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IO processor An IO processor is a high-performance input/output (I/O) architecture.

In early systems I/O tasks are handled by the CPU (Central Processing Unit). I/O devices performances are very slow because of that CPU had to waiting for the data from devices. It causes to waste the time. An IO processor is a solution to avoid this problem. I/O devices are added with its own processor call IO processor with specialized instruction set. In a computer system with such devices, the CPU does not execute I/O instructions. Such instructions are stored in main memory to be executed by IO processors. CPU only directs the IO processor to execute an I/O program in memory. The IO processor fetches and executes these instructions without CPU intervention. CPU relieved from I/O related task and it cause to increase performance of CPU.

Interrupts & control



System bus I/O devices I/O Controller I/O Controller

Main Memory
Figure 1: IO Processor architecture Most mainframe systems are heavily I/O-intensive business applications, this IO Processor architecture helps provide the very high levels of throughput that distinguish mainframes from other types of computer.

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