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As far as the project is developed the functionality is simple, the objective of the proposal is to strengthen the functioning of RRS and make them effective and better. The entire scope has been classified into one streams knows as Administrator Level. The proposed software will cover the information needs with respect to each request of the administrator or user group viz. accepting the request, providing cost of itinerary. MIS reports and the Booking of Vehicles, Hotels and Activates.


The major inputs and outputs of the system are as follows: Inputs: Admin enter his user id and password for login to enter Master Module Screens. User / Employee register and enters his user id and password for login. Customer will call / visit with trip details. Customer enters his complete Itinerary details with dates and time. Administrator will enter Vehicle , Hotel and Activity details with tariff. Administrator giving information to generate various kinds of MIS reports.

Outputs: Admin can have his own home page. User will enter customer details and generate Itinerary User / employee will generate Vehicle allocation / duty slip to drivers.

User can generate the cost of vehicles, hotels, Activity and whole itinerary bill. Different kind of reports is generated by administrator to take various decisions. Reports can be converted to various formats as required by users i.e word document ,Excell, rtf , pdf formats.

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