Using Communication To Tackle Theft From Vehicles: A Good Practice Guide

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Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

A good practice guide

Produced in partnership with

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About this guide

This guide, which was commissioned by the There is no one “theft from motor vehicles”
National Audit Office following its report on (TFMV) problem in England and Wales. The
Reducing Vehicle Crime,1 provides guidance extent and types of crime vary from one
for Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships area to another. Partnerships, too, vary in
(CDRPs) and Community Safety Partnerships composition and budget. What may be
(CSPs) on the most cost-effective channels for appropriate and affordable for one CDRP may
communicating with the public, reminding not be for another. In setting out a wide range
them of what they can do to minimise the risk of good practice, the aim is to provide a “bank”
of being a victim of vehicle crime, but also of good ideas on which CDRPs may wish to
seeking to deter people from becoming theft- draw to help reduce theft from vehicle crime.
from-vehicle offenders.
Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

1. This guide is based on the results of research 2. CDRPs/CSPs showing the most effective
undertaken by an independent social research multi-agency working not only involve strategic
agency, Carol Goldstone Associates in April / partners, but also operational partners, including
May 2007. Through examining the range of voluntary and community groups, for the effective
initiatives in use in a sample of CDRPs, the aim was delivery of their messages. Messages that are
to identify whether any methods were particularly locally badged, particularly by organisations that
effective in reducing TFMV or addressing certain the community readily identify with and trust, are
types of crime overall. The research involved very powerful. The insight into the community,
examination of the range of initiatives in use in and access to the general public, that such groups
a sample of 40 CDRPs and CSPs in England and have, can be invaluable in getting the message
Wales. The sample was structured to include: some across to local people.
which had been particularly successful in reducing
the rate of “theft from” crimes, and some reporting 3. The key finding was that no one
less significant reductions; geographical location crime prevention initiative will work alone.
(urban/rural etc) and various demographics, Communicating crime prevention messages
including ethnicity and employment levels. works best when supported by consistent effort at
Between two and seven partnerships were preventing and detecting theft from vehicle crime.
interviewed in each English Government Office The most effective way forward seems to be a
region and Wales.

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

constant rolling programme of a range

of initiatives, preferably involving a
multi-agency approach.

4. This guide addresses the following:

l Defining the local TFMV problem

l National and local communication channels
l Communication activity on varying budgets
(free / low / medium / high).

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Analysing the local TFMV problem

5. Before deciding how best to tackle prevention Factors which they should consider include:
and detection of TFMV crime, CDRPs/CSPs must
first work with their partner organisations to l Are some areas/roads/car parks more prone to
research and understand local factors which may TFMV than others? Why? Why not others?
be contributing to TFMV crime. The British Crime l Are certain items particularly prone to theft
Survey2 gives a clear picture of the overall national from vehicles in specific localities?
trends in the nature of theft from vehicles, but
l Are individual offenders or groups renowned
the research showed that there were variations
for local TFMV, and where are they now (in
locally, confiming the importance of CDRPs/CSPs
the community, in prison, due to be released
analysing local data and trends.
shortly etc)?
l What prevention and detection methods have
been tried locally, and at what cost, and how
successful were they?

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Did you know?

Hotspot locations for vehicle crimes Most frequently mentioned items stolen from vehicles are:

British Crime Survey data Additional information from British Crime Survey data Additional information from
(2005/06): CDRP research (2007)3: (2005/06): CDRP research (2007)4:
l street (outside home) l town centre car parks l Exterior fittings l Satellite Navigation

l Car radios l Sports equipment

l outside areas of premises l shopping centres
and garages or car parks l Valuables (jewellery, l Laptops
l areas with high population
around but not connected handbags, purses/wallets,
of prolific areas; l Jackets
to the home cash, credit cards, clothes
l residential estates known for l Mobile phones
l CDs, DVDs, videos, tapes,
l car parks
high crime rates l Car stereos, Ipods
l Tools
l streets
l affluent areas l Tax discs/Blue Badges
l Mobile phones
l work car parks/streets NB hot spots can be transient l Shopping
l Wheels
l home l Number plates
l Electrical equipment

l Other vehicle parts

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Communication channels
6. Because of the diversity of crime in different 7. The CDRPs/CSPs sampled were using a wide
localities, the focus is now increasingly on CDRPs range of methods to communicate vehicle crime
/CSPs developing strategies which are best prevention messages:
tailored to local problems or factors and financial
resources available to them. In general, people l the local police (including officers going
know that they should lock their cars, avoid door to-door offering information and advice
leaving vulnerable items in cars and certainly not to residents;
on display – but they don’t perceive themselves as l local councils and political organisations;
potential victims of crime. They may be more likely
l voluntary groups (including Neighbourhood
to respond to publicity which identifies specific
Watch schemes, whereby incidences of vehicle
roads/local hotspots that they recognise. Research
crime or hotspots are identified in newsletters
also suggests that reporting what has been done
or briefings which co-ordinators forward to
to tackle vehicle crime can be more effective in
member households);
reducing crime than messages reminding them of
the need to take preventative action5. l community groups (such as residents' or
tenants' associations for them to include
prevention of crime messages in local
newsletters, or at resident group forums);

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

l car park providers (not only distributing CDRP l local Chambers of Commerce;
messages, but also feeding intelligence back to
l individual retail units (corner shops, ranks of
the police).
shops, car salesrooms etc);
8. In devising a rolling programme of
l noticeboards in waiting rooms at stations,
cost‑effective prevention and detection
doctors’ and dentists’ surgeries etc.
techniques, CDRPs may wish to consider
promoting messages through: 9. Costs, pros and cons of the different
communication channels are shown in the
l local radio; table on page 4. Not all options need involve
significant costs. Some may be free, for example
l local newspapers – articles as well as
coverage in local radio and newspapers of crime
prevention measures that might be taken or police
l tenants’ and residents' associations; operations being undertaken. In addition, at little
l faith-based groups; cost, CDRPs/CSPs might encourage the use of
Home Office6 and Tenants’ Participation Advisory
l local community organisations (including
Service7 initiatives aimed at tenants' and residents'
voluntary groups);
groups communicating their own vehicle crime
l libraries and other community services; prevention messages, making use of a wide range

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

of material available to download from Home 11. Examples of CDRPs/CSPs successfully tying in
Office's crime reduction website.8 In all cases, combinations of communications activity with
however, CDRPs/ CSPs should involve local police in prevention and detection methods are shown on
planning crime prevention communications activity pages 12 to 15.
to ensure messages are appropriately balanced.
12. Hotspots varied widely; for some CDRPs/
10. Means of communications which are worth CSPs they were transient, moving with those
considering include: committing crimes, for others they were static,
focussed on the streets in areas where vulnerable
l Leafleting, using free Home Office material and vehicles tend to be left. As such, the key message
other more locally-specific materials; here is to tackle hotspots with a combined
l Door-to-door information distribution focus on both perpetrators (especially persistent
offenders) and the public.
l Roadshows in high profile locations;
l Pay-and-display messaging
l Closed-circuit TV screens in popular locations
l Talking signs.

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Good practice examples

Raising public awareness and warning Raising public awareness and warning
perpetrators through high profile roadshows perpetrators through a combined leafleting and
sting car operation
A Welsh Partnership carries out three ‘Most Wanted
Days’ over the summer, targeting theft of and A London CDRP found a novel use for leaflets,
from vehicles in the area, involving the Police, using them to publicise a sting car operation in a
Fire Authority, Neighbourhood Watch, RAC, and new hotspot created by two offenders circling the
specialist vehicle companies. The Partnership bases area on pushbikes. A sting car was deployed in the
itself in retail car parks, giving prevention of theft area, and leaflets saying ‘Are you about to break
advice. Owners of the prime category vehicles into a police car?’ placed on the windscreens of
go into a prize draw for a steering lock. Many 2,000 cars in the vicinity. The initiative involved the
partnerships holding regular roadshows stress the police, the local authority and car park attendants
importance of ‘freebies’ in order to capture the over the period of a month, by the end of which,
public’s attention; the importance of publicity is the offenders had left the area.
also stressed (posters, media campaigns) in raising
awareness of such days.

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Intensive multi-agency initiative using a Multi-agency initiative to tackle property left on

combination of different methods display in vehicles
A CDRP in the South of England instigated a A South West Partnership instigated a ‘Vulnerable
targeted 12-day campaign involving police Vehicle’ scheme, replicating the national DVLA/
personnel, PCSOs and other Partnership members Home Office scheme which finished in 2006.
undertaking a combination of planned initiatives Parking attendants and PCSOs patrolled the main
(different each day) including leafleting, door- streets in the town, identifying vehicles with
knocking vulnerable households, patrols of public property left on display. They informed the police
places to give on the spot advice to the public, visits who then co-ordinated mailings to the registered
to car dealers to secure their help in information keepers informing them that the vehicle had
distribution, advice in local press. The initiative cost been left vulnerable to crime. When ‘blitzing’ an
little more than time in lieu. During the operation, area, literature was left on the windscreens of all
18 'theft from' offences were recorded, against 35 in vehicles (not just those identified as vulnerable)
the previous comparable period. A positive outcome of this scheme has been
reduced fear of crime in the community.
The Partnership stresses the importance of buy-in
from partners and rapid turnaround of mailings in
order for the message to be effective.

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Involving businesses, sports providers l Education / prevention: Using the media to

and others raise awareness; Property marking; Creating
A CDRP in the North West intervened in rising ‘Business Watch’; Work with football team;
TFMV rates (up 17.6 per cent in 2006) by setting Letters; Street broadcast;
up a carefully planned operation including l Enforcement and prevention: Prevention
identification of best practice from other CDRPs, initiatives on football match days; Focus on top
securing of funding streams, and the formation 20 criminals; sting operations; Use of smartwater;
of an action plan for which identified Partnership Focus on handlers; forensic response.
personnel were accountable. The operation
The CDRP stresses the importance of ‘flair and
focused on:
imagination’, devising a solution in light of what
l Intelligence: engaging a team of intelligence you know about the problem, the perpetrators
officers to identify intelligence gaps, hotspots and the community. The CDRP has secured a
and the top 20 auto criminals; 28.1 per cent reduction in crime since the initiative
was established.

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Multi-agency approach to tacking theft from l A mobile CCTV unit was deployed;
vehicles in a retail / cinema complex car park
l Trainee probation officers walked around the
A Partnership reduced incidents from 142 to 20 to
car park talking to vehicle owners;
3 over a three year period, in an initiative involving
retailers, the probation service, the local authority, l Retailers were also asked to communicate with
police and radio link personnel: The focus of the shoppers, further raising awareness;
messages were intended to reach both car park
l Tri-signs on lampposts were also used to push
users, and the thieves operating in the area.
the message home to car owners.

l Cinema adverts and posters were developed, The Partnership describes the key to success as
using local rugby celebrities to convey the being the multi-agency approach and the pooling
prevention message; of ideas and resources.

l A lux sign was deployed in the car park, stating

‘thieves operate in this area’, and that ‘extra
police are patrolling;

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Quick search matrix

Communicating the ‘Preventing Theft from Motor Vehicles’ message to the public
Initiative What’s involved Further information and cost (as specified by CDRPs/CSPs) Cost
Leafleting Variety of uses including general Popular campaigns include Keep it Hidden, Steer Clear of Car Crime etc; None
prevention advice, awareness raising
More than any other approach, need to be used in combination with other initiatives.
of specific initiatives. Distribution
at roadshows, door to door, public Available free from Home Office (,
places, windscreens, via retailers. from Prolog (0870 241 4680), or in Welsh (020 7035 3926).

Roadshows Partnership members staffing a Freebies / gimmicks greatly help (including retail discount vouchers, property marking None\Low
stand in a high profile location, kits, key fobs, tax disc holders, stickers, pens and prize draws).
distributing information to car
Consider location depending on who your target is (supermarket shoppers with frozen
goods may not want to stop and chat; DIY stores are good for catchment of older
Particularly effective for targeting males; retail and leisure parks for younger males)
(a) shoppers and (b) owners of most
Low cost: many CDRPs/CSPs report that stores will offer space for free; leaflets are free
vulnerable vehicles.
from Home Office or incur nominal printing costs if locally produced. Costs of items
to give away can be reduced by buying in bulk / securing support of retailers / service
providers to offer items free / at discounted cost.

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Initiative What’s involved Further information and cost (as specified by CDRPs/CSPs) Cost
Door to door PCSOs / officers / crime prevention Intensive but effective; evidence that the public continue to spread the message; Low
information teams going to residential areas “A uniform works wonders”;
distribution which are being targeted for Intelligence from the public can be useful;
TFMV, to raise awareness and offer Low cost if scheduled in standard working hours of personnel.
prevention advice

Pay / display Putting a ‘don’t leave anything in Cost approximately £300 for 15,000 tickets; Low
ticket your car’ message on the sticky part Useful for communication with out of borough car owners;
messaging of pay and display messages. Limited impact. Needs to be used alongside other measures, not in isolation.

DVLA Using DVLA data to send vehicle This requires Police involvement in order to obtain the DVLA data. Low
Mailings crime prevention advice to
Letters or leaflets can be mailed directly to the homes of owners of vulnerable vehicles.
vulnerable vehicle owners, such as
Vulnerable vehicles can be defined by referring to the Car Theft Index, published by the
those who have left valuable items
Home Office.
on view, or whose cars have a low
security rating on the Car Theft Index

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Initiative What’s involved Further information and cost (as specified by CDRPs/CSPs) Cost
Talking signs Solar powered talking signs Shown to be effective in college and hospital car parks, near ticket machines Low\Med
distributed around a hotspot; (movement of the person buying a ticket activates the message);
movement nearby triggers a High profile for community reassurance;
recorded message Cost in the region of £300 each. Message can be changed, signs can be repositioned,
solar powering reduces need for expensive (stealable) batteries.

Community TV screens placed in popular local Effective at increasing awareness. Good locations include supermarkets, leisure centres, High
safety TV places GP surgeries;
screens Play a 30 minute loop of national and local safety footage;
Long term investment - 10 screens cost approx £150K;
Useful for other Partners (eg health messages)

Useful websites for sources of further information;;

Using communication to tackle theft from vehicles

Endnotes Acknowledgements
1 Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General, HC 183, The National Audit Office is grateful to Card Goldstone
Session 2004-05, January 2005 Associates for their work on this guide.
2 The British Crime Survey is a sample survey of approximately
47,000 households conducted annually. This provides a Feedback
self‑reported measure of victimisation, which is used to
Please let us know whether or not you have found this guide
estimate the total level of crime nationally – both that
helpful. You can let us have your thoughts via our website
reported to the police and that which is unreported.
3 Based on research from 40 CDRPs (paragraph 1)
4 Based on research from 40 CDRPs (paragraph 1)
If you have any queries about this leaflet, or wish to discuss our
5 See Barthe, E. (2004) ‘Publicity and Car Crime Prevention’ in
work further please contact:
M. Maxwell and R.V. Clarke (ed) Understanding and preventing
Jo James – Audit Manager
car theft. Crime Prevention Studies, Vol 17. Cullompton,
Willan Publishing
6 Home Office Vehicle Crime reduction website –
7 Tenant Participation Adivosry Service website –

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DG Ref: 7575RF | Printed by Heronsgate | © National Audit Office 2007

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