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VIU Faculty of Education

Lesson Plan Sample Template Vancouver Island University

Name: Christine Robbins Grade 2/3 Date Tuesday, April 23, 2013 Cite sources used to develop this plan: Topic Allotted Time Science- Matter 40 minutes

1. Rationale: Why is this lesson relevant at this time with these students?
Students have used their senses to explore in science previously in the year. For this unit students will explore the properties of matter in order to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them and how each state interacts with each other. Making predictions, participating in hands-on activities, and record data are key components of the science curriculum and provide a foundation for future experiments and scientific observations. In this lesson, students will explore the properties of solids.

2. Provincial Learning Outcome(s): What IRP outcome(s) does this lesson develop?
Grade 2 Science Education Physical Science Identify the properties of solids, liquids, and gases English Language Arts Education Thinking- Writing and Representing C7- use writing and representing to express personal responses and opinions about experiences or texts Grade 3 Science Education Processes of Science Ask questions that foster investigations and explorations relevant to the content English Language Arts Education Thinking- Writing and Representing C7- use writing and representing to express personal responses and opinions about experiences and texts

3. Assessment Lesson Outcome What will students learn? Sources of Evidence What product or action will show what students have learned? Criteria What will you look for in this evidence?

I can describe the properties of Say: Chart paper solids.

Do: touch the materials
C:\Users\Christine\Documents\Year 5\New folder\matter lesson 1 to convert.rtf Last Revised: Fall 2005

-Students are contributing their ideas to the discussion.

VIU Faculty of Education

4. Resources, Material and Preparation: What resources, materials and preparation are required? Resources Matter Unit from C. Olson Material 6 of each: Rock Ball Lego Spoon Penny Candle Wood Rice Salt Baggie Chart paper and felt pens Preparation Set up chart on chart paper Place items into a magic bag Pacing

5. Lesson Development
Introduction: How will you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and activates their thinking?

Review 3 states of matter with students. Explain that today we are going to take a closer look at solids and describe the properties of a solid. Teaching/Learning Sequence: What steps and activities are you going to use to help students acquire and practice the knowledge, skills and/or attitudes needed to meet the outcome?

5 minutes

I will: Pull a solid from the magic bag. Ask students what it is. Hand out each material, one at a time to students and have them describe the properties (hard, soft, colour, material etc) We will: Describe the properties and create a Properties of Solids chart together on chart paper. They will: Students will individually go around the classroom, find a solid and bring it back to the carpet.
C:\Users\Christine\Documents\Year 5\New folder\matter lesson 1 to convert.rtf Last Revised: Fall 2005

30 minutes

VIU Faculty of Education Closure: How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning process?

Students will state what their solid is and what it is made of. 6. Accommodations (adaptations, extensions, other ): How will you plan for students who have learning/behaviour difficulties or require enrichment? Adaptations: Students can work in pairs. Students can work with EA or teacher for assistance. List of describing words can be made if students are having difficulty. Extensions: Students can go on a matter hunt and use magnifying glasses on the carpet to look at matter move closely. Students can tell another student in the class about what they learned about a state of matter. Students can read books about matter at the carpet.

C:\Users\Christine\Documents\Year 5\New folder\matter lesson 1 to convert.rtf Last Revised: Fall 2005

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