Iloilo City Gender Code: RO 2006-087

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HON. JOSE S. ESPINOSA III, Asst. Floor Leader
HON. MARIETTAV. ORLEANS, Pres.,LigangmgaBrgy. Ex-Officio Member









Sponsored by Councilor Julienne L. Baronda

Co-sponsored by Councilors Erlinda G. Liberiaga, Merci D. Garcia and Marietta
V. Orleans
Seconded by Councilors Jed Patrick E. Mabilog

WHEREAS, the Charter of the United Nations affirms faith in fundamental

human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men
and women;
WHEREAS, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights asserts the principle of
the inadmissibility of discrimination and proclaims that all human beings are born free
and equal in dignity and rights and that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms
set forth therein, without distinction of any kind, including distinction based on sex;

Page 2 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

Platform for Action provides that the principle of shared power and responsibility should
be established between women and men at home, in the workplace and in the wider
national and international communities. Equality between women and men is a matter of
human rights and a condition for social justice and is also a necessary and fundamental
prerequisite for equality, development and peace. A transformed partnership based on
equality between women and men is a condition for people-centered sustainable
development. A sustained and long-term commitment is essential, so that women and
men can work together for themselves, for their children and for society to meet the
challenges of the twenty-first century;
WHEREAS, Article II, Section 14 of the Philippine Constitution explicitly
stipulates the fundamental equality between women and men to wit: "The State
recognizes the role of women in nation-building and shall ensure the fundamental
equality before the law of women and men;
WHEREAS, Republic Act 7192 promotes the integration of women as full and
equal partners of men in development and nation building;
WHEREAS, notwithstanding the passage of Republic Act No. 6725, which
prohibits discrimination against women in employment, promotion and training
opportunities, the 2002 October round of the Labor Force Survey revealed that the labor
force participation rate was higher among men (78.1%) than women (50.1%) in western
WHEREAS, the Philippines, despite being the signatory to the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the
significant gain at the international level with the affirmation of women's rights as human
rights at the World Conference on Human Rights in 1991 (Vienna), endures a widespread
social problem on domestic violence;
WHEREAS, according to the Regional Women and Children's Concern Section,
Philippine National Police, Physical injury/ wife battering recorded the most common
type of abuse against women comprising 26.9% of all reported cases in Western Visayas
in 2004;
WHEREAS, according to the Report of the Office of Women and Children
Concern Section, Iloilo City Police Office there are 1,074 cases of violence against
women and other forms of domestic violence accounted from January to December 2005;
WHEREAS, there has been no pre-existing local ordinance upholding the rights
of women in the City ofiloilo;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Iloilo
City, that:


Title, Statement of Policy and Definition of Terms

Page 3 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

Section 1. Title. This ordinance shall be known and cited as the "Gender and
Development Code ofiloilo City," hereinafter referred to as the Code.
Section 2. Statement of Policy. The Code is an indelible blueprint - a concrete,
manifestation of the City Government's strong adherence to the time - honored
democratic tenet that men and women in a civil society are equal. This significant
initiative is aimed at mainstreaming women's concern, ensure the fundamental equality
before the law of men and women; open a wider arena for their active participatory role
in the development process, and provide them equal opportunities.
The legal basis of this Code is defined and declared by the United Nations, to wit:
a) Women have the right to the prevention of, and protection from all forms of
violence and coercion against their person, their freedom, their sexuality, and
their individuality.
b) Women have the right to freely and fully participate individually or
collectively in the political process of their communities and nations.
c) Women have the right to the means for assuring their economic welfare and
d) Women have the right to the necessary knowledge and means for the full
exercise of their reproductive choice, according to their beliefs and
e) Women have the right to choose a spouse in accordance with their values and
preferences, maintain equality in marriage or its dissolution, and obtain
adequate support for rearing and caring-of their children.
t) Women have the right to an adequate, relevant and gender fair education
throughout their lives, from the childhood to adulthood.
g) Women have the right to adequate nutrition and proper health care.
h) Women have the right to humane living conditions.
i) Women have the right to nurture their personhood, collectively and
individually, to secure an image of themselves, as whole and valuable human
beings, to build relationships based on respect, trust and mutuality.
j) Women have the right to equality before the law in principles as well as in
The Code will proVide the City Government a framework on gender
mainstreaming that will, among others:
1. Mainstream gender concerns in sectoral development plans, policies and
2. Intensify advocacy campaign on gender issues and concerns through
programs, IEC materials, gender-based trainings, etc.;
3. Strengthen GO-PO-NGO partnerships to maximize the effectiveness of
programs and services addressing Gender and Development (GAD) concerns;
4. Encourage, support and expand the participation of community-based women
in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development
programs and projects.

Page 4 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

5. Ensure the integration of gender in the curricula at all academic levels.

6. Provide gender-responsive relief and rehabilitation programs with special

focus on women and children's needs;
7. Involve men in reproductive health, child care, and nutrition concerns as well
as engage them in health programs/activities/projects that enhance the wellbeing of the family;
8. Support and maintain the Social Development centers and shelters in Iloilo
City for survivors of violence against women, children and the elderly;
9. Promote gender sensitivity in local media and advertising agencies;
10. Provide capability program for women to increase their participation in
decision and policy-making
11. Establish the necessary mechanism to look into the welfare and develop
programs for indigenous people in the city in coordination with concerned
12. Establish and maintain a gender-based data system to provide vital
information on the situation of women and men for continued policy
13. Review existing city ordinances that pe~tuate and reinforce discrimination,
recommend amendments and new gender- fair ordinances.
SECTION 3. Defmition of Terms. The following terms or phrases used in this
Code shall mean as follows:
1. Gender and Development (GAD) - refers to the development perspective,
which recognizes the equal contribution of women and men in all
aspects/sectors of development. Such a perspective involves the process of
searching for new and innovative initiatives, which help transform unequal
gender relations into opportunities, which are equal/equitable to both men and
2. Gender roles - refers to what a person, society, or legal system defines as
"female or male". It differentiates people based on perceptions, roles, and
social expectations.
3. Gender Equality -means that there is no sex-based discrimination in the
allocation of resources and benefits, or access to services, and that both men
and women have equal rights and opportunity to realize their full potential to
contribute and benefit from development (Guidebook in Using statistics for
Gender Responsive Local development Planning, NCRFW, 2002).
4. Gender Equity - means that those who have greater needs, irregardless of
gender shall be provided with more resources.

Page 5 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

5. Gender Mainstreaming - set of processes and strategies to integrate

women's concerns and experiences in the design, implementation, monitoring,
and evaluation of policies, programs, in all political, economic, and social
agenda of government.
6. Gender Perspective - way of viewing issues and problems that take into
consideration the different realities of women's and men's lives, and
recognizing that there is unequal relationship between the two.
7. Gender-Sensitivity-having an understanding of the marginalized position of
women and consciously challenging the attitudes, behavior, and structures in
the society that reinforce women's subordinate status. Object or social act.
8. Sexuality - is one's total expression of personhood that involves one's
thoughts, feelings, and sexual expression and relationships, as well as, the
biology o the sexual response system (2002 Engender Health Module 2:
Understanding sexuality).
9. Sex discrimination - any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the
basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the
recognition, enjoyment or exercise of rights by both women and men,
irrespective of their marital status.
10. Violence Against Women- refers to any act or a series of acts committed by
any person gains women who his wife,Jormer wife or against a woman with
whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationship or with whom he
has a common child which result in or is likely to result physical, sexual,
psychological harm or suffering or economic abuse including threats of such
acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment, or deprivation of liberty.
11. Domestic Violence - physically and emotionally harmful acts between
husband and wife's or between individuals in intimate relationships which
includes but not limited to verbal and emotional abuse, denial of access to
resources or money restraint of morale activities or freedom sexual coercion
or assault, threats to kill or harm, physical intimidation or attacks (Encarta

12. Battering - a series of physical, emotional and psychological abuse. It is a

repeated and habitual cyclic pattern as means of intimidation and imposition
of the batterer's will control over the survivor's life (Marali Hansem &
Michael Harway, 1993).
It constitutes the following kinds of battering behavior:

a. Sexual Battering-this includes physical attack on women's breast/genital

or forced sexual activity, accompanied by either physical violence or the
threat of physical violence.

Page 6 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

b. Psychological Battering - this includes threats of suicide, violence against

women or her family, punching holes in walls, threatening to take the
children away, threatening deportation of wives with foreign citizenship,
threatening to kidnap children or to take them to a foreign country and
forcing the victim to do degrading things. It may also include controlling
the victim's lawful or usual activities, the use of foul words, statements
and threats or abandonment and expulsion (forcing the wives to leave the
conjugal dwelling).

The provision shall likewise apply to common-law relations but does

not include adulterous ones as contemplated in the Revised Penal
c. Economic Battering - this includes deprivation of women of economic
resources, their generation and mobilization so as to create dependency
and submissiveness to men and to any established structures of
d. Premeditated and intentional destruction of property and pets usually the
victim's favorite.
13. Pornography - refers to any representation, through publication, exhibition,
cinematography, indecent shows, information technology, or by whatever
means, of person engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any
representation of the sexual activities or..any representation of the sexual parts
of the person for primarily sexual purposes.
14. Human Trafficking - refers to recruitment, transportation, transfer or
harboring or receipt of person with or wilhout the victims consent or
knowledge, within or across national boarders by means of threat or use of
force, or other forms of coercion, abduction or fraud, deception, abuse of
power or of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person, or,
the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a
person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation,
forced labor services, slavery, servitude, or the removal or sale of organs (RA
9208 - Anti Human Trafficking Law).
15. Prostitution - refers to any act, transaction, scheme or design involving the
use of a person by another~ for sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct in
exchange for money, profit or any other consideration. That performs sexual
acts solely for material gain or by granting sexual favors.
16. Commodification - is a practice, which puts a person in a subordinated
situation, which results in the treatment as both consumer and object of
consumption. As consumer, a person is allured to buy cosmetics and other
products to enhance physical attractiveness. As objects of consumption, both
men and women are reduced to sexual commodities.
17. Sex Objects - a condition when women became things or properties to be
manipulated, utilized or used for one's sexual desire or interest, usually in
exchange for money or goods where women have no control or power to
reject such utilization or use.

Page 6 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

b. Psychological Battering - this includes threats of suicide, violence against

women or her family, punching holes in walls, threatening to take the
children away, threatening deportation of wives with foreign citizenship,
threatening to kidnap children or to take them to a foreign country and
forcing the victim to do degrading things. It may also include controlling
the victim's lawful or usual activities, the use of foul words, statements
and threats or abandonment and expulsion (forcing the wives to leave the
conjugal dwelling).

The provision shall likewise apply to common-law relations but does

not include adulterous ones as contemplated in the Revised Penal
c. Economic Battering - this includes deprivation of women of economic
resources, their generation and mobilization so as to create dependency
and submissiveness to men and to any established structures of
d. Premeditated and intentional destruction of property and pets usually the
victim's favorite.
13. Pornography - refers to any representation, through publication, exhibition,
cinematography, indecent shows, information technology, or by whatever
means, of person engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any
representation of the sexual activities or..any representation of the sexual parts
of the person for primarily sexual purposes.
14. Buman Trafficking - refers to recruitment, transportation, transfer or
harboring or receipt of person with or without the victims consent or
knowledge, within or across national boarders by means of threat or use of
force, or other forms of coercion, abduction or fraud, deception, abuse of
power or of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person, or,
the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a
person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation,
forced labor services, slavery, servitude, or the removal or sale of organs (RA
9208 - Anti Human Trafficking Law).
15. Prostitution - refers to any act, transaction, scheme or design involving the
use of a person by another, for sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct in
exchange for money, profit or any other consideration. That performs sexual
acts solely for material gain or by granting sexual favors.
16. Commodification - is a practice, which puts a person in a subordinated
situation, which results in the treatment as both consumer and object of
consumption. As consumer, a person is allured to buy cosmetics and other
products to enhance physical attractiveness. As objects of consumption, both
men and women are reduced to sexual commodities.
17. Sex Objects - a condition when women became things or properties to be
manipulated, utilized or used for one's sexual desire or interest, usually in
exchange for money or goods where women have no control or power to
reject such utilization or use.

Page 7 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

18. Obscene or Indecent Shows or Exhibitions - any public display, exhibition

or such show us dancing in nude, designed o deprave or corrupt those whose
minds are open to such immoral influences, be they cultured or not , or are
offensive to public morals and are naturally calculated to excite impure
imagination (City ordinance No. 330 Series of 1992).
19. Places of Amusement- include theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circuses and
other places of amusement where one seeks admission to entertain oneself by
seeing or viewing the show or performances.
20. Other Places of Amusement- include all other places of amusement not
specifically enumerated or otherwise provided for in this Code, including but
not committed to night clubs or bars or beer houses/garden, fast food centers
showing sports competitions, reply shows by direct hook-up via satellite or
those showing video cassette films/movies and other places of amusement
where one seeks admission to entertain himself whether by seeing or viewing
or by direct participation.
21. Places of Entertainment - refers to establishment public or private that
provide opportunity to general public entertainment in various ways which
includes but not limited to night clubs, KTV bars internet cafes, theaters,
gaming and sports centers and offers that provides entertainment or
amusement with or without economic motivation.
22. Obscene or Indecent Shows or Exhibitions - any public display, exhibition
or show such as dancing in nude desi~d to deprave or corrupt those whose
minds are open to such immoral influences, be they cultured or not, or are
offensive to public morals and are naturally calculated to excite impure
imagination (city ordinance 330, dated 14Octo?er1992).
23. Benefit Dance/Disco - refers to a dance in the locality where women are
commodified for fund-raising purposes.
24. Minor - refers to a person below eighteen (18) years of age. (PD 603).
25. Children - refers to persons below 18 years of age or those over but unable to
fully take care of themselves or protect themselves from abuse, neglect,
cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because of a physical or mental
disability or condition. (RA 7610)
26. Collateral Relatives - next of kin who are not in the direct line of
inheritance, such as cousin.
27. Feminization of Poverty - a phenomenon in which the gap between women
and men caught in cycle of poverty has continued to widen in the past decade.
28. Psychological Program - an intervention using a system approach to
conditions of women as it views women's differentiated needs in a social

Page 8 ReBuJation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

29. Differently-abled Persons - are survivors of physical and/or psychological

impairments who have differentiated needs and potentials.
31. Reproductive Health - as defined in the International Conference on
Population and Development and World Health Organization, and affinned in
the Beijing Conference, reproductive health is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and
infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its function
and process. It constitutes I 0 elements, namely:
a) Maternal & Child Health, and Nutrition
b) Family Planning
c) Prevention and treatment of Reproductive Tract Infection (RTls) including
d) Prevention and Management of Abortion Complications
e) Education and Counseling on Sexuality and Sexual Health
t) Breast, Reproductive Tract Cancers & Other Gynecological conditions
g) Prevention and Treatment of Infertility and Sexual Disorders
h) Men's Reproductive Health
i) Adolescent Reproductive Health
j) Violence Against Women
32. Indigenous People - a group of people who have continuously lived as
organized community or communally bounded and defined territory, and who
have under claims of ownership since time immemorial, occupied, processed
and utilized such claims of territories sharing common bonds of language
custom, traditions and other distinctive cultural traits. They are regarded as
indigenous on account of their descent from the populations who inhabited the
country, at the time of conquest or colonization and who retain some or all on
their own social domains or who may have resettled outside their ancestral

Gender Mainstreaming
This Code shall consider the four (4) entry points in gender mainstreaming in the
determination and formubltion of the different options and/or strategies to be adopted in
the realization of the objectives being defined in Article 1 Section 2.
Section 1. On Policy. Coqsistent with the provisions of Republic Act 7192 or the
Women in Development and Nation building Act and Section 14, Article Il of the 1987
Philippine Constitution which states that " the State recognizes the role of women in
nation building ad shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and
men"", the following policies shall be implemented under this Code.
1.1 The City Government of Iloilo shall adopt the existing international and
national policies consistent with the aspirations of its people towards social
equity and gender empowennent.

Page 9 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

1.2 The City shall establish Gender and Development (GAD) structures, systems
and mechanisms to facilitate and sustain gender mainstreaming.
1.3 The City shall strictly enforce, implement and continuously monitor and
review the GAD policies, programs and projects to be implemented under this

Section 2. On Enabling Mechanisms. Consistent with the salient provisions of

Republic Act 7160 (LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE OF 1991) particularly on sections
related to the creation of offices, provision of fund and other logistics, partnership and
collaboration with other government agencies, non-government organizations, peoples
organizations, private and business entities and other stakeholders of this Code, the
following mechanisms shall be put in place.

2.1 The City shall create a GAD structure to oversee the overall
implementation of the different policies, programs and projects under this
Code. Whenever necessary existing and or potential offices within the
administrative supervision of the City shall be strengthened and the
necessary human resource requirement be provided for.

Gender Multi-Sectoral Coordinating Council. A Gender MultiSectoral Coordinating Council shall be created within 60 days after
the effectivity of this Code by the City, composed of duly
accredited NGOs, POs and QOs that shall serve as the coordinating
and advisory body of the City in designing programs geared
towards gender and youth development, promotion and protection
of ecological balance and shall be formally and regularly consulted
on peace and development issues on the basis of social equity and


Women, Children's and Elderly Desks (WCEDs). The City

through the City Police Office shatl sustain the operations of the
WCEDs preferably handled by Women Police Officers duly
trained by GAD personnel.


Crisis Intervention Center. There shall be a Crisis Intervention

Center tasked to serve as a temporary shelter with appropriate
support services for women and children in crisis under the
management and supervision of the City Social Welfare and
Development Office.


Inter-Agency Council Against Human Trafficking. An InterAgency Council against gender trafficking shall be operationalized
and strengthened in Iloilo City with the following powers and
a. Formulate a comprehensive program to suppress the trafficking
of men, women and children,

Page IO Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

b. Conduct massive information campaigns;

c. Undertake guidance and counseling for men and women going
abroad as fiancees/fiances;
d. Make representation to schools and universities for the
inclusion of migration and its implications for all in all levels
of the curriculum;
e. Refer human trafficking survivors to appropriate agencies
Secure assistance from any of the local government units,
departments or bureaus of the national government;

Formulate a program for returning human trafficking survivors

in cooperation with local offices of DOLE, TESDA and other
government agencies involved in training and livelihood

g. Exercise other powers and functions necessary to attain its

purpose and objectives.
2.2 The City shall adhere to Section 28 of the General Appropriations Act
(GAA) from 1995 up to 2005 directing government entities to formulate a
GAD plan, the cost of which shall not be less than five per cent of their
yearly budget, otherwise known as the GAD Budget. Additional budget
shall be taken from the regular fund to finance those mainstreamed
programs and projects.

Provision of sufficient budget for Basic Social Services. The City

shall set aside sufficient amount necessary to underwrite the basic
social services for all in extremely difficult circumstances from
any available source of funds.


Provision of budget for Women's Health. The City shall ensure

that an amount of at least 50% of its GAD budget shall be set
aside for women""s health and nutrition services.

Section 3. On Plans and Programs. Consistent with the provisions of RA 7192

and RA 7160, the City shall formulate and prepare a GAD Plan to serve as basis in the
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the extent of its gender mainstreaming
efforts and related concerns. Thus, the City in close coordination, consultation and
participation of all identified stakeholders and partners shall ensure that supplemental
plans shall likewise be prepared to form part of the comprehensive GAD Plan.
3.1 All Government agencies, non-government organizations, private entities and
other stakeholders shall provide a copy of their GAD Plan to the City
Government thru the Gender Multi-Sectoral Coordinating Council not later
than 30 days prior to the plan period for integration and harmonization of all

page 11 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

3.2Formulation of the Integrated Gender Sensitive and Environment Friendly

Zonification Plan.
Consistent with the salient provisions of the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan, national laws and regulations on zonification,
an Integrated Gender Sensitive and Environment Friendly Zonification Plan of
the City shall be established taking into considerations among others, the
a. Relocation of co:rru:nunities shall not deprive anyone of their sources of
b. Relocation sites shall not contribute to an increase in anyone's burden in
economic, home and social production.
c. Housing and industrial project sites shall be those unproductive lands
unsuitable for agricultural purposes.
3.3 Formulation of the Community Based Environment Plans and Programs. This
Code shall ensure that both men and women shall participate in the
implementation of solid waste management practices, enforcement of
environmental laws and regulations, urban forestry and greening program,
coastal and marine resources management and in the preservation of culture
and tradition of our indigenous people.
Likewise, gender issues and concerns related to environment and natural
resources shall be properly addressed by concerned stakeholders with due
respect to the basic human rights.
3.4 On Capability Building and Capacitation. The City shall capacitate its human
resources, partners and other stakeholders to "equip them of the necessary
knowledge, skills and expertise in the delivery of goods and services as
defined in this Code. Priorities shall be focused on the following concerns
3. 4 .1

Attendance and or conduct of Gender Sensitivity Orientation and

Training. The City shall ensure that all schools, government offices,
business establishments, private companies and other institutions
within the City of Iloilo shall attend and or conduct in-house gender
sensitivity orientation and trainings or those sponsored by other
training institutions. The City shall closely coordinate with the training
institutions or training providers to ensure that the identified training
needs as identified under this Code shall be prioritized for


Training on Non-Traditional Occupation. Consistent with the call for

gender equality and empowerment, the Code provides that the women
shall be given equal opportunity to acquire training on non-traditional
occupation especially those related to science and technology.


Special Training for Lupong Tagapamayapa. The City shall provide

special training to members of the Lupong Tagapamayapa in relation
to gender and related concerns so as to complement their technical
knowledge and skills as members of the Lupon especially in dealing
with gender-related cases and complaints.

Page 12 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

3.4.4 Special Course on Overseas Filipino Workers(OFWs). The City in

coordination with the Department of Labor and Employment shall
provide a special course related to gender issues and concerns on
migration and related topics. Priority shall be given on issues and
concerns happening at the city level.
3.5 On Advocacy and Promotion. The Code shall provide incentives and
promote the various programs identified under it in cooperation, partnership
and collaboration with the different stakeholders.

Establishment of the GAD Database Program. The City shall establish

and maintain GAD databases and encourage all government agencies,
private institutions, non-government organizations, academic
institutions and other stakeholders to establish and maintain also their
respective GAD databases for planning and decision-making purposes.

Conduct of Gender Related Documentation and Studies.

Documentation of best practices on GAD and related
concerns and conduct of researches shall be given priority
attention by the City in coordination with the different
institutions involved in database establishment and GAD
research. Sufficient amount shall be allotted to support
these undertakings.

Survey of Overseas.. Filipino Workers. The City shall

conduct survey of overseas Filipino workers especially the
victims and survivors of abuses to determine possible
special support. The list of legitimate placement agencies
shall also be surveyed for monitoring purposes.

3.5.2 Popularization of Gender-Fair Materials. The City shall actively

promote and publish gender-fair materials in popular forms and shall
avail the services of multi-media in the dissemination and promotion.

Promotion of Alternative Technology. The City and in coordination

with the different stakeholders shall actively promote alternative
technologies that are environment-friendly and ensure safety and
protection of the people from health-hazard and other disastrous

3.5.4 Observance of Women related activities such as:

a. International Women's Month every March.
b. 16-day campaign for the elimination of violence against women,
children and the elderly and respect for human rights every NOv.
25-Dec 10.
c. World Aids Day every Dec. 1
d. International Day of Action for Women's Health every 28th of
e. Women's Summit shall be held at least once every year, to be
convened by the City Government.

Page l3 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

3 .5 .5 Recognition and Awards for Outstanding Women and Partners

3.6 Others

Support to Women Victims and Survivors of Gender-based Violence.

The City Government of Iloilo shall provide necessary support to all
victims and survivors of gender-based violence to include the creation
of a legal assistance group, counseling, temporary shelter through


City Media Monitoring Board. There shall be created the City Media
Monitoring Board for print, broadcast and multi-media, to include
movie houses, video shops, electronic communications, cable
televisions, books, and other forms of audio-visual channels or
instruments, to monitor and initiate filing of appropriate cases against
activities degrading men and women.

3.6.3. Support for Working Parents/Guardians. The City shall provide

Support to working parents/guardians a child minding center in
addition to the existing day care centers within the city of Iloilo, in
cooperation with academic institutions, civic organizations and LGUs.

Section 4. On People. Recognizing the role of the stakeholders in the

implementation of the Code, the City shall provide full support in developing and
enhancing the capabilities and welfare of its people ~ sponsor, agent and enabler.
4.1 Inventory of GAD sponsors and advocates. The City shall conduct inventory
of GAD sponsors, advocates, GAD -trained persons, and practitioners t that
they will be guided where to access information: GAD counseling and
assistance among others.
4.2 Provision of training and scholarship Grants. This Code shall provide
opportunities for the employees, stakeholders and beneficiaries to enhance
their capabilities and advance their knowledge and skills through training and
scholarship grants.
Women in Local Governance
Section l. Election of Wom.en SeetoraJ Representative t.o the Sangguniang
Panlungsod. Subject to the implementing rules that may be promulgated by Congress
or any duly designated authority of the government and in accordance with RA 71@,
women sectoral representative to the Sanggunian shall be elected as a concrete
mamfestatron of women's significant role in local governance. (LGC IRR, Rule XVII,
Art 93, Sec Z}
Section 1. R~presentatiun t>fWi>""'n in Loeal Spec:ial Bodies. The
GQvemmem uf Uuilu shalt ensure that women are du{~ represented in the Ci~
Development and au uf it'5 local Sptt.ial bodies tu strengthen -g~ernn~n\
T\X.ugn.t\rou uf W\}ii\.en''S ~eit\iab in \t~ and pi.a\miu'g \)f local i.kvcluplnen\


Page 14 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

Labor and Employment
Section 1. Equal Access to Employment, Training and Promotion. No one
shall be denied of employment opportunity on account of gender, age, ethnicity, creed,
religion and civil status as prescribed in the labor code, as amended by RA 6725.
Likewise, no one shall be denied of training and promotion in employment.
Section 2. Facilities and Support Systems for all Employees. The City
Government of Iloilo shall ensure the safety and health of women employees. In
appropriate cases, employers shall:
a. Establish separate rest rooms, lavatories and lounges for men and women.
b. Establish Homecare Center in the workplace to temporarily cater
breastfeeding, childrearing and early childhood care for working parents while
on their respective job.
c. Provide facilities for better working conditions e.g. seats for employees (sales
clerks), proper ventilation and lighting.

Section 3. City-Based Registration of House Helps. The City shall ensure the
welfare of both domestic helpers and their employers, as well as monitor cases of sexual
harassment, sexual abuse and other forms of maltreatment. Households shall be required
to enlist their house helpers for identification and for other purposes. Employers must
provide their house helpers recreation/day-off at ferms conditions mutually agreed by
both parties concerned.
Right to Health
Section 1. Reproductive Health Care Delivery. The City shall adopt the
reproductive health (RH) care approach at all levels of health care delivery. Such
approach integrates many issues not previously considered central to population:
sexuality, reproductive tract infection, gender power relations and domestic violence and
shall not be limited to family planning and child bearing.
Section 2. Women's Right Over Their Bodies. Women's decision to prevent
and control pregnancy shall be given appropriate support and guidance by all health
professionals, private and public at very minimal cost.
Right to Education
Section 1. Training of Teachers. The City Government shall provide funds for
GAD Training of Teachers in forms of GST, VAWCI, integration of GAD in the
curriculum and the use of teaching exemplars. These trainings will be conducted on nonschool days , preferably vacation time.

Page 15 Regulati()n Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

Section 2. Weekend Classes. In coordination with DepED-Alternative Leaming

System (ALS) division, access to non-formal education shall be provided especially for
working men and women, including youth by mobile teachers in designated areas in the
Section 3. Support for the Production of Gender - Sensitive IEC Materials.
The Local School Board shall set aside a specific amount for the production of IEC
gender-sensitive materials to be used by schools at all levels, upon the request of local
school officials.

Section 4. Adult Education. The City Government in coordination with the

Division of City Schools shall set up Adult Education Centers to cater to the needs of
those desiring to engage in functional and practical education.
Section 5. Scholarship Program for Deserving Men and Women. A review of
Ordinance No. 92-236 (as Iloilo City Government Scholarship) shall be made to provide
equal opportunity to both men and women.
Section 6. Sex Education. Sex Education at barangay levels shall be made a
part of the barangay pr-Ogram t-0 educate citizens regarding gender, sexuality and
reproductive health. Experts from DepEd,OOA, PopCom, and other agencies shall be
tapped to handle the sessions in form of small group discussion, dialogs , fora, counseling
and other strategies.
Socio-Economic Benefits for Women
Section 1. Provision of Livelihood Projects. The City through its
instrumentalities shall provide livelihood programs/projects for socio-economically
disadvantaged women.
Section 2. Expansion of Credit and Increased Capital Assistance for Women.
The City shall expand credit and increase its capital assistance and/or subsidy to women.
Special Group of Citizens
Section 1. Support to persons in Detention. Rights of all detainees shall be
protected. a) Speedy trial of their cases shall be ensured by an concerned; b) an
appropriate program shall be designed to respond to their specific needs and problems as
detainees; c) separate detention cells with built in comfort rooms shall be established
specifically for adults, youth, male and female.

No. 2006-087 17 Ma 2006

Section 2. Indigenous and Cultural Minorities. Indigenous and cultural

minorities shall be allowed enrolment in schools and colleges and enjoy employment
opportunities without prejudice to their cultural traditions and beliefs, birth and marriage
rituals, Institutions who fail to comply with this provision shall be subject to a maximum
fine of P5, 000.00.
Article IX

Section 1. Violence Against Women and Children. In accordance with

Republic Act No. 9262, otherwise known as Anti-Violence Against Women and their
Children Act of 2004, is defined as any act or series of acts committed by any person
against a woman who is wife, former wife, against a woman with whom the person has or
had sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has a common child, or against her
child, whether legitimate or illegitimate within or without the family abode, which result
in or is unlikely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or
economic abuse including threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or
arbitrary deprivation of liberty. It includes, but it is not limited to the following acts:
1. Physical violence - refers to acts that include bodily or physical harm~
2. Sexual violence - refers to an act which sexual in nature' committed against the
woman or her child. It includes but not limited to:
a. Rape, sexual harassment, acts of lasciviousness, treating a woman or her child
as a sex object, making demeaning and sexually suggestive remarks,
physically attacking the sexual part of the victim's body, forcing her/him to
watch obscene publication and indecent shows or forcing the woman or her
child to do indecent acts and/ or make films thereof, forcing the wife and
mistress/ lover to live in the conjugal or sleep together with the same room
with the abuser,
b. Acts causing or attempting to cause the victim to engage in any sexual activity
by force, threat of force, physical or other harm, or threat of physical or other
harm or coercion; and
c. Prostituting the woman or her child.
3. Psychological violence - refers to acts or omissions causing or unlikely to cause
mental or emotional suffering of the victim such as but not limited to intimidation,
harassment, stalking, damage to property, public ridicule or humiliation, repeated
verbal abuse and marital infidelity. It includes causing or allowing to witness the
physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a member of the family to which the
victim belongs, or witness pornography in any form or to witness abusive injury
to pets or to unlawful or unwanted deprivation of the right to custody and/or
visitation ofcommon children,

Page 17 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

4. Economic abuse- refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman financially
dependent which include, but is not limited to the following:
a. Withdrawing of financial support or preventing the victim from engaging in
any legitimate profession, occupation, business or activity, except in cases
wherein the other spouse/partner objects on valid, serious or moral grounds as
defined in Article 73 of the Family Code;
b. Deprivation or threat of deprivation of financial resources and the right to the
use and enjoyment of conjugal, community or property owned in common;
c. Destroying household property; and
d. Controlling the victims' own money or properties or solely controlling the
conjugal properties or money.
Section 2. Pursuant to Section 5 of RA 9262, the crime of violence against
women and children is committed through any of the following acts:

1. Causing physical harm to the woman or her child;

2. Threatening to cause the woman or her child physical harm;
3. Attempting to cause the woman or her child physical harm; and
4. Placing the woman or her child in fear of imminent physical harm;
5. Attempting to compel or compelling the woman or her child to engage in
conduct which the woman or her child has the right to desist from, or to desist
from conduct which t eh woman or her child iias the right to engage in, or
attempting to restrict or restricting the womans or her childs freedom of
movement or conduct by force or threat of force, physical or other harm or
threat or threat of physical or other harm, or intimidation directed against the
woman or her child. This shall include, but not limited to, the following acts
committed with the purpose or effect of controlling or restricting the woman s
or her child s movement or conduct:
a. Threatening to deprive or actually depriving the woman or her child of
custody or access to her/his family;
b. Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her children of financial
support legally due her or her family, or deliberately providing the
womans children insufficient support;
c. Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her children of a legal
right; and
d. Preventing the woman in engaging in any legitimate profession,
occupation, business or activity, or controlling the victims own money or
properties, or solely controlling the conjugal or common money, or

Page 18 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

6. Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical harm on oneself for the purpose of

controlling her actions and emotions;
7. Causing or attempting to cause the woman or her child to engage in any

sexual activity which does not constitute rape, by force or threat of force,
physical harm, or throw intimidation directed against the woman or her child
or her /his immediate family;

8. Engaging in purposeful, knowing or reckless conduct, personally or through

another that alarms or causes substantial emotional or psychological distress
to the woman or her child. This shall include but not limited to the following
a. Stalking or following the woman or her child about in public or private
b. Peeping in the window or lingering outside the residence of the woman or
her child;
c. Entering or remaining in the dwelling or on the property of the woman or
her child against her/his will;
d. Destroying the property and personal belongings or inflicting harm to
animals or pets of the woman or her ehild; and
e. Engaging in any form of harassment or violence.
9. Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or humiliation to the
woman or her child, including but not limited to, repeated verbal and
emotional abuse, and denial of financial support or custody of minor children
or denial of access to the woman,s child/children.

Section 3. Penalties. The crime of violence against women and their children, as
outlined in the preceding section, shall be punished according to the rules set by Republic
Act No. 9262.

Other Forms of Violence Against Women and Children

Section 4. Violation of Women's Reproductive Rights. Violence against
women shall also include forced sterilization, forced abortion, coercive use of
contraceptives to the woman, infanticide and prenatal sex selection.
Section 5. Mail-Order Bride. Republic Act no. 6955 otherwise known as the
Mail-Order Bride Law declares unlawful:
1. For any person, natural or juridical, association, club or any other entity are
prohibited to commit directly or indirectly any of the following acts:

To establish or carry on a business which has for its purpose the matching
of Filipino women for marriage to foreign nationals either on a mail-order
basis or through personal introduction;

Page 19 Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006


To advertise, publish, print or distribute or cause the advertisement,

publication, printing or distribution of any brochure, flier, or any
propaganda material calculated to promote the prohibited acts in the
preceding subparagraph;


To solicit, enlist or in any manner attract or induce any Filipino woman to

become a member in any club or association whose objective is to match
women for marriage to foreign nationals either on a mail-order basis or
through personal introduction for a fee; and


To use the postal service to promote the prohibited acts in subparagraph 1


2. For the manager or officer -in-charge or advertising manager of any

newspaper, magazine, television or radio station, or other media, or of an
advertising agency, printing company or other similar entities, to knowingly
allow, or consent to, the acts prohibited in the preceding paragraph.

Section 6. Penalties. In case of violation in the above provisions by an

association, club, partnership, corporation, or any other entity, the incumbent officers
thereof who have knowingly participated in the violation of this Act shall be held liable.
" Any person found guilty by the court to have violated any of the
acts herein prohibited shall suffer imprisonment of not less than six
(6) years and one day but not more thari.eight (8) years, and a fine
of not less than eight thousand pesos (P8, 000.00) but not more
than twenty thousand pesos (P20, 000.00): Provided that if the
offender is a foreigner, he shall be immediately deported and
barred forever from entering the country after serving his sentence
and payment of fine "in accordance with Republic Act 6955."
Section 7. Pedophilia. The City shall not condone any occurrences or acts shall
constitute pedophilia as follows:
l. When the offender shall have sexual intercourse with a girl;
2. When the offender shall have anal intercourse with a girl or boy;
3. Sexual acts other the above mentioned, including custodial abuse.

Section 7.1 Penalties: Any person who shall keep or have in his
company a minor, twelve (12) years or under or who is ten (10) years or more
his junior in any public or private place, hotel, motel, beer joint, discotheque,
cabaret, pension house, sauna or massage parlor, beach and/or other tourist
resort, or similar places shall suffer the penalty of prison mayor in its
maximum period and a fine of not less than fifty thousand pesos (P50, 000):
Provided, that this provision shall not apply to any person who is related
within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity or any bond recognized
by law, local custom and tradition, or acts in the performance of a social,
moral or legal duty.

Page 20 ReBUJation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

Any person who shall induce, deliver or offer a minor to anyone prohibited by
this Act to keep or to have in his company a minor as provided in the
preceding paragraph shall suffer the penalty of prison mayor in its medium
period and a fine of not less than fifty thousand pesos (P50,000): Provided,
however, that should the perpetrator be an ascendant, step parent or guardian
of the minor, the penalty to be imposed shall be prison mayor in its maximum
period, a fine of not less than fifty thousand pesos (P50,000), and the loss of
parental authority over the minor (RA 7610).
Section 8. Pornographic Materials. It shall be unlawful for any person to print,
publish, display or distribute scenes from TV shows or motion pictures, posters,
billboards, literature and other visual materials that treat women sex objects or
commodities. Violators shall be dealt with in accordance with law.
Section 9.Indeeent Shows. Indecent shows, as used in this Code include nude
and other provocative shows, public or private, which exhibit women and children as sex
objects. As such, it is violation of human rights to influence or force men, women and
children to dance naked in public or private places for commercial or entertainment
purposes. Persons or agencies Rgaging in such shows, public or private, shall be
penalized in accordance with law.~

Section 10. Beauty Contests and Similar activities. Exposure of a woman's

body in any beauty contest that tend to commodify, humiliate, and abuse women's bodies
shall be considered a form of violence against women. The city shall create a body to
regulate and monitor beauty contests and similar activities.
Section 11. Sex Trafficking.
a. It is unlawful for any person, association, cult, religion or organization or
similar entries to commit the following acts:

Establish or carry on a business for the purpose of exploiting women for

purposes of sex, sex slavery, sex trade, sex tours and other immoral
Advertise, publish, print or distribute, or cause the advertisement
publication, printing or distribution of any brochure, flyer or propaganda
material calculated to promote the above mentioned prohibited acts.

Solicit, enlist or attract/induce any woman to join any club, association or

organization whose objective is to match. women for marriage to
foreigners either on mail- order basis or through personal introduction to

Use of postal services, cyberspace or satellite TV to promote the abovementioned prohibited acts.
a. To buy or sell a woman, or any of her body parts.
b. To act as procurer of a sex worker.
c. To threaten or use violence or force on a woman to become a mailorder bride.

Section 12.Penalty- Penalty for the commission of these acts shall be dependent
on the prevailing pertinent laws and regulations.

Page 21. Regulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

Section 13.0ther forms of Trafficking in Women. Any person or agency who

encourages, influences or recruits a woman to work abroad or local for a particular job on
a promise of a fee, instead, forces and deceives the woman to engage in prostitution,
domestic helper or other jobs shall be penalized by an imprisonment of one( 1) year or a
fine of fifty thousand pesos (P 50,000.00) or both, at the discretion of the court. Persons
liable thereof may also prosecute and penalized in accordance with RA6955, an act that
outlaws the practice of matching Filipino women for marriage to nationals on mail- order
Transitory Provision
Section 1. The City Population Office. The City Population Office, in
coordination with Sangguniang Panlungsod Gender Committee, the Sannguniang
Panlungsod Office, the City Human Resource Management Office, the PNP Women and
Children Desk, the City Planning and Development Office and the Iloilo City
Government Employees Association, shall assume and exercise the functions, powers and
duties prescribed in this Code in the interim until such time the City Integrated
Population is duly constituted. For this purpose, all existing programs and the
corresponding appropriation are hereby assumed.. by the City Population Office for
implementation. Thereafter, this Office automatically becomes an integral part of the
organization of the City Integrated Population, Gender and Development Office.
Section 2. Funding. An amount as may be necessaiy to implement the provisions
of this code is hereby appropriated from any available source in the General Fund of the
City. Thereafter, the City Government shall set aside an amount as may be necessary to
the fund the GAD projects and activities of the City Government in pursuance of this
Code, subject to existing pertinent laws, rules and issuances on the matter.
Section 3. Rules and Regulations. The City Mayor, through the assistance of the
Gender Multi-Sectoral Coordinating Council, shall formulate the Implementing Rules
and Regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this Code.
Section 4. Monitoring and Review of the GAD Code. The City shall designate a
body that shall regularly monitor the implementation of the GAD Code and review its
relevance after five years.
Final Provisions
Section 1. Separability Clause. If for any reason any portion of this Code is
declared unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or provisions hereof which are not
affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.

Page 22 Rqulation Ordinance No. 2006-087 17 May 2006

Section 2. Supplementary Clause. On the matter not provided for in this Code,
any existing applicable laws and their corresponding implementing rules and regulations,
executive fiats and relevant issuances issued shall apply in supplemental manner.

Section 3. Effectivity Clause. This Code shall take effect upon compliance of the
mandatory posting and publication requirements prescribed under Republic Act No.
7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991.
ENACTED, 17 May 2006.
I hereby certify to the correctness of the above-quoted regulation ordinance.




... MAY 3 0 2006


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