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Humans breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide which is a harm full gas for them.

Plants Respire Carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen


Animals like cows and human exhale carbon dioxide and breath oxygen.

Insects move for finding food like the bees finding pollen.

Some plants move when they are hunting for insects like the Venus fly trap

Fisher use their fins to move and swim under water

Animals like foxes and carnivores move for finding their pray and run very fast.

On this picture the mother lion is irritated because there is pray or other carnivores threatening its cub.

When any one tries to irritate any animals eye, they are irritated and close their eye for protection or fly away. Insects fly away when they are irritated

This Venus fly trap snaps the prey or any insect when it is irritated.

Plants grow from plants root to trees as time passes and seasons changes.

While we grow our brain and many parts of our body develops.

Insects grow in many steps ,like a caterpillar, first they form a cocoon, then they stay static and later they turn into a butterfly.

Plants excrete oxygen while breathing carbon dioxide.

Plants also excrete waste like dead bushes and chemicals.

Animals excrete waste food and unimportant materials from their body by using their urinary system and excretory system.

Animals like humans, Lions and bears are mammals; they give birth to babies as reproduction.

Chickens and birds lay egg to reproduce.

Plants and trees spread pollens that Grows as plants and they also later spread more pollen.

Animals like squirrels and badgers feed on the fruits and nuts from trees

The plants feed on the photosynthesis or the light of the sun

Animals like lions and tigers feed on meet and are called carnivores.(Avnir, Jeetu, Nazeef, Rezwan(((Sir, Kaisar bhai, RAYAN,Taseen, habiba miss

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