Basic Terms Handout

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Terms Blogger: Someone who keeps an online journal or blog. A blogger typically blogs about something they are passionate about and thus their personality and bias is often reflected in the posts. Reporter: A person traditionally employed by a newspaper, magazine or television station charged with gathering and reporting news. They have been trained to leave their opinion and commentary out. Editorial writer: Writes on key issues in a way meant to mold public opinion toward that of the publication. Columnist: Someone who writes a regular column in a print publication. A bit of a precursor to blogs, columns are less structured than typical news stories. There are gossip columns, sports columns, neighborhood columns. Beat reporter: A reporter assigned to a certain subject such as crime, politics or medicine. General assignment (GA) reporter: A reporter who covers a little bit of everything. Features reporter: Someone who writes feature stories. Feature stories are often longer, slower paced and tend to focus more on people than events. Spot news: The latest news reported right away. Enterprise: Enterprise stories look into the why and how and not just the who, what, when and where of news stories.

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