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TASK 6 LEARNER STRATEGY TRAINING 1-Literal translation Word coinage Blind training Informed training Cognitive Socio-affective strategy

Strategy Integrative skills Metacognitive strategy

Demet BAKIRCI 2011554402 21

2- Students of foreign language are being encouraged to learn and use a broad range of language learning strategies that can be tapped throughout the learning process. This approach is based on the belief that learning will be facilitated by making sudents aware of the range of strategies from which they can choose during language learning and use.There are some goals of strategy training: Self-diagnose their strengths and weaknesses in language learning Develop a broad range of problem-solving skills Monitor and self-evaluate their performance Transfer successful strategies to new learning contexts 3-Metacognitive strategies are responsible for planning and arranging learning, centering ones learning, and self-monitoring. Cognitive strategies involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself and are responsible for marking new words in a text, memorizing by sentences. Socioaffective strategies have to do with other learners, relaxiation,and asking questions. I use mostly cognitive strategies when studying in English.Since it helps more direct manipulation of the learning material itself,and memorizing by sentences etc. 4- I havent experienced any problem while listening to the podcast.

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