Simile Metaphor: Rihanna and The Scarlet Ibis

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DODGE - Daily Double Plan

Name: Amy Morgan

Subject/Time:Reading 8:00-8:30, 12:30-1:00

Date: 12-412

Overview 1.C.3e Compare how authors and illustra--tors use text and art across materials to express their ideas (e.g., foreshadowing, flash-backs, color, strong verbs, language that inspires). 2.A.3a Identify and analyze a variety of literary techniques (e.g., figurative language, allusion, dialogue, description, word choice, dialect) within classical and contemporary works representing a variety of genres. 2.A.3d Identify ways that an author uses language structure, word choice and style to convey the authors v iewpoint.
RI.8.4 Craft and Structure: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. Objective(s) SWBAT identify similes and metaphors and determine meaning and effectiveness in a text. Vocabulary words/Key Concepts: simile, metaphor, literal, figurative Modifications/ Accommodations: Modified comparison matrix Materials & Technology:The Scarlet Ibis Elmo, Diamonds lyrics, Diamonds by Rihanna, Ipad, Comparison matrix Homework: Complete matrix

Key Lesson Elements What is the Teacher Doing?

Do Now (3-5 minutes):
Carrie always had a crush on Jim. They had been in the same class for years, but she never had the courage to tell him how she felt. Jim was the apple of her eye. Little did she know, but Jim thought that Sarah was as sweet as candy. He thought that she didnt like him, because whenever he came near, Carrie walked quickly in the other direction. Carrie always walked away because she was so nervous around him! 1. Underline the similes in the paragraph. 2. What are the meanings of similes in this paragraph? 3. Zig-zag the metaphors.

What are the Students Doing?

Fill out do now for 5 minutes, level 0 Put upside down in center of table when complete. When done, begin taking notes.

DODGE - Daily Double Plan

4. 5.

What are the meanings of metaphors in this paragraph? What do you feel are benefits of using similes and metaphors?

(5 minutes)

Take notes in notebook when completed.

I Do We have been learning about similes and metaphors for years now. Cold CallQ:What is a simile? A: Comparison using like or as. Q: What is a metaphor? A: To compare by saying something is something else. Teacher will put up notes and students will begin to copy in notebooks at a level 0. Put down pencil and give eye contact when complete. Simile- A comparison using like or as. He was as bright as the sun. Metaphor- A word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is does not literally apply. Its raining cats and dogs. Literal- Going along with the real meaning of the words used. He was as bright as the sun- literally means if you look at him for too long you will injure your eyes! Its raining cats and dogs- literally means there are cats and dogs coming out of the sky! Figurative- Describes something that is not to be interpreted by its literal meaning, but instead using a symbol or likeness. He was as bright as the sun. Figuratively means he is really smart. Its raining cats and dogs- figuratively means that its raining very hard. Why use them? - Create powerful mental pictures using a limited amount of words. (4 minutes) We Do Which sounds better, her eyes were as blue as the ocean or her eyes were blue. Why? Think 1 minute, make eye contact w. partner Pair 1:30, Share 1. What is another way to say that something is beautiful?

DODGE - Daily Double Plan

Think 1 minute Pair 1:30 Share 1 I do Teacher passes out Diamonds handout. We will be listening to the song Diamonds by Rihanna. I chose this song because there are a lot of similes and metaphors. I am going to play the song, and as it plays Id like you to underline the similes once, and the metaphors twice. There are both in this song. Cold Call directions You do Underline similes and metaphors as song is being played. You will only need to worry about the similes and metaphors of the lyrics in front of you. We are going to be thinking about the figurative meaning of the similes and metaphors she uses. Q: What do I mean when I say we are thinking about the figurative meaning of the words? (4 minutes) We Do Turn to a partner and share the similes and metaphors you found in the song. I will be cold calling to ask what a partner said, so we have to work as partners! Cold call Now, with your partner, answer the questions about the similes and metaphors in the song. (7 minutes) Q: What do you think similes and metaphors do for songs? A: Make the song sound more beautiful, let the listener interpret a meaning. Q: Do similes and metaphors do the same for text? Why? I Do Ask students to take out Scarlet Ibis Put comparison matrix on Elmo. We are going to be locating similes and metaphors in the story. Read example 1: Trembling, hed push himself up, turning first red,

then a soft purple, and finally collapse back onto the bed like and old worn-out doll.

DODGE - Daily Double Plan

Rest of columns will be covered. We Do Turn and talk- what is the worn out doll being compared to? 30 sec Share I do We write what is being compared in the first column. We Do Turn and talk -How is Doodle like a worn out doll? 30 sec Share I do We write how they are alike in the third column. Q: Is this a simile or metaphor? We write whether it is a simile or metaphor in the last column. With your table, fill out the rest of the matrix. (10 minutes) Teacher will have modified matrix with similes filled in for students that are having difficulty. Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) Molly and Eric were brother and sister.

Unfortunately, they did not have a lot in common. Eric loved to play sports and videogames, while Molly liked to play with makeup and read books. Molly and Eric fought like cats and dogs. As Molly and Eric grew up, they realized that it was time to put aside their differences. They realized that time is as precious as a rare diamond, and they didnt want to waste anymore of it. Now, Molly and Eric are two peas in a pod! Directions: Answer the following questions. There may or may not be more than simile and metaphor in the paragraph. 1. Underline the similes in the paragraph. 2. What are the meanings of similes in this paragraph? 3. Zig-zag the metaphors. 4. What are the meanings of metaphors in this paragraph? 5. What do you feel are benefits of using similes and metaphors?

DODGE - Daily Double Plan

Closing/Preview for next lesson: 1:45 to get into independent reading position.

Homework: Complete comparison matrix

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