Natasha Rough Draft States of Matter Lab Assessment Packet 2012

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6 Science Feedback Sheet

Unit 3: Chemistry Name: Chemistry Grade 6 Anatomy

Name: Natasha Lui Date: ____________________________

! Unit Title



Signicant Concept Scientists earlier discoveries about matter and atoms have helped us to understand what is happening to solids, liquids and gases (on a molecular level) as (s) they change from state to state. Unit Question(s) How have previous discoveries affect the way we see the world today?

As water changes from one state to another, will particle movement increase, decrease or stay the same? Assessment Task States of Matter Lab Teacher Task Overview What do you have to Conduct and complete the Matter of State lab in groups or 3-4. do? Complete the lab write-up. 1. Follow the proper procedures and set up the lab appropriately. 2. Following the steps provided, conduct the lab with your group members. Ensure each person has a role. 3. Think about and answer the questions as you go through the lab. 4. Collect data/make any observations. 5. When lab is completed, clean up and put away all materials. 6. Discuss questions with group members. 7. Complete an individual lab write-up and hand-in everything on

Monday, 6 May or Tuesday, 7 May.

How will you be assessed? You will be assessed using Criteria D, E and F.

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Teacher Task Overview When is the task due? Introduced: Monday, 22 April or Tuesday, 23 April Lab conducted: Monday, 29 April or Tuesday 30 April Class time for write-up: Thursday, 2 May or Friday, 3 May Lab write-up DUE: Monday, 6 May or Tuesday, 7 May

Student Self Reection -- Do this part after I have marked your lab What did you learn from this task?

What helped you to be successful?

What would you change if you had to do this task again?

Teacher Signature Comments are on Managbac and Comment

Parent Signature and Comment

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

States of Matter Lab


Has not reached standard of any descriptors below. Attempts to recognize the purpose of investigation but makes incomplete or underdeveloped reference to variables. Suggested method is partially complete. Evaluation of method is absent or incomplete.


I have a hypothesis My hypothesis is not linked to my



I have not discussed any of the

questions for paragraph 3.

I have not attempted to discuss any

difficulties I had or that my group had.

Criterion D: Scientific Inquiry


Purpose of investigation is recognized but provides an underdeveloped explanation/prediction. Acknowledges some variables and attempts to describe how to manipulate them. Method suggested is partially complete and, with guidance, includes appropriate materials/equipment. Evaluation is partially developed.

I have a hypothesis using Ifthen because My hypothesis is somewhat linked to my question. I have attempted to discuss 2 of the questions for paragraph 3. I have attempted to discuss difficulties I had or that my group had.


Purpose of investigation is recognized and an attempt was made to articulate the research question. A simple hypothesis is formed and explained using scientific reasoning. Relevant variables are identified along with attempted explanations of how to manipulate them. With guidance, comments are made regarding reliability or validity of methods.

I have an appropriate hypothesis using Ifthen because My hypothesis is appropriately linked to my question. I have thoroughly discussed at least 2 of the questions for paragraph 3. I have clearly discussed any difficulties I had or that my group had.

STUDENT COMMENTS: What level do you think you should get?

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time


States of Matter Lab

States of Matter Lab

Level 0

Descriptors Has not reached standard of any descriptors below.



I have needed reminders about Guidance and supervision is how to work effectively and required while using equipment. respectfully with my lab group. I have needed reminders about Needs reminders to work working safely and responsibly in cooperatively and safely. the lab. I have needed frequent teacher guidance. I have usually worked effectively and respectfully with my lab group. I have usually worked safely and responsibly in the lab. I have needed some teacher guidance.

Requires frequent guidance with equipment Criterion F: attitudes in science 3-4 Usually pays attention to safety and works responsibly. Generally cooperates with others. Occasionally works independently with precision and skill. 5-6

I have consistently worked effectively and respectfully with my lab group. Pays close attention to safety I have consistently worked safely and works responsibly. and responsibly in the lab. I have needed very little teacher Consistently works as an guidance. effective and respectful team member.

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

STUDENT COMMENTS: What level do you think you should get?


States Of Matter Lab Introduction:

Water changes from different states. When water is turned to ice the molecules dont move as much because of the strong attraction, and it turns into a solid. When ice is melted the molecules move but the attraction is weak, that what makes it a liquid. When water is boiled by adding energy the particles move around a lot and they become apart and turned into steam which is a gas. When you heat up the solid(ice)
Research questions: The purpose of this experiment is to answer to following question:

As water changes from one state to another, will particle movement increase, decrease or stay the same? (solid to liquid to gas to liquid, etc.)
You will need to write some specic research questions here. You can write these ahead of time, or as you do your research. By the end, you should know: How do the molecules behave in a solid? They are packed together, movement restricted. Very strong attraction. How do the molecules behave in a liquid? Not very packed, have movement. Moves around sometimes

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

How do the molecules behave in a gas? They contain a larger amount of energy so they move around really quickly and are constantly changing shape and volume. A gases molecules will contract and expand depending on the environment around the gas. What happens to the molecules as they change from a solid to a liquid? The molecules is getting energy which makes them vibrate which lets the solid break free from its shape and turn into a liquid. What happens to the molecules as they change from a liquid to a gas? Energy is added, causing the molecules to react to the added energy. What happens to the molecules as they change from a gas to a liquid? The way that molecules turn a gas into a liquid is the gas is that the energy is being taken away from the molecules, slowing down the molecules. What happens to the molecules as they change from a liquid to a solid? You could increase the pressure to push those molecules together. What causes matter to change from one state to another state? When matter obtains more energy, the molecules expand and detach from one another, changing states of matter. When changing from a solid to a liquid and from a liquid to a gas, the temperature of the matter rises. When the matter changes from a gas to liquid and a liquid to solid, the temperature of the matter descends.

The independent variable is: (the one variable that you will change) By adding heat.

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

The dependent variable is: (The variable that you are investigating)

Particle movement.

Control Variables
The factors that you keep the same, so that the experiment is a fair test. Try and list at least 5.

Factors to be controlled: 1 The amount of heat added. 2 The positioning of the thermometer. 3 The amount of ice put into the beaker.

Reason it needs to be controlled: The wrong amount of heat may differ the resulting product. The wrong position will give an inaccurate measuring of heat. The wrong amount of ice could vary the time that it takes to melt, differ the amount of water in the beaker and change the nal result. This may change what happens to the water and the water bottle. The temperature recorded by the thermometer will be wrong.

How it will be controlled: We will keep the hot plate at a consistent temperature. We will use a device that will hold the thermometer in place. We will carefully drop individual ice cubes into the beaker.

4 The amount of time we wait for the water to cool. 5 If we wait for the water to heat up even more after it has been melted from ice.

We will time 15 minutes.

We will carefully watch the ice melt.

What will happen to the dependent variable as the independent variable is changed? The particles will be given energy which allows it to change from one state of matter to another. Why?

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

It will change because when the particles get energy, the particles start moving faster, which makes the molecules spread out, move randomly and form into a liquid or a gas. What would that relationship look like? Try to graph or illustrate this:



List of materials needed here

-Computer -Beaker -Thermometer -Lab Packet -Ice -Water -Plastic Bottle -Hot plate Diagram One: Set-up of your materials for this lab:

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

States of Matter Record Temperature Add heat. As the ice is being heated Record Temperature Add heat. As the ice is being heated Record Temperature Continue heating. As the water is heating, answer the following: 10c 9:04 AM 2c 8:40 Temperatures 3c 8:37 Observation
What is happening to the temperature? The temperature is increasing. As the ice heats, what is happening to the ice particles? They are expanding and turning to liquid.

10c 9:02

What is heat? Heat is energy

Record Temperature Continue heating. As the water is heating, answer the following:

13c 9:09 AM

What is happening to the water? The heat is giving energy so the molecules move faster

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Record Temperature Continue heating. As the water is heating, answer the following: Record Temperature Continue heating. As the water is heating, answer the following: Record Temperature After the water has heated to boiling, record the temperature: _________. Carefully pour the water into the plastic bottle and tightly cap the top. Observe what happens to the container for about 15 minutes and record:

15c 9:10 AM

What is happening to the water particles? The molecules are moving around faster and the attraction is weak.

18c 9:13 AM

What is happening between the particles? Space has been created between the particles What is happening to the plastic container? The bottle is covered in vapor.

72c 9:20 AM

The bottle is really hot. When you put your nger on the bottle at rst no heat is felt but later on the heat is high enough to numb your nger. After a few seconds you can gradually feel the heat.

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Record Temperature After the water has heated to boiling, record the temperature: _________. Carefully pour the water into the plastic bottle and tightly cap the top. Observe what happens to the container for about 15 minutes and record: Record Temperature After the water has heated to boiling, record the temperature: _________. Carefully pour the water into the plastic bottle and tightly cap the top. Observe what happens to the container for about 15 minutes and record:

Why is this happening? The hot water is exposed to oxygen that is contained in the bottle

What is making the container do this?

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Record Temperature As the water begins to cool, observe what is happening and record:

What is happening to the water bottle? The bottle looks like crumpled paper.

Record Temperature As the water begins to cool, observe what is happening and record: Record Temperature As the water begins to cool, observe what is happening and record:

Why is this happening to the water bottle? N/A

What is the difference between the water at this time versus the water when we initially poured it into the container? N/A

Record Temperature As the water begins to cool, observe what is happening and record:

What change is happening to the water to make this event occur? N/A


Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

1. Fill a 500 mL beaker with ice cubes, Add heat. As the ice is being What is happening to

record the temperature: heated: the temperature? is happening to the ice particles?

As the ice heats, what

2. Once all the ice melts, record the Continue heating. As the

temperature: _______________. water is heating, answer the following: the water? the water particles? between the particles?

What is heat? What is happening to What is happening to What is happening

3. After the water has heated to _________. 4. Carefully pour the water into the 5.Observe what happens to the

boiling, record the temperature:

plastic bottle and tightly cap the top. container for about 15 minutes and record: the plastic container? happening? container do this?

What is happening to Why is this What is making the

Temperature Readings

6.As the water begins to cool,

observe what is happening and record: the water bottle? to the water bottle? between the water at this time versus the poured it into the container?

What is happening to Why is this happening What is the difference water when we initially

What change is happening to the water to make this event occur?

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Boiling point

Temperature 80.0




0 8:37 8:40 9:02 9:04 9:09 9:10 9:13 9:20

Graph 1: Temperature readings collected during the lab


Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time



Temperature Readings



0 8:37 8:40 9:02 9:04






The temperature gradually went up and I saw vapor and little bubbles forming in the bottom of the beaker. The bubbles are forming because the particles are moving faster, steam forms and thats when we know that the particles are turning into gas. The more the temperature rises the weaker the attraction of the particles and the quicker the movement.


From the graph, the results show (What happens to the dependent variable as the independent variable changes?) . . .

! From the graph, The results were quite surprising because my group expected that in a matter minutes the water would start boiling. The temperature we started was 3c and the minute we turned on the hot plate , 3 minutes later the temperature was 2c. We were very worried but I thought it was a teacher trick . Then a few minutes later it was 10c, then I found out that my statistics about a teacher trick was wrong. But, I knew I was being silly. The

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

process was very sluggish. During that process I got a lot done which was good. Then it went up to 50c so we didnt need to copy anything so, instead of looking for a long time we goofed off. Some went to go talk to others and some went to doodling. Then a miracle happened the temperature went to 72c. We then stopped doodling and started recording the temperature.

This happens because (Consider the concepts you used in your hypothesis). This is a good place to include some diagrams if they will help explain your ideas.

It will change because when the particles get energy, the particles start moving faster, which makes the molecules spread out, move randomly and form into a liquid or a gas.

Table 2: Validity of the method (Was the investigation a Fair Test?) If you were not able to control any of the control variables you listed above, how did any change in that variable affect your data?

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Control variable What affect did this Degree of impact Improvement (how to x that was not have when (small, medium or the problem): controlled: comparing the large): independent and dependent variables? Use different hot plate 1 Slow heating took more time than medium expected of the hot plate
2 Time needed to Didnt see the results medium cool down of the transformation of vapor to water. 3 The time Took too long to heat large needed to heat up the beaker Have more time

Turn up the temperature.

Table 3: Reliability of the method: Were there enough trials? Did multiple trials give similar data? Are there anomalous points?
Reliability of data. The measuring instruments. a) Did the measuring instruments collect data that can be trusted? Yes/ No Yes, because we used a thermometer, beaker with measurement and the clock with the right time difference. Explanation (why / why not?)

b) Was the experiment repeated enough times? Yes/ No

No, because we were short of time.

c) Did the measuring instrument collect precise data? (i.e. Did the multiple trials give similar data?) Yes/ No

No, My group checked every 5 minutes and temperature would go up 3 or more C

Size of sample.

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Reliability of data. d) was the range large enough? Why/ Why not?

Explanation (why / why not?)

Yes/ No

No, because we were short of time

Were there any surprising results? What were they?

The heating process took longer than expected.

You are almost done! Now go back to the beginning and give your investigation a title using the dependent and independent variable.

Reference List
"Changes in State." Mr Ewart's School Pages. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2013. < structures/str4.htm>. Pearson. Introduction to Matter. Science Explorer. Needham, MA: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. 1-22. Print.

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Rader. "Rader's CHEM4KIDS.COM." Rader's CHEM4KIDS.COM. N.p., 1997. Web. 25 Apr. 2013.

Natasha Lui

Thursday, 16 May 2013 8:39:02 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

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