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Football is one of the most practiced sports in the world, is known around the world and is especially implemented in Europe and Latin America, and is having great success in Africa, Asia and the United States; in a popular level and professional level. But in recent years the sport has been affected by problems of violence and insecurity by the of so-called "hooligans" disoriented fans who are dirtying the name of this wonderful game all over the world. For some years now the good name of football has been losing because of the conduct of these hooligans that originate from the 70. The hooligans are a group of people who follow their teams on each date in the football scenarios where it occurs, some simply intended to cheer the team, and a few other disoriented, that because fanaticism simply recourse to attack viewers of the opposing team and ruin the beautiful show of football. Is so much violence that has occurred in the stadiums, that today there is high rate of fights and some deaths caused by the power of hooligans. The situation of hooligans became a problem socially, being one of the major causes why people stopped to assist stadiums and follow their favorite teams, whereas before this was a family show, but now is seen in a different way to approach rivalry that have given hooligans have hurt the sport so attractive. Many safety precautions have been taken to to terminate this problem such as safety nets in the stadium, separate locations and at critical points the prohibition to acces to the stadiums by the fans, but this directly affects the income economic of the team and the good fan who just wants to go to enjoy the show with his family. Do not forget that a fan is someone who supports their team unconditionally, no matter if it wins or loses. Is one that every Sunday is on encouraging players stage, singing. Is that person that supports climate change, the hours of waiting, hunger, thirst, among other things, at the moment to represent their team. But all this in a peaceful and respectful considering that we are part of one of the world's greatest spectacles that freezes cities and unites the voices of a whole country singing a shout of goal, this is football.

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