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Data mining techniques

Association rules mining or market basket analysis Supervised classification Cluster Analysis Web data mining Search engines

Association rules mining or market basket analysis
Transaction Items bought

1 2 3 4

bread, milk, cheese bread, cheese jam, milk milk, ghee

Now here we can see maximum combination of bread and cheese

Supervised classification

Data mining technique origin from machine learning techniques. It help in predicting whether an individual is likely to respond to a direct mail or not. Identify good risk for granting loans or insurance. Rule for insurance If sex= female & 19<= age<=43 then Life insurance = yes

Cluster Analysis

Grouping data into disjoint sets that are similar in some respect. It also attempts to place dissimilar data in different clusters. For example, in the context of super market data, clustering of sale items to perform effective shelf space organization is a typical application

Web data mining

It has impact on way we search &find information at home and at work Evaluation of learning Sites Example :- student portal Check login Notes Submit online test Chat page for clarifying doubts

Search engines

It is huge databases of web pages and software package for indexing and retrieving pages that enable users to find information Ranking help the user to choose best one

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