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Bawling: crying your eyes because something bad happened to you.

I was bawling to much because i knew that he didn't like me.

Placate: To make something pacific. I saw a fight between two friends and placate them so they don't fight anymore

Scurrying: To go with light running steps. I was scurrying to the room of my father to see what happened in the movie.

Petty: Something that is in small importance Once a day he was so petty but then when he grew he become popular.

Omen: Supposed to pretend good or evil Sometimes i would like to be as omen as he is.

Glinted: A moment when you see a flash or a light. Something went wrong when the camera turned. I saw a glint.

Cavernous: Filled with caverns. When i went to the forest i saw a lot of cavernous things in the mountains.

Wincing: To shrink, as in pain or distress. I was wincing after the soccer game.

Faltered: To be unsteady in a purpose. He was so faltered in the exam i think he was nervous.

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