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A little bit of marketing

LCC Cristina Espinosa Hernndez

What comes to your mind?

O Brainstorming

What do the books can tell to us?

O An interesting definition:
Consumer Behavior entails all consumer activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services, including the consumers emotional, mental and behavioural responses that precede, determine or follow these activities Kardes, Cronley and Cline, 2010

Prepare ourselves with a little bit of humor

Lets put the theory in practice

O Practice the next real purchase decisions:
O Couple A: Take the winter coats of both,

husband and wife to the dry cleaner O Couple B: Buy groceries or raw chicken at the local market (not supermarket) O Couple C: Choose and buy any financial services
O Think about your own feelings, prejudices,

assumptions, needs, wants.

Consumer Choice and Decision Making: Problem Recognition

In addition
O Attitudes involved!
O Beliefs O Feelings / Affects O Behavioural intention: Consumer plans to do

with respect to the object

Want to know more? Check out for Marti Barletta, illustrating how men and women shop differently:

Men want a good solution. Women seek the perfect!

Thank you very much, have a nice shopping!

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