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Worked example

Beam-column example 2
Check cross-section classification: For a Class 1 outstand jange in compression cl/t,& I 9

Sheet 2 of 8


For a Class I web in bending c,Jt,E I 72


BS EN 199.3-1-1 Table 5.2


= 0.81

Actual cl/tlc = 6.55/0.81

= 8.05; within


Actual c,+/t,E= 49.6/0.81 = 61.0; within limit for pure bending Assume since compression of 160kN is very low compared with axial resistance of cross-section (A,f, = 10500 x355/10' =3727kN) that section is Class I under combined loading.

Major and minor axis column buckling resistances

Effective lengths:

L,,,, = 1.0 L = 1.0 x5600 =5600mm for buckling about the y-y axis L,,,
= 1.0

= 1.0

x 5600 = 5600mm for buckling about the z-z axis

Non-dimensional column slendernesses:

A, L,,


5600/213 76.4

= 0.34

Buckling curves: h / b = 528.3/208.8 = 2.53 > 1.2. For major axis buckling, use buckling curve 'a' (a = 0.21) For minor axis buckling, use buckling curve 'b' ( a = 0.34) Buckling reduction factors

BS EN 1993-1-1 Table 6.2

BS EN 1993-1-1 Cl 6..Z.1.2

@> = o . S [ l + ~ ( x , -0.2)+~~]=0.5[1+0.21(0.34-0.2)+0.342]=0.57 ,


0, +

d m = 0.57 + 40.572

- 0.34'

= 0.97 I I .O

O2=OS[I+a(/ZL -0.2)+/zf]=0.5[l+0.34(1.67-0.2)+1.672]=2.15

BS EN 1993-1-1 Cl 6..Z.1.2

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