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Sample 1


Name: ____________________________________

Class: __________________

A. Tick (/) the true statement and cross (X) the false statement. 1 2 3 4 Pupils must write their names in the log book after using computer. Pupils can enter the computer lab at any time. Pupils can only use the computers with the teachers presence. Pupils must not follow computer labs duty roster. (10 marks) B. Number the steps to capture image using the Print Screen key in the correct order. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Click Start Click the drive where you want to save it. Point to All Programs ->Accessories->Paint Click Paste Click Edit then Paste Click Save Click Paint Click File and choose Save Name the File in File Name box. Capture the current display by pressing Print Screen (25 marks) 1

Sample 1 C. Fill in the blanks with the correct word. 15. Print Screen key is used for ________ (capturing, catching) an image on screen. 16. We press __________ (Esc, Shift) key to cancel command. 17. Numeric keypad is activated by pressing _________________________ (Caps Lock, Num Lock). 18. We use _________ (mouse, keyboard) to drag and highlight. 19. The first step in arranging icons freely is to click _____ (left, right) mouse button on the desktop. 20. We __________ (click, press) and_________ (drop, drag) mouse to highlight. (15 marks) D. Circle the correct answer. 21. We can rearrange the icons on the desktop by following ways except: A. B. C. Arrange by name. Arrange by colour. Arrange by type.

22. Printer is used to: A. print picture and document. B. capture image. C. display image (5 marks)

Sample 1 Answer all questions correctly: E. Name four type of printer: 23. ___________________ 24. ___________________ 25. ___________________ 26. ____________________ F. Name the three icons which can be used to edit text: 28. _________________ 29. _________________ 30. _________________ G. We highlight text using mouse to change the text: 31. ________________ 32. ________________ 33. ________________ (25 marks) H. Match the sentences with the correct formats. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Underline Italic Italic Regular Bold Bold Underline Bold Italic Underline Highlight (20 marks)

Hickory Dickory Dock The mouse ran up the clock The clock struck one The mouse ran down I am in Year 3 My name is Azman Learning computer is fun English is fun

Sample 2


Name Year : ____________________________________________ : _____________________ SECTION A

Questions 1 10 Circle the best answer.

1. Which function key is used to capture the active display? A. Insert key B. Scroll Lock key C. Print Screen key 2. What is the first step to capture an image using the Print Screen function key? A. Click Edit then Paste. B. Point to All Programs, Accessories and Paint. C. Capture the current display by pressing Print Screen. 3. What is the function of Esc key? A. To activate numeric pad. B. To type in capital letters. C. To cancel the command given. 4. The first step to arrange the icons is _______________________________. A. click the left mouse button at any free space on the desktop. B. double click the mouse button at any free space on the desktop. C. click the right mouse button at any free space on the desktop. 5. There are two ways to bold the words or sentences except _________________. A. by using the icon B. by using the menu bar C. by using the Shift key

Sample 2 6. Before you italicize the words, you have to ___________________. A. highlight the words. B. click at any free space. C. choose the I icon from the formatting bar. 7. Which of these orientations is landscape?




8. This diagram is called ________________. A. Toolbar B. Title bar C. Menu bar 9. These are the steps to insert a new slide in Microsoft PowerPoint except: A. click Insert B. click slide show button C. click New Slide from the pull down menu. 10.

This button can be found in Microsoft PowerPoint. The button is called________? A. New Slide button B. Close button C. Slide show button

(25 marks)

Sample 2

SECTION B 11. Rearrange the steps of Arrange Icons By Size. Choose the Arrange Icons By menu. Click the left mouse button. Select Size from the pull down menu. Click the right mouse button at any free space on the desktop. The pull down menu will appear. The Icons will be arranged by Size. (15 marks) 12. Write TRUE or FALSE. 1. There are two types of orientations: Potrait and Landscape. 2. To open Microsoft PowerPoint: Start Accessories Microsoft PowerPoint. 3. 4. 5. 6. Steps to bold the words are using menu bar and icon. Print Screen key is used for opening Paint program. Insert key is used to capture the active display. To change the colour: Colour menu Pull Down menu Red 7. To open Microsoft Word: Start All Programs Microsoft Office Microsoft Word. 1

Sample 2 8. 9. Shift key function is to activate numeric pad. To open a new presentation: Start All Programs Microsoft Office Microsoft PowerPoint. 10. To insert picture from Clip Art: Insert Picture Clip Art

(30 marks) 13. Group the words correctly.

My grandfathers clock was too large for the shelf, So it stood ninety years on the floor. It was brought on the morn of the day that he was born, And was always his treasure and pride. But it stopped, short, never to go again, When the old man died. Ninety years without slumbering, Tick tock, tick tock. His life seconds numbering, Tick tock, tick tock.

Sample 2 Underline Bold Italic

(20 marks) 14. Name the icons correctly. Save Print Open Copy New

a) _________________________________ b) _________________________________ c) __________________________________ d) __________________________________ (10 marks)

Sample 3


Name Class :________________________ :________________________

A. Questions 1 - 4 Match the keys to their functions


Num Lock

Caps Lock


1 To activate numeric pad B. Questions 5 - 7 Tick ( ) or ( X ).

2 To capitalize the alphabets

3 To type in capital letters

4 To cancel command given

Steps of Arrange Icons Freely. 5. Step 1 6. Step 2 7. Step 3 Right click mouse at any free space on the desktop Click and drag mouse at any icon at any free space on the desktop Make sure the Auto Arrange in the pull down menu is unchecked ( ( ( ) ) )

Sample 3 C. Questions 8 - 12 Tick ( ) or ( X ) Steps of Arrange Icons By Nam . 8. Step 1 Right click mouse at any free space on the desktop 9. Step 2 Pull down menu will appear 10. Step 3 Choose the Arrange Icons By Menu 11. Step 4 Select Name from the pull down menu 12. Step 5 The icons will be arranged by Name D. Questions 13 - 15 Choose and circle the formatting used in the rhyme below 13. Hickory Dickory Dock The mouse ran up the clock The clock struck one Dong. The mouse ran down Hickory Dickory Dock ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

A. Bold B. Italic C. Underline 14. Hickory Dickory Dock The mouse ran up the clock The clock struck one Dong. The mouse ran down Hickory Dickory Dock A. Bold B. Italic C. Underline

Sample 3

15. Hickory Dickory Dock The mouse ran up the clock The clock struck one Dong. The mouse ran down Hickory Dickory Dock

A. Bold B. Italic C. Underline E. Questions 16 18 Label the PowerPoint Toolbar below .




F.Questions 19 - 20 Label the orientation of Page Setup below .



Sample 3

G. Questions 21 - 25 Name the icons correctly. 21. __________________

22. _________________

23. __________________

24. _________________

25. ________________

H. Questions 26 - 35

Sample 3 Arrange the following steps in order to capture an image using the Print Screen function key correctly 26. Click save 27. Capture the current display by pressing Print Screen 28. Click the drive where you want to save in 29. Point to All Program, Accessories and Paint 30. Click Paste 31. Click Edit then Paste 32. Click Paint 33. Click File and choose Save 34. Click Start 35. Name the File in File Name box

I. Questions 36 - 40 Match A to B A Print Screen key is used for Which function key is used to capture the active display? What is the step you take after you have capture the active display ? Which key is used to end or stop slide presentation ? What programme can be used in creating a slide presentation ? B Microsoft Power Point Capturing an active display on screen Edit the image in Paint Print Screen key Esc

36 37 38 39 40

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