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ThsStesl Construction

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I 2010



Beam example 3 Laterally unrestrained Universal Beam Problem

For the same loading and support conditions of example 2, select a suitable U K B in S275 steel assuming that the member must now be designed as laterally unrestrained. It is not now possible to arrange the calculations in such a way that a direct choice of section can be made (since susceptibility to lateral torsional buckling is not yet known); an iterative design approach is therefore required. In this example, the simplified method set out in NCCI SN002 and referred to as Method 3 in Reference 7 will be employed. Try 610 x 2 2 9 x 125 U K B Geometric properties:
h =612.2mm; c+/tt= 4.89; W,>,,! = 3680 cm' b =229.0mm; c,+ /t,+= 46.0; = 3680 x 1O'mm'

t, =11.9mm; tr=19.6mm; iL= 4.97 cm = 49.7mm;

Steel Building Design: Design Data B S EN 10025-2

Maximum component thickness is j a n g e thickness ti = 19.6mm > 16.0mm : . J, =265 N/mmz. Check cross-section classification:


= 0.94

From Table 5.1 of BS EN 199.7-1-1: For a Class 1 outstand j a n g e in compression: cr/trE I9 For a Class 1 web in bending: c,/t,& I 7 2 Actual cr/tiE = 4.89/0.94 =5.19; within limit Actual c , /t,E = 46.0/0.94 = 48.8; within limit B S EN I 99.3- I - I Table 5.2

: . Cross-section is Class I
Using NCCI SN002 (Method 3 o,f Reference 7), lateral torsional buckling slenderness is defined as:

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