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Main Software Applications Used In the Oil & Gas Industry

Compiled & Edited By Jorge Salgado Gomes PhD November 2012

Main Software Applications Used In the Oil & Gas Industry

Compiled & Edited By Jorge Salgado Gomes PhD

November 2012

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Table of Contents
1. Basin Modelling 2. Seismic Acquisition & Processing 3. Geophysical Interpretation 4. Geology 5. Log Interpretation & Petrophysics 6. Artificial Intelligence (Expert Systems) 7. Geological Modelling 8. Geomechanical Modelling 9. Reservoir Simulation 10. Well Testing 11. Reservoir Management 12. EOR & SCAL 13. Drilling & Geosteering 14. Petroleum Engineering 15. Production Chemistry 16. Engineering 17. Economic Analyses 18. Risk & Uncertainty Analyses 19. Management Tools 20. i-Field Applications 21. Databases 5 7 10 17 23 27 30 38 42 49 51 56 58 64 73 76 79 80 85 89 91

Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

The purpose of this booklet, which captures several software used in the Oil & Gas industry, is to facilitate the life of all students and young engineers and geoscientists in their future careers. I did not intend to show all software applications. I am sure there are many more which are not referred here. In this booklet I capture, primarily, the most common ones utilized in the upstream sector, i.e., the ones related to G&G, Reservoir Engineering, Petroleum Engineering etc. As far as surface engineering and database applications are concerned, I restricted the list to the most common software only. The software is grouped by discipline and, within each discipline the list is organized in alphabetical order. This booklet lists, primarily, commercial available software. However, in a few cases, other non commercial software are listed, should the user require to contact the University or service provider. I also avoided describing all submodules of a software, to simplify matters. If the software has multiple capabilities (applications), lets say seismic interpretation and 3D geostatistical modeling, I listed it in two sections under geophysics and also under geological modeling. If, for instance, the geostatistical modeling is not the main core of the software, I only list it under geophysics section. Some of the software descriptions, namely expressions like state-of-the-art, most comprehensive etc, express the vendors opinion (via catalogue), not the authors view point. I sincerely hope the time I devoted into the preparation of this booklet will add value to your day-to-day business. Hopefully you will be able to find the description of the most common software used in our industry. Jorge Salgado Gomes

Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

I sincerely thank the contribution of all my colleagues at PARTEX, ADNOC, PI, ADCO and many more at different operating companies around the world, for providing me relevant feedback on their experiences with a large variety of software. I thank PI for sponsoring the publication of this booklet. DISCLAIMER All information contained in this booklet has been researched and compiled from sources believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of publishing. However, in view of the natural scope for human and/or mechanical error, either at source or during production, the author accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from errors, inaccuracies or omissions affecting any part of the publication. All information is provided without warranty, and the author makes no representation of warranty of any kind as to the accuracy or completeness of any information hereto contained.

Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Basin Modelling

BasinMod BasinMod 2011 provides critical tools necessary for anyone working with either unconventional or conventional resource plays. These include the ability to 1)- determine methane adsorption using Langmuir isotherms, 2)- determine hydrocarbon liquid and vapor fractions with the Flash Calculator, 3)- use logs to calculate Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Initial TOC, 4)- use Compositional Kinetics to calculate individual hydrocarbon components, 5)- Identify hydrocarbon proneness with the Kerogen Quality Plot and 6)- Compare multiple parameters of multiple wells with Radar Plots. Vendor: PRA Website: CERES 2D It allows explorationists to model sedimentary basins and understand petroleum systems in complex structural environments such as salt-driven tectonic areas, foldand-thrust belts and deltaic systems. With Ceres we can improve our understanding of petroleum systems and reduced exploration risks. Vendor: IFP Website: Permedia The software aims at providing geoscientists and engineers with the tools to understand fluid quantifying volumes and fluid properties, and evaluating petroleum containment potential and emplacement patterns. And the same set of tools can be used to evaluate petroleum flow and emplacement ranging from core to basin scales. It is possible to model 3D, multi-scale, multi-million gridcell petroleum transport in a matter of minutes. It can also evaluate migration and storage at a large scale and provide insights into observed composition variations,
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

fluid continuity assessments, and pressure/fluid property compartmentalization. Software toolkits are MPath for basins, MPath for reservoirs, Permedia Viewers and CO2 Toolkit. CO2Toolkit is a new addition to the Permedia software suite. CO2Toolkit will work over the entire range of timescales and length scales applicable to CO2 storage, from prospecting and injection, to monitoring and predicting the residence of stored CO2. Vendor: Halliburton Website: PetroMode Structural restoration and petroleum system. It includes back-stripping and structural restoration for reconstruction of the basin to reveal the structural and petroleum system development. Vendor: Schlumberger based in Aachen/Germany Website: TemisFlow It is a new generation basin modeling software developed by IFP Group. It aims at providing explorationists with a software solution able to tackle the new exploration challenges, meet the demand for higher performance tools and bring user-friendliness, model building ease and data management to a new level. Vendor: Beicip-Franlab Website: ThrustPack 2D It is a 2D finite element numerical modeling able to forward model cross-sections in fold-and-thrust-belt areas. It comprises structural, thermal, and maturity modules. Vendor: IFP Website:

Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Seismic Acquisition and Processing

GeoMage Multi-focusing technology; Handles diffraction extraction for velocity analysis and separates reflections from diffractions. Vendor: GeoMage Website: GLI3D This software is used in 2D and 3D seismic processing to for refraction statics solution with ray-tracing and tomographic inversion methodologies. Vendor: CGGVeritas Website: GLOBE Claritas It is a software package for 2D and 3D land and marine seismic data processing. Designed for maximum flexibility, it gives the user a no-constraints enabling layer for seismic data processing, developed over 20 years by GNS Science, New Zealands premier geoscience provider. Version 5.6 of the software has three new modules: SRME2, CHECKGEOM, CVA. Vendor: GNS Science Website: ProMAX ProMAX is a seismic data processing toolkit which includes a complete suite of geophysical applications for 2D, 3D, VSP and depth imaging. Specialty geophysical applications include ProMAX MVA Migration Velocity Analysis, ProMAX 3DPSDM pre-stack depth imaging, ProMAX VSP and ProMAX 4D software. ProMAGIC Server application creates a link between ProMAX and

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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

GeoProbe application. SeisSpace software adds major new functionality, usability and performance upgrades that increase the speed and ease of use of ProMAX software Vendor: Halliburton Website: ProMAX 4D This 4D software highlights changes in seismic data due to production of the reservoir. It allows users working with time-lapse seismic to remove the non-geologic differences between successive surveys. As a result, users have a better understanding of changes in the reservoir as fluids are produced, which leads to better reservoir management decisions. ProMAX 4D software gives you the tools to remove the background differences between seismic data volumes and isolate the differences related to changes in fluid distribution in the producing zone. ProMAX 4D software includes proprietary cross equalization technology jointly developed with 4th Wave Imaging and Chevron Petroleum Technology Corporation, where it was proven on numerous 4D surveys. Vendor: Halliburton Website: OMEGA Omega Seismic Processing System (SPS) encompasses the industry>s most advanced and comprehensive suite of algorithms and runs on multiplatform technology, ensuring timely turnaround for even the most complex processing projects. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: OMNI 3D It is the industry standard for seismic survey design and modeling. Developed by geophysicists for geophysicists, OMNI 3D is used by hundreds of specialists around the globe for the planning, execution, and analysis of land, marine, transition zone, VSP, and multi-component surveys. OMNI 3D features a superior user interface and a versatile
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

multi-project handling capability, both of which allow users to quickly and effectively analyze and monitor their seismic acquisition projects. Vendor: Gedco Website: RadExPro Comprehensive, easy-to-use seismic reflection, VSP and seismic refraction processing software for near-surface seismics at affordable price. Vendor: RadExPro Website: Resolve Seismic processing software. Vendor: Resolve GeoSciences, Inc Website: Strata It is a program used to perform both post-stack and prestack seismic inversion. In the classic post-stack domain, STRATA analyzes 2D or 3D post-stack seismic volumes to produce an acoustic impedance volume. In the pre-stack domain, STRATA analyzes angle gathers or angle stacks to produce volumes of acoustic impedance, shear impedance and density. Vendor: CGGVeritas Website: VISTA Seismic processing, with focus on on-site QC Vendor: GEDCO Website: Well Seismic Fusion Uses pre-stack seismic data to quickly and accurately validate prospects. Vendor: Halliburton Website:
Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Geophysical Interpretation

ANIVEC It computes synthetic seismograms for anisotropic layercake earth models. Vendor: Geo-Pacific Corporation Geo-Pacific Corporation, 112 Haokea Drive, Kailua, HI 96734 USA AFI (AVO Fluid Inversion) It estimates the uncertainty in the fluid predictions from AVO. The program has a seamless add-on to the AVO program. AFI uses Biot-Gassmann fluid substitution, Monte Carlo simulation and Bayesian estimation to build fluid probability maps. These maps can be used to make a quantitative analysis of the probability of exploration success. Vendor: CGGVeritas Website: AVO AVO analyzes the fluid content of reservoir rocks through a combination of visual, analytical and modeling processes using both pre-stack seismic and well log data. AVO is started by Geoview and can use the View3D application to view its attribute maps. Vendor: CGGVeritas Website: Charisma General seismic interpretation tool, which is part of Geoframe. The functionality of Charisma has been replaced by the more advanced Petrel seismic module. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: eLOG A comprehensive well log editing and modeling tool designed to prepare or create log data for use within the
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Hampson-Russell suite of applications. eLOG is launched from each of the Hampson-Russell programs, or can be used as a standalone application. Vendor: CGGVeritas Website: Emerge Predicts reservoir properties using seismic attributes and well log data. The seismic attributes can either be internally or externally derived, and the target can be any measured or calculated log such as porosity, density or water saturation. Typical external seismic attributes are inversion results from STRATA or AVO attribute volumes. Vendor: CGGVeritas Website: GeoProbe It is a 3D multi-volume interpretation and visualization solution. Tightly integrated with SeisWorks, PowerView, Well Seismic Fusion and OpenWorks software, GeoProbe software technology delivers fast interactive interpretation. Interpreters can simultaneously analyze multi-attribute/multivolume seismic, well and cultural data, and reservoir models. Vendor: LandMark Website: Jason (JGW) The Jason Geoscience Workbench (JGW) is a complete seismic reservoir characterization package including 3D pre- and post-stack seismic inversion, pre- and post-stack geostatistical inversion, wavelet estimation, model building, plus tools for more advanced analysis, interpretation and 3D visualization. Vendor: Fugro-Jason Website: Kingdom Fully integrated 2D/3D seismic interpretation system with several modules for velocity analysis (VelPAK), colored
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

inversion, attribute analysis (Rock Solid Attributes), geosteering and many more. Vendor: SMT (acquired recently by HIS) Website: NORSAR The core application for NORSAR seismic modelling packages are 2D and 3D seismic ray modelling, survey planning, Green>s functions for PSDM, reservoir analysis and time-to-depth conversion based on ray tracing. However, the modular design of NORSARs software allows packages to be tailored to individual project requirements. Vendor: Norsar Innovation AS Website: Odegaard It offers globally optimised seismic inversion of full-stack, angle- stack, intercept-gradient and offset stack 4D and 4C data in both time and depth domain for porosity, fluid and lithology prediction as well as rock properties and AVO modelling. Vendor: Oedegaard Website: OpenDtect Complete seismic interpretation system that is released under as licensing scheme completely free as open source software under the GNU GPL license and with zero license fee under a commercial license. Vendor: OpenDetect organization, parented to DgB Website:; PETREL Integrated geoscience modeling software with robust seismic interpretation module. It provides unique facilities for seismic attribute extractions and visualization. Vendor: Schlumberger Website:

Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

PGS HyperBeam Integrates the holoseis velocity model building, interpretation and visualization software with the fully anisotropic (VTT/ TTI) AGS beam migration into one system, resulting in dramatic cycle time reductions. Vendor: PGS Website: PostStack The PostStack product family provides a suite of post-stack seismic data processing & interpretation tools designed to extract more information and, therefore, more value from seismic data. The PostStack family includes PostStack, PAL and PostStack ESP for seismic data optimization, seismic attribute extraction, waveform classification, similarity processing, and acoustic impedance inversion. Leveraging PostStack family technologies in daily interpretation workflows can increase your understanding of the subsurface, reduce project cycle time and improve the accuracy of your interpretation. Vendor: Halliburton Website: PRO4D It provides a framework to analyze and interpret time-lapse datasets. Time-lapse, or 4D seismic monitoring, relies on the comparison of 3D surveys that are recorded at different phases of the production process. In many cases, changes in the seismic response can show production-induced changes in the fluid saturation, pressure or temperature in the reservoir rocks. Vendor: CGGVeritas Website: PROMC It is a software package designed to make multi-component interpretation and modeling highly accessible. Conventional P wave seismic data responds to changes in lithology and fluid content, while shear wave data is largely insensitive to fluid changes. This means a combination of P and S wave data can provide additional information and reduce uncertainty in lithology prediction by separating lithology
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

from fluid responses. However, we must correlate the P and S wave data prior to interpretation and this is often a difficult process. Vendor: CGGVeritas Website: QuickSEIS QuickSEIS provides advanced rapid screening process for 3D seismic provides a rapid analysis of structural and stratigraphic features, including preliminary economic analysis. Using volume-based autopicking (Voxel picking) of an event, the QuickSEIS Plus screening process can produce a targeted high-resolution image of structural and stratigraphic features. Classifying volume attribute anomalies into discrete facies and pore fluid by calibration with well logs and production data enables asset managers to assess and rank potential prospects and infill locations. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: RAYFRACT Seismic refraction and cross-hole tomography, velocity structure imaging for engineering and exploration. Vendor: Intelligent Resources Inc Website: http:/ RockTrace This software has significantly impacted the way the industry uses and incorporates PSTM seismic. It is the only technology that quantitatively integrates well log elastic rock properties and AVA seismic to produce calibrated quantitative 3D volumes of rock properties. RockTrace builds on the InverTracePlus technology by extending it to the AVO domain. In InverTracePlus, the constraints applied are in terms of acoustic impedance (Zp). In RockTrace, the objective is to solve for shear impedance (Zs) and density in addition to acoustic impedance, so the constraints are set for all three parameters independently. Vendor: Fugro-Jason Website:
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Rokdoc Seismic modeling, AvO, 4D, pressure prediction, stochastic inversion Vendor: Ikon Geoscience Website: Seisbase III It offers powerful, user-friendly tools for depth conversion, velocity modeling and pressure prediction. It features direct links to the Landmark and GeoQuest interpretive workstations. Vendor: Karl Thompson and Associates Website: SeisRox The new modelling concept from NORSAR. Simulate 3D PSDM images that account for survey, overburden and rock properties Vendor: Norsar Innovation AS Website: SeisWare It is an innovative and dynamic 2D/3D seismic interpretation system, and it is available on a no-risk annual subscription basis. Vendor: SeisWare Website: SeisWorks 3D It is a seismic interpretation software providing innovative 3D viewing and interpretation capabilities and easy-to-use interpretation productivity tools to support and enhance horizon and fault interpretation. It is largely used in the industry for 3D seismic data analysis and interpretation. Interpreters can work with a 2D project and multiple 3D projects concurrently for great interpretation flexibility. Vendor: LandMark Website:

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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Sismage Seismic interpretation; particularly robust in seismic facies analyses. Vendor: TOTAL Website: SpecDecomp It is a spectral decomposition software. Spectral decomposition technology generates very detailed images by extracting a suite of amplitude maps from a range of frequency slices in the reservoir zone. Each map illuminates peak amplitude response from a different bed thickness. By selectively combining images from certain frequencies, SpecDecomp technology clearly portrays unique geologic relationships. Animation techniques exploit motion, allowing interpreters to unravel complex variability in reservoir heterogeneities and thickness. Vendor: LandMark Website: Stratimagic It is the first solution in the petroleum industry to combine computer aided stratigraphic analysis, using neural network technology, with seismic interpretation to aid in facies classification. Vendor: Paradigm Geophysical Website: VelPro It is a velocity modeling and depth conversion toolbox Vendor: In-Depth Solutions Website: VoxelGeo It is a volume visualization and interpretation software application for 3D seismic data. Vendor: Paradigm Website:


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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry


ArcGIS Desktop It is part of a geographic information system (GIS) software, where data capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information are performed. The system allows the user to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts. Vendor: ESRI Website: ArcGIS Extensions Geosoft provides geology and geochemistry workflows to support the work of geoscientists conducting mapping and analysis within Esri ArcGIS. The GIS mapping capabilities within Geosoft ArcGIS extensions work together with geophysical and earth mapping workflows within the Geosoft environment to enable powerful, integrated study of the surface and subsurface. Vendor: Geosoft Website: CARBONATE-3D It is a stratigraphic forward modeling software used to reproduce and predict, over geological time, 3-dimensional stratigraphic geometries and facies in carbonate and mixed carbonate siliciclastic depositional environments. Modeled processes include carbonate platform rim and interior production, basinal sediment production, siliciclastic input, subaerial dissolution and erosion, transport and redeposition of sediment dependent on currents, slope, depth and restriction. Vendor: The software was developed as part of a PhD program by SedTec modeling group at Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL).

Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Website: Website/ CobraFlow It is dedicated to the static property modeling and upscaling. It offers both new and experienced geologists solutions to define the best static reservoir model. Working under Windows and Linux operating systems, all the modeling is done through the very user friendly interface of the OpenFlowSuite Platform. Geostat (from CobraFlow) offers the Plurigaussian Simulation method for facies properties, the best one to take into account the non-stationarity of field. In addition, there is a large variety of deterministic and stochastic methods for continuous properties. Upscaling (from CobraFlow) offers all the up-todate analytic methods, from the classical averages to the generalized Cardwell & Parsons method. An integrated approach is made possible by linking CobraFlow to PumaFlow, CondorFlow or EasySense, enabling the user to test the sensibility of the geological uncertainties. Vendor: Vendor: Beicip-Franlab Website: CPS-3 2D mapping package system still used in some oil & gas companies with very robust gridding and contouring algorithms. The interpolators are based on estimation techniques. No geostatistics involved. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: Dionisos Software for stratigraphic modeling. Delivers palaeoenvironment reconstructions as well as facies sediment thicknesses and net-to-gross maps. Vendor: Beicip-Franlab Website: EasyTrace It is a multi-disciplinary 1D data processing and editing tool, featuring advanced spreadsheets and a wide range of
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functionalities for geologists and geophysicists. EasyTrace takes advantage of a true spreadsheet environment that offers advanced 1D data editing, analysis and processing functionalities to help geoscientists in their daily work. Easytrace is now pluged on OpenFlow platform and share all its powerful capabilities with all the OpenFlow Suite Applications, especially CobraFlow and FracaFlow. Vendor: Beicip-Franlab Website: ezModel It is a structural reservoir framework software enabling geoscientists to generate sealed structural models as a natural extension of the interpretation process. ezModel software solves this problem by bringing framework construction and structural validation tools into the interpretation environment where dynamic links are maintained between the source data and model. The result is a structurally valid interpretation and a sealed structural framework ready for modeling. Vendor: LandMark Website: FZAP It is an automated fault interpretation software. With the FZAP! package, automated fault tracking is based on a few seed fault segments and tuning parameters that the user selects. On high-quality seismic data, users can pick fault segments at a few key locations and then let FZAP! Technology extend the fault interpretation throughout the survey. Vendor: LandMark Website: GM-SYS Modelling Geosoft GM-SYS gravity and magnetic modelling solutions support the modelling of complex subsurface structures, including effective characterisation of sub-salt and sub-sea environments, and the integration of data and models with seismic interpretation for oil exploration.
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Vendor: Geosoft Website: Geographix Discovery 5000 This software provides new functionality, products and workflow support for unconventional oil and gas asset exploration, planning and development. This release includes smartSTRAT, a licensed functional extension to smart SECTION that provides the most advanced and integrated horizontal well correlation and geosteering tools available today. It also includes other modules for mapping and data management, geophysics and 3D visualization. Vendor: Geographix Website: Geosoft Oasis Montaj It is ideally suited for today>s multidisciplinary and collaborative exploration. Access all your data and a powerful set of mapping and analysis tools, within one dynamic, 3D exploration environment. Process, map, QA and interpret your ground and airborne survey geophysics, geochemistry and geology. Vendor: Geosoft Website: GRAVITAS It is an integrated operational geology system that comprises a number of application modules, including Winlog, a leading log drawing solution. GRAVITAS tools enable the geoscientists to display well related data (logs, cores, facies, images, drilling parameters etc) in an integrated and consistent format. GRAVITAS also supports WITSML standard to receive data from wellsite. Vendor: HRH Website: iPoint Provides powerful co-visualization of any wellbore data type, allowing such a varied audience as geoscientists,
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engineers and data managers to benefit from a single tool and interface with tailored workflows. Vendor: Perigon Solutions Website: LithoTect Specializes in advance structural restoration and balancing functionality (including decompaction and isostacy) Vendor: Halliburton Website: Move Software for forward modeling the structural evolution and view in 3D from different orientations. Vendor: Midland Valley Website: Neuralog Log correlation, cross-sections, mapping and volumetrics Vendor: Neuralog Inc Website: PetroSysMapping It is an integrated geological, geophysical and reserves mapping system for petroleum exploration and production with extensions for seismic intepreted data manipulation and surface computations. Vendor: Petrosys Pty, Ltd Website: RECON Mapping, correlations, cross-sections, 3D modeling, seismic integration, volumetrics. Vendor: AGM Recon Website: RockWorks2002 It is a software for creating boring logs, cross sections, fence diagrams, solid models (plume, orebody, oil reservoir),
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stratigraphic layer models and surfaces, contour maps and terrain models, piper and stiff diagrams, stereonets, rose diagrams, ternary diagrams and much more. Vendor: Rockware, Inc Website: StratWorks Software designed to correlate well logs, build and interpret cross sections, and perform lithologic analyses. StratWorks software is also used to create structural, isochore, production, log signature, and facies maps, and for evaluating engineering aspects of a well. It includes session management, advanced correlation and well log correlation capabilities, improved raster log graphic displays, deviated and recumbent well log posting, and interpretation of recumbent sections. Vendor: Halliburton Website: Target Target is geology software for visualising, analysing and managing your drilling projects. With Target you can sharpen your understanding of underlying subsurface geology, and verify assumptions, to increase the value of your drilling investment, and improve prospecting and discovery. Vendor: Geosoft Website: WINLOG Integrate well logs and lithological information to build a composite display. Vendor: Gaea Technologies Website: Zmap 2D mapping package still in use in some oil & gas companies. Vendor: Halliburton Website:

Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Log Interpretation & Petrophysics

Elan Plus Comprehensive log analysis package. Schlumberger>s ELAN-Plus (ELemental ANalysis) petrophysical program is a general-purpose inverse problem solving computer code that can be used to analyze wellbore data. It will be phased out to be replaced by Techlog software. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: eXpress Petrophysical interpretation package (property of Baker Hughes). Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: GeoGraphix PRIZM It is a log analysis software ideal tool for performing full reservoir characterization on wells of all sizes and complexity, from basic individual wells to multiwell, multi-zone projects. PRIZM software contains highly customizable and interactive tools for editing data, digitizing log curves, and creating flexible track displays. Its user-defined equations, including more than 250 predefined standard log analysis equations, help generate quick, interactive log calculations. PRIZM software is tightly integrated with the GeoGraphix Discovery Suite of mapping, cross-section, zone analysis, and other geographical applications. It is included in the advanced Discovery Geological Interpretation System or can be purchased separately for use as a stand-alone application Vendor: GeoGraphix Website:

Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Geolog It is a product suite that provides advanced petrophysical analysis tools, powerful presentation graphics, flexible modularity combined with an easy-to-use environment, well data management and geological interpretation. Vendor: Paradigm Website: Impetus Based on Recalls proven log image loading, processing and interpretation software, Impetus delivers an advanced, controlled user environment for image interpretation. Impetus is focused on guidance, visualization and ease of use, while at the same time providing a familiar Windowslike interface for all operations Vendor: Petris Technology Inc Website: IMpress IMpress is ISI>s software product for well log interpretation and petrophysics. IMpress uses Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining techniques to create synthetic well logs and MRI logs as well as synthetic VSP. IMpress provides advance technologies for correlating well logs with results of core analysis such as permeability and effective porosity. It also provides means for SCAL analysis and rock typing. Vendor: Intelligent Solutions, Inc. Website: Interactive Petrophysics Interactive Petrophysics was designed by a Petrophysicist and it is different by design. It is portable, quick, versatile and easy-to-use log analysis software ideal for both geologists wanting to do a quality check of their log data and experienced petrophysicists carrying out multi-zone, multi-well petrophysical field analyses. This product is truly unique in its approach to petrophysics. Vendor: Senergy Website:


Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Petrolog It is a specialised log data management, petrophysical and imagelog analysis software platform that performs many of the tasks associated with the management and evaluation of well log data. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: PetroWorks Petrophysical interpretation software Vendor: LandMark Website: PowerLog It is a Microsoft Windows-based suite incorporating petrophysics, rock physics, and mineralogy into an easy to learn and use application for petrophysical well log interpretation. Vendor: Fugro-Jason Website: Recall It is an application database for well related data (logs, image data, cores etc). Vendor: Petris Technology Inc Website: Rt-Mod Rt-Mods automated inversion modeling for resistivity logs produces more accurate values for Rt and Rxo at one-half meter resolution for most logs. It corrects for the effects of thin beds, bed shoulders, invasion, borehole conductivity, washouts, and dipping beds. Vendor: Petroleum Software Technologies Website: SP-MOD PSTs SP-MOD uses advanced forward and inverse modeling to correct the SP (Self Potential log) for environmental

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effects at a significantly improved one-half meter vertical resolution. Using an existing SP and resistivity log, the operator inputs the mud resistivity and bit size information into the application. Using this data, SP-Mod generates a corrected SP that can be used to accurately calculate formation water resistivity, even in hydrocarbon-bearing zones that do not produce formation water samples. Vendor: Petroleum Software Technologies Website: Techlog Techlog Interactive Suite 2011 integrates petrophysics (core and log), geosciences and engineering data, in a versatile manner using cross-domain workflows based on a data management layer. It is probably one of the most suitable log analysis software with powerful utilities for reservoir rock typing. Initially developed by Techsia, the software is now part of the Schlumberger portfolio. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: TerraStation Petrophysical software Vendor: LandMark Website:


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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Artificial Intelligence (Expert Systems)

Avocet The flexible Avocet Workflow Technologies, (formerly DECIDE! Data Hub) readily integrate with production applications and data repositories. Advanced analytical tools further improve operational performance. Avocet provides the tools for advanced data mining, artificial intelligence, and petroleum engineering analysis. Avocet Workflow Technologies are open so that you can incorporate the processes and results from your own inhouse and third-party engineering applications. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: FEE The Fuzzy Expert Exploration (FEE) Tool is a state-of-theart exploration expert tool, relying on a computerized database through the use of fuzzy logic, a relatively new mathematical treatment of imprecise or non-explicit parameters and values. Oil prospecting risk can be reduced with the use of a properly developed and validated data. The Fuzzy Expert Exploration Tool will eventually be generalized so that users in any part of the world will be able to add their own knowledge and data and make rapid evaluations of a large number of potential drilling sites in a systematic and consistent manner via the internet. Provider: The Department of Energy (USA) Website: ICS The Intelligent Computing System (ICS) is a set of oil exploration software tools for reservoir characterization from 3D seismic data and conventional well information. Features include: Fast reservoir characterization from seismic
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data, Applicable for any reservoir setting that yields seismic attribute variation (ie: amplitude, frequency, etc.) with reservoir changes of porosity, thickness and fluid saturation, Transform multiple seismic attributes to reservoir attributes such as thickness and porosity by clustering, neural net and classical regression methods, quickly identify seismic attributes with greatest correlation to identified reservoir properties, compute structural and stratigraphic entrapment potential, predict production potential and water-cut from reservoir characterization and entrapment, combine multiple output for neural net, fuzzy logic or subjectives ranking, quality maps of results. Provider: The Department of Energy (USA) Website: IDEA It is one of the most comprehensive AI&DM-based suite of software applications for the E&P industry. IDEA is ISIs software application for the development of general data driven, intelligent models. Other modules available from ISI are IMAGINE, IMPACT, IMPROVE, IMPULSE, IMPRESS, listed in this booklet. Vendor: Intelligent Solutions Inc. (ISI) JACTA & ALEA Reservoir risk assessment software that integrates all of the reservoir knowledge and uncertainties to help the user build thousands of valid models for a complete risk analysis. In a unique workflow, the software combines geometry, facies, rock, and fluid uncertainties to analyze reservoir volumes distribution and rank uncertainty parameters. Jacta improves upon Monte-Carlo based techniques by honoring and highlighting the correlations between the different uncertainties. Alea is a tool dedicated to helping users quickly analyze the potential values of reservoir prospects. Alea captures and integrates 3D structural uncertainty to provide simple volumetric uncertainties. Vendor: Paradigm Website:


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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

NeuralTools Allows the user to create neural networks within Excel. The idea behind neural nets is that they imitate brain functions in looking for patterns in existing data sets and once theyre trained on historic data, they can take new data and make intelligent predictions about the outcome. Vendor: Palisade Website: Neuro3 It is a Neural Network Software, constructed to use some organizational principles resembling those of the human brain. They are information-processing systems that demonstrate the ability to learn, recall, and generalize from training patterns or data. They are good at tasks such as pattern matching and classification, data clustering, and forecasting. Common oil and gas applications include forecasting of reservoir properties from wireline log signatures, extension of reservoir properties for simulation, and seismic interpretation. While this application was written for the oil and gas community, it is generic enough to apply to any problem for data-mining, correlation, or categorization needs. Provider: The Department of Energy (USA) Website: NNLAP It is PSTs Neural Network Log Analysis Program. It applies advanced neural network technology to generate synthetic, validated wireline logs, core properties, and production data based on commonly available data. Vendor: Petroleum Software Technologies Website: Techlog Techlog Interactive Suite 2011 integrates petrophysics (core and log), geosciences and engineering data, in a versatile manner using cross-domain workflows based on a data management layer. It is probably one of the most suitable log analysis software with powerful utilities for reservoir rock typing. Initially developed by Techsia, the software is now part of the Schlumberger portfolio. Vendor: Schlumberger Website:
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Geological Modelling

EarthModel FT It is evolutionary geological modeling software that automatically tracks user steps in building a model so that new information can be added and the model rebuilt in a fraction of the usual time. EarthModel FT also features the RockScale module, which facilitates accurate transfer of rock properties from the seismic grid to the modeling grid, making the integration of seismic properties into the reservoir model a practical reality. Vendor: Fugro-Jason Website: EarthVision The software is used for 3D model building, analysis, and visualization, with precise 3D models that can be quickly created and updated. Accurate maps and cross sections, reservoir characterization, and volumetric analysis are made easy. EarthVisions multitude of visualization tools, including integrated seismic and cellular display, improve and simplify quality control, well planning, and communication to management, investors, partners, and the diverse members of the asset team. Vendor: Dynamic Graphics Inc Website: Emerge Predicts reservoir properties using seismic attributes and well log data. The seismic attributes can either be internally or externally derived, and the target can be any measured or calculated log such as porosity, density or water saturation. Typical external seismic attributes are inversion results from STRATA or AVO attribute volumes. Vendor: CGGVeritas Website:


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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

FracaFlow The vendor claims that it is the only package on the market to provide all the necessary tools to assess fractured reservoirs, from the largest characterization tools range to secondary porosity and permeability computation. It enables geologists and reservoir engineers to fully understand the impact of fractures and their associated uncertainties. Vendor: Beicip-Franlab Website: FRAC-EXPLORE It analyzes the characteristics and patterns of subsurface lineaments, fractures, and other geological features for the purpose of identifying the locations of potential subsurface oil and gas reservoirs. Developed at National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research (NIPER) by BDMOklahoma, Inc. Min Req.: Provider: The Department of Energy (USA) Website: FracMan Reservoir Edition (FRED) FRED allows users to perform detailed spatial and network analysis of discrete-fracture network (DFN) and well fracture data. The software can be used to calibrate reservoir models to well-test data and to existing production data, including mud-loss results and single- or multi-well pump tests. FRED uses a fully-integrated finite-element multi-phase flow solver to simulate steady-state and transient flow through threedimensional rock masses with discrete fracture networks. Vendor: Golder Associates Website: GeoFrac 2000 It is a terrain generation application with a range of capabilities, which is able to export Terragen terrain files. It has a sophisticated film- and broadcast-quality renderer and procedural modelling tools designed so that you can create the most realistic images possible without taking a photograph. Nor is it a general-purpose 3D program
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

designed to render everything. Website: Geocap Provides a highly flexible environment for visualization and manipulation of geodata. The software is tailored for work with geologic and geographical data. Geocap lets you perform batch jobs and advanced 3D Geo-presentations, including flight tours, by grouping Command Objects into an ordered list which then can be executed in one go. The Geocap Oil & Gas package is used by geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers, either as a primary system or as a supplementary tool. By using Geocap one has a great source of functionality and can achieve very high productivity and efficiency in practical work. Geocap Seafloor lets the user process survey data from multibeam echo sounders and creates large high resolution grids. The strict project organization simplifies the way to build effective product lines. Geocap Shelf is a full 3D toolbox including everything needed for continental shelf delineation in accordance with United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Article 76 Vendor: Geocap Website: gOcad Next generation 3D geological modeling software, particularly robust in handling complex geometries. Gocad is an application that provides an integrated solution to structural, velocity, stratigraphic and reservoir modeling. Vendor: Earth Decision Sciences Website: GSLIB Collection of geostatistical programs developed at Stanford University over the last 15 years. Source code and executables available for download. Institution: Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting Website:
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

IRAP-RMS RMS is a geological modeling tool that includes mapping, modelling, planning and workflow management tools. Key modelling features include a new user-friendly interface, which dramatically shortens the learning curve and increases personal productivity; structural modelling tools that build the structural framework within weeks rather than months; high quality grids for geo-modelling and simulation; and advanced property modelling tools providing accurate volume calculations. Vendor: Roxar Software Solutions Website: JACTA & ALEA Reservoir risk assessment software that integrates all of the reservoir knowledge and uncertainties to help the user build thousands of valid models for a complete risk analysis. In a unique workflow, the software combines geometry, facies, rock, and fluid uncertainties to analyze reservoir volumes distribution and rank uncertainty parameters. Jacta improves upon MonteCarlo based techniques by honoring and highlighting the correlations between the different uncertainties. Alea is a tool dedicated to helping users quickly analyze the potential values of reservoir prospects. Alea captures and integrates 3D structural uncertainty to provide simple volumetric uncertainties. Vendor: Paradigm Website: JewelSuite It is a windows-based software that integrates seismic, geological, flow simulation, and geomechanical models in a single workflow: 4 models in 1. JewelSuite is based on a patented JOA 3D grid technology which allows modeling of very complex geology as well as seamless integration between static and dynamic modeling. Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: Paradigm Rock & Fluid Canvas Solution suite to cover the whole workflow from seismic and petrophysical processing through interpretation,
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model building and characterization to a fully engineered drilling plan. Vendor: Paradigm Website: PETREL A very popular and robust integrated geoscience modeling software. It is easy to integrate seismic, logs and geological information to build a 3D model of the reservoir. Using Ocean, Petrel Plug-ins can be developed by the users to integrate their own computer codes in the workflow. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: REFRACT It allows the users to predict fractures away from the wellbore, utilizing and incorporating the valuable information available from a multitude of pre-stack and post-stack seismic attributes. Unlike the DFN approach, REFRACT uses the patented Continuous Fracture Modeling (CFM) approach. The DFN methodology cannot predict fractures away from the wells, and uses the upscaling of randomly distributed discrete fracture planes to generate a noisy permeability tensor. Instead, the CFM approach in REFRACT uses a geocellular grid, where seismic and geologic properties are used, along with fracture indicators at the wells, to estimate the distribution of fractures and their effect on permeability and fluid flow. Vendor: Prism Seismic Website: SGeMS It is an open-source geostatistical modeling software, developed by Stanford University, for solving problems involving spatially related variables. It provides geostatistics practitioners with a user-friendly interface, similar to Petrel, an interactive 3-D visualization, and a wide selection of algorithms. Developer: Stanford University (public software) Website:
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SKUA A new software solution containing integrated workflow between seismic and geologic interpretation and modeling. The 2009 release also introduces stratigraphic interpretation modeling, based on SKUA technology, which provides unique tools to concurrently perform stratigraphic interpretation, geochronological modeling and to perform 3D seismic paleo-restoration to restore depositional continuity. Vendor: Paradigm (part of GoCad) Website: StatMod This software combines classic geostatistics with innovative Jason Geoscience Workbench (JGW) seismic inversion methods in a program that is valuable in both exploration and reservoir development. StatMod uses geostatistics to identify models that are consistent with well log information and simultaneously inverts the data to find the subset of those models that are also consistent with the seismic data. This results in models that match all the input data in a single algorithm. Vendor: Fugro-Jason Website: StatMod MC This software simultaneously inverts for impedance and discrete property types, or lithofacies, instead of taking a two-step approach as is done by conventional inversion and geomodeling algorithms. Not only does simulating lithofacies and impedance realizations in one sweep save time as opposed to doing so sequentially, it also enhances the accuracy of the results as significant synergies between the two can be leveraged during the inversion. Once such highly detailed models of impedance and lithofacies have been generated, any number of additional petrophysical properties (e.g. porosity) can be jointly cosimulated. Vendor: Fugro-Jason Website:

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StatTools Replaces Excels statistics functions with its own more robust and accurate functions and enables the user to perform time-series forecasting and statistical analysis. Vendor: Palisade Website: WinGSLIB WinGslib is a toolbox of geostatistical software algorithms written for Windows 9598//NT. It provides a front-end to all the GSLIB programs. Vendor: Statios Website: 2DMove 2D structural modelling in a 3D world for map and linked section construction, balancing, kinematic restoration, validation and structural analysis. Vendor: Midland Valley Website: 3DMove 3DMove is currently the worlds leading 3D software tool for structural restoration, validation and analysis. It uses the principles of structural geology to help build models where little data exists and to use the geological evolution of the model to define parameters for further analysis. Vendor: Midland Valley Website: 4DFrac It is a module of 4DMove providing automated 3D Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) modelling with direct output for reservoir simulation. This workflow driven approach allows rapid scenario testing and the development of multiple models for sensitivity testing in the reservoir model. 4DFrac complements the Move toolkit with full integration with structural analysis and modelling providing a unique capability to build and test geologically valid fracture systems as well as using an advanced statistical
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approach. Vendor: Midland Valley Website: 4DMove Advanced 3D structural modelling with scenario modelling capability and access to pre-defined modelling workflows including geomechanical restoration (4DRestore), fracture modelling (4DFrac) and turbidite flow modelling (4DSediment). Vendor: Midland Valley Website: 4DSediment It is a module of 4DMove providing an automated 3D turbidity current modelling workflow for simulating turbidite flows onto a paleobathimetry and outputting turbidite distribution and reservoir quality attributes. Vendor: Midland Valley Website:

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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Geomechanical Modelling

ABAQUS Use finite element analysis to study and design advanced tests performed on geomaterials; analysis of geomechanical processes in the near-wellbore region, e.g. rock-tool interaction; analysis of geomechanical processes at reservoir scale. Vendor: Sintef Petroleum Research Website: Baker Hughes Tools It comprises 6 tools for geomechanics called SFIB, WellCheck, PressCheck, Imager and Caliper. The description of these tools are as follows: SFIB: determines in-situ stress and evaluates wellbore stability WellCheck: optimizes casing seat depths and defines safe mud windows PressCheck: defines mud window by estimating pore pressure and fracture gradient Imager: improves wellbore image analysis Caliper: rapidly determines orientation and extent of wellbore breakouts MohrFracs: predicts optimum drilling trajectories in fractured reservoirs. Note: See description of GMI below Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: DrillWorks Geomechanical modeling, pore pressure prediction, wellbore stability analysis, rock strength modeling Vendor: Landmark Graphics Website: FLAC and FLAC3D FLAC (2D solutions) and FLAC (3D or quasi-2D solutions) are continuum mechanics codes that provide an explicit
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solution scheme to solve the full equations of motion. Vendor: Itasca Houston, Inc. Website: GMI PressCheck/WellCheck/SFIB/Imager Geomechanical modeling; wellbore stability, pore pressure prediction, sand production prediction, fractured reservoir analysis, fault seal analysis and wellbore imaging. This software was initially developed by Geomechanics International, Inc, but after the acquisition by Baker Hughes, it is now marketed by Baker Hughes. Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: IGEOSS Geomechanical modeling software; solve structure-related issues using thorough geomechanics. 2D and 3D model building (reading data, building sealed models, creating model mesh); 2D and 3D numerical simulation based on continuum mechanics (FEM and BEM); Graphic user interface using TrollTech Technology (Qt); 2D and 3D scientific visualization (OpenGL); Other software modules: Poly3D, Dynel2D, Dynel 3D. Vendor: Geomechanical Software and Consulting; Acquired by Schlumberger (May 2010) Website: PetroMode Structural restoration and petroleum system. It includes back-stripping and structural restoration for reconstruction of the basin to reveal the structural and petroleum system development. Vendor: Schlumberger based in Aachen/Germany) Website: PFC2D and PFC3D PFC simulates the mechanical behavior of a material by representing it as an assembly of circular particles (PFC2D) or spheres (PFC3D) that can be bonded to one another. Vendor: Itasca Houston, Inc. Website:
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StabView/RocksBank Geomechanical modeling, wellbore stability, sand production prediction, hydraulic fracturing, lost circulation modeling, fault seal analysis, chemical wellbore instability analysis, temperature effect, reservoir depletion and compaction analysis/rock properties determination Vendor: Weatherford Geomechanics Services (WGS) Website: UDEC and 3DEC The Itasca codes UDEC (2D solutions) and 3DEC (3D and quasi-2D) are powerful numerical programs that use the distinct element method to model problems that are characterized by blocks and discontinuities (joints/ faults for instance). Itasca software tools address: Explicit fracture growth simulation; Fully-coupled model; Fluid flow allowed between blocks; various constitutive behaviors and properties of rocks allowed; complicated geometries etc. Vendor: Itasca Houston, Inc. Website: VISAGE It is a reservoir-scale geomechanics modeling and simulation system with applications in reservoir engineering, production, heavy oil, CO2, underground gas storage, and water services. VISAGE 2009.1 can be coupled with ECLIPSE Blackoil so that rock stresses and reservoir properties can be modeled together. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: 1D MEM 1D Mechanical Earth Model; includes geomechanical modeling along wellbore; wellbore stability, pore pressure prediction, sand production prediction, fault seal analysis and wellbore imaging. StoneFish (now also toolkit in PETREL); BorStress (Geoframe); Caliban (Geoframe). Vendor: Schlumberger Website:


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3D & 4D MEM Include 3D state of stresses; 3D reservoir geomechanical modeling with its boundary conditions (overburden, sideburdens & under-burden); wellbore stability, pore pressure prediction, well placement, fractures reactivation prediction, fault seal analysis, completion design (perforation and fractures initiation (hydrofrac), 2 ways coupling with production and history matching (with ECLIPSE), strain maps over reservoirs after depletion and injection, EOR and permeability update Note: VISAGE (compatible with PETREL & ECLIPSE, therefore represents the link between static and dynamic modeling). Vendor: Schlumberger Website:

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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Reservoir Simulation

ATHOS (replaced by PumaFlow) It is a multipurpose simulator, providing a lot of different physical options from the most routinely used (black-oil, multi-component) to the more specialized ones (thermal, dual permeability, dual porosity, polymers, steam injection). It is the first parallel reservoir simulator available on platforms based on Itanium 2 processors and running on Linux 64 bits based on a standard RedHat Linux distribution. Athos 4.3, the latest commercial release, includes new advanced numerical schemes dedicated to simulate megacell compositional models, a new multi-level well grouping hierarchy, an open coupling solution between surface network third-party software running on heterogeneous hard parallel Athos and an advanced modelling of thermal recovery processes in fractured reservoirs. All these features have been optimised for parallel architectures. Vendor: IFP Website: Bakers SimBest II, Comp5 & THERM simulators Reservoir simulations (black oil, composition and thermal) Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: CondorFlow This software, developed as part of a Joint Industrial Project conducted by IFP and Beicip-Franlab, it offers a solution to help production department speed up the history matching procedure and improve the quality of the production forecasts. Vendor: IFP Website: ECLIPSE Widely used reservoir simulation software; it is available
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for black oil models (Eclipse 100) and compositional models (Eclipse 300). Vendor: Schlumberger Website: ENABLE ENABLE works as an integral part of the reservoir simulation workflow to considerably enhance the information obtained about the reservoir during the simulation & history matching process, as well as substantially speeding up the process itself. This allows better and more confident decisions to be made about reservoir investment. Vendor: Roxar Software Solutions Website: FEFLOW It is a 3D Hydrogeological modeling software, capable of solving a variety of non-linear groundwater flow and transport problems, including various representations of unsaturated groundwater flow and transport, coupled thermal-hydro-chemical (THC) models. FEFLOW is able to represent arbitrary chemical reactions amongst transported contaminants, including radioactive decay chains and solid-phase and liquid-phase interactions and includes adaptive meshing algorithms. Vendor: Quintessa Website: FloGrid ECLIPSE FloGrid reservoir modeling software enables high-value workflows to be completed rapidly. It offers a unique and powerful combination of reservoir engineering and geological modeling tools to address complex crossdiscipline reservoir characterization challenges and solve problems associated with accurate forecasting of production rates. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: eclipse_options

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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

FracaFlow The vendor claims that it is the only package on the market to provide all the necessary tools to assess fractured reservoirs, from the largest characterization tools range to secondary porosity and permeability computation. It enables geologists and reservoir engineers to fully understand the impact of fractures and their associated uncertainties. Vendor: Beicip-Franlab Website: Frontsim FrontSim streamline reservoir simulation software is a threephase, 3D simulator that models multiphase flow of fluids along streamlines. Rank and screen reservoir models in a dynamic environment by combining industry-standard streamline technology with intuitive and interactive 3D modeling. The FrontSim simulator enables the user to construct enhanced reservoir models quickly, paving the way for more accurate production forecasting and better decisions. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: GEM Reservoir simulation for compositional models Vendor: Computer Modelling Group (CMG) Website: IMEX Reservoir simulation for black oil Vendor: Computer Modelling Group (CMG) Website: IMpact IMpact is ISI>s software application for developing Surrogate Reservoir Models (SRM). Surrogate Reservoir Models (SRM) are accurate replicas of full field numerical reservoir simulation models that run in real-time. SRMs can reproduce well responses throughout the field as
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well as pressure and saturation changes at each time step at the grid block level, all in real-time. SRM are ISI>s implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining in the reservoir simulation and modeling. Vendor: Intelligent Solutions, Inc. Website: INTERSECT It is the next generation of simulation software, developed jointly by Chevron and Schlumbeger. Intersect can run large, heterogeneous models - simulating tens of millions of cells - very quickly, going far beyond the capabilities on offer from the current generation of simulators. It also accurately models complex geology and wells, honoring detailed reservoir characterizations with minimal or no upscaling. Supporting sophisticated field management, it handles thousands of wells in mature fields, as well as simulating all fluid types and recovery processes in a single simulator. Advanced production controls also enable flexible operational field management. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: LYNEX It has powerful pre- and post- processing capabilities along with unique simulation input and output data analysis technologies. Some of these technologies, such as HM mismatch maps, comparison of multiple HM cases, polygon picking to create well groups, rigorous utilization of RFT and PLT data, and the unique MatchingPro technology provide a powerful guide to assist the engineer in closing the history match gap. Vendor: Nitec LLC Website: MEPO Software designed to assist history match; Uses experimental design (e.g. Latin hypercube sampling) to select the least number of input parameters required to achieve the match.
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It links with VIP, CMG, MORES, Eclipse, Frontsim. Provides a range of different optimization mechanisms including genetic algorithms and evolutionary strategy. It generates multiple matched models and uses them to give an estimate of uncertainty in future production predictions. Vendor: SPT Group Website: NAPSAC A high performance finite-element software package for modelling groundwater flow and transport through fractured media. Vendor: Napsac Website: NEXUS Reservoir simulation software, tightly coupled, fully implicit surface-subsurface Modeling, whereby the surface facilities can be integrated into the total asset model. Vendor: Halliburton Website: PowerGrid Gridding and upscaling software Vendor: Halliburton Website: PumaFlow A new generation reservoir simulator featuring rigorous physical formulations, high performance computing, brand-new user-oriented interface and work environment. It supports black oil, compositional, fracture modeling and also thermal. The simulator exploits the benefit of cluster technology (open MP or MPI parallel computing). Vendor: Beicip-Franlab Website: ResAssist It is an easy-to-use PC based graphical user interface (GUI)

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developed by Epic Consulting Services that allows the user to interact with StreamSims powerful 3DSL streamline simulator module in the familiar Windows environment thus eliminating the need to execute keyword commands normally required to run 3DSL. Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: RESOLVE It has been developed as a master controller to communicate and control the link between Reservoir Simulators, Process Simulators, other third party software, as well as client proprietary tools and the IPM suite of tools, developed by Petroleum Experts (Petex). Vendor: Petroleum Experts (Petex) Website: STARS Reservoir simulation for advanced EOR Vendor: Computer Modelling Group (CMG) Website: SURE Reservoir simulator; the first simulator in the market to use PEBI grids. The new version of SURE reservoir flow simulation has achieved blistering performance using graphics cards for number crunching. The technology is set to outpace Moores Law by orders of magnitude. Vendor: SMT Website: Tempest This software provides an extensive, feature-rich solution for full-field reservoir simulation which is accessible for the entire subsurface community rather than only a few, highly specialist reservoir engineers. Extensive parallel processing capabilities allow users to conduct ever faster simulation runs in higher levels of detail. The greater accuracy this generates in predictions of field performances enables better targeted capital expenditure.. The main software
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modules are Tempest-MORE and Tempest-PVTx. Vendor: Roxar Software Solutions Website: TOUGH2 It is a general-purpose fluid and heat flow simulator, with applications in geothermal reservoir engineering, nuclear waste disposal, environmental contamination problems. The module ECO2N is used for CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers. This module is available from the Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC). Developer: Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Website: VIP Widely used reservoir simulation software. Vendor: Halliburton Website: WinProp A comprehensive equation of state engineering tool, determines the reservoir characteristics and compositional variations of fluids for use with CMG>s reservoir simulators Vendor: Computer Modelling Group (CMG) Website: 3DSL Frontsim Simulation tool based on streamlines. Vendor: Schlumberger Website:


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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Well Testing


F.A.S.T WellTest and (F.A.S.T VirtuWell & F.A.S.T PVTplus) Software to simulate the reservoir flow behavior based on estimated reservoir parameters. The appropriate flow rates, flow duration and shut-in duration are determined to confirm the reservoir parameters within a reasonable time frame. The F.A.S.T. VirtuWell and F.A.S.T. PVTplus software address operational concerns to ensure the wellbore is configured appropriately and that the necessary test equipment is in place. Vendor: Fekete Website: Interpret 2000 Industry>s most powerful transient well test analysis and design solution now in a new re-designed interface. Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: PanMesh Software makes numerical simulation accessible to the well test analyst without requiring simulation expertise. It can be used to simulate bottomhole flowing pressures for history matching to a well test data set, or to design a well test. It uses numerical simulation which envelopes all existing analytical solutions and has potentially unlimited flexibility including three-dimensional models. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: PanSystem It has been the industrys leading well test analysis program for more than 20 years. It is a robust yet easy-to-use software tool that provides multiple options for models and analysis. It provides a unique ability to obtain information
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from within the reservoir surrounding the well. With appropriate testing techniques well testing can provide a wealth of information including permeability, completion efficiency, well performance, production forecasts and reservoir structure and pressure. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: REVEAL It is designed to study specialised near well bore effects and access their impact on the production from the reservoir. Most reservoir groups within the oil and gas companies are carrying out specialist studies in areas such as thermal and mobility studies injectivity and production, production chemistry, scaling, solids and sanding, thermal and hydraulic fracturing, steam injection etc. These studies are often being carried out isolated from the reservoir simulation model. The key role for REVEAL is allow these specialist studies to be integrated with the reservoir simulation models - Eclipse, VIP, etc. - to evaluate the impact on production. REVEAL enables the corporate reservoir simulation model to be used and the effects of these specialist studies to be integrated. Vendor: Petroleum Experts (Petex) Website: Saphire Well test analysis program with enhanced features, in particular for handling horizontal well data. Vendor: Kappa Engineering Website:


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Reservoir Management


Avocet Provide solutions from data management to production optimization. Solutions are scalable, integrated, and tailored to meet the producing-asset objectives and to relatively deliver what the engineer needs. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: CoViz 4D Leads the industry in providing a dynamic visual environment for reservoir management. Understanding the changing response of a reservoir over time is critical for optimizing production and development decisions. CoViz 4D makes it possible for multi-disciplinary users to simultaneously view and interrogate datasets from throughout the asset development teamregardless of the original data source. Understanding through data fusionpowerful in 3Dincreases enormously when used in 4D: the unique temporal functionality in CoViz 4D allows you to visualize how development decisions affect your reservoir. Vendor: Dynamic Graphics Inc Website: EnSys Yocum EnSys Yocum offers a powerful suite of field proven, accurate multiphase software for oil and gas production systems design, performance improvement and flow measurement. Vendor: EnSys Yocum, Inc Website: F.A.S.T cbm Coalbed methane reservoir analysis; estimate reserves and generate forecast for new plays. Analyse production and pressure data for producing reservoirs. Vendor: Fekete Website:
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F.A.S.T evolution Tight & shale development planning; it evaluates optimum well spacing, scheduling and completion type quickly and efficiently using a combination of analytical reservoir modeling and simple economics. Vendor: Fekete Website: F.A.S.T harmony Production data analysis and reserves evaluation toolkit. Analyze well and group production and pressure data with traditional decline, gas material balance, volumetrics and more in one seamless integrated engineering toolkit. Vendor: Fekete Website: F.A.S.T rta Production decline analysis. Calculate reserves and hydrocarbons-in-place from production data using traditional and advanced methods. Vendor: Fekete Website: Fekete Toolkit Production data analysis & reserves evaluation Vendor: Fekete Website: FloQuest Software for wellbore flow modeling and in-well data management. Used for the visualisation and interpretation of distributed temperature (DTS) and other downhole sensors. This allows for the easy access and better utilization of production data, to ensure maximum return on monitoring investments. Vendor: Floquest Website:


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FORGAS It is gas field deliverability forecasting and development scheduling system. This software allows the user to simulate depletion of reservoirs, gas inflow in to wellbore, multiphase flow in tubing, oil and gas production and work on the design of gas storage projects. Vendor: Technotrade Website: IMagine IMagine is ISI>s software product for fast track reservoir management. IMagine is based on ISI>s Top-Down, Intelligent Reservoir Modeling (TDM) technology. TopDown Modeling is a completely data driven reservoir modeling and reservoir management technology that has been successfully tested for accuracy against numerical reservoir simulation, giant oilfields of the Middle East and unconventional Shale resources of North America. TDM is ISI>s implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining for the fast track reservoir management. Vendor: Intelligent Solutions, Inc. Website: Kappa products such as (Ecrin, Topaze, Rubis) Well performance analysis Vendor: Kappa Engineering Website: LOWIS It provides a unique combination of real-time surveillance, analysis and well service management tools, empowering producers to better organize and standardize their production workflow processes. Using the software, operators can quickly identify, prioritize, plan and service poor performing wells, thereby reducing downtime and the associated production losses. LOWIS Analysis Workbench software promotes faster diagnosis and remediation of production problems for artificially lifted and flowing wells. With this program, you can analyze and optimize your wells using real-time information enabling
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you to zero in on probable performance problems before well intervention. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: MBAL This is a material balance software which helps the engineer better define reservoir drive mechanisms and hydrocarbon volumes. This is a prerequisite for reliable simulation studies. MBAL is commonly used for modelling the dynamic reservoir effects prior to building a numerical simulator model. Vendor: Petroleum Experts (Petex) Website: MatBal software designed for reservoir analysis and reservoir centered production forecasting based on a material balance approach. For engineering applications, it provides a quick and easy alternative to a full reservoir simulation study. Additionally, the program provides a way of understanding the size of reserves and subsurface connectivity between reservoirs and aquifer to assess the commercial viability of a new development. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: Reo Forecast It is a software to forecast field production rates, ranging from simple exponential decline curves to finite difference reservoir simulation models by considering the detailed interactions of the reservoir, wellbore, and surface equipment. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: ResBalance Analyzes oil and gas material balance without missing a detail; rapid hypothetical scenario building allows for speedy, reliable decisions; analyzes details using Havlena or Odeh plots, diagnostic plots, or pressure
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profiles and PVT data Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: ResSurveil Application: Mines your petroleum engineering information to understand and optimize production; manage, manipulate, and view your data efficiently; evaluates well, pattern, or field performance to make the right decision every time Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: ResWorks Evaluate well-performance with the complete evaluation toolkit that saves time; improve asset profitability with informed decisions. Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: VOLTS For the assessment of resources and reserves. Vendor: Schlumberger Website:

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ATHOS (replaced by PumaFlow) Used to carry out numerical simulations in core floods. See also description on section 9 above. Propriety: beicip-Franlab/IFP Website: CO2 Prophet It is a water and CO2 flood prediction software. CO2 Prophet, conceived by Texaco Exploration and Production Technology Department (EPTD), was partially developed as part of the DOE Class I cost share program Post Waterflood, CO2 Flood in a Light Oil, Fluvial Dominated Deltaic Reservoir under DOE Contract No. DE-FC2293BC14960. The DOE does not provide technical support for this application. Provider: The Department of Energy (USA) Website: GPAS A new generation chemical flooding simulator Propriety of Department of Energy of USA Website: Rubis-CO2 CO2 sequestration in deep saline formations Vendor: Kappa Engineering Website: SENDRA Used for numerical simulation of water-oil and gas-oil core flood tests and design of such experiments. It can also be used for design and numerical simulation of single speed and multi speed centrifuge tests. Vendor: Weatherford Website:
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TECHSIM Used for compositional simulation involving miscible and/ or near miscible gas injection, and including CO2 EOR tests on long composite cores. Vendor: RPS Group Plc - Energy Website: UTCOMP Compositional simulator Propriety of University of Texas Website: UTCHEM Explicit chemical flooding simulator. Propriety of University of Texas Website: WorkBench pvt (WBpvt) EOS fluid characterization program for use with compositional simulations and other applications, allows user to match laboratory PVT test data optimally with fewer components. Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: See also other compositional simulators under section 8.

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Drilling & Geosteering

AFE Management System Capital expenditure workflow, tracking and control system. Vendor: Halliburton Website: AssetPlanner Generates field development scenarios automatically, including target generation, path planning, platform requirements and positioning. Vendor: Halliburton Website: AssetView Provides a cross-disciplinary, 3-D asset visualization and collaboration viewer for all applications in the DecisionSpace environment. Vendor: Halliburton Website: CasingSeat A graphics-based tool for accurately determining casing setting depth and viable casing and wellbore schemes. Vendor: Halliburton Website: DRILLBENCH Advanced Drilling simulator for drilling operation and its capability include drilling solutions for challenging wells, modeling wells with diverse and extreme complexities & safe and cost-effective operational procedures. Vendor: Scandpower Petroleum Technology Website:
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Engineers Data Model (EDM) Application: Integration platform for drilling, well services, production and economics data. The EDM platform supports drilling, completions and production engineering workflows through consistent data management, navigation, security and unit handling. Vendor: Halliburton Website: Field Scenario Planner Application Saves every scenario created by AssetPlanner and TracPlanner software and lets you create criteria by which you will compare them. Vendor: Halliburton Website: GEOLOG Geological software with good flexibility to integrate horizontal wells and carry out well geosteering. See also section 6. Vendor: Paradigm Website: iWellFile Monitors daily operations information from anywhere, at anytime using Internet connectivity. Vendor: Halliburton Website: OpenWells Software A comprehensive data collection, reporting and managing well operations, downhole schematics, web-based reporting, data analysis and life-cycle well knowledge management system. The modules present are: 1) Operations Morning Reporting: Easily captures complete operations history and quick analysis of key performance indicators. Supports lessons learned for further reducing NPT.

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Data Mining: Cross-domain query capability gives you rapid access to actual or historic offset well data in the Engineers Data Model platform. Wellbore Schematics Generates images of wellbore equipment using data from EDM platform via a dragand-drop interface. Time-Based Data Logs: Reviews of time-based rig equipment and downhole sensor data logs help you collate, configure and display drilling, completions and workover data logs in the context of operations reports. Construction and Reclamation History: Collects the full environmental and operations history of a well site from initial assessment to abandonment and reclamation which helps simplify regulatory compliance. Portal Reporting: Through iWellFile software, creates a well operations Web site that gives users secure, immediate access to ongoing and historical well information, output reports, downhole schematic diagrams and analytical results from select Engineers Desktop applications.





Vendor: Halliburton Website: OpenWire Provides real-time access to formation evaluation and drilling data Vendor: Halliburton Website: Osprey Osprey Operations Manager is a Web-based system that combines business surveillance with drilling performance analysis to manage and optimize drilling, completions, and interventions across assets worldwide. Vendor: Schlumberger Website:

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PrecisionTarget Incorporates geophysical, geological and mechanical risk and uncertainty in target generation. Vendor: Halliburton Website: Presgraf Pore pressure prediction and analysis with expanded log viewing capabilities. Vendor: Halliburton Website: Resource Scheduler Gantt-based planning tool for resource scheduling and logistics. Vendor: Halliburton Website: StressCheck Enables optimal casing, liner and tubing string evaluation and design. Vendor: Halliburton Website: The Engineers Desktop suite Consists of WELLPLAN, OpenWells and other core engineering software, including advanced casing and tubular design tools. Landmarks StressCheck and CasingSeat software take trial and error out of designing casing, liner and tubing strings, ultimately minimizing their cost. Vendor: Halliburton Website: TracPlanner Enables well planning in a 3-D environment, and optimizes platform and pad positioning. Vendor: Halliburton Website:
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WellArchitect Developed in conjunction with Baker Hughes, is an advanced well planning and survey management system for integrated planning and drilling of directional wellpaths with or without earth models. Devised to seamlessly accommodate the needs of sidetracking, multi-lateral wellpaths, and re-entry drilling, WellArchitect is used at both the office and wellsite, by all personnel levels in the industry. Trajectory calculations, target erosion by positional uncertainty, reporting, plotting, and 3D visualization are all included in this package. Vendor: Dynamic Graphics Inc Website: WELLCAT Analyzes wellbore temperature and pressure, casing and tubing design (including Vacuum Insulated Tubing), and multi-string annular pressure buildup (APB); predicts well-head movement and steam modeling for highpressure, high-temperature (HPHT) drilling and production environments. Vendor: Halliburton Website: Well Cost Provides tools for deterministic and probabilistic cost estimation throughout the life of a well. Vendor: Halliburton Website: Well Path Planning COMPASS Directional path planning, survey data management, plotting and anti-collision analysis tool. Vendor: Halliburton Website:


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WELLPLAN (suite of tools) Applications: 1) WELLPLAN Torque and Drag Enables wellbore optimization for hole drag and torque considerations, reducing contact forces, buckling and fatigue. 2) 3) 4) WELLPLAN Surge Models downhole pressure surges caused by pipe movement. WELLPLAN Critical Speed Analysis Predicts and characterizes drill string vibrations. WELLPLAN WellControl Models well kick scenarios; performs the complex calculations required for optimum pumping schedules. WELLPLAN BHA DrillAhead Models BHA behavior, design and selection. WELLPLAN OptiCem Analysis tools to design and simulate the optimum cement job. WELLPLAN Stuck Pipe Conducts failure analysis and calculates back-off force, forces delivered to stuck points and forces required to set and fire jars. WELLPLAN Hydraulics Enables equivalent circulating density (ECD) and hole cleaning optimization, as well as pressure loss analysis.

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Vendor: Halliburton Website: WellView It is a complete well information management system for well planning, drilling, completion, testing and workovers. Vendor: Peloton Computer Enterprises Website:

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Petroleum Engineering

BakerHughes MFrac, MinFrac, MView Applications: MFraca comprehensive fracture design and evaluation simulator enables real-time and replay fracture simulation; make successful decisions based on complex what-if scenarios and parametric studies; find the optimal and most cost-effective solution using comprehensive proppant, fluid, acid, tubing, and rock databases MinFracanalyze fracture efficiency, pressure, dimension, and leakoff before you design a full-scale fracture treatment; real-time data analysis and replay history matching allows for a complete fracturing-date interpretation MViewintegrate and process real-time data in all the MFrac, MinFrac, and MWell applications; visualize and QC any data before, during, or after a fracturing job. Vendor: Baker Hughes Website: DynaLift & LiftAdvisor These are software products designed for gas lift systems in oil wells. These systems can be complex and sometimes the design is not straightforward to either design systems or diagnose problems. Getting it right is the key to optimizing production from gas lifted wells and fields and these softwares helps the user to get it right. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: @FRAC @FRAC is a 3D fracture modeling program. It is a consolidation of packages to simulate injection for waste disposal and petroleum related uses. The program is a 3D hybrid finite element boundary integral model that treats the fracture tip with singular elements. The software

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package incorporates 3D virtual reality visualization with fracture treatment and design performance. This code is currently under development and a commercially available version is not available yet. Vendor: Advantek International Website: FracCADE FracCADE is a hydraulic fracturing code available from Schlumberger as part of CADE Office, an integrated suite of engineering applications for well construction, production and stimulation. The program features pseudo3D and 2D numerical models that can model propped and acid hydraulic fractures FracCADE has the ability to predict the simultaneous growth of multiple fractures at different intervals as well as design capabilities for pump schedule generation. One of the drawbacks of this program is that it lacks fully 3D geometry simulations. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: Frac3D Frac3D is a three-dimensional finite element based fracture analysis program designed to model structural engineering problems. The current version of the program is capable of conducting several structural analyses: (1) regular 3-D stress analysis, (2) 3-D fracture analysis, (3) stress and fracture analysis under Generalized Plane Strain conditions and (4) non-linear analysis of solid structures (for small strain plasticity). Developer: Lehigh University of Bethlehem, PA Website: FracXpert Fracture modeling software applied to frac design by providing total data integration, including pumping rates, fluid efficiencies and treatment volumes. The software averages different logging parameters over selected intervals and outputs data to well log plots, tabular listings and ASCII data files.
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Vendor: Halliburton Website: GAP It is a multiphase oil and gas optimiser tool that models the surface gathering network of field production systems. When linked with the well models of PROSPER and reservoir models of MBAL a full field production optimisation and forecast can be achieved. GAP can model production systems containing oil, gas and condensate, in addition to gas or water injection systems. GAP>s powerful non-linear optimisation engine allocates gas for gas lifted wells or sets wellhead chokes for naturally flowing wells to maximise revenue or oil/gas production while honouring constraints at any level in the system. Vendor: Petroleum Experts (Petex) Website: GOHFER GOHFER is a 3D planar fracture propagation and slurry transport simulator produced by Core Laboratories. GOHFER (Grid Oriented Hydraulic Fracture Extension Replicator) is a simulator that models proppant transport, acid fractures, multiple fractures, simulates fractures from horizontal and asymmetric wells, and can account for vertical and lateral variations in leakoff. The model is based on a regular grid structure to calculate elastic rock displacement and fluid flow solutions. Simulations are calculated by assigning each grid values for important parameters. Displacement of the fracture face at the nodes is determined by an integration of the pressure distribution over each node. Vendor: Core Laboratories Website: HYFRACP3D It is a psudo-3D finite element hydraulic fracture geometry simulator that utilizes 2D planar solution. The model predicts the fracture geometry over time for a fracture propagating in a three-layered system of variable lithology. The model employs a finite element solution to numerically solve the
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non-linear partial equations for fracture fluid pressure and induced fracture dimensions. The software lacks proppant transport capabilities, is limited to a three layer system, only allows for pseudo-3D simulations, and does not have a graphics package. Developer: Ohio State University Res. Foundation Website: IMprove IMprove is ISI>s software product for Forecast, Design and optimization of well remedial operations such as Hydraulic Fracturing, Acidizing and other workovers. IMprove also provides means for data driven Best Practices analysis of all petroleum engineering related operations. IMprove is ISI>s implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining for production enhancement. Vendor: Intelligent Solutions, Inc. Website: LedaFlow It is a stand-alone tool for transient multiphase flow analysis and flow assurance design in engineering studies. In addition, LedaFlow is built to exploit the power of highperformance computing to support decisions in real-time. It is seamlessly integrated with the K-Spice dynamic process simulation tool and suite of solutions for digital oil fields and integrated operations. Vendor: Kongsberg Website: MFrac It is a software for real-time and replay fracture simulation. It handles three-dimensional fracture geometry and integrated acid fracturing solutions. Fully coupled proppant transport and heat transfer routines, together with a flexible user interface and object oriented development approach, permit use of the program for fracture design, as well as treatment analysis. Vendor: Meyer & Associates, Inc. Website:
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OLGA It is a standard tool for transient simulation of multiphase petroleum production. OLGA is used for networks of wells, flowlines and pipelines and process equipment, covering the production system from bottom hole into the production system. The transient capabilities of OLGA dramatically increase the range of applicability compared with steady state simulators. It is applied for engineering throughout field life from conceptual studies to support of operations. OLGA can dynamically interface with all major dynamic process simulators, such as Hysys, DynSim, UniSim, D-SPICE, INDISS and ASSETT. This allows for making integrated engineering simulators and operator training simulators studying the process from bottom hole all the way through the process facility in a single high fidelity model. Vendor: Scandpower Petroleum Technology Website: PC-Pump This software allows users to perform quality analyses, designs and evaluations for downhole progressing cavity pumping applications. Vendor: C-FER Technologies Website: PIPEFLO Steady State multiphase flow simulation software for pipelines. PIPEFLOs features for sensitivity studies make it fast and easy for users to consider a wide variety of options in order to arrive at the best solutions for their design issues and operational problems. Its major application incudes Flow Assurance, Pipeline Design, Automatic Facility Locator, Advanced Sensitivity Studies, Export to OLGA, Hydrates, Corrosion, Pipeline Optimisation, Pipeline Cool Down Calculation and Pipeline Looping Vendor: Scandpower Petroleum Technology Website:


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PIPESIM PIPESIM software is a steady-state, multiphase flow simulator for the design and diagnostic analysis of oil and gas production systems. PIPESIM software tools model multiphase flow from the reservoir to the wellhead. PIPESIM software also analyzes flowline and surface facility performance to generate comprehensive production system analysis.With advanced modeling algorithms for nodal analysis, PVT analysis, gas lift, and erosion and corrosion modeling, PIPESIM software helps you optimize your production and injection operations. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: PROSPER It is a well performance, design and optimisation program for modelling most types of well configurations found in the worldwide oil and gas industry today. PROSPER can assist the production or reservoir engineer to predict tubing and pipeline hydraulics and temperatures with accuracy and speed. PROSPER>s sensitivity calculation features enable existing well designs to be optimised and the effects of future changes in system parameters to be assessed. Vendor: Petroleum Experts (Petex) Website: ReO Software used for production forecasting and field planning that supports engineers and managers making business planning decisions for oil and gas fields. It seamlessly links together models of the reservoir, wellbore and surface equipment to predict their combined performance and detailed interactions. This allows integrated production forecasting and optimization from reservoir to delivery point. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: Simfrac Simfrac is a hydraulic fracturing program by TAURUS
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Reservoir Solutions Ltd. of Calgary, Alberta. The software features a conventional 3D hydraulic fracture simulation, is fully documented and runs under Windows, but does not have a graphical user interface. Vendor: TAURUS Reservoir Ltd Website: StimCADE It is a matrix acidizing software Vendor: Schlumberger Website: StimPlan It is a state-of-the-art 3D hydraulic fracture simulator for complex situations as well as a complete design tool kit. The software package offers fully 3D fracture geometry solutions in layered environments, pseudo-3D numerical fracture modeling, 2D quick simulations, 2D numerical multi-phase flow, and can simulate the simultaneous growth of multiple fractures at different intervals. StimPlan incorporates numerical modeling technology with gridded fracture models to calculate fracture geometry in layered formations. Implicit finite difference calculations are used to solve equations of mass balance, height growth, and fluid flow. Fracture width is simulated through finite element calculations. Fluid flow and proppant transport in the fracture is calculated using 2D numeric multi-phase flow solutions. StimPlan also has the capability of simulating acid fractures and designing pump schedules. It includes a database of properties for fracturing fluids and proppants and offers data handling and analysis capabilities. Vendor: NSI Technologies Inc. Website: TerraFRAC It is a 3D numerical software package for modeling and solving hydraulic fracturing, waste disposal and cuttings reinjection problems. The software is produced by TerraTek Inc. of Salt Lake City, UT. The program is also capable of solving complicated and non-standard fracturing
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treatments, including fractures in dipping layers with high stress contrast, and proppant or cuttings transport. Vendor: TerraTek Inc. (service provided by Schlumberger) Website: WELLFLO Steady State Multiphase flow simulation software for wells. Its major application includes Nodal Analysis, Underbalanced Drilling, Managed Pressure Drilling, and Operating Envelope for UBD/MPD Design, Artificial Lift Design, Thermal Applications, Down-hole Electric Heating, Flow Assurance, Acid Gas Disposal, Hydrates, and Steam Injection & Production Optimisation Vendor: Scandpower Petroleum Technology Website: Wellflo It is a powerful and simple to use stand-alone application to design, model, optimize and troubleshoot naturally flowing or artificially lifted oil and gas wells. Using a guided step-by-step well configuration interface, the engineer builds accurate and rigorous well models. They display the behavior of reservoir inflow, well tubing and surface pipeline flow, for any reservoir fluid. Using WellFlo software results in more effective capital expenditure by enhancing the design of wells and completions, reducing operating expenditure by finding and curing production problems and enhancing revenues by improving well performance Vendor: Weatherford International Website: WellSavvy It is an artificial lift real-time diagnostic software, offering the ability to identify non-obvious trends in large amounts of data based on prior observationsmuch like a production optimization expert would do in real life. Vendor: Weatherford International Website:
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WELL SIM Software designed for horizontal and multi-lateral well simulation. It handles a large number of stublines and laterals flowing into vertical or inclined wells; 2)- balances pressure flow and converges to specified wellhead or surface line terminus pressure; 3)- blends different reservoir pay GOR, water fraction and other physical properties; 4)- well technology and surface line technology items can be invoked including submerged pumps, GOSPs, gas injection and chokes; 5)- predicts flow regimes, slug sizes and frequency in laterals; 6)- predicts wellbore flow regimes; 7)- predicts sand settling velocities; 8)- predicts cease flow conditions. These may result from low pi, sand and/or drilling mud plugging and sand settling. Vendor: EnSys Yocum, Inc Website: WEM Perforating nodal analysis software Vendor: Baker Hughes Website:


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Production Chemistry


Multiflash Multiflash can perform multiphase equilibrium calculations between any number of phases of different types. Each property of each phase may be described by a different thermodynamic model if required. The phases that can be modeled include gases, liquids and solids. A number of cubic and non-cubic equations of state are available. Determination of thermodynamic and transport properties is possible. Special modules have been defined to study flow assurance problems, such as the formation of gas hydrates, waxes and asphaltenes. The program can be operated through its own graphical interface or through MS Excel. Vendor: Infochem, Computer Services Ltd Website: MultiScale It is a water chemistry and mineral scaling prediction program. After input of water analysis, oil/gas analysis and P/T, the software computes 3-phase equilibrium, phase compositions of oil, gas and water pH, ion concentration etc. It computes scale potential and amount of salt precipitate. Provided by: EXPRO Group Website: OLGA2000 Software for scales and hydrates prediction, emulsion and crude dehydration, wax/paraffin deposition prediction (including pipeline restart studies), effluent water treatment and corrosion potential prediction. Vendor: Scandpower Petroleum Technology Website: PIPESIM Software for scales and hydrates prediction, wax/paraffin

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deposition prediction, and corrosion potential prediction. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: PVTP Software for hydrates prediction, wax/paraffin deposition prediction Vendor: Petroleum Experts (PETEX) Website: PVTflex This software allows engineers to build fully compositional fluid PVT models. These models form the foundation of all integrated production optimization studiesfrom individual well to full field optimization. This equation of state (EoS) based application provides far more accurate gas/oil/ water phase predictions than the traditional black oil PVT correlations. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: PVTsim Software for equation of state, phase behavior, scale and hydrates prediction and wax/paraffin deposition predictions; It is also used for asphaltene precipitation modeling and prediction and effluent water treatment studies. Vendor: Calsep Website: ScaleChem Comprehensive tool designed to help simulate and predict oil and gas production flow problems resulting from mineral scale at different pressures and temperatures. The software checks the compatibility of different waters at user specified ratios, in order to find safe ratios (no solids formation) for injection and disposal operations. It also simulates the filtering, mixing and separating of waters in post-processing operations.


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Vendor: Oli Systems, Inc. Website: VLXE Originally developed to study polymer systems and complex fluids, VLXE currently offers a special module for the oil and gas industry. This software allows the use of a number of EOS, cubic and non-cubic. Examples of possible calculations with this software are characterization of crude oils and determination of phase envelopes, differential depletion, constant volume depletion, separator test, constant mass expansion, viscosity, density and thermal conductivity prediction. VLXE operates through an interface with MS Excel that makes calculations very flexible. A Software Development Kit (SDK) allows the inclusion of VLXE predefined routines into a user defined computer program. Currently the programming languages that are supported are: C++, C# and Fortran. Vendor: VLXE Website: WAXModel, EOSModel Software for wax/paraffin deposition prediction Vendor: AspWax, Inc. Website: WellModel, TCModel, FDMODEL Software for asphaltene precipitation modeling and prediction Vendor: AspWax, Inc. Website:

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Surface Engineering

F.A.S.T piper Gas gathering system analysis. Optimize gas gathering systems by identifying bottlenecks and predicting deliverability of future scenarios. Vendor: Fekete Website: GOSPSIM It simulates the separator and process flow performance of the gas/oil/water separation plant and the associated downstream processing facilities. Vendor: EnSys Yocum, Inc Website: Hysys Simulation of chemical plants and oil refineries. It includes tools for estimation of physical properties and liquidvapor phase equilibria, heat and material balances, and simulation of many types of chemical engineering equipment. Vendor: Hyprotech, a subsidiary of AspenTech K-Spice It enables detailed dynamic simulation of oil and gas processes and control systems throughout the whole process lifecycle. It is a Windows based tool with a flexible and intuitive graphical user interface and a wealth of advanced features. K Spice is designed for use across the core applications of: Project feasibility/concept selection, pre-engineering/detailed engineering, commissioning/ production start-up, operator training and online operations/maintenance support/process optimisation. Vendor: Kongsberg Website:


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LeakWarn It is the industry leader in providing effective real time pipeline monitoring applications. These applications include leak detection, batch tracking, hydraulic gradient, DRA tracking, product characteristic tracking, and scraper tracking. Vendor: Simulutions Website: NYIR It is a GIS system keeping track of high pressure pipeline information. It provides access to all Pipeliline related data in as much detail as possible including as-built, right-of-way, engineering, cathodic protection, inspection information in all aspects. NYIR gives the possibility to track. Vendor: piLINE Kft Website: . For sales contact pal.rudas@ Olga Flow assurance for wells and pipelines. See description above under section 14. Vendor: SPT Group Website: PetroPlan Petroleum refinery planning software with easy to use graphic interface, crude recutting, process models and product blending. A practical alternate to LP based software. Accurate and quick modeling for evaluating alternate processes, feedstocks and products. Vendor: Ami Consultants, Inc Website: PIPEFLO It is a design software used to calculate mixture composition of hydrates in pipeline, flowing temperature, flowing pressure, PIPEFLO pipeline software also compares the conditions required for corrosion, hydrates, wax, severe slugging, and liquid loading. With PIPEFLO one can
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determine how these items change with depletion and with operating conditions. Vendor:Technotrade Website: PipeWorks It is a suite of applications which assist pipeline operators in the safe and efficient operation of their pipeline system. It includes functions such as leak detection, batch tracking, batch scheduling, training simulation, optimization, and energy trading management. Vendor: Simulution Website: PRODSIM It is a software for production facilities simulation. It describes the flow performance for the production system beginning at the reservoir, flowing through the well reservoir pay, then up the well, and through the surface or underwater facilities, devices and pipelines to the production manifold. Vendor: EnSys Yocum, Inc Website: PVT-MPM The EnSys Yocum PVT Meter Correction Programs are capable of correcting multiphase meter liquid and gas flow using PVT data that describes the metered fluid Vendor: EnSys Yocum, Inc Website: TRUNKSIM It is a powerful software for optimizing the development of fields when trunkline networks operating in single or multiphase flow are being considered for up to 100 oil wells producing simultaneously. Vendor: EnSys Yocum, Inc Website:


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Economic Analyses


AFE Management System Capital expenditure workflow, tracking and control system. Vendor: Halliburton Website: Merak It handles economics, planning and reserves management. The new release delivers the most significant update to Merak Peep application. It can perform decline analysis and with Merak Volts volume tracking and reporting can also be done. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: Palantir Economic evaluation software. Vendor: Fekete Website: PEEP Economic evaluations and decline curve analysis. Merak Peep 2010 introduces the concept of One Merak Peep for the whole world including the US and Canada with transparency for fiscal models and faster response to legislative changes. Vendor: Schlumberger Website:

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Risk & Uncertainty Analyses

CMOST Sensitivity analysis, assisted history matching, forecast optimization, uncertainty assessment. Vendor: Computer Modelling Group Modelling (CMG) CondorFlow To assist history match; the simultaneous inclusion of the geological realizations and dynamic simulations ensures precise calibration with optimum reproduction of the observed data. Note: the best way for the user to assess the sensitivity of the geological uncertainties is to use the following tools in combination, CobraFlow, PumaFlow, CondorFlow and EasySense. Vendor: Beicip-Franlab Website: Cougar Developed by IFP for uncertainty analysis Vendor: Schlumberger Website: Crystal Ball It is a Monte Carlo simulation program used to solve certain stochastic (involving a random variable) problems where the passage of time plays no substantive role. It is widely used to solve certain statistical problems that are not analytically tractable. The simulation requires that a mathematical relationship (model) be established between the event outcome (expectation) and influence factors (input variables). Vendor: Oracle Website: DMS
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Reservoir Uncertainty and Optimization Software Vendor: Halliburton Website: EasySense It performs sensitivity analysis to obtain probabilistic distribution of critical factors ensuring confident decision making in a risk-prone environment. It uses experimental design and surface response methods to express simulator behaviour in a probabilistic manner. The software brings a great added value to understand and prepare models before performing assisted history match. Sensitivity analysis can be interpreted geographically and through time so that modellers can better understand the geology and the physics at different stages of the field development. Once the match has been performed, EasySense can be used to identify influential parameters on the forecast and a risk analysis can be executed through Monte Carlo sampling of the response surface. Using experimental design techniques the user can obtain maximum information at the lowest experimental cost by varying all uncertain parameters simultaneously. Each experimental design corresponds to a small set of optimally chosen reservoir simulation runs to encompass the uncertain domain. Vendor: Beicip-Franlab Website: EnABLE The Roxar EnABLE solution history matches numerous geological scenarios to create simulation models that are fully consistent with their underlying geological interpretation (unlike many current 3D modelling workflows). RMS and Tempest (other products from Roxar) when coupled with EnABLE provide E&P companies with a statistical framework for a rapid understanding of production behaviour and the creation of robust estimates from a shared earth model. The result is more informed technical and economic decisionmaking and a better quantification of uncertainty. Vendor: Roxar Software Solutions Website:
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GeoX It is a software for stochastic assessment of resources, risks and economic value. The software is designed explicitly to support mission critical asset management decisions in oil and gas exploration projects. A distinctive modelbased architecture working over the industry-standard database promotes effective use and integration of data and judgment in decision-making. Vendor: Geoknowledge Website: MEPO To assist history match; Uses experimental design (Latin hyperbole sampling) to select the least number of input parameters required to achieve the match. It links with VIP, CMG, MORES, Eclipse, Frontsim. The optimization mechanism is based on genetic algorithms (evolutionary strategy). It accepts multiple models and tries to obtain the match for all of them. Vendor: SPT Website: PetroVR It is a fully-integrated decision making software suite for E&P development planning that supports risk and uncertainty modeling for the entire opportunity lifecycle, from subsurface to surface. Vendor: Caesar Systems Website: PrecisionTree Allows the user to build decision trees in Excel, enabling the user to visually map out complex, multi-layered decisions in a sequential, organised manner Vendor: Palisade Website: TopRank Performs automated what if sensitivity analysis on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and is excellent for auditing
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models. Define any output or bottom line cell or cells, and TopRank will automatically find and vary all input cells which affect your output. Vendor: Palisade Website: @RISK Incorporates a technique called Monte Carlo simulation which enables the user to represent uncertainty (risk or opportunity) in Microsoft Excel. Vendor: Palisade Website: RISKOptimizer and Evolver Are both optimisation programs which are based on genetic algorithms. They are both designed to solve non-linear, complex problems and they way they work is by constantly trying to find new solutions to problems and then building on those solutions to find even better solutions. The difference between the two products is that RISKOptimizer allows the user to also build in uncertainty to the optimisation model by using Monte Carlo Simulation. Vendor: Palisade Website: SimER It is an advanced computer code for the simulation of environmental risks sssociated with site end points. Vendor: Quintessa Website: TESLA It is a software tool based on Evidence Support Logic (ESL), which aims to support and identify the amount of uncertainty or conflict in the decision making process. It provides a means to break the decision down into a hierarchical structure, simplifying the problem and presenting it in such a way that information can be easily gathered and categorised. TESLA does not automate the
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decision-making process but provides valuable support to the decision maker. Vendor: Quintessa Website: TREE2000 It is a decision tree software which embodies a highly customizable tool for risk management and informed decision making. Variables such as price, production, and operating costs contain unknowns that must be accounted for when looking at the value of a given decision or project. Decision tree software allows you to apply all the information you have on various unknowns and give you the <big picture> of the situation, showing how that information affects your future and current choices. This assistance will illustrate possible outcomes of decisions and better inform you of where to invest effort in reducing uncertainties. Provider: The Department of Energy (USA) Website: software


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Management Tools


AFE Management System Capital expenditure workflow, tracking and control system. Vendor: Halliburton Website: AssetView Oilfield visualization software; it provides a crossdisciplinary, 3-D asset visualization and collaboration viewer for all applications in the DecisionSpace environment. Vendor: Halliburton Website: DTSPlus It is an application for reviewing and managing distributed temperature sensor (DTS) data. It provides temperature profiling data viewing, analysis and management. The data can be exported to SQL databases, LAS, POSC (PRODML) and ASCII format files. The displays include animations relative to baseline DTS data and user-specified data interval density (in time). Vendor: Weatherford International Website: FORGAS Integrated Field Forecasting tool. FORGAS is one of the most reliable and efficient solution to model some of the largest gas fields in the world. It is used to evaluate compression options, to determine drilling schedules, to quantify backout or field constraints, to evaluate gathering system modifications, and to investigate infill drilling and competitive drainage options. Vendor: Scandpower Petroleum Technology Website:
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i-DO This software links real-time downhole, surface and corporate data sources to ensure that reservoir, well and facility models are constantly monitored and updated to reflect actual operating conditions. The system integrates production data management and reservoir modeling with transient pressure analysis, well modeling and surface network modeling and optimization. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: InnerLogix E&P Enables geoscientists to analyze and QC seismic data, projects, and logs. The software contains 7 modules. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: LOWIS This software is a web-based, enterprise-wide, well management suite designed to help improve the bottom line for any oil and gas production operation. By reducing lifting costs, optimizing workflows and minimizing the financial risk associated with the evolution of new technologies, this innovative software suite can help companies better achieve their financial goals and objectives. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: MetaCarta It is a system that creates a searchable index of geographic locations and keywords, contained within structured documents located in disparate data sources and displays them on a map. It makes the integration between document management and GIS systems. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: OFM It is a well and reservoir management analysis software offering advanced production surveillance views and
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powerful production forecasting tools to help the engineers and geoscientists better manage production and track reserves. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: PetroAtlas It is a web based mentoring and guidance system for petroleum production personnel. This robust linked knowledge management system is preloaded with thousands of pages of guidance properly linked to best practices, work flows, and tasks leading production engineers through the labyrinths of variables to reach optimum results. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: ProSource E&P It is a professional data management suite of products to streamline essential workflows of the IM professional. ProSource E&P software is based on the Seabed open data model enabling complete data storage and the integration of domains. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: Resource Scheduler Gantt-based planning tool for resource scheduling and logistics. Vendor: Halliburton Website: RigPlan It is a desktop scheduling tool providing the visualization and control needed to assure that rigs and assets are effectively used. The user interface provides a multi-level calendar that displays where each rig is currently working, its expected completion time, and the time frame for the next scheduled job.

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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Vendor: Weatherford International Website: RMS It is highly flexible, scalable data acquisition software that supports Weatherfords production optimizationreservoir monitoring optical sensing and electronic gauge product lines. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: WSM WSM stands for Well Service Manager software and it is used to prioritize and plan well service events. It presents histories in comparative graphs and reports to help determine best operating practices. Web reporting tools facilitate enhanced information exchange across the enterprise to help you understand your operational issues and cost drivers. Specific service events are included in the package for tubing and rod failures, pump failure workovers and workover costs trended over time. Vendor: Weatherford International Website:


Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

I-Field Applications


CygNet EOP CygNet Enterprise Operations Platform (EOP): Unlike other SCADA systems, CygNet EOP unlocks the value of realtime, configuration, and historical information by making it accessible to more data consumers. The platform delivers a unified information ecosystem by efficiently communicating with industry leading field devices, other industry software packages, and third-party systems already in place. New enterprise integration capabilities extend the platforms flexible support for business processes. These improvements eliminate IT time and effort, enabling customers to rapidly realize the benefits of asset optimization, performance analytics, and KPI tracking delivered from Operations to the business. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: CygNet for Production It is a vertical industry solution designed exclusively for gas production and midstream operations. It provides a proven, tested set of functionality specific to well field operations, right out of the box. CygNet for Production enhances operational efficiency and TCO, by reducing system replacement time and the resources required to deploy and enterprise SCADA system. It features standardized E&P operations functionality that speeds successful implementation. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: i-DO This software links real-time downhole, surface and corporate data sources to ensure that reservoir, well and facility models are constantly monitored and updated to reflect actual operating conditions. The system integrates production data management and reservoir modeling with
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

transient pressure analysis, well modeling and surface network modeling and optimization. The system can be applied without modification to a wide range of production optimization problems, including downhole controls in smart wells and intelligent completions. Vendor: Weatherford International Website: IMpulse IMpulse is ISI>s software product for real-time data analysis managing and analyzing the high frequency data streams transmitted by permanent downhole devices. Using state of the art in Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining IMpulse provide real-time well monitoring, realtime single-well modeling and real-time adaptive DCA and PTA. Furthermore, IMpulse provide reservoir analysis for the Smart Fields interfacing with ISI>s IMpact and IMagine products for fast track reservoir simulation and modeling and reservoir management. Vendor: Intelligent Solutions, Inc. Website: WellScribe It is a mobile application that collects information on a well service rig as events occur in real time and syncs that information with corporate data stores immediately. WellScribe screens are designed to accommodate field use through a variety of devices that are able to handle the rigors of life in the field. Vendor: Weatherford International Website:


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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry



Dbmap It is a PPDM compliant database management, mapping, reporting and query system for the petroleum exploration and development industry, with particular emphasis on the use of knowledge for presentation and query on maps. Vendor: Petrosys Pty. Ltd Website: Decision Space (R5000 release) It is a development environment that gives the user the choice and flexibility to work their way in the exploration and production domain, using landmark applications. Vendor: LandMark Website: ERGO Reservoir geometry analog database (environments, reservoirs, geometries, objects) Vendor: Fugro-Robertson Website: FINDER Relational database for the oil and gas industry. This database eventually will be replaced by Seabed. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: LogDB It is an application database for well related data (logs, image data, cores etc). Vendor: Schlumberger Website: ODM3 It is an oil field data manager using a relational database.
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

Vendor: Senergy Website: OFM It is an E&P database (Oil Field Manager), which handles exploration and production data, maps, charts etc. Vendor: Schlumberger Website: OpenWorks Relational database for the oil and gas industry Vendor: LandMark Website: PetrisWINDS Recall It is the industry-leading solution for the handling, storing, and processing of well bore data. PetrisWINDS Recall has the ability to store, process, and interpret drilling, core, open-hole, or production data in a comprehensive and integrated framework. It is a multi-platform system that scales from single-user laptops and project data stores up to corporate databases and national archives. Vendor: Petris Website: PowerExplorer Web-based GIS data management tool with advanced capabilities to browse and manage spatial and tabular E&P data. Vendor: Halliburton Website: Raven It is a new suite of applications that run extensive investigations on data loaded into Recall databases and provide rule-based evaluation of data quality and metrics,
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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

thereby reducing the effort required to validate data. In addition, it will provide all the information necessary to improve the quality of and user confidence in borehole data. Vendor: Petris Technology Inc Website: RECALL It is a popular application for managing, storing and processing wellbore data. Version 5.3 includes major enhancements to data integration, workflow, search tools and database security. We can easily integrate logs, image data, cores etc. Vendor: Petris Technology Inc Website: Seabed It is the new Schlumberger database and information management system. It has an admin interface called ProSource and an end user interface called ProSource Front Office. Seabed will ultimately replace Finder. TGS E&P database Vendor: TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company, Norway Website: Verge This software provides a view of current operations in an easy-to use interface that displays field data in meaningful ways. The data can be combined and displayed to provide simplistic views of complex analysis. This data provides the answers to real-life issues that occur in producing oil and gas fields. Vendor: Weatherford International Website:

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Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry

ZEMA Suite The ZEMA Product Suite is the pairing of a massive self populating energy database with an advanced set of web based tools that help you manage, view, analyze and easily distribute market intelligence within your organization. Vendor: ZE PowerGroup Inc. Website:


Jorge Salgado Gomes

Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry


Jorge Salgado Gomes


Software Used in the Oil & Gas Industry



Jorge Salgado Gomes

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