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Module BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT (BPM) COMPUTER INFRASTRUCTURE AND MANAGEMENT College 1, 14 mei 2013: Visie op processen en procesontwerp

Samenhangende factoren die het succes van organisaties bepalen

Strategie en Beleid

Leiderschap en cultuur

Dienstverlening Handhaving

Processen en structuren

Medewerkers en vaardigheden

Middelen en ICT

IT Leadership Perspectives IT Strategy

Institute of Management & Information Technology


IT Leadership Perspectives IT Strategy

Institute of Management & Information Technology

Het belang van procesarchitectuur

IT Leadership Perspectives IT Strategy

Institute of Management & Information Technology


IT Leadership Perspectives IT Strategy

Institute of Management & Information Technology

Resultatenpiramide en visie op procesinrichting

IT Leadership Perspectives IT Strategy

Institute of Management & Information Technology

Voorbeeld landschapskaart verzekeraar toekomstige situatie

IT Leadership Perspectives IT Strategy

Institute of Management & Information Technology

Proces- en applicatiearchitectuur

IT Leadership Perspectives IT Strategy

Institute of Management & Information Technology


Stel ze gerust :-)

9 IT Leadership Perspectives IT Strategy

Institute of Management & Information Technology

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