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900 Fifth St.

, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5

Lesson Plan Template


Lorna Fraser Topic Math x 2 Allotted Time 30. mins.

Grade Kindergarten Date 15th & 18 April 2013

Cite sources used to develop this plan: Sylvia Louwman

Murphy, Stuart. More or Less Diller, Debbie. Math Work Stations: Independent Learning You Can Count On, K-2

1. Rationale: Why is this lesson relevant at this time with these students?
As we continue to build a math learning station for the children these two lessons will add to the center with number concepts focused on # recognition, counting and number value.

2. Provincial Learning Outcome(s): What IRP outcome(s) does this lesson develop?
Mathematics Number A1 say the number sequence by 1s, starting anywhere from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 1. A2 recognize at a glance, and name familiar arrangements of 1-5 objects or dots. A3 relate a numeral, 1-10, to its respective quantity.

3. Assessment Lesson Outcome What will students learn?

Sources of Evidence What product or action will show what students have learned? Mixed Bag I can count 1 20. Do: Pull numbers/pictures/dots out of a bag. I can recognize # written in Say: Tell your partner the #; ask do numerical form/dots / you agree? pictures. Do: Both build the # out of pipe cleaners. I can sequence #s in there Do: place built #s in proper order proper order. on # line. More or Less I can indicate which # is Do: In partners, take turns rolling greater than the other. dice. Each will indicate to the other which I can indicate which # is less # is greater than than the other. Switch alligator then each will indicate to the other which # is less than. Student Name: Norannda Sigmund

Criteria What will you look for in this evidence? * Active participation * Verbally notify partner of # pulled. * # built corresponds to # pulled from bag. * Numbers are placed in correct order. * #s are correctly indicated as greater or less than depending on the task.

900 Fifth St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5

4. Resources, Material and Preparation: What resources, materials and preparation are required?
Lesson 1: # line, bag to hold variety of representations for #s, tape, Lesson 2: dice, basket, activity sheet, and pencils.

5. Lesson Development

Lesson 1: April 15th Mixed Bag Introduction: How will you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and activates their thinking? Mystery Bag: Pull out cards and ask children to tell you the # on the cards. Teaching/Learning Sequence: What steps and activities are you going to use to help students acquire and practice the knowledge, skills and/or attitudes needed to meet the outcome? Carpet Demonstration Chose 1 student as partner for demonstration. ~ Pull # from bag. ~ Build number with pipe cleaners. ~ Place your number in the proper order on # line. (Reveal tip of where to place # on number line ie. bottom row; 5, 10, 15, 20). Chose partners, proceed with game at tables. Closure: How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning process? Do your number lines match. Any changes you want to make? Lesson 2: April 18 More or Less Introduction: How will you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and activates their thinking? Warm up If I hold up two #s which is bigger? Teaching/Learning Sequence: What steps and activities are you going to use to help students acquire and practice the knowledge, skills and/or attitudes needed to meet the outcome? Carpet Demonstration 8 of each card. ___ is more than __. / __ is less than ___. Demonstrate the higher or lower game. Roll dice which # is more than? Place die on sheet. Student Name: Norannda Sigmund

Pacing Good activity, but definitely need more practice with building #s. Foam #s need a mark on it to indicate the proper way to face the #. Some students were copying the # backwards. This is also a clue that they do not know which way the # face in the first place Scaffold let the children build #s never mind trying to put it in order, once they have 1 10 they can then put them in order. * Children liked it and asked if they could do it again when they got back from recess. * Demo: Up high (easel), facing students. Particularly for those who are little and cant see and for the lefties who have difficulty going from L R. Lesson 2

900 Fifth St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5

Switch cards half way through. Roll dice which # is less than? Advanced: Students can begin to write the #s on a new activity sheet. Closure: How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning process? Ask: Is 5 more than 2? 7? Etc. How do you know?

Accommodations (adaptations, extensions, other): How will you plan for students who have learning/behaviour difficulties or require enrichment?
G, A, Z, D will work closely with teacher until they grasp the concept of symbols and its meanings.

More than Activity example:

Student Name:

Norannda Sigmund

900 Fifth St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5

Advanced Sheet (in progress): Fill in the blanks.

________ is more than ________ ________ is more than ________ ________ is more than ________ ________ is more than ________

________ is less than _______ ________ is less than _______ ________ is less than _______ ________ is less than _______

Student Name:

Norannda Sigmund

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