Standard5 Artefact1

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Day One

Date: Monday 12th June

During my first day on my three-week block experience placement, I have become aware of the different types of classroom behaviour management strategies that my associate teacher uses within the classroom. Similarly, it has been interesting to see the children on a different day to my previous usual observation days, as they have different classes and a completely different timetable than I am used to. Overall, I have found that the strategies that my associate teacher uses to manage the students are focussed on promoting and modelling positive and respectful behaviour from, to and between the students. This has prompted me to also think about my own classroom behaviour management skills and how I could improve and practice these throughout my block placement. In particular, useful strategies that I have picked up on include: setting clear and consistent expectations of respectful listening and talking, focussing on positive students behaviour and interactions with others, and reminding students of the school rules and values. It has also become necessary for me to learn the 3Bs that the students are encouraged to model: Be Safe, Be a Learner and Be Respectful. This has also prompted me to reflect on my own behaviour and the ways in which this impacts on my students. The class is also attending an excursion at the end of this week to the Melbourne Museum, and I was able to have an opportunity to develop a class discussion surrounding the expectations and guidelines for behaviour during this excursion. The students and I discussed the ways in which behaviour reflects on the school as a whole, and how we can continue to implement the 3Bs model outside of the school. The group also discussed the consequences of negative behaviour whilst on the excursion, as students who are not meeting the behaviour expectations and guidelines will be returned to the school early before the other students. However, I am still yet to feel comfortable administering stricter consequences to students who continue to disrupt the class or display disrespectful behaviour. This, no doubt, is a learning goal for myself as a pre-service teacher throughout my time on block placement, as well as throughout my teaching journey.

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