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Concepts/Skills to be taught (introduced or reinforced): Domain (), Cluster, Standard in your own words Grade 5 Content- Area Standards:

Standard- 2.0 Earth/Space Science Topic- E. Interactions of hydrosphere and atmosphere Indicator- 1. Recognize and describe that the amount of water on Earth continues to stay the same even though it may change from one form to another. Objective- Describe how water on Earth changes. Condensation Precipitation Evaporation Technology Standards: Standard 3.0 Technology for Learning and Collaboration: Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration Grade 5 A. Learning 1. Select and use technology tools to enhance learning a) Use technology tools, including software and hardware, from a range of teacher-selected options to learn new content or reinforce skills Standard 4.0 Technology for Communication and Expression: ideas using various media formats.Use technology to communicate information and express Grade 5 B. Expression 1. Select and use technology to express ideas b) Present ideas and information in formats such as electronic presentations, web pages, graphic organizers, or spreadsheets that are appropriate to a specific audience INTASC Standards: Principle #1: The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students. Principle #5: The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interactions, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. Principle #6: The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media

communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom. Objective: Describe the process that the water cycle through a scientific experiment Materials: Glass jar with lid (one for each student) Portable hot water heater Ice cubes (at least two per student) Tablespoon measuring spoon ( 6 one for each bowl) 6 bowls Premade foldable template PowerPoint presentation Activinspire flipcharts Pencil (students supplied) Crayons/ colored pencils (student supplied) Procedures Engage: 5 minutes 1. KWL Chart a. Open up the ActiveInspire flipchart and open to the KWL chart. b. Ask the students: What do you know about the water cycle? Invite the students up to the board to write their answer. Obtain three to four answers. c. Ask the students: What do you want to know about the water cycle? d. Invite the students up to e. After students fill out what information they would like to learn, students will then fill out the L part of chart answering the question: What have you learned about the water cycle?

Explore: 10 minutes 1. Pass out materials. a. Give each pair of students a glass jar with a metal lid. b. Set out the bowls with warm water in it. A Tablespoon c. Have the students add two tablespoons of hot water to the bottom of the jar. They should get the warm water from the bowls that the teacher sets out. d. Place the lid tightly back on the jar. e. Put two ice cubes on top of the lid of the jar. f. Let the jar sit for 5 minutes. g. While the jar is sitting have the students make observations. h. Ask: Make a prediction on what is going to happen. What is your

prediction? If we are making a water cycle what does the water represent? What do you think the jar represents?

Explain: 10-15 minutes 1. Ask the students: To explain what they think was happening in the experiment. Were your predictions correct? What happened to the water? Where did it go? 2. The teacher will show the PowerPoint. a. Invite student up to the board and click on one of the words in the PowerPoint. b. The teacher will read the information on the slide. 3. Show students the YouTube video of a rap about the water cycle. Elaborate: 15 minutes 1. Students will create a water cycle flip chart. a. The template will be passed around to students and they will place the correct step under the proper flap. b. Students will fill out the flaps according to the three major steps (condensation, evaporation, and precipitation). c. Students will open the flaps and drawn symbols or pictures to demonstrate each step. d. Students will write out what each step contains on the bottom flap. Evaluate/ Assessment: 15 minutes 1. ActivInspire flipcharts. a. Students will have the opportunity to look at a picture and match descriptions of each process to the picture. Invite students up to the board to drag and drop the number from the picture to the description at the bottom. 2. Handout a. Students will be given a circle chart handout to see what they have learned about the water cycle. The circle chart has three sections for precipitation, evaporation, and condensation. Students are able to write what each of these is, draw a picture, or explain them in any way they feel comfortable. This handout isnt exactly a formative assessment, but it will help us see what the students have learned and if they now know what these three parts of the water cycle are. Differentiation: Students will engage in an identification activity using ActivInspire. This activity will accommodate students that learn kinesthetically.

Students will also participate in an experiment which will be paired with a PowerPoint reviewing and informing students on the process that makes up the water cycle. This part of the lesson will accommodate kinesthetic learners with the water cycle experiment, as well as accommodating visual learners through the PowerPoint. Students will watch a rap about the steps that make up the water cycle. This activity accommodates auditory learners.

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