.
liuaiiy, \o 1zu suµµortec bis |eiieis iu uoubunau
sµirituai |eiugs auc tbe sµirits oi bunau aueestors witb
eviceuee tbat eouutiess µeoµie aii over tbe woric bac
exµerieueec eueouuters witb sueb eutities. Cveraii, bis
µbiiosoµby auc woricview iron a netaµbysieai
staucµoiut were very eiose to tbe sbanauistie nocei.
lor two eeuturies aiter bis ceatb iu 1v1 B.C.L., tbe
sebooi oi \o 1zu was tbe naiu rivai to tbe sebooi oi
kuug lu 1zu. uis ioiiowers, nost oi wbon were iron
eonnou stoel tbenseives wbiie at tbe sane tine |eiug
very ecueatec (au uuusuai eon|iuatiou iu tbe iourtb
eeutury B.C.L.), |eeane tenµie guarciaus auc tbe
ceieucers oi tbe sinµie nau. uowever, bis sebooi
çuieliy |role iuto tbree |rauebes, eaeb aeeusiug tbe
otber oi beresy, auc |eeause oi tbis eouiiiet anoug
tbenseives auc witb Couiueiauisn, tbey çuieliy iost
µower. By tbe Connou Lra tbey bac nostiy
cisaµµearec or goue uucergrouuc.
rote 1. Cµeuiug a Cbalra

"bat is tbe ciiiereuee |etweeu oµeuiug a ebalra auc
iiiiiug a ebalra' 1be iirst eoucitiou is µernaueut wbiie tbe
seeouc is uot.
Let`s inagiue a vessei nace oi a µartieuiar tyµe oi
tougb µiastie gei, auc inagiue tbis gei wiii neit
tougb µiastie gei, auc inagiue tbis gei wiii neit
sµoutaueousiy wbeu it reaebes a sµeeiiie tenµerature,
tbus reuceriug tbe reeeµtaeie uouexisteut. Iu orcer ior tbe
vessei waiis to reaeb tbis tenµerature, bowever, it bas to
|e beatec uµ witb a giveu anouut oi euergy. 1bis anouut
oi euergy is iixec auc ceseri|ec |y tbe iuuate tbernai
eaµaeity oi tbe eoutaiuer. 1o nale tbe eoutaiuer neit,
we are goiug to iiii it uµ witb a sµeeiiie anouut oi bot
stean. Lucer atnosµberie µressure, bowever, tbe
eoutaiuer is uuaiieetec |y tbe iiery gas, iu orcer to eause
tbe neitiug, we are goiug to bave to µiaee ìn
coo¡cessìon tbe vaµor iusice tbe vessei, so tbat iu
esseuee it |eeones suµerbeatec stean. Iu sunnary tbeu,
we bave tbree iaetors to eousicer. 1be iirst is tbe
eoutaiuer, tbe seeouc is tbe tenµerature tbat it nust
reaeb iu orcer to neit, auc tbe tbirc is tbe anouut oi
suµerbeatec stean we nust iiii tbe eoutaiuer witb so tbat
tbe ueeessary tenµerature eau |e reaebec.
Cbalras are esseutiaiiy tbree- or iour-cineusiouai yiu
stauciug waves, as we bave saic. 1bey µossess tbe
eaµaeity to store tbeir oµµosite, soiar yaug eb`i, iusice
tbe zero uoces oi tbeir esseuee. 1bis eaµaeity is uot
iinitiess, we eau iiii uµ a ebalra to eaµaeity uucer uornai
µressure, |ut eau neit it wbeu we ioree tbe yaug
euergy witbiu it to sçueeze togetber auc |eeone barc.¨
Ii a ebalra bas a giveu euergy ievei, tbeu tbe totai
µower reçuirec to sever tbe waves tbat nale uµ tbat
ebalra is ceiiuec |y tbe ioiiowiug iornuia.

l(L,t) c(t)

Cr. 1be reçuirec µower is a giveu anouut oi euergy
(L) aeeruec over a tine (t). 1be area uucer tbe eurve is
tbe totai µower reçuirec. At tbis µoiut tbe ebalra is
µernaueutiy oµeuec (iigure 1:).
1bere is auotber aµµroaeb usec |y nauy sµirituai
1bere is auotber aµµroaeb usec |y nauy sµirituai
ciseiµiiues. Iu tbis ease tbe ebalra is iiiiec¨ |ut uot eut.¨
"bat tbis neaus is tbat ior auy giveu ieugtb oi tine,
µower is µiaeec iusice tbe waveiorn so tbat tbe totai
euergy eorresµoucs to tbe bigbest state oi tbe ebalra. At
tbis µoiut tbe aceµt garuers tbe |eueiits oi tbe eoucitiou
(i.e., be ceveioµs µowers¨ or au eubaueec awareuess),
|ut tbe eoucitiou is uot µernaueut. Ii tbe traiuee is reniss
iu bis ciseiµiiue, tbe yaug euergy wiii |egiu to ieaeb out |y
osnosis, auc be wiii soou iose aii be bas aebievec. 1bere
are yogas (sueb as tbe 1i|etau ¡howa) tbat use tbis
aµµroaeb to eubauee awareuess curiug tbe noneut oi
ceatb, iu wbieb ease it is µerieetiy aeeeµta|ie.

lig. 1:. 1be euergy reçuirec to oµeu a ebalra
µernaueutiy (a). 1be naxinun euergy iubereut iu a
ebalra nay |e tenµorariiy storec, as sbowu (|).
rote 4. Bocbicbarna auc Cbaug 8au leug

1bere are esseutiaiiy two nartiai tracitious iu Cbiua,
Buccbist auc 1aoist. loµuiar |eiiei cenaucs tbat tbe
Buccbist nartiai arts |e tiec to tbe arrivai oi tbe Iuciau
sage Bocbicbarna at tbe 8baoiiu nouastery, auc tbe
1aoist tracitiou to Cbaug 8au leug oi "u-1aug
nouutaiu. I wouic iile to exaniue tbe iirst tborougbiy iu a
bistorieai eoutext, auc toueb |rieiiy ou tbe iatter.
\ost reacers bave bearc tbe story oi Bocbicbarna.
ue was tbe tbirc sou oi a liug iu soutberu Iucia, a
nen|er oi tbe warrior (lsatriya) easte.
uis Buccbist
traiuiug tool µiaee iu kaueiµuran, soutb oi \acras,
uucer tbe cireetiou oi tbe sage lrajuatara, a naster oi a
µroto-\abayaua seet. 1racitiouaiiy, Bocbicbarna is
tbougbt to bave eone to tbe 8baoiiu tenµie iu ueuau
µroviuee arouuc :20 C.L. auc taugbt tbe nouls tbere
two sets oi exereises, tbe \ijiu Cbiug (siuewebaugiug
seriµture) auc tbe Xisui Cbiug (|oue-narrow-wasbiug
seriµture). (Assoeiatious |etweeu Buccbisn auc tbe
Cbiuese nartiai arts catiug |ael to tbe sixtb eeutury C.L.
bave |eeu coeuneutec iu nurais.) It is iron tbese two
sets oi exereises tbat 8baoiiu luug iu is tbougbt to bave
But we sbouic nore eioseiy exaniue tbe iegeuc iu
orcer to o|taiu au uucerstauciug oi tbe reaiity |ebiuc it.
lirst oi aii, we eau aeeurateiy traee tbe nartiai arts iu
Cbiua to tbe teutb eeutury B.C.L. 1bere are 1aoist
reiereuees to |otb eb`i luug auc uei luug |egiuuiug witb
tbe 1ao 1e chìng, oue nore iucieatiou tbat nartiai,
tbe 1ao 1e chìng, oue nore iucieatiou tbat nartiai,
necitatiouai, auc |ioeuergetie ciseiµiiues were
wicesµreac ainost a tbousauc years |eiore
Bocbicbarna arrivec ou tbe seeue. Iuceec, tbere is
eousicera|ie eviceuee tbat tbere was a Buccbist dh;ana
(Cb`au, zeu) sebooi iu Cbiua a gooc two buucrec years
|eiore bis triµ to Cbiua. "by tbeu coes orai tracitiou
cenauc tbat be was tbe iouucer oi luug iu auc Cb`au
(zeu) Buccbisn iu geuerai'
I an eouviueec tbis is so |eeause be was a lersiau
ioiiower oi tbe tbuucer|oit.
Cue oi tbe eariiest aeeouuts oi Bocbicbarna
reiers to
bin as a lersiau noul¨ (orai tracitiou eaiis bin a |iue-
eyec lersiau¨). Iu our cay auc age, Irau baviug |eeone
a µroµoueut oi \usiin iuucaneutaiisn, we bave
eouveuieutiy iorgotteu tbe exteut oi tbeir eiviiizatiou auc
tbe µroiouuc ce|t we owe to lersia, it was tbe lersiaus
wbo, |etweeu tbe iirst auc sixtb eeuturies C.L., µreservec
tbe wiscon iost to tbe "est witb tbe iauatieai iustitutiou
oi Cbristiauity as tbe state reiigiou |y iater konau
enµerors. lersia auc tbe Baetriau states oi tbe uiucu
kusb, baviug |eeone tbe erossroacs oi tbe woric, iu
esseuee reseuec tbe iearuiug oi tbe aueieut Creel
µbiiosoµbers iron tbe ceµrecatious oi tbe uew orcer,
auc eon|iuec it witb tbe wiscon oi tbe Last. It is tbis
luowiecge tbat was µassec ou to tbe Ara|s aiter tbeir
eouçuest oi lersia.
"e bave ciseussec tbe exteut oi trace iu tbe Brouze
Age-|ut we sbouic uot iorget tbat tbe 8iil koac was
iustitutec iu tbe iirst eeutury B.C.L., auc tbat goocs iiowec
iron Luoyaug iu Cbiua to Britaiu auc |ael ou a routiue
|asis. lurtber, Creel nariuers oi tbe age saiiec iron
µorts ou tbe kec 8ea arouuc Iucia via Iucouesia aii tbe
way to Cautou, traciug nerebaucise: Begiuuiug witb
Aiexaucer`s eouçuests, tbe iiow oi iuiornatiou auc
goocs |etweeu Crieut auc Ceeiceut reaebec
goocs |etweeu Crieut auc Ceeiceut reaebec
µbeuoneuai µroµortious. Aiexaucer`s sueeessors auc
tbeir ceseeucauts µeuetratec eveu iartber iuto Iucia,
ereatiug liugcons auc |eeoniug tbe stuii oi iegeucs.
8one bistoriaus say tbat tbe iist oi Creel liugs iu Iucia is
as ioug as tbat oi tbe liugs oi Lugiauc iron tbe rornau
iuvasiou to tbe µreseut cay.
1be resuitiug exebauge oi
iceas, iuiornatiou, auc artiiaets bac a µroiouuc eiieet ou
tbe bistory auc ceveioµneut oi |otb tbe Last auc tbe
"e nust view Bocbicbarna, tbe tbuucer|oit, auc tbe
bistory oi Buccbisn iu iigbt oi tbis iiow. Cue bas ouiy to
iool at tbe art auc seuiµture oi tbe uiucu kusb to reaiize
tbat a neiciug oi |otb eiviiizatious auc reiigious bac taleu
µiaee. 1be liugcon oi tbe Creel liug \euaucer, wbo
|eeane a Buccbist saiut, exteucec iu 1:0 B.C.L. iron
soutberu Aigbauistau tbrougb kajastau auc tbe luuja|, to
reaeb tbe Cauges river. \euaucer iiiiec Iucia witb
Buccbist stuµas. "e bave aireacy ciseussec Aµoiiouius
oi 1yaua auc bis triµ to Iucia. Ii a reeeut exeavatiou is
auy iucieatiou, tbere is eviceuee to suggest tbat tbe
konau`s bac seut a iornai an|assacor to Cbiua. Auc
wbeu, iu 1:1 C.L., tbe witeb buut agaiust µagau iearuiug
was iuitiatec |y tbe uewiy ariseu Cbristiau konau state,
tbe nost µoµuiar ioreigu ceities iu Creeee were tbe
lersiau goc \itbra auc tbe Lgyµtiau goccess Isis.
lersia tbeu was a µrououueec ioeai µoiut oi euiturai
exebauge weii iuto tbe sixtb eeutury C.L. "beu tbe
Byzautiue enµeror Justiuiau sbut cowu tbe Aeaceny oi
liato (iu :2v C.L., rigbt arouuc Bocbicbarna`s tine), tbe
8eveu lbiiosoµbers oi Atbeus sougbt reiuge iu lersia.
"beu tbe 1i|etau liug 8rougtsau Canµo iustitutec a
eonµetitiou anoug coetors to ceterniue wbieb necieai
tracitiou was suµerior, it was wou |y a lersiau µbysieiau
uanec Caieu wbo µraetieec Creel necieiue (Caieu is a
Creel uane). Auc reeeut iuvestigatious bave sbowu tbat
Creel uane). Auc reeeut iuvestigatious bave sbowu tbat
tbe 1i|etau ioil reiigiou oi Bou was iutrocueec iu 1i|et
iron lersia via tbe liugcon oi zbaug zbuug.
Iu iaet, ior
a tine tbe eutire rear Last was a |astiou oi µagauisn
agaiust tbe esta|iisbneut oi Cbristiauity. lor exanµie, tbe
eity oi Ba`ai|el iu Le|auou was so niiitautiy icoiatrous
tbat 8t. Jobu Cbrysoston seut a tasl ioree oi nouls to
cestroy tbe area`s tenµies (rougbiy 400 C.L.). Auc
arouuc ::0 C.L., tbe enµeror Justiuiau (yes, bin agaiu)
bac to orcer tbe cestruetiou oi Ba`ai|el`s 1enµie oi tbe
8uu to sçueieb tbe ranµaut µagauisn iu tbe area. 1o
nale sure tbat tbe tenµie was uot re|uiit, be eartec oii
its iargest µiiiars to Coustautiuoµie, wbere tbey were
usec to suµµort tbe eeuter arebes oi bis uew |asiiiea oi
uagbia 8oµbia.
row, we bave seeu tbat tbe nartiai arts were
eniueutiy tiec to sµirituaiity iu tbe aueieut woric goiug
|ael to at ieast tbe |egiuuiugs oi tbe Brouze Age. 1be
lartbeuou, ior exanµie, tbat boiiest oi µiaees, was
ceeoratec witb seeues oi bouora|ie eon|at (oachì;.
sbowiug uuarnec neu |estiug sworc-wieiciug
Iuceec, aii Creel ganes were reiigious
iestivais eeie|ratiug tbe arts oi µersouai eon|at, auc aii
atbietie eonµetitious were iu esseuee cerivatives oi tbe
warrior arts. uaviug saic tbe a|ove, we wiii uow |egiu to
nix sµeeuiatiou witb bistorieai coeuneutatiou iu a way
tbat nay sbec iigbt ou sone gray areas.
Begiuuiug witb Aiexaucer`s eouçuests auc eoutiuuiug
tbrougbout tbe konau µerioc, tbe woric |ore wituess to
au iuereci|ie iusiou auc ciiiusiou oi euitures-iu tbis
ease, konau, Creel, Iuciau, lersiau, auc Cbiuese-
sueb as tbe woric bas uot seeu uutii tbe µreseut cay. lor
exanµie, iu au aueieut Lgyµtiau ton| iu Aiexaucria,
aioug witb tbe exµeetec µreseuee oi eiassieai Lgyµtiau
reiies, oue iiucs a µair oi very Creel Corgou`s beacs
reiies, oue iiucs a µair oi very Creel Corgou`s beacs
|eiow wbieb rise a µair oi very konau |earcec serµeuts
wraµµec arouuc tbe eacueeus oi uernes. Cuarciug tbe
eutrauee to tbe ton| are tbe jaelai-beacec Auu|is auc
tbe eroeociie-beacec 8o|el, |otb weariug tbe arnor oi
konau iegiouaries, eonµiete witb |reastµiate, sbort
sworc, iauee auc sbieic:
Ii we iool iartber Last, we
wiii iiuc tbat |etweeu 1v6: auc 1v¯v a lreueb
arebaeoiogieai nissiou to Aigbauistau turuec uµ au eutire
Creel eity witb au estinatec µoµuiatiou oi :0,000
µeoµie iu tbe uortberu µart oi tbe eouutry. Aueieut
iiterary sourees teii us tbat tbere were a tbousauc sueb
Creel eities seatterec tbrougbout Aigbauistau, lalistau,
auc Iucia. But tbe reai niraeie oeeurrec aiter tbe eoiiaµse
oi tbe Creel begenouy iu 10 B.C.L., wbeu tbe area was
eouçuerec |y lartbiaus auc Cbiuese kusbaus. It seens
tbat tbe Creel µoµuiatiou cic uot ieave, |ut iusteac
stayec ou, iorgiug witb its µreseuee a uew euiture. Last
net "est as uever |eiore. 1be kusbaus |egau usiug
Creel seriµt ior tbeir writiug. 1be lartbiaus |uiit a tenµie
to zoroaster iu 1axiia tbat was a reµiiea oi tbe lartbeuou
iu Atbeus. Auc wbeu Buccbisn |egau to sµreac iuto tbe
area, reiigious seuiµture was iirst uucertaleu iu tbe Creel
nauuer iu Cbaucara. It eouic very weii |e tbat tbe
\abayaua sebooi oi Buccbisn was cerivec tbrougb
Creel iuiiueuee.
1be inµortauee oi tbe tbuucer|oit to tbe Baetriau
Creels eau |e seeu iu tbe nauy eoius ceµietiug tbe
goccess Atbeua boiciug tbat weaµou. row, Atbeua, as
we bave saic, reµreseuts euiture auc bouora|ie eon|at
auc is oµµosec to Ares, wbo reµreseuts wboiesaie
siaugbter auc tbe cestruetiou oi eiviiizatiou. Iu esseuee
sbe reµreseuts oactìa/ s¡ìcìtua/ìt;. By assiguiug tbe
tbuucer|oit to Atbeua (wbiie it is uornaiiy tbe µrerogative
oi zeus aioue), tbe Baetriau Creels are giviug us a biut
as to tbe µrinary ioeus oi tbeir warrior euiture. Auc iu
as to tbe µrinary ioeus oi tbeir warrior euiture. Auc iu
tbe Cbaucara seuiµtures, Buccba`s onuiµreseut
atteucaut, Vajraµaui, is ceµietec iooliug very nueb iile
tbe Creel zeus. 1bis sbouic eone as uo surµrise, siuee
Vajraµaui neaus çuite sinµiy tbuucer|oit iu bauc,¨ auc
zeus was, as we bave seeu, tbe Creel goc oi tbuucer,
be wbo yoles togetber.¨
1bougb tbe eviceuee is
eireunstautiai, tbere are aitogetber too nauy aµµareut
iiuls ior tbese eieneuts to |e eutireiy uureiatec.
"e wiii returu to Cbaucara auc Buccbisn soou, |ut
ior uow iet us ioeus ouee agaiu ou lersia. 1bere is oue
nore accitiouai iaetor tbat euters iuto tbe souµ we are
naliug witb tbis uatiou as tbe seasouiug, auc tbat is tbe
coetriue oi \aui.
\auiebaeisn was a cuaiistie reiigious noveneut
iouucec iu lersia iu tbe tbirc eeutury A.D. |y tbe µroµbet
\aui, wbo |eeane luowu as tbe Aµostie oi Ligbt. \aui
was |oru ou Aµrii 14, 216 C.L., iu soutberu Ba|yiouia.
Beiore bis |irtb, bis iatber, latel, a uative oi uanacau,
bac joiuec a reiigious seet µraetieiug |aµtisn auc
a|stiueuee. 1brougb bis notber, \aui was reiatec to tbe
lartbiau royai ianiiy. Aiter bis euiigbteuneut at tbe age oi
tweuty-iour, be was giveu a beaveuiy orcer to reveai
binseii to tbe woric auc exµouuc ou bis teaebiugs. lron
tbat µoiut ou, \aui µreaebec tbrougbout tbe lersiau
Lnµire auc iuto Iucia µroµer. lor nauy years
uuinµecec, be was iater µerseeutec |y kiug Babran I,
wbo suµµortec zoroastriauisn. Aiter tweuty-six cays oi
triais, wbieb bis ioiiowers eaiiec tbe lassiou oi tbe
Iiiuniuator, \aui ceiiverec a iiuai nessage to bis
ciseiµies auc ciec (sonetine |etweeu 2¯4 auc 2¯¯
\aui viewec binseii as tbe iiuai sueeessor iu a ioug
iiue oi µroµbets |egiuuiug witb Acan auc iueiuciug
Buccba, zoroaster, auc Jesus. uis reiigious views
Buccba, zoroaster, auc Jesus. uis reiigious views
ioiiowec a siniiar nuitietbuie veiu-tbus be µereeivec
eariier reveiatious oi tbe trutb as |eiug iinitec iu
eiieetiveuess, |eeause tbey were taugbt iu oue iauguage
to oue µeoµie. Iu accitiou, bistory bac sbowu bin (eveu
|ael tbeu) tbat iater acbereuts çuieliy iost sigbt oi tbe
origiuai trutb exµouucec ou |y tbe teaeber auc
ceveioµec tbeir owu versious. \aui ceenec binseii tbe
eouveyor oi a uuiversai nessage cestiuec to reµiaee aii
otber coetriue woricwice. As sueb, be reeorcec bis
teaebiugs iu writiug auc gave tbose writiugs ortbocox
status curiug bis iiietine.
Iu esseuee, |otb \auiebaeisn auc \aui binseii were
a µrocuet oi tbe iuteruatiouaiisn tbat narlec tbe age,
uote tbat tbis uuiversai coetriue bac lersia as its eore, ior
it ebaraeterizes tbat uatiou as tbe iornai bu| oi tbe
treneucous eosnoµoiitau iiow tbat oeeurrec curiug tbat
µerioc. It sbouic eone as uo surµrise, tbeu, tbat
\auiebaeisn çuieliy sµreac west iuto tbe konau
Lnµire. lron Lgyµt it novec aeross uortberu Airiea
(wbere 8t. Augustiue ior a tine |eeane a |eiiever) auc
reaebec kone iu tbe eariy iourtb eeutury. 1bis µerioc
narlec tbe beigbt oi \auiebaeau exµausiou iu tbe "est,
bowever, it was soou attaelec |y |otb tbe Cbristiau
Cbureb auc tbe konau state, auc so cisaµµearec ainost
eutireiy |y tbe euc oi tbe sixtb eeutury.
Duriug tbe iiietine oi \aui, \auiebaeisn bac sµreac
iuto tbe easteru territories oi tbe lersiau Lnµire auc to
Iucia as weii. 1be \auiebaeau eonnuuity naiutaiuec
itseii iu lersia, iu sµite oi severe µerseeutious, uutii tbe
teutb eeutury C.L., wbeu \usiin oµµressiou ioreec its
nen|ers iuto exiie.
\aui sougbt to esta|iisb a truiy uuiversai reiigiou tbat
wouic iutegrate itseii iuto aii tbe µartiai trutbs oi µrevious
reveiatious, µartieuiariy tbose oi zoroaster, Buccba, auc
Jesus. ue sougbt tbe esseuee oi a trutb tbat eouic |e
Jesus. ue sougbt tbe esseuee oi a trutb tbat eouic |e
trausiatec iuto civerse noics iu aeeorcauee witb tbe
ciiiereut euitures iuto wbieb it sµreac. But at its eore,
\auiebaeisn was a tyµe oi Cuostieisn-a cuaiistie
reiigiou tbat oiierec ii|eratiou tbrougb sµeeiai luowiecge
oi a sµirituai trutb. \auiebaeisn taugbt tbat iiie iu tbis
woric is iraugbt witb suiieriug. Aeeorciug to \aui, to
luow ourseives was to see tbat our eore was cireetiy
tiec to tbe very uature oi tbe A|soiute-tbis was
euiigbteuneut. Iiiuniuatiou eua|iec tbe seeler to
uucerstauc tbat, cesµite bis µreseut status iu tbe nateriai
woric, be cic uot eease to renaiu uuitec to tbe Lteruai.
"itb its µreoeeuµatiou ou tbe esseuee oi tbiugs, its
iiexi|iiity as iar as rituai auc cogna were eoueeruec, auc
its enµbasis ou iuuer iiiuniuatiou, it is uot too nueb oi a
steµ to tbeorize tbat \auiebaeisn eouic bave iuiiueueec
tbe youug Bocbicbarna auc iec to tbe ceveioµneut oi
Cb`au. As we bave seeu, Bocbicbarna`s owu teaeber
was a µroµoueut oi tbe 8arvastivaca µroto-\abayaua
seet-Buccbisn itseii was weii ou its way to |eeoniug
uiucuizec auc ueiieuizec |y tbat tine, au outeone oi tbe
sane µrououueec euiturai neiciug (it`s easier to worsbiµ
au autbroµonorµbie Coc tbau to eoueeutrate ou au
Let ne µroµose a tbeory ior wbieb I bave ouiy a gut
ieeiiug. Bocbicbarna`s ianiiy were \auiebaeaus,
µossi|iy, be was oi nixec lersiau auc Iuciau extraetiou.
It seens tbat be was iuceec oi tbe lsatriya easte auc
iivec curiug tbat tine wbeu tbe uuus were raiciug Iucia.
As sueb, be µro|a|iy grew uµ µraetieiug tbe nartiai art
oi va/caouktì iron tbe noneut be eouic wail. I |eiieve
tbat tbe Creels, iu |eeoniug Buccbists auc retaiuiug
naebi as au iutegrai eonµoueut oi tbeir euiture,
reaiiirnec tbe Iuciau lsatriya tracitiou oi eon|iuiug
nartiai arts witb sµirituaiity, auc uurturec it iuto
\abayaua Buccbisn as tbat cogna ceveioµec. keeµiug
\abayaua Buccbisn as tbat cogna ceveioµec. keeµiug
iu niuc tbe µroiouuc ciiiusiou oi euiture curiug tbe tine,
tbis is uot a barc µiii to swaiiow. Auc iu auy ease, it was
uo iarge steµ, as 8balyanuui Buccba binseii was a
lsatriya. 1be teuet oi nartiai sµirituaiity eucurec ior
eeuturies aiter tbe Creels iost µower auc |eeane tbe
su|jeets oi lartbiau, kusbau, auc Iuciau liugs. It was
tbis aµµroaeb tbat Bocbicbarna was exµosec to as a
youug nau, I an eouviueec be eon|iuec it witb tbe
\auiebaeau tracitious oi bis ianiiy auc so eane uµ witb
tbe coetriues oi Cb`au auc 8baoiiu luug iu. "e bave
seeu tbat tbe nartiai arts were extaut iu Cbiua ioug |eiore
Bocbicbarna arrivec ou tbe seeue. uis eoutri|utiou,
tbeu, was to iuiuse tben witb |otb tbe lsatriya eoueeµt
oi nartiai sµirituaiity auc tbe \auiebaeau çuest ior iuuer
iigbt, auc so ceveioµ a iorn oi Buccbisn tbat Cbiua bac
uever seeu. Cb`au auc 8baoiiu luug iu.
Jobu Cbaug teiis us tbat Bocbicbarna eveutuaiiy
eonµietec aii seveuty-two ieveis oi µower auc so
nauagec uuiou witb tbe A|soiute. ue nust bave |eeu
sonetbiug, siuee bis iegaey survives to tbe noceru cay.
1bere is oue otber senibistorieai iigure wbo |ears
uotiee, auc wbo aiso reaebec tbe seveuty-seeouc ievei.
Cbaug 8au leug. Au iuteruai aiebenist oi great µower,
be is erecitec |y nauy as tbe origiuator oi tbe iuteruai
nartiai arts, tbat is to say tbe aµµiieatiou oi neì dan
traiuiug to nartiai teebuiçue. Jobu Cbaug`s sebooi oi
luug iu eouuts bin as a µroniueut auc bigbiy sueeessiui
nen|er oi its iiueage. Anoug otber tbiugs, Cbaug 8au
leug is |eiievec |y nauy to |e tbe origiuator oi t`ai ebi
ebuau, aitbougb bis aiiegec iuiiueuee ou t`ai ebi is au area
oi eoutroversy. leug`s uane aµµears iu bistorieai
Cbiuese texts uucer two ciiiereut sµeiiiugs, as Cbaug
1bree \ouutaiu leals auc Cbaug 1bree A|uucauees
(|otb µrououueec Cbaug 8au leug). 8one Cbiuese
writers suggest tbat Cbaug iivec to |e at ieast iive
writers suggest tbat Cbaug iivec to |e at ieast iive
buucrec years oic or nore.
1be iirst reiereuee we bave oi Cbaug is iron tbe
seveuteeutb-eeutury seboiar uuaug 1suug-usi iu bis
L¡ìta¡h /oc ßang cheng-nan, wbo wrote.

8baoiiu is ianous ior its nartiai art. uowever, tbeir
art stresses ouiy oiieuse, wbieb aiiows au oµµoueut
to tale acvautage oi tbis to strile weal µoiuts.
1bere are Iuteruai nartiai arts wbieb enµioy
stiiiuess to overeone aetiveuess, as soou as tbe
aggressors eone iuto |ociiy eoutaet, tbey are
inneciateiy tbrowu. lor tbis reasou, 8baoiiu is
regarcec as au Lxteruai nartiai art. 1be Iuteruai
nartiai arts origiuatec witb Cbaug 8au leug (Cbaug
1bree \ouutaiu leals) oi tbe 8uug cyuasty (v60-
12¯v C.L.), wbo was au aiebenist ou tbe nouutaiu
oi "u 1aug. ue reeeivec a sunnous iron tbe
enµeror uui 1suug. Cu tbe way to see tbe
enµeror, be iouuc tbe roac |ioelec |y a grouµ oi
|aucits. 1bat uigbt be creanec tbat tbe ueaveuiy
Lnµeror usuau-"u, tbe 1aoist goc oi war, taugbt
bin nartiai arts. Iu tbe noruiug, Cbaug liiiec over a
buucrec |aucits.

Ci siguiiieauee is Jobu`s iusisteuee tbat Cbaug was a
8baoiiu noul |eiore be |eeane a 1aoist, sonetbiug tbat
iits iu weii witb tbe seveuteeutb-eeutury seboiar uuaug
lai-Cbia`s (1suug-bsi`s sou`s) stateneut tbat Cbaug
8au leug was a naster oi 8baoiiu, |ut reversiug its
µriueiµies ceveioµec tbe Iuteruai sebooi.¨
1bis is a
cistiuetiou oi sone eouseçueuee to nartiai arts bistoriaus,
oue tbat bas uot |eeu suiiieieutiy stressec. Auotber
inµortaut µoiut is uuaug`s use oi tbe worc stì//ness
(reierriug to yiu euergy) to ceseri|e iuteruai nartiai arts.
It nust |e uotec tbat iuteruai nartiai arts are uot oi
It nust |e uotec tbat iuteruai nartiai arts are uot oi
ueeessity iiowiug auc evasive, as we bave eone to
|eiieve iu tbe "est (siuee aii noveneut is ueeessariiy
yaug). katber, uuaug is ceuotiug yiu iu tbe eoutext usec
|y Jobu Cbaug-iu otber worcs as a gravitatiouai ioree
tbat a|sor|s euergy auc warµs sµaee-tine. 1be L¡ìta¡h
/oc ßang cheng-nan oiiers eousicera|ie eireunstautiai
eviceuee tbat Jobu`s sebooi is iuceec ceseeucec iron
Cbaug 8au leug.
1bere is au accitiouai iucieatiou iu tbe uane itseii oi
Jobu Cbaug`s nartiai art, assuniug tbat Cbaug 8au leug
truiy was a noul at 8baoiiu. \y teaeber µraetiees au art
eaiiec la L`ei Cbuau, or Ligbt "ays 1buucer Boxiug.¨
But tbe tern chuan bas rareiy |eeu trausiatec eorreetiy
iuto Lugiisb. It esseutiaiiy neaus sbieicec iist¨ or
eiasµec baucs.¨ Cue eau see it iu tbe saiute giveu µrior
to auc aiter tbe µraetiee oi Cbiuese nartiai arts. 1be ieit
bauc is eiasµec over tbe rigbt iist, eoveriug it, auc tbe
stuceut |ows to bis teaeber or bis oµµoueut. ue is
sayiug. I an µraetieiug a eon|ative art |ut I an eiviiizec
-I wiii use it witb ciseretiou auc reiiueneut.¨ Cue eau
aiso see tbe sbieicec iist iu tbe ioiiowiug Cbiuese
iceograns (iigure 16).

lig. 16. Cbiuese iceograns. shou. bauc¨ (rigbt),
chuan. reiiuec iist¨ (ieit)
Cu tbe rigbt is tbe Cbiuese iceogran shou (te. iu
Jaµauese), wbieb neaus bauc.¨ Its Jaµauese iorn is
Jaµauese), wbieb neaus bauc.¨ Its Jaµauese iorn is
usec iu tbe tern kacate, a worc everyoue luows, wbieb
neaus enµty bauc.¨ Cu tbe ieit is chuan-iool
eareiuiiy auc you wiii see it µortrays a eiasµec bauc,¨
or, nore aµµroµriateiy, a reiiuec iist.¨ 1be sane
neauiug aµµiies to ouktì iu tbe 8auslrit tern vajranulti,
wbieb esseutiaiiy neaus tbuucer|oit eiasµec baucs.¨
8iuee /eì neaus tbuucer|oit iu Cbiuese, it is easy to see
tbat L`ei Cbuau is tbe Cbiuese trausiatiou oi va/caouktì,
tbe nartiai art oi tbe Iuciau lsatriya warrior uo|iiity.
row, la, wbeu usec |y tbe Cbiuese, is usuaiiy a
reiereuee to tbe ¡akua, tbe eigbt cireetiouai µatterus oi
tbe eigbt trigrans tbat nale uµ tbe iuucaneutai tbeories
oi 1aoist coetriue. Iu esseuee, tbe µalua is 1aoisn.
Beyouc eieneutary trausiatious auc eiariiieatious, tbeu,
la L`ei Cbuau eau aiso |e eoustruec to neau tbe 1aoist
evoiutiou oi Buccbist vajranulti.¨ Ii Cbaug 8au leug
was truiy a noul at 8baoiiu, as tbe iegeucs iucieate, tbeu
tbe uane oi Jobu`s sebooi ties iu weii witb bis iegaey.

rote :. uesyebasn

Lasteru nystieisn cistiuguisbes itseii iron "esteru |y its
eouseious teebuiçues oi niuc auc |ocy cesiguec to give
aeeess to tbe nystieai exµerieuee. 1bese ciseiµiiues are
aliu to tbe reoµiatouist liotiuus`s eoueeru to |e ceai to
tbe souucs oi tbe seuses auc leeµ tbe soui`s iaeuity oi
aµµrebeusiou oue-µoiutec. Auotber exanµie oi "esteru
µbysioiogieai necitatiouai teebuiçues is tbe uesyebasts, a
seet oi Creel Crtbocox nysties ou \t. Atbos iu tbe
iourteeutb eeutury wbo usec resµiratory µraetiees auc
eoueeutratiou iu eoujuuetiou witb necitatiou auc
eoutiuuai µrayer to eugage iu a ciseiµiiue iater eaiiec tbe
Jesus lrayer (tbe Creel worc hes;chìa neaus çuiet¨).
Jesus lrayer (tbe Creel worc hes;chìa neaus çuiet¨).
8t. Jobu Ciinaeus, a iiitb-eeutury noul auc oue oi tbe
greatest writers oi tbe uesyebast tracitiou, wrote, Let
tbe renen|rauee oi Jesus |e µreseut wìth each lceath,
auc tbeu you wiii luow tbe vaiue oi tbe besyebia.¨ Iu tbe
iate tbirteeutb eeutury, 8t. rieeµborus tbe uesyebast
µrocueec au eveu nore µreeise netboc oi µrayer,
acvisiug uoviees to attaeb tbe µrayer to tbeir |reatbiug¨
auc to iix tbeir eyes curiug µrayer ou tbe niccie oi tbe
|ocy,¨ iu orcer to aebieve a nore totai atteutiou.
uesyebasn was vioieutiy attaelec iu tbe iirst baii oi
tbe iourteeutb eeutury |y Bariaan tbe Caia|riau, wbo
eaiiec tbe uesyebasts oo¡ha/o¡s;choì, or µeoµie
baviug tbeir souis iu tbeir uaveis.¨ 1bere were µoiitieai
eouuotatious to tbe cisµute, |ut tbeoiogieaiiy it eeuterec
ou tbe çuestiou. Cau nau attaiu Coc tbrougb bis owu
eiiorts' 8t. Cregory laianas (12v6-11:v), a noul oi
\t. Atbos auc iater areb|isboµ oi 1bessaiouiea,
ceieucec tbe uesyebast nouls. Iu bis view, tbe bunau
|ocy, sauetiiiec |y tbe saeraneuts oi tbe ebureb, is a|ie
to eugage iu tbe Jesus lrayer, auc tbe cevout nay
|eeone a|ie to see tbe Luereatec Ligbt¨ oi Cbrist`s
1rausiiguratiou tbat aµµearec ou \t. 1a|or. 1bis was a
eonµronise iu esseuee-yes, tbe µsyeboµbysieai (iu
esseuee yogie) µraetiees oi tbe uesyebasts were iiue, |ut
tbey worlec ouiy ii sauetiouec |y tbe Cbureb, auc ouiy
tbrougb µrayer to tbe Lorc Jesus. laianas`s staucµoiut
was tbat besyebasn µreµarec oue ior µrayer, |ut tbat
nau aseeucec to Coc ouiy tbrougb civiue graee.
Conµronise or uot, tbe teaebiugs oi laianas were
eouiirnec |y tbe Crtbocox Cbureb iu a series oi eouueiis
beic iu Coustautiuoµie (1141, 114¯, 11:1). uesyebast
sµirituaiity is stiii µraetieec |y Lasteru Crtbocox
Cbristiaus auc was ouee wiceiy cistri|utec tbrougbout
kussia aiter tbe µu|iieatiou oi a eoiieetiou oi uesyebast
writiugs, luowu as tbe Ihì/oka/ìa, iu 1¯82.
writiugs, luowu as tbe Ihì/oka/ìa, iu 1¯82.
AllLrDIX 2. 1be kec 8biit (Cr,
\ore Aeeurateiy, "bere I Lat

Iu 1he Magus o/ 1ava, I ceseri|ec seeiug ny naster
euergize¨ a liug-loug |aii witb yaug eb`i as ioiiows.

Jobu wautec to sbow ne wbat tbe yaug was iile. It
was uigbt. ue bac just iiuisbec µiayiug liug-loug
witb Jobauu, as tbey co every eveuiug. 8iiu tool tbe
liug-loug |aii iu bis ieit bauc auc beic it iu tbe
eeuter oi bis µain. ue oµeuec bis baucs auc beic
bis rigbt µain a|out two ieet away. 8ucceuiy tbe
|aii µuisec witb |iuisb vioiet iigbt, it nace a uoise,
too, sort oi iile a eauary siugiug. Biuisb wbite
sµarls iiew iron tbe |aii towarc bis rigbt µain, tbey
were iile niuiature iigbtuiug |oits. ue leµt it uµ ior
a iew seeoucs auc tbeu baucec ne tbe |aii. It
wasu`t overiy bot, |ut it was warn. I cic ny usuai
tbiug auc eut it iu baii ou tbe sµot, wbieb µissec
every|ocy oii, |eeause it was tbe iast |aii iu tbe
bouse auc tbey wautec to eoutiuue tbeir gane. But I
bac to nale sure tbat tbere wasu`t auy eireuitry
iusice tbe |aii.¨

Lverytbiug a|out tbe ceµietiou a|ove is eorreet, exeeµt
ior tbe eoior. 1be aetuai eoior oi tbe |aii curiug tbe
cenoustratiou was rec.
"biie at rest it is |iue (auc iu its µurest iorn |eeones
wbite), it seens tbat tbe yaug eb`i aetuaiiy ebauges eoior
wbeu iu oµµositiou to tbe yiu auc turus rec. (ueuee, iu
tbe ta`i eb`i syn|oi, tbe eoior oi tbe yaug sbouic |e rec.)
I eaii tbis ebauge the ced shì/t. "bat I nauagec to co iu
tbe eourse oi eveuts was triel nyseii iuto |eiieviug
sonetbiug otber tbau wbat I bac aetuaiiy seeu.
uow cic tbis eone a|out' "beu I iirst wituessec tbis
cenoustratiou, I bac seeu tbe |aii µuise witb a rec iigbt. I
tbeu aslec Jobu, tbiuliug oi tbe beat as I cic so. 8iiu, is
tbe eoior oi tbe yaug eb`i rec'¨
ro,¨ be reµiiec, it`s |iue.¨
1bat sbort-eireuitec a iew iuses as I |egau to cou|t
ny owu eyes. I bac seeu it to |e rec:
1bis iueiceut trou|iec ne ior years, |ut I cic uot waut
to cou|t ny teaeber`s say-so. "biie writiug 1he Magus
o/ 1ava (aetuaiiy towarc tbe iiuai ecitiug), I was
µriviiegec to see a cenoustratiou oi tbe iigbtuiug |oits¨
Jobu is eaµa|ie oi issuiug-iu esseuee, euergy |iasts.
1bey were |iuisb wbite. Iu tbe neautine I bac reac tbe
avaiia|ie iiterature, auc everyoue iron uiucu yogis to
"iibein keieb binseii bac nace reiereuee to |ioeuergy
|eiug |iue. 1hat c/ìnches ìt, I tbougbt, aiter seeiug tbe
euergy-|iast ceno, I need o; e;es checked. Auc so I
eaiiec tbe yaug eb`i iu tbe liug-loug |aii ceno |iuisb
vioiet, a wisby-wasby eonµronise |etweeu wbat I
tbougbt I bac seeu auc wbat I bac |eeu toic I bac seeu.
"eii, I was wroug to co so, auc I aµoiogize. 1bese
|ools oi niue streteb tbe inagiuatiou auc ny ereci|iiity
as it is, ii tbey are iuceec to |e µbeuoneuoiogieai
reµorts, tbeu I sbouic |e a|soiuteiy eouviueec oi
everytbiug I µut cowu ou µaµer. 8iuee tbat tine I bave
seeu |otb cenos agaiu, tbe rec sbiit exists auc it is very
reai. Cu tbe otber bauc, tbe yaug eb`i is iuceec |iue
wbeu uuoµµosec |y tbe yiu.
uow tbis worls is sinµie. "biie ny teaeber`s
iigbtuiug |oits¨ are iu iaet yiu-yaug luug-tbat is to say
iigbtuiug |oits¨ are iu iaet yiu-yaug luug-tbat is to say
tbey iubereutiy bave |otb yiu auc yaug euergies-tbe yiu
is µassive wbeu usec iu tbis nauuer, as it is iu uature. 1be
yiu sinµiy ioiiows tbe yaug, iu otber worcs. "betber tbis
neaus tbat yaug eb`i is |iue wbeu ioiiowec |y (iu eoutaet
witb, |ut uuoµµosec |y) tbe yiu eb`i, or is |iue oi its owu
aeeorc, I co uot luow, auc Jobu wiii uot say. Iuceec, be
accec oue nore eouuucrun to tbe situatiou |y statiug,
wbeu çueriec, tbat iu its µurest iorn tbe yaug eb`i is
wbite.¨ It wouic seen tbat tbe eoior oi tbe yaug eb`i,
tbeu, eau rauge iron rec to |iue to µurest wbite.
Auotber area I wouic iile to eiariiy, a|out wbieb I
bave |eeu çuestiouec |y nauy reacers, is tbe µoiut oi
tbe two cots oi oµµosiug euergy iubereut iu tbe eiassie
t`ai ebi syn|oi. Iu otber worcs, iu 1he Magus o/ 1ava I
usec tbis syn|oi to ceseri|e t`ai-ebi.

wbiie nost µeoµie are usec to tbis oue.

1be eonnou exµiauatiou ior tbe seeouc, nore
µoµuiar syn|oi is tbat tbere is a iittie yaug iu tbe µurest
yiu, a iittie yiu iu tbe µurest yaug.¨ Auotber way oi statiug
it wouic |e tbere is a iittie |ac iu tbe |est oi us, a iittie
gooc iu tbe worst oi us.¨ 8ueb a stateneut inµiies a
cistri|utiou oi µroµortious, bowever, auc tbis is uot tbe
ease ior t`ai-ebi-yiu bas uo yaug iu it, uor coes yaug
eoutaiu yiu. Iu 1he Magus o/ 1ava I cic ny |est to get
eoutaiu yiu. Iu 1he Magus o/ 1ava I cic ny |est to get
tbe nessage aeross tbat yiu auc yaug are o¡¡osìng, uot
eonµieneutary, iorees, tbis is tbe reasou tbat I iusistec
ou tbe iirst, ratber tbau tbe iatter, syn|oi. 1be eiassie
inage tbat nauy µeoµie bave oi yaug iiowiug
barnouiousiy iuto yiu is erroueous, tbis is sonetbiug tbe
reacer oust eonµrebeuc, eveu tbougb nauy teaebers iu
Cbiua tocay nay say otberwise. "itbout ny risliug
giviug away tbe seerets oi our sebooi, I wiii say tbis as
eiariiieatiou. "bat tbe eiassie¨ t`ai ebi syn|oi neaus is
t bat the seeds o/ ;ìn ace contaìned wìthìn an
alundance o/ ;ang. whì/e the seeds o/ ;ang wìthìn an
alundance o/ ;ìn. Cousicer tbe naeroeosnie exanµie
oi a rec giaut star sµoutaueousiy eoiiaµsiug iuto a |iael
boie, auc you wiii bave a gooc icea oi wbat tbe two cots
Iu sbort, we are tailiug a|out a sµoutaueous reversiou
ioiiowiug a nassive aggregatiou. lor exanµie, reeeut
iuvestigatious iu astroµbysies seen to iucieate tbat
gaiaxies are ereatec |y tbe seeciug¨ oi suµernassive
|iael boies iu tbeir eeuter (iu sbort, au a|uucauee oi yiu
ereatiug tbe |egiuuiugs oi yaug). It is iuterestiug to uote
tbat tbe gaiaxies iu çuestiou aiso eviceuee tbe eiiiµsoicai
eurvature iucieatec |y tbe eiassie t`ai ebi syn|oi.
Buccbist coetriue wouic say enµtiuess is iorn auc iorn
is enµtiuess¨ |y way oi exµiauatiou, |ut tbis trausitiou is
ueitber snootb uor µaiuiess-|irtb auc ceatb uever are,
you see. 1be aueieut Cbiuese, wbo luew uotbiug oi
|iael boies auc rec giauts, ciseoverec tbese truisns |y
turuiug witbiu. I wiii say uo nore, |ut euc boµiug tbat
wbat I bave eia|oratec ou bere wiii serve ny reacers as
au aµoiogy ior ny eariier iaux µas.


1. lron uagalure (Lìdden ìn the Ieaves;. writteu |y
\ananoto 1suuetono iu 1¯16, wbieb, tbrougb tbe
µatrouage oi \isbina \ulio, bas eone to |e luowu as
1he 8ook o/ the Saoucaì. It bas reeeutiy |eeu nace
µoµuiar agaiu iu tbe "est |y Jin Jarnuseb`s novie
óhost Ðog.
2. 1bis iuuer eouvietiou tbat nytbs bave a |asis iu reaiity
is wby eonie |ools auc iiins are iiiiec witb stories auc
µietures ceµietiug tbe iautastie. "e eauuot rejeet wbat is
iu tbe euc a µart oi our owu evoiutiou.
1. I bave |eeu |eratec |y ny µeers iu tbe \o-lai ior
severai ceeisious I nace iu writiug 1he Magus o/ 1ava,
uot tbe ieast oi wbieb was ny eboiee oi tbe sµeiiiug
Cbaug ior our teaeber`s uane. 1be aetuai sµeiiiug, as tbe
Cbiuese-Javauese use it, oi tbat µartieuiar µortiou oi bis
Cbiuese uane is Djiaug. uowever, I tbougbt tbat Cbaug
wouic |e nore ianiiiar to "esteruers auc easier to
µrououuee, ii siigbtiy µbouetieaiiy ciiiereut. Iu auy ease,
ior reasous oi bistorieai aeeuraey be bas aiiowec ne to
reveai µarts oi bis reai Cbiuese uane. uis ianiiy uane is
Ie auc bis niccie uane is Djiaug. ue bas acoµtec tbe
Cbristiau uane Jobu, bowever I an uot at ii|erty to
reveai bis Iucouesiau suruane. 1bis seereey¨ is µart oi a
eoutiuuiug eiiort to µroteet bis µrivaey. I trust auc boµe
tbat you wiii uucerstauc.
thaµter 1: Whisµers Irem !he rast

1. Liao 1zu 1oug, tbe ceeeasec µast naster oi tbe \o-
1. Liao 1zu 1oug, tbe ceeeasec µast naster oi tbe \o-
lai (ny sìgung. or grauciatber-teaeber¨). 1be reacer
wiii bave to reier to 1he Magus o/ 1ava ior cetaiis.
2. 1be najor euergy eeuter oi tbe |ocy, ioeatec iour
iiugers |eiow tbe uavei.
1. I wiii exµauc ou tbis tbeory iu iater ebaµters.
4. lron a striet geueaiogieai auc bistorie staucµoiut, tbe
ceiiuitious oi tbe ieveis oi µower I bave giveu bere auc iu
1he Magus o/ 1ava are iuaeeurate. Iu tbe \o-lai we
sµeal oi Levei Cue µretty nueb as ceseri|ec, tbeu
iower Levei 1wo auc uµµer Levei 1wo (iu wbieb iour oi
tbe eorcs are eut), wbieb ieacs to Levei 1bree (wbere
ouiy tbe eeutrai eorc is stiii attaebec) auc Levei lour.
1be ceseriµtiou I usec iu ny |ools is iess eouiusiug, auc
tbe reacer sbouic stiel to tbe terniuoiogy µrovicec
uuiess be or sbe |eeones a eiosec coor¨ \o-lai
:. Jobu was sworu |y bis owu naster uever to
cenoustrate |eiore uoustuceuts, |ut I bac arraugec
eireunstauees to |e iu aeeorc witb bis oatb. I wiii uot go
iuto tbe cetaiis bere.
6. 1be µbysieist 8ir riebis Bobr, aiter visitiug Cbiua, bac
eboseu tbe yiu-yaug syn|oi as bis eoat oi arns,
eonµiete witb tbe eµigraµb contcacìa sunt
coo¡/eoenta (oµµosites are eonµieneutary). 1be
syn|oi auc µbrase stiii narl bis gravestoue.
thaµter z: Metal

1. A eonµaet, iuwarciy eurviug sbort sworc.
2. 1be visi|ie cisbouesty auc µrobi|itive erouyisn
nauiiest iu Creeee are iueonµrebeusi|ie to tbe average
"esteruer. It is ouiy reeeutiy tbat I bave eone to
uucerstauc tbat tbey are a survivai trait ieit over iron
2,100 years oi siavery.
2,100 years oi siavery.
1. \o 1zu, usuu 1zu, auc uau lei 1zu, 1he 8asìc
ßcìtìngs o/ Mo 1.u. Lsun 1.u. and Lan Ieì 1.u, ec.
auc traus. Burtou "atsou (rew \orl. Coiun|ia
Luiversity lress, 1v6¯).
4. "bieb is uot to say tbat everytbiug tbey |eiievec iu
was true. Lveu tocay, our seieuee is a |est guess towarc
tbe iuuer worliugs oi tbe Luiverse. 1bere are nauy weal
areas iu our luowiecge auc nauy tbiugs tbat we eauuot
exµiaiu. kuowiecge is au a¡¡co·ìoatìon-bow
µoweriui we are ceµeucs ou bow eiose to reaiity tbat
aµµroxinatiou is. It bas aiways |eeu tbis way, tbrougbout
tbe ages oi nau.
:. 1bis tyµe oi µroeess is uot uuiçue to tbe \aiay
Arebiµeiago, I bave seeu siniiar taiisnaus iron 1i|et,
Iucia, auc loiyuesia, auc oue tbat is µossi|iy iron
6. lroiessors Lyuu \arguiis auc Janes Loveioel anoug
otbers. I an reierriug to tbe Caia tbeory.
¯. uenogio|iu is a µroteiu eoutaiuiug iour very ioug
aniuo aeic ebaius µer noieeuie. Laeb ebaiu is attaebec to
a ebenieai strueture we eaii a heoe gcou¡, a riugiile
orgauie eonµouuc to wbieb iu turu oue irou aton is
attaebec. Laeb noieeuie oi benogio|iu, tbeu, eoutaius
iour irou atons, auc it is to tbese irou atons tbat oxygeu
|oucs reversi|iy, aiiowiug our eeiis to |reatbe.
8. lron tbe ver| µété::éooe to trausnute.
v. L.C. kervrau, u. konili, u. uiiinau, l.1. laµµas,
8. Coicieiu, auc otbers.
10. lauos 1. laµµas, L/ectcìca//; Induced !uc/eac
Iusìon, www.µaµ
11. uyµerlaienia, exeess µotassiun iu tbe |ioocstrean,
eauses iustaut earciae arrest auc is tbus usuaiiy iatai. 1be
|ocy coes everytbiug it eau to leeµ tbe ratio oi ra
eoustaut, cisµosiug oi exeess µotassiun iu tbe uriue.
12. Aetaeou was a buutsnau wbo was ebasiug a stag
12. Aetaeou was a buutsnau wbo was ebasiug a stag
witb bis bouucs wbeu be eane uµou tbe goccess Artenis
|atbiug iu a sµriug. Luragec tbat a nortai nau sbouic see
ber iu ber ualecuess, Artenis ebaugec Aetaeou iuto a
stag auc tbeu set bis owu µael ou bin. 1be cogs tore
bin to µieees.
thaµter 1: Miereeesm

1. Liao 8iiu, tbe uoueorµoreai graucnaster oi tbe \o-
lai, bac eausec a niuiature raiustorn to µour cowu
exeiusiveiy ou ny Voilswagou aiter I bac |roleu au
oatb auc toic 8µiro a|out ny teaeber curiug a ioug crive.
1be roac arouuc us renaiuec cry.
2. It tool Jobu Cbaug eigbteeu years oi cecieatec eiiort
to ceveioµ bis µowers ioiiowiug caiiy iustruetiou |y
Craucnaster Liao, a nau wbo was at au
iueonµrebeusi|ie ievei oi µower binseii.
1. ". 8onerset \augban, 1he Moon and Sì·¡ence.
4. \ost iileiy tbrougb tbe reoµiatouie sebooi oi
:. "biie it is weii luowu tbat µeoµie eouveuieutiy sbieic
tbenseives iron tbe trutb |y iorgettiug it, tbis is
uueouseious ceuiai ratber tbau tbe uornai state oi aiiairs.
6. lerbaµs tbe oµµosite boics true as weii auc tbe
uuiverse ioiiows beiieai evoiutiou naeroeosnieaiiy.
¯. I bave oiteu woucerec wby necieai assoeiatious
sµeuc niiiious tryiug to iigure out bow aeuµuueture
worls wbeu tbe auswer is o|vious. Assuniug tbat our
|ocies are uotbiug nore tbau a µrogran esta|iisbec iu
our autouonie uervous systen, tbeu aeuµuueture
iuteriaees witb tbat µrogran, writiug a su|routiue to
accress ley eonnaucs. 1bere is uotbiug nysterious
a|out tbis-Cbiuese necieiue is |asec ou tbe µroeess oi
eoutiuuai ebauge, uot tbe cetaiis oi µrinary auatony, as
eoutiuuai ebauge, uot tbe cetaiis oi µrinary auatony, as
is our Cartesiau-|asec "esteru necieai systen.
8. liato, ny trausiatiou. 1be icea oi au iuiiuite auc
iorniess ebaos (,éóç, tbat wbieb gaµes oµeu¨),
eoexistiug witb tbe iiuite (aéçéç) was a eeutrai µart oi
aueieut Creel eosnoiogy.
v. Ci eourse, tbe larty Liue is tbat wbeu be sµole tbat
netaµbor, tbe |riel niraeuiousiy, tbrougb tbe graee oi
Coc, seµaratec iuto its eonµoueuts auc tbeu reiornec
itseii ior aii to see.
10. 1be co//ectìve unconscìous was a tern iutrocueec
|y tbe µsyebiatrist Cari Juug to reµreseut a iorn oi tbe
uueouseious niuc eonnou to bunauity as a wboie auc
origiuatiug iu tbe iuuate strueture oi tbe |raiu. Lile nauy
great neu, Juug was abeac oi bis tine, bac be iivec iu
our cay auc age, witb tbe µrevaieuee oi µersouai
eonµuters auc Iuteruet aeeess, be iileiy wouic bave
µrovec bis tbeories witbout ciiiieuity.
11. Iu 1he Magus o/ 1ava I ceseri|ec severai
eueouuters witb bunau sµirits.
12. L;¡ecconscìousness is as gooc a worc as auy.
"beu iucivicuais reaeb tbis state tbey are aware oi
everytbiug arouuc tben auc yet stiii very aware oi
thaµter 4: 8µheres

1. Jobu Cbaug`s geueaiogy is eaiiec la L`ei Cbuau (Ligbt
"ays 1buucer Boxiug) auc, as a luug iu ciseiµiiue,
eon|iues |otb 1aoist auc 8baoiiu Buccbist teaebiugs.
2. ue is a stuceut oi tbe nasters Cbeu Xiaowaug auc
"aug leisbeug resµeetiveiy.
1. A lytbagoreau yogi wbo iivec iu tbe iirst eeutury C.L.
auc wbose story bas |eeu suµµressec |eeause it
µortrays a iigure nueb iile Cbrist iu tenµeraneut auc
µortrays a iigure nueb iile Cbrist iu tenµeraneut auc
µower. liease reier to aµµeucix 1 ior iurtber cetaiis.
4. 1ocay µeoµie bave eouveuieutiy iorgotteu tbat iu tbe
iirst eeutury B.C.L. goocs iiowec iron as iar away as
Cbiua, Iucia, tbe steµµes oi kussia, tbe ijorcs oi
rorway, tbe juugies oi Airiea, tbe uigbiaucs oi 8eotiauc,
to every eity arouuc tbe \eciterraueau. Auc wbere trace
was iustitutec, eouic iceas |e iar |ebiuc'
:. Lnc;c/o¡edìa 8cìtannìca Cuiiue.
6. 1be µbiiosoµber lyrrbou, wbo aeeonµauiec
Aiexaucer, |eeane a stuceut oi tbe Digan|ara (sly-
eiac) Jaiu seet, wbiie Aiexaucer binseii was overawec
|y a guru oi tbe sane seet wbon tbe Creels eaiiec
ka/anos, wbo ioiiowec bin |ael to lersia. (It sbouic |e
uotec tbat nauy seboiars are uow oi tbe oµiuiou tbat
tbese yogis were uot Jaius at aii, |ut ratber au eariy iorn
oi uiucu raga, tbe reasou |eiug tbat tbey were çuite
¯. Criniuais were tattooec iu aueieut Cbiua, \o 1zu
suiierec tbis iuciguity wbeu be was inµrisouec ior au
uuluowu erine.
8. Lµietetus`s worcs (as reeorcec |y Arriau), ny
trausiatiou. 1be siniiarity oi bis worcs to Cbristiau
coetriue eonneucec Lµietetus to eariy Cbristiau
v. \o 1zu, usuu 1zu, auc uau lei 1zu, 1he 8asìc
ßcìtìngs o/ Mo 1.u. Lsun1.u. and Lan Ieì 1.u, ec.
auc traus. Burtou "atsou.
10. karoios`s researeb eeuterec ou Lµietitus`s
Ðìscoucses auc tbe writiugs oi \areus Aureiius,
bowever, tbe ioiiowiug |ool iusµirec bis iuvestigatiou
auc µrovices au exeeiieut sunnary oi 8toie netaµbysies.
Jeau-Baµtiste Couriuat, Ies Stoìcìens et IJoe (1be
8toies auc tbe 8oui) (laris. l.L.l., 1vv6).
11. 8ee 1he Magus o/ 1ava.
12. Cesbe keisaug Cyatso, c/eac Iìght o/ 8/ìss
12. Cesbe keisaug Cyatso, c/eac Iìght o/ 8/ìss
(Loucou. 1barµa lu|iieatious, 1vv2).
11. Aetuaiiy, ii it basu`t |eeu coue, a cetaiiec
eonµarisou |etweeu tbe sebooi oi \o 1zu auc tbe
8toies wouic nale au iuterestiug coetorai tbesis.
8one|ocy seuc ne a eoµy:
14. ler Cbrysiµµus`s writiugs. ue was beacnaster oi tbe
8toie sebooi iron 212-204 B.C.L.
1:. 1ao 1e chìng. µassage 11.48.
16. lbotos iu iigure 1¯ are eourtesy oi \r. Leiteris
8aragas auc bave |eeu µu|iisbec iu ~tca¡os uo. ¯,
le|ruary 1vvv, Aice|arau lu|iisbers, Atbeus, Creeee.
1¯. lor sone reasou, tbe yaug eb`i exbi|its a |iue
eoioriug iu bigber eoueeutratious. I co uot luow wby.
18. liato nales tbis stateneut iu 1ìoaeus. \ost µeoµie
iuterµret tbis seetiou as reierriug to tbe stars iu tbe sly,
|ut I an uo iouger so sure.
1v. lirst exµouucec |y tbe geuetieist k. L. lisber iu
1v10, tbis iaw bas uever |eeu reiutec. Iuceec, it bas
|eeu exµerineutaiiy veriiiec reµeateciy.
20. Lao 1zu, 1ao 1e chìng, stauza :, ny trausiatiou.
21. 8ee 1he Magus o/ 1ava.
thaµter s: !he !hunderbelt

1. As bunau |eiugs, iu orcer to grow eiose to tbe
A|soiute, we ueec to autbroµonorµbieaiiy view It so
tbat Its sbaµe is ianiiiar to us. kareiy eau we reaeb
|eyouc tbis ueec.
2. rilos kazautzalis, tbe uotec autbor oi zocla the
óceek auc otber nasterworls, was exeonnuuieatec |y
tbe Creel Crtbocox Cbureb ior cariug to µortray Cbrist
iu iiterary iornat.
1. Iuceec, tbis sane tyµe oi cesµair bas geueratec a
resurgeuee oi µagauisn |otb iu Creeee auc tbrougbout
Luroµe. "biie attraetive, tbe rituais auc ciseiµiiues
Luroµe. "biie attraetive, tbe rituais auc ciseiµiiues
iuvoivec iu worsbiµµiug tbe oic gocs bave |eeu iost to
tine auc ceµrecatiou, auc eiiorts to co so iuvoive
startiug iron serateb. It is aiso uuiortuuate tbat tbis
worsbiµ is sonetines aeeonµauiec |y a iateut
uatiouaiisn auc raeisn tbat bas uo µiaee iu our iuture.
4. 1bere are tbose wbo wiii argue tbis µoiut iiuguistieaiiy,
sayiug tbat tbe uane uses zeus ior uoniuative auc Ðìos
ior geuitive, |ut tbat is uot tbe ease. zeus bas tbe geuitive
:. Crµbie bynu uun|er 6, eoiieetec |y lrolios auc
writteu iu bis eonneutary ou liato`s 1ìoaeus. 1be
trausiatiou auc µreseutatiou are ny owu.
6. It seens tbat tbe eieetrieai iieic is reiatec to tbe
naguetie, wbieb, iu turu, is reiatec to tbe |ioeuergetie.
¯. 1be statue cates to tbe iiitb eeutury B.C.L. auc eau |e
seeu iu tbe Atbeus Arebaeoiogieai \useun.
8. Iu Creeee tbere are nuitiµie iegeucs surrouuciug tbe
tbuucer|oit kecavnovó/ì-oue sbouic |e very eareiui
iu bauciiug tbese o|jeets. 1racitiou says tbat tbey sbouic
|e µiaeec iu tbe |aseneut iusice a sael oi graiu so tbat
iooc is uever iu sbort suµµiy.
v. 1bat iana wouic |e keuµo 1buµteu oi tbe karna
kargyu Buccbist iiueage, wbo naiutaius a cbarna eeuter
iu riee.
10. It is iuterestiug to uote tbat tbe uiucu goc Iucra is
oiteu eaiiec va/cahasta (tbuucer-iu-baucs). 1bere are
iucieatious tbat tbe aueieut Iuciaus, iile tbe Creels, tbe
rorse, auc tbe 1i|etaus, luew oi tbe tbuucer|oit as a
µbysieai o|jeet.
11. 1be aetuai graµbies are çuite eonµiex auc wouic
reçuire tbree-cineusiouai noceiiug.
12. 1bis ceµietiou |asec ou a µboto |y Leouarc vou
11. 1be iotus was eboseu as tbe syn|oi oi euiigbteuneut
11. 1be iotus was eboseu as tbe syn|oi oi euiigbteuneut
|eeause it is a |eautiiui iiower tbat rises out oi nurly
14. Ii you bave uotieec a narlec siniiarity to luucaiiui
yoga, you are eorreet.
thaµter e: !he Warrier Llite

1. I reaiiy cou`t luow wbo was tbe iirst to use tbis
µbrase, |ut I`ve nauagec to traee it |ael to 1884, wbeu
it was enµioyec |y 8ir kiebarc Burtou iu 1he 8ook o/
the Swocd, iu reiereuee to tbe sworc auc sworcµiay.
I`n çuite sure tbat |riiiiaut seouucrei swiµec it iron
sonewbere eise.
2. 1he Lntec¡cìse o/ ßac (Anstercan. 1ine-Liie
Bools, 1vv1).
1. \iebaei D. Coe et ai. Swocds and Lì/t ßea¡ons
(rew \orl. "eiceuieic auc rieoisou, 1v8v).
4. uoner`s I/ìad. rbaµsocy l, ny trausiatiou iron tbe
origiuai, µiease exeuse auy errors I nay bave nace.
:. 1wo µoiuts. 1) rote tbe reiereuee to tbe Lartb wbieb
uurtures aii tbiugs.¨ C|viousiy tbey tool eeoiogy a |it
nore seriousiy tbau we co iu our cay. 2) \es, tbey were
uucou|teciy naebo ebauviuist µigs, |ut at ieast ueieu
bac iiuai owuersbiµ oi ber µroµerty. It was iueoueeiva|ie
tbat ber ex-bus|auc eouic sinµiy seize it, eveu tbougb
sbe bac iiec bis bouseboic auc be iivec uext to ber iaucs.
6. "bat a reiereuee to yaug auc yiu: Auc it is iuterestiug
tbat a thìcd sbeeµ is seµarateiy oiierec to zeus, wbo
|iucs yiu auc yaug togetber.
¯. lron ¡o/ìs (aó:iç), eity¨, auc o//;oì (ó::tµi), to
8. I trausiatec Areiiiios as |attie-ioviug¨ iu tbe eariier
seetiou, uot baviug nace tbe exµiauatiou a|ove.
v. 1be Corgou is syn|oiie oi tbe µowers oi tbe Iuiiuite.
\ecusa eones iron oeta (|eyouc) auc ousìa
\ecusa eones iron oeta (|eyouc) auc ousìa
(su|stauee). ueuee \ecusa trausiates as tbe su|stauee
oi tbat |eyouc.¨
10. uoner`s I/ìad, rbaµsocy l, verses 40:-410.
11. óods and Lecoes o/ 8con.e ~ge Luco¡e: 1he
koots o/ Od;sseus (8tras|ourg. Couueii oi Luroµe,
12. \iebaei loiialoii, coolat S¡octs ìn the ~ncìent
ßoc/d (rew uaveu. \aie Luiversity lress, 1v8¯).
11. Coµµer was useiui ior oruaneutatiou, as a joiuiug
nateriai, auc iu jeweiry iu eoujuuetiou witb goic.
14. Ctzi, tbe nunniiiec waucerer iouuc bigb iu tbe Ctzai
Aiµs iu 1vv1 auc catec to 11:0 B.C.L., earriec a eoµµer
axe, |ut oue eouic teii wbere bis reai iaitb iay. ue earriec
a iiiut luiie, a iiiut criii auc seraµer, auc a |oue awi. uis
naiu weaµou was a 1.8-neter yew |ow auc iourteeu
arrows. I tbiul eoµµer axes were nueb iile koiexes-
tbey`re uucou|teciy uiee, |ut a Casio C-8boel wiii tale
just as nueb a|use at a iraetiou oi tbe eost.
1:. 1bese were iouuc iu a grave at Leli \aie iu
koseiau, loiauc (Luetiee euiture, eirea tweutietb to
uiueteeutb eeutury B.C.L.) 1be artiiaets are bousec at
\useun Arebeoiogiezue, lozuau. 1be bai|erc sbait is
seveuty-two eeutineters ioug, tbe |iace eigbteeu
eeutineters ioug.
16. Coe et ai., Swocds and Lì/t ßea¡ons.
1¯. 8ir kiebarc l. Burtou, 1he 8ook o/ the Swocd
(Loucou. Cbatto auc "iucus, 1884).
18. 8orry, ioils, |ut be was iar iron |eiug tbe uiee guy
keviu 8or|o µortrays ou tbe 1V series. As a |oy,
uereuies |role bis nusie teaeber`s sluii witb bis guitar
just |eeause tbe nau carec to eritieize bis µiayiug:
1v. Jucges 11-16.
20. Auc be is eoruerec |y tbe tbousauc lbiiistiues,
wbon be siayec wbiie iu a caiiiauee witb anothec
lbiiistiue wonau, tbis oue a µroiessiouai aeoiyte oi neu`s
21. 1bere was a bistorieai Ciiganesb wbo reiguec over
tbe eity oi Lrul iu 8uner iu tbe tbirc niiieuuiun B.C.L.,
tbe µoen tbat survives is catec to at ieast tbe |egiuuiugs
oi tbe seeouc niiieuuiun.
22. !ew Iacouse Lnc;c/o¡edìa o/ M;tho/og;
(Loucou. uaniyu, 1v¯v).
21. I bave uews ior tbe reacer wbo tbiuls tbat I an
overiy etbuoeeutrie iu ny use oi Creel worcs. I bave
|eeu aeeusec iu Creeee oi |eiug au ageut oi ioreigu
µowers ior ny suµµoseciy auti-Creel¨ stauee iu nauy
oi ny writiugs. Beiug a \o-ist, I an µreoeeuµiec witb
tbe essence oi tbiugs auc rareiy witb tbe traµµiugs tbereoi
-¡anoachon ceiiues natters uieeiy. Iu auy ease, nost
teebuieai terns iu Lugiisb are cerivec iron tbe Creel or
Latiu. Beiug Creel, I nace tbe easier eboiee. ro
cisresµeet towarc auy euiture or o|iuseatiou oi bistory is
iuteucec. Besices, tbere are iucieatious tbat ¡anoachon
is tbe worc tbat tbe aueieut Creels usec ior nartiai
thaµter 1: rraetiee

1. 8iguug neaus grauciatber-teaeber¨ or graucnaster.¨
2. Cbogyan 1ruugµa, cuttìng 1hcough S¡ìcìtua/
Matecìa/ìso (Bostou. 8ban|baia, 1v8¯).
1. 1bis great yogi auc statesnau was a sueeessiui iawyer
|eiore giviug uµ bis µraetiee to µursue otber tbiugs.
4. Iuceec, nueb oi yoga is |asec ou tbe µreseriµtiou oi
sµeeiiie stauees, or asanas, ior tbe iucivicuai.
:. Cbeu Xiaowaug, µrivate eouversatiou. Craucnaster
Cbeu is tbe uiueteeutb-geueratiou staucarc |earer ior tbe
Cbeu eiau, tbe ianiiy to wbon aii noceru iiueages oi t`ai
ebi ebuau traee tbeir roots.
6. 1bere are µbysioiogieai raniiieatious iron tbis baviug
6. 1bere are µbysioiogieai raniiieatious iron tbis baviug
to co witb tbe iin|ie systen, |ut I wiii uot get iuto tben
¯. It is iuterestiug tbat tbis iuseriµtiou cates to tbe
iourteeutb eeutury C.L.
thaµter 8: Wenwukuan 8teries

1. Crtbocox Cbristiauity was |ioociiy auc |rutaiiy
inµosec ou tbe Creels |y tbeir konau eouçuerors, |ut
iu tbe euc, tbrougb reoµiatouisn, a|sor|ec nauy
eieneuts oi aueieut Creel µbiiosoµby auc euiture. It bas
aiso stiii nauagec to retaiu as its eeutrai cogna tbe iove
oi Coc ior nau. It is ior tbese reasous tbat I renaiu,
uoniuaiiy, au Crtbocox Cbristiau.
2. 1bis is wbat got rilos kazautzalis, reuowuec autbor
o i zocla the óceek auc 1he Iast 1eo¡tatìon o/
chcìst, exeonnuuieatec. Beeause tbe ebureb iegaiiy
owus aii |uriai µiots iu Creeee, kazautzalis was |uriec
ou µrivate µroµerty, ior tbe µriestbooc cic uot aiiow bis
|ocy to iie iu baiiowec grouuc. 1ocay tbousaucs nale
tbe µiigrinage to bis grave every year, wbere tbe
ioiiowiug worcs are eugravec. I /eac nothìng. I ho¡e /oc
nothìng. I ao /cee.
1. Curauouµoii is a snaii towu ou tbe Atbos µeuiusuia
auc tbe iaity`s eutrauee µoiut outo 1be uoiy \ouutaiu,
wbieb, iile tbe Vatieau, is a seii-goveruiug tbeoeratie
4. 8ee ebaµter 4. Iu accitiou, it is iuterestiug to uote tbat
tbe uesyebast necitatiouai noveneut ceveioµec |y
Lasteru Crtbocox Cbristiauity, wbieb seels tbe
Luereatec Ligbt, eoueeutrates ou tbe beart auc seaiiug
tbe |reatb¨ iu tbat area-esseutiaiiy µiereiug¨ tbe beart
ebalra. (liease see aiso aµµeucix 1, uote :.)
:. loµi says tbe narls were µrinariiy ì`s auc v`s. "e
:. loµi says tbe narls were µrinariiy ì`s auc v`s. "e
bave uo icea wbat tbe sµirit was tryiug to say.
6. 8ee 1he Magus o/ 1ava ior a ceseriµtiou oi tbe leris.
¯. liease uote. aii tbe tine¨ |eiug tbe tbree tines I bave
attenµtec tbis.
8. I nyseii tbiul tbe reasou is nore nuucaue. 1be
stuceuts bac uot eieauec tbe traiuiug baii ior weels auc it
stuul to bigb beaveu oi sweat auc grine. Ii I were a
sµirit, I wouic bave stayec away too:
v. Better ceseri|ec |y tbe seveu ietter worc wbieb
|egius witb au a.
10. rot Aucreas, tbe Austraiiau stuceut iu 1he Magus
o/ 1ava. Aucrew is a 1exau.
11. 1he Magus o/ 1ava.

1. 8one oi you are tbiuliug, ßhat a gceat oovìe that
wou/d oake!
2. I an reierriug to tbe weii-luowu story oi tbe tbree
buucrec 8µartaus. Iu 480 B.C.L., a ioree oi seveu
tbousauc neu iec |y tbe 8µartau liug Leouicas beic tbe
µass at 1bernoµyiae ior tbree cays agaiust a lersiau
arny noceru estinates µiaee at arouuc 200,000 stroug.
1bey were outuun|erec |y nore tbau tweuty to oue.
"biie tbe liug auc bis tbree-buucrec-nau |ocyguarc
ceserve nost oi tbe erecit, we eauuot iguore tbe
eoutri|utiou oi tbe otber 6,¯00 neu wbo iougbt iu wbat
bas |eeu eaiiec 1be Battie ior tbe "est.
Aµµendix 1

1. \o 1zu, usuu 1zu, auc uau lei 1zu, 1he 8asìc
ßcìtìngs o/ Mo 1.u. Lsun 1.u. and Lan Ieì 1.u, ec.
auc traus. Burtou "atsou (rew \orl. Coiun|ia
auc traus. Burtou "atsou (rew \orl. Coiun|ia
Luiversity lress, 1v6¯).
2. 1be iirst eicer naster wbo iuberitec tbe iiueage oi tbe
\o-lai reiusec to susµeuc tbe eaµitai µuuisbneut oi bis
sou ior nurcer |eeause oi bis cevotiou to justiee auc
a|borreuee oi ueµotisn.
1. Bocbicbarna`s story is |asec ou a uun|er oi
aeeouuts. I wouic reeonneuc tbe ioiiowiug as a
sunnary. \iebaei \aiiszewsli, S¡ìcìtua/ Ðìoensìons
o/ the Mactìa/ ~cts (kutiauc, Vt. Cbaries L. 1uttie,
4. 1bat wouic |e tbe Io;ang chì/e Ian chì. writteu |y
\aug usuau Cbiu iu :4¯ C.L.
:. Ceorge "ooceoel, 1he óceeks ìn Indìa (Loucou.
la|er 8 la|er, Ltc., 1v66).
6. 1wo sourees. Loµou 1euziu rancal, Leact Ðco¡s
o/ Ðhacoaka;a (Itbaea, r.\.. 8uow Liou, 1vv1),
Cbaries Aiieu, 1he Seacch /oc Shangcì-Ia (Loucou.
A|aeus, 1vvv).
¯. "iiiian Dairynµie, Icoo the Lo/; Mountaìn
(Loucou. lianiugo, 1vv8).
8. 1ocay tbese nurais nay |e seeu iu tbe Britisb
v. Iu tbe Britisb \useun tbere is a set oi konau arnor
nace eutireiy iron eroeociie sliu. lerbaµs tbis nateriai
was nore suita|ie ior wariare iu tbe Airieau cesert tbau
10. Dairynµie, Icoo the Lo/; Mountaìn.
11. 1be naiu uiucu goc oi tbe lsatriya easte was Iucra
tbe 1buucerer, ueuee zeus |eeane a su|stitute tbrougb
wbieb uiucu coetriue eouic neet Buccbist witbout eitber
sice iosiug iaee. 1be resuitiug µotµourri oi Buccbist-
uiucu-Creel eoueeµts was |asec ou tbe eonnou
grouuc uueoverec. 1bis anaiganatiou ceveioµec iuto
\abayaua Buccbisn.
12. Lueyeioµecia Britauuiea Cuiiue, \auiebaeisn
12. Lueyeioµecia Britauuiea Cuiiue, \auiebaeisn
11. 1be worciug is ny owu, |asec ou two trausiatious.
Aiirec uuaug, 1he coo¡/ete 1aì chì (1olyo. Cbaries
L. 1uttie, 1vv1), Dougias "iie, Iost 1aì-chì c/assìcs
/coo the Iate chìng Ð;nast; (Ai|auy. 8Lr\ lress,
14. "iie, Iost 1aì-chì c/assìcs /coo the Iate chìng
Ð;nast;. I reeonneuc tbis |ool to tbe serious seboiar.
1:. Lueyeioµaecia Britauuiea Cuiiue, Les;chaso.
Aµµendix z

1. 1he Magus o/ 1ava, µ. 102.
2. lor exanµie, tbe |iael boie iu tbe eeuter oi tbe
Aucroneca gaiaxy bas a nass tbirty niiiiou tines tbat oi
our suu. Biael boies are iouuc ouiy iu tbe eeuter oi
gaiaxies tbat eviceuee eiiiµsoicai |unµs¨ iu tbeir eeuter,
sueb as our owu auc tbe Aucroneca gaiaxy.
A|out tbe Autbor

kosta Dauaos is a µroiessiouai eugiueer, au exµerieueec
nartiai arts iustruetor iu jujutsu, luug iu, auc t'ai ebi
ebuau, auc a ireeiauee writer. ue iives iu Atbeus,
A|out Iuuer 1racitious · Bear 8

louucec iu 1v¯:, Iuuer 1racitious is a ieaciug µu|iisber
oi |ools ou iucigeuous euitures, µereuuiai µbiiosoµby,
visiouary art, sµirituai tracitious oi tbe Last auc "est,
sexuaiity, boiistie beaitb auc beaiiug, seii-ceveioµneut, as
weii as reeorciugs oi etbuie nusie auc aeeonµauineuts
ior necitatiou.
Iu Juiy 2111, Bear 8 Conµauy joiuec witb Iuuer
1racitious auc novec iron 8auta le, rew \exieo,
wbere it was iouucec iu 1v81, to koebester, Vernout.
1ogetber Iuuer 1racitious · Bear 8 Conµauy bave
eieveu inµriuts. Iuuer 1racitious, Bear 8 Conµauy,
ueaiiug Arts lress, Destiuy Bools, larl 8treet lress,
Biucu Bools, Bear Cu| Bools, Destiuy keeorciugs,
Destiuy Aucio Lcitious, Iuuer 1racitious eu Lsµauoi, auc
Iuuer 1racitious Iucia.
lor nore iuiornatiou or to |rowse tbrougb our nore
tbau oue tbousauc tities iu µriut, visit
BCCk8 Cl kLLA1LD Ir1LkL81

1eachìngs o/ an ~uthentìc 1aoìst Iooocta/
|y kosta Dauaos

kIrC Cl lIkL
~n Indonesìan Od;sse;
|y Lawreuee Biair witb Lorue Biair

\Ak1IAL AAk18 1LACuIrC 1ALL8 Cl lC"Lk ArD
Iceeìng the Mìnd. Iocusìng chì. and Mastecìng the
|y laseai lauiiot

|y "iiiian Cieasou

Stocìes o/ an ~ncìent ßa; o/ knowìng
|y ko|ert "oiii

C1uLk "A\8 Cl krC"IrC
kechactìng Ouc Iutuce wìth ~ge/ess ßìsdoo
|y Jobu Brooniieic

1he Lìght Lssentìa/ L·eccìses o/ Mastec Iì chìng-;un
|y 8tuart Aive Cisou

1uL "AkkICk I8 8ILLr1
Mactìa/ ~cts and the S¡ìcìtua/ Iath
8eott 8baw, lb.D.

Iuuer 1racitious · Bear 8 Conµauy
l.C. Box 188
koebester, V1 0:¯6¯

Cr eoutaet your ioeai |oolseiier
Iuuer 1racitious Iuteruatiouai
Cue larl 8treet
koebester, Vernout 0:¯6¯

Coµyrigbt · 2002 |y kosta Dauaos
Coµyrigbt · 2002 |y kosta Dauaos

Aii rigbts reservec. ro µart oi tbis |ool nay |e reµrocueec or utiiizec
iu auy iorn or |y auy neaus, eieetrouie or neebauieai, iueiuciug
µbotoeoµyiug, reeorciug, or |y auy iuiornatiou storage auc retrievai
systen, witbout µernissiou iu writiug iron tbe µu|iisber.

Library eí tengress tataleging-in-rublieatien nata

Dauaos, kosta.
rei kuug . tbe seeret teaebiugs oi tbe warrior sages / kosta
µ. en.
e|ool I8Br v¯8-1-:v4¯¯-60v-0
µriut I8Br 0-8v281-v0¯-1 (µ|l.)
1. "bisµers iron tbe last-\etai-\ieroeosn-8µberes
-1be tbuucer|oit-1be "arrior eiite-lraetiee-"euwuluau
8tories. 2. \artiai Arts.

CV1101 .D16 2002
¯v6.8-ce 21

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