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Hicran Nas 2i1

TASK 3 (TBL) 1)Classroom centered language, good advice, videos, expose to foreign language, oral communication is essential, increase learner activity, individually, communicative purpose, listen to the dialogues, oral or written form, pre-task. 2)Task-based learning is a different way to teach languages. It can help the students by placing her in a situation like in a real world. TBL has the advantage of getting the student to use her skills at her curran level. In TBL the learner should be expose to as much of the foreign language as possible. Teacher is a facilitator or promoter. Topic based syllabus involving authentic elements and activities are used. 3)In TBL teacher is a facilitator or promoter. While teaching, teacher puts emphasis on fluency and outcome. Students role is learning language both functionally and linguistically by solving problems with the help of already existing and newly acquired knowledge. Materials are boks, videos, magazine sor internet. In CLT teachers facilitate the communication in the class and they act like advisers. Students are actively angaged in trying to make themselves understood and understand others. Materials are text-based, taskbased and realia which involve authenticity. 4)The pre-task phase introduces the class to the topic and the task activiting topic related words and phrases. The last phase in the framework language focus allows a closer study of some of the specific features occuring in the language used in the task-cycle. 5)I have not experienced any problem while listening to the Podcast 3.

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