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Lecture 24 Prestressed Concrete

Prestressed concrete refers to concrete that has applied stresses induced into the member. Typically, wires or tendons are stretched and then blocked at the ends creating compressive stresses throughout the members entire crosssection. Most Prestressed concrete is precast in a plant. Advantages of Prestressed concrete vs. non-Prestressed concrete: More efficient members (i.e., smaller members to carry same loads) Much less cracking since member is almost entirely in compression Precast members have very good quality control Precast members offer rapid field erection

Disadvantages of Prestressed concrete vs. non-Prestressed concrete: More expensive in materials, fabrication, delivery Heavy precast members require large cranes Somewhat limited design flexibility Small margin for error More complicated design

Typical Precast Prestressed concrete members

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Pre-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete: Pre-tensioned concrete is almost always done in a precast plant. A pretensioned Prestressed concrete member is cast in a preformed casting bed. The BONDED wires (tendons) are tensioned prior to the concrete hardening. After the concrete hardens to approximately 75% of the specified compressive strength fc, the tendons are released and axial compressive load is then transmitted to the cross-section of the member. Tendons tensioned between bulkheads Prestress force Ps

Dead end

Casting bed

Live end

Step 1

Fresh concrete placed in bed

Tendons anchored at Live end and Dead end

Step 2
Hardened concrete Prestress force Ps Tendons released at Live end and Dead end creating an axial force along length of precast member

Step 3

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Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete: A post-tensioned member has UNCOATED tendons cast into concrete in draped patterns. After the concrete hardens to about 75% fc, the tendons are tensioned and try to straighten out. This creates an upward camber of the member which offsets anticipated downward deflection due to gravity loads. Post-tensioning can be accomplished on-site as necessary.

Tendons tensioned between bulkheads Prestress force Ps Dead end Tendons creating an upward force along length of member Live end

Step 1

Dead end

Tendons anchored at Live end

Step 2

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Analysis of Rectangular Prestressed Members: The analysis of a member is typically done for various stages of loading under SERVICE LOADS. Stresses f are obtained as follows: f= Ps Ps ey Ag Ig

where: Ps = prestress force Ag = gross cross-sectional area of member e = eccentric distance between prestressing tendons and member centroid y = distance from centroid to extreme edge of member Ig = gross moment of inertia of member about N.A.

Mu = 0.9Apsfps(dp -

a ) 2

where: Mu = usable moment capacity of prestressed beam Aps = area of prestressed tendons

p f pu 1 fps = f pu p ' f c 1
fpu = ultimate tensile strength of prestressing tendon

p = factor based on the type of prestressing steel = 0.40 for ordinary wire strand = 0.28 for low-relaxation wire strand 1 = 0.85 for concrete fc = 4000 PSI = 0.80 for concrete fc = 5000 PSI p =
A ps bd p

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A ps f ps

0.85 f ' c b

yt h dp N.A. e yb

Aps Rectangular Prestressed Beam

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GIVEN: The rectangular prestressed concrete beam as shown below. Use the following:

Concrete fc = 5000 PSI Concrete strength = 75%(fc) at time of prestressing Aps = 3 dia. 7-wire strands @ 0.153 in2 per strand = 0.459 in2 fpu = 270 KSI (using an ordinary 7-wire strand) Initial prestress force, Ps = 70%(fpu)(Aps) Service dead load, (NOT including beam weight) = 400 PLF Service beam weight = 188 PLF Service live load = 1500 PLF

REQUIRED: 1) Determine the location of the neutral axis and prestress eccentricity e. 2) Determine the moment of inertia about the neutral axis, Ig. 3) Determine the stresses during prestressing. 4) Determine the stresses during initial applied service beam weight. 5) Determine the stresses due to service applied dead load + live load. 6) Determine the final stresses due to all service loads and prestressing. 7) Determine the maximum actual factored moment on the beam Mmax. 8) Determine the factored usable moment capacity Mu of the beam.

22-0 10

yt 18 16 N.A. e yb

Rectangular Prestressed Beam

Aps = 0.459 in2

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Step 1 Determine the location of the neutral axis and prestress eccentricity e: Using a datum as measured from the top of the beam: 10 yt h = 18 Yb e nAps = 3.30 in2
E steel E conc

18/2 = 9

dp =16


29,000,000 PSI 57,000 f ' c = 5000 PSI

= 7.2 nAps = 7.2(0.459 in2) = 3.30 in2

yt =

A y A (10" x18" )9"+(3.30in 2 )16" (10" x18" ) + (3.30in 2 )

yt = 9.13

yb = 18 9.13 yb = 8.87 e = dp yt = 16 9.13 e = 6.87

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Step 2 Determine the moment of inertia about the neutral axis, Ig:

bh 3 h + bh y t + nA ps (e) 2 Ig = 12 2

(10" )(18" ) 3 18" 2 2 + (10" )(18" ) 9.13" + (3.30in )(6.87" ) 12 2

= 4860 in4 + 3.0 in4 + 155.7 in4 Ig = 5018.7 in4 Step 3 Determine the stresses during prestressing: f=

Ps Ps ey Ag Ig
where: Ps = prestress force = 70%(fpu)(Aps) = 0.70(270 KSI)(0.459 in2) = 86.8 KIPS y = yt for tensile stresses at top of beam = yb for compressive stresses at bottom of beam

a) Check stresses at TOP of beam: ftop = stress at top of beam =-

Ps Ps ey t + Ag Ig 86.8KIPS (86.8KIPS )(6.87" )(9.13" ) + (10" x18" ) 5018.7in 4

= -0.48 KSI + 1.08 KSI ftop = 0.60 KSI Tension

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b) Check stresses at BOTTOM of beam: fbottom = stress at bottom of beam =

Ps Ps eyb Ag Ig 86.8KIPS (86.8 KIPS )(6.87" )(8.87" ) (10" x18" ) 5018.7in 4

= -0.48 KSI - 1.05 KSI fbottom = -1.53 KSI Compression

Step 4 Determine the stresses during initial applied service beam weight:


M beam ( y ) Ig
where: Mbeam = maximum unfactored moment due to beam wt. =

wbeam ( L) 2 8

(188PLF )(22'0" ) 2 = 8
= 11,374 Lb-Ft = 11.4 KIP-FT y = yt for compression in top = yb for tension in bottom a) Check stresses at TOP: ftop =

M beam ( y t ) Ig (11.4 KIP FT (12" / ft ))(9.13" ) 5018.7in 4

ftop = -0.25 KSI Compression

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Check stresses at BOTTOM: Fbottom = +

M beam ( y b ) Ig

= +

(11.4 KIP FT (12" / ft ))(8.87" ) 5018.7in 4

fbottom = 0.24 KSI Tension

Step 5 Determine the stresses due to service applied dead load + live load:


M DL + LL ( y ) Ig

where: MDL+LL = maximum unfactored moment due to DL+LL =

wDL + LL ( L) 2 8 (400 PLF + 1500 PLF )(22'0" ) 2 8

= 114,950 Lb-Ft = 115.0 KIP-FT y = yt for compression in top = yb for tension in bottom a) Check stresses at TOP: ftop =

M DL + LL ( y t ) Ig (115.0 KIP FT (12" / ft ))(9.13" ) 5018.7in 4

ftop = -2.51 KSI Compression

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b) Check stresses at BOTTOM: fbottom = +

M DL + LL ( y b ) Ig

= +

(115.0 KIP FT (12" / ft ))(8.87" ) 5018.7in 4

fbottom = 2.44 KSI Tension

Step 6 Determine the final stresses due to all service loads and prestressing:

NOTE: All stresses shown have units of KSI

-0.48C +1.08T -0.25C +0.35T -2.51C -2.16C



+0.24T Beam Wt.

-1.29C Transfer

+2.44T DL + LL

+1.15T Final

Ps Ag

+ Ps ey Ig

ACI dictates the following maximum permissible stresses at service loads: a) Compression = 0.60fc b) Tension = 6 f ' c

Initial Prestress

Step 7 Determine the maximum actual factored moment on the beam Mmax:

Mmax =

wu L2 8
wu = 1.2D + 1.6L = 1.2(400 PLF + 188 PLF) + 1.6(1500 PLF) = 3106 PLF = 3.1 KLF

Mmax =

3.1(22'0) 2 8

Mmax = 188 KIP-FT

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Step 8 Determine the factored usable moment capacity Mu of the beam:

Mu = 0.9Apsfps(dp where:

a ) 2

p f pu fps = f pu 1 p f ' c 1
fpu = ultimate tensile strength of prestressing tendon = 270 KSI

p = factor based on the type of prestressing steel = 0.40 for ordinary wire strand 1 = 0.80 for concrete fc = 5000 PSI p =

A ps bd p

0.453in 2 = (10" )(16" )

= 0.00283

0.40 270 KSI fps = 270 KSI 1 0.80 (0.00283) 5KSI

= 249.4 KSI a=

A ps f ps 0.85 f ' c b

(0.453in 2 )(249.4 KSI ) = 0.85(5 KSI )(10" )

= 2.66 Mu = 0.9Apsfps(dp -

a ) 2 2.66" ) 2

= 0.9(0.453 in2)(249.4 KSI)(16 = 1492 Kip-In

Mu = 124.3 KIP-FT < Mmax = 188 KIP-FT NOT ACCEPTABLE

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