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Term 3 - Lesson Plan 4 Class: Grade Six Week: Two Lesson/Topic: Composition Writing Destruction of War Objectives: Improvement

t of students continuous writing skills Content: War and its detrimental effects Methodologies: Brainstorming, Discussion Teaching Strategy/activities: Pre-Writing
Tr. asks a few questions to make students familiar with the topic Im going to read some statistics. Can you guess what they are about? Total number of casualties was over 37 million 10 about million soldiers and about 7 million civilians. 20 million wounded 6 million went missing and presumed dead (The statistics are about the World War 1) World War two was the deadliest war in human history. How many people do you think died in that war? (about 60 million, that is about 2.5% of the worlds population) What do the above statistics tell us about war? Other than losses to human lives, what other harmful effects are there during a war? Here are some notes about the destruction of war. Sort them out and write under the correct column. - water supply system can be contaminated or shut down - public services weakened by the destruction of public service. - Death of species - deforestation - bomb blasts and bullet shots could destroy the pipes - civilian and military deaths - refugees - fear of death to themselves and the loved ones. Destruction to human life: Physical destruction of war: Psychological impact of war: Brainstorming Work in pairs and add your own points under the relevant heading. Planning the answer Now plan your answer by writing the above notes under the correct heading. Writing: Write an essay on the topic The Destruction of War.

Subject: English Language No. of Periods: Two

Teaching Aid

Homework: Teachers Name: Sanjini Sigera

Signature: ____________________

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