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At the end of this organizational study, the researcher has come out with some suggestions. They are:
Effective and productive use of all other assets of the company such as gypsum, land and human resources for growth and diversification. Enter into the joint ventures with global companies in order to compete globally. Young and talented innovative workers should be given opportunities as there is lack of fresh and young blood in the organisation. Facts product has already captured South Indian market but there is a need to expand operations to North India. FACTS product s has already captured south Indian market but there is a need to expand operations to north India.. The FACT division at Ambalamedu is one of the most geographically favourable locations with access to all the three main modes of transport. With the airport, seaport road adjacent to it and also the exclusive rail access. Efforts should be made to utilize these means of transport in favour and profit of the company. Young and innovative workers should be given opportunities as there is lack of fresh and young blood in the organisation. Mechanization should be greatly enhanced by making use of modern and innovative equipments to increase production. Improving the efficiency and productivity of existing plants. Growth and diversification in core sector (fertilizers and petrochemicals) Cost of production can be reduced by using modern methods and modify the plant to become more efficient. Re organizing marketing network with special focus to new products, organic fertilizers, bio fertilizers, trading of fertilizers.

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