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(Mind Travel) Screenplay By John Cunningham

1. INT. HOTEL BATHROOM. 34TH FLOOR. (DAYTIME) FADE IN: We slowly begin to zoom into a man passed out on the toilet. In this single shot there is booze and drugs next to him on the sink. He is wearing a tuxedo with the collar undone in his tie hanging off. Once we get close to his face his eyes begin to slowly open. Once he gets up he lifts the toilet seat up to vomit. In this shot the outside the bathroom door frame the camera will turn in; pan to a letter that is sitting on the bed. Once hes done vomiting he will see the letter; we will focus in the letter. CAMPBELL picks up the letter. CAMPBELL Shit. Campbell will proceed to leave the hotel room. 2. INT. HOTEL HALLWAY 34th Floor. (DAYTIME) He will proceed into the stairwell heading to the concierge. Point One is acting as the concierge. 3. INT. HOTEL LOBBY. GROUND FLOOR. (DAYTIME) CAMPBELL Wheres Point Two? POINT ONE Hes headless. I dont have a trace. CAMPBELL Ill just meet him at the original rendezvous. POINT ONE You look wasted. CAMPBELL

3 Dont blame me for this one. You wanted this one, you got it. CAMPBELL GIVES THE LETTER TO POINT ONE. He begins reading the letter. He turns back up to CAMPBELL. (Continued) POINT ONE Youve got three objectives. You remember them? CAMPBELL Yes. POINT ONE Begin synchronization. CAMPBELL Im wasting time, I have less than 24 hours now. [The rush begins for CAMPBELL as he looks out the revolving doors to the outside world.] POINT ONE I have you at 23:55. Hit that mark. CAMPBELL Im GONE. I have to go. 4. EXT. CITY STREET. (DAYTIME). CAMPBELL begins to run out of the lobby onto the sidewalk. We see a bustling street filled with people walking through quickly. He stops to look around. We then turn upwards to see two flying polices cars come from overhead; flying straight over. We know from this moment on, we are in the future. CAMPBELL, still feeling the ill effects from the hangover and withdrawal, runs towards his next destination.

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