Ielts Speaking

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Topic vocabulary To have a sedentary job To lead a sedentary lifestyle To be desk-bound To be out of condition To feel run down To take

time off sick To get into shape To keep fit To tone up your body Light/moderate/vigorous exercise To take a (short) break To take up exercise To take a brisk walk To go jogging To work out at the gym To hold/run drop-in sessions Stress-related Immune system To burn calories To eat a balanced diet To watch what you eat To go on a (low fat) diet To lose weight To have a sense of wellbeing To feel full of beans To increase productivity To live a healthy lifestyle To relieve stress

1. Introduction: Your boss has sent your team the following memo:

Memo As part of our staff development week we want to promote health and wellbeing to our employees. Id like you to come up with 3 or 4 suggestions to encourage staff to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Well use them as the basis for an article in the company newsletter.
2. Planning: Before joining your group, spend a minute or two making
notes on any ideas you have to encourage staff to adopt a healthier lifestyle. 3. Task Focus: In a role play like this where the objective is to reach a decision, its a good idea to work together cooperatively rather than competing against each other to come up with the best suggestion. One way to do this is to acknowledge what the other person has said, whether you agree or disagree. For example: Thats a really good point because I can see what you mean but This will help build trust and rapport and allow you to show off your interactive communication skills as you acknowledge, respond to and develop points made by your group. Focus on this during the role-play.

4. Language: Tick the vocabulary on the left you want to use.

Separable and non separable phrasal verbs Sometimes a phrasal verb can be separated. We often use this pattern to do this. Verb + object + particle Example: He knocked over an expensive vase. / He knocked an expensive vase over Sometimes we cannot separate verb and particle. Example: She called in sick

Have a look at the sentences below. All of them can be separated except two. Which are they? 1.Sometimes I just pick up the remote and check whats on TV We can say pick (something) up. 3.If you cant agree on what to watch, its better just to turn off the TV We can say turn (the TV) off. 5.Can you switch on the TV please? I want to see the news. We can say switch (the TV) on. 7.Usually I like watching films but sometimes I get put off (disgusted) by a lot of bad language or violence. We cant separate put off in this context. 9Mum! Im trying to watch a film and Mark keeps flicking through the channels! We cant separate flick through.

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