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Time: 2 Hrs Max: 45 Marks

Part A (Answer all questions)

1. Define the terms selectivity and sensitivity of a receiver. 2. Distinguish between Narrowband and Wideband FM. 3. Write short note on SNR in Amplitude modulation. (3X 2 Marks)

Part B (Answer any three questions)

4. Discuss about DSB-SC system. 5. Write a short note on Angle modulation. 6. What is the relationship between AM & FM. 7. Differentiate between pre-emphasis and de-emphasis. 8. What are the specifications of a receiver. (3X 4 Marks)

Part C (Answer all questions)

9. (a) Discuss in detail about generation of DSB-SC wave using ring modulator. Or (b) (i) Derive an expression for Narrow band FM wave (ii) Explain any one direct method of FM generation. 10. (a) (i) Explain about VSB system and its spectra (ii) Explain any one method of generating VSB signal Or (b) (i) Explain about receivers in continuous wave modulation and its specifications (ii) Draw block diagram of TRF receiver and explain each block. 11. (a) Draw the block diagram of Superheterodyne receiver and explain the function of each block Or (b) (i) Explain about RF stage in superheterodyne receiver (ii) Explain parallel resonance circuit and its characteristics. (3X 9 Marks)

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