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Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory

Life Science is one of the most important research fields in modern world. Scientists who devote themselves to this field aim to find answers to these questions and problems: Understand the nature behind biomolecular systems Stop diseases torturing countless people Bring a better life to human society Balance economical growth and environmental protection The mechanisms of biomolecular systems are extremely complicated. Incorporation of the knowledge and technologies in related fields is required to help solve these problems in life science.

Computation Biology, combination of biological science and information technology, is believed to be one of the most important ways in life science research. We believe that Bioinformatics method is one of the most powerful tools to facilitate the advances of biological science and technology. Our laboratory focuses on several topics: The nature of protein structure, dynamics, and functions The allosteric regulation in proteins The molecular mechanisms of cancer-related proteins The prediction of protein structural, dynamical, and catalytic features from its sequence

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