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Mafia Wars FAQ by Verbaldi

-- last modified: 04/20/09

-- This page:

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-- Please add us in FB and Mafia:

Other Mafia Wars Documents for your use

-- Mafia Wars Weapons Stats by Verbaldi:

Table of Contents

About the Application

What is Zynga?
Can I reset the game?
How can I be less addicted to Mafia Wars?
How do I move my MySpace Mafia Wars to Facebook?
What are the risks I would run into playing this game?
Scammed - Godfather Points Offers
Scammed - Gifts, Collections, Loot Cheaters
Scammed - Phishing
Spammed - Godfather Points Offers
Spammed - Add me threads
Spammed - Facebook Messaging, Wall Postings
Trojan / Virus - Facebook Messaging, Wall Postings
Trojan / Virus - Cheats, Scripts, Hacks
Getting Stalked
Getting Reported to Zynga
Mafia Wars Etiquette
Character Types
Can you change your character type? I'm a Mogul (or Fearless) and I want to switch
to Maniac instead.
What's the best character type?
How do I invite a lot of people in Facebook?
What gives with attacking me?
What are these "Critical Hits"?
How is the winner of a fight determined?
How long do I have to wait before the fight list refreshes (gives me a new list of
opponents to attack)?
Weapons, Armor, and Vehicles Statistics
Attack and Defense Analysis
Scenario #1 - You are Level-66 with 426 mafia. You are attacking Level-69 with 107
Scenario #2 - You are Level-67 with 434 mafia. A Level-75 attacked you with 146
What is the link to send collections directly to another mafia member?
What is the link to send loot directly to another mafia member?
What is the link to send the same item to multiple mafia members or send the same
item more than once to the same mafia member?
Mafia Wars Trading Tool
Mafia Wars Gift Linker
Do mafia souvenirs that I keep seeing transfer to the game?
Godfather Points
What's the link to heal at the hospital?
How long do I have to wait until I can buy health again in the hospital?
How do I get Blackmail Photos?
How do I get Computer Set-Ups?
How do I get Concealable Cameras?
How do I get Illegal Transaction Records?
How do I get Untraceable Cell Phones?
I've completed the Boss level. Now what?
Why are there people in my fight list that are level 115 and I'm only level 95?
I am only a level 30. I keep getting attacked relentlessly by people who are level
100 and above. How is that even possible?
Limited Edition Items
Is signing up to get the Stolen Mail Truck safe? I don't want spam!
Instead of the Limited Edition Loot item on the front page, all I see is an ad.
How do I get a Bullet Proof Bentley? I read somewhere I have to win 20000 poker
chips to win it?
I attacked someone, won, and I received a dropped loot. Can I lose my own loot
when someone attacks me, I lose, and they receive a looted item?
Can I add someone to my mafia without being a Facebook friend first?
Will my mafia numbers go down if I remove someone from my Facebook friend list?
Can I delete someone from my mafia?
What does it mean when someone says "Status set"?
What's that link that tells me how many hours and minutes until I get an energy
pack again?
What's that link that tells me how many experience points I got by helping my
What do letters in other people's mafia name mean? I've seen tags like [Elite],
(LCN), (SBG), xXx, etc?
Tagged Clans
Untagged Groups
Can I transfer money to another player?
How long can my Mafia name be? I just spent 15 Godfather points to change my name
only to find the name cut off at the end!
What punctuation marks should I avoid in my Mafia name?
Avoid Double Quotes: " "
Profile Link
How do I get my profile link?
Finding Your Own Facebook ID
Copying Your Own Facebook Profile Link
Finding Someone Else's Mafia Wars Profile
Profile Stats
What does "Mobsters Whacked" mean?
I paid for protection on my properties, how can people still rob me?
Which properties can't be robbed?
Top Mafia
What is the link to promote a mafia member to top mafia?
When I try to promote someone, why does it say, "Not available"?
How do I get a Bonus Weapon?
Weapons, Armor, and Vehicles Statistics
Should I buy 501 of each weapon, armor, vehicle available from the Mafia Store?
I Have A Question!
I have a question not listed here. Can I ask you?
Special Thanks to these guys

About the Application

What is Zynga?

Hahahahahaha. (wipes tears from eyes)

Just the company that owned most of my waking moments for months now.

- Verbal Di

Can I reset the game?


Not unless you:

Remove the Mafia Wars app from Facebook.
Don't play for 60 days.
Re-add Mafia Wars.

- Verbal Di


How can I be less addicted to Mafia Wars?

lol. Can't help you with that! hahahaha.

- Verbal Di

How do I move my MySpace Mafia Wars to Facebook?

I feel you, man. You've invested all this time in Mafia Wars and realize that
Facebook is so much better than MySpace.

You can't.

Unless someone develops a genius hack that transfers over your "friends", too.
- Verbal Di

What are the risks I would run into playing this game?

Just like anywhere online, you run the risk of getting scammed, getting spammed,
getting a Trojan worm, getting stalked, and getting reported to Zynga for

Bottom line:
Caveat Emptor (let the buyer beware) and watch what links you click.

- Verbal Di

Scammed - Godfather Points Offers

The most common way of getting scammed is through those offers you see to get
godfather/favor points. Some of the offers are from valid, reputable companies, I
suppose. And then there those where you sign up and then you wait and wait and
never get the godfather/favor points.


If you want to directly contact Zynga's customer service, you'll need to sign up:


- Verbal Di

Scammed - Gifts, Collections, Loot Cheaters

WARNING: Pay attention when clicking on someone's status link. Double check and
make sure it says "" in the link to
avoid clicking on misleading links.

Another common way of getting duped is clicking on "Free Blackmail Photos here"
links or "Click here for free untraceable cell phone".

There are malicious people out there who creates links rigged so when you click on
the link, you are actually sending your own items to them. (4/13/09) Zynga just
changed it so you can only send to mafia members.

There are helpful groups which keep track of these offenders. e.g. Mafia Wars Wall
of Shame (MWWS)

- Verbal Di

Scammed - Phishing
Beware of who you "friend" in Facebook. Keep in mind that when you are friends
with people, you are exposing your private information such as phone numbers,
email addresses, home address, etc. If you are just wanting to add people to your
mafia, you can "un-friend" them and they will continue to be part of your mafia.
The drawback is you can't help them when they "need help on a job". Just be wary
of what info you share out there.

Feel free to "un-friend" me if you'd like, it won't hurt my feelings.

- Verbal Di
Spammed - Godfather Points Offers

You should know by now that every time you sign up for anything which requires an
email address, you will run the risk of getting spammed. Mostly if the item is
"free". I personally avoid them at all cost.

And then there are those possible phishing scams (take your personal info, credit
card numbers, etc). Ugh. If in doubt and you really want those points, google the
company first.

- Verbal Di

Spammed - Add me threads

You wanted to increase your mafia numbers fast so you went into one of those
forums with add me threads which asked you to included your email so everyone can
append their email and add each other in Facebook in perfect harmony. Yes I've
done it too.

There are people out there whose sole purpose is to "screen scrape" email
addresses and sell them to spammers. So just beware.

- Verbal Di

Spammed - Facebook Messaging, Wall Postings

Then there are those people who asks you to be their mafia buddy and then sends
you spam in your Facebook mail or your wall. One word. Block.

- Verbal Di

Trojan / Virus - Facebook Messaging, Wall Postings

You added someone as a Facebook friend and you go on their profile and
automatically click on their status. Watch it. I haven't seen it happen yet but
watch what you click.

There are well known Trojan worms/viruses out there that come via link to videos,
link to pictures, link to hot photos of Jessica Alba. It's just about time when
they put these malicious links on Facebook statuses where we eagerly click to add
people to our mafia.

Trojan Worm Examples

e.g. Koobface - Trojan worm - You click on a link in an email, it asks you to
install a video player update, hijacks your account in Facebook and then spreads
itself to all your friends.


- Verbal Di

Trojan / Virus - Cheats, Scripts, Hacks

You found a website that promises if you download their cheats / scripts / hacks,
you can have your game play for you while you are at work (e.g. reload money in
the bank, find opponents to attack, etc). Just like all cheats, scripts, and
hacks, I should not have to tell you that they are frowned upon and kills the joy
out of the game play for most people. Plus, some sites just trick you so that you
download their Trojan worm or virus. Make sure you have your antivirus software
running. Beware. Be wary. Be aware.

Getting Stalked
I personally don't have a stalker but I've heard it happens. You receive too much
attention from one individual. So ladies, watch out.

- Verbal Di

Getting Reported to Zynga


Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:

� Posting abusive comments in the forums or on a user�s comment wall.

� If you post nasty, insulting, sexually explicit, racially disparaging,
religiously disparaging or other inappropriate content on message board.
� Attacking the same character repeatedly over a long period of time with the same
account or with a coordinated effort amongst multiple accounts.


If you get reported, Zynga may take "corrective actions" regarding your account.

- Verbal Di

Mafia Wars Etiquette

Is there such a thing? After all, isn't the game all about attacking, looting,
robbing, and just all out being "not a very nice person".

1) Of course, we've got the "no scamming, spamming, stalking, harassing the pretty
ladies" directive.

2) Zynga warned about posting abusive comments in forums or wall: posting nasty,
insulting, sexually explicit, racially disparaging, religiously disparaging or
other inappropriate content.

But I've noticed some behaviors that should be avoided:

3) Posting "add me" requests in Mafia Wars discussion boards where it clearly
states no "add me" requests in the discussion boards except in the designated

4) Posting "I need/Trade" requests in Mafia Wars discussion boards when the topic
is not even related. Please quit spamming discussion boards.

5) Using other people's Facebook friends list to recruit for mafia members without
their permission.
Ya know, there are still people out there who use their Facebook accounts to
socialize with their real friends and not play Mafia Wars.

6) Whining about getting hitlisted a few times by a person.

Come on! They probably can't beat you or rob your properties, what else can they
do? Smile and look pretty?
7) Whining about getting attacked multiple times.
I believe it's perfectly acceptable for someone to attack you until you are "too
weak" or dead. It's part of the game. What's not acceptable according to Zynga is
the sustained attacks over a long period of time. We all wonder what "long periods
of time" means.

8) Sending loot to anonymous strangers without their permission.

While most of us don't mind receiving them, there is a small percentage of people
who dislike receiving loot with low stats, mostly when they consider them
"worthless". They get offended because they do not want these items. Most of the
time they can't send it back to you because your Mafia Name might not be someone
they recognize. If you want to get rid of low attack/defense loot like "Brass
Knuckles" and "Butterfly Knife" you can unload them on me. :] (Send them to me
Verbal Di and not Weapons Stats).

- Verbal Di

Character Types

Can you change your character type? I'm a Mogul (or Fearless) and I want to switch
to Maniac instead.
Aah. The feeling of regret.

You used to be able to change that using godfather points a very long time ago.
Not anymore.

As of today, the answer is "no".

- Verbal Di


What's the best character type?

The best character is "Maniac". The Maniac character type generates energy faster.
You also have the chance of being a Button Man on somebody's top mafia which will
give you a small chance of winning fights against all odds when you attack

"Fearless" lets you heal quicker. However, keep in mind you can "buy" health. You
also have the chance of being a Wheelman on somebody's top mafia which gives you a
small chance to perform jobs for no energy.

"Mogul" generates money quicker. This is fine at the beginning of the game when
every little bit counts. But as you accumulate wealth in time, you generate enough
money that it is no longer an advantage. As a Bagman in somebody's top mafia, you
get a small chance to gain double the money when performing jobs.

- Verbal Di


How do I invite a lot of people in Facebook?

Step 1: Use Facebook's invite page:

Step 1: Click "Add as friend"

Step 2: By sharing your email address with strangers and adding strangers as your
Facebook friend, you run the risk of getting spammed, your Facebook account hacked
because you clicked on a friend's link in their status, your Facebook account
shutdown by Facebook because you had too many friend requests or received too many
emails, some collection agency who has been hunting you down for late mortgage
payments befriends you and demands payment in front of your whole Facebook

The best way is to join a Mafia Wars group or a clan and sign up to be one of the
Admins of the Day. Technically, an Admin is a person who would volunteer to help
out and manage/respond to discussion boards. But in Mafia Wars World, being an
Admin of the Day means your link is broadcasted to a whole group so they have an
option to add you as a Facebook friend and mafia.

- Verbal Di


What gives with attacking me?

The nature of the game is to War, is it not? Feel free to hitlist me if you're
upset. :|

- Verbal Di

What are these "Critical Hits"?

Mafia Wars is a game of strategy as well as a game of chance.

Critical Hits are another way that Zynga "mixes things up" because they absolutely
make no sense. How can your all powerful mafia lose to another who has way fewer
mafia members and crappy defense? It "annoys" most serious players to no end,
those who have spent so much time and effort to beef up their mafia, those players
who care about their Win and Loss ratio. Zynga introduced it early this year and
you heard an outcry from a lot of people when that happened.

Critical Hits are random and is not a good gauge of how good your mafia is. If you
really want to know if your mafia is stronger, hit your opponent again and hope
you don't get another critical hit. If you are that good, you should win (unless
your opponent is a top bodyguard, but that's another matter entirely).

Word on the street is, you have a 20-25% of getting critical hits when you attack.
Let me know what you think otherwise.

- Verbal Di

How is the winner of a fight determined?


In addition to mafia size, power of items (attack when attacking, defense when
defending), and attack and defense stats mentioned in Zynga's website, they threw
in some random chance in there which we see as "Critical Hits". Yeah, I hate them
too. I guess it's the only way I won't get to pound you successfully 100% of the

Factor in these other things:

Top Mafia Buttonman - If your mafia is a "Top Mafia Button Man" (maniac only),
your mafia will have a small chance of winning fights against all odds that you

Top Mafia Bodyguard - If the mafia you are attacking is a "Top Mafia Bodyguard",
that mafia will have a small chance of winning fights against all odds when they
are attacked.

Pistol Bayonet - If you mastered the Street Thug jobs, you deal +4% damage in

Bugatti - If you mastered the Associate jobs, you receive -7% damage
in fights.

- Verbal Di

How long do I have to wait before the fight list refreshes (gives me a new list of
opponents to attack)?
90 seconds. Let me know if you this is not correct.

- Verbal Di

Weapons, Armor, and Vehicles Statistics

My Weapons Stats Page:

- Verbal Di

Attack and Defense Analysis

Scenario #1 - You are Level-66 with 426 mafia. You are attacking Level-69 with 107

Your Mafia of 426 fought against Level-69 with a Power Cutter, a Wood Chipper, a
Nail Gun, a Reciprocating Saw, 22 Gold Desert Eagles, 16 Napalms, 2 Hedge
Clippers, 59 Sub Machine Guns, 61 Cupid's Tommy Guns, a Mini Uzi, 43 Poison Gas
Grenades, 2 Axes, a Hammer, 12 RPG Launchers, a Bloody Chainsaw, 181 Chain Guns,
19 .50 Caliber Rifles, 2 Grenade Launchers, 14 A Pint o' Green Beers, 7 Half
Dollar Body Armors, a Gas Mask, 15 Bodyguards, 7 Night Vision Goggles, 382 Body
Armors, 7 Harley Davidson "Fat Boy" Motorcycles, 11 Armored Cars, 407 Town Cars,
and a Luxury Yacht.

Level-69 Mafia of 107 fought with a Gold Desert Eagle, 2 Napalms, a Bookie's
Holdout Pistol, a Sub Machine Gun, a Police Baton, 2 AK-47s, a Poison Gas Grenade,
4 RPG Launchers, 5 .50 Caliber Rifles, 15 Chain Guns, 6 Grenade Launchers, 10
Tommy Guns, a Hacksaw, 7 Semi-Automatic Shotguns, 10 Automatic Rifles, 8
Firebombs, 7 Machine Pistols, 15 9mm Semi-Automatics, 10 Grenades, an A Pint o'
Green Beer, 5 Half Dollar Body Armors, 2 Bodyguards, a Night Vision Goggles, 31
Body Armors, 3 Bullet Proof Vests, 5 Stab-Proof Vests, 3 Lucky Shamrock
Medallions, a Harley Davidson "Fat Boy" Motorcycle, 6 Armored Cars, a Luxury
Yacht, 11 Town Cars, 15 Getaway Cruisers, 2 Prop planes, 3 Sedans, 20 Armored
Sedans, 9 Armored Trucks, 5 Delivery Trucks, 4 Motorcycles, and 2 Speed Boats.

You WON the fight, taking 0 damage and dealing 24 damage to your enemy. You gained
$0 and 1 experience points.
*** You are at an advantage because:
1) Your weapons with the lowest attack are Chain Guns (16 attack) and .50 Caliber
Rifles (16 attack).
2) Your armor with the lowest defense are Body Armor (7 defense).
3) Your vehicle with the lowest stat are Town Cars (10 attack).

*** Your opponent is at a disadvantage because:

1) He has 10 Tommy Guns (12 attack), a Hacksaw (6 attack), 7 Semi-Automatic
Shotguns (5 attack), 10 Automatic Rifles (4 attack), 8 Firebombs (4 attack), 7
Machine Pistols (3 attack), 15 9mm Semi-Automatics (3 attack), 10 Grenades (2
* His mafia is 107.
* He has 39 weapons with high attack (Chain Guns or better).
* He has 68 weapons worse than Chain Gun.
--> He could have improved his arsenal by buying 68 more Chain Guns (16 attack).

2) He has 3 Bullet Proof Vests (2 attack), 5 Stab-Proof Vests (2 attack), 3 Lucky

Shamrock Medallion (1 attack).
* His mafia is 107.
* He has 47 armor with high attack (Body Armor or better).
* He has 11 armor worse than Body Armor.
* He has 49 mafia members without armor.
--> He could have improved his armor attack by buying 60 more Body Armor (4

3) He has 15 Getaway Cruisers (6 attack), 2 Prop planes (5 attack), 3 Sedans (4

attack), 20 Armored Sedans (4 attack), 9 Armored Trucks (4 attack), 5 Delivery
Trucks (3 attack), 4 Motorcycles (2 attack), and 2 Speed Boats (0 attack).
* His mafia is 107.
* He has 19 vehicle with high attack (Towncar or better).
* He has 60 vehicle worse than Towncar.
* He has 28 mafia members without vehicles.
--> He could have improved his armor attack by buying 88 more Towncars (10

- Verbal Di

Scenario #2 - You are Level-67 with 434 mafia. A Level-75 attacked you with 146

Here's the result from the person who attacked you:

Your Mafia of 146 fought against Level-67 with 11 Midas' Butterfly Knives, 20
Napalms, 2 St. Patty's
Shillelaghs, 27 RPG Launchers, 64 Chain Guns, 22 .50 Caliber Rifles, 8 A Pint o'
Green Beers, 47 Half
Dollar Body Armors, 21 Bodyguards, 22 Night Vision Goggles, 48 Body Armors, 20
Harley Davidson "Fat Boy"
Motorcycles, 19 Armored Cars, 3 Chrome Skylines, 102 Town Cars, a Luxury Yacht,
and a Stolen Mail Truck.

Level-67's Mafia of 434 fought with a Power Cutter, a Wood Chipper, a Nail Gun, 5
Midas' Butterfly Knives,
a Reciprocating Saw, 22 Gold Desert Eagles, 59 Sub Machine Guns, 61 Cupid's Tommy
Guns, a Mini Uzi, 43
Poison Gas Grenades, 13 RPG Launchers, a Hammer, a Bloody Chainsaw, 181 Chain
Guns, 19 .50 Caliber Rifles,
18 Grenade Launchers, 6 Tommy Guns, 14 A Pint o' Green Beers, 7 Half Dollar Body
Armors, a Gas Mask, 15
Bodyguards, 7 Night Vision Goggles, 382 Body Armors, 5 Stab-Proof Vests, 3 Lucky
Shamrock Medallions, 11
Armored Cars, 407 Town Cars, a Luxury Yacht, 9 Prop planes, and 6 Armored Trucks.

*** You are at a disadvantage because:

1) You have 18 Grenade Launchers (10 defense) , 6 Tommy Guns (10 defense).
* You only have 181 Chain Guns thinking that's all you need. (Because that's what
you used to attack.)
--> You could improve your arsenal by buying an additional 24 Chain Guns (14

2) You have 5 Stab-Proof Vests (5 defense).

* You only have 382 Body Armors thinking that's all you need. (Because that's what
you used to attack.)
--> You could improve your arsenal by buying an additional 8 Body Armor (7

3) You have 6 Armored Trucks (8 defense).

* You only have 407 Towncars thinking that's all you need. (Because that's what
you used to attack.)
--> You could improve your arsenal by buying an additional 6 Towncars (12

- Verbal Di


What is the link to send collections directly to another mafia member?

Replace XXXXXXXXX with mafia member's profile id.

Replace YY with the gift id.

Gift IDs

1 ..... Ebony Cigar

2 ..... Sky Cigar
3 ..... Rose Cigar
4 ..... Ivory Cigar
5 ..... Turquoise Cigar
6 ..... Gold Cigar
7 ..... Royal Cigar

8 ..... Topaz Ring

9 ..... Opal Ring
10 ..... Amethyst Ring
11 ..... Emerald Ring
12 ..... Sapphire Ring
13 ..... Ruby Ring
14 ..... Diamond Ring

15 ..... Warhol Painting

16 ..... Cezanne Painting
17 ..... Matisse Painting
18 ..... Van Gogh Painting
19 ..... Dali Painting
20 ..... Monet Painting
21 ..... Rembrandt Painting

22 ..... Rat Sculpture

23 ..... Sheep Sculpture
24 ..... Rooster Sculpture
25 ..... Monkey Sculpture
26 ..... Tiger Sculpture
27 ..... Snake Sculpture
28 ..... Dragon Sculpture

29 ..... White Poker Chip

30 ..... Brown Poker Chip
31 ..... Red Poker Chip
32 ..... Blue Poker Chip
33 ..... Green Poker Chip
34 ..... Purple Poker Chip
35 ..... Gold Poker Chip

36 ..... Eight of Diamonds

37 ..... Nine of Diamonds
38 ..... Ten of Diamonds
39 ..... Jack of Diamonds
40 ..... Queen of Diamonds
41 ..... King of Diamonds
42 ..... Ace of Diamonds

43 ..... Eight of Hearts

44 ..... Nine of Hearts
45 ..... Ten of Hearts
46 ..... Jack of Hearts
47 ..... Queen of Hearts
48 ..... King of Hearts
49 ..... Ace of Hearts

50 ..... Eight of Clubs

51 ..... Nine of Clubs
52 ..... Ten of Clubs
53 ..... Jack of Clubs
54 ..... Queen of Clubs
55 ..... King of Clubs
56 ..... Ace of Clubs

57 ..... Eight of Spades

58 ..... Nine of Spades
59 ..... Ten of Spades
60 ..... Jack of Spades
61 ..... Queen of Spades
62 ..... King of Spades
63 ..... Ace of Spades

64 ..... Solid Tie

65 ..... Striped Tie
66 ..... Checked Tie
67 ..... Geometric Tie
68 ..... Dot Tie
69 ..... Paisley Tie
70 ..... Knitted Tie

71 ..... Silver Cufflinks

72 ..... Gold Cufflinks
73 ..... Amber Cufflinks
74 ..... Jasper Cufflinks
75 ..... Agate Cufflinks
76 ..... Onyx Cufflinks
77 ..... Pearl Cufflinks

78 ..... Mill Reef

79 ..... Sea Bird
80 ..... Arkle
81 ..... Golden Miller
82 ..... St Simon
83 ..... Ormonde
84 ..... Eclipse

- Verbal Di

What is the link to send loot directly to another mafia member?

Replace XXXXXXXXX with mafia member's profile id.

Replace YY with the gift id.

Gift IDs

1 ..... .22 Pistol

2 ..... Butterfly Knife
3 ..... Brass Knuckles
4 ..... 9mm Semi-Automatic
5 ..... .45 Revolver
6 ..... Tactical Shotgun
7 ..... C4

8 ..... Stab-Proof Vest

9 ..... Automatic Rifle
10 ..... Semi-Automatic Shotgun
11 ..... Armored Truck
14 ..... Grenade Launcher

15 ..... .50 Caliber Rifle

16 ..... Armored Car
17 ..... RPG Launcher
18 ..... Bodyguards
19 ..... Night Vision Goggles
20 ..... Napalm

60 ..... Lucky Shamrock Medallion

61 ..... Firebomb
62 ..... Concealable Camera
63 ..... Computer Set-Up

64 ..... Untraceable Cell Phone

65 ..... Blackmail Photos
66 ..... Prop plane
67 ..... Harley Davidson "Fat Boy" Motorcycle
68 ..... Illegal Transaction Records
69 ..... Luxury Yacht
70 ..... Porsche 911

71 ..... Bookie's Holdout Pistol

72 ..... Humvee
73 ..... AR-15 Assault Rifle
74 ..... Falsified Documents
75 ..... Private Jet
76 ..... Police Cruiser
77 ..... Armored Limousine

78 ..... Federal Agent

- Verbal Di

What is the link to send the same item to multiple mafia members or send the same
item more than once to the same mafia member?
This example will send the same item to:
1) 5 different mafia members
2) or to a mafia member 5 times.

Replace XXXXXXXXX with mafia member's profile id. (to send 5 times for example,
enter the same profile id 5 times)
Replace YY with the gift id.
Replace ZZ with the gift category.(0 for collections; 1 for loot)

- Verbal Di

Mafia Wars Trading Tool

Jeromy's Mafia Wars Trading Tool:
My favorite of all trading tools out there.

- Verbal Di

Mafia Wars Gift Linker

greasemonkey's Gifting Shortcut Generator:

- Verbal Di

Do mafia souvenirs that I keep seeing transfer to the game?

No. People apparently do it while waiting for stamina and energy to rebuild.

- Joel R

Godfather Points

To add someone on the hitlist you need 1 stamina and minimum $10,000 to maximum
$20,000,000. There is a 20% fee, so all the hits for $8,000 were really paid
$10,000 x .80% to equal $8,000. The largest bounty is $20,000,000 x .80% equals

You can add someone in your own mafia to the hitlist. You can attack a member of
your family that is on the hitlist. You can't set and then attempt to collect the
same bounty.

Some people actually want to be on the hitlist. When you become a strong enough
player, you can gain experience points towards the next level. These people will
generally do something to provoke you to adding them to the hitlist. That is
usually robbing you. After they are defeated on the hitlist, they may come back
after you again. If you add them to the hitlist they will be happy. If you
don't, they will keep robbing you until you do, or go after someone else. Since
you can add members of your own family, people do add each other to the hitlist.

When you add someone to the hitlist, your name appears in the paid for column in
the center of the screen. This is where some people look for players who are
online and willing to put hits out. This is like putting a bulls-eye on your
back. You will likely be attacked, because they have an opportunity to easily
kill someone with a much lower level that never appears on their fight screen, and
also get the added bonus of making you mad and adding them to the hitlist which is
likely their goal.

Players who are added to the hitlist eventually get knocked out or killed. If you
are trying to gain experience points, it is suggested to heal during the attack to
get the most points. They may gain over 40 experience points before they start
getting 0 points per fight won. At that point, these players generally use
stamina fighting to lower their health down to 20 so that they will finally be
knocked out or killed. When the very last fight is over, the player on the hit
list loses 6 experience points.

- Joel R


What's the link to heal at the hospital?

To Heal Immediately:
To the Hospital:

- Verbal Di

How long do I have to wait until I can buy health again in the hospital?

60 seconds.

- Verbal Di


How do I get Blackmail Photos?

1. Hitman Job --> Obtain Compromising Photos
Level 1 Job Mastery: Chance to loot
Level 2 Job Mastery: Chance to loot +5%
Level 3 Job Mastery: Chance to loot +10%
-- (From "Game News", Job Mastery, Learn more...)

2. Random loot drops after winning a fight.

3. Trade for them / Receive them through Loot Gifting.

- Verbal Di

How do I get Computer Set-Ups?

1. Enforcer Job --> Rob an Electronics Store

Level 1 Job Mastery: Chance to loot
Level 2 Job Mastery: Chance to loot +5%
Level 3 Job Mastery: Chance to loot +10%
-- (From "Game News", Job Mastery, Learn more...)

2. Random loot drops after winning a fight.

3. Trade for them / Receive them through Loot Gifting.

- Verbal Di

How do I get Concealable Cameras?

1. Enforcer Job --> Rob an Electronics Store

Level 1 Job Mastery: Chance to loot
Level 2 Job Mastery: Chance to loot +5%
Level 3 Job Mastery: Chance to loot +10%
-- (From "Game News", Job Mastery, Learn more...)

2. Random loot drops after winning a fight.

3. Trade for them / Receive them through Loot Gifting.

- Verbal Di

How do I get Illegal Transaction Records?

1. Capo Job --> Steal Bank Records

Level 1 Job Mastery: Chance to loot
Level 2 Job Mastery: Chance to loot +5%
Level 3 Job Mastery: Chance to loot +10%
-- (From "Game News", Job Mastery, Learn more...)

2. Random loot drops after winning a fight.

3. Trade for them / Receive them through Loot Gifting.

- Verbal Di

How do I get Untraceable Cell Phones?

1. Enforcer Job --> Rob an Electronics Store

Level 1 Job Mastery: Chance to loot
Level 2 Job Mastery: Chance to loot +5%
Level 3 Job Mastery: Chance to loot +10%
-- (From "Game News", Job Mastery, Learn more...)

2. Random loot drops after winning a fight.

3. Trade for them / Receive them through Loot Gifting.

- Verbal Di


I've completed the Boss level. Now what?

Buy a keg, invite everyone in your mafia to a house party.

Mafia Wars is a little more than just completing the jobs. It's more about
expending your pent up aggression onto some strangers who just can't admit your
mafia is better than theirs. It's all about revenge, finding a family,
coordination, relentless bullying, and getting away with things you'd go to prison
for in real life.

Now what? Fight, fight, fight.

- Verbal Di

Why are there people in my fight list that are level 115 and I'm only level 95?
That's normal. You fight randomly against anyone 20 levels above or below you.

- Verbal Di

I am only a level 30. I keep getting attacked relentlessly by people who are level
100 and above. How is that even possible?
Possible Scenarios:

1. You were put on the Hitlist. Anyone, regardless of what level they are, can
take you out.

2. You hitlisted someone. Someone saw your name and decided to attack you instead
of the person you hitlisted.

3. You attacked someone who got mad/scared/whiny and this person shared your Mafia
Wars link. Now his or her mafia buddies can take a stab at you.

4. You attacked someone in a clan who got mad/scared/whiny and this person shared
your Mafia Wars link. Now his or her clan buddies can take a stab at you.

5. You are in a clan and another clan declared war.

6. You posted your stats and/or profile in public discussion boards that showed
how weak your mafia is.

7. You posted your stats and/or profile in public discussion boards where you
bragged how strong your mafia is.

8. An ex boyfriend/girlfriend/employee.
- Verbal Di

Limited Edition Items

Is signing up to get the Stolen Mail Truck safe? I don't want spam!
You can get the Stolen Mail Truck if you sign up for Zynga's Mafia Wars' mailing
list. Caveat is you'll be in a mailing list. As far as I know Zynga didn't sell my
email address to anyone. I get maybe 2-4 emails from them per month.

- Verbal Di

Instead of the Limited Edition Loot item on the front page, all I see is an ad.

To buy current Limited Edition Loot go to:

- Verbal Di


How do I get a Bullet Proof Bentley? I read somewhere I have to win 20000 poker
chips to win it?
MySpace. Not in Facebook.
But there have been sightings of Bullet Proof Bentleys in certain individuals'
profiles that we can't explain.

- Verbal Di

I attacked someone, won, and I received a dropped loot. Can I lose my own loot
when someone attacks me, I lose, and they receive a looted item?
No. Your inventory/loot is safe. You did not lose any items.

- Verbal Di


Can I add someone to my mafia without being a Facebook friend first?

No. To my knowledge, they have to be a friend in Facebook first. (Send me a
message if I'm wrong).

- Verbal Di

Will my mafia numbers go down if I remove someone from my Facebook friend list?
No. They will remain in your mafia even after you're no longer "friends" in
Facebook. Your mafia numbers will not go down.

- Verbal Di

Can I delete someone from my mafia?

No. They stay in your mafia even if you delete them as a friend.


Option I - Block them. If you really do not want them to get the advantages of
being in your mafia (e.g. get cash from fights, etc) I guess you can block them in
Facebook. They will show up as "Facebook User" and no photo. Caveat, you can NOT
attack them because the system will still acknowledge them as being part of your

Option II - Remove the Mafia Wars app from Facebook. Don't play for 60 days. Re-
add the Mafia Wars app. Re-send Add Me / Invite requests.

Good luck with that.

- Verbal Di

What does it mean when someone says "Status set"?

"Status set" is the term used when you give Mafia Wars permission to allow your
Facebook status to say "Join My Mafia:".

Most people want you to have your "status set" because it is more convenient to
add you into their mafia immediately instead of using up an invite on you and then
waiting around for you to accept their Mafia Wars request.

WARNING: Pay attention when clicking on someone's status link. Double check and
make sure it says "" in the link to
avoid clicking on misleading links.

- Verbal Di

What's that link that tells me how many hours and minutes until I get an energy
pack again?
WARNING: DO NOT CLICK this link if it has been MORE THAN 24 hours since you last
used your energy boost and you have some energy to use up right now.
Use up all your energy first and then click this link or else it will
automatically use up your energy pack and 'waste' your existing energy.

- Verbal Di

What's that link that tells me how many experience points I got by helping my

- Verbal Di

What do letters in other people's mafia name mean? I've seen tags like [Elite],
(LCN), (SBG), xXx, etc?
They are members of a clan.

Clans are good for protection, advice, increase mafia numbers, and someone to
whine to when you're getting beat up in the game. Some clans are there for the
prestige. Some are invitations only and are very exclusive. Some are secret. Some
have alliances with other clans hence there are rules that limits who you can
attack. Some would accept you as long as you spend that godfather points to change
your name.

By the way, if you do join a clan or group, you may start getting a lot of mass
emailing/messages in Facebook from leaders and members.

- Verbal Di

Tagged Clans

[1337] - 'LEET -
[300] - Spartan 300 -
[42] - [42] Clan -
[A11] - A11 Famiglia -
[AHL] - Against Hit List -
[AIG] - American Internet Gangsters -
[AJC] - Abby Jenkin's Crew -
[ASS] - Assassins -
[AWR] - America Wasn't Ready -
(BBB) - Best Bully Beaters -
[BC] - BlackCovenanT -
{BIM} - Boston Irish Mob -
[BM] - Balkanska Mafia (The Balkans) - ?
[BMI] - Balkans Mafia International - ?
[BMF] - Big Money Families -
[BMW] - Bandit Mafia War -
[Blacksheeps] - Blacksheeps Clan -
[CASA NOSTRA] - Casa Nostra - ?
[CENIDO] - Cenido Family -
{CHAIN} - Crime Handling Associates Insurance Net
[CIA] - Crime International Associates -
[COSA NOSTRA] - Cosa Nostra - ?
[c0ve] - ? - ?
[???] - Serbian Mafia Wars Family -
[CUPOLA] - Cupola Clan -
[CWSM] - Chicago West Side Mob -
[CZC] - The Canzoneri Sicilian Mafia -
[DCA] - Don Corleone Aussie Alliance -
[DCAA] - Don Corleone Aussie Alliance -
[DK COSA NOSTRA] - DK Cosa Nostra Clan -
[DKMF] - Dansk Mafia Family -
[DMC] - Dark Mafia Crew - ?
[DOG] - Defenders of Good -
[DSM] - ? - ?
]o[DSM]o[ - ? - ?
[DVLZ] - Devilz Inc -
[Dvs-B] - Deadly Viper Squad - Balkan -
[Dvs-Elite] - Deadly Viper Squad -
[DYNASTY] - Dynasty -
[ECM] - East Coast Mafia -
[EDMW] - Eat-Drink-Man-Woman -
[EFC] - The Enalan Family Crew -
[el greco] - El Greco Clan -
(ES) - Extermination Squad (Exalted) -
[Exalted] - [Exalted]� -
[EXCELSIOR] - Excelsior Clan - ?
[FIN] - Finland -
[F.S.A] - Fearless Street Alliance -
[FSM] - The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster Mafia Wars Parish
[GGA] - The Godfather Global Alliance -
[GR] - Greek Mafia Unite -
[GTO] - Godfather Team Operations -
[HEL] - Mafia Hellas Allies -
[HHG Strike-4] - HHG Strike-4 -
[HLM] - Hit List Mafia - ?
[HONOR] - Men of Honor 'Uomini D'onore' -
[IBG] - iblyss ben gang -
[ICE] - ? -
>iD< - Implicit Death -
[IMC] - International Mafia Consortium -
[IMG] - Ice Maiden Group - ?
[ITA] - La Mafia Tutto-Italiana e Pura (The All-Italian Mafia)
[J.I] - Joe Iron -
[JMG] - Jessica's Mafia Girls -
[JAG] - ? - ?
[JRZ] - North Jersey -
[JRZ] - South Jersey -
-KASKUS - the Lounge Kaskuser Mafia wars -
{K I R} - Keep It Real -
[KTA] - ? -
[KillerClown] - ? - ?
(LCN) - La Cosa Nostra - ?
[Legion] - Legion -
[LSM] - The Lone Star Mafia -
[MACAN] - Mafia Wars Autish Clan -
{M.A.} - Mafiaholics Anonymous -
[McF] - McFamily Mafia -
[MERC] - Mercenaries - ?
[MFWA] - Mafia Wars Addicts -
[MIA] - Military In Action -
[MIG] - Murder Incorporated Gangsters -
[M.M] - Madam Mafia -
[M Mafia] - M Mafia -
[M Mafia II] - M Mafia II -
{MMA} - Metropolitan Mafia Alliance -
[MMF] - Mnemo Mafia Famiglia -
[MTO] - Mafia Termination Order -
{MWA} - Mafia Wars Anonymous - ?
[MWGC][MWAC] - Mafia Wars America Connection -
[MWGC][MWIC] - Mafia Wars India Connection -
[MWI] - Mafia Wars Indonesia -
[MWM] - Midwest Mafia -
[MWO] - -
[MWP Ltd] - Mafia Wars Philippines Limited -
[NutHouse] - NutHouse Mafia -
[NB[OG] - New Blood Original Gangsters - ?
[NK77] - Not Known 1977 -
[NWO] - New World Order -
[OLC] - Ocean Leecher Mafia Wars Triad -
[OMERTA] - Omert� - "Code of Silence" -
[P51] - Psycho Ward 51 -
{PMF} - Philippine Mafia Family -
[PWN] - ? - ?
[RED DEVIL] - Devil's Group -
[Red Devil] - SATANS CRADLE (*Devilgroup*) -
[R.I.P] - - ?
[RM ASS] - Russian Regional Family -
[RTF] - Respect the Family -
[RTR] - Road to Respect -
[RWA] - ? - ?
{SAN} - Stop At Nothing -
[SBC] - ? -
(SBG) - Stray Bullets Group -
[SBM] - Shinebox Mafia -
[SCK] - Stone Cold Killer Inc -
[SIN] - Strength In Numbers -
[SLON] - SLON Family -
[SMF] - Sexiest Mafia Wars Family -
[SpArT] - Spartan 300 -
[Spartan] - Spartan 300 -
[SPR] - Super Hero's Association of Gangsters
[SPT] - Spartan 300 -
[SRB] - Serbia -
[S.S.B] - Sadistic Skull Bangers -
[T.H.C] - The Hitman Company -
[T-DK] - - ?
[T-MY] - Triad Malaysia - ?
[T-UK] - Triad United Kingdom - ?
[T-US] - Triad United States - ?
[T.C.B.] - Taking Care of Business -
[TGF] - The God Father -
[THE GREEK MAFIA] - The Greek Mafia - ?
[TTD] - To the Death Clan -
[T.T.T] - Temporary Triad Transition -
{~TW~} - Mafia TW -
[UG] - Ultimate Guardians Group -
[UMK] - ? - ?
[UNMW] - United Nation Mafia War -
[ UWM ] - Untouchables Worldwide Mafia -
[Viking] - Viking, Battle for Asgard -
[WClan] - The Warrior Clan -
[WISE] - Wise-Guys Mafia -
[WODB] - World Order of Dirt Bags -
{W.O.H.U.G.} - Warriors.Of.Hornsta'z.Ultimate.Gangsta'z.Group
[WYB] - Watch Your Back -
[VFK] - Vicious F*cking Killers -
{YMC} - Yorkshire Mafia Crew -
[xXx] - Mafia Wars Extreme -

To Clan Leaders: If you want to add your clan, make changes, or want to
remove your link or clan from the list (for privacy purposes, for
please send an email to or
message me in Facebook.

- Verbal Di

Untagged Groups

Dragons Family Clan -
Mafia Addicts -
Mafia Wars Add Kings -
Mafia Wars Global Groups List (MWGGL) -
Mafia Wars Pro -
Mafia Wars Revenge -
Mafia Wars Wall of Shame (MWWS) -
Mafiaholics -
Mafiaholics Psych Ward -
Matholics - ?
Tough Guy Club -
- Verbal Di


Can I transfer money to another player?


- Verbal Di


How long can my Mafia name be? I just spent 15 Godfather points to change my name
only to find the name cut off at the end!

30 characters. All letters, punctuations, quotation marks, tick marks, dashes,

brackets, parentheses, and spaces count as one character each.

- Verbal Di

What punctuation marks should I avoid in my Mafia name?

Avoid Double Quotes: " "

When your name has double quotes, Mafia Wars puts in backslashes in the name.

e.g. You changed your name to:

Anthony "The Wood" Andretti

In your profile page, your name will look like:

Anthony \\"The Wood\\" Andretti

Even though it is less than thirty characters, the slashes will skewer the count.
In the fight list, it will get cutoff in the end and look like:
Anthony \\\"The Wood\\\" Andre

- Verbal Di

Profile Link

How do I get my profile link?

Each player in Mafia Wars is assigned a number. This number is the same as your
Facebook profile number. So when you hear "user", "user id", "id", "profile id",
"Facebook id", "mafia wars id", it means the same thing.

Finding Your Own Facebook ID

1. Go to the main page. That is, click on the Facebook logo on the upper left
2. Look for the word "Profile" on the top header to the left (OR) your Name on the
top header to the right.
3. If you hover your mouse over the word Profile or Your Name, look down at your
browser's status bar.
4. You'll see something like this down below in the status bar:
You hovered on "Profile":
You hovered on "Name":
5. The number after "id=" is your Facebook ID. So your id is: 123456789.

- Verbal Di

Copying Your Own Facebook Profile Link

1. You will need to open a new tab or window to get that URL with your id number
to print out so you can cut and paste.
3. Right click on "Profile" or "Your Name".
4. In Internet Explorer, choose "Open in New Tab" or "Open in New Window".
In FireFox, choose "Open Link in New Tab" or "Open Link in New Window".
In Chrome, choose "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window".
5. The window that just opened, the link that's showing should look like this:
You clicked on "Profile":
You clicked on "Name":
6. If you take out the &ref=profile and &ref=name after the link it should work
7. Now you have your Facebook "Profile Link":

- Verbal Di

Finding Someone Else's Mafia Wars Profile

From The Mafia Wars Main Page

1. Go to the Mafia Wars main page.

2. Scroll down "Player Updates" and find that offending person who attacked you.
3. Right click on their mafia name.
4. In Internet Explorer, choose "Open in New Tab" or "Open in New Window".
In FireFox, choose "Open Link in New Tab" or "Open Link in New Window".
In Chrome, choose "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window".
5. The window that just opened, the link that's showing should look like this:
6. If you take out the xw_time=1240023675 and
&xw_exp_sig=a7835bc7eeb6627522cef039c71acf88 after the link it should work too.
7. Now you have a Mafia Wars "Profile Link":
8. The number after "user=" is your Mafia Wars ID. It's the same exact number as
your Facebook ID: 123456789.

- Verbal Di

Profile Stats

What does "Mobsters Whacked" mean?

Number of times you kill opponents.
You can do this:
a) Through the hitlist.
2) Through a standard Fight/Attack and you see this message, "You took out your

- Verbal Di



I paid for protection on my properties, how can people still rob me?

It's a good Zynga question. The only way to protect your properties is to beef up
your Defense stats.
Or you can just leave it to 30% and not worry about it.

- Verbal Di

Which properties can't be robbed?

Undeveloped Space: Abandoned Lot Income: $100
Undeveloped Space: Commercial Block Income: $300
Undeveloped Space: Prime Downtown Lot Income: $2,000
Undeveloped Space: Beachfront Property Income: $8,000
Properties: Mafia Mike's Income: $12,000
Properties: Rent House Income: $300

- Verbal Di

Top Mafia

What is the link to promote a mafia member to top mafia?

Replace XXXXXXXXX with mafia member's profile id.

- Verbal Di

When I try to promote someone, why does it say, "Not available"?

It's probably because you are trying to promote someone to be a top mafia that is
not the correct mafia character type.

Only a "Maniac" can be a Button Man.

Only a "Fearless" can be a Wheelman.
Only a "Mogul" can be a Bagman.

- Verbal Di


How do I get a Bonus Weapon?

When you reach level 99, it will be in your Inventory List aka Mafia Store. It has
20 attack and 20 defense and costs $200,000 each.
- Verbal Di

Weapons, Armor, and Vehicles Statistics

My Weapons Stats Page:

- Verbal Di

Should I buy 501 of each weapon, armor, vehicle available from the Mafia Store?
No, it is not necessary.
Just buy the best arsenal for each of your mafia. 1 weapon each, 1 armor each, and
1 vehicle each. In addition, buy whatever you need to complete the jobs.

- Verbal Di

I Have A Question!

I have a question not listed here. Can I ask you?

Friend me and send me a message in Facebook.
If I could answer it and it's google docs worthy, you might just see it posted

- Verbal Di


-- We are not affiliated with Zynga's Mafia Wars. Or Facebook. We do this for fun.
We love the game!

- Verbal Di

Special Thanks to these guys

My collaborator:
-- Joel R

and links from:

-- Jeromy S (Trading Tool Site)
-- greasemonkey (Gifting Shortcut Generator Site)

and contributions from:

-- me Verbal Di aka (SBG) Verbaldi
-- Casey K
-- Charles L
-- Tom R
-- Aaron L
-- Olga D

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