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Censoring the Internet

The China Channel sheds light on information control

NTERNET CENSORSHIP IS China, the system used by China search. I received a

something that is often the Chinese government to rare Yahoo error 999 that
discussed but rarely control what Chinese citi- temporarily prevented me
experienced firsthand, at zens can read and access on from doing any Yahoo
least here in the West. the Internet. China searches.
For most of us, we can What is it like to have Since you are running
write about, read and look access to a censored and through a proxy server on
for anything that interests controlled Internet, where the other side of the world,
us on the Internet. there's aiways a chance that surfmg through the China
But this isn't the case a site you want to go to is Channel can be slow. But
everywhere. In some coun- blocked and inaccessible? fast or slow, using the China
tries, citizens can access only If you reañy want to find Channel can be eye opening
an Internet that is heavily out the answer to this ques- for those of us who are used
censored and blocked. And tion, download the free Firefox to a wide-open Web.
the censorship isn't focused
solely on porn, gambling and
otlier typically frowned-upon
activities. The censorship The China Channel can
often involves legitimate be eye opening for those
news Web sites, public orga-
nizations and Web sites for used to a wide-open Web.
entire countries.
Imagine trying to find

information about a well- extension called the China Because for many of us,
known historical event or Channel {http://c}iinachanriel. the Web and the Internet
political group but getting hk/). Tlie China Channel is have become all about the
kicked off the search engine a simple proxy system that free search for information.
when you hunt around for runs your browser behind a So it's worthwhile to try
these things. Or imagine try- Chinese IP address. When the out the China Channel to
ing to surf to popular interna- China Channel is activated, see how the Internet works
tional news sites and receiv- you see the Internet as a per- in some parts of the world.
ing a Web error. If you're son in China would. And tliere's no guarantee
being blocked from this type To test the China Chan- that our Internet will always
of content, are you even really nel, 1 used a Wikipedia list remain free and uncen-
using the Internet.^ of sites known to be blocked sored. The China Channel
Unfortunately, this is in China. Sure enough, with could be a window into our
exactly what citizens in the China Channel enabled, future, e
some countries are expe- I was unable to browse to
riencing. And the biggest any of these sites, mostly eWEEK Chief Technology Ana-
example of this is what is receiving errors. In one lyst Jim Rapoza can be reached
called The Great Firewall of case, while doing a Yahoo

DECEMBER 1, 2008 » eWEEK 47

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