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Ramadan Shafeik Rabie

(+2)01147963363- 01007368936 Objective To obtain a full time position for a mechanical engineer job in a multinational company which offers a professional working environment and enables me to grow while meeting the corporations goals

Personal Data:
Address: 7 Nile Street Ayat, Giza. Date of birth: 13thjuly 1983. Marital status: married, flexible to move. Nationality: Egyptian. Military status: completed as an officer.

Education: 2003-2008 Faculty of engineering-Cairo University. B.Sc. of engineering in "Mechanical power department ". Graduation project: central air condition of a multi-zone building Graduation project grade: very good. Skills: Computer skills: Microsoft office 2007(word, excel, power point). AutoCAD 2007 (2D).

Language skills:
Arabic: mother tongue. English: excellent reading and writing. Italian: fair understanding and speaking.

Work skills:
Self and Fast Learning. Time management. Effective person in team work.

Experience: 2010-2012 Maadi Company for Engineering Industries (54 Military Factory): Engineer at machining tools manufacturing workshop. 2008-2009 Maintenance and installation of water filters in the marble and granite factory marmo tec. 2000-2002 Institute of surveying. Courses Berlitz English course (from 21-2 to 10-4-2012). Pipe lines. HAP (Hourly Analysis Program). Advanced Air conditioning.

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