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Adam Sonntag Associates Degree in Applied Science Major - Computer Technology Specialization in Information Systems Technology

My career interests in the Information Technology field would be either to get into networking, database, or as workstation support tech. I would be pleased to intern in any area as needed, to gain as much knowledge as I can about each specialized field.

Classes that I have most recently completed include: Complex Computer Applications o This course of study involves working with Access, building tables, forms, reports, and queries with requested specifications and tasks that are desired within each database. In addition I learned how to use VBA and Macros to perform the operations that are needed. Computer Resource Management (A+ guide to software) o This course is required for getting A+ certified. I have previously completed Computer Systems Management, which is the hardware side of the A+ certification. Microcomputer Word Processing and Microcomputer Spreadsheets o Both classes went through everything you need to know in Microsoft Word and Excel. Such as editing, formulas, making tables, recording and running Macros.

Classes that I have completed prior to this semester include: Computers and Programming o This is the introductory class to programming working with vbscript. I had a lot of practice with IF statements, Select Case statements, and Looping statements.

Ecommerce o Worked with the program Microsoft Expression to simulate designing a website for a client. I registered with a hosting site and purchased a domain name. As the semester progressed I would upload my progress to my host. The class scratched the surface of working with cascading style sheets and JavaScript, but never got into too much detail with either.

Microcomputer Database o The introductory class to Access, very basic. Learned how to edit the design of tables, forms, reports, and queries.

Data Communication s o This class was an introductory class to networking. Learned about the 7 layer model, role for each layer, learned about routers, switches, hubs, Mac addresses, IP addresses, TCP/IP, Networking Topologies, Cloud computing, VMware, etc.

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